Magic: The Gathering Drive to Work Podcast - #640: Planeswalker Who's Who

Episode Date: May 24, 2019

In this podcast, I walk through all the Planeswalkers to explain who they are and how they're mechanically represented on cards. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm pulling up my driveway. We all know what that means. It's time for the drive to work. Okay, so this was a request from my blog. Today I'm going to do a who's who of planeswalkers. So for all the planeswalkers that have a card, I'm going to talk about who they are, where they come from if we know, and what their power suite is, what magic they can do, and sort of mechanically how we represent that. Are you ready? Let's see if we can get through them all. Okay, we'll start with a Johnny Goldmane. So he is a Leonin from Bant, so one of the shards of Alara.
Starting point is 00:00:38 That's the white-centered shard of Alara. So I guess technically he's from Alara, but from the Bant shard of Alara. And his powers is he's a healer, and he has the ability to aid others. His magic can't help himself. His magic can only help other people. So he is the perfect teammate because he enhances other people's abilities.
Starting point is 00:00:58 And he's a healer. He also can heal people. Usually, you see him, when we make Planeswalker cards, of granting things to other creatures and gaining life, representing healing. Okay, next, we have Angrath. Angrath is a Minotaur. We don't know where he's from. He was trapped on Ixalan. We do know that
Starting point is 00:01:23 he has some kids that he was desperately missing and wanted to get back to. So his magic's a little vaguer. I think he plays into emotions and sort of makes emotions run strong, I think is how he works. He steals creatures. That's his power that we've messed with. So he definitely, he's a black, oh, Johnny Goldmane is green-white, although over the years he's been mono-white,
Starting point is 00:01:52 he's been red-white, he got mad for a while. But right now he's a base green-white planeswalker. Angreth is black-red. And like I said, his magic is more about fueling the emotions of others and sort of getting them to act in a way that they shouldn't in a short-term sort of way. Next, we have Arlen Kord. So Arlen Kord is red-green.
Starting point is 00:02:16 She is a werewolf from Innistrad. But the unique thing about Arlen is she only transforms while she's on Innistrad. It's the moon of Innistrad that causes the transformation. So if she is a planeswalker, planeswalks, she stays in whatever state she's in on the new plane. So if she's a human, she stays human. If she's a werewolf, she stays werewolf on her new plane. She only changes while on Innistrad. So mostly we played her as having a synergy with werewolves
Starting point is 00:02:47 and wolves. So she definitely sort of has a bonding with werewolves and wolves. And that's mostly what we've seen out of her is she's been sort of made to play nicely with werewolves and wolves. Ashiok. So Ashiok is a blue-black planeswalker. Unknown species, unknown gender, unknown origin. Ashiok is unknown. That's one of the telling things of Ashiok. We don't know much about Ashiok.
Starting point is 00:03:26 What we do know is Ashiok's powers are illusion slash nightmare based. Ashiok has the ability to pull negative images out of your mind and then use them to attack you. So he uses your own sort of deepest, darkest fears and things as a means to attack people. And so he is definitely a mental... Sorry, not he. They. They correct Ashiak.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Ashiak uses mental abilities. And usually nightmare-driven. That's what we've seen Ashiak do. Chandra Nalar. So Chandra is from Kaladesh. She is mono-red. She's a pyromancer. She has the ability to start fires and control fires. She can manipulate heat. I mean, there's a bunch of offshoots of being a pyromancer.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I mean, essentially she makes fire. She's learned different ways to use that fire. But in the end, she's a pyromancer. she makes fire she's learned different ways to use that fire but in the end she's a pyromancer, she makes fire on her card, we obviously do a lot of direct damage with her but one of the things we've also done is she started to do more
Starting point is 00:04:37 what we call impulsive drawing the character is very impulsive that's one of the defining traits of her and so we've definitely weaved in impulsive draws being part of her power suite from a mechanic standpoint. Dak Faden. So Dak Faden is a thief. He's the greatest thief in the multiverse. He's blue-red
Starting point is 00:04:59 and he has the power of psychometry which is he can touch an object and learn all the history of the object. And what have we done with the Dak? Dak usually has... He usually interacts with artifacts, and he has the ability, because he's a thief,
Starting point is 00:05:21 he'll steal things from time to time. Duretti. Duretti is a goblin from Fiora. Fiora is the plane where a conspiracy takes place. He is an inventor. He was damaged. He got injured, and now he's in a wheelchair. But a pretty badass wheelchair that he's made.
