Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump INCRIMINATES himself live on stage as defense FALLS APART

Episode Date: June 27, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF tears apart brick by brick each of Trump’s current lies and made up “defenses” told to his supporters about the federal investigations and indictments against him, incl...uding that Joe Biden ordered that he be jailed because he’s a political opponent. Head to and sign up for a subscription using code LEGALAF at checkout, and automatically get 30% off your first order and FREE SHIPPING! SUPPORT THE SHOW: Shop LEGAL AF Merch at: Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popok, legal AF. It's time for me to respond to Donald Trump's constant refrain that he is a victim, that he's taking the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune because he's been improperly arrested and indicted and that Joe Biden is responsible for it. And that he ultimately, Donald Trump has a defense under the presidential records act. None of that is true. All of that gets said on a frequent basis by Donald Trump in every rally speech campaign stop that he makes.
Starting point is 00:00:36 They're all lies. None of it will work in a court of law because none of it is true. And let me unpack it for you here. Let's start with the lie that he made yesterday, which is the Joe Biden ordered his Donald Trumps as a political opponent of Joe Biden to be arrested. That's not how that works. The Department of Justice, in fact, which is a under the auspices of the executive branch of the government. So yes, ultimately Merrick Garland reports to Joe Biden as his boss. However, Merrick Garland is not
Starting point is 00:01:14 the one investigating Donald Trump. He appointed under the Independent or Special Counsel Act, a special counsel's name is Jack Smith. And Jack Smith is following the facts wherever they may lead. He's conducting the grand juries, along with his team of prosecutors and FBI agents. They're obtaining the indictments first at Mar-a-Lago and soon to be related to his interference with January 6th. Donald Trump's use of fake electors in order to try to cling to power and other attempts to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. So again, Donald Trump is not being prosecuted by Joe Biden. Donald Trump's not even being prosecuted by Merrick Garland who works for Joe Biden. Donald Trump is being investigated and prosecuted
Starting point is 00:02:03 by a special council who's been appointed. His name is Jack Smith. He has a team of prosecutors and they are not trying to jail a political opponent of Joe Biden. Joe Biden, the record will show and history will show has absolutely no involvement whatsoever with the investigation and prosecution of Donald Trump. None. He's not briefed on it. He doesn't have somebody shadowing the process. He doesn't get regular updates or any updates from Jack Smith or Merrick Garland.
Starting point is 00:02:38 None. This is completely hands off. It's one of the reasons you don't see Donald Trump being mentioned by Joe Biden or anybody on his team at all related to the prosecution. So let's take that off. The board, that's a lie, makes for good political theater, makes for a lot of people giving him standing ovation at his rallies, but it is a lie that Donald Trump continues to perpetuate. Second lie is that the Presidential Records Act is what he's being prosecuted under and he has defenses under it. That's a lie. He's not being prosecuted for violations of the Presidential Records Act. Let me stop right there. Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:03:19 is not being charged. Nowhere, nowhere in the 37 count indictment, is there a charge for presidential records act of violation? He is being held, he is being, he was arraigned, arrested, and he's being prosecuted, and it's going to be a trial over his unlawful, willful retention of documents that are not presidential records in that sense. They are CIA records. They are NSA national security agency records. They are Department of Defense records.
Starting point is 00:03:53 They are the energy department records related to nuclear records, nuclear information. They are secret, tap secret, classified, and national defense information. There is no Venn diagram where there is an overlap between what I just described and presidential records, none. So he keeps saying, I get to declassify.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I get to keep mine, mine, mine, like some sort of wacky looney tunes, cartoon, where he just jumps up and down and says, mine, mine, mine. That's not a defense. That's not a defense to any of the espionage act charges obstruction of just, of justice or witness tampering charges that have been brought against him. It isn't.
Starting point is 00:04:38 He does not possess, never did, doesn't now and didn't as president. A magic wand that can magically, you know, like the Lucky Charms' Elf magically change documents and the character of those documents from CIA, National Department of Defense, National Security Agency, Energy Department, classified top secret national defense information into something else, into something that's personal to him, into something that he can take as a presidential record.
Starting point is 00:05:10 And the cases that he cites, there's one is a loser case brought by a non lawyer that lost against Bill Clinton. They keep talking about the socks case for Bill Clinton. That could lead to confusion because Bill Clinton also had a cat named socks. Let's put that aside. Although the precedent of the cat named socks, socks the cat is about as persuasive as the socks case they keep referring to.
