Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Fulton County DA prepares MASSIVE RICO INDICTMENT for Donald Trump

Episode Date: July 24, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on breaking news that the Fulton County Georgia DA fani Willis is presenting evidence this week to the grand jury that Trump and others participated in a conspiracy t...hat includes both computer tampering (stealing voter data) and interference and intimidation of election officials. Get 20% off when you go to and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popok, legal AF. We got breaking news out of Fulton County, Georgia, where the district attorney, Fawni Willis is moving full steam ahead with her grand jury that's already been empaneled and has been hearing evidence for almost a week. If Jack Smith is signaling to her about when his indictment of Donald Trump is coming and what it could be about, she's signaling to him about where she is with her civil, Rico, raccoteer influence corrupt organization act sprawling indictment that is likely to be coming out in the next two or three weeks.
Starting point is 00:00:35 We have new reporting from Hugo Lawll, a reporter investigative reporter down in Atlanta, Georgia. He writes for the Guardian that based on his two sources of information that he's been able to develop, it looks like at least this RICO conspiracy case that Fony Willis is putting on to get her indictment out of the grand jury in Fulton County is focused on two, at least two bad acts. In the world of RICO, racketeering influence corrupt organization act cases, you need a RICO enterprise, which is the conspiracy,
Starting point is 00:01:15 and you need two predicate acts, two underlying bad acts. And it looks like at least two acts, you can have more and likely will. And you have to have at least two people and we know that Fonney Willis is looking at dozens of people with Donald Trump at the focus of it, along with Mark Meadows, along with Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell and others. But the focus looks to be on at least two bad acts. One, influencing witnesses. That's a crime in Georgia and everywhere else.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And we can only presume that that is the phone calls made by Donald Trump and the pressure campaign that he led along with Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows to put pressure on elected officials, state election officials, members of the House and Senate in Georgia, to get them to turn the tide and steal 11,758 votes, which is the exact number of Joe Biden's lead and give it to Donald Trump. So those phone calls that we know have been recorded by Donald Trump to Brad Raffin's
Starting point is 00:02:25 perger, the secretary of state at the time, to try to flip votes. That is influencing witnesses, voter intimidation, intimidation related to the election. And that is a crime in Georgia. So now you got predicate act number one that it appears based on new reporting Fonney Willis and her team are going after the second one has has not gotten a lot of attention But I'm gonna give it here on the hot take. I'm gonna give it the attention it deserves on this hot take It is computer trespass now some people might be saying what did he do now? Well, this has been well reported over the last year and this no doubt relates to the Sydney Powell at the behest of Donald Trump hiring a legal forensic team, a computer team, to
Starting point is 00:03:15 go into a rural county, 200 miles south of Georgia, coffee county, population, nothing, county population nothing population 40 sorry population 43,000 that went 70% for Donald Trump, by the way, and used dominion voting system machines, which by the way, most of the state of Georgia used dominion voting system machines. That may ring a bell because dominion got almost a billion dollars settlement from Fox News because they aired Sydney Powell's crazy theory that Dominion voting systems in conjunction with Smartmatic, another software company installed a Venezuelan in approved software and hardware that flipped votes that if you voted for Trump, it became a Biden vote.
Starting point is 00:04:04 All that's false, all that's untrue, Trump, it became a Biden vote. All that's false. All that's untrue and all that is a fraud. But Sidney Powell led that campaign in lawsuits and here in coffee county. She paid $26,000 to a forensic team, right, a company called Sullivan Strickler, who got access through the Republican party in coffee county. And it's head, Kathy Latham, who unlocked the door, allowed the head of cyber ninjas, right, just to continue with this ridiculousness, the head of cyber ninjas, Doug Logan,
Starting point is 00:04:41 along with this outside forensic firm Sullivan Strickler, to get inside of the server rooms where the computers were located on January the 7th, the day after the insurrection at Washington, two days after the runoff election for the Senate seat in Georgia, and just gave these insurrectionists, these traders access to all of the servers, and they downloaded all of the hard drives. How do we know that? Because one of the co-conspirators here, who is a bail bondsman from Atlanta,
Starting point is 00:05:17 I mean, if this was a TV show, or something on Netflix, people would stop watching, because it's so ridiculous. But this is the truth. You got Scott Hall, an Atlanta area bail bondsman, who leaves a rambling message, which basically tips off the authorities that he and his, his group here with Doug Logan, Sydney Powell, and others through Kathy Latham.