Starting point is 00:05:47 And he interacts with artifacts. He is a tinkerer and so his abilities are tinkerer related. Davriel. Davriel is a character Brandon Sanderson made in his short story. I don't know tons about Davriel. He's black and I know he about Davriel. He's black. And I know he tends to mess with people's minds. We tend to use discard on Davriel.
Starting point is 00:06:12 And so, I don't know too much. I'm not sure where Davriel is from. I don't know if we know. But we met him for the first time as a card in War of the Spark. Domri Rod.
Starting point is 00:06:29 He is red-green. He is one of the youngest planeswalkers. He is a teenager and his powers is he interacts with beasts. He has an affinity for creatures, wild creatures especially. And he can enhance their ferocity and help give them physical attributes. So he interacts with, he's creature-based. So he's a creature-based
Starting point is 00:07:02 he's a creature-based. So he's a creature-based... He's a creature-based planeswalker. Then we have Dovin Bond. So Dovin Bond is from Kaladesh. He's white-blue. So Dovin Bond is a... Dovin Bond is...
Starting point is 00:07:20 His power is the ability to recognize weaknesses in things, which is a really hard power, by the way, to mechanically represent. We tend to give him control-oriented things, control-oriented powers as a way to sort of play defensively. The idea being that because he can recognize weaknesses in things, he's good at being defensive.
Starting point is 00:07:45 But he's a tricky place to walkwalker to design cards for, mechanically. Then we have Elsbeth Tyrell. Elsbeth is white, mono-white. She's a knight. She's currently in the underworld on Theros. She got killed by Heliod. Her powers are
Starting point is 00:08:04 combat-based. She tends to be able to summon knights or soldiers and enhance the soldiers. She's very army sort of based because she's a knight. Garak Wildspeaker. So Garak is green black. He was originally mono green but then got cursed and now he's greenblack. He was originally mono-green, but then got cursed, and now he's green-black. He has also has an affinity
Starting point is 00:08:30 with beasts. He tends to work with a little bit bigger beasts than Domri does, and the fact that he has some black in him allows him some more destructive powers than you see in Domri.
Starting point is 00:08:46 But basically, he's a mean, right now, a mean beastmaster. He wasn't always so mean, but he's been cursed. So he's a cursed beastmaster right now. Next, Gideon Jorah. So Gideon is a hyromancer, which I guess means he uses law magic. And he has the ability to make himself indestructible. And his shtick, he's from Theros, his shtick as a planeswalker is that he will join the battle,
Starting point is 00:09:17 that you can make him into a creature, usually an indestructible creature because he's indestructible. And he will join the battle. He's one of a few planeswalkers that will physically join the battle. And yeah, his shtick mainly is he's a leader, he's indestructible, and the law of magic allows him
Starting point is 00:09:38 to sort of do more, hold things down, prevent things. He can use it as a means to have a little bit of some control aspects. Next, Huatli. So Huatli, I think, is currently green-white, although she's kind of white-red-green. She had a white-red version and a white-green version. She is tied to Plains... green version she is tied to planes
Starting point is 00:10:06 she is from Ixalan and she connects with dinosaurs she has the ability to talk with them and harness their memories I think and anyway she bonds with dinosaurs that's kind of her shtick and that she we have a bunch of different planeswalkers that interact with creatures. She specifically interacts with dinosaurs. Arlen will interact with werewolves and such. Next, Jace Bellerin.
Starting point is 00:10:38 So Jace is from Vryn. Other than a little bit in Magic Origins, we've not really been to Vryn. Other than a little bit in Magic Origins, we've not really been to Vryn. Other than, we've got to see the, what were they called? The Mage Circles. Anyway, he is a telepath. He has the ability to read minds.
Starting point is 00:11:00 He has the ability to implant memories. He also has the ability to implant memories. He also has the ability to create illusions. In cards, we tend to have him draw cards, mill cards, and every once in a while we'll do illusion-based things where he will make illusions. But normally most of the powers we tend to do is mental based things. Sometimes he can he can do he tends to mess with library and that's milling and drawing and stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Next, Jaya Ballard. So Jaya Ballard, also a pyromancer. The sort of the mentor of Chandra. Jaya has...
