Magic: The Gathering Drive to Work Podcast - #828: What's More Likely

Episode Date: April 23, 2021

I asked my Twitter followers to ask me questions about which of two things were more likely in Magic's future. In this podcast, I answer a whole bunch of these questions. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm not pulling on my driveway. We all know what that means. It's time for the Drive to Work Coronavirus Edition. Okay, so today I'm doing something that I've never done in a podcast before, but I have done on my blog. Something I call, What's More Likely? So what I did is I went on Twitter and I asked people to ask me questions. What's more likely? And they named two things. And then I'm going to go through these questions and I'm going to answer what I think is more likely. So a few caveats before I begin. Number one is I do not use information of the future that is not public to the audience. Like, I just ignore what I know that you guys don't know,
Starting point is 00:00:36 so, because I don't, I'm not trying to give away clues to what we're doing, so I will make guesses without taking into account what I actually know to be true that you guys don't know. I might take into account things you do know, but I won't take into account things you don't know. Also, I'm just giving off-the-cuff answer. It's possible if you ask the same question tomorrow, maybe I'd go the other way. But I'm just, I'm going through these and I'm just giving my answer. I have no idea how many we'll get through. We have 30 minutes, so I will do as much as I can.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And I'll try to explain my answers as we go along. Anyway, let's get started. Okay, so first is from Thunder Asnabel. Okay, what's more likely? Mork Koth or a Dak Resurrection. So those are both Planeswalkers. Koth was first seen in Scars of Mirrodin and Dak was seen in what supplemental product had Dak? I think one of the conspiracies had Dak. And then Dak died in the story
Starting point is 00:01:38 in War of the Spark. I believe you're more likely to see Koth than you are to see a Dak resurrection. Because Koth's still alive and Dak is not, and we tend not to resurrect characters all that often, so I think you're more likely to see Koth. Okay, next, from David,
Starting point is 00:01:53 and I apologize for messing up these names. I'm reading the best I can. So when I mangle your name, I apologize ahead of time. From David Gordovich, what's more likely, gold-bordered cards or white-bordered cards? So gold-bordered cards or white-bordered cards? So gold-bordered cards were used to print, like, tournament decks of, like, world championships and stuff. Stuff in which we were reprinting cards, but they weren't official cards.
Starting point is 00:02:16 And then white-bordered is what we used to do in our core set. I think gold-bordered cards are more likely than white-bordered cards. I don't see us returning to white border cards. I could imagine us making a product like we did with the decks, where we print something that's a live, you know, that's a recording of a certain tournament or something that happened. I can imagine us... I think we're more likely to do that than do this.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I will point out, by the way, I'm just picking what's more likely. If someone asks me two very unlikely things, the more likely thing doesn't mean we're likely to do it, it just means we're more likely than the other thing. Okay, next. Colin at Magic Time. What's more likely? A front face side
Starting point is 00:02:55 planeswalker at mana value 1 or at mana value 10? So, a 1-drop planeswalker or a 10-drop planeswalker. I think if it's Planeswalker. I think if it's a Planeswalker, I think we I could imagine us doing more origin-style Planeswalkers where you
Starting point is 00:03:12 play a legendary creature that flips into a Planeswalker, and those could cost one. But I don't, I think you're more likely to see a ten-drop, ten-mountain-of-value Planeswalker than a one, is my belief. Okay, next. Elliot Pages Precious.
Starting point is 00:03:27 What are we more likely to see? Lorwyn Shattermore Black Remastered or the return of the awesome Kaladesh-style masterpieces? Or where they can be in any old pack? Well, I guess I mean, in a lot of ways, Booster Fun is the Kaladesh-style masterpiece. I mean,
Starting point is 00:03:44 it's not exactly that art frame, but I mean, in a lot of ways, Booster Fun is the Kaladesh-style masterpiece. I mean, it's not exactly that art frame. But, I mean, we're doing, right now, we're doing Booster Fun in all the sets in which you can have really cool and different art frames showing up in your normal booster. So, I choose that because we are doing that. Next, from SuperDuper. What's more likely, a four-color grouping faction set or a set with no multicolor cards? I did an entire podcast about how hard it would be to do four-color factioning. And we've done a set with no multicolor cards.
