Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump’s LAST HOPE Gets WIPED OUT before his EYES

Episode Date: August 26, 2024

VP Harris is already getting a substantial convention bump in polling and with voters, as independents and undecideds make up their minds and cut toward her in huge numbers following her acceptance sp...eech at the Democratic National Convention. Michael Popok explains how the coming “bump” in the battleground states, will end any hope of Trump regaining the presidency Thanks to Magic Spoon! Save $5 on your next order when you go to Visit for more! Join the Legal AF Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: MissTrial: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Coalition of the Sane: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:29 That's the powerful backing of American Express. Terms and conditions apply. Visit slash business platinum. What I want to ask all of you all together at this point, like I said, none of you were ready to make a commitment to any candidate in November. Please raise your hand right now if you're now ready to make a commitment after today. Wow I'm just kind of surprised by we haven't rehearsed this. I'm gonna make that clear. Seven of you are now ready. Scott? Yes I'm gonna vote for Kamala Harris. Andy? Yeah Kamala Harris.? Yeah, I'm voting for her also. Sean? Sean? Yes. Kamala. Sabrina? Kamala. Patrick? Kamala. Brian? Trump. Trump. And finally, Lindsay?
Starting point is 00:01:21 Still probably not voting. Still probably you don't like either of them. Nope. Okay. What led to you all making the decision? Was it that decisive of an evening, Scott? Yeah, I really, as I said before, I really liked her confidence. She's really seen presidential. She's seen very confident.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Like I said, she spoke from her heart. I liked how she filled in on her background, that she struggled, her mother struggled, middle class family. This is Michael Popak, Legal AF. You just heard a focus group in Pennsylvania of eight undecided voters who watched Kamala Harris deliver her acceptance speech. And then after it, the vast majority of them made up their mind who they were going to vote for, and her name was Kamala Harris. You just saw CNN, even the reporter for CNN you just saw was surprised that eight people
Starting point is 00:02:15 came into a room undecided and six are leaving the room firmly ready to vote for Kamala Harris based on what the the overall totality of the Democratic National Convention are resounding, arousing success for Kamala Harris. We'll talk about that for a minute and how it portrayed her, the party, its policies, its platforms, its joy, its patriotism, its defense of freedom and liberty, all of that. And then an amazing, pitch perfect delivery by Kamala Harris of her acceptance speech. For those out there that think, well, acceptance speeches don't matter.
Starting point is 00:02:55 For many people, this was the first time they got to hear from Kamala Harris in a presidential setting where she rose to the occasion. The speech that went on for, I don't know, 30 to 40 minutes had a biographical touch telling people who she is and where she came from. But then it talked about policy and policy differences. And then in the last third, it took on Donald Trump by name, point blank, as a prosecutor, point by point, taking him down
Starting point is 00:03:24 and establishing to the American people that Donald Trump is disqualified from ever being in the Oval Office again, certainly being the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Anybody that listened to that with ears, eyes, and a brain had to have come away with, this person is presidential, this person has leadership, This person has values that align with my own. I want to vote for this person. And that's why the CNN reporter in a battleground state like Pennsylvania that Joe Biden did not prevail in, well, actually Biden did, but Clinton did not earlier lost Pennsylvania
Starting point is 00:03:59 and Kamala Harris needs Pennsylvania now, desperately needs it in a battleground state. That is, this is a terrible sign for Donald Trump. There were eight people that entered that locker room. One walked out saying that they're voting for Donald Trump after watching Kamala. And the second one said, I'm still not voting. But six are now voting for Kamala Harris. And there's a reason for that. There's a reason that Kamala Harris is pulling so well
Starting point is 00:04:26 against Donald Trump in the battleground states. Look at the numbers. She's up 16 points with women since she announced her candidacy. She's up 16 points or more with under 45 year old voters. She's up almost 20 points with black and brown voters. She's up double digits in first-time voters. All of the undecideds, the majority of the independents, the super majority of the women have all cut decidedly to Kamala Harris and she announced, and you see it not just in polling, sure you see it in polling, the numbers that I just gave you. And that explains it's not uniform, it's a little bit chunky, the support for her. Although all of those people were just
Starting point is 00:05:13 white people in Pennsylvania basically, men and women, who now have all decided in the majority two-thirds are now voting for Kamala Harris, right? Or three-quarters are now voting for Kamala Harris. So it Or three quarters are now voting for Kamala Harris. So it's her, her support is a little bit chunky. It's the under 45s. It's the college educated. It's the Gen Z and Gen X and all of that. It's, it's women. And the result is that's why you're seeing her improve by three to five to six points or more in the battleground states from where Joe Biden was. That's the reason. This is what's pulling her across the finish line. And you can see it, even though I just gave you the demographics of where she's gained the most support, look what just happened in that Pennsylvania focus group that was just put together by CNN.
