Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Sarah Huckabee Makes WORST DECISION of Her Life, WORST GOV Ever

Episode Date: November 27, 2023

Governor Sara Huckabee can pardon a turkey but refuses to grant clemency and pardon an innocent man who has been rotting on Arkansas prisons for 32 years. Michael Popok of Legal AF details the sad of an illiterate, developmentally challenged Charlie Vaughn, who is in jail for a crime another man confessed to, whom Huckabee ignores and tells to come back in 2030, to avoid being seen as soft on crime.  Go to https://GETQUIP.COM/LEGALAF right now, and get 20% off any Electric Toothbrush, Mint & Gum Dispenser, Water Flosser. Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Michael Popok, legal AF, governor Huckabee of Arkansas, the ultimate NEPO baby. Notice how to pardon a turkey, but doesn't know how to pardon an innocent man who's serving a life imprisonment for a murder he did not commit. And instead, it atters three sentence response to his lawyers, said he can try again in six more years, and then she went on to pardon the state Turkey. Speaking of a state Turkey, let's dive into this one on this particular hot take. I've heard a lot about Sarah Huckabee and her lectern gate, spending $19,000 for a lectern. Let's get down to law and justice and where she sits on that and how the needle has moved.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Let's talk about her callousness in particular about the man who spent 32 years in state prison for a crime he has not committed. Charlie Vaughan, who has a severe developmental disability was convicted in 1991 for the 1988 murder of an elderly woman. There was at the time a mountain of evidence that he didn't do it. In fact, thereafter, other people conceded, confessed that they murdered that same person and that they did it alone, but because this development, developmentally disabled person, without a lawyer who was a literate, missed a deadline for attempting to get a new trial in the new evidence. He's been sitting rotting in jail as an innocent man ever since. They applied, as
Starting point is 00:01:42 they are supposed to, to the governor of the the state to get clemency to get a pardon for them to recognize that the person has been sitting think about this in jail for over 32 years for a crime somebody else not only confessed to but said that they did it by themselves. They put all this evidence in front of this turkey, Sarah Huckabee, and put it ribbon around it, submitted it to her. This is the last stop on the clemency route. And the response from the governor's office was that the governor had completed her review of Mr. Vaughan's file last week.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Unfortunately, she has chosen not to grant clemency at this time, holding out hope. He will be able to reapply in six years. Yeah, go 40 years for something you didn't do. And maybe, maybe this governor got her job because of her last name. And because she, you know, she never worked and honest day in her life, maybe she'll get around to granting you a clemency, but don't come knocking. Don't want to hear from you for another six years. I thought this was a party that was not only law and order, but somehow addressed the justice system
Starting point is 00:03:03 and wanted to see changes in this justice system and talks in, incessantly and incoherently about the two-tier justice system in this country. Well, here's one tier. You got a guy who didn't commit the crime. Okay. If his name was Trump, do you think he'd spend 32 or 38 years waiting around for some governor sometime, maybe a democratically elected governor in Arkansas to let him out? That's the sad part.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You know, if if a proper governor was the head of that state, when, you know, like Bill Clinton back in the day, you know, we wouldn't be dealing with this. The guy would already be released. But when you got Sarah Huckabee, you know, who thinks she's going to run for president someday, not on this record. This isn't law and order, Maga right wing. This is injustice and immorality. And there's a special circle of hell for people that keep in prison, people that they know or should know in their hearts are not guilty. Maybe she's too busy trying to figure out how to hide the $19,000 lecture and hide it from her investigators.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Instead of being tied up with that, why don't you try to get out a person who is innocent, a person who's illiterate person who didn't have proper, a right to justice. If I were that group, even at this late date, I would try once again to file some sort of writ of habeas corpus and see if you could take it up to the United States Supreme Court. So I think now this has been this denial of clemency or a pardon. Renews again his rights to seek a writ of habeas corpus. They should consider it. The Justice Project or whoever is currently representing Mr. Vaughan should consider it.
