Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Judge DROPS THE HAMMER on Don Jr during trial, TOTAL HUMILIATION

Episode Date: November 15, 2023

You know you’re in deep trouble in your civil fraud case when the judge witheringly comments that your entire testimony is irrelevant. Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on Don Jr taking the stand ag...ain with his rendition of “Trump make believe family story time”, as the NY Attorney General signaled to the Judge that he didn’t hurt their case in the least. Go to for up to 100$ off and as a listener of Legal AF use code LEGAL at checkout for an extra 15% off your first purchase! Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 These side marios all you can eat is all you can match a soup salad and garlic homo Metro links and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton cross-town LRT train testing is in progress Please be alert as trains can pass at any time on the tracks Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe.
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Starting point is 00:01:26 As Don Jr. spent almost his entire presentation, there's no other way to put it, about the Trump family with a slideshow to take us from the early 1900s and then have him comment and give running commentary on all of these gleaming projects and buildings and all of that to which judge and gore on waved his hand at a certain point in response to an objection by the New York Attorney General and then by Chris Kice and said to the lawyer for Donald Trump, you're going to object to the New York Attorney General asking a cross examination question about 40 Wall Street. I just listened to an entire morning of irrelevant information about the family. So I don't know what the lawyers for Donald Trump were thinking that at this point after six full weeks of the New York Attorney General's scating evidence presentation that now was the time for like a vacation video
Starting point is 00:02:28 from the Trump family to just have Don Jr. in a smarmy fashion that is really just who he is. Just sit there and talk about, oh, Mar-a-Lago is one of the last American castles and this is a beautiful building and it's now worth $3.1 or $1.3 billion. This is a guy who during his cross examination as a hostile witness for the New York Attorney General said he did not know any of the valuations that were listed on his father's statement
Starting point is 00:03:01 of financial condition, which are at the heart of the entire civil fraud case. He took himself out and disqualified himself from giving any pertinent relevant testimony. So what did that leave it with? It's funny. Ben, my cellist and me on our recent edition of Legal AF, we're talking about what we would think Don Jr. would be able to say.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Had he already shot himself in the foot, if not the head, about being a witness, a precipiant witness with knowledge of anything, since he already took himself out of the running and disqualified himself on the stand during earlier examination. What could he possibly say? Well, now we know he was going to talk about valuations that have nothing to do with his father's personal statement of financial condition, which is at the heart of the fraud and just be talking about other things. I felt like I wandered into another movie like this is not the movie that the that Don Jr. is supposed to be starring in.
Starting point is 00:04:02 That was the civil fraud case against his father related to a period of time. To have him sit there and waste the court's time for the entire morning and a little bit of his afternoon of his testimony, to have Don Jr. just sit there like he's some sort of Disney world tour guide on a bus. On your left, his moral log on your right is 40 Wall Street.
Starting point is 00:04:23 And that's a, I mean, mean come on you can get a better a better sense of Where Donald Trump's properties are from a celebrity map and you can't buy listening to Don Jr And it had to be disheartening for the Trump organization lawyers and Donald Trump's lawyers to hear He kind of a withering sarcasm judge and gore on say Here he kind of a withering sarcasm, judge Angkor on say towards the end of Dachshun's testimony, I just listened to an entire morning of irrelevant information. And then what I like about judge Angkor on now, and in general, the way he's presided over the cases, he is even handed, even if basically if the Trump family want to get this
Starting point is 00:05:04 evidence in, relevant or irrelevant, he's going to let it in. Last week, I did a hot take about the judge allowing for potential expert witnesses for Donald Trump to testify, even though there's really no issues left in the case for them to testify about because the judge already ruled that there was persistent fraud on summary judgment six weeks ago. And the only issue left is intent of Donald Trump to commit those frauds. And these experts, of course, can't comment about intent of somebody, the subjective mind of someone. So what are they going to testify to? Oh, this is how appraisals work, judge. That's irrelevant. This is how insurance is bought in America. That's irrelevant. But
Starting point is 00:05:47 the judge said to the New York Attorney General last week and he repeated the same admonition this week. Do you want to have a reversal, a reversible error issue? Do you want to have another of these trials? Or do you want me just to let the evidence in and give it whatever weight, wink, wink? I'm going to give it as the trial of fact. And last week, New York Attorney General sat down and those four witnesses are going to testify over the next few weeks. Same thing happened today. Today, the judge, you know, the New York Attorney General jumped up and down and said,
Starting point is 00:06:17 what is all of this testimony about, you know, this issue about the 1900s and the Trump family property and We object your honor to the current evaluation or current valuation of the derailleur Florida country club at $1.3 billion because it's well outside the period of time of it It doesn't matter what it's worth now. It's matter what it was reflected on Trump's personal financial statements and statements of financial condition during the relevant time period. And that's not this. So why are we letting this evidence in? And the judge looked at them and here's the quote I took it down. The judge says, do you really want to give them this issue on appeal and have another trial?
