Legends of the Old West - LEGENDS LITE | Ghosts of Deadwood

Episode Date: June 23, 2019

Interviews with Ty Sanford, Maurice Miller and Chris Carpenter. Ty Sanford of Deadwood Alive discusses the most cold-blooded attempted murder in Deadwood’s history and then highlights some creepy en...counters in the haunted places of the town. Maurice Miller of Black Hills Paranormal Investigations and Chris Carpenter of Scattered Souls Paranormal talk about some of their eerie experiences in Deadwood during a weekend of investigations. For more details, visit www.blackbarrelmedia.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:01:06 We're diving into one of the most cold-blooded attempted murders ever recorded in the Black Hills and something Deadwood is very well known for, ghost stories. I talked to Ty Sanford, Maurice Miller, and Chris Carpenter about some haunting experiences in this famous mining town. Ty is a Deadwood Alive reenactor, and he knows a ton about Deadwood history. Mo and Chris are paranormal investigators who were in Deadwood investigating the activity at the Bullock Hotel. And to totally freak me out, we did these interviews in Seth's cellar at the Bullock
Starting point is 00:01:37 Hotel where some of this paranormal activity actually took place. We're going to start off with Ty Sanford. But before we get to that interview, here's a quick message from our friends in Deadwood. Explore the Adams Museum, the Days of 76 Museum, the Adams House, and Mount Moriah Cemetery to fully understand Deadwood's raucous past. At the Adams Museum, get up close and personal with the legends and outlaws who brought Deadwood international notoriety and see Deadwood's own one-of-a-kind Wild Bill Hickok collection. Visitors to the Days of 76 Museum become acquainted with an
Starting point is 00:02:13 astonishing collection of wagons and carriages including the infamous Deadwood stage along with an extensive collection of historic firearms and Indian artifacts. The Adams House, built in 1892, is an elegant Victorian era home with original contents that chronicles Deadwood's transition from a lawless mining camp to a prosperous and technologically rich metropolitan city. And finally, Deadwood's boot hill, Mount Moriah Cemetery, provides a tranquil location to pay homage and respect to such notables as Wildsville Hickok, Calamity Jane, and Seth Bullock.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Let your journey through the Wild West begin in historic Deadwood, South Dakota. As a podcast network, our first priority has always been audio and the stories we're able to share with you. But we also sell merch. And organizing that was made both possible and easy with Shopify. Shopify is the global commerce platform that helps you sell and grow at every stage of your business. From the launch your online shop stage all the way to the did we just hit a million orders stage. Whether you're selling scented soap or offering outdoor outfits, Shopify helps you sell everywhere.
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Starting point is 00:05:05 Visit amex.ca slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply. All right, everyone. Welcome to Episode 2 of Legends Light. I am sitting here with Deadwood Alive reenactor and our trusted Deadwood history guy, Ty Sanford. Ty, welcome to Legends Light. I was glad to be back here working with you guys. Well, it's good to be back in Deadwood. We love it here. So we're going to start off today by talking about probably one of the most cold-blooded attempt at murder in the city of Deadwood that's been recorded in the Black Hills. And then we're going to move to everybody's favorite ghost
Starting point is 00:05:41 stories. And the cool thing about this attempted murder is that nobody's really going to know this person's name, but it's actually the craziest story I think I've ever heard. So we're just going to jump right in. It certainly caught me off guard when I was looking for it. And like I said, if someone has heard of this name, I will be both very surprised and very impressed, and I'll finally have somebody to talk to about the case. When you sent me the
Starting point is 00:06:08 articles about this I was just completely baffled the fact that I don't nobody knows this person. Yeah nobody knows them. But this is the craziest story I've ever heard. So okay like I said let's just get started. So take me back to Deadwood 1880s. The person that was attempted to be murdered was Charles Posner, and he was a fruit dealer. And his would-be assassin was Moses Dietendorf. Dietendorf, we're not really sure. There's no one here to correct us, so we'll just go with whichever version we want. So what was the relationship between these two men?