Starting point is 00:11:48 The difference between... The way we play the difference between Jaya and Chandra is Jaya has a little bit more control of her fire. She's a little more pinpoint in the kind of destruction she can do. But we use a lot of similar... She does damage and stuff. Her Planeswalker tends to use its fire to do damage.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Jing Yingu. So Jing, or I think Yingu, I think the last name is his first name. So Yingu is a boy from the plain of mountains and sea. I don't know. I've never been there. And he has a dog named Mao. And he travels with his dog.
Starting point is 00:12:27 So most people cannot carry anything with them. They can't bring along other people. His special ability, or one of his special abilities, is that he can travel with his dog. That when he teleports, his dog teleports with him. And he also has an affinity with creatures. I think his affinity is smaller creatures. I think you tend to see
Starting point is 00:12:50 Domri having a little bit bigger and Garak even bigger than that, usually. Karn. Karn is from Dominaria. He's a golem made out of silver. He's colorless. I mean, technically he's an artifact
Starting point is 00:13:06 but we don't make planeswalkers have car types other than planeswalker but he was created by Urza I think he was created originally because Urza wanted to do experiments through time and silver has a property that it can be transferred through time which is why I think he's silver
Starting point is 00:13:23 he later become the guardian of the, what's it called, the legacy. And when Gerard was dropped as a baby with Kondo to be raised, Karn was left with him. Karn would end up on the Weatherlight. Karn would end up, uh, on the Weatherlight. Um, Karn would later become a Planeswalker. Um, he's responsible for the creation of, uh, Mirrodin. Um, he's also responsible for the Phyrexians getting to Mirrodin. Um, his powers is he tends to interact with artifacts. He can turn artifacts into creatures. And he has a few other...
Starting point is 00:14:10 I mean, he's a relatively powerful character. Usually the tricky part about making him as a Planeswalker is because he's colorless, anybody can have access to it. And we have to be kind of careful what we do with him. Next, Kaia. Kaia is white and black. I don't think we know where she's from. We first met her on Fiora, but she is not from Fiora. She's an assassin. Her specialty, she has the ability to phase, meaning she can walk through things. She can make herself intangible.
Starting point is 00:14:40 So one of her special abilities is that she can kill ghosts, which are normally traditionally hard to kill. And so, she killed Brago on Fiora, who was a ghost, and she got manipulated by Bolas and had to come to Ravnica, and she killed some of the Orzhov ghosts. So, anyway, she is white and black. all of ghosts. So, um, anyway. She is white and black. We, uh, she's an assassin, so she definitely has abilities to kill. But she also, uh, we sometimes try to play up her intangibility. Kiora. Kiora is from Zendikar. She's a merfolk. Um, she loves the sea and sea
Starting point is 00:15:20 creatures. So she has an affinity for giant sea monsters. Uh, and usually her cards, she's green and blue. She interacts with giant creatures. She's probably the Planeswalker that interacts with the largest creatures of everybody. Next is Koth. Koth is a Geomancer, meaning he uses stone magic, or earth magic. And he can cause earthquakes and he can cause volcanic energy. He basically has, he can manipulate the earth in different
Starting point is 00:15:51 ways. And he is from, he's from Mirrodin. He's not a Newfraxian, technically, but he's, he'd say he's from Mirrodin. And he's still there. Next, Liliana Vess. So Liliana Vess is from Dominaria. She's a necromancer. Mono black. She has the ability to kill things. I mean, her biggest abilities basically are
Starting point is 00:16:23 she has the ability to get cards into the graveyard, either through discard or through killing things, sometimes forced sacrifice, and then she can generate, she can raise things from the dead. She's a necromancer. Mu Yanling. So Yanling is a blue-aligned planeswalker, also from the plane of mountain and seas.
Starting point is 00:16:43 planeswalker, also from the plane of mountain and seas. And so both Mu Yanling and Xing Yanggu are from the Global Series. We did an intro level product for China and they are two Chinese planeswalkers that I introduced in that thing. Yanling, I believe, has air and water magic. She's an elementalist. I think she does air and water magic. And so she does things that are tied to air and water. Next is Nahiri.
