Lions Led By Donkeys Podcast - *PREVIEW* The 2024 Q&A

Episode Date: October 2, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, what you're about to listen to is a preview of a bonus episode that is available on our Patreon. If you like this clip, you can grab the whole episode, as well as years of other bonus content, at slash lionsledbydonkeys. Hey everybody, if you ever wanted to see us live but you missed the other shows, well, you have another chance me and the boys are hitting the road once again And the Lions led by donkeys podcast is coming live to Belfast at the oh, yeah music center Saturday October 26th So get your tickets while they last you can find the link in our show notes So get them now do it. Hello Lions led by donkeys fans Get them now. Do it. Hello Lions led by donkeys fans.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Just a heads up. If you're interested in attending our Belfast show on October 26th, but are not on this side of the Atlantic or anywhere close to it, we wanted to present another option, which is live streaming. The venue has a live stream setup and we have a ticketed event set up now as well where you can watch the show live from wherever you are in the world Check the link in the show notes It's got all the information you need about how to get a ticket and also the time zone information Which is obviously very important once again that is
Starting point is 00:01:16 Saturday the 26th of October in Belfast So British summertime GMT plus one at 8 p.m And if you click the link in the show notes, you can find all the information that you need if you are interested. Anyway, thanks for being a Lions fan and we hope you enjoy this episode. Yeah, well, I mean, I'm gonna be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Y'all fucking suck. Yeah, but here's the thing, man. You are gonna live in a state of absolute, like the most fucking socialist realism movie from the Cold War presentation of military life under under communism in terms of like officers and enlisted getting along you will live in that in real life in The US Army compared to how fucking commissioned officers are in the US Navy versus their enlisted One of my friends was in the Navy and said that he was some kind of electronics technician
Starting point is 00:02:04 and he said that on his carrier, officers had a different stairwell they could walk up than enlisted men. Enlisted men could not use it. It's like, no wonder why these aircraft carriers are so big. You have to build two of everything for fucking seaboard feudalism. They have a separate officer's mess and enlisted sailors have to serve them. And when you encounter Navy officers, aside from a few things where they've kind of,
Starting point is 00:02:32 I'll be honest, pilots can be, sometimes the more specialist stuff, the people can be more down to earth, but in general, the demeanor of commissioned officers in the US Navy is like, you're so fucking weird, and people would bully you for being so weird, except you're basically never around sailors. Yeah, I mean, I was never around sailors either,
Starting point is 00:02:51 and that was pretty great. You're just around the NCOs who like, you're just around like every single ethnic group of the Philippines represented by the NCO Corps on this ship alone, and they have to filter your fucking insane, complete antisocial behavior down to a thing they can assign to you know, you know Like like DS DS-E1 and DS doesn't stand for dick sucking it stands for deck swabbing
Starting point is 00:03:16 But I know people are gonna think something else. I do have to say I mean so I My vote was light wheel vehicle mechanic never making the rank of E5. Jesus Christ, both of you really don't think much of me, do you, you cunts? It's just, it's the military. I mean, there's people with like mine and your demeanor that could ride the rank of specialist for like nine years. And everybody knows that like they're really good at their job
Starting point is 00:03:46 but they're like they they are shit at being soldiers. So um next question have you guys ever considered doing a Dungeons and Dragons or any type of turntable turntable tabletop RPG for the Patreon and turntable RPG yeah we for the patron and table RPG. Yeah, we're just going to like role play as DJs going like over and over again. We're all going to move to Dubai and start a second career as big a DJ like everyone else that lives there. Either that or you're just like committing mass amounts of tax fraud.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Well, yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's what Dubai is for. And yeah, Like we have some plans to do a tur tur table, tabletop RPG. Irish mind could not comprehend a tur a tabletop RPG. Wizards of the coast are just sending a laser beam from space to kill me. They said the Pinkerton's actually really insane thing, like Wizards of the Coast and not Wizards of the Coast, Games Workshop represent a not insignificant portion of the entire UK GDP.