Starting point is 00:06:39 I'm not entirely sure, but the paper starts out saying that Moses was a brother-in-law to him. A brother-in-law? Which makes the crime, I think, even more heinous that you marry into this family and the brother-in-law is trying to kill you. All right, then. We shouldn't have married that sister. Wow, that's amazing. That's amazing. So potentially relatives.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I also read that maybe he was also in the same industry. Maybe there was a dispute over the fruit situation. Yeah. From what I've gathered, part of the agreement, like you said, start at the beginning. Not much is known about Charles Posner before the 1880 census. It shows him in Deadwood working as a laborer. Sometime between then and September of 1881, he got his start as a fruit merchant and a fruit distributor here in Deadwood. Apples, oranges, bananas, all these exotic fruits
Starting point is 00:07:33 that you can get in Deadwood in 1881. By this point, he must have had himself established enough, had enough money to send for his family back east. So Moses Dittenhofer, his brother-in-law, sees his family's safe passage from New York City, I'm assuming, to Deadwood. Oh, interesting. And as a thank you for this, Charles sets Moses up with a store of his own. He sets him up with some fruit to sell, places a mortgage on the wares. And he tells Moses, just make sure that you always buy your fruit from me and pay your mortgage and we'll be honky-dory. And we're good. That's it. That's all that's required.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Keeps it nice and simple. Now, he had heard that Moses was buying some fruit from somewhere else. Okay. And he had stopped paying his mortgage. So, Charles. So, both things. Both things he was supposed to do, he failed, started to fail to do. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:27 So Charles obviously wants to find out what's going on. Right. As was indicated later in the court testimony, he brought one of his sons with him. The boy thought they were going to the fair. To confront Moses. To confront Moses. Okay, got it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:43 And yeah, the boys, I would, I think by that time, maybe 11 or 12 years old. Oh, wow. And were going out to the fair with Dad. Oh, my gosh. So he goes down to the store to talk to Moses. Yeah. And Moses has a bit of a temper. Right.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And did not take kindly to Charles asking these questions of him. Right. And in no uncertain terms, he pulled out a pistol and threatened him. He told him, if you do not leave my store, I'm going to start filling you full of holes. That's right. I read that. Oh, my gosh. And Charles did not leave quick enough for him. Moses opened fire on his brother-in-law. His first shot would have caught him in the left arm just above the elbow,
Starting point is 00:09:23 in the left side just above the hip for the second shot. Charles then turns to run out and flee the store. He is shot in the back and the right shoulder blade shattering his shoulder blade. He falls down on the boardwalk helpless. And Moses, not satisfied still, shoots him again in the head. No way! And then he, it's such a heinous crime, but he says he proceeds to snap his empty revolver at the body on the ground in anger until he's eventually tackled and arrested and locked up. He's clearly trying to murder this person.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Very much so. He wants this man dead. How do you get the family together for holidays after this? It's quite an awkward Thanksgiving. Yeah, that's a little bit awkward. Yeah. So then the craziest thing about this is that Charles did not die. He did not die. So how does this man survive all of these bullet wounds and one in the head? And what, tell me about these wounds, especially the one
Starting point is 00:10:21 in the head, because I know there's some crazy stories about that. Yeah, the one in the head because i know there's some crazy stories about that yeah the one in the head is it's it's most interesting part i would say uh he was so september 17th 1881 uh the black hills daily times ran an article it was a nightly paper so it's printed every night and he was coherent enough to give an interview to the reporters at that time. So he's laying in his hospital bed talking to these guys, and he tells them, I have sustained no mortal wounds. Oh, my gosh. These injuries will not get the better of me. Wow. But between the doctors and the reporters, I mean, surely this is the ravings of a lunatic mind.
Starting point is 00:10:59 Right. There's no way a man could get shot so full of holes and survive. Right. Not possible. Not possible. And the doctors describing the wound that evening said that we know that the ball or a portion of it has pierced the skull because with each pulsation of the heart, part of the brain would bubble through the wound. Oh, that's so gross. Very clearly indicated, yeah, that was definitely a headshot.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Wow. And so, oh my gosh, where there's a will, there's a way. This man survives. Yeah. So not only does he survive, but how long? Well, he keeps going. He beats the doctor's estimates. They figured he'd be dead within a week.
