Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION in ANOTHER State SURGES Into Spotlight

Episode Date: July 14, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on new developments in Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes criminal investigation of Trump for Arizona election fraud and interference, as she joins forces with Fulto...n County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis and Jack Smith’s Special Counsel team. Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to SUPPORT THE SHOW: Shop LEGAL AF Merch at: Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Michael Popock, legal AF breaking news, the Arizona attorney general, Chris Mays, who used to be a Republican, but became a Democrat in 2019 is cleaning up the house, then getting affairs in order in Arizona. And she's going after Donald Trump and her own investigation as to his efforts, along with Rudy Giuliani, two dozen other people and the fake electors and the chair people and a party leadership of the GOP in Arizona. She's going after them all for voter fraud to support the integrity of the vote in Arizona. She feels as the attorney general, the top cop top prosecutor for the state that she has
Starting point is 00:00:40 no choice but to do this. We heard about that she was going to start these efforts back in March, but frankly, it went silent as we watched Jack Smith and the Department of Justice sort of get out of the shoot first and interview more than two dozen Arizonians, including the fake electors and others. Rusty Bowers, the former Speaker of the House of Arizona, about phone calls that Donald Trump made with or without Rudy Giuliani to interfere with the vote, the fake elector scheme,
Starting point is 00:01:11 which was put together along with six other battleground states in order to throw a monkey wrench into democracy. This is the focus of Chris Mays and the Arizona Attorney General's office. of Christmas and the Arizona Attorney General's office. Some people might be thinking, well, aren't the feds taking care of this? Well, they are. And in fact, a number of attorney generals in the same position as Christmas, as in let's say Michigan, New Mexico, Wisconsin,
Starting point is 00:01:39 those attorney generals made their referrals to the Department of Justice and to Merrick Garland back in January of 2022, right on the heels of the Jan 6th committee, arguing to the ref, as referral parties that the federal government was in the best position in, to investigate these crimes. And that led to Merrick Garland ultimately appointing Jack Smith. But Arizona has its own special brew of problems when it comes to attorney general's and elections. And I assume that's the giant broom that Chris Maze is trying to wield here to clean
Starting point is 00:02:17 up the mess that is Arizona. What am I talking about? The predecessor at the attorney general position in Arizona is Mark Brunovic. Mark Brunovic wanted to be the senator, the federal senator from the great state of Arizona, but he lost. But before he did, and when he was in this twilight lame duck period where he was leaving the attorney general office and running for the Senate, he had his office investigate allegations of voter fraud being made primarily by Donald Trump and his henchman.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And just as Donald Trump learned from two separate independent consultancies that he hired that there was no voter fraud in Arizona or any place else, there were no dead people voting. There were no people voting out of district and huge numbers to overturn the election. Mark Braunovich and his people found the same thing, but the difference was he didn't like the results. So he buried the report. Not only did he bury the report and not tell the citizens of the state of Arizona that their election system was secure and safe and fair. He issued an interim report on his way out that indicated
Starting point is 00:03:27 that he had grave doubts about the election system, right, and the integrity of it and that there was fraud that he needed to get to the bottom of it. Didn't have time because he was no longer the attorney general. Okay, exit stage left, Braunovich, enter stage right. Chris Mays, former Republican now, Democratic Attorney General, who took a look at all the reports and said, hey, you know what he didn't do? You know what my predecessor didn't do? He didn't release the September findings in which there was no voter fraud. So she's clean in house. So she had no choice in her view, but to do something slightly differently from all the other attorney generals and not
Starting point is 00:04:05 completely defer to Jack Smith and the Department of Justice. Instead, she believes, and I agree with her, that she's got to conduct her own investigation in order for our zonians to have confidence and security in their voting process, and that this never to quote her to quote attorney general maze that this never happen again, that there never be another Trump trying to interfere with the election results in Arizona for something so sacred as our presidential election and the transfer of power. And I applaud her for that.
