Let's Not Meet: A True Horror Podcast - 1x08: Attic - Let's Not Meet (Feat. Sapphire)

Episode Date: March 11, 2019

Stories in this episode: “I like to watch you sleep” - devilinkneehighs Nanny tried to kidnap me through a ritual - lostinagame Obsessed girl believes we were "In the womb together" - Mer...cepher A scary lady broke in.. - Jnyx92599 Invited into his attic - WallyTheDogg Check out Sapphire's podcast Something Scary at  https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/tqi9e-77d0e/Something-Scary-Podcast and youtube channel Snarled at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVTKO1D_G19UlK03ezaADag  Follow Let's Not Meet: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/433173970399259/  Twitter - https://twitter.com/letsnotmeetcast  Website - http://letsnotmeetpodcast.com  Patreon - http://patreon.com/letsnotmeetpodcast  Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/crypticcounty   

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If you've fallen out of love with your home, maybe you just need a refresh. Contact CERTA Pro Painters and we'll put the power of Pro to work for you. That's CERTA Pro's power to transform living rooms and rejuvenate kitchens. The power to get the job done right, on time, and within your budget. Get that love and feeling back. With the help of CERTA Pro Painters, start your project at CERTA PRO.com, the power. A PRO, each CERTA PRO PANERS business is independently owned and operated. My name is Andrew Tate and this is season one at the so Scary podcast, as recommended by
Starting point is 00:01:06 one of our listeners. She'll be telling a couple of stories on the show, and then towards the end, stick around for an interview about her podcast and her YouTube channel. For now, enjoy Season 1 Episode 8 of Let's Not Meet. My sister has been married for several years, but this is the first time she genuinely felt unsafe in her own home. Her husband was finishing up school and they had just had a baby, so she was pretty sleep-deprived. She had gotten sick, and my brother-in-law wanted her to get some decent rest, so he stayed with the baby in the living room in the nursery to
Starting point is 00:01:50 take care of her while my sister slept. My parents wanted to see the baby, so my brother-in-law came over to our house for a bit, and just let my sister rest. It should be noted that my brother-in-law is extremely paranoid even though we live in a low-crime area. He's from a sketchy midwestern town, so that makes sense. So he makes sure the doors and windows are all locked before leaving. And half wakes my sister up to let her know that he's going to our house with the baby, and it'll pick up some dinner on the way back.
Starting point is 00:02:22 My sister sleepily agrees and falls back to sleep. Fast forward a couple of hours. My sister has to wake up to breastfeed, slash pump, because her chest was starting to hurt. She prolongs this and tosses and turns for a while, because she was still exhausted and didn't want to get up just yet. Once she starts coming too, she realizes that the house is really cold. She actually opens her eyes and hears the front door shutting, but she's super out of it. Assuming that it's her husband, she calls out his name, but no one answers. The room is pitch black, and all other lights in the house are off so she can't
Starting point is 00:03:07 see anything. Suddenly she gets this really horrible feeling that she can only describe as stepping into a freezing shower. She gets up and checks the thermostat, which is fine. She assumes she just feels cold because she's sick. She turns on some lights and does a quick turn about through the house and realizes that no one else is home and the front door is still locked. This obviously freaks her out and she texts her husband to ask when he'll be home. He gets home not long after. They have dinner and he stays with the baby in the living room and sleeps on the couch. My sister notices that one of the windows in the bedroom is open, and she says she doesn't remember opening it, but that would explain why it was so cold earlier. Her husband makes sure to check all of the windows and the doors. My sister
Starting point is 00:04:02 explains to him that weird feeling she got earlier. Later, she wakes up again around 2 a.m. to pump, and that disgusting feeling creeps up again. She shoots up out of bed and can barely make out someone standing at the foot of the bed. She thinks it's her husband, similar height, similar build, so she asks him to bring her some water while she's prepping to pump. The figure doesn't move or speak. She repeats herself, and then what she describes is the most terrifying moment in her life, he answers. No, no. Go back to sleep. I like to watch you sleep.
