Legal AF by MeidasTouch - SECRET Recordings Come Back to HAUNT Trump in Court

Episode Date: September 19, 2023

Ken Chesebro, indicted former constitution attorney for Trump, keeps filing motions to dismiss his Georgia Criminal indictment that won’t work, but help to kill the cases of the other 18 defendants ...including Trump. Michael Popok of Legal AF explains exactly how a TRANSCRIPT recording the meeting of the 12 Georgia Fake Electors used by Chesebro in his filing, that we did not know existed until today, will haunt the 19 conspiracy defendants going forward. Get 20% off when you go to and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popok, legal AF. Come on, Ken Chespro. Stop acting like you're some sort of hack constitutional law scholar with your filings in the Georgia criminal prosecution. You're one of 19 and you keep filing papers that not only dig yourself a hole and don't really help your case
Starting point is 00:00:21 to try to dismiss some aspects of the indictment but are just throwing dirt on all the other defendants, including one named Donald Trump. I'll give you an example. Today, it seems like every day I'm reporting on something Ken Chessbro did in Fawney Willis' indictment. Today, he filed a motion to dismiss Count 9 of the indictment against him, which is the indictment related to falsely impersonating or a conspiracy to be involved with somebody who was falsely impersonating a state
Starting point is 00:00:54 officer. We all know what that counts about. That's about the phony electors, the fake electors who met in secret, signed their names to the bottom of the conspiracy, apparently did it with a court reporter present to prepare a transcript. That's a new bombshell piece of evidence I'm going to talk to you about now. And I only know that because Ken Chesbro filed the transcript of the meeting of these electors who are all now indicted, along with the lawyer for Donald Trump's campaign, Ray Smith, who was also in the room recorded on the transcript and has been indicted as well for his role in the criminal conspiracy by Fony Willis.
Starting point is 00:01:35 I learned a lot when Ken Chess broke files, papers, even if they're only eight or nine pages long. They're very interesting. It's fascinating to get inside the mind, like with a can opener of an indicted co-conspirator for criminal rico to overturn the will of the people. It's fascinating. What he's saying is a version of what I reported on
Starting point is 00:01:57 last week in a hot take, which is, I told everybody, as the lawyer, meaning you Donald Trump, only use the alternate slate of electors in time of emergency, only break the glass and take out the alternate slate of electors when there is a ruling by a judge that overturns the real slate of electors. But don't use them before that. I told them that. In fact, that's something right out of Ken Chesbro's filing last week in which he said, he's entitled to the defense of justification under the law because he was justified in giving legal advice
Starting point is 00:02:39 and which is what he said he was doing. And I told my client, unless you have a proper legal challenge, these alternate electors should never see the light of day. Well, we all know what happened. The fake electors signed their certificates. There weren't any successful challenges because Donald Trump went O for 60, O for 60. For those that follow old cartoons and videos, they were the Donald Trump was the Washington generals to the Harlem Globetrotters.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Okay. He never won. And so since you never had a winning case in court by Ken Chesbro's own half baked thinkingaked thinking. These fake electors, I'm sorry, he calls them alternate electors, should never have seen the light of day they should have been kept buried somewhere deep in some sort of cement vault under the earth, never to be surfaced. Because the thing that he said was a prerequisite, a precondition to there being used never happened. Yet somehow, Ken Chesbro, these little fake electors and their certificates got out. It's like Gremlins. They got out and they ate it midnight and somebody gave them water. And they were submitted to the a number of places,
Starting point is 00:04:02 the National Archive as a real certificate of electors to the Chief Judge of the Northern District of Georgia for some reason. I don't know. And there's no constitutional reason they were sent in. They just decided to send it to him. And thirdly, to have it delivered to Mike Pence on the floor of the Senate while he was counting votes in order for them to be recognized. The other thing we picked up in the transcript, which I didn't even know existed until today,
Starting point is 00:04:28 and so now you do, of their secret meeting. This was a meeting that, when others, like a reporter for a local Georgia investigative newspaper, saw this group meeting, walked into the room and said, what are you guys doing here? They were so proud of what they were doing and wanted to do it in the room and said, what are you guys doing here? They were so proud of what they were doing and wanted to do it in the open and transparent the way the transcript reads that they said there were doing some things for educational purposes, nothing to see here, move along. He's already testified to the grand jury for Fawni Willis, that particular reporter. So then when he was gone, they took the cover off the court
Starting point is 00:05:06 reporter's equipment and said, okay, let's go. Ray Smith is very interesting. He not only identifies himself in the, self identifies in this secret meeting to create the phony and fake electors as a lawyer for Donald Trump's campaign. Now I understand why he's been entitled. But he also gives out, just bringing this whole thing full circle, one of one of my hot takes. He told the electors of the room they should sign on the dotted line. And then if there is a valid challenge, they'll be used. And this is just like what happened to Kennedy versus Nixon in Hawaii in 1960. I had a hot take recently where I led off with Hawaii 1960.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Let's talk about it. I got to talk about it again, because Ray Smith brought it up in the room to get them to move their little hands with their pens and put their signatures on the fake collector certificates. Hawaii 1960, I guess sounds good. Who doesn't like Hawaii thinking about it in 1960? But what happened there and what happened in Georgia are apples and bowling balls.
