Legal AF by MeidasTouch - PANICKED Trump SUES JUDGE in Criminal Trial

Episode Date: April 8, 2024

Trump has just SUED JUDGE MERCHAN by filing an “Article 78” case in the appellate court to desperately try to stop his 15 April business fraud criminal trial. Michael Popok compares this to Trum...p’s losing effort last fall TO DO THE EXACT SAME THING against the civil fraud judge Judge Engoron, that resulted in the appellate court rejecting the stay and Trump quickly dismissing the suit. Same defendant, same trick, same result. Head to and use code LEGALAF to save 10% off when you get the journey pack today! Visit for more! Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This NBA season, make every three-pointer alley-oop and buzzer-beater even more exciting with FanDuel. Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sportsbook. 19-plus and physically located in Ontario. call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Crypto is like finance, but different. It doesn't care when you invest, trade or save. Do it on weekends, or at 5 a.m. Or on Christmas Day. This is Michael Popock with Illegal AF breaking news and analysis. Donald Trump is not done trying to delay the inevitable, which is the April 15th trial, first criminal trial against him brought by the Manhattan DA's office for business record
Starting point is 00:00:58 fraud and election interference. That involves the Stormy Daniels hush money cover-up affair. Now we've got Donald Trump pulling an old entire trick out of his bag Filing what's called an article 78 proceeding Against the judge effectively a lawsuit against the judge It's an effort to take a fast-track appeal by filing a lawsuit that gets heard at the appellate court Let me explain that rather than a direct appeal to the appellate court. Let me explain that. Rather than a direct appeal to the appellate court for the rulings of Judge Mershon that they don't like, the ruling to gag Donald Trump, the ruling that Judge Mershon was not
Starting point is 00:01:34 going to throw himself off the case because he happens to have a daughter who works, the order related to Donald Trump improperly raising presidential immunity for things that happened before he was president. Those series of decisions that we reported on here form the basis, I am sure, of an emergency application. Rather than appeal, Donald Trump is using a little known or little used technique that's unique to New York procedural law called an Article 78 proceeding.
Starting point is 00:02:03 You generally bring that, I'll speak to you from a New York procedural law called an Article 78 proceeding. You generally bring that, I'll speak to you from a New York practitioner standpoint, you normally bring that against an agency or a department of the state to get them to do something like a mandamus. But you can in rare circumstances bring it as a direct petition, a direct lawsuit, and file it not with the trial court level, but with the appellate court level, in this case, the Appellate Division First Department that sits in Manhattan over Judge Mershon, basically Judge Mershon's bosses. And what is obvious that Donald Trump is trying to do is exactly what he tried to do and failed to do in the New York civil
Starting point is 00:02:43 fraud case in front of Judge Angoron. Some of our audience, the ones that follow us closely are probably thinking to themselves, haven't I heard Popak or Ben or Karen talk about Article 78 proceedings? And you have, because back in September and October of 2023, when Donald Trump didn't like the way the New York Attorney General's civil fraud case was going for him and the rulings he was getting from Judge Angoran and Judge Angoran forcing him to go to trial, does this sound familiar? Donald Trump filed an article 78 petition where the defendant is listed as the judge,
Starting point is 00:03:18 in this case Judge Angoran. Now who represents the judge there? The New York attorney general, just as she'll represent her office, will represent Judge Mershon in this case. And in that case, Donald Trump lost. He argued that the judge was making improper decision-making, the judge wasn't ruling fast enough on summary judgment, the judge was acting like he wasn't going to comply with prior appellate division rulings, and we need to stay of the case. Now, they did get, and it caused a lot of agita, a lot of heartburn as a legal terms in the legal watching world,
Starting point is 00:03:53 when they did get one justice who was like the emergency duty judge that day, Judge David Friedman of the Appellate Division First Department in the Angoran Article 78 proceeding to issue the stay, but it was a temporary stay. He also set an immediate briefing schedule and referred it to the full, it'll be five justices of the Appellate Division that sit as a panel to hear these issues. So he temporarily stayed the case, it was like two or three days tops, but it got fully briefed and argued and heard in front of the appellate division and they completely rejected the Article 78. The Article 78 was ultimately withdrawn with prejudice, dismissed with prejudice by Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:04:37 And later the appellate division in October in that case ruled against the stay request outright and also any other relief Donald Trump was seeking and we know what happened there. Right on time without really any delay, an 11-week trial happened and Donald Trump got hit along with his organization and family with a $465 million award. That's going to happen here. There's nothing about what Judge Mershon has done in the criminal case that should subject him to an Article 78 reversal by the appellate division, not the gag order, regagging Donald Trump so he couldn't attack friends
