Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump SCREWS HIMSELF BAD as Haley Voter Make BOLD MOVE

Episode Date: August 22, 2024

Trump’s Groundhog Day daily campaign nightmare continues as 4.4 million Nikki Haley Voters band together to throw their support to Harris-Walz with a new “HV4H” PAC. Michael Popok explains how t...his is the ultimate payback by Nikki Haley voters to knock off Trump, and how even a portion of the Nikki Haley voters will run up the vote totals for Kamala in all the battleground states. Keep American farming going by signing up at RIGHT NOW and listeners of this show get FREE Hot Rolls Visit for more! Join the Legal AF Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:23 Peloton all-access membership separate. Peloton all access membership separate. Learn more at slash running. This is Michael Popak, legal AF for Donald Trump. It's like Groundhog's Day all over again. Every day he wakes up to a new nightmare related to his campaign and an incredibly shrinking electoral map making his path back to the White House
Starting point is 00:00:43 so narrow as to be almost unobtainable. And what do we have now? We've got Nikki Haley voters getting off the couch, no pun intended, 4.4 million strong to support Kamala Harris. They have a new PAC. The PAC has garnered so much interest that even Nikki Haley's lawyers have sent a cease and desist letter to the Kamala Harris voters telling them, don't imply that Nikki Haley supports this, wink, wink. And they responded to that letter and then Nikki Haley went away because she truly wants to destroy Donald Trump and she's going to allow her voters, 4.4 million, to get invited to support Kamala Harris. This new PAC,
Starting point is 00:01:27 which of former Nikki Haley voters now for Kamala Harris, even has a pithy, fun little acronym. It's HV4H. HV4H. Haley voters for Harris. It's hard to believe. Nikki Haley voters though, and if you hear from the PAC chairperson for this organization, he basically has said we weren't so much for Nikki Haley as we were against Donald Trump and we want our vote to count and we can make a difference. Think what 4.4 million activated Nikki Haley voters in battleground states can do in this election and for Kamala Harris to put her over the finish line and into the White House. This is what the head of this organization had to say when he was interviewed by The
Starting point is 00:02:18 Guardian. Craig Schneider, the campaign director for Haley Voters for Harris-Pack, in his interview said, when we cast our votes in the primaries, we weren't really voting for Nikki Haley as an active candidate. We wanted to send a message that this was not the kind of Republican party that we wanted and that Trump's period as the spirit bearer of the party needed to come to an end. And then they wanted to know how they could be most effective in accomplishing that. He went on to say that for those of us in this group, our feeling has been that while we may disagree with the Democratic Party on certain policy issues, the better choice
Starting point is 00:02:53 to continue our opposition to Trump is by voting Democratic. Think about this and don't think it's just appealing to independents who are voting for Nikki Haley. Here's a quote from a self-described right wing, strict constitutional constructionist who's always voted Republican since 1972. His name is Jack Merritt, interviewed by The Guardian. He said, I am incredibly disenchanted with the polarization of the two parties, but I have to pick the side I think will be least polarizing.
Starting point is 00:03:23 And I think that's Harris-Walls. And that's it. Now look, this has garnered a lot of attention. If you go to their website, we'll put up a little copy of it here, they actually have an electoral map by Battleground State to show how many Nikki Haley voters there are within each state and why they will make the difference. I mean, they're showing right now, for instance, that all of the Nikki Haley voters are above the margin of victory in the battleground states in 2020. So for instance, in Arizona, the margin of victory for Joe Biden in 2020 was 10,457. Well, there's 110,000 Nikki Haley voters in Arizona. In Georgia, the winning
Starting point is 00:04:07 margin was 11,779, but there are 77,000 Nikki Haley voters in Georgia, in Michigan, 154,000 in terms of the winning total, but there's 296,000 in Michigan. In Nevada, the winning margin was 33,000. There's an additional 24,000 Nikki Haley voters. In North Carolina, the winning margin was 74,000, but Nikki Haley has 250,000 voters there. Similarly, in Pennsylvania, the winning margin was 80,000, but add to that potentially 158,000 new Nikki Haley voters activated for Kamala Harris. Same thing in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Margin was 20,000, but you could add hopefully another 76,000 to that total. And this is Donald Trump's nightmare. He dissed Nikki Haley. He insulted her, his misogynist racist instincts and DNA came out against her just as it came out against Kamala Harris. The same voters that saw hope for whatever they saw in Nikki Haley as a person of color and a woman are seeing similar United States dream, the dream of America in Kamala Harris and they're seeing Donald Trump as the racist, felon, misogynist, abuser of women
Starting point is 00:05:33 in the, you know, against women's rights, reproductive rights that they always saw. And so think about this. If this 4.4 million or a lion's share of it can be activated and vote for Kamala Harris, Donald Trump's goose is cooked. His goose is cooked already. He's already circling the drain, but this, this is going to be Roto-Rooter. This is going to send him deep, deep into a deep tailspin and dive. Now, I think it was smart that Nikki Haley sort of with a wink and a nod said hey don't don't imply that I support this but even the pack head for um HV4H, Haley voters for Harris
Starting point is 00:06:17 said yeah we sent a letter back about the cease and desist we haven't heard from them since. Moink is a meat subscription box company on a mission to fight for the family farm. They're located in rural America, run by an eighth generation female farmer. Their animals are raised humanely. Their employees are paid a living wage. And the quality of their product is better than anything you'll find in a store.