Starting point is 00:06:10 You can't even compare them. Okay, from 1960, there was back in the day when you're all doing like hand counting, there's very little electronic or computer counting. The original first certification of the vote in Hawaii before all the votes were in, before all the votes were in and the audit and recount had happened certified for Nixon. Yay, for the Nixon slate of electors. And a lot of news, news stations at the time like CPS and Walter Cronkite announced Hawaii for Nixon with one problem The hand recount continued in Hawaii and eventually, you know, maybe a few days later they realized uh-oh
Starting point is 00:06:54 Kennedy won So they de-certified that group of electors and recertified the state for Hawaii for Kennedy and sent it in before Jan 6th to the Senate. That's not what happened in Georgia. What happened in Georgia is Donald Trump lost three times. He lost the popular vote on election night and with the mail-in ballots coming in as allowed. Then they did a hand recount. He lost that. Then they did audit and he lost
Starting point is 00:07:28 that by the time the fake electors met, right? In December, middle of December, all of these audits, recounts, the lawsuit in Georgia had all been decided against Donald Trump. As you know, I'm a trial lawyer and when I'm not breaking down the latest legal filings the day for you on legal AF, I'm jumping from courthouse to meeting to meeting and it can be exhausting and frankly dehydrating. That's why I started using liquid IV. Liquid IV is the number one powdered hydration brand in America and is now available in a sugar-free option. With three times the electrolytes of the leading sports drink, plus eight vitamins and nutrients for everyday wellness, liquid IV hydrates two times faster than water alone.
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Starting point is 00:09:41 when you go to and use code legalaft. Check out. That's 20% off when you go to liquid and use code legal AF at checkout. That's 20% off anything you order when you use promo code legal AF at liquid So there was no valid challenge. So these fake electors were just trying in forgery to look like they were real electors to be recognized on the house of the Senate in order to throw the election away from the true winner, Joe Biden to Donald Trump. What they were really trying to do was not to have necessarily the electors recognized by Mike Pence, which he never would
Starting point is 00:10:18 do, never did, as the real electors, as in Hawaii, when they, when there was a recertification, ripping up the fake electors and throwing them away, the prior electors, as in Hawaii, when there was a recertification, ripping up the fake electors and throwing them away, the prior electors, if you will. Here, the goal of this conspiracy, we will learn as the trial continues in Georgia, and with Jack Smith, was not to have them recognized and counted as real votes. It was to have Mike Pence bang his head
Starting point is 00:10:41 and go, I can't figure it out. There's two different slates of electors. One for Biden, one for Biden, one for my guy. And it's complicated. It hurts my head. And there's fraud maybe. And turn it over to the state houses like 1860. All right, we're going back in history, taking the Mr. Peabody way back machine. Let's go back to 1860 and talk about when it got thrown over and what Jefferson did in order to preserve the Republic. Because if it goes to the state houses and gets away from the Electoral College in popular vote, then Republicans outnumber Democrats
Starting point is 00:11:18 because they control more state houses, right? And so that's what they wanted. They wanted it to be thrown to the state houses and let them pick it or Congress. Although Congress, I don't think it would have helped them. It really was the state houses. And so now we've got Ken Chesbro saying, I don't understand in my indictment why I'm indicted at all. Because under the ninth count, I didn't do anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I told them it had to be under a valid legal challenge and there wasn't one. And I don't, and which federal, which officer am I impersonating? I'm being charged with a conspiracy to impersonate an officer, state officer, which one? Because if it's the electors, it can't be the electors because there was a validly