Starting point is 00:04:47 The voice definitely does not belong to my brother-in-law. She turns on her side desk lamp and starts screaming at this person wearing all black. He starts giggling. Her husband jolts out of his sleep and she scrambles for the knife that she has on her table, and this person books it out the window. He had opened it and climbed through. She knows for sure that he was watching her sleep earlier when she was napping and that it was probably him that she had seen shutting the bedroom door earlier. They called the police and filed a report, but nothing really comes of it because he technically didn't do anything besides trespassing, because they said that they couldn't be sure that
Starting point is 00:05:33 they could charge him with breaking and entering, because my sister doesn't remember if she opened the window or not. Idiots. They have no idea how he didn't injure himself when he jumped out the window because my brother-in-law ran out the back to give chase and saw that he had just disappeared. It's been a few years and nothing really ever came of the investigation. And they had the windows and locks replaced. So creepy guy that likes to watch people sleep stay away from my family and you better hope we never meet. When I was 19, I was married with two kids. My oldest son, Jacob, was two, and the younger boy Tyler was about one.
Starting point is 00:06:36 We all lived in an apartment in a tiny little town. There were four apartments in our building. My mom lived in the front left-hand apartment, and we lived in the back upstairs one. We lived there peacefully until this night. In this tiny town, there's a woman, Leslie, who suffers from many mental illnesses, including schizophrenia. She doesn't like people and prefers to be left alone. She often wanders the streets at all hours and seem to particularly hate my younger son.
Starting point is 00:07:11 If we passed her on the street, she would stare at him and burst into a curse word fueled rant. We would just ignore her and continue on our way. So now that you know some backstory, let's get into what happened on this particular night. The boys had been in bed for a couple of hours, and my husband and I had just gone to bed. I feel like I had just closed my eyes when I heard a noise from the front of the apartment. It kind of sounded like the toy box had been dumped, so I assumed one of the boys had gotten up. I hopped out of bed to see
Starting point is 00:07:45 what they were up to. I knew if one was up, the other would soon be up, and that would result in a very long night. When I walked out of my room, though, I was shocked to realize that the front door was standing open. Silhouetted by the porch light and hunched at my boy's bedroom door was Leslie. She was muttering to herself about killing the little demon child. In one hand, she held a screwdriver, as she used both hands to jiggle the knob. Luckily the boy's door stuck, who and it was humid out, so there was a trick to opening the door. I knew and understood that Leslie is just sick and was not in her right mind,
Starting point is 00:08:26 but I wasn't sure how to handle this whole situation. Clearly, I didn't want to turn her aggravated attention to me, but I needed to get her away from my boy's door. She just kept jiggling the handle and muttering about the demon child. I should mention at this point that Tyler was and is the most joyful kid I have ever known. Jacob has always been quiet and thoughtful while Tyler is loud and smiles brighter than the sun. He will do big things to make someone else happy. Jacob also thrives on making people happy, but he does it in such small ways that you almost don't realize until you do. I was sure that there was literally no possible reason for her hatred of Tyler.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I was sure it was just her mental illness as speaking, but it was insane. Anyway, back to the story. Luckily, my mom was walking home from the bar across the street from the apartments, and she heard the crash, which I now know was my front door being smashed open. My mom had lived in this town longer than I had, and had dealt with Leslie's outburst several times. So while I was trying to decide how to distract her from my boys' room without getting stabbed, my mom was creeping up the stairs to my apartment. My mom stepped into the apartment and Leslie turned to look at her.