Starting point is 00:05:39 In that case, Bill Clinton, you've heard this before, but I'm gonna do it again on the hot dick, Bill Clinton kept in a sock drawer, his musings for an autobiography on audio cassettes, and Tom Fitten, a non-lawyer, right-wing, mag-a extremist that runs something called Judicial Watch, which is basically non-lawyers watching judicial proceedings and trying to who don't speak the language, right? It'd be like people doing Mandarin Watch who don't speak Mandarin, right? Mandarin Watch, let's talk today about what happened in the Chinese news.
Starting point is 00:06:21 We don't speak Mandarin, but we're going to try to tell you what we think based on mouths moving on the video. That's Tom Fitton, judicial watch, not a lawyer, never went to law school, doesn't how to try a case, doesn't how to read a case, and has been a plaintiff that's lost time and time again, including in the socks case. He tried to argue Tom Fitton that the public should get these presidential records and therefore be made public because they were presidential records and the courts that they weren't. The courts that these were personal to Bill Clinton and not everything in his world is presidential that his biography notes were his biography notes and nobody could get a hold of them. And that's the case that Donald Trump keeps referring to as the socks case, which gives him permission to magically convert documents that are at the
Starting point is 00:07:11 highest level of our national security information war maps, right? Think about George Washington taking a war map, right? For the revolutionary war and giving it to people or saying, I'm going to keep this war map for, you know, for countries we're thinking about invading because it's my personal property because I'm the first president of the United States. You wouldn't envision George Washington doing it. So you can't envision Donald Trump doing it either, even though he tells his listeners and followers that it's everything's okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 00:07:57 I was president once. Remember, I can convert things into presidential records act and make them personal property. To me, that's a lie. That's a lie. He's not being prosecuted for presidential records act. He's being prosecuted for espionage act, which is the willful retention, copying, display, dissemination, distribution of national defense, information, whether it's classified or not.
Starting point is 00:08:27 And that's it. And he's violated it. Let's stop cutting down trees to make toilet paper. It's true, humans are cutting down tens of thousands every day just to supply the American need for toilet paper. And the worst part is that when we use trees for toilet paper, it's just one use and done. It obviously can't be recycled or reused, so it just goes straight into our water system.
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Starting point is 00:10:34 The cover up of that crime is a crime as well. The obstruction. The shifting and moving of boxes back and forth between Bedminster, Mar-a-Lago, Mar-a-Lago, storage room, and Trump bedroom or personal quarters using Walt Nauda and maintenance workers. That is obstruction. And if you didn't commit a crime, then why are you moving boxes around to avoid your own lawyer, the ability to have reviewed them properly, to avoid the FBI's, the reach of their subpoena and search warrant, to avoid the FBI's, the reach of their subpoena and search warrant,
Starting point is 00:11:06 to avoid the Department of Justice. If everything was fine and there were all presidential records, you're sure not acting like they were. You're acting like there's, you're like, you're somebody that's got something to hide, and that itself creates obstruction of justice and therefore another crime. And as does destruction of evidence, as does witness tampering. And so that is why you're being indicted. Donald Trump likes to say, he said it just yesterday, that the charges against them are false and fabricated. Let's stop right there.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I don't have a full handle yet on all of the evidence that's in the other grand juries that are investigating Donald Trump just for Jackson Smith alone, which is election interference, everything that happened on Jan 6th, the fake elector scheme that was implemented to cling to power unlawfully and the grief to raising money on the backs of a lie. I don't have all the evidence. We've reported on legal AF and on hot takes like this one, dozens and dozens and dozens and I could
Starting point is 00:12:10 reel them off here of witnesses that have gone into testify, attorney clients, privileges that have been stripped away and attorneys that have had a testify against Donald Trump including this past week. But I do know what's going on in Mar-a-Lago because it's laid out in a bunch of filings in the last week by Jack Smith's office. I know by reading all of the allegations against
Starting point is 00:12:35 Donald Trump. I know the evidence that is in the indictment. All you got to do is read it. The witnesses, the tape recordings, the audio recordings, the lawyers, the Trump staffers, some named, some unnamed Walt Nauda, obviously. And the video recordings that they are mentioning in the indictment, as if they, they're writing an indictment, as if they have audio and video records of evidence because they do. I also know, based on the filings just recently by Jack Smith's office, that there's at least 84 witnesses that will testify for the federal government, 84. And that's not all. That's just the ones that they don't want, Donald Trump, to contact based on the protective order entered by the magistrate, but they dropped
