Let's Not Meet: A True Horror Podcast - 13x11: Bone Road

Episode Date: September 9, 2024

0:40Stories in this episode: Creepy Encounter while walking my dog | Electronic-Panda6780 (0:40) Someone Tried to Abduct Me, North Texas - 1980 | coloradokj (11:12) I Was Cornered By A Man and Some...thing Spooked Him Away | Sarah (14:45) I think I met a Craigslist Killer | cheybaby2424 (18:37) A knock on my door led to scary events | voicedance (25:00) I'm so glad I have a dog | MoustachedRemyy (28:46) Why I always look up when letting the dog out | Frodofrog (33:56) Threatened and extorted by the Cartel in Mexico | Glum-Calendar6755 (38:24) Bone Road | SuddenAd3041 (42:35) Extended Patreon Content: The Borrowed Coat | Penny The Man in the Black Car | Alli UPS Man | Anonymous I'm Glad I Wasn't Alone | Summer The Lady in Black | Elvis Dawg Chilling Late-Night Work Encounter  | M Due to periodic changes in ad placement, time stamps are estimates and are not always accurate. Upcoming LNM Live Tour Dates: 9/19/24 - Salt Lake City, UT @ Metro Music Hall: GET YOUR TICKETS 10/09/24 - Seattle, WA @ The Triple Door: GET YOUR TICKETS 10/30/24 - Portland, OR @ Show Bar: GET YOUR TICKETS 11/09/24 - Houston, TX @ The Secret Group: GET YOUR TICKETS 11/10/24 - Dallas, TX @ Deep Ellum Art Co: GET YOUR TICKETS Follow: - Twitch - https://twitch.tv/crypticcounty - Website - https://letsnotmeetpodcast.com/ - Patreon - https://patreon.com/letsnotmeetpodcast - Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/letsnotmeetcast/ - TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@crypticcounty Check out the other Cryptic County podcasts like Odd Trails, Cryptic Encounters, and the Old Time Radiocast at CrypticCountyPodcasts.com or wherever you get your podcasts!    Get access to extended, ad-free episodes of Let's Not Meet: A True Horror Podcast with bonus stories every week at a higher bitrate along with a bunch of other great exclusive material and merch at patreon.com/letsnotmeetpodcast. This podcast would not be possible to continue at this rate without the help of the support of the legendary LNM Patrons. Come join the family! All of the stories you've heard this week were narrated and produced with the permission of their respective authors. Let's Not Meet: A True Horror Podcast is not associated with Reddit or any other message boards online. To submit your story to the show, send it to letsnotmeetstories@gmail.com.  This episode is sponsored by/brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/notmeet and get on your way to being your best self.

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Starting point is 00:00:51 Enjoy the show. I often enjoy walking my dog at nighttime. This is largely due to the fact that my dog is harder to walk when people are out and about with their own dogs, so we tend to walk around parks in the area when they're somewhat unpopulated. I'm not a very big guy, about 5'10", and I'm lanky, so I wouldn't call myself intimidating. However, my 120-pound black boxer lab mix Loki could somewhat be considered threatening to most. I've always considered his size to be a good deterrent for anyone who may be looking to stir up any nightly troubles.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I was dead wrong about that, though. In the fall of 2016, we experienced an encounter that reminded me of why I became so reluctant to walk around at night. This specific park is one that I have been to a couple of times and from what I remember, the park usually starts clearing at around 6.30. Aside from a couple of joggers and very few other dog walkers, not many people will be on the same path that I tend to take. I generally like to have my headphones on so I can listen to music while I walk, but on this specific night I chose not to wear them because my phone battery was low and
Starting point is 00:02:41 I needed to preserve the battery that I had left. Anyway, the walk started like any other. Loki did his business and we continued on our usual path. About halfway through our walk, I realized it had started to get pretty dark. Since he was done with his business, we decided to cut the walk somewhat short and we took a shortcut that kind of led us off of the path. This shortcut had a bunch of trees surrounding the area and as Loki and I were walking along I felt this weird feeling as if we were being watched.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I have really bad anxiety sometimes but since I knew the town was safe, I figured it was nothing. Even so, I could not for the life of me shake off the feeling of being watched. I peered behind me to see if anyone had been following, but every single time, no one was there. In fact, no one was anywhere. The whole shortcut was desolate. Then suddenly, Loki stopped in his tracks and looked behind us as well. Loki, come on boy, we've gotta go, I said. The one thing I should mention is that despite his
Starting point is 00:04:00 stature, Loki is a bit of a scaredy-cat. I noticed his tail being tucked between his legs, which is a common sign that a dog is afraid. I was curious and a bit nervous about the sudden reaction, but I surely didn't want to find out what he heard or saw. I just wanted to get us out of there as soon as possible. I pulled at his leash a little bit and began to walk, but every now and then, he stopped and sheepishly looked back. After maybe a minute or so of walking, he stopped entirely, but this time, he began
Starting point is 00:04:37 to growl. So I turned around to try and see exactly what he was growling at. It was quite dark. I couldn't see very well, so I used my phone's flashlight to try and see what was up, but all I could see were trees. Just trees. So I assumed whatever we heard or saw was just some kind of small animal. Then, once again, I turned around and kept walking ahead.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Loki continued to peer back as we kept going, and I noticed that it became a lot more frequent. I just said to myself, it's just squirrels or maybe a bird, and ignored it. Then I heard what seemed to be footsteps and the crunching of branches breaking. I knew that there was no way a small animal could have produced a sound like that. Loki snapped back around quickly, and with his tail still tucked, he began to growl and bark lowly at a figure that appeared to be a man in his late forties, maybe early fifties, slinking out of the woods.