Starting point is 00:09:51 My mom asked her what she was doing, and she started crying and told my mom that she had to kill him. They kept telling her that she had to. By this point, my husband had woken up and called for help. The cops came and escorted her away. They took her to her sister's house down the road. Fortunately, her sister is under no illusions about her sister's condition. She knew that Leslie only got bad when she stopped taking meds and began drinking instead. So Leslie was taken to the hospital to get her stabilized and back stopped taking meds and began drinking instead. So Leslie was taken
Starting point is 00:10:25 to the hospital to get her stabilized and back on her meds. The family apologized and we moved before she was released from the hospital. The boys slept in my room until we did move and for a while after that. Last I knew Leslie is doing okay. They think Tyler set her off because he resembled a baby the family lost. When she saw him, she decided her meds weren't working because she was seeing things again. So she stopped taking them and then began drinking because she couldn't deal with seeing this baby everywhere. Maybe that's crap, maybe it's true, I'm not sure. We haven't seen her since, and her family works hard to keep people from spreading stories. Tyler is 18 now, and still full
Starting point is 00:11:13 of sunshine. Jacob is 19. We have two more kids and have been married for 20 years. It is still the scariest night of my life. I'm forever grateful for my mom in that darn sticky door. I'm sure Leslie or I would be dead if she had managed to get the door open. This is from my sophomore year of high school. Keep in mind that some of the reasons why this whole scenario lasted so long was because I was extremely shy in having problems with anxiety. This whole experience has helped me learn to speak up for myself. It was at the beginning of the school year, and I had gym class for my first period. I went to class normally for a few days, but I had
Starting point is 00:12:17 noticed that some girl had been staring at me on and off. I didn't think it was anything to worry about, but I guess that was a big mistake on my part. One day before class started, we were all hanging out in the corner of the gym listening to our teacher, tell a story about how he had tripped and fell into a huge puddle of mud. I was sitting on a pile of yoga mats, staring off in his space, but still kind of paying attention. I then heard a girl's voice say, Teacher, I have a story to tell too. I finally found my best friend that I haven't seen in years. She doesn't even recognize me. I was snapped out of my staring spell and looked towards the voice to find that she was pointing directly at me. My foolishly said, Oh no, no, I remember you.
Starting point is 00:13:08 And I read off the name that was written across her gym shirt, Ellie, because I didn't want to seem like a jerk for not remembering her. Ellie instantly brightened up because I remembered her, and then proceeded to lift herself up onto my yoga mats and sit uncomfortably close to me. Just enough that our entire bodies were squished together. I didn't say anything because I didn't feel it was necessary to cause a huge problem out of this because there was obviously something up with her mentally, and I didn't want to be a dick about it. The class went on and Ellie and I were not in the same group, so I didn't want to be a dick about it. The class went on, and Ellie and I were not in the same group,
Starting point is 00:13:46 so I didn't have any problem with her that day. Over the next few days, we didn't have any assigned class groups, so Ellie was trailing behind me like a dog. She was starting to get extremely protective and forceful with me. I don't get cold very easily, but she insisted that I wear her jacket and would not leave me alone until I finally wore it. She also started to say things about hurting my actual friends, which was the final straw
Starting point is 00:14:12 for me. Do whatever you want to me, but as soon as you bring my friends into it, I'm going to have to do something about it. I was finally going to bring it up to our principal. Putting that whole thing behind, our class today had the option to either play volleyball or walk around the perimeter of the room. I decided to just walk around the room and had been doing that for about 15 minutes until I sat on the ground by the bleachers to tie my shoes. Ellie dropped down to the ground too and watched me with extreme interest. All
Starting point is 00:14:47 of a sudden, she grabbed my wrist and held our forearms together. We have the same veins. You want to know why? Because we were in the womb together. I used to hug you when you were scared in the womb," she said. This line freaked me out a lot at the time. One, our veins looked nothing alike, she had only one visible vein while mine branch out into multiple. Two, we looked nothing alike, and she was a year older than me. I decided to run off to the bathroom before I really freaked out, and I
Starting point is 00:15:26 stayed there for almost the rest of the class. I returned later for the end of class role call and left to go to the locker room. Ellie got dressed really quickly and was staring at me half naked, getting dressed. It made me really uncomfortable. I lied and told her that I had to leave quickly because I had to meet up with my boss at the olive garden, and I high-telled it out of there to my next class. My next teacher, who I trust dearly, had called me up to talk to her privately in her class, and she said that Ellie had been talking about me non-stop in the class that she has with her. She
Starting point is 00:16:05 recommended that I go to the police as soon as possible and she'll talk to the principal. Now this scared the shit out of me. What in the absolute hell did my teacher know about Ellie that she would tell me to go to the police of all people? I called my mom and skipped the rest of the day. I stayed home the next day and went to the police station with my mom. They brought us into a room and I started off with just telling them the basic story of what was going on. I didn't even say her name.
Starting point is 00:16:34 The guy that was talking to us said, Ellie Smith. I was dumbfounded. How did he know exactly who I was talking about? He went on talking about how she's in the police station a lot, but couldn't go into specifics because she was a minor. This didn't help with my anxiety. What the hell did she do to be in the police station multiple times? The police couldn't really do anything, so the only thing I could do was switch my class.
