Legal AF by MeidasTouch - George Santos Finally Gets the FATAL BLOW He Deserves

Episode Date: December 1, 2023

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on MAGA Republican George Santos being expelled from Congress for his crimes and behavior. Visit and get $30 off their frames with promo code LEGALAF Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:33 are 114, with two recorded as present. Two-thirds voting in the affirmative, the resolution is adopted, and a motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. The clerk will notify the governor of the state of New York of the action of the house. Under clause 5D of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that in light of the expulsion of the gentleman from New York, Mr. Santos, the whole number of the House is now 434. And with that, it is official. The Maga Republican Congress member, George Santos, has been expelled. The vote 311 to 114,
Starting point is 00:01:16 105 Republicans voted yes. The majority of House Republicans voted to keep Santos in office with the support of Democrats and some other Republicans, however, the two-thirds needed for expulsion was achieved. And George Santos is no longer a member of Congress. You heard that right there from Maga Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House. I've been my cellist from the Midas Touch Network. It is worth noting that the entire leadership of the Republican Party and the House of Representatives, including Maga Mike Johnson, Steve Scalice, Elise DeFonick, Emma, they all voted against expulsion. I want you to think about that. All of the GOP leadership voted against expulsion. Nonetheless, George Santos was officially expelled. I
Starting point is 00:02:14 want to show you this moment right here where George Santos was leaving the House of Representatives after the expulsion vote took place. So it began in November of last year. George Santos elected this trail of lies followed him around. The evidence mounted against him. And here at 11 o'clock Eastern. Over the past 24 hours, there was debate on the expulsion of George Santos. As noted, the majority of Republicans voted to keep George Santos, despite the fact that he had many, many, many criminal charges, 23 criminal charges against him pending, although it should be noted that Donald Trump, the GOP frontrunner has 91 charges against him pending by the Department of Justice. A ethics report came out confirming the criminal allegations against George Santos,
Starting point is 00:03:43 showing that he lied about everything in his entire life Basically turned his campaign into a criminal cartel where he was like actually stealing money and skimming credit cards of people including his own Republican colleagues think about that He was like stealing the credit card numbers of his Republican colleagues and the Republican leadership still was voting for him to stay earlier in the day. For example, this is from Max Miller, the Republican who put a letter out to the other Republicans, saying that George Santos had stolen from him, had stolen his credit card information, and that this may be
Starting point is 00:04:26 an experience that others have had as well. Max Miller wrote the following, colleagues, late yesterday on the floor, I alluded to a personal impact of Santos' conduct. Earlier this year, I learned that Santos' campaign had charged my personal credit card and the personal card of my mother for contribution amounts that exceeded FEC limits. Neither my mother nor I approved these charges or were aware of them. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees
Starting point is 00:04:54 and the resulting follow-up. I've seen a list of roughly 400 other people to whom Santos' campaign allegedly did this. I alluded to this on the floor yesterday. Santos' campaign also made phony loans, like not even actually making a loan, just reported loans from George Santos to the end of his campaign,
Starting point is 00:05:15 which simply did not exist. And all of that was just the tip of the iceberg of George Santos' crime. George Santos' treasurer, his other top campaign aid, has already have already pled guilty in criminal cases filed against them by the Department of Justice. This is Maga Republican timber chat before the vote. And when he was asked why he was not going to vote to expel, George Santos, he said it's because we are all a bunch of sinners.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Play this clip. Why don't you have any concerns about his conduct? I mean, all the allegations, the criminal charges, he's admitted to lying about so much of his life. I mean, why should he be walking around here going to classify briefings in the like? To say that anybody in Congress can cast stones. I mean, we're a bunch of centers. And that's basically what we all are.