Starting point is 00:04:16 I can imagine just doing a set again with no... So a set with no multicolor cards is clearly my pick there. Okay, next from Jardis. What's more likely? A plane where the factions are four colors or a plane where the factions are all monocolored? Monocolored is way, way easier than four. Fourcolored is insanely hard. I did a whole podcast
Starting point is 00:04:32 on it. You can go listen to it. Next, Kale Hath. What's more likely? The rebirth of Sarah or the resurrection of Urza? So what's more likely? Um, we don't often bring back dead characters, but okay, this question assumes we do because the only options are the two. I think Urza is a better-known character than Sarah.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I mean, there's Sarah Angel, obviously, but Urza just shows... So I guess if we're bringing back either Urza or Sarah, we'd bring back Urza, I guess is my guess. Okay, next. Zach Adamson is at Soup. What's more likely? Dual Deck Anthologies 2 or Commander Anthologies 3?
Starting point is 00:05:08 I think Commander Anthologies 3 is more likely than Dual Deck Anthologies 2, only because Commander is just more popular. Ultimateo, not Ultimateo. What's more likely, a good blue Merfolk one-drop or printing Fetchlands in a major set? Well, Fetchlands in a major set is happening very soon. Modern Horizons 2 has fetchlands in it, so it's clearly that. If by major set you didn't mean major set, but you meant a premier set, meaning a set that rotates into standard,
Starting point is 00:05:40 I think you're more likely to see a blue merfolk than us putting fetchlands. I don't think fetchlands are coming back to standard anytime soon. Okay, next up. Ancient Chaos asks what are we more likely to see? Another plan or overlay invasion like Invasion, War of the Spark or another plan or transformation
Starting point is 00:05:59 like Lorewin or Shadowmoor? So an invasion or a transformation? Wow, this is a hard one. Like, Lorwyn or Shaddamore. So, an invasion or a transformation? Um... I... Wow, this is a hard one. Either is possible. I guess we're a combat-oriented game, so invasion's slightly more likely than transformation.
Starting point is 00:06:16 But just because we're a game about combat. Okay, from BJ Bancroft. What is more likely, a new plane chase set or a new battle bond set? Um, that is also a good question. I think both could happen. Wow. I think a new Plane Chase set is slightly more likely a new Battle Bond set.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Battle Bond just came out more recently than Plane Chase, so that is my guess. Just Dan. What's more likely, a new super type or the removal of a super type? I guess I would say a new super type, because we don't really remove, I mean, we stop supporting them, I guess, but even then, I mean, they exist, and they're still cards, and you can still play them, so I guess I say a new super type. Okay, from Mac Laob, return to Kamigawa or Taser of Urbaya getting a card? Now, I don't know who Taser of Urbaya is, but I think having a singular card of a legendary creature happen is much more likely than returning to a plane that is...
