Legal AF by MeidasTouch - MAGA Fraud Congressman gets DEVASTATING News from Federal and State Prosecutors

Episode Date: December 30, 2022

Legal AF host, Michael Popok, reports on breaking new developments in the evolving con and fraud of Republican Rep. Elect George Santos, with State, County, and Federal prosecutors all targeting him f...or potential fraud in his finances, illegal loans, and a corrupt resume, all calculated for maximum voter appeal. Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popok, legal AF with breaking news in the evolving fraud and scandal around representative elect Republican George Santos. Three different prosecutors offices have now opened up an investigation into Mr. Santos to get to the bottom of his financial misdeilings, where he got $700,000 to lend to his campaign and every aspect of his fabricated resume that he used successfully to campaign for election in New York. And let's look at all the things he lied about and how unscrupulous and how terrific and horrible all of these comments were.
Starting point is 00:00:41 He purposely, it appears, manufactured a resume for himself that was tailor-made to resonate with the voters of his unique and personal district. What do I mean by that? Well, let's start with the first one. Many of the voters in Nassau County and the eastern portion of Queens outside of Manhattan. Many of them have friends and family and loved ones and associates who died on 9-11. So a perfect candidate would have a 9-11 aspect to his resume. So what did George Santos do? He lied and said that his mother died in the South Tower. That is a lie. How do we know that? Because in his own social media posts and his own interviews,
Starting point is 00:01:26 he either said that his mother died in 2016, 15 years after 9-11, or he claimed that he, both his parents, mother and father worked in the towers, but survived. This is all on video. This is all easily refutable yet. His campaign platform, his campaign resume, push the 9-11 storyline in a district where that would matter. He also claimed he worked in financial services, working for Goldman Sachs and City Group, when at the same time he worked at the Dish Network in customer service, earning an hourly rate. Why financial services? Because many people on hourly rate. Why financial services? Because many people on that district work in financial services.
Starting point is 00:02:09 So now he's checked two boxes. He claimed that he was Jewish, not only Jewish, but a grandchild of Holocaust survivors who fled where Ukraine. So now he's checked the Ukraine box. He's checked the Jewish and the Holocaust survivor box pulling on the on the heartstrings before the purse strings of potential voters. All of that is a lie. His family is from Brazil. They never lived in Europe. No part of his family lived in Europe. And he's a Roman Catholic. Nothing wrong with being a Catholic. But there's something wrong
Starting point is 00:02:41 with claiming that you're Jewish and standing in front of a group of other or Jewish Republicans and claiming that you are one of them and proudly standing there as a Jewish American Republican running for office. That was a lie, but one calculated calculated to appeal to the voting block in that particular district. I will go on as to his sexuality and sexual orientation. This is not something that I would normally talk about, except he featured it as part of his campaign that he was a member of the gay community
Starting point is 00:03:18 and was happily married to his husband. That's fine, except in 2016, he was also happily married to a woman. So he's playing both sides of that fence. He's got the gay community. He's got the straight community. He's he's he's a Jewish and he's apparently Catholic. He's in financial services, but he's not. He's got 9-11 9-11 memories and trauma, but he doesn't. And he's, you know, just for added benefit, let's appeal to the dogs and cat lovers out there and claim that he followed in his mother's who, who he claimed died in 9-11 in her footsteps
Starting point is 00:03:58 doing charity because he created a pet-friendly charity, also a lie, not registered with the IRS, and he had a GoFundMe page, which now brings me to the finances of George Santos because in inventing George, like inventing Anna Delvey, you can't believe a word he says, you can't believe anything in his financial disclosures. He claims that he donated to his own campaign, $700,000 From where did this young man get seven hundred thousand dollars? He was convicted of embezzlement in 2013 in Brazil. He and his family had been evicted and sued for rent in the last five or six years. He's moved from rental house to rental house
Starting point is 00:04:41 all around these various districts before he decided to run for office. And he claims that he got it from a company named after conveniently, his mother's maiden name, the devalder organization. Is the devalder organization a Ponzi scheme? Does it exist at all? He claims that it gets money and fees from doing deals, from putting deals together, that it has a 10,000 clients, that it manages assets all around the world, that it gets a fee when it transacts those assets
