Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump SCREWED and INCRIMINATED by Co-Defendant in NEW Shocking Filing

Episode Date: September 6, 2023

Ken Chesebro, the half baked constitutional scholar and indicted Georgia co-conspirator just filed a motion to dismiss that CONFIRMS and admits the criminal conspiracy to interfere with the election h...e’s been charged with! Find out how another filing has backfired against trump and his indicted legal team with Michael Popok of Legal AF. Thanks to FUM: Head to and use code LEGALAF to save 10% off when you get the journey pack today! Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: MAGA Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popeye, legal AF. Well, hats off to Ken Chesbro, one of the 19 co-conspirators in Georgia for his role in the criminal conspiracy brought by Fonnie Willis and dited by a Georgia grand jury. Hats off because if you thought he was a half-baked constitutional scholar that didn't think anything was wrong with creating the fake elect scheme, trying even though he knew it was doomed to failure and was incorrect under all of the law and trying to interfere with the Georgia election process. Well, then you're going to be thrilled by his latest filing.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Now that he's gotten a trial date that he wanted, which is October the 23rd of 2023, don't rub your eyes of your ears. That's not a typo. He asked for a speedy trial and judge McAfee and Georgia law gave it to him. He's going to trial in six weeks for his role in the criminal conspiracy. Now what did he do? He wrote at least two memos as a lawyer and those memos were used by other lawyers for Donald Trump and other non-lawyers for Donald Trump to try to slow down and stop and interfere with the electoral college certification process and the peaceful transfer of power.
Starting point is 00:01:14 So Ken Chesbro, who's an amateur constitutional scholar and amateur electoral count act scholar gave credence to the argument that there could be an entirely fake set of electors, a parallel world set of electors that could be certified and sent to Mike Pence for him to recognize while they were doing the counting in the Senate on Jan 6th and make Donald Trump the president. And if he didn't accept those as the legitimate slate of electors, because they weren't, and he rejected the ones that were submitted by the secretaries of state and governors of each state, because they were legitimate, then that chaos would be resolved by each of the state houses, which are predominantly Republican, picking our president.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Follow that. Well, if you love that argument, you're going to love the fact that Ken Chesbro is continuing the show. He doesn't understand the Electoral Collet Account Act and doesn't understand constitutional law in his motion to dismiss the indictment. Right. He's a coward and he doesn't want to go to trial. And he wants judge McAfee in Georgia State Court, not federal, to make a decision that the supremacy clause applies to him because the supremacy clause says that in this case, Congress has the power under
Starting point is 00:02:39 the 12th Amendment and the Electoral Count Act to certify elections and run the entire electoral certification process. And states can't, well, in his words, criminalize that by making him an indicted co-conspirator for just to do his job as a constitutional scholar, arguing that there can be fake electors to try to pressure Mike Pence to overturn the will of the people.
Starting point is 00:03:04 To follow that, neither did I, and neither will Judge McAfee. You would think that, well, this is a very important issue. He's very serious about it. He must know his stuff, right? No, because it's the same guy that didn't know his stuff when he was advocating to Donald Trump that he's struck on this genius plan, this loophole in the Constitution and the Electoral Count Act. But now you see how he thinks, because he put it in eight pages. Again, not a typo.
Starting point is 00:03:32 You might be thinking, man, this person's very liberty is at risk. He'll probably file a 20, 30 or 50 page really well researched brief to the judge just like in every other court. No, eight pages probably took him a whole hour and a half through some lawyers in Dunwoody, Georgia. No offense to lawyers in Dunwoody, Georgia.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I just don't think that's where, you know, a federal constitutional electoral count act lawyers come from. And they certainly don't come from people named Ken Chesbro. So he spent six out of the eight pages in Blather talking about his view of the world of the Electoral College Act and the Electoral Count Act. And what it reduces to is the following. This is in the world of Ken Chesbro. We're not going to stay in that world too long for fear that we'll get stuck there. We'll stay in reality because none of his argument is tethered to reality. Here's his argument. Ready?
Starting point is 00:04:25 That the, the, uh, electoral count act says that any disputes over whether electoral slates, the certificates are legitimate or not, have to be resolved within a court system. And since Georgia never resolved the issues of those, quote disputes, they never get the benefit of having the what's called the safe harbor, meaning in order for George's electoral count to be legitimate and to be counted, according to Ken Jessbro, the a dispute over their validity has to be litigated in a court. And since it was never litigated in a court, Georgia never gets the benefit of having its electoral certificate and electorate vote counted as legit. Are you following this?
Starting point is 00:05:14 Because I'm a practicing lawyer, and it was only eight pages, and I couldn't follow it because it's all boulder dash. It's all nonsense. It starts from a position, a premise that is flawed, that there was a dispute and who were the electors for Georgia. There was no dispute. The Secretary of State certified the proper slate based on the popular vote in Georgia that went for Joe Biden, not by a little, but by everything he needed. You only needed one more vote in Georgia that went for Joe Biden, not by a little, but by everything he needed. You only needed one more vote than Donald Trump. And he got almost 12,000 votes more than Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:05:51 And therefore, the electoral votes go to the winner in their entirety in Georgia. All of them. So there's no dispute. The dispute that he's talking about is the very conspiracy that it's at the heart of his indictment. There was no legitimate good faith dispute. That was conjured up by Ken Chespro, Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and others, and the fake electors themselves, most of which are cooperating with Fannie Willis to say, hey, we're electors too. This is Michael Popok, legal AF. Colterky may be great on sandwiches, but there's a better way to break your bad habits.