Starting point is 00:04:56 He's never gonna get out through the clemency program, not while it's run by Sarah Huckabee, just not going to. She'd rather, she'd rather pardon a turkey than pardon an innocent person. That's the only way you can put it. Good health starts with good habits. Quip makes it easy by delivering all the oral care essentials you need to care for your health. The Quip Electric toothbrush has time sonic vibrations with 30 second pulses to guide a dentist recommended 2 minute clean. It's a lightweight and sleek design for adults and kids with no wires or bulky charger
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Starting point is 00:06:50 Right everybody's joking about you know Joe Biden just turned whatever he just turned 81 Pardon to turkey, you know, even he can laugh at himself about that But when you've got an innocent man spending his life in prison, not six months, not a year, not six years, 32 years, and you callously tell him to go pound sand, come back another time, but that other times got to be in 2029. I mean, it's so heartless and, and, and, um, saddening that even am I doing the hot take, I'm getting upset about it.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And so I think we're going to need to continue to follow the case of Charlie Vaughan and what this governor who's allegedly guides herself by Christian values and the Judeo-Christian ethic. Is this what Jesus would do? Just to bring it home. Is this the type of morality and the combination of religion and morality and law, the combination of church and state that MAGA is so supportive of? Here is your opportunity.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Is that what your God would do? I don't think so. But for political expediency and so that she can't be attacked for being soft on crime by somebody that moves even to the right of her and until of the hunt, when they run against her, she's just going to take the safe way out the path of least resistance and allow Charlie Vaughan to rot in an Arkansas jail for another six years, sapping another six years of his life away from him and his family. This guy should be a free person. He should be suing the state to get back in money, but he'll never be able to get back in money, well, he'll never be able to get back in time
Starting point is 00:08:45 with his family and his, and having a normal life. I mean, he's screwed forever. We've got circumstances here in New York where, you know, the Central Park five, wrongly accused convicted and served a number of years in jail, right? For, for kidnapping and beating a jogger in Central Park in the 80s, when it turned out, they didn't do it. One of those gentlemen just made it and got elected to the Manhattan Commission. Rightfully so, that's not going to happen. A Charlie Vaughn.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Charlie Vaughn is this is developmentally disabled. He is illiterate. He is real, I'm sure, just rotting away. I mean, this sounds like a real life version of like the green mile with Tom Hanks. It's almost like that guy who left his pie in his jail cell so that when he got back from being executed, he could eat his pie. I mean, that's how sad this is. But, you know, obviously, Sarah Huckabee talks a good game about being, you know, an adherent to her religious principles. When it's politically expedient to her, but as I said, when she doesn't want to get attacked
Starting point is 00:10:02 for being soft on crime, she'll let poor Charlie Vaughn sit and rot in jail. We'll continue to follow what we can do here on the Midas Touch Network and on legal AF to pressure Sanders. Maybe we need a clock that runs on, you know, the Midas Touch Network. How many days Charlie Vaughn has been sitting in jail rotting because of Sarah Huckabee and just keep putting another date on that clock and giving all of our aid and comfort and help to his lawyers as he goes after the state for civil rights violations and maybe takes it up on a rid of habeas corpus all the way to the United States Supreme Court will follow it
Starting point is 00:10:42 in one place legal a f right here on the Midas Touch Network. It's our curated podcast at the intersection of law, politics, injustice. You could only get it on Saturdays, Wednesdays, 8 PM Eastern time on our video, YouTube version. You can get it on audio podcasts wherever you get your audio podcasts from. And we'll do hot takes the leaders of legal AF, Ben, my cellist, Karen Friedman, Nifalo and me will do a hot take about every hour at that same intersection. We don't blow smoke.
Starting point is 00:11:13 We don't blow sunshine. We just bring you our legal analysis being in those court rooms that we talk about. And we know these processes. We're going to tell it to you straight right here. If you like what I'm doing, give me a thumbs up. It helps keep the show on the air
Starting point is 00:11:30 and keeps this content coming to you. Leave a comment. I've been known to comment back. We could open up a dialogue. But until my next legal A, F until my next hot take, this is Michael Popok reporting. Hey, Midas, mighty.
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