Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Jack Smith DROPS THE HAMMER in Brief that Judge Cannon DID NOT EXPECT

Episode Date: August 23, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on breaking news that Special Counsel Jack Smith has fired back in the Mar a Lago criminal case at Trump and Judge Cannon and informed her that Trump is continuing to... interfere with truthful witness testimony by having lawyers he’s paid for  convince key witnesses to lie to the grand jury.  Try Mosh today and use LEGALAF to save 20% plus free shipping at Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Michael Popock, legal AF, the Department of Justice today fired back at judge Canon to try to school her on fundamentals of how grand juries work fired back at Stan Woodward, the lawyer who was bought and paid for by Donald Trump, uh, through a save America pack to represent four different people of interest targets or Coke and spirituals in Mar-a-Lago, and ultimately fire back at Donald Trump by extension. What happened and why that's what this hot takes about? Let's start with what happened. The Stan Woodward, the lawyer bought and paid for by Donald Trump, has been representing two former executive assistants, one of Donald Trump and one of Melania Trump representing
Starting point is 00:00:45 Coke and Spiritor indicted Walt Nauta and had at one time represented Jose Tavarez, the IT director. Why is he important? Because as we know from the later superseding indictment, Jose Tavarez finally came clean. He first lied to the grand jury when he was represented by Stan Woodward. And then when he got a lawyer that is not controlled by Donald Trump, a public defender, Tavaris changed his tune, recanted his testimony, told the truth about the conspiracy to delete these video surveillance footage, the cameras that overlooked all areas of Mar-a-Lago and that obviously showed Walt now to now co-conspirator Carlos Theol of the era and this guy employee number four, but we know we know better as Jose Tveris IT head.
Starting point is 00:01:47 number four, but we know, we know better as Jose Tveris IT head. And what happened is when he was represented by the Trump guy, the Trump lawyer, Stan Woodward, he lied to the grand jury in March when he testified in the district of Columbia, which is where the grand jury was investigating what was going on at Mar-a-Lago. He went there, he lied, he told them he didn't remember a conversation about deleting the surveillance video that Donald Trump instigated that the boss wanted to happen and that that conversation took place with Walt Nouda and Carlos the olive the era. Remember the government already had the text messages and emails and had not yet the surveillance video, but was getting close to it about that conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:02:26 So they knew, they knew that he had perjured himself. He had lied in front of the grand jury in the District of Columbia. So in the timeline that's presented in the papers and what the government is trying to do at this hearing about the conflict of interest is to get Walt Nauta, his lawyer, Stan Woodward, to drop out and recognize that there's a conflict of interest and he can't represent these multiple people. But apparently, Stan Woodward has never seen a conflict of interest that he can't figure out a way around, especially when he's getting paid by Donald Trump and improperly influencing the witness testimony of people, as we've always suspected, like the IT worker.
Starting point is 00:03:09 And that is exhibit A that the government used today and it's filing to as a further request for the what's called in Miami, Florida, the Garcia hearing to have the judge look into the conflicts of interest. And here's the timeline that was presented. I'm going to, I'm going to actually read it to you. And the bottom line is that the Department of Justice is calling a Stan Woodward a liar and a calling Stan Woodward somebody who was improperly obstructing justice because he's not allowing people like his client to Varys properly and truthfully testify. That only happens as the government points out when that guy gets his own lawyer and says
Starting point is 00:03:51 everything I just said to the grand jury in March is false. Here's the truth, gets immunity, and then we get the superseding indictment that tells the story about the attempt to delete the server containing the surveillance video. And that's all in gory detail in 12 pages filed by the federal government. And while they're at it, because the judge brought up the issue of why do you have multiple grand juries and how do multiple grand juries work when the indictment came out of Florida? Because she raised that issue. They said, well, you know what, judge, we'll school you on that as well,
Starting point is 00:04:25 because you seem to have gotten off, you know, kind of ahead of yourself and over your skis about how grand juries work. So let's do a tutorial on that while we're at it. And I'll go over that point as well here. So here's how the government describes the case and how we got to Mr. Tavaris getting a new lawyer, getting away from Mr. Woodward,
Starting point is 00:04:44 and then making the decision to tell the truth. This is a quote from the brief on page two. During these investigations, the government gathered evidence that Trump employee Carlos D. Oliveira, who is the maintenance worker, tried to enlist the director of information technology for Mar-a-Lago, known as Trump employee number four,