Starting point is 00:07:19 I know there's a lot of people that like to go there, but the original Kamigawa had some issues with it, so I think getting a singular card for Taster seems more likely. Okay, Adam at Emperor Canaries. What's more likely, Secret Lair Panharmonicon or Structures? Okay, so
Starting point is 00:07:35 Panharmonicon was a card that showed up in Kaladesh that doubles ETB effects. And Structures is something that Richard created in the design for Original Ravnica that Planeswalkers were loosely based on. I think Secret of the Lair Panharmonicon is more
Starting point is 00:07:54 likely. I think Structures coming back is a long shot. Sure, why not a Secret of the Lair Panharmonicon? It's a popular card. Okay, Cubedraft asks, what's more likely to return? Return to Alara or return to Lorwyn? Return to Alara.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Alara was just more popular than Lorwyn was. So I'll say return to Alara. Very Late February Puntrisk says, what's more likely, a booster set with four draft archetypes or a booster set with six draft archetypes? Well, we normally default make ten draft archetypes in a normal set with four draft archetypes or a booster set with six draft archetypes? Well, we normally default make ten draft archetypes in a normal set,
Starting point is 00:08:30 so I guess six is more likely than four? I don't think we do either, but more is more likely than less. Okay, M. Morris asks, what's more likely, a Merit Lage legendary creature or the Return of Aldrazi in a standard set? Um, interesting. I think a Merit Lage legendary creature or the return of Aldrazi in a standard set? Um, interesting.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I think a Merit Lage legendary creature is slightly more... I don't know whether in the question whether he means a Merit Lage creature coming to standard or an Aldrazi creature coming to standard, or a Merit Lage creature independently or Aldrazi coming back to standard. English language is
Starting point is 00:09:01 fun. I think a Merit Lage creature happening wherever is more likely than the Return of Eldrazi in a standard set. But if it's in a standard set, probably... Even then, I think Merit Lage as a singular card is easier than Eldrazi as a whole. Eldrazi as a whole... Well,
Starting point is 00:09:19 but they don't mean, like... Hmm. Okay. I guess a singular Eldrazi is more likely than a Jessamere Lage, but Eldrazi is a major theme in the standard set I'm more skeptical of. Okay, Koltar of the Creepers. What's more likely,
Starting point is 00:09:36 an expensive control-focused red creature or expensive control-focused red instance of sorceries? I think it's easier to make control-focused instance of sorceries in red than it is control-focused creatures, so I will say instance of sorceries. I think it's easier to make control-focused instance of sorceries in red than it is control-focused creatures. So I will say instance of sorceries. Andrew L. asks, what is more likely?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Using Storm again, or trying to make a new mechanic that is a fixed Storm? I think a fixed Storm is more likely. I mean, if you're talking about standard legal sets, fixed Storm is more likely. If you're talking about supplemental sets, we will reprint Storm
Starting point is 00:10:07 in supplemental sets, so that's more likely, depending on what the question's asking. Okay, next up. Max, at KindaSortaMax, is, uh, what's more likely to return? Investigate returning, or clues added to the rules as a predefined token?
Starting point is 00:10:23 I think Investigate returning is more likely than clues added to the rules as a predefined token. As a predefined token. I think investigate returning is more likely than clues added to the rules as a predefined token. Andrew Fleming at Drew Manion says, What's more likely, Ravnica remastered or Innistrad remastered? I think Innistrad remastered is more likely. I think it's easier to make a remastered out of. Trying to take ten guilds and mix them all together and make a viable draft is very, it would be much more challenging to make Innistrad work
Starting point is 00:10:48 there's a great question of whether Innistrad Remastered would use Avacyn Restored or not I think it could if it wanted to but yeah, I think Innistrad Remastered is more likely and I assume you mean, both of these I assume meant original Innistrad Remastered or original Ravnica okay, next Bwirt B
Starting point is 00:11:04 what is more likely? A one mana Planeswalker or a modal phase, double phase I assume you meant original Innistradam after original Ravnica. Okay, next. Bwirt B. What is more likely? A one-mana Planeswalker or a modal face, double face card that is a land and a Planeswalker? I am skeptical we're doing a one-mana Planeswalker, so I will say a modal double face card that is a Planeswalker and a land on the back. I think that is more likely. I don't think either of them are super likely,
Starting point is 00:11:22 but that's more likely. Okay, next. M. Morris asks, What's more likely? I don't think either of them are super likely, but that's more likely. Okay, next. M. Morris asks, What's more likely? An enchantment that doubles cast triggers or return to Alara? Oh, so Panharmonicon as an enchantment or return to Alara. I think Panharmonicon as an enchantment
Starting point is 00:11:37 is more likely than return to Alara. I do think we could return to Alara. In fact, this is one of the ones that I can see both of these happening. But I think a single enchantment's more likely than return for a whole set. Okay. Zoe at Megamilk asks,
Starting point is 00:11:52 what's more likely, ninja tribal or fairy tribal in a commander pre-con? Um... Interesting. So we did do a ninja tribal commander pre-con, so we have done that once before. So ninja tribal, I know we can do a Ninja Tribal Commander Precon. So we've done that once before. So Ninja Tribal, I know we can do. We've done it.