Starting point is 00:05:12 and family of the judge, including his daughter, not the decision that Donald Trump waited too long, almost two and a half years to file a motion to dismiss on the eve of the trial, arguing he had some sort of immunity, or arguing that why don't we just wait till the United States Supreme Court rules on the, you know, after oral argument at the end of this month about whether I have immunity from criminal prosecution, from federal criminal prosecution. Judge Marchand's like, okay, A, you're late and B, this is ridiculous. You don't have presidential immunity for the things alleged while you were running for office against Hillary Clinton. And that's only federal immunity anyway, not state immunities.
Starting point is 00:05:55 That's denied. You probably know by now, my family means everything to me. The things we build our future around are the things worth protecting. And making an estate plan now means gaining security of your assets and peace of mind for you and your loved ones. With trust and will, you can create and manage a custom estate plan starting for just $199. From my own professional experience, estate planning through other means can be a grueling process and often costing thousands of dollars, but Trust and Will makes it super simple
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Starting point is 00:07:25 and slash legal AF. And then the judge right on cue. They are continuing to try to pressure the judge, try to create error or create appeal ability or article 78 bases. They argued that Judge Mershon again needs to be disqualified or removed because his daughter works for Democratic campaigns in her position in a Chicago political media
Starting point is 00:07:53 firm. Of course, no connection to the judge. He doesn't get any money from that firm, doesn't get any money from his daughter. He never worked at that firm. Why can't he preside over a case involving Donald Trump is beyond everyone, including the judge who denied the exact same motion less than a year ago based on him getting advice from the judicial ethics committee that he did not have to remove himself. So these are the grounds and they're really the only ones, gag order, the immunity motion and the decision here recently about Judge Marshawn not recusing himself. If those are the bases for the
Starting point is 00:08:25 Article 78, he's now Donald Trump's lawyers, led by Todd Blanch. We've heard little from Chris Kisow. Todd Blanch is going to have to go down today. We'll report on a new hot tick. It'll happen quick. And try to get a duty emergency justice, hopefully not Justice Friedman, who's been wrong twice, to listen in their little chambers. There's no court reporter. The attorney general is going to have to run down there on behalf of the judge and represent the judge. The judge won't be there per se in person for this small hearing in this small room about this big decision. And then we're going to find out, we'll report it right back here, tune back in here on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF
Starting point is 00:09:08 about whether the judge even preliminarily on an emergency basis granted to stay. Now all that would mean is like today it would be stayed. It doesn't mean that they couldn't still start on the 15th if he even went down the road or she went down the road as a judge to stay the matter, it would only be temporarily stayed with full briefing, I would predict, at the full five-person panel that hasn't yet been selected and then they will hear argument.
Starting point is 00:09:34 And if they do exactly what the panel did with the Judge Angoran last-minute transparent effort to try to stop the trial, they will deny it quickly and Donald Trump once again will be forced to dismiss this Article 78. But a lot of activity here. We got to explain it. We're doing explainers all the time on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF. I'll continue to bring it to you. With my experience as a longtime practitioner of New York law and New York criminal law
Starting point is 00:10:00 in courtrooms and courthouses just like this one, and this is where we do it. We'll tell you about it all. We'll explain Article 78, the proceedings, how he's doing it, why he's doing it, and who's going to be there, and the type of hearing that's going to be conducted. Then when we get a result, tune back in. We'll give you the update, I assure you. It'll be one of the leaders of Legal AF. If you like this kind of hot take at the intersection of law and politics, you'll love Legal AF. Join us on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Eastern time. You'll find out why we call it Legal AF. It's for good reason.
Starting point is 00:10:32 We curate the top five stories and developments like this one, and we bring it to you. On Wednesdays, I do the show with Karen Friedman, a former prosecutor, Manhattan DA. And I do it on Saturdays with Ben Miscelis, co-founder of the Midas Touch Network. So you've got lawyers talking about things at the intersection of law and politics that they know what they're talking about. How refreshing. And then if you really like the deep dive, kind of geek out on some of these legal concepts in a way that's both hopefully entertaining and rewarding for you, we have a new Patreon. It's slash legal AF. And where I'm posting a video and Ben's posting videos
Starting point is 00:11:09 about every week at least, where it's a tutorial, sort of a Ted talk meets a law school class, but in a way that's made for non-lawyers who want to get this kind of knowledge and education as a building block to help them understand our hot takes and our main show Legal AF. So you're here. And if you like helping us, the other way to do it frankly is to free subscribe to the Midas Touch Network, help them get to 3 million free subscribers as we approach the all-important election on November the 5th. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF,
Starting point is 00:11:49 this is Michael Popak reporting. to know and we discuss every day on Legal AF. Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, all for the price of a couple of cups of coffee. Join us at slash Legal AF. That's slash Legal AF.

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