Starting point is 00:05:03 but that's Mr. Tavaris. To delete Mar-a-Lago, known as Trump Employee Number Four, but that's Mr. Tavares. To delete Mar-a-Lago security footage after the grand jury in District of Columbia had issued a subpoena for the footage. That's a no-no. You don't delete and destroy evidence and spullyate evidence after somebody asks for it like a grand jury or a judge with a subpoena research warrant. As set forth in the government's original motion before Trump employee number four and his appearance before the grand jury in the district of Columbia. Now, that's important because that's where Tavaris gave his testimony
Starting point is 00:05:37 district of Columbia. So all issues about any conflict of interest with Tavaris should have properly taken place in the district of Columbia. There the government continues the government informed Mr. Woodward, right, the save America pack lawyer for Donald Trump representing Mr. Tiveris, that his concurrent representation of both Mr. Tiveris and Walt Nauta raised a potential conflict of interest. But Mr. Woodward responded that he did not have a reason to believe that his concurrent representation, right, representing two clients at the same time raised a conflict of interest.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Okay. So then the government put on Mr. Tavares in March of 2023 in front of the grand jury. And he claimed he couldn't remember a darn thing as it relates to the surveillance video or the footage at Mar-a-Lago, the government knowing that that was false but having to develop further evidence. And in the same grand jury, to Yola Vieira, likewise denied
Starting point is 00:06:37 that he had any contact with Mr. Tavares regarding the security footage. Again, the government has a working theory that's a lie, doesn't have the goods yet, doesn't have the evidence. We move, we fast forward under the filing to June 8th of 2023 when a grand jury in Florida now returned the 38 count indictment against Trump and Walt Nowda, but doesn't. And this is now a strategic coup by, I'm speaking of coups by Jack Smith. He purposely let out did not put in to the original indictment, any mention of the security footage, deletion conspiracy, because he didn't have his cake baked yet. He didn't have all
Starting point is 00:07:19 the testimony. He needed it. They were still work in Tavaris. They were still work in Deol Aviera. They were still work in Nauta, right now to try to get one of them to flip. So they weren't ready yet. And they knew if they got one to flip, they'd come back with a superseding indictment, that's exactly what it happens. First thing they needed to have happened as outlined on page three of the reply is that they needed the Florida grand jury to issue search warrants for the security footage or subpoenas for the security footage that they know they knew the government would show D.O.L.A.V.R.A. Walt Nowda and Tavaris, ser have in this conversation, even if they just had an on video without the audio. As the year progresses, it's so important to stay on top of your mental health and fitness.
Starting point is 00:08:09 We here at LegalAF on the Midas Touch Network are working as fast as we can to bring you the latest legal and political news updates, so we know we have to stay sharp between the ears at all times. Frankly, life gets what's the word I'm searching for busy, and sometimes you end up sacrificing good foods and snacks for unhealthy ones, strictly because they may seem more convenient. Whether at the gym, on the go, or between meals with the family, Mosh protein bars are the smart snack to keep your brain and body fit, fueled, and feeling good. With six delicious flavors, each mosh bar comes packed with 12 grams of protein and is made with ingredients
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Starting point is 00:10:49 a grand jury investigation in the District of Columbia for perjury, that he had perjured himself when he testified to that District of Columbia grand jury in violation of federal criminal law. Once he got the target letter, Tavaris knew he was sunk. And that's when the government decided to lend him a hand, right? That's only the government can, right? The government is my enemy until I need a friend. The government lent Mr. Tavaris a hand and said, uh, you might have a conflict of interest, Mr. Woodward, because now he's going to have
Starting point is 00:11:25 to, Mr. One of your clients is going to have to recant, change his testimony about not knowing anything about a discussion with your other client, Mr. Nauta, right? Pitting them against each other, and that's a crystallized conflict of interest that can't be maintained. We need to have a hearing about it. We're bringing this issue to the chief judge of the grand juries in the District of Columbia, Judge Bozberg. Judge Bozberg took one look at this problem and decided to hold a hearing, but get Mr. Tveris, his own independent law firm or his own counsel. This is the first time that to Varys had had his own independent
Starting point is 00:12:05 council, not bought and paid for a by Donald Trump in the entire proceeding. And we know what happens next. The judge assigns the first, um, chief federal public defender, right? Taxpayer dollars to represent Mr. Tveris. They have a meeting and at that meeting, Mr. Tveris bravely and smartly makes two quick decisions. I want this guy to represent me or this person to represent me, the first chief public defender for the District of Columbia. And I'm going to change my testimony.
