Legal AF by MeidasTouch - Trump’s Latest Grift Over Impending Indictment is Exposed and May Be His Biggest Yet

Episode Date: March 29, 2023

Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on new developments in the Jack Smith federal prosecutions of Donald Trump that suggest the new focus is charging Trump as the ringleader of a criminal conspiracy inc...luding his mishandling of the nation’s national security apparatus. DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS: ZBIOTICS: Head to and use the code LEGALAF Shop Legal AF Merch at: Join us on Patreon: Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Kremlin File: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: The Tony Michaels Podcast: American Psyop: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Michael Popok, Legal AF. I'm going to try to connect the dots between Donald Trump's financial difficulties, his grifting using his persecution complex, the amount of money that he's raised claiming that he is being unfairly indicted or prosecuted or arrested, and then what he uses his money for, including 24 caracold seatbelts and seat buckles on his new Trump Force One airplane that's been completely remodeled off the back of the grift of average people who have donated money to him. Let's start with his financial woes. Let's look at first that capital markets his ability to borrow money for his businesses, at least in America among banks, even before some of the regional bank problems that have beveled the banking system are drying up.
Starting point is 00:00:55 When you lose a 17 count criminal conviction in state court for fraud and improper bookkeeping and books and records, as Donald Trump and his organizations did against Alvin Bragg over the summer, that really means you no longer have the ability to go to traditional capital markets, i.e. banks in the United States or even the global market to get your lending, to get your funding. It's only so much Donald Trump has in the bank in terms of his own money. He normally uses other people's money, what we call the business OPM, leverages and hocks up to the hilt his properties with mortgages and tries to pocket the money, which works in a rising property value market.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It doesn't work when the property values start to drop. Also, when you can constantly go around and use a three-card Monte, a shell game to go find banks to lend to you to take you out of other onerous, more onerous banking relationships that works as long as you have the banks to do that. Those banks in the United States have been closed off because they're underwriting departments, they're shareholders, they're boards of directors, don't want to do business with Donald Trump, whose company's been convicted of crimes related to tax evasion. That happened off of the summer convictions, meaning Donald Trump has had to go
Starting point is 00:02:20 to places like Dubai, Saudi Arabia, really non-traditional aspects of the capital markets to do fundraising. He's now staring down the barrel and has to report on every application for credit that he makes out. He's staring down the barrel of a $250 million at least, civil fraud case against him, 17 others, including all of his children, brought by the New York Attorney General. You can say what he wants in Twitter, you can say what he wants at rallies, you can say what he wants on social media. But in applications to banks, he has to disclose that he is being sued
Starting point is 00:02:59 for fraud and fraud, that F word is the one that banks hate the most in a lending relationship or capital markets relationship. So he's got that staring down the barrel. He's got a substantial case against him that doesn't get much press involving another aspect of civil fraud that he and his children perpetrated in a civil case in the Southern District of New York related to multi-level marketing and a telephone long distance card scheme that he did, he grifted straight out of his celebrity apprentice days. That's going on and that if that leads to a judgment, that'll be a substantial multi- million dollar judgment. E. Jean Carroll is seeking money and substantial money related to her claims of civil rape against
Starting point is 00:03:52 Donald Trump. That is going to trial in less than four weeks in another federal courthouse or another federal court room in Manhattan. So you got all that going on. Then you've got the criminal cases being brought by Fony Willis, Georgia election interference, and Jack Smith for things as varied as his mishandling of top secret and classified documents, conspiracy related to that, conspiracy related to the fraudulent election and false electors scheme and all of that.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And there can be substantial financial fines and penalties related to that under federal law. It got all of that. So what does Donald Trump have to do? What is his number one way of making a living right now? A lot of his golf courses are drying up. A lot of his investment opportunities are drying up. He's had to sell the hotel apparently
Starting point is 00:04:46 in Washington, D.C. or attempt to because it's not making any money. He's got failed golf course communities all around the country. He's got places in Manhattan that are literally ripping his name off of the building because they no longer want to live in a Trump building. That is how badly damaged the brand is outside of these people that rally and the mega people
