Episode Date: June 19, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF explores the unholy alliance between the PGA Tour, the Saudi Government, and Donald Trump, that is being investigated both by the Senate and Jack Smith’s Special Counsel Of...fice. Head to and sign up for a subscription using code LEGALAF at checkout, to automatically get 30% off your first order and FREE SHIPPING! SUPPORT THE SHOW: Shop LEGAL AF Merch at: Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Michael Popok legal AF, it is time to connect the dots explode and then reassemble issues related to the PGA tour. It's a holy future alliance with the Saudi Arabian government, the crown prince through his private investment fund, the PIF, the merger between the PGA tour, live golf, holy owned by the crown prince and his family through the PIF, the takeover, if you will, by the Saudi government of an institution that used to be beloved by the American people. What's the Senate doing about it? What's the Department of Justice doing about it, both from an antitrust and from a Jack Smith special counsel, what is Donald Trump's benefit in all of this? How is he being benefited?
Starting point is 00:00:48 And how does that link back to all of the criminal investigations of Donald Trump? I'm going to do it here on this hot take. Here we go. Let's start with who's who? Because it's a little bit confusing, even though you hear the names over and over again. When I say the PGA tour, I'm not talking about the PGA golf championship, or the masters or the US open or the open in Britain. I'm talking about a tour, actually, over a dozen tours that's run by an entity called the PGA tour that doesn't run the big
Starting point is 00:01:20 four golf championships, including the one going on today, the US open, but runs every other golf tournament that you hear about around the world on a weekly basis, that PGA tour. And they also run the players championship, the FedEx Cup, the president's cup, and again, more than 50 other tournaments around the country. Founded in 1916, a US institution. They're about to get into an unholy alliance creating a joint venture with the Saudi Arabian government's private investment fund, the PIF. PIF, who's chaired by Yasser Al-Ramayan. You're going to hear a lot about Yasser Al-Ramayan, because he's going to be the
Starting point is 00:02:05 chairman of the new combined joint venture between the US's PGA tour and the Saudi Arabian governments, PIF and their live LIV renegade breakaway golf tournament and golf tour that took with them 30 or 40 pro golfers by paying them hundreds of millions of dollars to leave the PGA tour and go start a rival tour. These players, let's face it, Patsys, Money Hungry, hadn't made enough on the PGA tour, wanted to do 10 times or 100 times what they've made on the PGA tour. A perfect example of textbook sports washing by the Saudi government. What are they washing?
Starting point is 00:02:48 They're washing their hands at the blood of having supported the 9-11 hijackers. That's already been established by various committees of the US government. That's clear in everybody's mind, except for the former president, Donald Trump. We'll talk about that next. Who because he's going to line his pockets as a host of several of the future tournaments of the combined live and PGA tour. Let's say in 2024, at one of several of his golf courses, two of which are part of the criminal indictment and investigation by Jackson Smith, Bedminster, right? And Daryl in Miami, both of those.
Starting point is 00:03:26 They're looking into that relationship. The sports washing is that 9-11 high jackers were supported by the Saudi government to do their attacks on 9-11 on the Pentagon and at the World Trade Center, which led to over 4,000 people, 4,000 mostly Americans, but not only Americans, dying on that day after Pearl Harbor, the most heinous attack in US history. Saudi government backed it. Saudi government also has blood on their hands that they need to sports wash away
Starting point is 00:04:00 by investing in soccer clubs and trying to get people like messy and others to go play for them because they want people to forget that the Crown Prince gave the order to kill and dismember a US citizen Washington Post reporter Jamal Kashoggi just several years ago. CIA and other major intelligence community members for the United States and abroad have concluded that the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who also controls the private investment fund that's making the investment in the joint venture between the PGA tour and Saudi Arabia, was responsible for that. That is what sports, sports washing means. Donald Trump, when he was candidate Trump,
Starting point is 00:04:48 made statements indicating that he knew that the Saudi government was behind the attacks on 9-11. In fact, in a recent quote, in a quote, or maybe not that, not that reason, but in, in 2016, he is quoted when he was Canada Trump again as saying that everybody knows that the Saudi government was behind it. Let's look at those documents and those relationships. He was doing that to try to attack the Clintons in Hillary Clinton, but that was the statement he made. But then just recently, after a number of his failing golf courses were propped up and money put in his pocket because they were selected to be part of the the live golf tour by the Saudis. After the PGA tour and all of the golf courses associated with it, close their doors to the
Starting point is 00:05:39 Saudis who stepped forward and said, I've got some empty failing golf courses that could use a glamorous tournament sponsored by the Saudi Arabians who attacked America. That was Donald Trump. And then he's quoted and will run that video now. That clip, when he was interviewed recently, he said this. You're so closely associated with the city of New York. You of all people understand the passions surrounding 9-11. What do you say to those family members who protested earlier this week and we'll be doing so again on Friday?