Starting point is 00:17:03 I was so pissed off because I had made a few good friends in that gym class, and I had to restart with a whole new class, but at least I was away from Ellie. The new class went fine, but over the course of the year I would run into Ellie in the halls. My friends even saw her turn around and look at me with one of the most terrifying faces that they had ever seen in real life. She would always yell things along the lines of, I'm going to get you, Mercifer, which was extremely her nerving to me.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I didn't want her near me or my friends, so I began stepping up and telling the vice-principal himself whenever one of these instances occurred. This kept happening over the course of my sophomore year. I was hoping that she would forget about me because I had figured out that we had never actually met before that gym class. I never hung out with anyone other than my friend Paige, and the time that Ellie said that we were best friends, and I even checked all my yearbooks. Not one thing, even mentioning, and Ellie Smith. The morning of the first day of junior year, I ran into her before I even started my class. I tried not to make eye contact with her.
Starting point is 00:18:19 Later that day, the principal called me in and told me that Ellie said I flipped her off, which I didn't. I didn't even look at her. This whole game with threats and random and coherent screeches continued on through my junior year as well, and I feel like part of the whole high school experience was taken from me because I spent a lot of the time trying to figure out how to avoid her. She graduated and thankfully was gone during my senior year. The whole experience is honestly both traumatized me and helped me grow as a person.
Starting point is 00:18:50 I had learned how to assert myself more than I ever had done before, but I swear I still see her out of the corner of my eye. It's caused some paranoia that still hasn't gone completely away. So Ellie Smith, let lets not meet again. This is something that happened to me as a toddler. It's not as crazy as some of the things on here, but here it goes. My family told me about this a few years ago. I was too young to really remember much, but there are some parts of the story I distinctly remember. Anyway, I had an Annie who took care of me. My mom's pregnancy took a toll on her,
Starting point is 00:19:48 and she became really sick, so she had to get treatment abroad while my first year was with my dad, sister, and nanny. When she came back, the same nanny was taking care of me. She stayed with us for a few years, up until I was in preschool. She and I were really close, like real close. I can remember her distinctly and there are even images in our photo book of me and her. My mom says that I would not refer to her, my mom, as my mother, and I'd stay away from
Starting point is 00:20:18 her to be with my nanny. Also, my mom's illness made her emotionally really weak at that time, so apparently, the nanny would tell me to ignore my mom, and she wouldn't let my sister be around me. I live in a country where labor is cheap and having stay in her full-time helpers are quite common. Anyway, I just remember being attached to her constantly. Although she kept treating my mom and sister really bad, but they didn't have the heart to fire her because of how attached I was.
Starting point is 00:20:52 However, my uncle and his family were in town visiting us, and he got so mad at the way she treated my mom that he fired her on the spot and made her leave the house. I vividly remember crying my eyes out and running after the nanny to the lift of our apartment. My cousins had to pull me back. It was bad. So the crazy part is that after my parents found a lemon with pins stuck in it and a phrase written in her native language on this piece of parchment paper in some room at our house. We basically found out that she had been going to a shaman or dark magic priest and casting spells so I would forget who my mom was and think the nanny was my mom in order to kidnap me
Starting point is 00:21:40 and keep her as her own. Before you think I'm lying and this is one of those made up posts that we often see here, I live in an Asian country that has a large dark magic culture. Everyone knows about it. It's scary to think that if my uncle wasn't there, she'd probably have taken me away since she lived at home and slept in my room and I would have been raised in a completely different way. I feel bad because she probably felt like I was like her son. But yeah, this was definitely not the way to go. I promise this is a hundred percent legitimate. So yeah, strange nanny, let's not meet. I was 11 at the time and living in a nice suburb area. We had recently moved into this house my parents had built, and it was our first ever home
Starting point is 00:22:55 versus rented house in a sketchy area. It was in a very nice neighborhood. The whole family made friends quickly with lots of neighbors, but especially the ones three doors down. They had a daughter my age. I'm male, by the way. And a daughter five years younger, which was the same age as my little sister. Our parents got along well and we began to hang out quite a bit for barbecues at their house or parties at our house, etc. Friendships were formed quickly and seemed to be very strong. After a year or so, I started realizing things weren't what they seemed.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I remember seeing police cars at their house a few times in the evenings, and when I'd ask my parents what was going on, it was always nothing. Just checking in on them, type answers. I was no genius, but at 11, that didn't add up. Why didn't the cops just check up on us? One day, I'm at their house playing and hanging out. The daughter goes across the street to get another mutual friend, which left myself and the father alone in the house. This was really no big deal, as it has happened before, but then he approached me and just seemed off.