Starting point is 00:17:13 So Nahiri is a lithomancer, meaning she worked with stone. She's from Zendikar. She's pretty old. Most of these planeswalkers that I'm saying are... were not pre-mending planeswalkers, but a few of them. Liliana Vess was. Nahiri was. Well, a few that I haven't got to yet.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Anyway, Nahiri has the ability to create objects out of stone and manipulate stone. And so she sometimes will make artifacts that are stone-based artifacts. Oh, she's red-white. She used to be mono-white, but after being trapped in the Hell Vault for a long, long time, she got some red to her. And now she is red-white, and she is mighty mad at Sorin who trapped her in the hell vault. But anyway, her powers are stone-based and we tend to represent that through artifact making.
Starting point is 00:18:16 She sometimes will interact with equipment and once she gained red I think she also does some damage-based stuff. Narset. Narset is white-blue. She is from Tarkir, part of the Ujitai. She was originally part of the Jeskai before the timeline changed. She is a scholar.
Starting point is 00:18:44 I'm not sure. Her magic is a little more control. She's blue-white. Her magic is control-oriented. But she is knowledge-based, I believe. I think she's more likely to, like, look through libraries to find things. Next is Nicole Bolas.
Starting point is 00:19:02 He's red-blue-black. He's one of the few planeswalkers that's base three colors. Most planeswalkers are base one color, base two color. He is three colors. He is red, blue, black. Um, he is from, he's a giant dragon. Uh, one of the oldest, uh, planeswalkers in existence. I think the only one older than him is Ugin, which I'll get to in a second.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And they're twins, so they're about the same age. is Ugin, which I'll get to in a second, and they're twins, so they're about the same age. Nicol Bolas, he uses pain, he can manipulate things, he can control things, he can destroy things, he's very powerful, he's one of the more powerful planeswalkers, and we tend to, usually he is pretty offensive, meaning he tends to hurt the more powerful planeswalkers and we tend to usually he is pretty offensive meaning he tends to hurt the opponent but he will also steal their resources and sometimes use their resources against them
Starting point is 00:19:53 Nissa Ravain, she's an elf she's from Zendikar she started as mono green I think the last time we saw her she was green blue she interacts with land that's her big abilityblue. She interacts with land. That's her big ability, that she can bond with land. And most of her powers are land-based.
Starting point is 00:20:13 She interacts with elementals. She can make elementals. She can turn land into elementals. She can search for land. She can animate land. She tends to do land-oriented things. Obnixilus. So Obnixilus is... Where's Obnixilus from?
Starting point is 00:20:29 I'm not sure I know where I'm at. He might be from Dominaria, but I'm not 100% on that. He was once a human, but he is now a demon. He's mono-black. Here's the thing. I believe as a character he's black-red,
Starting point is 00:20:40 but every plane fucking car we've ever seen of him has been mono-black. I believe one day we could make a black-red. I think as a character he's quite black-red. But we've always seen him as mono-black as far as what Planeswalker has been on. He is cruel and most of his
Starting point is 00:20:55 magics are destructive. Things that kill or hurt or harm. Raul Zarek. Raul Zarek is blue-red. He can create electrical storms. And
Starting point is 00:21:10 he belongs to the Izzet. So blue-red on Ravnica. He's from Ravnica. And he... Yeah, most of his magic is storm-related. And so he tends to use Storm. Sometimes we use some luck-oriented stuff.
Starting point is 00:21:29 There's a little bit of coin flipping we've used with him. He is a little risky. The reason he's coin flipping is he's more willing to take gambles and things. Like any of Izzet members, he has a lot of creativity, and he likes inventing things, but he takes unnecessary chances at times. Part of his red coming out. Saheeli Rai, another blue-red Planeswalker.
Starting point is 00:21:51 She is from Kaladesh. She is an inventor, an artificer, and she can control metal. That is her ability, that she can control metal. So she is really good at making things, and she also can change artifacts. She can steal artifacts and she has control over metal
Starting point is 00:22:16 and she is an artificer. Samut. Samut is a red-green planeswalker. She is from Amonkhet. She has super speed and a little bit of strength. So she's very, very fast and a little stronger than average. But she's our speedster. She's the one that gets to move very fast. And usually we try to represent her speed and strength, what we tend to represent when we make her a card. Sarkin Vol. Sarkin Vol
Starting point is 00:22:47 is from Tarkir. He is base red. He has been every color but white, I believe. He has had dips. He's dipped into black and red and green. He currently, well, he's base red. Whenever you see him, he'll be red in something. He's been through a lot of different changes. He's minor red in War of the Spark. So you see him in sort of his base. Sarkinval is dragon themed. He loves dragons.