Starting point is 00:04:57 That's strange. Yeah. It's unfortunate that I support the UK. The UK is huge for tabletop gaming, figurines, all that stuff. It's just been part of the ecosystem. Knowing this because of speaking with people and being friends with a guy who's a 3D artist, specifically doing figurine stuff. Almost everything in his business repertoire is based in the UK. It's huge. It's just... If you're painting weird little guys, they were probably made in the UK or designed in the UK.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Never thought I'd have to hand it to the UK. I guess the answer is we are doing one. It should be coming out next year. So subscribe to the Patreon and you'll get to listen to that. So, next question is, what's the weirdest, most unexpected thing you've come across while researching an episode, Joe? Oh, God. It's got to be the Irish execution squad in the Taiping rebellion. I have yet to find anything that is as shocking as that. Like, obviously there is like the flat Earther Revolutionary and the Boer War, there's, you know, what, Edgar Allan Poe drinking in the same fucking place
Starting point is 00:06:10 that like half of the generals of the Confederacy drank at because he went to West Point under a fake name that got kicked out because he drank too much. But it's honestly hard to top the rando Irish dudes who are headchopppers for Jesus Christ's little brother. I don't know what will beat that. I really don't know. I think for me, like from the episodes I've done is like so much Western terrorism comes out of dude trying to get laid from art students. Like, like Bill Ayers, Andreas Badr, almost the entirety of the Red
Starting point is 00:06:46 Army faction. Like it's all like, oh, I'll be honest here. Does that really surprise us? I mean, it's the rare instance where you have to hand it to the include like completely insane guy from that band anal kind of when you have the combination of the two songs. That's a sentence that was said. That was officially a sentence said on the show. You gotta hand it to the guy from Anal-Cunt. Yeah, well, I mean, the combination of the song Art Efsler and Hitler was a sensitive man
Starting point is 00:07:16 does at least give you some indication of, I remember correctly though, the verse in Hitler was a sensitive man was if Hitler was alive today, he would listen to the cure of the Smiths and Depeche Mode. He's not wrong that the kind of art guy who gets mad and decides like years ago there was a terrible piece in I want to say Buzzfeed written by a comparative literature PhD student at Indiana University sort of like giving a kind a 4chan style,
Starting point is 00:07:45 I would say worldview, but the annoying German word I wanted to use was Weltanschauung, about basically why conservative right-wing reactionary intellectuals support Trump. He uses the line, in June 2016 or November 2016, Donald Trump made anime real. I can't remember what it was. It was before the election or after.
Starting point is 00:08:08 But his basically line was, yeah, there's like, with Donald Trump by subverting all these expectations made anime real. And I'm like, that is the kind of guy who would have become Andreas Bodder if it weren't for the fact that broadband lets you get porn really easily. Sometimes the answer to some of like violent actions is just a goon cave. Yeah, goon caves are like, they are actually a state organized program
Starting point is 00:08:33 that the CIA is implementing is making you porn, porn peeled in order to stop domestic terrorism. That's why people keep shooting Trump. Why do you think Osama Bin Laden never left his compound in a bottom hat? Yeah, he had that JPEG saved as ass with five S's. Yes, ass, A-S-S-S.JPEG. And he also had Charlie Bit My Finger downloaded from YouTube.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Let's just hope he was using those for two different purposes. Yeah, let's hope. Another guy who was also really into anime. He had a huge amount of porn. He was just retired he won He was retired. He decided to retire in Pakistan. He liked the mountain air I don't know like he won he got a perfect goon cave because there was no Like there was no internet connection all porn had to be brought to him Everyone brought him everything took away his trash that was burned in the backyard he could never leave for fear of some dude who's gacked out of his mind on meth and trend to come and ventilate his skull he created the goon catacomb
Starting point is 00:09:41 and then died anyway but he died like many goons wish they would Yeah, exactly. He died. He died heroically He's like you might kill me, but I will bring down your most expensive helicopter in the process He died spooning his fucking Oscar body pillow Bin Laden was fighting a righteous war against rightided out dudes whose dick don't work anymore. Trend makes your balls small, your dick stops working, and they had to take out the King Gooner who was supporting the righteous jihad of the Jism. Basically it sounds like they knew he wasn't actually posing that much of a threat anymore,
Starting point is 00:10:23 but it was more the idea of him could not stand You could not create well first of all they don't want Americans to think you can retire ever but also They don't want you to be happy with what you've got which is random super low DPI JPEGs called a SSS dot JPEG I don't't even know if it was an ass. We'll never know. We'll never know what it entails. The CIA is keeping the ass from us. The CIA did in fact publish the list of all the files, but they didn't publish the files themselves.
Starting point is 00:10:54 So we will never know what A-S-S-S-S dot JPEG was. They're hiding the Tsar Bomba of ass JPEGs from us. Yeah, I was gonna say, what if it was really, really, it was just like, I remember one time someone tried to do like an illustration for an article about explaining the concept of an onion booty, and it just was like, and they drew a cartoon of like a perfect round shaped ass,
Starting point is 00:11:17 like a girl with a perfect ass, you know, in a thong or something, and then like a guy next to it just crying. And it's like, it did explain the concept, but it was so bizarre and disconcerting when you saw it You're like this shouldn't exist Like even in like the pencil sketch version long before you inked and colored this you would have been like this shouldn't exist This just looks wrong Like imagine how much how good it would have been the career
Starting point is 00:11:41 How good it would have been for the career of the model of the ass, ass, assssss.jpeg picture. Like if you found out- That ass.jpeg got me acted on once. But they had to crop it to fit on like a three and a half inch floppy disk and so like they took out the body. So it's going to be like all these people claiming to be like the actual heir of Archduke Ferdinand,
Starting point is 00:12:04 all these people claiming that they are the model of ass assssss.jpg

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