Starting point is 00:05:42 The head of the Republican Party in Caff County, have gotten inside the room, gotten inside the vault, gotten the server access, the computer access, and downloaded an image to all the hard drives with confidential and private voter data. Yes, if you live in Coffee County, your voter data was compromised by your Republican party doing its bidding for Donald Trump in this conspiracy. And there's video surveillance evidence that shows people going in all of these people going in and out of the election office, right, and leaving Doug Logan, who's the head of Cyber
Starting point is 00:06:19 Ninjas, left his business card next to the servers when the real officials went in there to find out what was going on and investigate. That's what they found. As you know, I'm a trial lawyer and when I'm not breaking down the latest legal filings the day for you on legal AF, I'm jumping from courthouse to meeting to meeting
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Starting point is 00:08:54 with the password to log in to the voting data on the computer system. That's how secure that was. That was broadcasted on all the video data with her post-it note with her password. And she's also been called down understandably to testify before the grand jury with Fawney Willis. She's also tried to join in with Donald Trump to try to get the special purpose grand jury report, which predates the grand jury's work,
Starting point is 00:09:22 but that the grand jury can rely on tossed because she says it's somehow illegal, improper, or whatever. You know, Kathy Latham isn't a lot of trouble. She's gonna be an indicted co-conspirator at the rate this conspiracy is developing. So we've got the coffee county, computer trespass, computer tampering, predicate act, number one, we've got the influencing, attempting
Starting point is 00:09:48 to influence election officials, state officials, and the like to try to, to pressure them as part of that Trump pressure campaign, to get them to flip votes, throw out absentee ballots, you know, challenge ballots for Joe Biden to try to close the gap and overcome the 11,758 election day advantage or election total advantage for Joe Biden. And so you put all that together, the multiple co-conspirators, and I've just listed three or four of them right here in the coffee county, you know, a computer forensic tampering case. And then you've got all the pressure campaign with Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, and Rudy Giuliani on officials, because while Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:10:37 was making phone calls, right, to Brad Raffinsberger and others to try to influence them. Rudy Giuliani was pressuring both by lawsuit and by meetings and fake hearings, election official, state legislators and Congress people, you know, their house and Senate members to try to get them to flip the votes. So this is that campaign. And how do you take a piece of elastic in the forum of a criminal statute and wrap it around all of these activities and all of these people? You do it through conspiracy if you're a prosecutor and you do it through Rico conspiracy because Georgia's Rico statute is probably the most robust and powerful Rico statute in the country.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Every state has one. It's even more powerful than the federal one. And it gives the prosecutor in the form of Fony Willis a tremendous amount of power, firepower in her arsenal and in her toolbox. And she's going to use it. Fony Willis has used RICO in her time in the DA's office more than any of the prior district attorneys have
Starting point is 00:11:46 used combined. She has a Rico expert who is a special prosecutor that works with her on this case against Donald Trump. So if anybody thinks on the Trump side that they're confused about the witnesses, the evidence and the documents and how this all could lead to an indictment and a conviction, which is what the recent reporting is. They're all scratching their head in a misinformation campaign that there's gotta be more against me.
Starting point is 00:12:14 I can't just be this campaign yet. Yeah, this is it, Trump. This is it. It's this kind of campaign now having the cover ripped off of it and revealed to the public in a future indictment that's going to be your undoing in Georgia as Fony Willis races in her own way to beat Jack Smith in bringing her claims. Now, she also has the ability in a conspiracy case to tie together acts throughout the state. Some people might be saying, well, she's Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:12:46 How is she going 200 miles south to coffee county? Because it doesn't matter where the conspiracy took place. And it doesn't matter where those people were located. As long as it ties back to the conspiracy over which she has jurisdiction because of the phone calls into Atlanta and other places, she can then grab these different locations, jurisdictions. That's why she's able to reach outside the state and we know she's investigating the pressure campaign and the fake electric campaign in other states. She also has, of course, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:19 about a dozen fake electors, people who signed their name to a certificate, swearing that they were the real and true electors for the state in favor of Donald Trump and then submitting them, signing them in secret and then submitting them to the National Archive and to, and to Congress from Mike Pence to recognize, that's a crime. And that fake electors scandal went on in six other states. And so she's grabbing that as well and bringing it into her conspiracy. So we're going to continue to follow as we get new information about what's going on week one in the grand jury that's been empaneled in Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:14:00 We get more information out of Atlanta than we generally do out of the federal, but we try to follow Jack Smith and the federal indictment process as well, which we expect sometime today, you know, Friday this week, early next week with Donald Trump federally being indicted again for Jan 6th interference and leading the insurrection by Jack Smith's team in the District of Columbia, a DC indictment, leading to a surrender arrest, a reigning again for Donald Trump likely next week will continue to report it in only one place, the Midas Touch Network.
Starting point is 00:14:38 But you do that, you're watching me here. You can follow me, Michael Popock, on all things social media, including on threads at MS Popak. You can also watch me on the leading political legal podcasts that's also on the Midas Touch Network. Call legal AF. We do it on Wednesday nights and we do it on Saturday nights. And you can watch us on YouTube, free subscribe, or you can listen to the audio download and listen to it on audio platforms
Starting point is 00:15:05 wherever you get your podcasts. It's also free and if you like what I'm doing give me a thumbs up here and we'll see you on the next hot tech Michael Popeok LegalAff reporting. Hey Midas Mighty, love this report, continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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