Starting point is 00:23:20 He can turn himself into a dragon. He's one of the few planeswalkers that can become a creature and fight. And he has affinity for dragons, and so he tends to do things that are dragon-related. He both will summon dragons and connect with dragons and is very dragon-oriented. Next, Thorn Markov. He is white-black. At times we've done him as mono-black.
Starting point is 00:23:43 He is a vampire, and he is from Innistrad. And he tends to do vampire oriented things. He has some destructive capability. He can control things because he's a vampire. He can hypnotize you. Basically his powers are always vampire-ish powers. Things that are sort of vampire-flavored. Tamio. So Tamio started as mono-blue, and last time we saw her, she was band.
Starting point is 00:24:17 She was blue, green, white. So Tamio is a moon folk, and she is from Kamigawa. She studies the moon, and she wields scrolls that need to be read aloud, so she has story magic, is her thing, that she uses magic that are driven from stories. Tamiyo studies moons. So her and Narcet are both scholars. In fact, I think they're friends,
Starting point is 00:24:46 I believe. And Tamiyo, every time we've seen Tamiyo, she's been on Innistrad, because she went there to study the moon of Innistrad, which is a really weird moon. Part of being a planeswalker is, it's hard to see, the idea is, it's hard to study moons,
Starting point is 00:25:01 when where you live maybe has one or two moons, but we can go to other worlds and see other moons. So, um, that's something that she, um, is, is, does. Uh, next, Teferi. Teferi is white-blue. Uh, sometimes he's been mono-blue. Uh, he is from Dominaria. Uh, in fact, fact, he is another Planeswalker that goes way back. He was a student at the Tolarian Academy. A disruptive student at that. And he was
Starting point is 00:25:34 part of the Urza Saiga story. And then he became part of the invasion story with the fight off of when Phyrexians invaded Dominaria. He ended up, he phased out the continent of not all of Jamora. I think he phased out Zelfir, which is part of Jamora, to save it from the Phyrexians. His
Starting point is 00:25:54 ability is time. He manipulates time. And so his powers are all time-related. So he tends to flicker things and does things that are time-related. So he tends to flicker things and does things that are time-related. And he sometimes lets Planeswalkers do things they don't normally get to do things because it's a time-related power. He lost his powers for a while but he got them back. And he, actually I haven't mentioned who joined them. He's in the Gatewatch. So the Gatewatch right now I haven't mentioned.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Chandra, Jace, Liliana, Gideon, Ajani. Nissa was, but she left. And Teferi are all currently in the Gatewatch. Tezzeret. So Tezzeret is blue-black. He's sometimes been mono-blue. Tezzeret is from Esper. The Esper Shard of Alara, which is the blue base, the white-blue-black shard. And he is part Ethereum, which is a metal that they've made on Esper.
Starting point is 00:27:00 He basically can control, manipulate artifacts. He's artifact based. Uh, his powers are always connected to artifacts. Um, so we have a bunch of different, like I said, Saheeli, Dax to some extent, Karn. We have a bunch of different place walkers that have some affinity for artifacts. Um, and he is, yeah, normally he is, he's pretty straight up. We do artifact related things with him. That's what we do with Tesseract.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Tybalt. So Tybalt is, I guess, half devil, half human. He's from Innistrad, and he uses pain magic. He likes torturing people and getting magic out of people's pain. He has only been done as mono-red. He's mono-red, the first time we saw him, he was mono-red in War of the Spark, but
Starting point is 00:27:49 I do believe, like Opnixlus, he's a red-black character. It's funny, I think Opnixlus is red-black, we've only seen him as black. I think Tybalt is red-black, we've only seen him as red. I do believe one day we could do a red-black Tybalt or a red-black Opnixlus. I think both of them are, as characters, very black-red. Tybalt or a red-black Omnixol. I think both of them are, as characters, very black-red.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Tybalt also is a very stylish Dressler. Maybe the most stylish of all the Blame Walkers. It is funny that people have been asking for Tybalt to return forever, so hopefully people are happy with War of the Spark. Oh, wait! I'm going alphabetically, but I forgot somebody. I forgot Teo! Teo! So, oh, I forgot a couple people. Oh, wait. I'm going alphabetically, but I forgot somebody. I forgot Teo. Teo. So, oh, I forgot a couple people.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Okay, sorry. I forgot a few of the new ones. Let me go back and catch some of the new ones. I forgot Teo. Teo is a, what's the word for it? He uses shields. He generates shields.