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Starting point is 00:07:49 Keep American farming going by signing up at slash legalaf right now, and listeners of this show get free hot rolls in your first box. It's the best hot rolls you'll ever taste but for a limited time. Spelled M-O-I-N-K slash legal AF. That's slash legal AF. This is a real organization and it's gaining a lot of momentum and it's separate from things like Republicans for Harris. There's actually, and it's not just a token, it's not tokenism. It's not like putting a few people in t-shirts
Starting point is 00:08:28 and put them as human props at a rally like Trump does. When he has blacks for Trump and it's like three white ladies and two black people, they had two black Americans they handed a t-shirt to. This is a real organization. So you've got Republicans for Harris, including led by Denver Rigglesman, who's been on the Midas Touch Network before, formerly a member of the Freedom Caucus, ultra-right conservative, who's now running an organization and part of an organization of throwing the
Starting point is 00:08:56 Republican vote for Harris, because they're looking for a home. I just spent a considerable amount of time with a close friend of mine, who's what I call a country club Republican, not MAGA, and to hear the conversation I had with this person a year ago and to what I had during the opening night of the convention last night, it's like two different people. He's now okay and gotten comfortable with Kamala Harris. He's okay with the Democratic Party, even though he's a moderate Republican. He's a never-Trump-er. And now he sees a place where he can safely place his vote and look his young daughter in the eye and tell her that he was on the right side of history at the time,
Starting point is 00:09:37 the 2024 election. That wasn't the case, unfortunately, when President Biden was running for re-election. But now this is a new home, a new place, a new reef that everybody can come to who wants to be against Donald Trump and safely in the form of Kamala Harris. So I think this is an amazing turn of events. And it's all caused by Donald Trump. He's got no one else to blame. He dissed Nikki Haley. He insulted Nikki Haley. He didn't go after her voters. And he left them open to fair game to be solicited, if you will, by the Biden-Harris campaign. And they're coming over in droves.
Starting point is 00:10:19 In a close election, where the battleground states and the razor thin margin of victory in some of these states, every vote matters, especially in the battleground. And if we can turn 20%, 30%, 40%, 10% of what would have been Republican votes into Democratic votes like alchemy, right? If we could turn water into wine, we can turn Republican votes into democratic votes. Kamala Harris is going to win by over 300 electoral votes. Mark it down. That's my prediction, Popeyes prediction on the 20th of August. It's going to be 300 plus electoral votes. And these razor thin margins, even for Joe Biden during COVID, are going to be expanded margins in favor of Kamala Harris.
Starting point is 00:11:07 We will be able to hear and we'll be able to put up with no more talk about outcome dispositive fraud when her win percentages. That is the way for the American voter to pay back Donald Trump. Just make him make such an overwhelming performance of Kamala Harris in the battleground states by hundreds of thousands of votes per state that he can't even claim there's enough dead people voting or enough people voting out of precinct or enough illegal aliens voting
Starting point is 00:11:39 to overcome her large popular vote in each of these states and then the electoral vote that would result from that. That's what we gotta do. And that's why I'm so happy and so enthusiastic when I read about HV4H and that PAC and the comments that were made there. And I kind of like a little bit of a tip of the hat to Nikki Haley, because this is her ultimate payback.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Her ultimate payback is she lets these organizations sort of flourish in her name, where she says, oh, you really shouldn't do that, but doesn't do anything to stop it, because she can't do anything to stop it. They're not claiming that Nikki Haley supports them. They're saying they're former Nikki Haley voters that are now voting for Donald Trump,
Starting point is 00:12:18 and they're allowed to do that. Even if they sort of use her name in that, she's a public figure, and they're able to use her name, I believe, in that kind of context. So this is her ultimate payback. He tried to give her the shiv during the primary, he made fun of her, he embarrassed her, he didn't pick her for vice president
Starting point is 00:12:35 because that would have been a more formidable opposition if it were Trump, Nikki Haley, but it's not. He's not about bringing in a team of rivals to help run the country. You're not going to see DeSantis or Nikki Haley in his cabinet at all. He's vanquished them. He embarrassed them. He crapped all over them, and now this is their ultimate payback. Now DeSantis wants to have the White House one day, and he believes he can do it by being a sycophant to Donald Trump. Nikki Haley, she's always been her own person. And so she's fine with her voters voting for Kamala Harris as the first female president of the United States and get her elected as
Starting point is 00:13:14 madam president and finally break that glass ceiling that Hillary Clinton so eloquently in her own poetry, her own poignant poetry talked about looking through the glass ceiling that she helped crack to see Kamala Harris as being sworn in as Madam President-elect. We'll continue to follow all the developments in the Trump campaign and all the backfiring of his strategy right here on the Midas Touch Network and on Legal AF, right there it is, every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Eastern time on this YouTube channel. And then help the free subscribe, get them to three million before a Labor Day. I think it's going to be a Labor Day event. Another prediction that Popak predicts. And then you could pick us up on all
Starting point is 00:13:54 audio podcast platforms. So until my next hot take, until my next Legal AF, this is Michael Popak reporting. Heary, heary. Legal AF Law Breakdown is now in session. Go beyond the headlines and get a deep dive into the important legal concepts you need to know and we discuss every day on Legal AF. Exclusive content you won't find anywhere else, all for the price of a couple of cups of coffee. Join us at slash Legal AF. That's slash Legal AF.

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