Starting point is 00:06:06 That's why this is a disaster. This is the canary in the coal mine for Donald Trump. And it's not just in the polling, it's in the dollars. The Democratic Party packs supporting Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris campaign have brought in over $500 million, half a billion dollars just in the last month or so. Donald Trump pales in comparison. He's brought in about a third of that. People are voting with their pocketbooks. People are voting with their wallets
Starting point is 00:06:38 and they're voting for Kamala Harris in overwhelming numbers. Her taking over released the floodgates of donations to the Democratic Party that were being held back by people on the fence about Joe Biden continuing. There's no other way to explain it. There's this collective sigh of relief in America that they don't have to choose between Trump and the current president, that they have another, a third way, that they have somebody that embodies their hopes and dreams, that is an adult, that is presidential, that is dignified, that has goodness in their heart, that is campaigning on a campaign of joy, of patriotism, of fundamental adherence to the law and in our and a protection of our Constitution and and giving honor and valor to the people men and women that's
Starting point is 00:07:32 and and others that serve in our military and reaching out to our NATO allies that have always been there for us and vice versa and telling women in America that they have somebody, they will have somebody in the White House that will look out for them and protect their interests and fight for them. This isn't the phony fight, fight, fight of Butler. This is the real fight.
Starting point is 00:07:56 This is the fight for the heart and soul of America to restore women as first-class citizens in America with rights over their bodily autonomy rights, reproductive rights over themselves. This is restoring patriotism and valor for people in the military who shed blood and sweat and tears to protect our democracy. Now going to be led by the person who's been in the perfect training academy for the last four years to bring her leadership
Starting point is 00:08:30 to the presidency, Vice President Kamala Harris. And that is the impact you're seeing on these focus groups. This does not surprise me. I've said before the the energy and the the momentum for Kamala Harris and the adulation has seeped into the water supply. And Donald Trump has no way to fight it. He does not have an antidote for the infectious spirit and leadership and presidential power of Kamala Harris and the promise of Kamala Harris. Last time I saw this was, and I was part of it, was the support, the groundswell of support for Barack Obama. And it's almost the same because people are almost desperate for a change, for good heartedness, for patriotism, to love thy neighbor again,
Starting point is 00:09:27 not to be at each other's throats. The only way that Donald Trump and MAGA can win is to scare the crap out of people, to put the boogeyman under their bed, to put each other and other Americans at each other's throats to make this us against them, to make them the other, the foreigner, somebody to be scared of. Democrats aren't running on that platform. Democrats are running on love. They're running on hope. They're running on change. They're running on goodness and toughness. So as a kid, I loved eating cereal. But as an adult, I don't want all that sugar and most cereals don't give me the protein I need. Then I found Magic Spoon, a nostalgically delicious cereal that tastes just like my
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Starting point is 00:11:19 Get $5 off your next order at magic slash legal AF or look for magic spoon in your nearest grocery store That's magic slash legal AF for five bucks off magic spoon Hold on to the dream if you watched her speech. There's no other way to interpret Kamala Harris than as a tough as nails, but compassionate former prosecutor who's going to lead this country in the right direction and exhibits great judgment. There's no other way to describe what just went on during the Democratic National Convention. There's a number of ways that you judge a presidential candidate. One of them is how they run their campaign.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Kamala incorporated as the CEO, how's she doing? Right? That you don't want to sell her short, buy her stock. She is doing a seven star job running her campaign. Look how well oiled it is. Look how great it is. Look how professional it is. Look how professional it is. That's a credit to her.
Starting point is 00:12:27 All credit goes to Kamala Harris. So one, how is she running her campaign? How did she run the convention? Do you think that was organized by somebody else? Kamala Harris decided on every detail for that convention. Who would speak? When they would would speak the momentum of their speech? I mean she didn't approve the speeches But she got a sense of what their speeches were gonna be the nights they were gonna speak and who wasn't going to speak and how
Starting point is 00:12:54 The platform the party and Kamala Harris and Tim walls were gonna be presented to the American people for their coming out party That is all Kamala Harris and had that go Compare that to whatever that thing was in Milwaukee with the MAGA. Right? Compare it to that hellscape. Okay. If you were just coming down and you were really neutral and independent, you were just watching just the conventions, who would you vote for? The decision's obvious. So how did she run her campaign? vote for. The decision's obvious. So how did she run her campaign? A+. How did she run her convention? A+. Who did she pick? The decision making, the judgment she showed in picking who she picked for her vice president, Tim Walz. A+. And now run that same test against Donald Trump. And now run that same test against Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I left out one. Her body of work as only for the American people, only for the people, Kamala Harris for the people, since she was a prosecutor, a line prosecutor in San Francisco, then attorney general, then vice president of the United States. She never worked in a private law firm. She never made money. She didn't come from money.