Starting point is 00:24:17 I still don't know what made me feel this way, but I was very uncomfortable and started thinking about leaving. About five minutes later, he tells me he has something cool to show me. I don't remember what it was, but I think it was something about baseball cards, which I was very fond of. I excitedly started following him. He pulled the attic ladder down and asked me to follow him, which I did with that hesitation at first.
Starting point is 00:24:49 Then something happened, and I still can't process what it was. He was ahead of me on the ladder, and when he looked back to help me into the attic, there was something off, something about his eyes, his face, his grin. It wasn't right. It looked evil. I can still see it clear as day, and can't recognize exactly what it was that set off my alarms. Whatever it was was plenty because I jumped off the ladder and ran out the door. I sprinted all the way home and was choking back tears when I busted through the front door. My mom was there when
Starting point is 00:25:30 I came through and could see I was obviously out of sorts and immediately started calming me down. As I came to my senses, I explained what had happened. My mom was concerned with how scared I was, but mostly brushed it off to me being scared young or silly. I sh- you not. That same exact night, I was woken up around 3am. It was my mom sitting on the bed. And as I awoke, she helped me like a baby. I remembered how she smelled smelled and how tightly she helped me. I remember her tears hitting my cheek. Eventually, I saw out the window to the neighbor's house, surrounded by police and fire trucks.
Starting point is 00:26:18 The neighbor's dad had killed himself and his daughter in the attic after a standoff with the police. There isn't a doubt in my mind, nor my mothers, that that would have been me had I made it into the attic. It still gives me chills thinking about it. So, neighbour man, let's not meet, even in the afterlife. I'm joined this week by Sapphire from the Something Scary Podcast. Sapphire, thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So can you tell my listeners a little bit about your podcasts if they're not familiar? Sure. So it actually is an extension of the YouTube series that I do, of the same name, Something Scary, over at youtube.com slash snarled. It was a web series I started maybe like two or so years ago. And all of the stories are fan submitted or urban legends. And so because so many people were sending in stories every week, we decided to create the podcast. So it's sort of like a, it was our way of being able to include all the stories that I wouldn't be able to make
Starting point is 00:27:45 in the web series. Awesome. I just recently was turned on your podcast by one of my listeners. I just learned that the YouTube series came first before the podcast. That's great because you have such a huge following on your podcast. One inspired you to start this horror storytelling type of podcast. Um, so I am an animator and I've also just loved ghost stories and urban legends my whole life.
Starting point is 00:28:16 My family is Filipino and they're very superstitious and they all have like really cool paranormal stories that have happened to them. And I don't have any. So I'm very bitter, but also kind of relieved, I guess. But yeah, so my grandpa especially had a bunch of really cool stories from when he was younger. He claims to have encountered a bunch of different Filipino mythical creatures. And yeah, so I wanted to combine my love for these paranormal stories that my family has with animation and that's how it all started. And you yourself, you've never experienced any
Starting point is 00:28:57 of these types of paranormal experiences as your family has. I have never, and I feel like such a fraud, because like everyone's always like, oh, Safar, like what has happened to you? Like something must have, right? And like, no, nothing has. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:14 It's okay. You're not a fraud. It just hasn't made its way yet to your realm. I have a personally experienced my own supernatural entities in my life, and I'll be sharing that on your podcast this week. I'm so excited to hear it. Concurrently with this episode. So for those of my listeners go ahead and search out the Something Scary podcast this week.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I'll be appearing on her show telling some stories. But we're here to interview you. Now your podcast is new to me, and I've always preferred to listen to podcasts backwards, starting with the newest episode and going to the oldest. I do that personally because when I started my show, I listened back to some of those early episodes from years ago, and I cringe because it's so terrible. My delivery so poor, the quality so bad,
Starting point is 00:30:05 I want people to listen backwards. How about you? How do you suggest someone listen to your new show and start from the beginning or from the end and go backwards? I would also do the same. I feel the same way too when listening to older episodes, just because I I I know I haven't started the podcast that much that long ago but I don't know I feel like
Starting point is 00:30:31 there is such a difference I think in the beginning I was sort of just like all right gotta get these stories out but the ones the more recent ones I actually take much longer to edit the stories and like make sure that like they're the timing is better. Um, I guess the only thing I would say like why you would ever listen to the first episode is like I explain like what an awding is and an aute is like that's how when I call listeners. Um, I guess I'll just tell you right now. Um, an awding.G. is a Filipino term of endearment for a younger brother or sister. And Aote is an older sister.
