Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump FREAKS OUT after Election Plan COMPLETELY BACKFIRES

Episode Date: August 23, 2024

We have another Presidential Candidate for Sale, and this one is not named Trump. Michael Popok reports on Robert F Kennedy Jr —fresh off the bad press of killing a bear cub— trying to cash in his... limited chips and Endorse Trump in direct exchange for a Trump cabinet position, after being rejected by VP Kamala Harris for the same offer. Get 20% off when you go to and use code LEGALAF at checkout! Visit for more! Join the Legal AF Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popak, Legal AF. We got a presidential candidate for sale, presidential candidate for sale. And it's not named Donald Trump. It's named Robert F. Kennedy Jr., RFK Jr. He doesn't know whether he's coming or going, and he's been on some sort of bender or some sort of a hangover since the killing a bear cub
Starting point is 00:00:20 and leaving it in Central Park story came out. This is on the heels of the brain worm story coming out. And now we hear that he's like a human weathervane. He'll sell himself to the highest bidder. I thought Donald Trump was transactional. RFK Jr. is worse, if that's possible. Two weeks ago, we reported, and the New York Times also reported
Starting point is 00:00:39 that RFK Jr. reached out through intermediary Sakamala Harris and offered his services in return for a cabinet position. He dropped out of the race and his five or seven percent, whatever that number is, I think it's much lower than that. I think it's probably more like two or three percent of the general electorate, but he would drop out and he would endorse Kamala Harris and all of her policies and her administration and her presidency. Well, she want nothing to do with the brain worm eating, bear cup killing RFK Jr. Anti-vaxxer, I could continue.
Starting point is 00:01:16 So now we've got new reporting, and we knew this was coming, that RFK Jr. has reached out and had direct contact with the Trump people and the Trump campaign and Donald Trump himself offering his services in return for endorsing Donald Trump trying to take all of his 2 or 3 percent or whatever that number finally is and try to convert it over to Trump votes in return for, wait for it, a cabinet position or something that doesn't require congressional confirmation or Senate
Starting point is 00:01:45 confirmation, which is probably a smart move given the state of affairs as of right now. So now let me try to piece all this together so we can keep this running continuum of the, we have a word for this in politics and law, it's called mishegas. You can look it up. It's a Yiddish word for craziness. The craziness around RFK Jr. Again, I thought the craziest story I was gonna hear is that he accidentally killed a beer cub and then left it in Central Park as a joke. Okay, this is what this guy finds funny.
Starting point is 00:02:18 What I find funny is that this guy's values are non-existent. His moral compass is cracked and he's just selling himself to the highest bidder. I mean, he's got some sort of, saying she's a vice presidential candidate is like saying, I don't even know what this is the equivalency of, but she is, I guess, Nicole Shanahan picked by RFK Jr. for the fantasy presidency that he will never accomplish, the president that will never be. Nicole Shanahan on a recent podcast said that they are now seriously considering, I guess now that they've been burnt and ignored and jilted by Kamala Harris,
Starting point is 00:02:55 they're now considering throwing their votes to Donald Trump because they don't want to have, in her words, it would be a nightmare to have Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win. That's not the country she wants to live in. She'd rather live in the world of Donald Trump, JD Vance, and Peter Thiel, the Silicon Valley billionaire which she mentioned by name, rather than Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and then she mentioned Reid Hoffman who runs LinkedIn as if these billionaire tech giants are controlling American policy. How do I know all this? Because she went on a recent right-wing podcast
Starting point is 00:03:29 and let's play a clip from that. Here's Nicole Shanahan. But I will say that if we are splitting hairs, I would much rather, I mean, obviously, I'd much rather see Bobby and I in the White House. I think we'd do a much better cleaner, transparent, less corrupt job around all of these things. But if we're splitting hairs,
Starting point is 00:03:49 I would say that I trust the future of this country more under the leadership of the Trump and the Theos and the JD Vances than I do right now of the Harris's and Reid Hoffman's. Okay, just two weeks ago, he said everything was hunky dory and fine with the Kamala Harris and Tim Wall's campaign because he was willing to join them and join their cabinet.