Starting point is 00:04:40 So what is she going to do? How does she get a catch up? Well, she's already started her fact discovery and document and witness discovery phase. She's subpoenaed people, she's met with people, she's met with the fake electors, she's met with certain aspects of the Republican party in Arizona, and she's collecting up documents. She's also reached out according to reporting
Starting point is 00:05:02 that's very trustworthy because she frequently gives interviews to the guardian. And so the guardian is reporting that she's made contact, her office, the Attorney General's office has made contact with the Department of Justice and Fawni Willis in Fulton County, Georgia, who's about to indict Donald Trump down in Georgia, right? The double went down to Georgia.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Well, Trump may not get out of Georgia. If this indictment goes the way we think it's going to go at the end of July or August, we've all heard the famous lie. Try it for you for 30 days. Yeah, well, that's just enough time to try it. And then completely forget about it. In fact, over 80% of people have subscriptions
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Starting point is 00:06:48 Over 3 million people have used rocket money, saving the average person up to $720 a year. Stop throwing your money away, cancel unwanted subscriptions, and manage your expenses the easy way by going to slash legalaif. That's slash legal a F that's rocket slash legal a F. But to kind of catch up and get her learning curve up and running, right? Chris Mays has made contact with Fony Willis's prosecutors to see if they'll share information with her about our zoning and things because as we reported, both on hot takes like this one on the mightest Dutch network and on legal AF, the long format podcast at the intersection of long politics.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Fannie Willis expanded her investigation to go be on Atlanta and Georgia into the other battleground states because she rightly saw this as a conspiracy to not steal one state's electoral vote, but five to seven states in order for Donald Trump to declare himself, the victor, right? Waiting Georgia didn't matter. He had to win Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, run the table. Never gonna happen, but he tried it. And so she has Georgia, and she has Arizona information in Georgia, funny well as so. We don't know yet the level of cooperation. That's really private, you know, private phone calls and messaging between attorney generals, local prosecutors, federal prosecutors, but suffice it to stay that there's nothing
Starting point is 00:08:13 that can stop Chris May as the attorney general. Even if the Arizona state or Senate, they're also now controlled by the Democrats. The Democrats basically swept into power in Arizona on the heels of these phony, maga, right wing, carry, lake, worshiping, you know, Republicans. They got all the major seats. They got all the major leadership positions because they ran on a ballot or on a platform of voter integrity. Never again, we'll never forget Jan 6th and they all got elected, which is great, great for democracy. And now you've got a, an adult in place, you know, Chris Mays, and she's going to go after Donald Trump in a way that's unique to attorney general.
Starting point is 00:08:58 She's got our own powers of investigation that are unique, right? It could be a criminal case. Not every attorney general has criminal powers, but Arizona's does. And so this could be a criminal case. This could be a civil case. And this is all going to run in parallel with the Fonti-Willis Fulton County investigation, which is seeding the grand jury,
Starting point is 00:09:18 has sat the grand jury. 26 Fultonians in Georgia are going to be hearing evidence starting on Tuesday against Donald Trump presided over by the Fulton County Superior Court judge and led by Fony Willis and her team of prosecutors, including her civil conspiracy expert prosecutor is going to be by her side in the presentation of the evidence. That's going on there. Jack Smith already, you know, got
Starting point is 00:09:45 the taste for blood already, having successfully indicted Donald, indicted Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago matters is going after him and now is going after him now for the Jan 6 interference things which brings us full circle to Arizona and Georgia. We expect those indictments to come, well, I really thought it would be this week. Certainly in the next 30 days, I think we're going to see Jack Smith jump over Fannie Willis and bring his indictments on these very same topics, but that's not going to stop a attorney general at all. She doesn't have to tip her hat or defer to the federal prosecutor. She can do her own thing in parallel. And if people want to take the Fifth Amendment because they're in the crosshairs
Starting point is 00:10:26 of a criminal investigation at a Georgia or out of Washington, DC in the Special Counsel's office, that's on them. But Chris Mays is gonna go forward in Arizona as the top cop there. We're gonna follow it. And I'm gonna follow it on hot takes just like this one. About every day, only on the Midas Touch Network.
Starting point is 00:10:49 You can catch me on legal AF, a legal and political podcast. I co-founded and co anchored also on, will you guess that the Midas Touch Network? It's all free. You can subscribe for free. You can get our hot takes just like this one about every hour. You just have to subscribe and set your notifications. And then we drop the audio everywhere you can get a podcast Literally you name it we're on it from Spotify to Apple pod and every in Google everything in between I think we even on iHeartRadio
Starting point is 00:11:16 I've been told so follow us there as well and hit plus and follow leave a review It helps with the algorithm helps the the content, the quality and the quantity of what we're sending on this network out to you, right? And if you like what I'm doing, I'm Michael Popok, you can follow me on all things social media and now on Threads at MS Popok. This is Michael Popok, legal AF reporting. Hey, Midas, Mighty, love this report?
Starting point is 00:11:43 Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch to keep up with the most important news of the day. Liga lay up reporting.

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