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Starting point is 00:07:55 Here's Congress member Miller saying that George Santos is a crook. And then George Santos says Miller is a women beater. Play this clip. I myself have been a victim of George Santos and as well as other members of Congress in terms of defrauding through public donations ad receding ethics complaint from the FEC which I had to spend tens of thousands to defend myself. You sir are a crook. I know I should direct my comments to the chair. I yield back. Gentlemen. Gentlemen's time is expired. Gentlemen from New York, Mr.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Santos is recognized. I'd like to move to have the gentleman from Ohio's words stricken from the record, please. The gentleman's request is not timely, but the chair will remind all members and director remarks to the chair and not
Starting point is 00:08:44 other. The gentleman's request is not timely, but I would remind members to direct their remarks to the chair and not other. Gentlemen's request is not timely, but I would remind members to direct their remarks to the chair. Gentlemen is recognized. Mr. Speaker. Hippocracy, as I mentioned. My colleague wants to come up here, call me a crook. Same colleague who's accused of being a woman-beater.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Are we really going to ignore the facts that we all have past and we all have the media coming out against us on a daily basis? And here's Matt Gates who opposed the expulsion of George Santos saying that the George Santos situation is similar to another Republican, who is a member of Congress, Duncan Hunter, who also allegedly was convicted of stealing money and then gave the money to various lovers. I mean, the Republican parties is like pure, pure madness. Watch Matt Gaetz.
Starting point is 00:09:39 It was a procedural double bind that shouldn't be held against Mr. Santos as some sort of adverse inference. Let's also talk about this precedent. The fact pattern as to Mr. Santos is remarkably similar to the fact pattern of former representative Duncan Hunter. Duncan Hunter used campaign money on girlfriends and tribes and home improvements and all sorts of personal lavishes. He was indicted for those crimes
Starting point is 00:10:07 and continued to serve in Congress. He pled guilty to a number of those crimes and continued to serve in Congress. He was in Congress for like an additional pay period after having pled guilty to the very same things that Mr. Santos has been indicted for. And here is Democratic Congress member Robert Garcia talking just about the importance of honesty, a healthy democracy, how truth and justice, how those things should matter, play the clip.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Truth and justice are crucial components of a healthy and strong democracy. It speaks to the public trust we hold and the dignity of this institution. As a fresh and member of Congress, I take the oath very seriously. I love this country deeply and we should all have intentions to defend it. That's why I arrived today to defend the integrity of the House and a support expulsion of Representative Santos. I wish no personal harm to the Representative from New York and I imagine this is a difficult moment for him and for the institution.
Starting point is 00:11:07 But I believe strong, and he must be held accountable for them as well as his lies. He fabricated the qualifications, his background, lied to the FEC and unemployment fraud. That's why he's under a serious 23 count indictment. The bipartisan report is out. It's damning. It's convinced all members to vote for this expulsion. People want better from Congress.
Starting point is 00:11:30 They want good and ethical government and they deserve the truth. I once again ask Representative from New York to resign and save himself and the country from this vote. And if not, I encourage a yes vote to restore and check with each other body and to expel Representative Santos. I yield back. And finally, as we reflect on the expulsion vote of George Santos, now that George Santos has been
Starting point is 00:11:52 officially removed as a member of Congress by that 311 to 114 vote. I do not want to forget what Maga Republicans, the former Maga Republican Speaker of the House Spindless Kevin McCarthy had to say a few months ago, when many were calling for George Santos to be removed. And McCarthy said that he was upset that Santos did not have more power than President Biden here. Play the clip.
Starting point is 00:12:22 Mr. Speaker, first a very quick question. Who is more power Joe Biden or George Santos? Well, right now I think it is the president, Joe Biden, unfortunately. So I'm well, there you have it folks. Big news right here on the Midas Touch Network, George Santos, Magga Republican fraud, which is one of the same things, has been officially removed. The Democrats and a group of Republicans, 104 group of Republicans and Democrats joined
Starting point is 00:12:55 together to vote yes, 105 voted yes. The majority of Republicans voted no. They wanted to keep Santos in office. I'm Ben Mycelas from the Midas Touch Network. Hit subscribe, we're on our way to two million subscribers, thanks to your support. Hey, Midas Mighty, love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at Midas Touch, to keep up with the most important news of the day.
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