Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Jack Smith has BIG SURPRISE for Trump and it’s DEVASTATING

Episode Date: September 11, 2023

The DC Grand Jury under Special Counsel Jack Smith is back in session and investigating Trump’s fraudulent use of fundraising dollars to pay to break into election equipment and computers in 4 battl...eground states. Find out from Michael Popok of Legal AF whether the grand jury’s September 15 expiration date will be extended by the Chief Judge and whether a new superseding indictment —Trump’s 5th— is due anytime soon. Go to and use code legalaf for a first deposit match up to $100! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:57 aspect of the fundraising that was used to breach election equipment and at least four battleground states. You thought, just Congress is coming back from summer vacation. So is Jack Smith's DC grand jury. They've been out for four weeks, but they're back and they're loaded for bear apparently. And the reporting that's coming out there is that they are being presented with evidence concerning, for instance, really two streams of fraud related to fundraising. The first one involves Sidney Powell and her use of a phony not-for-profit called Save
Starting point is 00:01:35 the Republic in which she collected money, separated gullible donors from their money on a fraudulent promise that she was going to use this money related to fraud in the election, which was a lie. She then used part of the money to funnel cash to forensic phony forensic companies like Cyber Ninjas to break into to breach the cybersecurity of election offices around the country, including as we already know from the indictment in Georgia in coffee county, Georgia, where Cathy Latham, a fake collector, let the cyber ninjas and Sydney Powell's people in to download election data, private, confidential election data, to use in lawsuits around the country. Put aside for a minute, they manipulated the data, didn't know how to interpret the data
Starting point is 00:02:31 and alleged falsely that the data showed fraud. The breach itself, you can't just show up to your local election office knocking the door and say, hey, I'd like to download all of your election data without committing a crime. And that's exactly what they did. So we've got that one stream of fraud that's being evaluated. And Sydney Palfe, of course, already indicted in Fawni Willis's Georgia case, but is an unindicted co-conspiratory tour so far in Jack Smith's case.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Recall that there is a in the one in the case before judge Chuck in for election interference brought by the federal special counsel, Jack Smith, you've got six unindicted co-conspirator, Sydney powles, one of them, Ken Chesbro, indicted in Georgia, one of them Boris Epstein indicted in Georgia is another one Rudy Giuliani indicted in Georgia is another one Rudy Giuliani, indicted in Georgia is another one. You see the pattern here? Many of them are indicted in Georgia, not yet indicted, not yet indicted by Jack Smith as he continues to develop evidence.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I mean, at his press conference, Jack Smith, when he announced his indictment of Donald Trump before and got Judge Chuck in a sign to the case in the District of Columbia, he said, as any good prosecutor would say, and the investigation continues. In other words, that indictment was a comma, not a period. It's sort of like the walking undead going after Donald Trump, and he continues to unsuccessfully try to kill it.
Starting point is 00:04:02 By the way, the walking undead Trump edition is in season three only on the brightest touch YouTube channel. Putting aside a little levity in the morning, let's go back to the second stream of fraud and fundraising fraud that we believe the grand jury now back in session from last week, the end of last week is looking at that has to do with the save America pack and Baby by extension the MAGA ink pack controlled by Donald Trump which was used
Starting point is 00:04:36 Separated again, gullible donors from their money under a a Statement made fraudulent statement, that A was being used for the voter fraud investigation and defense, we know that's a lie, because there was no voter fraud. And so we've always believed that that fundraising grift, we were surprised legal analysts like me and the others on the Midas Touch network were surprised when we saw the indictment for for Jack Smith against Donald Trump. We weren't surprised by the surgical nature of it. We thought if he had any chance of getting a trial and a
Starting point is 00:05:18 trial setting a trial date before the election well before the election so that the American people can make their decision based on whether their candidate of choice has been convicted or not. It had to happen with a very tight surgical, precise indictment. And then we got out of the Jack Smith oven, exactly that. One defendant, six unindicted co-conspirators so far, but one defendant named Donald Trump, four conspiracies, but the missing part of the narrative of the conspiracies was anything about fundraising. And we've been reporting on legal AF only on the Midas Touch Network for the last year and a half that we knew that there was at least one grand
Starting point is 00:06:03 jury in the District of Columbia from a year ago, two years ago, maybe a year and a half that we knew that there was at least one grand jury in the district of Columbia from a year ago, two years ago, maybe a year and a half ago, that was looking at the fun raising grift, Donald Trump raising on the back of a lie, the voter fraud lie, the fake voter fraud lie, money from his gullible people. The thing that apparently they want to connect is that gullible people. The thing that apparently they want to connect is that to interference with the election, i.e. breaking into the election equipment in four battleground states. We knew about Georgia, of course, and the other battleground states that have now have become apparently revealed, include Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Arizona. But we always thought that the indictment would include him raising money for the Save America pack, either using it to interfere with an influence and manipulate witnesses at other defendants by getting them counsel
Starting point is 00:06:58 bought and paid for by the pack. We've seen that already. Stan Woodward, the lawyer at Mar-a-Lago, right? And the lawyer for Peter Navarro and the lawyer for at least four witnesses at Mar-a-Lago, including one named defendant Walt Nauta, all bought and paid for by the Save America Pack. When I'm not hosting legal AF on the Midas Touch Network, I have a national law practice that includes daily fantasy sports clients. That's why I'm thrilled to have prize picks join us as a sponsor. Prize picks is a skill-based real money daily fantasy sports game. How does it work? You pick two to six players, and if they go more or less than their prize picks projection, then you can win up to 25 times your money on any entry. At prize picks, you aren't competing against other people. It's just you versus the projections available.