Starting point is 00:28:43 A shieldmancer. I don't know what the name of it is. His shtick is he has the ability to create and generate these protective shields. And so his magic is very protective. He's white. He's mono-white. And he's very protective in nature. I also skipped over to Kazmina. Kazmina also is a new, a mono-blue planeswalker
Starting point is 00:29:04 that we've seen for the first time ever in War of the Spark. She has some connection to wizards. She has some sort of wizard connection. We don't know too much about her. We don't know where she's from. She's brand new. There's four new planeswalkers.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Davrio we saw in Brandon Sanderson's story. Teo is one of the main characters in the War of the Sparrow novel. Because Mia, more of a mystery. So we'll have to figure out where is she from. Maybe one day we'll learn. Okay. After Tybalt, we have Ugin.
Starting point is 00:29:40 So Ugin is a colorless plane, so like a dragon. Nicol Bolas and Ugin are two dragons, although Sartre can turn into a dragon. Ugin is a callous plane it's like a dragon Nicol Bolas and Ugin are two dragons although Sartre can turn into a dragon Ugin is I believe
Starting point is 00:29:50 the oldest planeswalker that we know of I mean he's he's twin of Nicol Bolas and he was born first
Starting point is 00:29:58 but they were born obviously close to each other big twins Ugin can transmute energy into matter. He also is very wise.
Starting point is 00:30:10 Like Karn, the tricky thing with Ugin is that he's colorless, so we have to be careful because anybody can put them in his deck. So Ugin, we try to play into the idea that he's thoughtful, but also he can manipulate energy. He can transmute energy into matter, so we sometimes play with that.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Next is Venser. So Venser was a path mage that uses teleportation. So he has teleportation magic. He was white-blue. He died. He, uh... But anyway, and his spark went into
Starting point is 00:30:43 Karn. That's how Karn got his first spark, was from Fencer. But Fencer uses teleportation magic. So from a mechanical standpoint, he has some similarities to the ferry. We used a couple different things that represented things being teleported, like flickering we also used for him. But that was his shit with teleportation magic. Next is Vivian Reed. She is mono-green. She's a hunter from Scala, which is a
Starting point is 00:31:16 plane that got destroyed. And she has the ability to call forth spirit creatures. She bonded with the creatures from her home world. She made sort of spirit arrows out of them. And when she fires her arrows, it brings forth spirit copies of animals from her home world. And so she is creature-based, but she is more specifically, she's an archer, and she has these special bows that fire spirit versions of her creatures. So that's kind of her shtick. Vraska! So Vraska
Starting point is 00:31:48 is a Gorgon. She is from Ravnica. She is black-green. She has an army of assassins. So she tends to interact with her assassins. And she tends to have Gorgon-like powers where she kills things. So she is very death-oriented as Planeswalkers go. Then we have the Wanderer. The Wanderer is all about... The Wanderer is mono-white in War of the Spark.
Starting point is 00:32:18 We don't know much about the Wanderer. So I don't want to say too much because the Wanderer is a mystery. At some point we'll learn more, but right now the Wanderer wanders, I guess. We don't know much about the Wanderer.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Then we have Xenagos. Xenagos is red-green. He actually started as a creature and there are a few of these. Nicol Bolas, Venture, Safari. Some of them were creatures
Starting point is 00:32:48 before they were planeswalkers. Xenagos was a satyr from Theros. He ascended to godhood. So he existed as a legendary creature, as a planeswalker, and as a god. Actually, was he ever a creature? Take it back. Maybe he was just ever a creature? Take it back.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Maybe it was just a planeswalker that became a God, if that's what happened. Um, uh, but anyway, uh, no, I think he was. Actually, I think he was. Anyway, um, he, uh, was all about sort of, um, uh, celebration,
Starting point is 00:33:22 and, uh, definitely had sort of a wild sort of side. And he was very much into sort of letting loose and being crazy and sort of embracing the wild side of everybody. So I realize there's a few Planeswalkers that were not listed here. Let's see if I can hit them. Amantu is white-black blue. She manipulates fate.