Starting point is 00:05:44 His hair was long and graying. He had one hand in his pocket as he faced me and said, nice dog you have there, kid. What breed is it? He's a boxer lab, I quickly replied. I love dogs. Do you mind if I pet him? He asked.
Starting point is 00:06:03 The man then fully emerged from the tree line and started to step towards me and Loki. As he got closer I realized that he was quite tall and a bit burly. Loki instantly got a bad feeling, so he ran behind me and started to bark at him. Actually, I do mind. My dog doesn't like strangers. I'm sorry. It's probably't like strangers. I'm sorry. It's probably best if you don't pet him. I firmly stated.
Starting point is 00:06:30 It's okay, really, the man insisted as he got closer. He seems like a friendly dog, just a little pet. It wouldn't harm him. I felt extremely uncomfortable. I had no idea why this guy couldn't take no for an answer. As a rule of thumb, I don't allow people to pet Loki unless he approaches them first. If he's scared of someone, then I usually don't want to further freak him out by letting someone who's making him nervous get close to him.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I felt the need to keep this rule enforced in this case, as the stranger in question just came out of the woods. I'm really sorry, man. I'm scared that he's going to bite you or something. I declined as I began to step away. I don't know why you just won't let me introduce myself to him. The guy replied angrily. I was feeling increasingly uncomfortable now.
Starting point is 00:07:25 My fight or flight instincts were beginning to take over, so I started to speed walk away. He continued to follow us while muttering curses to himself. I don't know if this man was under the influence or what his deal was, but he wasn't letting up. As he began to match my speed, I started to get angry. Loki and I both took this as a sign to sprint ahead a bit. I don't remember the actual running, since it was a bit of a blur to me, but I do remember the spine-tingling feeling that I had when I heard his
Starting point is 00:08:01 footsteps rapidly increasing behind me. He was trying to catch up, and for a man of his age and stature, he was quite fast. I also remember realizing that his intentions were likely not just to pet my dog. No reasonable person would push that hard to approach or pet a dog who's visibly upset. I remember looking behind me and seeing that he was in pursuit. He was about ten feet behind us, and I'll never forget the look in his eyes. I've never had anyone look at me like that before. It was the look of killer intent.
Starting point is 00:08:38 My instincts told me that I was correct in thinking that he had sinister intentions. Then finally, we reached the path leading to the park exit and into the busier streets. I lived about ten minutes away from the park, and as I headed out, I made sure that no one was following us. After walking for some time on populated streets, it felt like an eternity, we got home, but I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to get a minute of sleep.
Starting point is 00:09:07 From the window in my covered porch I stayed up and was on lookout all night with Loki. I also filed a police report with my parents. I wasn't sure they'd be able to do much, but this guy was very suspicious, so I knew reaching out to them was the right thing to do. Had his target been someone who couldn't protect themselves or run away? What would he have done? I also often ask myself, what if I had worn my headphones and the sound of my music drowned out the footsteps behind me?
Starting point is 00:09:41 Ever since, I haven't walked Loki in that park. I've also made it a habit of mine to walk in more populated areas when it's night. If I could give anyone one piece of advice, I'd say even if you live in a relatively safe town, don't ever let your guard down. You never know who might be lurking in the shadows and what they might be planning. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Kids are always learning and growing, but sometimes we lose that curiosity as adults. I definitely did for a long while. It took some rough terrain to open my mind back up to the wonders that life has to offer.
Starting point is 00:10:32 I know that probably sounds cheesy, but it's my truth, and it's something I learned that has helped me grow. But this idea also applies to everyday schools. Do you want to learn gardening, a new language, or maybe how to finally beat your best friend in bowling? Therapy can help you reconnect with your sense of wonder, because your back-to-school era, so to speak, can come at any age. Therapy can help you get there. It did for me. I look at my therapist as a teacher and I've learned so much from her. If you're thinking of starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. It's entirely online, designed to
Starting point is 00:11:10 be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. Just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists at any time for no additional charge. Rediscover your curiosity with BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com slash not meet today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash not meet. Now back to the time.