Starting point is 00:05:09 that support him. So streams of income are drying up. What's left? Things like his attempt to merge his media company that owns really one asset, Truth Social, into a special purpose acquisition vehicle, call the SPAC to try to get $1 billion that's locked away in the SPAC vehicle. The Securities and Exchange Commission has stepped in in the middle of that to block that transaction because there is potential that crimes were committed both by Donald Trump and the SPAC sponsor
Starting point is 00:05:43 related to how that whole arrangement was set up. So now that exit ramp for money is blocked. The Donald Trump, right? A billion that sitting in the SPAC can't get that, can't get traditional refinancing for his properties because of the tax fraud convictions. convictions in Europe, Asia, and in places like Saudi Arabia, and Dubai, they're thinking twice about doing business with him as well. So what's left? It's not this NFTs that he's trying to sell these trading cards, electronic or otherwise, and trying to drift his way to five or 10 million
Starting point is 00:06:19 dollars. The big ticket item has always been for him since he's been a candidate since before 2016 is fundraising through his packs and through his his presidential campaign. For example, he has raised over 250 million dollars since 2020 on the backs of the grief that there was a voter fraud and Joe Biden didn't win the election. So he got $250 million worth of people to believe him and not believe over 90 lawsuits, the cybersecurity chief of the United States related to elections.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Every member of every federal court that's addressed the issue, including the members of the Supreme Court, but he got these suckers to give him $250 million under this persecution complex that he uses for his major grift. But that's not all. Every time there's an event that we report on, here are my hot takes or on my podcast, Legal AF on Wednesdays and Saturdays on the Midas Touch Network. He uses as an opportunity to fundraise. And now let's take a quick break to talk about our next partner, Zbiotics. You ever skip a workout because of drinks the night before? Well,
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Starting point is 00:08:52 use code legal a f at checkout for 15% off. So in August, when the Department of Justice and the FBI executed the search warrant, now infamous search warrant at Mar-a-Lago. He raised tens of millions of dollars within hours of the rate, you know, while he was tweeting how inappropriate it was, but he was really doing was working on his social media campaign and his fundraising campaign to go raise money, which he did did it again. I guess he was a little low on cash based on his expenditures because let's be frank, Trump and the family Trump have a big nut every month. They have a big burn rate as a family for all of these properties, even though they take these tremendous tax deductions because they live in their golf courses and claim all sorts of deductions related to that.
Starting point is 00:09:42 But look, he's got, I don't know if he and the family are burning through 10 million a month, or they're building, or they're burning through $30 million a month, but they're burning through a lot of cash. This organization has a lot of cash needs on a monthly basis, and they're taking it out of the grift. So on the 18th of March, just eight, just eight, nine days ago, under he had no evidence whatsoever. The Manhattan D.A.'s office did not contact him. None of the lawyers were contacted by the prosecutors. Nothing. Just Donald Trump needed to raise, you know, three, four, five, eight million dollars that day.
Starting point is 00:10:21 So he decided to announce that he was going to be arrested on the following Tuesday. And we were all like, what is he talking about? Those that were in the know or those that had contacts at the Manhattan DA's office were like, what is he talking about? He's not, I mean, he may well be arrested. But it's not going to be this coming Tuesday. But you know, Donald Trump, just for shits and giggles, decided he needed needed to raise money and he raised $500,000 a day and has been raising over $500,000 a day based on that because as soon as he made the announcement his social media team his pack team his Maga team went into action creating videos of Donald Trump begging for money creating email
Starting point is 00:11:06 videos of Donald Trump begging for money, creating email blast, social media blast, social media videos, tweets, and all the like all on the major grift. You know, Donald Trump is Jesus Christ, persecuted, crucified by the Democrats, sent him money, not a bad way to make $500,000 a day. And if you want to see writ large, where all this money goes, just take a look at him giving a tour recently on the plane that he took to Waco, just this past weekend on Saturday for his big rally, Trump Force One, whatever that is,
Starting point is 00:11:39 his 757 jumbo jet from Boeing, that he picked up for a hundred million dollars from Paul Allen, the founder of one of the founders of Microsoft back in 2010. So he used that, where do you get the hundred million dollars from? Well, it wasn't the celebrity apprentice. It wasn't as failed a casino's in Atlantic City. It wasn't slapping his name on a bunch of buildings. It was the grift, the grift that is now the subject of the New York Attorney General,
Starting point is 00:12:10 civil fraud case that's being prosecuted or in the New York court system and going to trial on October the 2nd. That's where the money comes from. There's very little legitimate business underneath Donald Trump's House of Cards. I'm just going to call it for what it is. I grew up in the area that he that he applied his trade in. I've been watching him since I was a teenager on television and all the news reports. I know all about Atlantic City and his failures there.