Starting point is 00:14:07 She's always represented, as she said in her speech, the people. That's where she comes from. And from that law and order background, with a mother to a mother who she praised, a late mother who told her, don't tell me how people are defining you. Tell me how you define yourself. What are you going to do about it? Don't complain me how people are defining you. Tell me how you define yourself. What are you gonna do about it? Don't complain about it. I've heard your complaint. What are you gonna do about it? Her mother would tell her.
Starting point is 00:14:32 And how are you gonna change the world? And that's what Kamala Harris is going to do. I don't wanna hear any of this stupid locker room talk about whoever she had a relationship with when she was a young prosecutor. Do people think that's how she's gonna become president of the United States because she had some sort of rapport with Willie Brown? 99.9% of America doesn't even know who Willie Brown is. She served on some committee or counsel when she was a
Starting point is 00:14:57 young prosecutor. Who cares? How many men in America over a golf game or in the bathroom urinal have gotten a leg up. No pun intended. Right? And so she has earned the job. She is one of the most accomplished people ever to have run for president. Look at her body of work as vice president long as a co-partner with Joe Biden, the Biden Harris campaign and the Biden Harris administration.
Starting point is 00:15:24 Now look at Donald Trump on all of those checklists. How did he run his campaign? How's that going? Terrible. Undisciplined, undignified, disgusting, immoral. And that's just his rallies and his comments and his social media posts. How about his pick of vice president? How's that going for him? Terrible. That's an F. Campaign, an F. Right? And then his body of work as president, F. And if you like all that, you want to see a person with straight Fs on his report card in the White House, you know who to vote for. That's why the focus group in Pennsylvania is so important, because it shows you that
Starting point is 00:16:11 people were and are on the fence, but that they listen to the closing argument that this candidate Kamala Harris is making to the American people with open-mindedness and they're going to vote for her in overwhelming numbers, leading to the Democratic blue crush. I don't want a blue wave. I want a blue crush. I want the outcome in each battleground state to be so overwhelmingly decisive for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz that it lays to waste any arguments by MAGA that there was fraud in the election, that there was illegal people voting, dead people voting, outcome-determinative fraud in the election. I don't want to win by 10,000 and 12,000 and 14,000. I want to win by 100,000 and 200,000 in all the battleground states. Your vote
Starting point is 00:16:57 counts. For those that say my vote doesn't count, we have razor-thin margins in each of the battleground states, right? Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, these are all important. And if they're not only important for Kamala Harris, they're important for the coattails of Kamala Harris and making them as long as possible to sweep in other Democrats and to save Senate seats and turn Senate seats, you can't reshape the judiciary and the Supreme Court without the Senate. So every one of those states and even in other states like Montana, well, Montana is gonna go for whoever.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah, but John Tester needs your votes. He's down five points for the Senate seat in Montana. So if you live in Montana, you're a Democrat, you know, or you're an independent and you think the Kamala Harris candidacy and her administration is better for America, for patriotism than the other guy, then you got to go vote and vote for John Tester. Even if it means splitting, if you're a Republican, same thing, split your ticket. Split your ticket. If you felt you had a vote for Donald Trump. I'm going to continue to follow these focus groups and what it means so closely. We're talking about right after the closing night.
Starting point is 00:18:14 We haven't even seen the real convention bump. Look out for Donald Trump. His best week, the apogee of his campaign, was whatever happened to him in Butler, Pennsylvania. I mean, I don't really know what happened to him. I mean, other than some sort of concussive disorder that he's suffering from. I mean, I've seen people with better bandages after they've had an ear piercing go awry, but let's put that aside for a minute. That happens.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Mar-a-Lago, thumbs up, Mar-a-Lago gets dismissed by his handpicked judge, right? And he goes into his convention. He's not getting a better bounce than all those things happened in July. The election is not in July. Last time I looked, it's in November. You don't win the pennant in July, you win the pennant in November. That's why they don't call it a July surprise. They call it an October surprise.
Starting point is 00:19:02 Okay? And Donald Trump already had his July surprise in July. That is the highest he's ever going to get in this election. Look at Kamala Harris. She hasn't even gotten her convention bump yet. We're starting to see the trickles of it right now by focus groups like that. And so we will be pleasantly surprised, I believe, when we see the two, three, four, five percent bump that she's going to get as it wends its way and kind of rips its way through the battleground states. Continue to follow it all. On the Midas Touch Network, I got a show. It's called Legal AF. There it is.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Wednesdays, Saturdays, 8 p.m. Eastern time. We curate the top stories at the intersection of law and politics. Sometimes it's heavier on the politics. It depends what's going on. And we do it for you. You can watch live recording. You want to watch your YouTube podcast live and participate in live chats with the podcast hosts, you can do it.
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