Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump LAST DITCH Scheme to BLOCK Jack Smith EXPOSED

Episode Date: May 23, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on the special prosecutor investigating trump for possible witness tampering through hiring and paying for witness’ lawyers through his Save America Political Actio...n Committee before they testify before the grand jury, also in possible criminal violation of federal election laws. Keep American farming going by signing up at RIGHT NOW and listeners of this show get FREE bacon in your first box Support the MeidasTouch Network: Add the MeidasTouch Podcast: Buy MeidasTouch Merch: Follow MeidasTouch on Twitter: Follow MeidasTouch on Facebook: Follow MeidasTouch on Instagram: Follow MeidasTouch on TikTok: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popock, legal AF. We got some breaking news on how Donald Trump pays not only his own legal bills using his save America pack, impossible violation of federal campaign laws, but also uses money to pay for witnesses who have been called before the grand jury to buy their testimony and hire them lawyers, raising the issue of of not only bias that the witnesses having their attorneys fees paid for by the Save America pack money that Donald Trump grifted by making false claims to his donors, but that also Donald Trump and people around him are trying to influence and witness tamper with the people for whom he's paying lawyers.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Let's break it all down on this hot take. It's been reported because the pack has to make federal disclosures and filings of the amount that they spend that Donald Trump on one hand has spent over 10 million dollars as of last quarter for his lawyers for all of his various criminal and civil cases against him. And the breakdown for that is $3 million to Chris Keiss, almost another million dollars to Chris Keiss' new firm,
Starting point is 00:01:18 $1.3 million to Evan Corcoran, who just quit, working for Donald Trump related to Mar-a-Lago, $1.2 million to Jim trusty who's still at present. What time is it? Still working for Donald Trump? Two million to Alina Habba. Let me stop right there. Two million dollars to Alina Habba.
Starting point is 00:01:39 On another hot take, I'll list for you all the places she has failed him, including in the E. Jean Carroll courtroom, including in court rooms in Miami, where Donald Trump and she got fined over a million dollars. She's lost every case she's ever handled for him, but she has been successful in getting two million dollars payter from the Save America pack. And others have gotten paid from the pack, including Tim Parlor Torre, who just departed two days ago. He quit because he can no longer work with Donald Trump and Boris Epstein.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Donald Trump's close advisor because he doesn't trust either of them. And he believes that Boris Epstein interfered with the Mar-a-Lago search for documents and that at Betminster. So that Tim Parletore, but that's not the current focus. The current focus right now for Jack Smith and the special prosecutor team is on the use of the special the pack money, the save America pack money to influence testimony for people that are going before the grand jury. We just listed on legal AF this past weekend, a podcast that I co-anchor Wednesdays and Saturdays only on the
Starting point is 00:02:45 Midas Touch Network, a list of eight close aides and confidence of Donald Trump, who have all been stripped of executive privilege or attorney client privilege as the case will be by a DC circuit court judge and trotted in one by one by Donald Trump. This is like Noah's Ark, two by two going into testify seven out of eight people, except for Mark Meadows so far have testified, but many of them, many of them have been gone in there being prepared by lawyers paid for by Donald Trump through his pack. You've got, of course, a focus by the special prosecutor on whether a Donald Trump is buying testimony, buying cooperation. We have an example of it out of the Jan 6th committee that Jack Smith,
Starting point is 00:03:35 of course, knows about, which is Cassidy Hutchinson. Cassidy Hutchinson, a close aide to Mark Meadows, who saw everything on Jan 6th and testified dutifully in front of the Jan 6th committee. She claims that she had a lawyer originally paid for for a bidinal trump named Stefan Pasatino Pasatano, and that he was trying to shape her testimony. I'm putting it nicely. She felt uncomfortable with his representing her, even though he had a fiduciary duty and ethical duty
Starting point is 00:04:05 to represent her and only her, regardless of who pays, the freight and she went out and got her own lawyer and cut the deal with the Jan 6th Committee and testified. 60% of US pork production comes from one company owned by China. There's a better way. I'd like to tell you about Moink, that's Moo plus Oink.. Moink delivers grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb, pastured pork and chicken, and sustainable wild-caught Alaskan salmon, straight to your door. Moink farmers farm like our great-grandparents did, and as a result, Moink meat tastes like it should,
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Starting point is 00:05:30 And listeners and viewers of this show get free bacon in your first box. It's the best bacon you'll ever taste, but it's available only for a limited time. Spelled slash legal AF. That's slash legal AF. So Jack Smith knows that this is not an isolated incident. Every time they go after another person with knowledge about what happened at Mar-a-Lago, those that are around Donald Trump, Walt Nauta, the valet, the personal assistant that works for him at Mar-a-Lago, who got caught on video moving boxes in and out of rooms at Mar-a-Lago with top secret documents
Starting point is 00:06:12 in it when he shouldn't have been doing that. His lawyer is being paid for by Donald Trump through the Save America Pack. Two other aides will Russell and Sean Harrison also at Mar-a-Lago also called to the grand jury Represented by the same law firm as Walton out of paid for by the save America pack So these are all cash Patel who got immunity from the government in order to testify against Donald Trump also represented by that law firm also also paid by the Save America Pack. And this is not falling on deaf ears for Jack Smith. He knows it. He's investigating whether the Save America Pack is being used as a, as a front to buy testimony
Starting point is 00:06:58 to witness temper. And that is another subject of another grand jury against Donald Trump. So the revelations that he spent $10 million out of, out of, um, save America pack funds and a lot of that coming since he declared that he's a candidate, meaning he's got limitations on the amount of money. He can take out of there and spend on himself. I mean, that limits $3,300 a cycle. He's gone well above that with these million dollar payments to lawyers. So that's going to be an investigation as to whether there's a criminal violation of the federal election laws by using the Save America pack after Trump has been declared
Starting point is 00:07:41 a candidate to pay for his lawyers. Okay. So you got that. Then you've got this separate issue, which is the millions of dollars paid out of the Save America pack at Donald Trump's direction to pay for testimony, to pay for lawyers, to represent people going in front of the grand jury, who would normally have facts against Donald Trump, but they're being prepped and having their testimony shaped, if you will, and the truth interfered with potentially by these lawyers.
Starting point is 00:08:11 That is a focus of the special prosecutor. We're going to continue to follow it. We'll bring you these data points, these fact points. We'll connect the dots for you based on our experience as a practicing litigator trial lawyer for the last 30 years and bring it to you in hot takes like this one, which I do about every day on the Midas Touch Network. We sit at the intersection of law and politics.
Starting point is 00:08:34 We talk about politically charged litigation matters just like this one. We do it on Wednesdays and Saturdays on a podcast that I co-founded and co-anchor called legal AF on the Midas Touch Network. If you liked this kind of video and this kind of content, give me a thumbs up, leave a comment, and then you can follow me on all things social media at MSPOPOC. I'm Michael Popoc, Legal AF reporting.
Starting point is 00:08:58 Hey, Midas, Mighty, love this report? Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram, at MidasTouch, to keep up with the most important news of the day. What are you waiting for? Follow us now.

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