Starting point is 00:33:51 She's a little girl. We don't know a lot about her. Estrid is white-green. I'm blanking on her third color. She is an enchantment-based planeswalker, I think. I think Eftrin is. And then there's some planeswalkers that we've made that have since died. Urza was all five colors. His head showed up in Silver Border.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Obviously, he's from Dominaria. He's a long history. We saw Fraylies. She is, I think, half human, half elf. She's also from Dominaria. And she, I think she was elf related type stuff. And also interacted with nature some who else do I remember
Starting point is 00:34:49 who else did I I'm realizing now as I'm talking that the list I had was while very complete was missing a few planeswalkers anyway let's see if I remember anyone else that I'm missing trying to remember
Starting point is 00:35:09 so in Commander we had Teferi and Nahiri and the red one was oh the red one was was the what's his name? Doretti.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Rick Rohn's Doretti. The green one was Fraley's. And the black one was Avnixilis. And then the ones we just did was Saheeli and Estrid and Amintau. And... Who was the fourth one?
Starting point is 00:35:41 I think it was someone we knew, though. I don't think it was another new one. Oh! I forgot forgot Will and Will and Rowan Kenrith from Battlebond Will is mono blue Rowan is mono red
Starting point is 00:35:58 we know they're twins we don't know too much else about them he had blue magic she had red magic but we don't know too much else about them. She had a blue magic, she had a red magic, but we don't know lots about them. Anybody else that I'm forgetting? I think I hit them all.
Starting point is 00:36:17 So I apologize if I missed the planeswalker. That is the planeswalker. So, mostly today is about getting up to snuff with all of them, talking about where they came from, what colors they were, and kind of what they can do. You know, one of the things that's really interesting is when we interact with other people, when we do stories and stuff at other places, we have to talk to people and share. And one of the things that's important is sort of establishing the power suites.
Starting point is 00:36:43 There actually, by the way, is a team that oversees the Planeswalkers. I know Ethan is the R&D rep of making sure that we are consistent in how our Planeswalkers get represented. So A, when we represent them in the game, there's a consistent power suite that we use of mechanics in the game. One of the problems is we don't want any one Planeswalker getting too broad so that we're not leaving ourselves of the problems is we don't want any one planeswalker getting too broad so that we're not leaving ourselves space to make them feel consistent. And from a larger standpoint, making sure if people represent our characters that, oh, this is what Jace can do.
Starting point is 00:37:15 Jace has these powers. And so when different writers write Jace, that they're using the same power suite. So anyway, I hope today was interesting. We have a lot of Planeswalkers. And there's more on the way! These are just all the ones you guys currently know about.
Starting point is 00:37:31 I know of a whole bunch that you guys don't know about that are coming. We have more Planeswalkers coming. We're always making more Planeswalkers. Oh! One Planeswalker I forgot. Product's not out yet, but you guys know the Planeswalker and we've previewed the card.
Starting point is 00:37:46 It's Sarah. Sarah is from Dominaria. She spent a bunch of time on Ogrotha. She herself is not an angel, by the way, but she is the maker of Sarah Angels. She is very protective in her nature and she died, she fell in love with another Planeswalker named Faraz and they lived together on Ogrotha, She is very protective in her nature. And she died.
Starting point is 00:38:07 She fell in love with another planeswalker named Feras. And they live together on Algaratha, which is where Homeland is from. But anyway, I forgot Sarah. So Sarah is coming up in Modern Horizons, which as you hear this, I don't think is out yet. I recorded this ahead of time, but I'm pretty sure it's not out yet. But I will say there's one other planeswalker, a brand new planeswalker coming in Modern Horizons. But I can't say who it is yet. But anyway, someone really new and exciting and different.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But we can't talk about that just yet. So anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed today's talk. And I'm now at work. So we all know what that means. And this is my, it's the end of my drive to work. So instead of talking magic, it's time for me to be making magic. I we all know what that means. And this is my, this is the end of my drive to work. So instead of talking magic, it's time for me to be making magic.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I'll see you guys next time.

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