Starting point is 00:06:11 Well nobody's gotten to the bottom of 9-11, unfortunately, they should have, as to the maniacs that did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to the world. So nobody's really been there, but I can tell you that there are a lot of really great people that are out here today, and we're going to have a lot of fun, and we're going to celebrate, and money's going to charity, a lot of money's going to charity,
Starting point is 00:06:33 and you have really the best players in the world, many of the best players in the world, and soon you'll probably have all of them. Right, when there's money at stake that's going to line his pocket, he will sell out American values and patriotism and his role as a former president of the United States because he wants to make money. You heard it. There's no other way to spin it. You got the quote from 2016 for Donald Trump, right? Where he said, let's get to the bottom of it. Everybody knows the Saudis did it. And then when they prop up his failing golf courses the Saudis, then it's, there are friends. I have a lot of friends that are Saudis.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Saudis invest in a lot of American companies. We haven't really gotten to the bottom of who's responsible for 9-11. This man is a embarrassment. Should never get anywhere close to our national security and defense information and top secrets ever again, should never, he should be completely disqualified from ever serving as the leader of the free world, as the president of the United States and its statements, just like that one that proved that he's unfit for office.
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Starting point is 00:09:55 So surprising that even the players on the PGA tour, even those that are on its governing body didn't know about the deal until a week later. Nothing smells the farious back room, smoke filled deal making, like leaving out the players from that decision making. And now suddenly the PGA head, Jay Manahan, he's taken a mysterious leave of absence, right? Suddenly needs to get closer to his friends, you know, his family, and because he's allegedly ill. So he's, he's disappeared. And now you're left with the Senate permanent investigation committee led by Senator Blumenthal Connecticut, who says as of today, they're going to be using
Starting point is 00:10:36 their subpoena power to get to the bottom of it. And the quote that Bl bathal said, which we're going to put up on the board, I think sums it up. And you know, the way that we tie all this together to the national security interests is as follows. Let's put the quote up on the board. Basically, what he's saying there, as you can see, is that there is a risk to the American security, a great risk to American security, in a repressive regime, having this kind of influence over a central,
Starting point is 00:11:16 an iconic cherished institution of America that being the PGA tour. Can you imagine now all of these double agents for Saudi Arabia who are allegedly part of the private investment fund, but are also part of the CIA version for Saudi Arabia now having carte blanche to come to America whenever they like set up shop in golf tournaments and surveil the American people and surveil our national security.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Talk about a Trojan horse. Trojan horse, the form of a giant golf tournament coming to your town soon. And hopefully your military bases, installations and secrets are safe from that. And that's what Blumenthal is gonna get to the bottom of. Trump has no problem with it. As long as this grift puts money in his pocket
Starting point is 00:12:03 and his family's pocket, he's got no problem with it. As long as this grift puts money in his pocket and his family's pocket, he's got no problem with it whatsoever. He's never met a national security risk that couldn't be overcome by lining his pockets with American or foreign money in this case. So that's where we are. The Department of Justice really has this in two ways. Jack Smith, earlier in May, we learned, has also subpoenaed the Trump organization to get all of its records about the relationship between Donald Trump Trump organization and the Saudi Arabian government and the private investment fund about Liv Gough. Not because it's an independent investigation, because he's going to link link this Jack Smith ultimately
Starting point is 00:12:46 to the documents that were withheld at Mar-a-Lago in Hidden Secreated by Donald Trump refused to be turned over to see if he was in a transactional way trying to hold those documents to give him leverage in his negotiations with his business partner, the Saudi Arabian government, about live. Wouldn't that be handy if he just happened to have a nice piece of paper