Starting point is 00:31:10 But yeah, most of my listeners tend to be on the younger side, which is why that's what I do. So you've also produced these YouTube videos in tandem with your podcast on the Snarl network. Can you tell your listeners where they can watch your videos and listen to your podcast and follow everything that's going on with you? Yeah, totally. So you can watch the videos over at youtube.com slash snarl. And then you can listen to the podcast literally, anywhere podcasts are available.
Starting point is 00:31:44 So Apple Podcasts, Spotify, I can't think of anything else, but I'm sure it's there. So the beginning of each podcast episode is the audio from the video that I put up that week. So I would suggest watching the video first because I create the video with the visuals in mind, or like visual first. So sometimes there's, uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:32:10 That was actually my next question. You do actually do all of the animations and all of the art for the YouTube videos that you post. Yes, I do. That's incredible. I love that. I went through and I watched as many as I could fit in the the amount of time that I Spend working during my day because I all I do is watch a YouTube videos and listen to podcasts while I'm working
Starting point is 00:32:33 So I went I went through and I watched all those videos and they're so fantastic I love watching these animations going along with your storytelling So I recommend anybody that's new to something scary, check out that YouTube series because it really adds a lot to her show. Oh my God, thank you. Well, full disclosure, I actually, literally this week just hired someone to help. So now it's not all me, which is good.
Starting point is 00:33:01 But yes, everything before this week that we're recording this is, yeah, it was on me. Okay, no, that's good, that's good. I like that you're expanding and that kind of segues into my next question. Do you have any upcoming projects, episodes or anything that you're particularly excited about in the new future for something scary
Starting point is 00:33:19 that you can tell us about? I just finished a fully animated pilot for something scary. The whole point of it was to kind of show what the show could look like if it was fully animated. Because if you see the YouTube series, I don't call it animation because I know it's not. It's kind of just like a bunch of still frames.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Because if I were to animate something weekly, I would lose my mind. Absolutely. I completely understand that. But yeah, so my dream, my absolute dream, is for something scary to be an animated TV show. And so we made this little pilot. And it's a story that I've kind of been bouncing around
Starting point is 00:34:00 my head for years. And I'm so glad that I'm finally able to make it into something. And yeah, so please go watch it because I'm very proud of it. Now this new project, I know you may not be able to tell us a lot about it. Now is this an original work or is this something based on an urban legend or something that's been submitted to you? It's a fictional story, but the creature in it is based on a mythical creature in the Philippines. That's very cool. I love that. Yeah. Awesome. I'm excited to tell some some fiction stories on your
Starting point is 00:34:32 show. Thanks for joining us this week. I think that the stories that you chose from the submissions were perfect for you and I'm excited for everyone to hear them. They will have already heard the stories before they got to this interview, but I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I hope they do too. Alright, thanks for coming on Sapphire. Yeah, thank you so much for having me. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Let's Not Meet, a true horror podcast. This outro has been recently re-recorded as
Starting point is 00:35:05 some changes were made at the request of an author for safety or privacy reasons. The credits for this week's show are all still available in the show notes. All of the stories you've heard this week were narrated and produced with the permission of their respective authors. Let's not meet a True Horror Podcast is not associated with Reddit or any other message boards online. If you have a story you'd like to share, send it to Let's Not Meet Stories at gmail.com. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:35:30 See you next time. Amplify your career through training and development solutions specifically designed for federal government professionals, from courses to help you attain or retain certification to individualize coaching services, to programs that hone your leadership skills and business acumen.
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