Starting point is 00:12:10 Fairy Tribal probably runs... There's not a lot of fairies in Magic. Early Magic had a little bit, and Eldraine had some, and they show up every once in a while. Lorwyn had some. The biggest problem is they're spread over a bunch of different colors, and there's not a lot of them. So I guess Ninja Tribal would be easier to do than Fairy Tribal, but we've already done Ninja Tribal.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Hmm. I don't know. I will say Fairy Tribal a little over Ninja Tribal, just so we have... We haven't done it. It'd be tricky to do, but maybe we'd make some more fairies in it, and I'll say Fairy.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Apriory Goof says, What's more likely? Another monocolor-driven draft format like Eldraine or another two-color guild-based draft format like Strixhaven? Oh, I see. What will happen most likely? Well, we're doing a two-color guild. Not guild, but two-color faction right now in Strixhaven.
Starting point is 00:13:03 So I think we'll do Monocolor before we do another Two-Color Faction thing, I think. That's my guess. We'll do both. What comes first is up in the air, but my guess is Monocolor's first. Okay, 13 at Riptide Pro Lab asks, What's more likely, clues or powerful colorless equipment? I guess clues, since I assume... ProLab asks, what's more likely, clues or powerful colorless equipment? I guess clues, since I assume one of the reasons we started putting artifacts into colors is so we can push them when we need to.
Starting point is 00:13:35 So I don't think there's a need to push colorless equipment. We would push it as a colored equipment. So I think clues are more likely. Okay, next. Jordi Gutierrez says, what's more likely, printing a previous mythic rarity card as a common rarity card or having a black bird or squirrel planeswalker? I didn't appreciate the creativity that went into these questions. There's a lot of
Starting point is 00:13:55 very fun questions. The chance of a mythic rarity card somehow making sense as a common rarity card seems nonsense. Like, I don't even know. I can't even come up with something that would be true. A Black Border Squirrel is weird. And I don't think we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:14:14 But, I mean, given the choice between something that I don't know how it could possibly happen and something that is quirky, I guess I go with quirky. So, Black Border Squirrel, Planeswalker. Ryan Overturf. Okay, what are we more likely to make? What's more likely to happen sooner? Blue zombies or white vampires? I said when we started that I would use,
Starting point is 00:14:39 I wouldn't use knowledge you didn't know, but I would use knowledge you do know. So later this year is Innistrad. There might be blue zombies in Innistrad. There were blue zombies every other time we've gone to Innistrad, so we'll say blue zombies. Steven
Starting point is 00:14:55 Tran. Okay, what's more likely? Lightning Bolt and Standard or Counterspell and Standard? I think Lightning Bolt and Standard is more likely than Counterspell. I think, I mean, both of them cause problems, but I think Lightning Bolt causes less problems than Counterspell, I believe. Not a play designer, so take that with a grain of salt.
Starting point is 00:15:17 Okay, Mike Trev asks, What's more likely, Infect or Cascade in a standard legal set? I think Cascade is more likely, Infect or Cascade in a standard legal set? I think Cascade is more likely than Infect. Both of them have their issues, but I think Cascade, Cascade is more generally popular. Infect is very polarizing.
Starting point is 00:15:35 And so I think it'd be easier to get Cascade into a standard legal set. There's some challenge with Cascade, once again. This is not something that's easy to do. Next, Robert Yeager,
Starting point is 00:15:44 what's more likely to return? What's more likely? Return to Kamigawa or return to Lorwyn? Okay, so I get asked this on my blog all the time about these two sets because they're popular within franchise audience, but were not popular when they came out. And so they are a little bit of a trickier ask to return to.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Kamigawa gets to lean on Japanese tropes, and Lorwyn more leans on a lighthearted flavor. Because we did Eldraine, I think we've hit closer to Lorwyn. So I think return to Kamigawa is going to be easier than return to Lorwyn. Yeah, if I had to pick one, I think return to Kamigawa is easier to do than Return to Lorwyn. Stuart Brown asks, what's more likely, Origins 2 or Battlebond 2?