Starting point is 00:11:38 And he just keeps ticking. They'd have to go in there, and later on they said they had to move fully a spoonful of brains from the wound to help clean it out but he just kept going just kept ticking. And he lived to old age. He did. When did he die eventually and not of these wounds? And not of these wounds no this all happened in in 1881 and he his recovery was slow people would you know see him on the streets and the newspaper would have a nice little blurb in there. Well, we saw Charles Posner around today. He's looking a little bit pale, but he's getting around all right.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Everyone's following his recovery. Everyone's following his recovery. This is amazing. He became quite, I think he was a well-liked man before, but certainly having this happened made him a bigger local celebrity oh my gosh this is amazing this is amazing so okay so so i mean this is unbelievable so i i truly think that you know if anybody is listening and you have an injury that you think you can't recover from i mean just channel charles postner yeah come out to the black hills i mean his brains were coming out
Starting point is 00:12:42 of his head and he died of all age or old age 37 years after his wounds, right? 37 years. He lived for, wow, it's unbelievable. So I have to just read this because I thought this was amazing. So if everyone is to believe the crime, you know, if anyone watched the HBO Deadwood series and everybody knows just Deadwood at that time was a very crime-filled place to be. So I found it interesting. I have to just read these two quotes. The two different newspapers said,
Starting point is 00:13:12 this outrage is the most bloody we have been called upon to report in a long time. And then the next one said, without exception, it was the most brutal attempt at murder that ever took place in the hills. So I find that interesting given the amount of crime that they are saying that this attempted murder was the worst that beat out the summer 1876 well when wild bill hickok was shot in the back of the head i mean he was murdered so maybe yeah attempted murder versus murder they're saying you know yeah i the summer of, we saw quite a few killings. Yeah. A man by the name of McCarty was killed over in Gayville being stabbed just a few short weeks before Hickok was killed.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Oh, my gosh. And then just a couple of weeks after that, you had Harry Young, who was the bartender present during Wild Bill's assassination, killed a man. In self-defense later on, it was a case of mistaken identity as well. Oh, wow. And his case, so Harry Young, he was being threatened by a man by the name of Laughing Sam Hartman. Okay. And Sam had this very distinct heavy coat that he would always wear. Yeah. Well, he comes into the bar and he keeps threatening Harry, keeps threatening him.
Starting point is 00:14:21 And Carl Mann sends Harry into the back of the building so as to avoid confrontation. Right. Well, Laughing Sam takes his coat off and leaves it on the bench out front, and this prankster comes by, puts on the coat. His name was Meyer Baum, and he turns the cuff of the coat way up so he can't, he obscures his face, and proceeds towards the back of the bar where he knows that Harry Young is waiting. Well, it's darker in the back of the building, and all Harry sees is Laughing Sam's coat coming at him in a menacing fashion. So he pulls out his pistol and fires.
Starting point is 00:14:52 And he winds up killing Meyer Baum for what he later sees as an innocent prank. Right. Wow. And Young was arrested, and he was put on trial, and he was found not guilty due to it being a case of self-defense. Oh, my gosh. And our very sassy newspaper man writes in the newspaper at the very conclusion of the article that the jury has returned the usual verdict of not guilty. So most people were found not guilty. Well, McCall and he was.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Right. Because it took until tracking him down in a different state to get Jack McCall. Yeah. They finally caught him. Right. was right because it took until tracking him down in a different state to get jack mccall yeah finally caught him right it's amazing that you can shoot someone in the back of the head and not guilty because you claim that he what shot your brother at one point or something was that the situation yeah and this was outside the united states at the point right so the united states law didn't apply and the jury if they wanted to find him not guilty for a vengeance killing, then it was kind of an acceptable defense in the West.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Kind of a lawless place. Yeah, kind of a really lawless place, yeah. Well, that's an unbelievable, that's an amazing story. And then, I mean, is there anything to share about Moses Dietenhofer? I mean, what was his fate in the end? Well, he got off pretty lucky, actually. I'm not surprised after what we've just heard. Yeah. Tried to kill a man. He was put on trial and he was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon with the intent to kill,
Starting point is 00:16:19 I think was the charge. Right. To which he was sentenced three years, which seems like a pretty light sentence all things considered that's ridiculous that's not even as many bullet holes as he put right you think you'd get at least one year for each exactly exactly if i was on the jury that's what i would have done i think but moses was very well connected remember he, he came back from New York City. Right. And old Moses Stittenhofer, who, he had a relative by the name of Boss Tweed. Okay. And anybody that's familiar with history will know Boss Tweed. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:54 He was one of the most powerful and corrupt men in the history of New York City, I would say. Right, right. The most. You can say what you will about modern day stuff. Right. I think Boss Tweed beats them all out. Wow.