Starting point is 00:12:05 selected Republican slate of electors as an alternative batch. If and only if there was a legal challenge that was successful to pop up and take out the Biden electors, that's not what happened. And that's not the conspiracy. The way it's alleged, what it's alleged is, I don't know if that was Chespro's idea. Although when you read all of his memos, there's at least two of his legal memos that will be brought into evidence against him and the others that was used by Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell and their lawsuits and sent around to lawyers like Ray Smith now indicted and other lawyers around the country to try to use in courts. This is where they went O and 60, which made some novels,
Starting point is 00:12:45 not the novel legal argument suggests that it had merit. Meritless BS legal argument and half dash, you know, too smart by half analysis. That's what Ken Chess broke did. And then he gave it to lawyers to use, right? I don't know if there is client, but he gave it to him to use, and they did it, and they didn't wait for the legal challenges. They just sent in the fake electors as if they were real electors with a stamp on it and a seal and sent it to the national archive to create chaos and pandemonium and a carnival like atmosphere presided over by the ringmaster Donald Trump to try to get the election away from the dutifully elected and the will of the people candidate Joe Biden. So Ken Chespro,
Starting point is 00:13:33 keep filing things about your indictment. Keep submitting evidence that we didn't even know existed like the transcripts that these jokers, the 12 fake electors created of their event. There was so proud to participate in the conspiracy to overthrow democracy that they actually recorded it. And I didn't know about that until he filed his paper, said, keep filing. They're not going to help your case. You're not going to get your indictment dismissed by judge McAfee. You're not going to get your counts dismissed. You're not going to get the fake collector issues dismissed. You're not going to be able to act like, you know, standing up in your opening statement to the jury. Why am I here? I don't even know.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I don't know these people. I just wandered in from across the street. So all my name on the door, figured I'd stop in. See what was happening. This is not going to work. You were one of the architects of the fake electric scheme and how it was implemented. You, John Eastman, this guy, Ray Smith, involved, right? Jim Tupis, another lawyer you'll hear about as the case progresses for Sponty, Willis and Jack Smith. Along with Sidney Powell, you know, the crack pot, the team crazy law firm of of Powell, Giuliani, Ellis, Eastman, Chess, bro, what a law firm. A law firm that all got indicted.
Starting point is 00:14:51 I mean, that's the little secret, dirty secret of the indictment. How many people that were or are members of a bar, a bar, a lawyer practicing license lawyer have been indicted by funny willis. We don't talk about it that much because some of them have lost their license already, but but all of these people either have had or may have a bar license at one time or another. And they were all lawyers in some capacity for Donald Trump. Juliani, capacity for Donald Trump, Giuliani, Psydny Powell, John Eastman, Jeff Clark, Ken Chesbro, Ray Smith, and then Lisk goes on. These are like practicing lawyers, but this is what happens when you cross the line, ethically
Starting point is 00:15:36 and professionally, and become a defendant and a client, if you will, for other criminal lawyers on behalf of your client. Never do that. I'm going to continue to follow the filings of Ken Chesbro, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, and the others. And everything else as I sit and occupy that really valuable real estate on Midas Touch Network at the corner of law and politics. I do it here on how it takes just like this one. If you like this one,
Starting point is 00:16:06 give me a thumbs up helps with the ratings. Then we curate the best of these topics and stories during the week. And we do a podcast only exclusively on the Midas Touch Network. We call it legal AF. You figure it out. We do it on Wednesdays with me and Karen Friedman at the follow former prosecutor on Saturdays with me and Ben Myselis co-founder of the Midas Touch Network. And then we put it everywhere you get your podcasts from. If you like what I'm doing, you can follow me on all things social media at MSPOPOC until the next hot take and the next episode of legal a f this is Michael popuck. Hey mitis mighty love this report continue the conversation by following us on instagram
Starting point is 00:16:50 at mitistouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for follow us now. you

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