Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Kari Lake LOSES Frivolous Election Challenge Lawsuit and faces SANCTIONS

Episode Date: December 26, 2022

Kari Lake has lost her frivolous lawsuit in Maricopa County challenging the results of the 2022 Arizona governor’s race. Legal AF host Ben Meiselas reports. Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Ben Myceles from the Midas Touch Network, the extremist maga loser candidate for governor in Arizona, Carrie Lake has officially lost her lawsuit in Maricopa County, challenging the results of the 2022 gubernatorial election where Carrie Lake lost by over 17,000 votes to Governor-elect Katie Hobbs. This election challenge was always frivolous from the outset, despite the fact that Carrie Lake was spreading lies and disinformation in typical Maga fashion to the public and specifically to her right-wing extremist echo chamber. You'll recall that about eight of the ten causes of action were initially dismissed by Judge Peter Thompson, the Maricopa County's Superior Court judge, overseeing this case. However, Judge Thompson allowed two of the claims to
Starting point is 00:01:01 proceed to an evidentiary hearing, although the standard for allowing it to proceed to an evidentiary hearing, although the standard for allowing it to proceed to an evidentiary hearing was to accept all of the facts pled in the complaint as true to then be tested factually in the evidentiary hearing. And so the claims that remained was one that Katie Hobbes and Maricopa County Board of Supervisors put out legal tabulator configurations on the printers to intentionally try to sabotage the election and to change the results of the election so that Katie Hobbes would win and Kerry Lake would lose. You would have to show an intentional printer malfunction and intentional manipulation of
Starting point is 00:01:53 the printer to specifically overturn the results of the election. And then the other count that remained was that there was a chain of custody violation whereby the intent was a malicious one to try to again turn the election in favor of Katie Hobbs away from Kerry Lake. All of the evidence that was presented over this two-day evidentiary hearing made it very clear to legal observers who take the law seriously and accurately report on what's taking place that Kerry Lake was absolutely going to lose. And not only was she going to lose, she'd likely be sanctioned for bringing this frivolous case. But nonetheless, we've heard from all of the right wing echo chamber as they were watching
Starting point is 00:02:46 it again, because they live in their echo chamber. They thought that they were doing good in the trial. They thought that they were doing well, that they were presenting the evidence, but they weren't even addressing the central issue. The central issue is that the fraud being perpetuated, that's what's being alleged, that the fraud being perpetuated was done intentionally, was done maliciously, and had the impact of overturning the results of the election in favor of Governor-elect Katie Hobbs, and causing Kerry Lake to lose where Kerry Lake would otherwise win. That's the standard that would have to be proven by Kerry Lake if she wanted to win this. And they weren't even asking their witnesses the right questions to even prove the central claim. Instead, they went with all of these conspiracies that, oh, it was a 19-inch ballot, but it was
Starting point is 00:03:45 printed on a 20-inch page. And that caused printing errors. Now, even though printing errors were small and the printing errors were ultimately fixed, even if you accept our goendo that there were these printing errors, what you would have to show is that the printing errors was a intentional, was an illegal and intentional printer tabulation, configuration, manipulation, and that the impact of it 100% overturned the results of the election. That wasn't even being explored by the experts, by the witnesses. In fact, when the Maricopa County attorneys would ask the witnesses' questions, do you have any facts? Do you have any evidence at all
Starting point is 00:04:33 that this changed the results of the election? The witnesses fumbled and weren't able to answer the questions, and the witnesses didn't even know whether there could be other plausible explanations for the conspiracy theories that they were spewing. We also just saw on display how poorly of a job carry legs lawyers were doing, and again, in the right one echo chamber, they were cheering these people on like they were doing a great job,
Starting point is 00:04:59 but they weren't even able to call witnesses because they struck the witnesses from their own witness list, forgot that they struck the witnesses from their own witness list, forgot that they struck the witnesses from their witness list, then tried to call those witnesses. And the judge said, you didn't even have these on your witness list. They tried to do that with documents and they tried to do that with voicemail. And they go down these rabbit holes, like there was this one voicemail they wanted to introduce into evidence where they said there's
Starting point is 00:05:27 someone named Betty and Betty works for the Maricopa County board of supervisors and she's involved in the elections that Betty was somehow involved in this and they want to play the they want to play this audio and is the Maricopa County attorney said we don't know who's Betty what are you talking about you didn't even disclose this voice message at all. There's no one named Betty who works here. Like what in the world are you talking about? And the judge would ask him,
Starting point is 00:05:53 hey, did you disclose that this is a audio that you were gonna play during trial? And then they would, the lawyers for Kerry Lake would say, well, you know your honor. And then the judge said, look, as an officer of the court, is this something that you disclose? And they would fumble with the most basic things,
Starting point is 00:06:09 not being able to call witnesses, not being able to introduce evidence. And then the witnesses that they brought in were all filled and riddled with these conspiracy theories. So we did another video here on the Midas Touch Network when all the right wing echo chamber was spwing, oh, they're gonna win, they're gonna win. I was like, no, they're not, no, they're gonna lose, they're gonna be sanctioned. This is some frivolous, weird, deranged stuff that Kerry Lakes lawyers
Starting point is 00:06:34 are introducing. And by the way, in this order, by Judge Peter Thompson, one of the things that he invited was a sanctions motion to be filed by Maricopa County and Katie Hobbs. By the way, Katie Hobbs wasn't even called as a witness here. And that was one of the big conspiracies that Kerry Lake was spreading. Katie Hobbs was involved in this. Well, you didn't even put Katie Hobbs on your witness list. You didn't even call Katie Hobbs as a witness in the case.
Starting point is 00:07:01 You removed her from subpoena. You removed her from the witness list here. Let me just pull up right now the final findings of fact and conclusions of law by Judge Peter Thompson. So you can just see the final order. Here's what it says, considering all evidence presented, the court finds as follows, as to count to the illegal printer tabulation configuration, the court does not find clear and convincing evidence of misconduct and violation of the Arizona