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Starting point is 00:09:29 You if you're gonna take the lawyer and have it paid for by Donald Trump, that lawyer is really gonna be Responsive to Donald Trump and not to you. We know that in at least two circumstances that have already been revealed One by Jack Smith and one by the Jan 6th Committee. In the Jan 6th Committee, Cassidy Hutchinson, the right-hand person to Mark Meadows, who ended up giving all of that devastating and riveting, courageous testimony to the Jan 6th Committee about what she observed as a fly on the wall with Mark Meadows and Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump in the Secret Service all leading up to Jan 6th and on Jan 6th and beyond.
Starting point is 00:10:10 We wouldn't have gotten that testimony if she stayed with her original attorney because her original attorney was bought and paid for by the Save America Pack and Donald Trump. And she testified that she was told by that lawyer to not remember certain things that she told them that she remembered. And so she switched to another lawyer, a well-known respected ethical lawyer named Jody Hunt in the District of Columbia. And then she began cooperating with the Jan 6th committee. She cooperates with the, she cooperates with Fannie Willis's investigation. and that's why Mark Meadows, I believe, has been indicted there and is cooperating with Jack Smith's prosecutorial team.
Starting point is 00:10:51 The second example of bought and paid for loyering and why this could be the heart of the new grand jury investigation just happened recently, very recently, down in the Southern District of Florida with Judge Cannon in the Mar-a-Lago investigation and prosecution. There, you seal Tveris. You seal Tveris, the IT head for Mar-a-Lago and things related to the Trump organization. For the longest time was represented by Stan Woodward. And while he was being represented by Stan Woodward, he effectively purged himself in front of a DC grand jury about his role in a conspiracy to delete, at least delete the server data about video recordings at Mar-a-Lago of Yosil Tavares, Carlos D. Olaviera, the maintenance worker, and Walt Nauda trying to figure out how to
Starting point is 00:11:47 stab, kill, murder, drown, and hang the computer servers so that the footage of them in the basement and the lurking around Mar-a-Lago trying to hide boxes from federal officials would be lost. And he finally, when he had Stan Woodward as his lawyer, he refused to cooperate. And then the government sent you sealed Tavarro, so target letter, and then you sealed Tavarro and said, we're going to indict you after the Mar-a-Lago indictment had already come out. And he said, oh, oh, I got something to say, Judge in DC made him get his own independent council, a federal public defender.
Starting point is 00:12:28 And after he got the federal public defender, he fired, Stan Woodward, started cooperating with the government, recanted his testimony and told the truth and cooperated. And that's why we got the second indictment or the superseding indictment at Mar-a-Lago. So this whole use of Trump funds, really use of your funds, if you're a donor, to manipulate witnesses. We also thought we'd end up in the indictment in front of Judge
Starting point is 00:12:52 Chutkin and DC, and it didn't. But now it really can. As we've always said, in managing expectations, expect a second shoot-a-drop in DC against Donald Trump, expect a superseding indictment, the way they did a superseding indictment at Mar-a-Lago and added, in addition to Trump and Nauta, Carlos D. Olaviera and a whole new set of allegations about trying to destroy evidence. I think we're gonna see the same thing here and that grand jury back in session working
Starting point is 00:13:26 with Jack Smith's team to evaluate evidence and testimony to render indictment. I think we're going to get indictment very soon. There is a cutoff for this grand jury. It is the 15th of September, but it can be extended by a request to Jack Smith to the chief judge of the DC circuit who is a Jeb Bozberg, and that will likely be granted. So I don't think there's like, well, we better hurry up, right? We only got four more days, you know, like the rest of this week and the grand jury's got to go.
Starting point is 00:14:01 I got a business sale. I think that grand jury will be extended for at least another three to six months. But soon we'll see. I believe a super sitting indictment, which if you want to know about developments about that grand jury, you're in the right place. The mightest touch YouTube channel. Free subscribe and help them get to two million. It really helps. If you like what I'm doing here, help with my ratings. Keep me on the air, if I'm giving me a thumbs up and leaving a positive comment. And I've been known to jump on and comment back, we can open up a dialogue together.
Starting point is 00:14:31 On Wednesdays and Saturdays, if you like hot takes, you're gonna love the podcast that I co-anchor. Wednesdays with Karen Friedman, a Knifelo former prosecutor, Saturdays, with one of the founders of the Midas Touch Network, Ben Myselis, It's called legal AF. Yeah, it's what you think. And we do analysis just like this one,
Starting point is 00:14:48 but it's two people talking to each other and sharing their opinions coming from a place of authenticity, a place of knowledge, and a place of, you know, like 75 years combined litigation experience in courtrooms all around the country just like this one. If you like what I'm doing, I'm Michael Popock. You can follow me on social media at MS Popock until my next hot take.
Starting point is 00:15:10 This is Michael Popock, legal AF. Hey, Midas, Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. At Midas Touch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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