Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Georgia Prosecutors name SHOCKING WITNESS that could END TRUMP, His WORST NIGHTMARE

Episode Date: December 7, 2023

Mike Pence is not only cooperating with Special Counsel Jack Smith to testify against Trump in March on the DC federal case, BUT IS A NAMED WITNESS in Georgia to testify against Trump in the 13 count... felony case there. Michael Popok of Legal AF details all the video evidence Pence will have to explain and his likely testimony to prove Trump committed crimes. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Despite what the former president and his allies have said for now more than two and a half years, the Georgia election was not stolen and I had no right to overturn the election on January 6th. This is a grand jury in a very conservative state that said this guy needs to be indicted, right? This isn't just the Department of Justice and the idea that it's all politicized. She didn't just charge him, she threw the book at him. It's a very, very impressive document. I think that this indictment, most liked to a lot of Americans,
Starting point is 00:00:31 most like piling on. I didn't think it was a necessary thing to do. Once you saw that Jackson Smith was charging him federally for the very same conduct. I think this is gonna be a very hard case to bring to trial. But yes, I think the risk is worthwhile because the people deserve to know
Starting point is 00:00:47 whether Donald Trump is a felon. Donald Trump should withdraw from the race because of what he has faced. And if you good, our country first, then that's exactly what you would do. This is Michael Popok, legal AF, Mike Pence, Georgia, the integrity of the Georgia election, and Donald Trump are all colliding in one place because Mike Pence is going to be compelled
Starting point is 00:01:09 to testify in Georgia against Donald Trump. According to new reporting coming out of the Guardian and Martin Pengali, somebody that has reviewed the sealed records has determined that Mike Pence is on that list. And that should come as no surprise because Fony Willis is particularly interested in that video clip that I let off this hot take with. That was done on the 15th of August of 2023 back in those Housey end days when Mike Pence thought he could win the Republican nomination. It was trying to position himself against Donald Trump. It was telling anybody who would listen that the elections were fair and square.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Donald Trump lost the election. Donald Trump knew he lost the election. And as Mike Pence has said time and time again, he did his constitutional duty at the end and recognized the electoral certificates for Joe Biden and certified the election in his favor. That particular clip is interesting because as you heard, first of all, what you didn't hear in the clip is that Mike Pence was roundly booed by the audience, who was the audience for that particular clip.
Starting point is 00:02:17 He was an Indianapolis addressing state lawmakers at the national conference of state legislator's, mainly Republican Republican and they didn't like his position. And so they booed him when he said the Georgia election was not stolen. Donald Trump's victory was not stolen. Joe Biden won fair and square and I did my constitutional duty. I thought the first time that Mike Pence said something almost exactly like that. I'm going to run a clip next and then I'm going to tell you what it all means for the
Starting point is 00:02:47 likely testimony of Mike Pence and why it's so devastating. It will kneecap Donald Trump in his defense at the time of trial in Georgia. If not, don't forget federal criminal case in March. We can expect Mike Pence being a witness there as well. We're focused here on Georgia because of the leak that Mike Pence is definitely on the Georgia list, but I can assure you he's on the DC Jack Smith election interference list as well. Let me run a clip that happened actually before the clip that I just ran on the sixth of
Starting point is 00:03:22 August, nine days earlier on on face to nation that was then being hosted by Major Garrett. Pence was asked a very similar set of questions about Georgia, the election, his constitutional duties, his rights, and what he couldn't couldn't do. And he didn't hold back on his attack of Donald Trump. Listen to this. It's going to be very similar to what we're going to hear when he takes the oath in a wood-paneled courtroom and testifies against Donald Trump in these criminal cases.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Let's roll that clip. Mr. Vice President, you're in New Hampshire recently as you are going to an event. Some Trump supporters came to you and called you a traitor. Said you were a sell-out. Said you didn't uphold the Constitution. To what degree does that rattle you? You know, I know in my heart of hearts that on January 6th I did my duty. I kept my oath to the Constitution of the United States. The thing that I'm encouraged
Starting point is 00:04:17 about major is as we travel not only here in New Hampshire, but around the country is more and more Americans are recognizing. We kept our oath that day. And I think with this week's news, I've had so many people come up to me and just express their appreciation for the stand that we took by God's grace to do our duty to see to the peaceful transfer of power. And I'm encouraged by that. I must tell you, look, President Trump was wrong. He
