Legal AF by MeidasTouch - PATHETIC GOP Cause MAJOR CRISIS over Top Secret Info

Episode Date: March 6, 2024

Should Trump as the GOP nominee receive a national security and intelligence briefing as every nominee has since 1952 or has he disqualified himself from receiving the briefing based on the criminal c...ase against him for retaining and misusing our top secret documents and weaponizing them. Michael Popok reports and suggests that President Biden should not extend Trump the courtesy of the security briefing which could lead to our Country being less safe. Try Mosh today and use LEGALAF to save 20% plus free shipping at Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popak with the legal AF hot take. Should Donald Trump as the Republican nominee or likely nominee receive the national security briefing that has gone to every nominee since 1952 or, or has he disqualified himself from obtaining that briefing from the director of national intelligence, uh, to find out about all the threats against the United States, all the analytics at the top secret level as he disqualified himself because he's indicted in the Mar-a-Lago case by the special counsel
Starting point is 00:00:34 for his flagrant, willful, criminal retention and use of confidential top secret national defense information documents. We never had a situation like that. I start most of my hot takes about Donald Trump saying we've never had a scenario in our entire republic where an ex-president has been indicted and indicted 91 times in four jurisdictions. But now think about this. Every, every nominee has gotten the national defense briefing.
Starting point is 00:01:07 It's a one-time briefing from the director of national intelligence or what was the CIA at the time. Everyone since 1952, should Joe Biden, the Biden administration and his director of national intelligence allow Donald Trump to get this multi-day briefing along with whoever his top aides are, given what Donald Trump has done. I'm going to outline all that here on this hot tech and I think you know where I'm going with this. Now let me first tell you what it is and what it isn't. Historically, the candidate who's not yet in office, who's not a president-elect, doesn't get the president's daily briefing. That is a top-secret binder electronic presentation
Starting point is 00:01:53 made to the president on a daily basis about threats and threat assessments and intelligence from the intelligence community that's gathered together and provided. Now, famously, infamously, Donald Trump barely read when he was president of the United States, the daily press briefing or the daily security briefing for the president. That was, he barely read. You know, they had to keep it really short and tight and they couldn't give him things apparently that would be inconsistent with his worldview, which was a lot. But now the question is, what information should he be given? So he would never get the president's daily briefing. He would never get regular updates, weekly, monthly at all from now until November 5th about classified top secret information.
Starting point is 00:02:47 But should he get the one-time multi-day update of threat assessment and analytics and underlying data from the director of national intelligence and other members of the intelligence community? How can he look what the charges are that are reflected in the indictment in Mar-a-Lago that Donald Trump took with him and left the presidency and went to Mar-a-Lago and Ben Minster and his other properties in the possession of hundreds, hundreds of documents at the highest level, top secret, classified national defense information, nuclear secrets and codes, information about our allies and our enemies,
Starting point is 00:03:33 and that he used it and showed it off to people, book writers, people that entered his orbit to show off like a child of what, look what I got. Look what I got, meaning the United States of America is yours and my top secret classified information that keeps us safe. He tried to commercialize it, tried to weaponize it. He tried to use it to get back at generals
Starting point is 00:03:58 that he thought were being disloyal to him, to try to discredit them. In order to do that, he showed classified top secret information about Mark Milley related to Iran and other places. He showed war maps. He showed nuclear submarine secrets to an Australian business person. This is all in the hands of Jack Smith and in their prosecution. Remember the indictment. Donald Trump not only took the information with him, he lied to, as alleged, the National Archives, who is the repository for all presidential records in the
Starting point is 00:04:33 return of classified information. He lied to his lawyers in order for them to lie to the National Archive. He lied to Evan Corcoran, his main lawyer, who was interfacing with the Department of Justice for the return of these items. He lied to his other lawyers, Jennifer Little. He lied about the location of the documents, the existence of the documents. He suggested that the documents, classified national defense information documents, disappear in the hands of his lawyers and not be turned over to the government. This is all as alleged in the indictments. He tried to get the surveillance video erased using his henchmen who are now his co-conspirators in Mar-a-Lago.
Starting point is 00:05:12 How could we let this person get any national intelligence briefing at all, even though he's the nominee? And so I would suggest to the Biden administration that they break the long chain since 1952 of Truman providing an update to Eisenhower about the about the war efforts and the bomb and the rest of that, that we put an end to that tradition. There is no law on the books by Congress, certainly not in the Constitution, that requires that the nominee, who's the opponent to the sitting president in this case, get a national intelligence briefing, and he should not, Trump should not, given the fact he does not currently hold a classified rating. He doesn't have a classified right to look at these things. He doesn't hold that security clearance.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And since he doesn't hold that security clearance and would never under normal circumstances, if he was just an employee of the federal government instead of trying to run for employee badge number one as the president, he would never get classified security clearance. How could he? While he's an indicted co-conspirator
Starting point is 00:06:30 for the violation of our highest security laws, espionage act, how could he possibly ever get that clearance? As I count down to new fatherhood, the more I find myself wanting to be that much more intentional about the way I live, eat, and take care of my body. Mosh is a company founded by Maria Schreiber and her son, Patrick Schwarzenegger, with a simple mission to create a conversation about brain health through food, education, and research.