Starting point is 00:07:32 statute. B, the court does not find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was committed by an officer making or participating in Canvas under the Arizona law. C, the court does not find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was intended to affect the result of the 2022 general election. D, the court does not find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct did in fact affect the result of the 2022 general election. On all four of the elements, the court said it did not find the evidence that in any way would support Kerry
Starting point is 00:08:10 Legs claims. Now as to count for the chain of custody violation, similarly the court does not find clear and convincing evidence of misconduct and violation of the Arizona statute. The court does not find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was committed by an officer making or participating in a canvas under Arizona law. See, the court does not find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct was intended to affect the result of the 2022 general election. D, the court does not find clear and convincing evidence that such misconduct did in fact affect
Starting point is 00:08:50 the result of the 2022 general election. Therefore, it is ordered confirming the election of Katie Hobbes as Governor-elect pursuant to Arizona law. The court notes the representation of the county defendants that a motion for sanctions would be forthcoming, and the court also considers the need of this court to enter an order under Rule 54C of Arizona Rule, a civil procedure, so that an appeal on all issues might be taken
Starting point is 00:09:21 in a timely fashion. Therefore, it is further ordered that a statement of costs, including compensation of inspectors under ARS, the Arizona law must be filed by 8 a.m. Monday, December 26, 2022, failure to do so by the deadline will be deemed a waiver of those costs. So the Maricopa County defendants are being invited to submit the costs they incurred for carry-lake to have to repay them their cost.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And then it goes, it is further ordered, any motion for sanctions must be filed by 8 a.m. Monday, December 26, 2022, and any response by plaintiff must be filed by 5 p.m. Monday, December 26, 2022. The court will not consider a reply, so the court is inviting a sanctions motion to be filed by Katie Hobbs lawyer there against Kerry Lake. And I do believe that Kerry Lake will be sanctioned here. And just so you know what I meant when I was reading the court's order above, where the court says the court also considers I was reading the court's order above, where the court says, the court also considers the need of the court to enter an order under
Starting point is 00:10:30 rule 54c. Basically, the court needs to issue a final judgment so that it could be deemed a final case so that it could eventually be appealed. If Carrie-Lake is going to try to appeal, the frivolous complaint in the frivolous case that she brought to the court of appeals. So that's why the court is setting all of these deadlines very quickly by the 26th. But I can assure you that the Maricopa County attorneys already have their sanctions motion ready to go
Starting point is 00:11:02 and already have the amount that they will be seeking in sanctions. Then goes on to say, after consideration of any sanctions motion or the failure to file such a motion and the presentation of cost to be assessed, the court will enter a signed judgment under rule 54c. So the final judgment will likely happen December 27th. Carrie Lake has now said she's going to appeal this. She has challenged this in statements that she's made on social media. Again, continuing to spread more disinformation. Let me read for you the statement that Carrie Lake has made on her social media platform. She goes, my election case provided the world with evidence that proves our elections are run outside of the law.
Starting point is 00:11:52 The judge did not rule in our favor. However, for the sake of restoring faith and honesty in our elections, I will appeal the ruling. Literally, the judge said that there was absolutely no evidence and anybody who would be watching that with a modicum of good faith would show that there was no evidence. But here's the thing with Maga extremists like Kerry Lake and like Donald Trump and like all of these Maga extremists out there who are filing these cases. At the end of the day, they don't care about the evidence.
Starting point is 00:12:22 They're grift, their whole mantra is to file these frivolous lawsuits to undermine our court systems, to undermine free and fair elections. And that is precisely what Carri Lake has done and what Carri Lake will continue to do. It's also worth pointing out as well that all of the other Arizona election deniers who filed lawsuits have lost their lawsuits as well. Abe Hamaday lost his case that he filed in Mojave Court. He was running for Attorney General. He lost that and he lost the case that he filed. Similarly, Mark Finchum, the election denying Secretary of State
Starting point is 00:13:05 candidate, lost that race as well and lost all of the lawsuits that he filed. So all of the election denier, MAGA extremist candidates have now lost all of their lawsuits. We told you that was going to happen. These lawsuits were utterly frivolous. These lawsuits should never have been filed in the first place. These lawsuits were all viewed by, you These lawsuits should never have been filed in the first place. These lawsuits were all viewed by, you know, you had different judges on these cases too. But I guess for MAGA extremists, they lose in federal court.
Starting point is 00:13:33 They lose in Mahavi. They lose in Maricopa County. Everyone who actually is presented with evidence, evidence rules against them because they have no evidence for what they're saying. They just want to go on their right wing echo chamber and spew their conspiracies over and over again. Well, the wheels of justice turn in the right direction. Carry Lake is a loser, a loser, and a loser again.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I'm Ben Myselis from the Midas Touch Network. Hit the subscribe button. We are on our way to one million subscribers. Thanks to your incredible support. And in addition, check us out at slash MidasTouch. slash MidasTouch for exclusive content. You can only get there.
Starting point is 00:14:16 But most importantly, help us grow this independent media platform. Until next time, I'm Ben Mycelas from the Midas Touch Network. Happy holidays. Our blue wall, stop the red wave, and elections and Mysel from the Midas Touch Network. Happy Holidays! Our Blue Wall stopped the red wave and election deniers got denied election. That's why we're celebrating with the new democracy prevails team. We've got lots of work to do, but we should all be proud that when democracy was tested,
Starting point is 00:14:37 democracy prevailed. You've earned this! Don't wait! Get yours right now at That's Get yours right now at That's

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