Starting point is 00:04:46 was wrong then, he's wrong now. I had no right to overturn the election. And more and more Americans are coming up to me every day and recognizing that. And for my part, I'm running for President in part because frankly, President Trump asked me to put him over the constitution that day but i chose the constitution and uh... i always will so i want to ask you about characterization that have been made by those who speak on behalf of the president's legal team they've said this week but all they asked
Starting point is 00:05:19 of you that is to say the president was to delay the proceedings to allow states to conduct an audit. Is that a truthful representation of what you were asked to do, Mr. Vice President? Major, that's not what happened. And as I wrote about in my book, as I've spoken about very openly, and frankly, as is recounted in aspects of the pleadings that were filed this week from from some time in the middle of December. The president began to be told that I had some authority to reject or return votes back to the states. I had no such authority, no vice president in American
Starting point is 00:05:58 history had ever asserted that authority. No one ever should. I mean, your viewers can go to article two of the Constitution and see that it's very clear. It says that the vice president as president of the Senate should preside over the House and Senate in a joint session. And that the Electoral College votes shall be opened and shall be counted. There was no discretion ever given to the vice president in history nor should there ever be. I had no right to overturn the election and Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:06:26 All right, there you have it. I did my constitutional duty. Mike Donald Trump, new he lost. I knew that he lost. I only had one role in the chamber of the Senate to certify the election. I could do nothing else. And anybody else that believes otherwise
Starting point is 00:06:43 is not living in reality. That's Mike Pence, who sort of, to paraphrase Mike Pence, I could do nothing else, and anybody else that believes otherwise is not living in reality. That's Mike Pence, who sort of, to paraphrase Mike Pence, come to Jesus' moment in writing his book, So Help Me God, which of course contains information that he's denied in the past. It will be easy fodder and pickings for the prosecutors to use to walk him through his testimony. Did you know over 80% of people have subscriptions they've forgotten about? It's too easy to subscribe to a free trial of something and then completely forget about it once you stop using it.
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Starting point is 00:08:21 Cancel your unwanted subscriptions and manage your money the easy way by going to slash legal AF. That's slash legal AF, slash legal AF. We know from other reporting that came out in the last two weeks, including things that were in his memoir that he jack, he Mike Pence is also cooperating with jack Smith. So we have to presume that he's also having met or is going to meet with faunee willis. They're not going to put him up their blind without knowing what he's going to say. So I'm sure they've debriefed him. And certainly, we have reporting that jack Smith has met with the former vice president and knows the aspects
Starting point is 00:09:00 of his testimony. How do we know that? Because in the superseding indictment, for instance, the District of Columbia, there is a reference to a conversation between Mike Pence and Donald Trump in which Mike Pence told Jack Smith that there was a typo in his memoir, a comma was placed in the wrong place. He told Donald Trump, this is what Pence told Jack Smith, and I'm sure he will testify to it in the Georgia case. He told Donald Trump, this is what Pence told Jack Smith, and I'm sure he will testify to it in the Georgia case. He told Donald Trump, you know, I can't overturn the will of the people and not certify that election. In his book, it looked like a question instead of an emphatic statement of resistance, if you will, by Mike Pence, a momentary aspect of finding his backbone and his spine when it was required. That's what, that's we know the testimony is going to be.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I told Donald Trump that he lost. Donald Trump knew that he lost. Despite knowing that he lost, he, he launched into this pressure campaign on me and elected officials wanted me to do the same thing, encouraged me to pick up the phone and make phone calls, which I would not do to elected officials, members of the state houses, and different people to pressure them to delay the certification and stop the peaceful transfer of power. I would not do that.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And at the end, when I was pressured as vice president, I went out and got my own legal scholar, former federal judge, federalist society, member of Mount Rushmore for the federalist Mike Ludwig, who told me in no uncertain terms, I do not have the power constitutionally to delay the certification, a merely ministerial ceremonial position. And so you'll also hear Mike Pence chuckle in some of these videos where it's reported to him that Donald Trump's lawyers are welcoming the day that Mike Pence testifies. I assure you they are not. They are dreading that day.
