Legal AF by MeidasTouch - VISIBLY SCARED Rudy Giuliani Faces CRUSHING BLOW in Court, Could LOSE EVERYTHING

Episode Date: December 5, 2023

Giulani’s attempt to avoid a DC civil jury trial in 2 weeks to find out how big a multi million dollar check he has to right to two defamed GA election workers HAS BEEN DENIED. Michael Popok of Lega...l AF explains why the trial judge just ruled against Rudy, and why her orders will likely result in tens of millions of dollars being awarded to Shay Moss and Ruby Freeman. Head to and sign up for a subscription using code LEGALAF at checkout, and automatically get 30% off your first order and FREE SHIPPING! Visit for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: Legal AF: The PoliticsGirl Podcast: The Influence Continuum: Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: The Weekend Show: Burn the Boats: Majority 54: Political Beatdown: Lights On with Jessica Denson: On Democracy with FP Wellman: Uncovered: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you want to see what the world is really like? Yes. Four things is deliciously funny and spectacularly entertaining. A woman planting her coast of freedom at a lot for her. It's non-stop bonkers brilliance. I love that. Four things. In some like theaters, December 15th.
Starting point is 00:00:15 This is Michael Popock, legal AF. You know it's going bad for Rudy Giuliani. When he's trying to avoid in the middle of December, a trial in front of a jury in the district of Columbia. For the sole issue of how big of a check, he's going to have to write in them tens of millions of dollars or more in compensatory and punitive damages to Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss, the mother daughter election workers, lowly paid, doing their civic duty, counting votes in Atlanta, who got doxed, mercilessly attacked and defamed
Starting point is 00:00:46 by Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Donald Trump, which is also at the heart of a few counts of the Georgia election interference criminal case. Ruby Freeman as a state's witness there as well. Well, we got a trial, middle of December, finally. Rudy Giuliani going to trial. We'd like it to be on the criminal side, but we'll take it for now on the civil side to bring compensation, to bring relief and redress to Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss with dollars, big dollars.
Starting point is 00:01:16 If Donald Trump had to pay $5.5 million to EG and Carol for defaming her and raping her, there's going to be multiples of that for the conduct of Rudy Giuliani. And he knows it. And he knows if it goes to a jury, they're going to be on bankrupt him. It'll be many multiples of bankrupt him. So he figures, even though the judge has ruled against me six times and sanctioned him one way or the other six times, including three orders of attorney's fees
Starting point is 00:01:47 sanctions, where he's got to pay the attorney's fees, about a half a million dollars to Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss, because of all of Rudy Giuliani's misconduct during the last year in pre trial practice, not providing documents, what he was supposed to, providing them late, not providing them at all, not sitting for his deposition on time, not providing any financial information. It got so bad that Judge Folly said, I had enough. Judd says we're done. You've lost on the issue of I find as a sanction that you're not able to put up any defense to liability.
Starting point is 00:02:18 We'll instruct the jury that you have lost on the issue of whether you defamed Ruby Freeman and Sheamus. And I'll go one further because of your actions. This is more sanctions for this judge. I'm going to sanction you because you didn't turn over the documents on your financial condition, right? This is something there's something in the water with Maga. They don't want to turn over their finances.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Trump doesn't. Giuliani certainly doesn't. And he was ordered to turn over his, his, his, the numbers about his podcast and revenue and expenses and, and all of that. And he refused to do it. He just didn't do it. So the judge had no choice. He sanctioned him again.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Now the jury is going to be instructed that they are to assume and presume for the purposes of their damage calculation that, uh, Rudy Giuliani has money to hide that he's hiding money. And he's hiding money and lowering his net worth in order to avoid a large putative damage award. The jury's going to be told that because of Rudy Giuliani's conduct. And this is the same judge that Rudy Giuliani wants to have right the check. It's great. This is how bad it's gotten for him.
Starting point is 00:03:21 But the judge is denied now today the emotion to convert effectively the jury trial for Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss into a judge trial, a bench trial, a hearing. And the judge said, I mean, the judge did a good job. I mean, we like judge Barrow how she generally does amazing work. And she was originally the chief judge over all things Jan 6th and all of the secret grand juries and subpoenas and mara lago and all the Jan 6th insurrectionists and she managed all of the trial docket for all of the judges handling all of the Jan 6th matters and she had a number of cases herself. So she knows this, this issue, this case inside and out, nobody better than barrel how. issue this case inside and out. Nobody better than barrel howl. She, uh, in her order, she methodically went through it. Um, she said basically, Juliana, you're late. We've
Starting point is 00:04:12 been talking about a trial for a year and a half. This is the first time you've asked for it to be converted. Secondly, she said, while you are right, Mr. Juliani, right about something that there, that there is no clear cut precedent, no clear cut case law, one way or the other that says they get a jury trial, they don't get a jury trial or whatever. And there is a certain amount of perverseness. There's something perverse about their Ruby Freeman and Shameless losing their jury trial and the ability to put on their case for maximum damages in front of a jury because of your bad conduct and that you've gotten sanctioned.