Starting point is 00:11:59 This happened when I was in the first grade at an elementary school in Texas. My family and I lived about, as my mother liked to call it, three long blocks down the road from the school, though it felt like we were further away than that. My sister and I were regularly brought to school in the mornings and then walked home after school in the afternoon. Around the time we started to go to this school, my parents decided to get a divorce. My dad moved out so we started seeing him only every other weekend. My mom then began dating someone else, and I remember that she became less available
Starting point is 00:12:36 when it came to taking us to school. She was very preoccupied with her new relationship, which led to her having me and my sister walk to and from school. Thinking back now, I'm not sure why I had to go to school late on this particular day. I might have had a doctor's appointment or something. All I really remember about getting to school that day was that I was maybe an hour late. In any case, my mom dropped me off that day. When we got to school, she pulled up and I got out.
Starting point is 00:13:09 I remember hoping that she would wait and watch me go up the flights of stairs to get inside. But to my dismay, she drove off right away. And that's when I saw him. He was normal looking, just a man who stepped out of his parked car across the street, but he was looking directly at me. My mom had just pulled away, so this man and I were the only two people around. He crossed the street quickly at an angle coming directly towards me.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I remember turning and running up the steps as soon as I saw him. There were three flights of stairs with landings in between, and when you're a little girl, these stairs seem much bigger. I remember looking over my shoulder and he was literally running up the stairs after me. I had that horrible gut reaction when I saw this, and I ran as fast as I could. I remember panicking as I saw the double doors in front of me. I was thinking that I might not make it.
Starting point is 00:14:10 And even at that young age, I felt this dark energy coming from this otherwise ordinary looking person who seemed to look like my dad. I remember the huge intrinsic feeling of doom and urgency to get through those doors. And I did. Once I pushed those doors open, I immediately turned around and saw him standing on the second set of stairs below. He just stood there looking at me as I looked down at him from the safety of the school. He was visibly angry as he turned around, walked down the stairs, and walked back to
Starting point is 00:14:48 his car. I remember telling my teacher about it, and a week later a police detective showed up and interviewed me about what happened. This makes me think that my situation may have been connected to something else that happened in that area at that time. I don't think I've ever been that afraid in my life. It was a powerful internal fear. It was like my body was telling me, I needed to get away from that man immediately.
Starting point is 00:15:28 This happened in New York City. Years ago when I was a freshman in college, I was out partying one night with some friends. I wasn't drunk or on any hard drugs, but I smoked a blunt or two. Around 3am, we called it a night and went our separate ways. I took the train to my neighborhood and began walking home. I remember I had to take a different route home that night since some train lines were under maintenance, so my walk was different. When I got off of the train, I realized I had to walk past the cemetery and started feeling uneasy, but I knew I just needed to power through for about 10 blocks and then I would be home. Now I always saw trucks lined up on the
Starting point is 00:16:09 cemetery blocks since it was such a desolate area so I assumed this was somewhat of a hub for truckers to park their trucks and take naps or sleep before continuing their routes, so I never thought much of seeing trucks parked there. A few minutes after I started walking past the cemetery, I heard a faint sound of what seemed to be a door to a vehicle being shut behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. So I scanned my surroundings
Starting point is 00:16:37 and I didn't see any other people. There was no one ahead of me or behind me as far as I could see. So I kept walking, so I kept walking. But I got a bit faster. And about a minute later, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around quickly and saw a man walking fast, just a few feet behind me. When he saw me, he began catcalling me and making kissing noises.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I was used to cat-calls. I was living in New York City, after all. By my house, there was typically a line of men on the corner every morning waiting to be picked up for construction work, and every time I passed them I would get cat-called or harassed, so I ignored the man behind me and just kept walking, but a bit faster now. A few seconds later, he ran to catch up with me, and as we were side by side, he started speaking to me in Spanish. I don't understand or speak Spanish. When I was unresponsive, he grabbed my arm firmly and began pulling me toward him, so
Starting point is 00:17:41 I started to scream and fight him off. He then pushed me up against the cemetery fence, and in the midst of all of this my heart sank to the floor as I thought something very bad was about to happen. He started lifting me up. He had me off of the ground. Then suddenly the color drained from his face and it appeared stark white in the moonlight. His expression shifted to one of pure horror as he looked past me and into the cemetery as if he were fixated on something. He let out a blood curdling scream and then let go of me.
Starting point is 00:18:18 By the time I had dropped to the ground, he was already across the street running out of sight. Choking on tears and shaking beside myself, I got up and ran as fast as I could for the last few blocks to my house. I didn't turn to look inside that cemetery once. I didn't turn around at all. And I didn't stop running until I got home. I never took that train or walked past that cemetery again, and to be honest, I never
Starting point is 00:18:46 told my parents about what happened. I only told a handful of friends over the years because to this day I still don't understand what happened. But something in that cemetery probably saved my life. I'm a female, and in 2011, I was 19. I was looking for a room to rent in the city I was moving to for college, which was about an hour away from where my family was living. I wasn't having much luck looking for a place on my own, so my mom started helping me look as well.