Starting point is 00:12:41 I know all about his failures in New York. He was a relatively middling real estate developer who was on the balls of his backside when he got picked up by celebrity apprentice to kind of rejuvenate him as a PT Barnum, as a showman to raise money. He had no intention of running for president. He was too busy trying to figure out way to plug holes
Starting point is 00:13:03 in his financial affairs and to get more cash into Trump incorporated. And that's what he did. So what did he spend the money on? Let's take a look at this new plane that's been completely remodeled for tens of millions of dollars just recently over the last year using in part money from the grift from the Mara Lago search warrant execution fundraising drive from two weeks ago the I'm going to be arrested on Tuesday, a lie fundraising drive and a half a million dollar clip a day. Where's all that money go? It goes into 24 carat seat belts and sinks and belt buckles and velvet on the walls and, you know, him bragging about the opulence of all of the money, none of which he earned, all of which he obtained through the grift from people I assure you
Starting point is 00:14:01 who are not in a financial situation that comes anywhere close to Donald Trump's. If I had a guess, many of these people are, you know, well below a proper standard of living that would give them the ability with disposable income to stroke a check for $500,000, $3,000, whatever it is that adds up to $250 million since he left office and tens of millions of dollars off of the law enforcement activities around his criminal activities. So if you want to know where your money is going, ladies and gentlemen that are out there that are trolling this network and are like to watch my hot takes and comment on them. And you can sit proudly and say, my money went to a 24-karat belt buckle underneath the bulging belly of Donald Trump, because
Starting point is 00:14:57 that's where a lot of your money went. And it goes to support his lifestyle and the fake opulence of his lifestyle. And that's where it is. That's your emperor who has 24-carat gold clothes. That's what you bought and that's who you are supporting. So I wanted to connect the dots on this and compare relatively quickly the financial stress that's on Trump Inc. Which leads him to have to go out and grift through the only financial channel of fundraising that's left to him. That's really opened him.
Starting point is 00:15:34 The only spigot that's open to him, which is pack election fundraising and using bad things that happen to him. And they're only increasing as a way through persecution complex to get and pull on the heartstrings of his poor, gullible, campaign contributors to support his opulent lifestyle. Don't think he's eating, you know, a can of tuna fish, you know fish in the kitchen with his cat. He's flying around at a million dollars or more a week of maintenance cost on a $757
Starting point is 00:16:12 that he remodeled with 24 carrot gold sinks and seat belts and velvet on the walls with your money. And the more that this financial spigots get turned off to him by law enforcement the more that they turn off the more Desperate he's going to be he's gonna become so watch his social media for the for the air of desperation in fundraising Because it's only gonna get worse and I'm gonna continue to report on it on hot takes just like this one I bring them out about once every day when I'm not doing this in a practicing attorney. I co-anchor one of the leading political and legal podcasts on the Midas Touch Network called legal AF on Wednesdays
Starting point is 00:16:58 and Saturdays. I'm joined in hot takes by my co-anchors, Ben Mycelas, and Karen Friedman at Nifalo. And if you like what I'm doing, you can follow me at MSPOPOC on all things social media, including Twitter. This is Michael Popock, LegalAF reporting. The best part of waking up? Maggots here is a my cup. Check out the new Maggots here is mug available now at That
Starting point is 00:17:24 It's 100% union made right here in the USA. I know I'm not tired of winning yet. How about you? Get yours today.

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