Starting point is 00:17:04 The guy would just delay projects so he'd get in millions and millions and millions of more dollars. Wow. A heinous individual. And Boss Tweed leaned on territorial governor Ordway to have Moses pardoned after six months of his sentence. The people of Deadwood were rightly outraged at the thought that this man was going to get pardoned for his crimes. They described Ordway as not even having the most basic human honesty for trying to do something like that. And he pardoned him anyways. Apparently part of that pardoning deal was he had to leave the territory and never come back.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Interesting. But he still only served six months of a three-year was he had to leave the territory and never come back. Interesting. But he still only served six months of a three-year sentence for trying to kill somebody. Okay. I just, I can't do any more with this story. This is unbelievable. I can't handle it. Okay. So on that note, we are going to, we're going to switch gears a little bit because we are actually sitting in Seth Bullock's cellar. We are in the Bullock Hotel. This place is notorious for being haunted for a number of reasons. You have actually had some personal experiences here in the cellar where we're sitting right now. So let's just jump right into that. Explain to me what was happening in the cellar back in the 1800s and then how do we think that it's haunted and what have your experiences been?
Starting point is 00:18:28 All right. Well, just for anybody listening, if you can hear those footsteps, it's not a ghost. It's just somebody on the floor above us. I thought it was a ghost. It was a very well-timed ghostly sound effect for us. Well, like Mandy said, we're down here in Seth's cellar, sitting next to where the bar is. I had helped out the hotel one night by helping give one of the ghost tours. And during that time, I kind of teased Seth a little bit about losing the election as sheriff to John Manning.
Starting point is 00:18:59 And that was it. Of course, I talked about all the good that Seth did in town, too, because he did do a lot to build up Deadwood. He built up Belfouche. I mean, tremendous friends with the future president, Theodore Roosevelt. Right. So he did a lot of good for Deadwood. But I did mention that one little jibe at his expense. I guess you won't do that again.
Starting point is 00:19:20 No, probably not. So we get done with the tour, and I'm talking with some of the gals at the front desk, and they had gotten a photograph in from one of the guests that had stayed there. Yeah. And it's just a truly great photograph. There's a man standing facing the back bar mirror, and it appears that he's got this disembodied head floating above his shoulder. Wow.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And I'm a skeptical believer. Right. I've had stuff happen to me, but you kind of have to think, well, everybody's got something to gain. So you want to try to debunk or find out a reasonable explanation for everything. So I came back down by myself to try to debunk this photograph. So I'm stood maybe four or five feet away from the bar front and taking a couple of pictures. And I get this feeling that somebody had run right up behind me, not touching me, but standing very uncomfortably close behind you. Right. And it got like 30 or 40 degrees cooler. Just this intense, huge cold all over my body.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Right. And I'm standing facing the mirror so I can very clearly see nobody came up behind me there was nothing behind me but it was just this super intense cold my phone shut off like completely shut off just died yeah the phone died and it just was a very weird experience. And I went back upstairs and described what happened to the gals at the front desk. And I went to turn my phone back on, and I had lost about 50% of my battery life. And the photos that I was taking were all corrupted.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Ooh, I have goosebumps. Seth was not happy with you. No, I think Seth, they said he wasn't happy, but it wasn't threatening. I didn't feel threatened. It was just his way of saying, Hey, you know, I heard you earlier and I want you to know that I heard you. Right. So just, okay.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Because Seth is not an elsewhere and he was a decent guy, but yeah, he wanted you to know. Yeah. Very, very upstanding fellow. And I think he, he enjoyed a prank or two and that was his, uh, attempted a prank on my expense and it worked. That's well, it clearly did. Now. So, so there's a couple other things that have happened here. So let's start with, uh, I think you mentioned earlier that this was, uh, it was an infirmary perhaps down here. I had heard stories that the cellar was at some point used to hold