Starting point is 00:07:03 Or we'll let it in and the judges and or we'll let it in. And the judges, the judges just let it in. I also thought it was interesting that Don Jr., when they asked him in cross examination, a cross examination, by the way, by again, the New York Attorney General and Colleen Faraday that lasted five minutes. Now, let me tell you, as a practicing attorney for 32 years doing trial work, the reason they did such a short period of time and cross examination is they didn't think Don Jr. did anything at all to hurt them, but he didn't land a glove on Latisha James's case. That's why you almost say, I'm sure one of their options was to say, no, no further questions, Your Honor, which is a
Starting point is 00:07:41 very, uh, there's a lot of bravado in that. You signaled to the judge of the jury that nothing that guy just said, hurts me at all. But they decided to ask a few questions, just to sort of embarrass Don Jr., like they said to him, is it true that one of your holes, the 18th hole in one of your golf courses
Starting point is 00:08:00 fell off into the sea, like the hole collapse and disappeared. Yes, that's true. Is it a true that there's a Hawaiian property that used to have Trump's name on it, that they're paying millions of dollars for to take Trump's name off of it? Because they're embarrassed. Yes. Have you heard of sentissant cells, also known as zombie cells? These old worn out cells no longer serve a useful function for our health,
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Starting point is 00:10:12 on your terms. Then they jump up and down because the New York Attorney General asked Don Jr. the question about 40 Wall Street, this big premier property. By the way, I've been inside of 40 Wall Street. I have a friend that has a law firm. I will not name inside of 40 Wall Street. First of all, it's not 73 stories high. I've seen the elevator bank.
Starting point is 00:10:36 I've seen the numbers. I'll just leave it at that. And my friend is on a pretty high floor. Secondly, they love talking about this building and they always get it wrong. The occupancy rate that Don Jr. testified to back a week ago when he testified with the New York Attorney General is about 70%. He said 90%. It's a big difference, 70% 90% when you're doing valuation calculation for real estate. That's the first problem. But now as we learned a couple days ago, it's been put on a list by the lender. It's called a serviceers watch list. The way these
Starting point is 00:11:15 things work is, I won't bore you with all the details, but 40 Wall Street was part of what's called a commercial mortgage-backed securities lending, CMBS lending. Its loan was part of a lot of other loans that were stitched together on different, we call them different shelves or different pieces. There's a shelf for the entire security. These different loans are placed on that shelf. There's the A loans, there's the B loans and the C loans, depending upon the quality of the asset. Forty-well Street was probably the A piece, if you will. And then they kind of stitch all these things together, like a Frankenstein, and people buy an interest in the loans being repaid. And the banks that made the original loans, and you can name all the major banks,
Starting point is 00:12:05 or capital companies, but the loans themselves are complicated, and they have a lot of pieces. So you hire another company to service the loan, meaning to make sure that the debt service is paid, and the loan payments and taxes are paid, the buildings are up, kept up, and tax returns are provided for you know, for personal guarantees
Starting point is 00:12:25 and all of that. Make sure all the eyes are tied on the tees across. That's called a servicer. And if you're, if you're building falls into a problem so they can put you on a servicer watch list, which means they can ask for more money to be paid in escrow because they don't trust you and the like. And apparently because of, whether it's because of all the fraud that's been alleged and fraud proven already in the case, remember a persistent fraud already proven and the
Starting point is 00:12:54 judge already ruled they put them on a server's a servicers watch list. Government got all upset when you know, Don junior. reference the issue about, oh, it's only because of this, this, this summary judgment issue and going against us. That's the reason we're on there. So they had a whole fight about that. And again, Judge Engor on demonstrated once again, he is going to bend over backwards to let in all of the evidence, including anything that Trump wants to let in relevant or basically irrelevant, today being a basically irrelevant Don Jr. testimony day. And why is he doing that? Because he doesn't have a jury that he's there to protect. Judges are gatekeepers of evidence and expert testimony,