Starting point is 00:04:51 But on the other hand, there is, there are a number of cases that say if the only thing left is damages off of a sanction or default or otherwise, maybe that doesn't go to a jury. Maybe that stays with me. But she also tells the parties that Giuliani has left out one major component of his legal analysis. The judge's inherent authority that comes with the judge just being cloaked with a black robe to manage her own trial docket and judicial administration. There are just powers that aren't written that a judge gets to do on a daily basis, so
Starting point is 00:05:29 to speak, for a case to manage it. And if a judge, and I've been involved, I've been on the end of this as a trial lawyer, if the judge looks around and says, you know what, I think the best trial of fact to determine the facts underlying these issues is a jury. Sure, refer it over to a jury. I've seen judges say I need the help of a jury here. I could come up with the facts on my own, but I think it's better and it's more consistent with the seventh amendment rights to a jury trial to have a jury do it.
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Starting point is 00:07:02 their website. All orders are conveniently delivered to your door with free shipping and 100% recyclable plastic free packaging. If you head to slash legal AF and sign up for a subscription using my code legal AF at checkout, you'll automatically get 30% off your first order and free shipping. That's R-E-E-L-P-A-P-E-R dot com slash legal AF or inter promo code legal AF to get 30% off your first order plus free shipping. Let's make a change for good this year and switch to real paper. Real is paper for the planet. A lot of judges will say when in doubt I will use a jury as a tool, as a
Starting point is 00:07:46 function to develop facts. And then I may make I may make some judicial rulings on the law because I'm the law giver after the jury develops the facts. So there's oftentimes a role for the jury in a US process, even if fundamentally the issue gets decided by the judge. Does that make sense? There we go. So that's what the, that's the missing piece from the analysis or the argument for Rudy Giuliani, the inherent authority. She says, you missed a step. I can always use a jury if I decide it's in the best interest of the case.
Starting point is 00:08:21 And since you, Mr. Giuliani, continue to fight on certain of the facts that you think are going to go in front of the jury, that only emboldens me, reinforces my decision to use a jury rather than to me. You think there's some undeveloped facts that help you that I haven't already stripped you bare of because of your misconduct? Great. That actually is in favor of a jury argument, not a bench trial argument. So she used his own arguments against him. You can't have it both ways, Rudy.
Starting point is 00:08:51 You can't continue to say there's facts and dispute and then say there shouldn't be a jury as the trial of fact. And then of course, he ignores the inherent authority of judges to run their own courtroom. She then therefore elected based on the untimeliness of the decision, the equity of the decision, equity pointed in favor of the plaintiffs here. The perverse outcome of Rudy would be would be benefited in some way by his own misconduct and the fact that I have inherent authority to use a jury as I see fit as a tool towards justice. You're getting a jury. Rudy, and if you're going to testify, which you say you're going to, with the instructions, I'm going to give to the jury about your misconduct, about your finances, you're going to do that in front of a jury, not just in front of me.
Starting point is 00:09:38 So we're going to continue to follow on the Midest Touch Network. All things about Jan 6th, civil and criminal. There are two strains, two workflows, concerning Jan 6th conduct. There's all the criminal cases that we follow on legal AF as we sit at the intersection of law, politics and justice. And there's civil liability. That's how our US system is divided. Civil cases and criminal cases handle by one judge who sits as a court of law and equity, a criminal judge and a civil judge. Federal judges were both hats.
Starting point is 00:10:19 They handle criminal docket and civil docket, one judge. State court proceedings often divide it between a criminal, a sets of divisions and judges assigned to it and civil. You're either a civil judge or a criminal judge. You can rotate, but at any one given time, you're either like in family law, civil, trust in the states, if they have that there,
Starting point is 00:10:41 there's a lot of it and criminal. And so that's how they handle that. Here, federal judge, barrel, how civil cases and criminal cases. And so we're watching these criminal cases, of course, closely on legal AF. And then the civil cases are just as important. The case that was just decided by the DC Court of Appeals, that there is no presidential immunity, you're any sovereign immunity or any kind of immunity for Donald Trump for being sued for people dying and being maimed and injured during Jan 6th, Capitol Police, Metro Police, House of Representative Members and the like. That case is going forward without any immunity blocks. Same thing's going to happen to Donald Trump being sued at a new trial starting in January in the second E gene carol
Starting point is 00:11:25 defamation case. I'm sure the second circuit based on the ruling by the DC circuit is going to say no immunity against defaming this person after you sexually assaulted her. So we're watching these civil cases closely, people getting justice through money and through rulings. Only one place legal AF might as touch network. You know about the Midas touch network. You watch me here.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I exclusively do my work right here. My legal analysis on Wednesdays and Saturdays, 8 p.m. Eastern time, Karen Friedman, Agnifalo, a prosecutor in me on Wednesdays, Ben Myceles in me on Saturdays and hot takes like this one about every hour right here. Free subscribe to the Midas Touch Network helped them get to two million. It's amazing.
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Starting point is 00:12:40 AF. This is Michael Pope, Pock reporting. Hey, Midas Mighty. Love this report. Continue the conversation by following us on Instagram. Till my next legal AF, this is Michael Popok reporting.

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