Starting point is 00:21:45 quarantine bodies. Oh, okay. Well, send people, you know, you're sick and you're dying or something. They kept them down here away from the population and some people passed away. And as the story goes, people have some strange experiences down here and they attribute it to perhaps some of these people who had died. Right. You get some very strange experiences down here and they attribute it to perhaps some of these people who had died right uh you get some very strange feelings down here i i have them among them from the second you walk down here it's i mean it's very eerie so and then there are there are actual there's actual footage on the gaming cameras which you know which is something you don't mess with you don't mess with gaming cameras, of course. They captured inside the cashier's cage, there's the desk, the desktop
Starting point is 00:22:32 that they work out of, and then there's several shells below that that contain racks of coins or chips. And there was a coin rack, a couple of shells below the top that you can see a coin shoot up out of the rack and then land another shelf above it. And the shells, I mean, they're very, they're flush, not one that sticks out further than the other. So that coin had to come up, out, and then back in and land on top of something. So clearly this ghost was ready to play some poker. Somebody was manipulating something, that's for sure, yeah. That's crazy. And this is play some poker. Somebody was manipulating something, that's for sure, yeah. That's crazy. And this is on camera. And it was on camera, and it's a Gaming Commission camera. And like you said, you don't mess with those. You don't try to
Starting point is 00:23:14 manipulate that footage at all, because you're going to get yourself into some serious trouble if you mess with it. Wow, that's amazing. We'll have to check that out. But so on that note, Ty, thank you very much for all of these horrific stories. No, we definitely appreciate your time. I think I can speak for a lot of people that ghost stories are extremely fascinating. I think everybody has, you know, an experience in their life at some point. And Deadwood is clearly full of them. You personally have had so many.
Starting point is 00:23:41 So this was absolutely fascinating chatting with you. And next, we're going to talk to some paranormal experts to get a little bit of insight into all of this and what's really here to back up everything you're saying, obviously. So, Ty, thank you so much for your time. We appreciate it, as always. Thank you again for having me on, Mandy. And now here's Mo Miller of Black Hills Paranormal Investigations. We are in the basement of the Bullock Hotel. We are in Seth's cellar. You've been here for a few days. You are really an expert on paranormal in the Black Hills area. So I guess just to start us off, what are you finding here? We've heard a lot of really amazing stories coming out of
Starting point is 00:24:21 this hotel and Deadwood in general. Right. So far this time, we've been in here a few times over the years. So far we've downstairs here in the cellar, we've had a disembodied voice. Okay. Explain disembodied. Disembodied voice is really interesting. That's different than an EVP. An EVP you catch only on audio. And then when you play it back, you'll hear it. It's like that's at a frequency, I'd guess like a dog whistle or something. So you wouldn't hear it in real life. Exactly. A disembodied voice, just like you and I are speaking right now. And something behind us goes, hey, Mandy or something. Oh, that's freaky.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah. It was really nice. And then we had some of our periscopes and different types of equipment out here last night, for instance, and it was all going off. So this was happening last night. Last night. So you and the group were down here in the cellar and you just in the distance heard a voice very clearly speaking to you. Yeah, it was about 20 feet from where we're sitting right now.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Wow. And everyone knew immediately what it was or did you think there was a person there? We thought it was a person because I actually got up and went to the stairwell where you go back upstairs to check and there was nobody there. Wow. Okay. So, wow. So many questions. So when you do something like this, do you ever, do you, do you know people who have died in the Bullock Hotel or whose spirits may be here or can you associate it with any one person? Once in a while, you're able to associate captures with the location. Okay. Now we know there's been a few deaths here over the years, but you know, it's a hotel and people do die. And for instance, the Adams house. We know Mr. Adams died in the home.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh, he did? Yes. Okay. He got sick outside the home. They brought him home and that's where he passed on. And so then you have done, obviously you've been doing this all over the Black Hills. So you've been to the Adams house. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You've picked up. And so when I say, I'm saying picking up signals, what do you guys say? We just call it capturing evidence. Capturing evidence, okay. You get EVPs or sometimes you'll get video. Okay. Which is super, super nice if you can. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:13 But for instance, tying in with location at the Adams house, our very first time that we investigated there was like eight years ago. And there's a smoking room at the very top of the house. Okay. And that would be the turn of the century equivalent of a man cave, I guess. Okay. That's where the guys hung out. Anyway, we didn't know about this, but we had some recorders up there, and we captured a voice of a woman screaming fire.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Fire. Interesting. Come to find out when we did the reveal for Deadwood History, there was a fire there. Wow. And so this was a disembodied voice again. No, that was an EVP. That was an EVP. So you caught it on the audio. Yes, we did. Okay. So you caught it on the audio. Yes, we did. Okay. So interesting.
Starting point is 00:26:46 So a lot of times you'll just have audio recordings running and then you'll listen to them the following day and then you'll catch these things. Exactly. And what a lot of people don't realize, like for instance myself, I have four recorders. Okay. And let's say we investigate a place for six hours. Okay. And I've got them scattered about the location. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:02 That's 24 hours of audio that I'm going to have to go over in real time. And the stuff you see on the TV, you're only seeing the highlight reel. You're not seeing all the behind the scenes, the work that has to go into it. And so then when you hear something, so you hear this voice on the recording then at that point, then what's the next step in your world? What do you do? Normally what we try to do, if it's a storied location, say like the Bullock Hotel, the Adams, there's tons of information or even the brothels across the street you know there's tons of information on them. If we're doing a
Starting point is 00:27:30 private residence what we'll try to do is go to like the register of deeds and find out who previous owners were maybe what was on the location before the place that you know it might be a house let's say. Right. But a hundred years ago was a hardware store. Right okay. So we have to we kind of it's you have to separate with the things that you're capturing, you know, is it from, you know, recent times or is it from a hundred years ago? It's like peeling back the layers of an onion. That's so interesting. Okay. So, so in, I believe, as you were saying, I mean, the, the old West and Deadwood was not that long ago. So we're talking about ghosts that are here from obviously a very long
Starting point is 00:28:06 time ago to a hundred years ago. Exactly. And most of the things I think we pick up here when we're in Deadwood have to do with the town. Right. Okay. Yeah. Because there was Native Americans out here, of course, but you know, this was a sacred land. They didn't live in like Deadwood Gulch, for instance. Right. Right. So most of the stuff we do pick up, I'm thinking it's the local things from since since the inception of Deadwood itself. Now, so what do you think is the most interesting thing about the Bullock Hotel since you've been here investigating? Well, the neat thing is the history for one. Yeah. And, you know, it's documented. Right. Also, the neat thing is it hasn't changed a lot. Right. Over the years. So the neat thing when people come here and you're going upstairs and seeing the hotel rooms and things like this,
Starting point is 00:28:45 like if you look at the walls and the doors here, these doors were actually part of the hotel upstairs at one time. Oh, wow. Right. So does that also help spirits, I guess, stay in the area if things have not been messed with, for lack of a better term? You know, I think so. That's one of the things that we're still trying to figure out because sometimes it seems as though things have an attachment. Got it. It might be attached to, say, this bar we're sitting at or it might be attached to a certain chair.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Got it. Or it could just be the location in and of itself. So this was very different a hundred years ago. Right. This is a little bit different than it was, but it's still a very eerie feeling down here. So it's very interesting. We were talking about EVPs. Our very first time investigating here, I was up on the third floor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:30 This is just a regular EVP audio recorder. It was February 2 in the morning. You know, it's minus 8. You know, it's colder than you know what. Right. Anyway, and we get an EVP, and it's not a voice. It's a saw, like a hand saw. Zoom, zoom, zoom.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Oh, my gosh. But we know before the hotel was here, Saul Star and Seth Bullock had a hardware store here. So is that residual from when it was a hardware store? Is that a residual versus an intelligent, which is something that interacts with you? Oh, my gosh. That's crazy. It's really interesting. So the things that you must see and hear, I'm just freaked out by the footsteps that keep coming.