Starting point is 00:05:15 or sells those assets, is any of that true? I'm sure it probably is not. And therefore, the whole devalder thing, if it even exists, could likely be a Ponzi scheme where he's taking in money from one client and paying it out to another with no real economic value being provided. Where else could he have gotten the money from? Well, one of the things he lists on his resume, which apparently is true, is that he's some sort of regional director for Harbor City Capital down in Florida. Harbor City Capital
Starting point is 00:05:46 is alleged by the SEC to be a participant in a Ponzi scheme worth at least $17 million. Did any of that $17 million end up in George Santos' bank account for which he then tried to money-launder and wash it through his campaign through a loan? That is something that the investigators and the prosecutors are gonna have to get to the bottom of, and there's at least three hot on the trail of George Santos, the Eastern District of New York in Brooklyn, federal. US Attorney is investigating George Santos and his finances,
Starting point is 00:06:20 and his potential financial misdealings and mishandelings, and where the source of this money came from. Is it Ponzi schemes? Is it money laundering? And Yusur District will get to the bottom of it with the FBI. Not to be outdone, the Nassau County, so in the county in which this particular campaign took place is a Nassau County covering most of Long Island and Queens.
Starting point is 00:06:43 There is a district attorney. The district attorney is looking at every fabrication and lie on George Santos as resume of which it's really everything other than his name. We're not even sure that's correct, but let's assume that's correct. Everything else is a lie. To paraphrase the district attorney, she said the resume fabrication was nothing short of stunning. And her office is going to get to the bottom of whether election fraud has been committed. You can't just tell people you're one thing when you are not and get elected as a result and not potentially commit the crime of fraud, fraud by dishonesty and the rest. And then not to be outdone, letitia James, the New York Attorney General for the
Starting point is 00:07:31 entire state is also getting to the bottom of what their election fraud has been committed by Mr. Santos. So the not aptly named Mr. Santos appears to be no saint at all. And now all of his lying, as he's about to take the oath of office on January 3rd, seated by the Republican majority, in the meantime, all of those lies have opened the eyes and prosecution files for at least three prosecutorial agencies to get to the bottom of his financial misdeilings and the lies that he told on the campaign trail to get elected a brazen calibrated
Starting point is 00:08:11 Heartless set of lies about his mother dying at 9.11 when she did not that he was in financial services When he wasn't that he was Jewish when he wasn't that he was a grandchild of Holocaust survivors when he was not that he graduated from colleges when he never graduated from any colleges that he went to prep schools that he knew would resonate because other people in that elected district went to prep schools like Horace Mann when he did not go to Horace Mann. I mean, the list goes on, but think about the craving calculation of George Santos to come up within his mind, the perfect resume as a con artist to con the voters of that district. And now what are the Republicans doing as a result?
Starting point is 00:08:57 Is McCarthy, you whoever the speaker of the house going to be, have they declared on the record that they will not seat Mr. Santos, that they will not swear him in to be in their majority, that they will instead call for a special election, they will refer him to the ethics, the ethics committee of the of Congress, that they will move to impeach him to prevent him from taking his seat, all within the powers of the Republican party and the majority, they'll do none of that. They're down to a nine member majority. They don't want to lose George Santos. If he has to run for, if that seat is open for a new special election in the next two to six months, it'll more likely go to a Democrat, which, which reduces the power of the majority, even greater
Starting point is 00:09:45 for the Republicans. And in their, in their own view, and best interest, if it's right for their party, they are going to see a, a con artist. And it's going to be up to the prosecutors to take him out of that seat through a conviction. Because once he is convicted, either by pleading guilty to any of these state or federal crimes that will be investigated for, or he is taken a trial and convicted, then Congress will have no choice based on the House rules, but to deny him his seat and to impeach him.
Starting point is 00:10:20 But that's going to take a level of political courage and political conviction that this Republican party is sorely lacking. This is Michael Popok, legal AF reporting about the new state and federal and local prosecutions and prosecutors looking at the case of representative elect George Santos, his financial misdeilings, and all of the lies he told on the campaign trail to pull people's heartstrings and get them to vote for him, knowing that it was a con job and it was a lie.

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