Starting point is 00:19:38 She found an ad on Craigslist for a room in a house. The rent was $300 with utilities and everything included. The homeowner was a man, and he had rented the additional rooms that he had upstairs to other women while he lived in the finished basement. The ad stated that he rarely ever saw the tenants living in the house above since he had his own entrance and kitchen downstairs. He also specifically said that he preferred to have women renters since he had issues with male tenants in the past who partied and caused a lot of damage. We started to take a look at it since it was the cheapest listing that we could find in
Starting point is 00:20:17 the area. So my mom and I went over to the house together to view it. The homeowner opened the door and was very welcoming. It was a decent house, located in a decent neighborhood. The kitchen and living room were furnished nicely. The whole place was really clean. My mom loves talking to people and getting to know them, so as she and the homeowner were engaged in conversation, I stood there quietly and continued observing
Starting point is 00:20:46 the place. He said he would show me the available room, so we headed towards the staircase to go up since he stated on the phone that the room was upstairs with the other roommates. But then he opened another door, and we followed him. He took us down to the basement and opened the door to a very small room that had no closet and no windows. He proceeded to say that that room would be mine, and I would be sharing the bathroom in the hallway with him.
Starting point is 00:21:19 That wasn't the weirdest part though. It turns out his bedroom did not have a door on it. I was definitely thinking, absolutely not, this is weird. But he and my mom were so deep in conversation that I couldn't interject. He then led us upstairs and showed us the other rooms. When we got up there, there was a wide landing that was surrounded by rooms. The doors were open and he let us know that they were currently rented out. He motioned towards one of the other rooms and started this long, intricate story about
Starting point is 00:21:51 the woman who lived there and talked about her alcoholism and her crazy ex. He was very exaggerated in how he was speaking, and he used a lot of hand gestures. My mom stood there listening to him, and I'm not sure if she was genuinely captivated or if she just was trying not to be rude, but either way, she didn't get a good look at any of the rooms. While my mom was listening intently, I took the time to investigate further. I looked in all three rooms. Each was furnished with a neatly made bed on a dark wooden bed frame,
Starting point is 00:22:29 a bureau with a mirror attached, and a nightstand. There were sliding mirror doors on the closets which were empty, with the exception of one, in which men's clothing was hanging, but pushed against one corner. There was nothing on the nightstands other than a lamp and nothing on top of the bureaus. I thought it was incredibly strange that there wasn't a single item in any of the rooms that looked like it belonged to a woman, no clothes, no anything.
Starting point is 00:23:02 I then heard him tell my mom that he was storing some stuff in the other closets, but they didn't mind. I remember thinking, why the hell would a tenant pay you for some space, only for you to turn around and use part of that space as storage? Then I went into the bathrooms and there was nothing on the vanity other than hand soap. I looked in the other showers too, which had nothing except for a bar of soap. I was feeling uncomfortable after seeing all of this, so I returned to the landing where my mom was still speaking with the homeowner.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Then I slowly started heading down the stairs and they followed. My mom had mentioned when we arrived that she and my dad were going on vacation the next week. She also mentioned that I couldn't go because I had work. She brought it up and said that I should come by the following week to have dinner with him and the other tenants to see if we could all get along. I said sure, and we left. to see if we could all get along. I said sure, and we left.
Starting point is 00:24:06 As soon as we got in the car, I told my mom I absolutely would not be living there. She was dumbfounded. I had to explain to her that not only did he lie about the room, but he also lied about where the room was. Plus, sharing a bathroom with him was news to me. I also mentioned that his bedroom didn't even have a damn door. And I let her know that all the bedrooms that I was shown upstairs didn't seem to actually be occupied.
Starting point is 00:24:37 My mom still didn't get it, and I thought that I was just being paranoid. She thought that he was nice, and the fact that it was a cheap deal was an added bonus. I had to describe the place to my stepdad and have him tell her by no means would I be living there. I tried to report the post, but it had been removed by the time we got home. My theory is he planned on murdering me or abducting me and holding me hostage at the dinner that I said I would return for.
Starting point is 00:25:09 I think he was planning to trap me in that basement room since I had no way to escape. I wanna say that I'm so grateful that my mom and I got out of there, and I hope that my experience could help remind someone to notice the details and get out of sketchy situations safely. Stay safe and blessed, everyone.