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Starting point is 00:08:32 but make sure that the, you know, he doesn't leave, they don't leave any notes behind and they collect all their notes. How can you trust Donald Trump? What's gonna happen is that our allies, our allies, knowing that Donald Trump is getting our allies, our allies, knowing that Donald Trump is getting this information may be compelled to lower their assistance
Starting point is 00:08:48 to the United States, which would jeopardize American safety and security. The allies worrying that Donald Trump, who has a penchant for disclosing national defense information documents, even about his allies, in order to gain the upper hand, in order to have leverage over hand, in order to have
Starting point is 00:09:05 leverage over them, will just do less for the United States, will provide less shared intelligence, making us less safe. Right? We don't want them to do that, but that's a natural reaction to them knowing that their confidential classified national defense information is being shared with a madman, with an indicted criminal, an indicted defendant in the criminal justice system, I guess is the better way to put that, about his mishandling misuse and potential espionage violations about intelligence information. If you're our allies in NATO or otherwise, how do you continue to supply unfettered information knowing that there's a leaky bucket in Donald Trump on the other side, making us less safe? It can compromise our safety by having Donald Trump in the loop even one time, which is
Starting point is 00:10:03 what I believe this national security briefing would be based on past history, this one time briefing. Sure, he's not gonna get the presidential daily briefing book. Sure, he's not gonna get regular updates, but could you imagine this information in the hands of Donald Trump provided to him, the volume of which is so great,
Starting point is 00:10:20 sometimes it's multiple days, hours upon hours upon hours, upon hours, including aides, we don't even know who they are. What aides, others that participated in the Jan 6 insurrection and interfered with the peaceful transfer of power? Who, Jeff Clark, who's indicted and about to lose his bar license, who was the acting attorney general
Starting point is 00:10:40 for about four days while Donald Trump tried to cling to power? He's gonna get a briefing. The people that are over in the MAGA think tank, which I call the shadow government that are ready to come back and fill all the offices if Donald Trump's presidency is restored. They're gonna get the national intelligence briefing with their track record, their track record of
Starting point is 00:11:07 being traders, that's permitted. I mean, the end result of this is this is only a courtesy that's given to a presidential candidate. And I think Joe Biden has no choice here, but to deny Donald Trump the national Intelligence Briefing. They're not gonna, who cares? He's gonna, Trump's gonna be like, oh, I'm not getting the, you know, our security is compromised because you know, I'm not gonna get this briefing.
Starting point is 00:11:33 It's a one-time briefing. It's not even the briefing that would happen. I'm not talking about if the unlikely happens and Trump were to win. Sure, there'll be a transition required under law that will update all the counterparts in the Biden administration, all the counterparts in the incoming administration
Starting point is 00:11:54 and get them up to speed about national threat levels so that we don't have to worry about, at least on that point, our national security being jeopardized. But that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about giving somebody who's accused of committing espionage involving classified documents, giving them a classified security briefing
Starting point is 00:12:12 at the highest level. Even when I get the words out, it doesn't pass the straight face test. So I would encourage the Biden administration who I know are our supporters of the Biden-Tutch network, not to give the briefing. Look, back in 2016, when Hillary Clinton was supposed to get the briefing, there were plenty of Republican leaders, including Paul Ryan at the time, that argued to the head of the National
Starting point is 00:12:39 Intelligence Community, Director of National Intelligence, that Hillary Clinton shouldn't be getting the book. And then others were arguing that even then that Donald Trump shouldn't get the book. But now, now the landscape has completely changed. Donald Trump, whether he's going to be tried for espionage and obstruction related to classified and national defense and classified information procedure act violations in Florida before the November 5th election or not. Doesn't matter. It's beside the point. He's been indicted for this very thing. Does not hold the classified security rating that would allow him to look at
Starting point is 00:13:13 these documents and Joe Biden shouldn't allow it. We'll continue to follow what happens, but I wanted to put on your radar. This bizarro world possibility of Donald Trump indicted for espionage act and obstruction related to his mishandling of classified information, getting classified information over a three-day period in some sort of national intelligence community briefing as the Republican nominee. These are the things that happen at the intersection of law politics and justice. And we got to talk about it. We only do it one place where we don't blow smoke or sunshine, the Midas Touch Network, and on Legal AF,
Starting point is 00:13:53 that cheekily named podcast where we sit at that same intersection, the leaders of Legal AF, and we bring you a show, a podcast curated for you with the stories you need to know. Only one place, Legal AF Mid have such network Wednesday and Saturdays at 8pm Eastern time. And then on audio podcast platforms of your choice. If you like these kind of hot takes, which we do and I do about every day on these kind of issues, give me a thumbs up, leave a comment.
Starting point is 00:14:22 That's how your voice can be heard. That helps with the ratings. It's not like cable news, where you just stare at the screen somehow, they count you and you're in the ratings. Here you gotta interact with the content and that lets everybody know that this is the kind of content that you're looking forward to.
Starting point is 00:14:36 So until my next hot take, until my next legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Hey, Midas Mighty, love this report? Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. Popak reporting.

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