Starting point is 00:04:15 Now it's apocalyptic if they win. I mean, do they not believe that videos and audio recorders exist and that we'll be able to get our hands on them or that we can keep in our minds the continuity of thought related to some of these things and the illogic of it? This just doesn't track. Now about you might have remembered and if not, I'll bring it up right here and tie these knots together.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Sorry, tie myself up at knots. Connect these dots together. That's what I was trying to say. In a secret phone call recorded, we had a copy of it, we ran it on the Midas Touch Network, right after Butler, Pennsylvania, whatever that thing happened to Donald Trump there, all I know is he's walking around. I've seen more aftercare related to a ear piercing gone awry, then whatever happened to his ear in Butler, Pennsylvania, I still claim it had to be some sort of concussive event,
Starting point is 00:05:10 some sort of PTSD, because his first thought, his first rational thought after whatever happened in Butler happened was for Donald Trump to pick JD Vance as his vice president. How's that going? How's that going for you? Talk about a drowning
Starting point is 00:05:25 man being thrown an anchor instead of a life preserver. Wow. With this summer heat whoa I've been craving all sorts of cold treats ice cream popsicles lemonade you name it but I found something even better that satisfies my sweet tooth and keeps me hydrated liquid IV. Liquid IV has these amazing summer flavors like Popsicle Firecracker and Rainbow Sherbet that are just perfect for beating the heat. And the best part, it's not just a treat, it's extraordinary hydration
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Starting point is 00:07:02 and nutrients. Indulge in hydration this summer with Liquid IV. Get 20% off your first order of Liquid IV when you go to and use code LEGALAF at checkout. That's 20% off your first order when you shop better hydration today using promo code LEGALAF at So right after Butler, Pennsylvania, and if you guys remember that was just the day before so that the convention was starting in Milwaukee for the Republican National Committee,
Starting point is 00:07:34 there was a phone call between RFK Jr. and Trump. Now, remember he's already now been jilted or refused or rejected, jilted is the wrong word, rejected by Kamala Harris. And now he's rushing, because he's trying to leverage his one, two, three, 5%, whatever that number ends up being. And at this rate, it's gonna be south of 2%.
Starting point is 00:07:55 He's trying to leverage it any way he can in order to, because his ship's about to sink, he's got to find some place to go to continue my maritime nautical references. And so he's trying to find if he can get himself into the Trump administration. His big, before he became this, this weirdo election denier, anti-vaxxer of the first order, he was a reasonably successful environmental lawyer. I assume he wants to be this, this, this is a God forbid he wants to be in charge of
Starting point is 00:08:26 things related to children's health as an anti-vaxxer talks a lot about children's health and how he's so concerned about it or and or environment like he wants to be maybe like deputy environmental protection agency head I don't know but there was a secret phone call. We have a clip for it right here. Let's play that. a vaccination that is like 38 different vaccines. And it looks like it's meant for a horse, not a 10 pound or 20 pound baby. It looks like you should be giving a horse this. And do you ever see the size of it, right?
Starting point is 00:09:16 You know, it's massive. And then you see the baby all of a sudden starting to change radically. I've seen it too many times. And then you hear that it doesn't have an impact, right? But you and I talked about that a long time ago. And anyway, I would love you to just start, and I think it would be so good for you,
Starting point is 00:09:36 and so big for you. And we're gonna win. We're gonna win. We're way ahead of the guy. And you know, he said to us, it was very nice actually, he called me. And he said, how did you choose to move to the right? So I guess people said, you know, if I was looking straight up, right?