Starting point is 00:13:10 in one of those beautiful mind crazy boxes of his overflowing with documents and just pulled one out and said, well, you know, maybe you want to increase your offer a bit or I'll let this secret be revealed. Does anybody watching this hot tick think that that's not possible? So, Jack Smith's looking at it there, and tying live golf, Donald Trump, Saudi Arabians, the private investment fund, all together in the continuing criminal investigation of Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:13:38 While in the other part of the house at the Department of Justice, It's anti-trust division, which does exactly what you think it does, making sure that the PGA, actually, they were focused on whether the PGA tour had committed criminal and civil violations of anti-trust law because they were trying to crush their rival live and not letting them live how ironic, given the Saudi Arabian sport washing angle here on the hot tech, try to crush their competitor, which you're not supposed to do when there really is no competition in the world of golf and running tournaments. When you have one entity called the PGA Tour, which as I said at the top of the hot tech is running 50 or more tournaments, when a rival upstart says,
Starting point is 00:14:25 hey, I'm gonna do a few tournaments and all the PGA does is like crush them by trying to penalize any players that would go over to arrive a leak, putting aside the sports watching problem and the problem of the unholy alliance between PGA tour and the Saudis, right? There's also an underlying antitrust problem, right? Isn't this complicated? Isn't this strange bedfellows that the Department of Justice, one side of the House is investigating whether the PGA did something wrong in trying to crush
Starting point is 00:14:56 its rival, even though the rival is owned by the Saudi government, which has blood on its hands for attacking America. That's our justice system, ladies and gentlemen. You know, we don't turn a blind eye just because we find something unsavory, right? We're not prosecuting Donald Trump because he's the political rival of Joe Biden. We're prosecuting Donald Trump because he's alleged to have committed a lot of crimes.
Starting point is 00:15:20 And those that say, give him a pass. I like the guy. He's my guy. He's my president. That's not our justice system. That's not our jurisprudence. And you wouldn't want it to go the other way, right? The Democrats didn't say, we like Clinton. We did. We like Clinton.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Who cares what he did in the White House with Monica Lewinsky? Who cares what he did between the Clinton foundation with his wife and and an access to the Secretary of State. We like him. Let's let's not look at those crimes. Let's move on. Is there something better to do?
Starting point is 00:15:54 Can you imagine if the Democrats did that? But so yes, it's weird. The Department of Justice is anti-trust division is looking at, you know, going after the PGA and I don't think it's over, right? You just because they're about to merge, I think there was already a potential violation of criminal and civil antitrust laws, and the Department of Justice has not closed its file yet. That side of the Department of Justice, while main justice, or the special counsel's office,
Starting point is 00:16:22 led by Jack Smith, is looking at the relationship on savory relationship, criminal potential relationship between the Saudi government, its private investment fund, and the moral agro documents, and other things. So look, for those that follow us globally, and for those that are finding our justice system on these hot takes and through legal AF our podcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays, also only on the Midas Touch network. If you find it like a little bit matting about, well, how can you go after PGA tour and also the Saudi government?
Starting point is 00:16:59 And because we try to enforce the laws, we are a society that's supposed to be based on laws not men. And so sometimes that puts you in a weird place as the Department of Justice, as our nation's highest law enforcement and legal officers to not turn a blind eye, regardless of power. And regardless of where it takes you, if, if the PGA tour violated the antitrust law, they should be, there should be a suit against them and or they should be prosecuted. Just because we also don't like the Saudi Arabian government because of all the people that they killed American citizens and otherwise, that doesn't mean the PGA tour gets a pass for trying to crush a rival sports league even one that was owned by the Saudis. So we're going to follow these
Starting point is 00:17:52 complicated data points on this kind of hot take that I do about every day where I sit at the intersection of law and politics and tie it all together for you. We then curate sort of the top versions of those stories during the week on a podcast that I co-anchored and co-founded called Legal AF, also on the Midas Touch Network on Wednesdays and Saturdays you can watch it on the YouTube channel from Midas Touch or you can get it anywhere
Starting point is 00:18:20 that you pull your podcast from. And if you like what I'm doing, give me a thumbs up here. It helps bring more of these hot takes to you. It helps improve the hot takes and the quantity and the quality of them. I read your comments, which again, it's part of the quality control system that we use it might as a touch.
Starting point is 00:18:37 And then you can also follow me on all things social media at MSPOPOC. This is Michael Popoc, LegalAF reporting. Hey, Midas Mide. Love this report? Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. At Midas Touch to keep up with the most important news of the day.
Starting point is 00:18:53 What are you waiting for? Follow us now. you

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