Starting point is 00:16:34 So Magic Origins was a set we did where we showed five planeswalkers and showed them sparking and showed the worlds they sparked on, their home worlds, and where they first went to when they sparked. Battlebond was a two-headed giant focus thing. Both of them were popular. I think Origins was more popular and was longer ago. So I'll say Origins 2 is more likely to happen than Battlebon 2. Okay, Dober Fred asks, what's more likely?
Starting point is 00:17:02 An aquatic world or a sky world? So a world set all completely underwater or a world set completely in the sky? Underwater is easily. The problem with the sky world is trying to answer, like everything can have flying. And so trying to address that,
Starting point is 00:17:20 dealing with flying in the sky world would be very problematic. And underwater, I mean, you still have to deal with evasion, I guess. But I think underwater is easier to figure out than Skyworld. I think Skyworld's a little trickier. They each have their challenges, but anyway, I'll pick Aquatic World. Okay, next. Midbat asks,
Starting point is 00:17:36 What's more likely? Mortal double-faced cards that can also transform once played, or Return to Meriden not focused on Phyrexians. Okay, so people have asked me a lot about what I'll call MTDFCs, cards that are both modal and transforming. So the idea is you can play either side,
Starting point is 00:17:56 but then there's a means on the card to get to the side that you don't play. What's more likely, that or return to Meriden, not focused on the Phyrexians? The Phyrexians have made I I mean, Mirrodin's not even Mirrodin anymore. It's new Phyrexia. So I will say the modal double-faced cards that transform
Starting point is 00:18:13 is more likely than return to Mirrodin, not focus on Phyrexians. C.J. Millsna says, what's more likely? The return of Shadow to a standard legal set or the return of Horsemanship? Okay, so Shadow is from the set Tempest, my first set. So Shadow says that creatures with Shadow can't be blocked by and can only block creatures with Shadow.
Starting point is 00:18:36 And Horsemanship is basically flying flavored as on a horse. So a creature with Horsemanship can only be blocked by other creatures with Horsemanship. Shadow is more likely because it's a little more restrictive that not only can't you be blocked, but you can't block. So I think that that's a little easier to deal with horsemanship, which is just another
Starting point is 00:18:56 flying. They're both tricky, and once again, it's just the inability to block at least is a little something. It's a little more balanced. Okay, Metal Lupus asks, what's more likely? A new Goblin Planeswalker character or a five-color Commander pre-constructed deck?
Starting point is 00:19:13 Ah, so there already is a Goblin Planeswalker, so we're asking for a second Goblin Planeswalker. Or a five... I guess a five-color Commander pre-constructed deck is more likely than another, just because we have a Goblin Planeswalker.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Not that I couldn't see us doing another Goblin Planeswalker, but we have one. Doretti exists, so... I assume that if we're going to make Planeswalkers of other characters, we might do ones we don't have. That said, we had an elf,
Starting point is 00:19:40 and we made another elf, so maybe, but I can imagine us making five-car commander. That doesn't seem that odd to make a five-car commander pre-con. Okay, next, from JD Fierce. What is more likely, return to Lorwyn Shaddamore or return to Allara? I think Allara is more likely. Allara is more
Starting point is 00:19:55 popular. Same question, but replace return to with remastered. So what is more likely, Lorwyn Shaddamore remastered or return to Allara remastered? Um, the tricky thing with Lorwyn Shaddamore Remastered or Return to Alara Remastered? The tricky thing with Lorwyn Shaddamore is the two sets were really made to be separate entities, so mixing them together would have some challenges. But Return to Alara also is five very different factions that one of the biggest problems with Return to Alara is the factions don't meld very well.