Starting point is 00:10:59 That is whistling past the graveyard as we like to say in the law. They do not like Mike Pence. they do not wipe Mike Pence. They do not want Mike Pence to say all of those things. I just laid out, which established criminal intent of Donald Trump. And now Georgia is going to make it very Georgia specific, very Georgia specific about comments that he made about the fairness of the Georgia election. And knowing that they're going to lead him down the path of what did the president know at the time and when did he know it? And when did you know that he knew that he lost the election, right?
Starting point is 00:11:34 And all the other pressure campaign on you, what was your feeling about that since you were, since you've told people that you will uphold the constitution. Do you think Donald Trump was trying to uphold the constitution? Or as you said in this video clip that we showed on the hot take was Donald Trump trying to put you above the Constitution, meaning a man above the law. That's going to be the nature of the testimony by Mike Pence. You saw it in the two clips. That's just the tip of the iceberg or the clip of the iceberg. I'm unintended. We're going to hear a lot more from Mike Pence.
Starting point is 00:12:05 If you read his memoir, you can pull out about 30 or 40 good questions and good answers for the prosecution against Donald Trump, just from that, the Jan 6th report, same thing. And put it all together with these, combine with these two clips and public statements, including the one I led the hot takeoff with that has the most interest for Fawni Willis in Georgia because of its connection to Georgia.
Starting point is 00:12:27 And what does that make? What does that make? That makes a whole jumble of problems for Donald Trump as his former vice president testifies against them. Now, look, Mike Pence is effectively, like Liz Cheney, committed political suicide. Public political suicide by going against the the coat leader, the Maga leader, Donald Trump. There is no reason Liz Cheney should no longer be in the house. I've got my issues with Liz Cheney on certain issues, but there's no reason she should have been thrown out of the house because of her taking a position that Donald Trump is a madman
Starting point is 00:13:01 that could never be left to the White House again, let into the White House again. Same thing with Mike Pence. I don't like Mike Pence. He was, he's not going to be my choice for president, but he shouldn't, he shouldn't have been, he shouldn't have been ostracized and made an outcast by the Republican Party because he's telling the truth about what happened as you heard from the clips, what happened in and around starting the end of the election night until Jan 6th and beyond. He's a truth teller. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:13:34 He committed political suicide as a result. I'm not asking for him to be credited for it. He didn't cover himself in any glory. He could have done things earlier than that. The fact that he had to avoid being captured potentially by the Secret Service and whisked away from the Capitol and decided, no, I need to stay at the Capitol to do this, this, this function. We also know other reporting that suggested Mike Pence did not want to preside over the Senate for the certification
Starting point is 00:14:03 and be put in that position of opposing Donald Trump at all. And it almost fell to Senator Grassley, who's a full-time supporter of Donald Trump, and Grassley would have probably not certified the election delayed it and or recognized the Trump fake certificates. So I'm not here to celebrate, Mike Pence. I'm just here to report at the intersection of law, politics, injustice, what it means for the Trump case, the case against Trump, both in the district
Starting point is 00:14:31 of Columbia and in Georgia will continue to follow all developments everywhere they are and anything related to Donald Trump or that's important to that corner of real estate that we cover on Midas Dutch called legal AF and the intersection of law, politics and justice. Follow me, Michael Pope, you can catch me on Wednesdays and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. on a podcast we call legal AF video version on the Midas Dutch YouTube channel. Help them get the two million. That's where you're watching me right now. Free subscribe and help them get the two million followers and subscribers. And then on audio podcast platform, you can pick up legal AF, any podcast platform of your choosing. Leave me a comment, give me a thumbs up. It helps with the ratings,
Starting point is 00:15:15 helps me stay on the air with these God of hot dicks. So until my next hot dick and until my next legal AF, this is Michael Pope, podcast reporting. Hey, my dismide, love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram My next legal AF is Michael Popok reporting.

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