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Starting point is 00:08:02 today. That's Use code legal AF to save 10% off the journey pack today. Let me use an example from sports. I'm a Yankee fan. Don't hold that against me. That's actually this year. The Yankees take the field. They're about to take the field, right? They're coming out of their dugout for their game. All 26 players and all of a sudden, for their game. All 26 players and all of a sudden other Yankees with uniforms that they bought somewhere, 26 of them show up to try to take the field at the exact same time, like some sort of crazy episode or another, another edition of Jordan Peel's Us movie, right? You've got these competing Yankees that are trying to get onto first base and second base. The outfield start to pit two pictures go out to the pitcher mound.
Starting point is 00:08:51 That creates a legitimate dispute over who are the real major league baseball New York Yankees. Because another team showed up to play the game and take the positions? No. Just as the fake electors conjured up out of the laboratory of the of the mad scientists of Johnny Smith and Ken Chesbro, doesn't by a fit of alchemy create real electors that are in dispute with with the other real electors to allow for the Electoral Count Act to send it off to a court system in Georgia. And none of this happened. None of it happened because there was not a dispute over, there was no confusion over who were the proper electors once certified by the Secretary of State.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Of course, he misses the whole concept that there was a slate of legitimate electors. Never talks about it in his eight just because he wants to ignore that. This is like a child putting together a model airplane, and I did a few of those when I was a kid, and at the end he looks over, and there's all these parts that he couldn't figure out where they went in, so he just left them out.
Starting point is 00:09:58 That doesn't work in constitutional analysis or analysis about Georgia law. Here's the facts, Kent Chessbroke. There was a winner in Georgia without dispute. There were lawsuits about who won Georgia and your side lost. Having won the popular vote Georgia, in Georgia, Joe Biden was entitled. No, he mandatorally was entitled to receive all of the electoral votes for Georgia. The secretary of state, there were proper process, certified the election, The mandatorily was entitled to receive all of the electoral votes for Georgia. The Secretary of State through a proper process, certified the election in favor of Joe Biden and gave him all of the electoral votes.
Starting point is 00:10:34 That you and some other people dressed up like electors, just like you dressed up, I guess, in my, in my, in my story, like New York Yankees and tried to take the field, doesn't create a dispute that has to be resolved in the courts of Georgia and having not been resolved in your argument. Even today, you believe, at least you say you believe that Georgia's electoral count was inaccurate or not valid or legitimate because it didn't go through a process of mitigating or resolving this conflict
Starting point is 00:11:08 that you and your other co-conspirators created. That's the crime, Ken. The thing that you say is the analysis that leads to the reason why your indictment should be dismissed only reinforces the crime itself. You've basically just conceded the crime that either because of bad faith or criminal intent, you don't understand how the electoral count act, the 12th amendment, where the US Constitution works versus the right of the states to certify their own elections and the interference that you did because you can't see it, right?
Starting point is 00:11:47 That's why you are in the indicted Coke and conspiracy or that you're a Coke and conspiracy conspirator in the in the crime. Thanks for filing eight pages to tell Scott McAfee, the judge and Fawty Willis that you don't know what the F you're talking about. And that if this is your defense, not only is the indictment not going to be dismissed, good luck. I get it. You're going to get on the stand in front of a jury in Fulton County, and you're going to try to jabber away about your, you know, crazy understanding or misunderstanding or misapprehension of Georgia election law with federal law and the Constitution and electoral counter from 1887, I get it.
Starting point is 00:12:27 You're going to try to confuse them. That's why funny Willis is there to tell them all that stuff. He just said, not only is wrong, it's irrelevant and is not the elements of the crime that he's being charged with. So that'll happen like that. Ken, good luck. You know, you're sort of like, you know, when I was a kid, there was this phony professor that used to appear in movies
Starting point is 00:12:49 and on television shows and talk shows named Professor Irwin Corey. Some people might be remembering him. You know, he was some, he wore a lab coat, he'd run around spout and out nonsense. That was his gig. That was his joke. He was in a movie called Car Wash.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Watch it. It's funny. Having said that, Professor Irwin Corey is not going to be your defense to avoid your indictment or prosecution in October. We're gonna follow stuff like this and just like this on hot takes on the Midas Touch Network. And then every week on Wednesdays and Saturdays,
Starting point is 00:13:23 we pull it all together. You like hot takes? You're gonna like like our podcast. It's called legal a F. Yes, it's what you think. It's on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I co-incor both. Instead of just me talking to you with a microphone or a laptop, I've got Karen Friedmanic Nipolo on Wednesdays. I got Ben Myceles on Saturdays. And you can get us everywhere you get your audio podcasts from as well. Be a free subscriber to the Midas Touch Network on YouTube. Go on to their website, brand new shiny website. You'll love it.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It's called You can get all your legal political news there in one place, audio, video, writing, original content, all there. If you like what I'm doing, give me a thumbs up. It helps with the ratings or the algorithms. You can follow me on social media at MSPOPOC until the next hot take and the next episode of Legal AF. This is Michael Popoc, Legal AF.
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