Starting point is 00:25:29 This happened around 2018, right after my sister moved out of our apartment. I was home alone on my day off when someone knocked on the door. No one ever visits and I have a lot of anxiety, so it was terrifying to my brain already. I answered and it happened to be a woman who lived in one of the basement apartments. She seemed nice at first, asking if I wanted any clothes that she was giving away. She remarked that the clothes weren't her style, but seemed to match mine perfectly as a young woman. That already was a red flag in my head because the only time I've ever seen her walk around was when
Starting point is 00:26:25 I was walking out of the apartment building to go to work wearing my work uniform, which is a black shirt, black pants, and a black hat. I continued to let her talk because I was super awkward and I hated being rude. She then started getting pushy and listing off very expensive name brands to try and get me to go to her apartment to check out the clothes that she had. I should mention that we live in a small old building with no cameras and I lived on the top floor. To go down to her apartment, I would have to go down to what I call the creepy stairs
Starting point is 00:27:03 to the basement level next to the door to the back lot that no one ever used. I then realized she was holding a notebook open and it had a written script of what she was saying. I continued to decline her invitation to go look at the clothes. But my anxiety just wouldn't let me close the door in her face since I was nervous that she might lash out. She kept insisting, so I finally tried to dismiss her by letting her know that
Starting point is 00:27:32 my boyfriend was going to be home soon. I suggested that she just donate the clothes. In reality, my boyfriend wasn't going to be home for many hours, but she didn't need to know that, and I just wanted her to get out of there. She left and I went back to my room, which had a window facing the alley and the back lot that I mentioned before. A few moments later, I heard a fight happening in the lot. I saw her with the building's former maintenance man.
Starting point is 00:28:03 The two of them were loud, screaming at each other. They were standing next to his truck, which had tinted windows and a covered truck bed. I believe that he left, but a little while later, I heard something hit my door really hard. I didn't check to see what it was. I just stared at the door. Then it happened again, and again. It kept happening all night until my boyfriend came home.
Starting point is 00:28:34 And then it continued for several days after it initially started happening. But it would only happen when I was alone. I finally took a look at the door and realized that it was the deadbolt being hit. It had been pounded on so much that it was now off center. I had it replaced, but even after it was replaced, the damage that was done to the door couldn't be fixed. It stopped after a little while, and
Starting point is 00:29:03 the woman moved out almost immediately after all of it. Luckily, I moved out too, and I'm still pretty shaken up. I live with my mom, sister, baby brother, and dog, and occasionally my mom's boyfriend. Ever since I finished my academic year about a month and a half ago, I've been home alone a lot more often. Usually it's me and the dog left in the house when my mom goes out somewhere. We usually don't lock the front door when I'm home alone, since we live in a relatively safe neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:29:57 One evening when I was home alone, I had just finished eating my dinner and I was sitting in my favorite armchair in the living room watching YouTube videos. The armchair faced the living room door directly, which was open, meaning I could see the stairs and most of the hallway leading into the house from there. Though I couldn't see the front door. As I was watching a video, I heard the front door open, so I turned the volume on my phone down since I assumed it was my mom walking in. Since it was the evening time, I thought that my baby brother would be asleep, and
Starting point is 00:30:32 I didn't want to wake the baby. I heard the front door close almost immediately after I turned the volume down, so I called out, hello? As I wondered why my mom was being so quiet, but I was met with silence. When I got up to check, there was nobody by the door. The dog always makes loads of sounds whenever somebody passes in front of our house or knocks on the door. So since she wasn't barking or reacting at all, I thought I must have imagined it.
Starting point is 00:31:05 This seemed plausible, as I experienced auditory hallucinations at times, especially when I'm anticipating specific noises. I just brushed it off and chalked it up to overactive anxiety. So I settled back into the same old armchair, but didn't resume my video as the loud sound in the otherwise deathly quiet house put me further on edge. I just sat and drank my cider in silence as my dog sat at my feet. This meant that it would be impossible for me to miss the sound of the door opening and the sound of footsteps coming into my house.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I was already on high alert from the previous false alarm of someone coming into the house, so my heart was pounding as I registered hearing the door open once more. But I couldn't hear the wheels of the buggy or the baby crying. I couldn't hear my mom's voice or the clacking of the heels that I knew she was wearing. I only heard the soft padding of unfamiliar feet stepping into my house. At this point, I was frozen with my eyes fixed on the part of the hallway that
Starting point is 00:32:15 was visible to me from where I was sitting. The silhouette of an unfamiliar man splashed into view on the wall. I was terrified, hoping for him to have simply mistaken this for his home. I was visualizing him apologizing to the empty air and then swiftly exiting the house. Before I could take those few steps forward that would allow me to see him, my dog started to bark and growl aggressively at the man. I was frozen as this happened.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I didn't even register that she had left the spot where she was sitting in front of me. With the exception of my dog's reaction, it was still completely silent in the house, and the man left immediately, slamming the door shut behind himself. That was when I finally released a breath that I was holding and crept out of the hallway to lock the door. Thoroughly shaken, I made my way back to the living room, wanting to get away from that door when I realized that the man was still
Starting point is 00:33:16 pacing in front of the house. With the bitter taste of panic making itself known once again, I hastily called my mom, as I half expected the man to try the door handle again. I didn't immediately call the police because I didn't really think that any crime had been committed. I was still telling myself that he had probably just gotten lost and entered the wrong house, especially since he had his phone in his hand as he was pacing.