Starting point is 00:30:04 I know, right? But I can only imagine the things in the dark of night that you must see and hear. I'm just freaked out by the footsteps that keep coming. I know, right? But I can only imagine the things in the dark of night that you see and hear. Well, you know, the funny thing is, especially with our team, we're not really scared. There's nothing here that's going to hurt you. Right. Now, might it startle you? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:30:18 But it's not going to hurt you. No. Most ghosts are not out to hurt you. Okay, I'm going to end with that. Okay. That's good news. Thank you so much, Mo. Well, thank you so much for having me. I really, really appreciate everything that. That's good news. Thank you so much. Well, thank you so much for having me. I really, really appreciate everything that you're doing and sitting down with us. This is very, very cool. Well, thank you. Hear it from the source.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Let's wrap up with Chris Carpenter, who's with Open Range Events in Michigan and Scattered Souls Paranormal. Let's dig right in. So we're here in Seth Bullock Cellar. We're at the Bullock Hotel. What brought you from Michigan to the Bullock Hotel? What fascinated you about this? Obviously it's a notorious old west town. Right. Well, we were coming home from a trip from the Stanley Hotel at Stays Park. So we investigated that with actually another event group and we were on our way home. We drive everywhere we go. So there's just so much to see and, you know, check out along the way. So we stopped here in Deadwood three years ago and we stayed here in the Bullock Hotel and we did in room 207, which is really
Starting point is 00:31:19 amazing. We had EVPs, a lot of EVPs. We had two gentlemen talking. We had a dog barking all night, a big dog like right outside her bedroom window. Oh my gosh. And so we're on the second floor too so it was like right outside the window just barking and barking. Clearly a dog's not floating in thin air. Right. Babies crying, babies that just cried, cried, cried. We had a woman that was singing and humming. Wow. Right. So these were all caught on your audio.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Right. So what we just learned is EVP is caught on audio and disembodied voices when you hear them clearly in real life. Right, right. So you listen to the audio that was running through the evening and you caught all of this while you were sleeping. Yes, yes. That's a little bit. So it was pretty,
Starting point is 00:32:05 it was pretty crazy when we did the playback. 207 is one of the most haunted rooms. 307 here is pretty haunted. I think 314 and there's another one, 211, I believe. Yeah. I'm going to write those down and not stay in any of them. I will stay in this hotel, but I will not stay in any of those rooms. So thank you for sharing. I know a lot of people probably will want to stay in any of them. I will stay in this hotel but I will not stay in any of those rooms so thank you for sharing. I know a lot of people probably will want to stay in those rooms. Definitely. Definitely. So when you say that those are haunted you previously there have been other paranormal groups that have been able to prove that or people have said they've heard a number of things in these rooms. Regular hotel guests. Okay And upstairs at the checkout counter upstairs, there is a little, there's like three different books with guests, you know, witnessed accounts that they have written down.
Starting point is 00:32:52 So there's a lot of coinciding stories that, you know, everybody's caught. Things being moved in places. Right. I've read that a couple times as well. People sitting on the beds. Impressions. You can clearly see where people were sitting that really weren't there. So there's a lot of weird activity here.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Well, I'm sure we could talk for hours about this. And I've got so many more questions of places all over the country I want to ask you about. And there's so many more, too, that we've been to. Exactly. So we'll have to pick this up again. So thank you so much for joining us. Thank you so much for having me. It's been really fun to be here in the Bullock Hotel among all these great people and all of the spirits
Starting point is 00:33:28 that are with us right now. Right, right. And for you guys all to prove it is pretty amazing. Yeah. Well, thank you so much.

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