Starting point is 00:09:56 He said, I was just showing a chart. I didn't have to tell him the chart was on all the people pouring into our country. But, uh, would just turn my head to show the joy and something wrapped me it felt like a giant like the world's largest mosquito and uh it was it was the bullet going around you know what did they call that an ar-15 or something that was a big gun those are pretty pretty tough guns? So this is all within the last two or three weeks. Tried for Kamala, tried to leverage as a transaction his two or three percent, whatever cloudy things he has, to try to trade it in now, right? Cash in his chips now to try to leverage
Starting point is 00:10:40 himself into a some sort of cabinet or cabinet-like role in the Harris administration. Failing that, he then, through his vice president candidate, Nicole Shanahan, who's out, you never heard of her before either, out in California, she then crapped on the Harris Walls campaign and said, that's apocalyptic and I can't go there and I gotta stay with Trump and I got to stay with Trump.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Trump's better for America than these two. That's odd because your guy, not you, because you were VP, but your guy was trying to get a job for himself in that administration. Then you have Butler, Pennsylvania. And then Donald Trump calls him in his wacky, deranged, destabilized state. And these two start talking and vibrating off each other. And there there's some discussion about, again, I'll give you all my votes in return for I'll give you an endorsement and all my votes and you give me a position in
Starting point is 00:11:36 your administration. Candidate for sale named RFK Jr. all over again. And we've got the receipts. We've got Nicole Shanahan on the podcast, we got the secret recording, we got the reporting by the New York Times and Washington Post about the overtures by RFK Jr. to Kamala Harris. And then again, he's circling the drain and so is his campaign. He's not getting any new dollars. He's not going to be debating. He's not going to be allowed on the stage. And people thought, oh, he'll end up with numbers that are rival like Ross Perot, who is our most successful third party candidate, even after John Anderson. He's not going to come close to Ross Perot.
Starting point is 00:12:14 He's not going to come close to eight, nine, 10%. He's going to be like one, one and a half, maybe two. Because people don't want to waste their vote in order to empower a third-party candidate or a third-party party to get the threshold five percent so that they can get federal funding. And nobody nobody thinks of it that way. They're voting with their purse, their pocketbook, and for women they're voting with their bodies and not wanting to be second-class citizens ever again in this country. We're beyond vaccines for COVID, RFK Jr. We're beyond that, right?
Starting point is 00:12:50 We're, you know, that's not our concerns. That's not in the top five of voter concerns. I don't think anybody at this moment is gonna waste their vote for some sort of symbolic, you know, pat on the back for a third party candidate. It's not gonna happen. People are going to, when it comes time to actually vote
Starting point is 00:13:12 in early voting, which starts in September in most states, mail-in voting, same thing. Donald Trump, look, Donald Trump already early voted or mailed in voted in Palm Beach County. We've seen pictures of that. Well, once people start voting, actually voting, right? Pulling the lever, the digital or otherwise lever, licking the stamp, mailing in the ballot
Starting point is 00:13:33 and votes get counted, people aren't gonna throw it away on RFK Jr. and all of his conspiracy theories. I mean, all of the other matriarchs and patriarchs of the Kennedy family are spinning in their grave like a rotisserie chicken on RFK Jr. His entire family, including our ambassador to Australia, Caroline Kennedy, his niece, and niece or cousin, oh, cousin, sorry, cousin, and the rest of the family have all shunned RFK Jr. The only one that hasn't shunned him apparently
Starting point is 00:14:06 is his wife who played Larry David's wife on Curb Your Enthusiasm. That's the only thing she got going for. That's the only thing he has got going for him. The rest of it is I killed a bear cub and I left it in Central Park because I thought it'd be funny. I got a brain worm.
Starting point is 00:14:23 These are the credentials for somebody that people are gonna vote vote for? Come on. We're going to continue to follow the strange and curious case of RFK Jr., the human weather vane. One place, Midas Touch Network and you know it, Legal AF. We sit at the corner of law and politics, so you don't have to. We observe all of these strange things. Now you know why we named it Legal AF. And if you don't, now you know. Join us on Wednesdays, Saturdays, 8 p.m. Eastern time. Like to watch your YouTube podcast being recorded? Join us then and you can join our live chat.
Starting point is 00:14:56 If you like to listen to podcasts, just plug in Legal AF wherever you get podcasts from. If you like what I'm doing, I'm Michael Popak. Leave me a comment. Leave me a thumbs up. It helps with the ratings, keeps us on the air. We're a free subscription model. That's the way this works. We're just growing our network to hit 3 million, 3 million with an M before I think right now, Labor Day at the rate we're going. I'd love it to happen during one of my hot takes. That would be phenomenal and I would have to bring it up with the brothers. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF,
Starting point is 00:15:27 this is Michael Popak reporting. Heary, heary, Legal AF Law Breakdown is now in session. Go beyond the headlines and get a deep dive into the important legal concepts you need to know and we discuss every day on Legal AF. Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, all for the price of a couple of cups of coffee. Join us at slash Legal AF.
Starting point is 00:15:50 That's slash Legal AF.

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