Starting point is 00:33:45 I also think I found it easier to believe that, since he wouldn't have any malicious intent. The man left after a while and my mom promised to come home immediately. While I waited for my mom, I gave my dog a treat for being a good guard dog and protecting me and her home. Despite feeling much safer after he was gone, I couldn't help but go over how strange it was that he didn't even knock before he opened the door. Or how silent he was when he came in. I really hope that man didn't have any bad intentions, but just to be on the safe side to the random guy who walked into my house.
Starting point is 00:34:26 Let's not meet again. One night a few years ago, my mom and stepdad had gone out to this concert and left me in charge of my little brother Sonny and the dog. I wasn't very old, only about 14, but I felt very proud that my parents trusted me enough to do that. The little village where we were living in was the kind of place where everybody knows everybody and I could count the number of houses that there were on my hands. We lived in a quiet, close-knit community, and nothing ever happened there.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I thought I was a pretty cool big brother, so I planned on doing cool babysitting stuff, like letting my little brother stay up late, eating pizza, etc. At about 10.30, the power cut out. Now, I didn't think anything of it, since the weather hadn't been great, so I figured that had something to do with it. So I got some candles out of the cupboard and lit them. As soon as I sat back down, Sonny turned to me, and being the weird little kid that he was, he calmly told me that someone was outside. I was a little perturbed, but since the dog hadn't done anything, I assumed it was just
Starting point is 00:35:50 neighbors. Sunny then shrugged and went back to his drawings. There's a running joke in our house that you don't need a clock with a dog, since he's such a creature of habit. He will consistently get up exactly the same time every night to let us know that it's time to initiate his nightly going-to-bed routine. The dog did exactly that about 45 minutes after the power went out.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I told Sunny to get a biscuit for the dog while I let him go out to potty. Now our kitchen is located in a part of the house that's an extension from the original house. So, as such, this area has a flat roof that was noticeably lower to the ground compared to the roofing on the rest of the house. This offered easy access to the bathroom window. As I opened the door so that the dog could go out and do his thing, Sonny pushed past me at the doorway and whispered,
Starting point is 00:36:49 I know you're out there, I'm calling the police. Then he turned around and went back inside the house with the biggest, proudest smile I had ever seen on his face. Just then, there was a very distinct rustling coming from just above the doorway. I don't think that I'll ever forget the way Sonny's face dropped when he looked just above my head. When I looked up as well, I saw a man sitting on the roof right above me. He panicked, tried to kick me, and then ran off into the next door neighbor's garden.
Starting point is 00:37:27 From there, he ran into the cornfields that surrounded our village. I was terrified, and Sonny was now bawling his eyes out, so I ushered him inside as quickly as I could and I grabbed a knife from the kitchen. We both went to his room, and I told him to try and get some sleep while I stayed awake and waited for our parents to come home. It was an agonizingly long four hours before they did. My stepdad immediately went outside to check and see if everything was all right. I then heard them talking about how something had smashed the fuse box. We called the police, but they didn't come until the next day.
Starting point is 00:38:07 They searched the immediate premises and found a makeshift bed in a nearby unused barn, along with pictures of our silhouettes in the shower through the frosted glass. I think it's pretty safe to say the whole experience definitely shook us up. We moved out as soon as we could, but I still make sure that my curtains are closed when I can, and I'm apprehensive about every shadow that I see. Sunny has kept quiet about this since it happened, but I'm not sure if that's because he doesn't remember,
Starting point is 00:38:45 or if his brain just blocked it out. To our weird kitchen-roof stalker, let's not meet. [♪ music starts again, with a soft, deep, deep echoing sound of a wind howling through the air and a gentle, soft, gentle hum of a family vacation to Los Cabos, Mexico. My family and I stayed at a nice western resort. Every night we were on vacation, at around 9.30 pm, my family would head back to their rooms to go to sleep. Naturally, as a 25-year-old, I wanted to stay up and party or
Starting point is 00:39:27 go drinking at the bars. My older brother was working remotely during our trip, so he wouldn't go out with me. So after the family went to bed, I went out to a bar around the corner from my hotel and ended up befriending some locals there, as well as a 29-year-old guy from San Diego named Luke, who was therefore a wedding. This group started hanging out every night after my family went to sleep, and on the
Starting point is 00:39:54 third night of the trip, Luke asked me if I wanted to meet him in downtown Los Cabos with his friends. I really wanted to, but I was at dinner with my family. It went on later than usual, so I ended up staying around the hotel that night. The next night, I was able to meet up with Luke and I met him at this huge Pablo Escobar-esque mansion that he and his friends rented on Airbnb. He said that it was good that I couldn't make it out the night before because of how scary of an experience it was.
