Legal AF by MeidasTouch - RICO Co-Defendant Instantly SCREWS Trump Again in Latest Filing

Episode Date: November 27, 2023

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Trump lawyer and Georgia RICO Co-Defendant John Eastman’s latest filing requesting an earlier trial date than even the Fulton County District Attorney reques...ted in 2024. Visit and use code LEGALAF and checkout to save $50! Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 John, and just against it to be clarified this, on January 6th, what did you want to happen? And how was that historically grounded? And the history of our country, how would that have taken place? So just so the viewers can understand what would have unfolded and how that would have ultimately been constitutional. So, several things, some people at urge that Vice President Pence simply had power to reject electors whose certification was still pending in legal context.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I don't believe that. But go ahead. I don't believe that. I don't need to. I agree with that. And I explicitly told Vice President Pence in the Oval Office on January 4th that even though it was an open issue under the circumstances we had, I thought it was the weaker argument,
Starting point is 00:00:51 and it would be foolish to exercise such power even if he had it. What I recommend it, and I've said this repeatedly, is that he exceed to request from more than a hundred state legislators in the swing states to give them a week to try and sort out the impact of what everybody acknowledged was illegality in the conduct of the election election. And I specifically saw it. Not everyone acknowledged it, but that was the argument that was being made, obviously. And there were obviously irregularities that everybody had seen, but whether it rose to the level of changing the outcome of the election, again, without a legal proceeding in the states that mattered, the argument ultimately was a difficult one to make. I mean, hence, hence, here we are.
Starting point is 00:01:35 That's Donald Trump's lawyer, John Eastman, and his co-defendant in the Georgia criminal Rico case. I've been my cellis from the Midas Touch Network. You can see as you watch that Laura Ingram was just aware that Eastman was further incriminating himself and you saw that she was trying to cut him off as he was digging the hole even deeper for himself. But now he's also digging the hole deeper for Donald Trump in connection with the trial date in the Fulton County Georgia criminal Rico case. Eastman just filed a motion objecting to the Fulton County district attorneys request
Starting point is 00:02:19 to trial date of August 5, 2024. But Eastman is asking for an earlier trial date and connection with this filing. Eastman also did an interview with the very far right wing federalist media website where he was whining about how all of these cases, he calls them law fair and says that they are depleting his wife's retirement fund back to the motion or opposition that John Eastman just filed. He wants a trial date before August 5th, 2024 and wants all of the deadlines to occur in the Fulton County case before even the district attorney is requesting. And Eastman wants there to be two tranches, one tranche of him and the other co-defendants, another
Starting point is 00:03:12 tranche of Donald Trump and perhaps a few other people. But by Eastman saying he's ready for trial earlier than August 5th, 2024. I think that plays right into what Fulton County District Attorney, Fony Willis has been requesting, which is a prompt and speedy trial date. This allows Fony Willis to say, look, we set the earlier trial dates for Sydney Powell, as well as for Ken Chesbro and those matters resulted in plea agreements. So now we have a Jenna Ellis plea agreement, a Scott Hall plea agreement, a Sydney Powell plea agreement, a Ken Chesbro plea agreement. Look how efficiently those cases were tried
Starting point is 00:03:57 when they asked for speedy trials. Look, Eastman's asking for a quick trial as well. We're ready to go. Expect Fulton County District Attorney of Fonial is to state that. here's the filing by John Eastman, defendant Eastman's opposition to the state's emotion to schedule trial date for August 5, 2024. Says, defended John Eastman, buying through his counsel, files this, his opposition to the state's motion to schedule a trial date for August 5th, 2024, stating in part that waiting until June 21, 2024 for the final plea date is both arbitrary
Starting point is 00:04:33 and capricious. The final plea date should be established earlier in 2024 so that the defendant who does not have lifetime United States Secret Service protection and who are not running for election to an office can exercise and have the right to their jury trial completed within 2024. And you see right there in bold the word completed contemplating that if trial were to start on August 5th, 2024, it would not be completed for probably six months to nine months thereafter, it would be completed in 2025. So Eastman's like, let's set this trial sooner, which would essentially be asking for an earlier trial date somewhere in the range of probably February or
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Starting point is 00:07:16 It continues after the final plea date, the defendants will only have the option of nonnegotiated please. And the state intends to recommend maximum sentences and at any remaining sentencing hearings. Moreover, the state requests this court to not consider any severance issues until after the final plea date. Establishing a final plea date earlier in 2024
Starting point is 00:07:41 and severing the defendants into two groups would provide more than enough time for the court to try to trials. Each of eight of fewer defendants absent former president Trump, who at the president may be said to be the presumptive Republican nominee for the office of the presidency without defendant Trump in the courtroom. The U.S. Secret Service will not be involved in providing enhanced security and the trials will proceed faster, respectively submitted the 27th day of November 2023. With all things that Johnny's men does, it always backfires in his face.
Starting point is 00:08:17 So again, this gives perfect ammunition to Volta County District of Dernan, Fony Willis, from her motion that she filed last week, state's motion to, actually on November 17th, she filed it just to be precise, these states motion to schedule trial date for August 5th, 2024, where Fony Willis said, look, we see that Judge Cannon, her trial dates May 20th, 2024 in Washington, D.C. before Judge Tanya Chutkin. That's currently scheduled for March 4th of 2024. You then have the Manhattan District Attorney case scheduled for also March of 2024. So there will be no conflict setting all of the trials for all of the remaining criminal defendants by August 5th of 2024. And that reference that was made to setting that plea agreement date that was referenced
Starting point is 00:09:18 in John Eastman's filing for June 21, 2024 is to put pressure on all of the other criminal defendants to do what Alice and Chesbro and Scott Hall and Cindy Powell did enter into a plea agreement and to not address any issues of severance until we hit that January 21, 2024 date and Fulton County District Attorney of Fulton Willis is doing that brilliantly and basically saying that date, which isn't saying it, but it's why they have that date, that will create the pressure. If everybody thinks they're going to trial August 5th, 2024, there's no issues of severance being determined until that date passes and once that date passes, the state says we're not going to agree to anything other than the max a mom sentence for each potential crime.
Starting point is 00:10:07 What Fulton County District, Tarty Foney Wells is gonna say is, as look, we anticipate that this trial is gonna be far narrower by the time it goes to trial. I wouldn't be surprised also if we see some more plea agreements that are entered into even in 2023 and then in early 2024, maybe one or two more. And then as you get closer to that June date, I think you'll see a lot of plea agreements
Starting point is 00:10:32 being entered. And then I think the case proceeds against maybe seven to seven to eight people in general, including Donald Trump. So as I mentioned earlier too, you have Eastman whining, saying law fair is punishing me for advising Trump. It's gonna cost me $3 million. And in this article by the Federalist, this far right wing website, he says, this is what I call an authoritarian moment in our history. The whole premise here is the government has spoken
Starting point is 00:11:04 and you continue to say otherwise. You are there for lying and he says that he's raised half a million dollars to date, but it's going to cost him three and a half million dollars. And quote, I'm trying very hard not to completely deplete my wife's retirement fund. And then he tries to cite our founding fathers to somehow justify his efforts aiding and embedding and insurrection as alleged in the various criminal indictments, which is again, to me so abhorrent. I'm Ben Mycelas from The Midas Touch Network. And subscribe. We're on our way to 2 million subscribers.
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