Starting point is 00:13:37 especially when there's a jury. But when it's just a judge making his own decisions, it's the trial of fact and a bench brief, he's like, I'm a big boy, you know, a big boy or a big girl. I can make my own decision about it all. And I'll give it the appropriate way, this is the phrase, I'll give it the appropriate way that it deserves relevancy or relevancy credibility and the like. That's the judge's prerogative when they are also
Starting point is 00:13:59 the trial of fact in making the ultimate rulings in the case. So, where you might be saying, pop-op with all experience in that kind of courtroom, how do you think Don Jr. did? Not well, not well. It really just seemed like, it's like you have a suitcase, you don't really have any business
Starting point is 00:14:16 or documents, so you stuff it full of newspaper. It was a lot of newspaper stuffing today. It had nothing to do with the case. It was 90% irrelevant. If they thought Don Jr. was the right person to be the road map witness to the Trump family legacy and talk about all grand papy Trump in Canada and the Yukon building hotels, I mean, I guess it's a heartwarming story if you had a jury present, but you got a judge. And the judge doesn't want to hear about the 1900s. Even the New York attorney general
Starting point is 00:14:44 lawyer stood up and got a laugh and he said, well, if they're going back to the 1900s, are they going to waive the statute of limitations and let us prosecute way back then? People laughed about that, but seriously, folks, what are we doing? I let off the hot take with that little tit bit about the Trump family and you guys rightly should have said who cares? And that is where we are so far. And if that's the best that they want to try to re-center the case, reorient the judge to their side, you pick the best witness to do that. You put your best witness first, right? We believe in recency and primacy or primacy and recency. Put the best witness first, put your second best witness
Starting point is 00:15:24 last and sandwich everybody else in between and end on a high note. That's how you present a trial. That's how you get the momentum of the presentation. So their, their primacy witness is Don Jr. to do a bus tour through the Trump family, you know, Trump family land. Come on. Come on.
Starting point is 00:15:43 So we'll continue to update you on all things related to the trial. There'll be another, no, probably another three weeks of this before the Trump family will rest. The New York Attorney General will do a rebuttal case. I'm sure probably last another two or three days. And then it's over to judge and go on without a jury
Starting point is 00:16:01 to make the ultimate decision. If Donald Trump has not only committed one count of persistent fraud under New York's executive law, 63-12. But whether he's committed six other counts with intent to commit those frauds under New York law, 63-12 for insurance fraud, financial statement fraud, books and records fraud, and conspiracies around those things. And then the judge, if he finds one or all of those things, then he's got to decide on remedy that's appropriate.
Starting point is 00:16:33 Remember, the New York Attorney General wants to take all of the money and values for properties that were ill-gotten should not have been obtained by Donald Trump. Take that away from him. And that number could be a half a billion dollar or more than your attorney general. We'll put that on in their rebuttal case. I am sure on a remedy section and also decapitate the company. Put them out of business, death penalty for the Trump organization. Make sure the Trump kids, Trump and all the people that work for Trump never serve in positions
Starting point is 00:17:04 of being officers or directors of New York corporations, switch out the trustee for the Trump organization, who controls all of his assets and everything else. Again, decided by the judge. We'll continue to follow all this on the Midas Touch Network exclusively here and on legal AF, a curated podcast we do with the intersection of law, politics, and justice on the Midas Touch Network Wednesdays and Saturday nights at 8 p.m. Eastern time, and on audio podcast platforms wherever you get it. Give me a thumbs up for this particular
Starting point is 00:17:36 hot tick until my next hot tick until my next legal AF. This is Michael Pope, reporting. Hey, Midas, mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. Athmite is touched to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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