Starting point is 00:40:28 He explained to me that the night before, his buddy went outside and someone approached him and held out a key with a bump of coke on it. Without even thinking, he inhaled the bump and the person who offered it was now demanding that he buy an $80 bag from him. He was drunk and refused while getting pretty aggressive. Things went from bad to worse as the guy who offered the bump started following their group from bar to bar for the next three hours, taking pictures of them. This guy ended up calling some of his friends and eventually there was a group of men following
Starting point is 00:41:03 behind Luke and his friends, claiming to be affiliated with the cartel. They warned that if Luke's buddy didn't pay them, they were going to call their boss. Luke tried to smooth things over, but these men told him his friend had stolen from them and it was going to cost him his life if somebody didn't pay up. He also pulled up his shirt revealing a 9mm pistol tucked into his waistband. Luke remained calm after offering to take them to an ATM to pay them the money that they were demanding so that he and his friends could all be left alone. Then these guys gave him an empty coke bag and abruptly left.
Starting point is 00:41:46 Even after Luke did all of this to ensure his friend's safety, his friend denied all responsibility and wrongdoing. His buddy was even mad at Luke for trying to help. He also never offered Luke a single dollar. After this event happened, Luke was robbed again by a girl who ripped his $200 gold necklace right off of his neck. The guy was just trying to be a good friend and was not only met with no gratitude, but he was robbed a second time.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Needless to say, I'm very happy I did not go out with Luke and his friends that night. Be careful, everyone. Never accept free drugs from a stranger on the street in Mexico or really anywhere. It always comes at a price. Tickets are still available for the Let's Not Meet live tour. I'll be in Salt Lake City, Utah on September 19th, Seattle, Washington on October 9th, Portland, Oregon on October 30th, Houston, Texas on November 9th, and Dallas, Texas on
Starting point is 00:43:01 November 10th. You can get tickets at letsnotmeetpodcast.com slash tour or follow the links in the show notes. I'll see you there. I live in a very rural area of Tennessee. This happened during the summer of 1993. Even though I was a preteen back then, I can still vividly recall all of this in my mind. It's like it just happened yesterday. So, as I said, it took place in a rural area in Tennessee where we used to have some serious issues with people dumping
Starting point is 00:43:39 unwanted, worn-out items and garbage down our beautiful hillsides and ravines. At that time, it was common to find illegal dumping sites everywhere because there was no bulk pickup offered by our waste disposal provider. In this part of the state, the economic disparity is glaring. There are some of the poorest people living in the area, as well as mansions and vacation home-owning folks living in the area as well. In this spectrum my family fell somewhere in the upper middle class.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Just imagine, if Titanic rules were in effect, we would be in either the lowest rung of the first class or the very top of the second class. Unfortunately, the majority of those who live in the area would be in steerage or the coal bunker. So it was August in Tennessee which meant that there was ample sun-scorching heat and enough humidity to make it slightly uncomfortable to even breathe. Many people describe this specific area as the swamp-ass capital of the state. Anyway, it was extraordinarily rare for a murder to occur in our county.
Starting point is 00:44:56 But just before summer break came to an end, this lady was found at the base of a steep incline deep in one of our densely wooded areas. She was found by some folks that were out there on a nature hike at the base of a large illegal dump on a winding dirt road that was barely wide enough for one vehicle. If you encountered another car, one of you would have to pull over so far that you were almost off the road entirely. The creepy cherry on top was that the road was named Bone Road.
Starting point is 00:45:33 The victim was largely unknown, a woman in her early 30s and nowhere near wealthy. She had moved here less than a year prior and kept to herself. She was never reported missing. I don't know her nor did anyone else. But as this was happening, it was all that anyone was talking about. It was all you heard about in the local churches and the beauty salons.
Starting point is 00:46:00 After the site where the body was found was clear, law enforcement started an investigation to figure out who the body was found was clear, law enforcement started an investigation to figure out who the killer was, so her killer had not yet been caught. My mom was born and raised here, and was of strong yet goofy stock. She has always been my best friend, even when dropping the hammer on me and my brother. She was a teacher who was loved by every student that she had ever taught. My friends also adored my goofy mom, often telling me how lucky I was to have her. My dad was a pharmacist in our area and smarter than most.
Starting point is 00:46:40 He was almost happy to go fill a lost or forgotten prescription even late at night. My dad isn't from rural Tennessee originally, but he's very well known because of his job. Everyone knew my mom as well since she and most of our huge family have been here since our ancestors settled in the late 1800s. The rest of her family lived in central Tennessee. On that day in August, we had been at a family reunion picnic at the beautiful lake that we lived close to. Suddenly, a scattered thunderstorm rolled in and brought our get-together to
Starting point is 00:47:19 an abrupt end. My mom and I were going to ride home together afterward. But as we were driving home, we decided that we would be Sherlock Holmes and Watson. We wanted to take a look at the crime scene. My dad was at work and my brother was with a friend. This was in 1993, so there was no GPS, Alexa, Siri, or Google Earth, not even MapQuest. so there was no GPS, Alexa, Siri, or Google Earth, not even MapQuest.
