Legends of the Old West - UPDATE | Season 1 and the new project!

Episode Date: April 7, 2021

Season 1 has been remastered! Scroll back through the episodes on your podcast app and relive the stories in their new and improved versions. And, the reveal of the mysterious project about the Old We...st that was teased in the previous update... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:57 Benefits vary by card. Other conditions apply. hey legends family it's chris i'm back with another update and this is the one that i promised a couple weeks ago and it's easily the most fun update i've been able to record i've got two big things i want to share with you but before i get into those i wanted to say thank you so much to everybody who reached out on social media with messages of encouragement and support after the previous update. So thank you to everyone. I received the messages and a couple people who reached out directly. I've been able to get to know a couple listeners personally over the last couple years who have reached out to again express encouragement and support, notably Jakeake zackar and bob marshall the california contingent out there just west of me thank you guys thank you to everyone on social
Starting point is 00:01:50 media uh and i'll of course clarify all of this at the very end with the second of the two updates but the last thank you is actually uh one that's been pleasantly surprising it's thank you to everyone who's been subscribing to the podcast on YouTube. Hopefully everyone's aware that Legends of the Old West podcast has its own YouTube channel. I put all the episodes on YouTube. So if you're more interested or more comfortable listening to them slash viewing them on YouTube, they're all there and waiting for you. They get released on YouTube at the same time that the podcast episodes get out on all of your various apps. So over the last couple months, I'd say probably late January, early February, we've started to see an explosion in subscribers to the Legends YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:02:36 Candidly, I don't know why it's happening. I'm not going to argue with it. I think it's fantastic. Thank you so much to everybody who has subscribed on the Legends YouTube channel. If you haven't already, go check it out. And that actually somewhat leads into the first of my two big updates. So right now, as you're probably listening to this on roughly April 7th or April 8th, depending on where you are in the world or when you choose to listen to the update, I have re-released the first seven episodes of this podcast. They're available for
Starting point is 00:03:07 you right now. Season one episodes, well, I guess it's technically eight episodes. In their season one, episodes one through eight, the first eight story episodes that launched the podcast, they have been re-recorded and re-edited. We call them the remastered editions. So many of you who've been long-time listeners have heard in real time the evolution of this podcast as I started recording this with really no idea what I was doing. And for a long time, I've wanted to go back and redo those first eight episodes. They're really not reflective of my current level of narration, the current production value of the podcast. I was doing everything on my own back then. And it was it sounds pretty rough by comparison. So we're getting so many new listeners now, which is awesome. The show is growing like
Starting point is 00:03:54 crazy. And as new people get into the show, and they hear what the show sounds like now, and they start working their way backward in time, they're going to hear a kind of de-evolution as I've been learning on the fly in real time. So I really wanted to update those first eight episodes. They are now available for you to listen to. So whatever app you're listening to me in right now, scroll all the way back to season one, and you can listen to those first eight episodes,
Starting point is 00:04:19 which includes, of course, episode one, my favorite Old West story of all time, the Coffeyville Raid. And that ties into YouTube because we are also in kind of the, what do I want to call it? I'm never sure if I want to call it the birthday or the anniversary, but this month is the third anniversary of the launch of this show. It was actually the official anniversary was on April 1st. That's when the first episode came out. So we're in the month, the anniversary month. And right now, starting today, April 7th, if you're listening to this in real time, every day for the next seven days, I'm going to release those podcast
Starting point is 00:04:56 episodes, those first eight on YouTube. So there's eight episodes, but I'm releasing them in seven days. So there are two episodes about the Texas Rangers that will get doubled up on one day. So each day for the next seven days, a new episode will be released from season one on YouTube. And then the YouTube channel will be completely caught up to everything that's going on. So it'll be the full stock of all episodes. And all of that is timed to lead up to the start of the Billy the Kid series that begins one week from today, April 14th, again, depending on when you're listening to this. After Billy, I know that we're bringing the Billy the Kid series over from Infamous America. After Billy the Kid, we've got some exciting stuff on hand for you.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I actually spent a long time on the phone with our trusty and reliable writer, Julia Bricklin, yesterday, mapping out the schedule for the second half of the year. We're going to have some longer series for you, some bigger stories, some of which you're certainly going to recognize, others you might not, which is cool. Try to always blend some under the radar stuff with some really well-known stuff. So after Billy the Kid, we're going to have some really cool stuff coming for you. stuff. So after Billy the Kid, we're gonna have some really cool stuff coming for you. So all of that leads up to the big update, the reveal as much as I can of what I was talking about last time on the update when I had to stay really mysterious and cryptic. So I said last time
Starting point is 00:06:15 that I had pitched a project about the Old West to a big unnamed company. Now I can't give away a ton of detail. And unfortunately, I and unfortunately, it never occurred to me that a lot of people might think I was pitching a movie or a TV show, and as fun as that would be, that's not the case. But for me, this is actually a little more fun. So, I have pitched a book project about the Old West that will almost feel like an ensemble movie. It will feature some of the biggest names in the Old West and several story lines all woven together into one narrative, just like you're used to hearing on the podcast. This is basically the Legends of the Old West podcast on steroids in book form. It'll be a big story,
Starting point is 00:06:56 interwoven, lots of really well-known characters, and it's being published by a major publisher. And I can't say any more than that at this time, but I have a book deal to write a book about the Old West, which is incredibly exciting. And that's partially the reason why we're bringing Billy the Kid over now to basically allow me the time to start heavily researching and writing this book. I'm really hoping to write the book
Starting point is 00:07:21 over the course of the rest of this year, maybe early into next year. We'll see how long it takes. It's a very long process to get a book published. As it turns out, many of you might already know that many of you are probably authors. I am just learning this stuff now for the first time. So it's going to be quite a while before the book actually comes out. And you will obviously hear many more updates from me when the time is right. But that's the big one. I have a book deal to write a book about the Old West. It is thanks entirely to this podcast and to all of you listeners building the whole thing up so
Starting point is 00:07:49 that we could have this opportunity. So I'll let you know when the time is right. Thank you all again. I very much appreciate it. Please keep it going. Please tell all your friends and family members who might not know about the podcast yet to go check it out. The bigger we can make this thing, the more success it'll have on a whole bunch of different areas. So thank you very much. I appreciate it. We'll talk to you soon. Shop with Rakuten and you'll get it. What's it? It's the best deal, the highest cash back, the most savings on your shopping. So join Rakuten and start getting cash back at Sephora, Old Navy, Expedia, and other stores you love. You can even stack sales on top of cash back. Just start your shopping with Rakuten to save money at over 750 stores.
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