Starting point is 00:12:37 So that is what this motion, this reply brief brings to the court's attention in a way that even Judge Cannon or three blind mice could figure this out. That it was only after Tavaris got out from under the thumb of Donald Trump through Stan Woodward being paid by the pack. Did he come clean and give proper testimony, truthful testimony to avoid prosecution? That was the uh-oh moment we talked about it on legal AF on the Midas Dutch network went to various saw the indictment saw it was missing the security camera conspiracy, but knew it was coming after he got his target letter. And now you know
Starting point is 00:13:18 the conversation went this way. This is my artist rendering department of justice, the Stan Woodward. Okay. You guys not in the current indictment. He's going to be in the superseding indictment. He can either get on board or he can be indicted and Woodward, who loves when his clients get indicted, right? He met with the Department of Justice before Walt Naoto was indicted when they offered Walt Naauta a deal. And instead of taking the deal and cutting the deal in the best interests of his clients, he, he instead threw sand in the eyes of the Department of Justice, went to the media and
Starting point is 00:13:55 said, he didn't like the way the meeting went with Jay Bratt from the Department of Justice. They were mean to him. They mentioned that maybe, maybe if you wanted to be a judge, Mr. Woodward, as you said you did in the District of Columbia, you might want to be nicer with the Department of Justice. Oh, there were mean judge. And he didn't cut the deal for Walt Now to who got indicted two weeks later. So if you want to get indicted, higher stand woodward. If you want to cut a deal and save yourself, don't hire Stan Woodward. That's the takeaway from this hot take. And so now, Mr. Mr. Tavares has the first chief public defender representing him and cut a deal, a full
Starting point is 00:14:35 immunity deal in return for full and complete cooperation and truthful testimony. That then led to the actual superseding indictment that came out on the issue. Now that they've done that, now that you've understood the hearing with Chief Judge Bozberg up in District of Columbia, the indictment coming out in Florida, the reason that the target letter told Tveris that he was the target of a criminal investigation up in the District of Columbia, that's because he he was the target of a criminal investigation up in the district of Columbia. That's because he lied in the district of Columbia.