Starting point is 00:47:45 My dad was on our school board, and we had been given a highly detailed map of our entire county. Since neither of us knew how to reach Bone Road, it was agreed upon that the map would be our guide. So we went home, grabbed the map, and set out like we were Magellan. Eventually, we found the place on the map and headed there.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Being the ignorant rubber-neckers that we were, we planned to drive past the illegal dump site. I can't explain how creepy this place actually was. The site where the body was dumped was in the middle of nowhere, on a road that started with a blacktop that transitioned to gravel until it was eventually just good old dirt. It was mid-afternoon but the sudden rain on the hot summer ground made the area steamy. Literal steam was wafting from the road, the fields, the woods, everywhere. That just added to the thrill of our folly.
Starting point is 00:48:48 As we approached the location, there was a blind curve making it impossible for us to see the place until we were right up on it. When we rounded that corner, we saw that we were not alone. A man was pulled over at this illegal dumping site in his very dirty truck. He was pulled over just enough to allow us to pass. Sure, he could have been another looky-loo, but he gave off a very creepy vibe. He was just standing by his truck looking down into the dump. We could tell that he wasn't a sheriff's officer since we knew all of our local authorities.
Starting point is 00:49:28 They had cleared the location a day or so before so anyone was able to access the area by this time. As we squeezed past the truck, he was standing on the passenger side of our car. I was only 12, so I wasn't the one driving, which means he was on my side as we passed. I was so close to him that I could see his two teeth clear as day, especially since he smiled at me with this very creepy, leering grin. I could tell that his smile wasn't nice, nor was it friendly. We got past him and thanked the Lord we hadn't been followed. We agreed that we would reach the end of Bone Road and then get the hell out of there.
Starting point is 00:50:16 Well, when we did reach the end of the road, which ended at a field, we didn't realize Bone Road was a dead end. No pun intended. This realization made my mom utter the words that I had been screaming in my head. Oh, fuck. We had no choice. We had to do a five-point turn and then go back the way that we came. Oh, I bet he's long gone by now, my mom calmly said in a feeble attempt to soothe us both.
Starting point is 00:50:47 But guess what, he was still there, flashing his huge two-tooth grin. Now as my adult self has reflected on this, I realize he could have come after us, knowing that we would be cornered. But thankfully, we made it out unscathed. Of course, my dad hit the roof when he heard about our afternoon adventure. Days later, our newspaper heralded the great news, the murderer had been caught. It turns out the woman had been killed by a boyfriend turned stalker. She moved here from a town about 45 minutes away to get away from him, but he found her.
Starting point is 00:51:27 He drove around with her body in his truck before happening upon the remote dump site. So was this all's well that ends well since the murderer was caught? No. As we stared at this guy's mugshot, it suddenly became very real. The Two-Tooth Smiley Guy was her killer. We never revealed that part to my dad. Mr. Two-Tooth was convicted of first degree murder and abuse of a corpse. He'll die in state prison, serving life with no parole. My mom and I promised each other that we would never go on a risky adventure like
Starting point is 00:52:08 that again. We still have weird adventures, but we steer clear of freaky remote murder dump sites on unknown terrain, with no one knowing where we are. We really could have met our literal dead end on that dead end that day. It's an odd thing knowing that you've been face to face with a brutal murderer, especially when this happened not only once, but twice. To Mr. Tootooth, let's not meet ever again.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Thanks for listening and stick around after the music if you're a patron for your extended version of this week's episode. If you want to get access to that and add free versions of all of our other episodes at a higher bit rate for the best listening experience, plus hours of bonus content you won't hear anywhere else, head over to patreon.com forward slash let's not meet podcast to sign up and support the show today. This week you have heard creepy encounter whileounter While Walking My Dog by ElectronicPanda6780, Someone Tried to Abduct Me by Colorado KJ, I Was Cornered by a Man and Something Scared Him Away by Sarah, I Think I Met a Craigslist Killer by Che Baby 2424 A knock at my door led to scary events by
Starting point is 00:53:48 Voicedance I'm so glad I have a dog by MustachedRemy Why I always look up when I'm letting the dog out by Frodo Frog Threatened and extorted by The Cartel in Mexico by GlumCalendar6755. And finally Bone Road by SuddenAdd3041. All of the stories you've heard this week were narrated and produced with the permission of their respective authors. Let's Not Meet, a true horror podcast is not associated with Reddit
Starting point is 00:54:19 or any other message boards online. If you have a story to share, send it to letsnotmeetstories at gmail.com. Make sure to check out the new episodes of my other podcasts like Odd Trails, my True Paranormal podcast, Cryptic Encounters, and the old time radio cast at crypticcountypodcasts.com or wherever you get your podcasts. We'll see you next week, everyone stay safe. I'm a 40 year old woman and sometimes I get horrified when I think of my parents.

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