Starting point is 00:13:25 a footnote and said, there's more witnesses. These aren't all the witnesses. So let me get this straight, Donald Trump. More than 84, probably 100 witnesses are including employees. You don't know the name of it. Mar-a-Lago, maintenance workers, housekeepers, people that work in the kitchen staff, land scapers, and others, the eyes and ears of Mar-a-Lago, your staffers, your West Wing people, your campaign employees, your top advisors,
Starting point is 00:13:57 your lawyers, all of them are lying and fabricating, all of them. So you're gonna, you think at a trial, you're going to be able to convince a jury that 100 people got together to fabricate independently, to fabricate and create falsehoods against you to indict you because Joe Biden is your political opponent because he is the sitting president. That's your defense. And that you're allowed under the Presidential Records Act to avoid being prosecuted under the Espionage Act
Starting point is 00:14:35 and for obstruction of witness tampering because you once sat in the Oval Office. That's your defense? Okay. That barely works. Yes, I'm sure it was ego-feeding for you to have standing ovation at your fundamentalist Christian rallies and at, you know, these soft spots that like you around the country, these self-selected places by your campaign where they know it's Ruby Red and Red Meat
Starting point is 00:15:04 Territory and you're going to get a standing ovation and acclimation. I get it. It's really exciting when people who don't know the facts applaud for you and think that you're some sort of leader or martyr for them taking the arrows for them that you're getting indicted to protect them. I get it. But that's not going to work once you walk through doors of a courthouse and you're getting indicted to protect them. I get it, but that's not gonna work
Starting point is 00:15:26 once you walk through doors of a courthouse and you're sitting at your council table on the defense side and you're being prosecuted with audio tapes, video tapes, attorneys who used to represent you coming through the door to testify for the prosecution, your aides, your, your staffers, your, your, the closest people in your inner circle when they're all testifying against you, that's not going to be a lot of fun. And you're not going to get standing ovation. Maybe there'll be a few crazies and right wing magga in the parking lot of the, of the courthouse,
Starting point is 00:16:02 wherever the courthouse is ultimately going to be for your trials, but that's it. So why are you doing it? Why are you dragging democracy through this? Why? Because he's trying to avoid going to jail. If he can get the trials kicked out beyond November, the November trial, no year from November, and he can get a Republican to
Starting point is 00:16:26 win the presidency, either him or somebody else to beat Joe Biden, PS, good luck. And they pardon him. He's out from under the federal problems a year or a half from now. But if Joe Biden wins, he'll never get pardoned ever. And for the state cases, like in New York and in Georgia, he's not getting pardoned either. Georgia's governor is an in charge of pardons. It's done by a committee that has as many Democrats
Starting point is 00:16:55 as Republicans and New York is controlled by Democrats. So you're never getting pardoned and you're going to go away to jail. And the sooner you stop lying and grifting and raising money by telling people these complete untruths, the better it is for democracy. I mean, there's a lot of thoughts out there that Joe Biden should put an end to the long national nightmare
Starting point is 00:17:18 that is Donald Trump running for office as a criminal and should give him a pardon. I'll leave that for another hot take. It's been done before in the past. But I think justice needs to be done here. We'll continue to report it on hot takes just like this one only on the Midas Touch Network. Every Wednesday and Saturday, we put together and curate the best of these
Starting point is 00:17:42 stories in real time at the intersection of law and politics. And we curate them for you. These politically charged litigation matters. We bring a T on legal AF, our podcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays. And you can follow me, Michael Popak on all things social media at MS Popak. And you give me a thumbs up here, keeps the quality and the content of what I do about every day for you, coming to you, open up a dialogue with me, mention me in a comment, I'll come back to you and we'll have a dialogue.
Starting point is 00:18:14 In the meantime, this is Michael Popoq reporting for legal AF. At Midas Touch, we are unapologetically pro-democracy and we demand justice and accountability. That's why we're spreading our message to convict 45. That's right, gear up right now We're unapologetically pro-democracy and we demand justice and accountability. That's why we're spreading our message to convict 45. That's right, gear up right now with your convict 45 tees and pins at That's
Starting point is 00:18:35 you

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