Starting point is 00:15:08 And now you know as much as a federal judge in Fort Pierce, Florida, who, because you'd actually know more than her, because she could not figure out why they were multiple grand jerries and what they were doing and why they were being used. And so they gave judge the judge a tutorial about how grand juries work. And I'm not making this up. In footnote one on page seven of their briefing, the government says, now to Walt now to, which is really Stan Woodward also he's to the extent he suggests that the government's earlier use of the grand jury in the District
Starting point is 00:15:45 of Columbia was improper simply because the government ultimately brought charges in Florida. Courts have long recognized that the scope of the grand jury's inquiries is not to be limited narrowly by questions of propriety or forecast predictions of the probable result of the investigation, or by doubts whether any particular individual will be found properly subject to an accusation of a crime, because the identity of the offender and the precise nature of the offence if there be one normally are developed
Starting point is 00:16:17 at the conclusion of the Grand Jury's labor, not at the beginning. In other words, Judge, we didn't know where this was going to lead. There was just as much reason to open the grand jury in the district of Columbia as there was in Florida, because both districts encompassed the conduct. This is their continuation of footnote one, reminding the judge the bad conduct, oh, span two different jurisdictions. So it's okay to have a grand jury in one and the other, right? And if there was an indictment of Nauta and I'm sorry, an indictment of Tveris, the ID worker,
Starting point is 00:16:54 and the maintenance worker, D'Ala Viera, for lying to the DC grand jury, they'd be indicted in DC. But they're also being sued or prosecuted in Florida for obstruction of justice and lying and trying to delete the servers and all of that because that happened in Florida. And that's the proper venue or location for that indictment. And they had to spend another three pages of ink to teach the judge. And I'm not making this up grand jury 101 about the proper use of the grand jury. Now this thing is fully briefed,
Starting point is 00:17:30 meaning the issue is fully squarely before the judge and the judge, it is your next move. What you're gonna do now? Now she's gonna hold a hearing. I think they've answered properly, and I'll do a deeper dive on the grand jury thing. They properly answered the question for the Department of Justice of the Judge, why we had two grand juries. And the fact
Starting point is 00:17:47 that they went in DC, we already put out a business going at a business at the last week. And they have now told the judge in no uncertain terms. You see what happens when Donald Trump manipulates legal representation and uses his save America pack to hire people bought and paid for. They are beholden to him, not to the client's best interest. And Mr. and this undermines the credibility. This is why they did it because Woodward forced them to have this Garcia hearing and Woodward, the lawyer refused to recognize the conflict of interest that was staring him in the face. The lawyer refused to recognize the conflict of interest that was staring him in the face. They made him pay. And that's the beauty of Jack Smith.
Starting point is 00:18:29 They made him pay and they gave him a knockout punch and said, yeah, you want us to describe everything that went on here? We'll also tell the judge that your credibility is at risk and undermined because as soon as Mr. Taveris got about as far away from you as possible as a lawyer and got an independent lawyer, he admitted that he committed perjury in front of the grand jury in March while he was your client. And he changed his tune, told us the truth, which allowed us to add a new count in the superseding indictment and bring him Mr. D'Ala Viera with the cooperation of Mr. Taveris, the IT worker,
Starting point is 00:19:05 and now claim there was a second conspiracy to obstruct justice to destroy evidence led by Donald Trump, the boss, giving instructions to his maintenance worker on a 24 minute phone call, the longest phone call in recorded history between a former president and a maintenance worker, and Walt now to his butler and now the cooperating non-indicted, fully immune from prosecution, Jose Tavaris. None of that would have been possible if Donald Trump was successful in his plot to have all these witnesses represented by one guy or one person bought and paid for it by the safe American pack.
Starting point is 00:19:44 It's only when they wriggled their way free and the department of justice gave him an escape route, right? They basically held it out to, uh, Tavaris and said, you know, I'll make it easy on you. We'll do a hearing up in DC with chief judge Bozberg, Hill of Sanya, a new, a new lawyer. Then you can decide independently whether you want to stay with the Trump bought lawyer, Mr. Woodward or not. And of course, it went right the way the government wanted. And Mr. Tavares took the bait and escaped to freedom on July the 5th when that, when that
Starting point is 00:20:14 new testimony came out. And then the superseding indictment followed right on the heels of that. That is the exploder. That's the breakdown here on this hot take. Only one place the might has touched network. If you like hot takes, who doesn't like hot takes, then you can put them all together and follow us on Wednesdays and Saturdays when we do four or five of these stories with co-anchors. So I'm not just talking to a ring light and a microphone and a camera.
Starting point is 00:20:37 You can watch me talk also and do this kind of analysis with Karen Friedman, Nick Difflow and Ben Mycelas Wednesdays and Saturdays, only on the Midas Touch Network, on audio everywhere you get audio on the video version of it, on the recorded version of it, on the Midas Touch YouTube channel, all free to subscribe. Follow me, Michael Popak, at all things social media, at MS Popak, until the next hot tech, this is Michael Popak, legal AF. Hey, Midas Mighty, love this report? Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. At Midas Touch, to keep up with the most important news of the day.
Starting point is 00:21:10 What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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