Starting point is 00:20:21 One of the biggest problems to Return of Alara is the factions don't meld very well. So I will... Okay, I think Lorwyn Shattermore Remastered would be a little bit easier than Alara Remastered, just structurally. So, okay. So I'll say
Starting point is 00:20:33 Lorwyn Shattermore Remastered is easier than Alara Remastered. Okay. Ancient Sword Rage asks, What is more likely? Three card cards in a new Ravnica set or three card cards in Tarkir? Oh, that is easy. Three card cards in Tarkir, hands down.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Ravnica really doesn't have space for a lot of other multicolors. Just getting the guilds in takes up so much space. And it's so defined by the two-color that three-color would just be weird in a Ravnica set. And Tarkir, the guilds, I mean, not the guilds, the clans. While the timeline change and everything, the clans, while the timeline
Starting point is 00:21:06 changed and everything, the clans are still the clans. The clans still have ties to the three colors. So anyway, yes, I think three-colored cards and Tarkir are much easier.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Okay, next. As it burned, what's more likely? A 1-1 black snake with a token with Death Touch being printed or the return
Starting point is 00:21:24 of Megamorph or Manifest to a standard legal set? Um, I think a 1-1 black snake with death touch? I mean, that would, I mean, that's a pretty potent token, but I could imagine us making something that would do, that seems more likely. Um,
Starting point is 00:21:40 I don't think Megamorph's going to return anytime soon, at least not with the name Megamorph. I can imagine Morph cards that do what Megamorph did, just not called Megamorph. I do believe that Megamorph, not called Megamorph, and Manifest will someday return, but I think a black 1-1 snake with Death Touch is just more likely to happen.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Okay, next. Kata D. P. I. B. M. V. Kansa Tarkir Timeline or Eldrazi Titans come back? I think, well, that's tricky. Eldrazi Titans come back. Two of the, three of them are dead.
Starting point is 00:22:13 So there's not a plural of Eldrazi Titans to come back. Kanzasar Kira, I don't think we have any plans to go back to the other timeline. But since, I guess you can't have Titans come back. There's only one left. You can't have Titans come back. There's only one left.
Starting point is 00:22:26 You can't have multiple come back. There's one alive. So, I guess, concentrated timeline just because that's, well, unlikely possible, where the Eldrazi Titans they're dead. So, I guess they'd have to be raised from the dead. But, anyway, I'll say concentrated timeline. Avi Miller asks, what's more likely, a return to Kamigawa
Starting point is 00:22:41 or a new set that takes place in the past on an existing plane? I think a new set that takes place in the past on an existing plane? I think a new set that takes place in the past on an existing plane is more likely than a return to Kamigawa. There's some challenges to going back in time, but we've done it. You know, Fate for Forge went back in time. In fact, original Kamigawa went back in time. So I think going back in time is easier than a return to Kamigawa. Okay, next up, Gix the Terrible.
Starting point is 00:23:06 What is more likely, White Demons or Return to Rebiah? White Demons or Return to Rebiah? Um... I think Return to Rebiah... I don't... I think Return to Rebiah is us just doing an absolutely new take on
Starting point is 00:23:23 sort of Arabian-slash-Persian-flavored world that we call Rebiah, just to make a new one. There's not much in original Rebiah. Rebiah is where Arabian Nights takes place. There's not much in Rebiah from a mechanical sense that defines it. I mean, there's a flavor,
Starting point is 00:23:40 but if we went back to that kind of world, we'd do that flavor. So I could imagine this one day returning to Rebiah. I mean, I'm not saying white demons couldn't happen. It just needs the right flavor, but it's a weird, weird flavor. So I'll say return to Rebiah. Okay, DieGoblin asks,
Starting point is 00:23:54 what's more likely, return of Slivers or return of Eldrazi? I think Slivers are more likely to come back before Eldrazi comes back. I think both at some point we will see, I think. I mean, well, when I say Eldrazi, I mean singular Eldrazi. There's one living Eldrazi comes back. I think both at some point we will see, I think. I mean, well, when I say Eldrazi, I mean singular Eldrazi. There's one living Eldrazi.
Starting point is 00:24:09 But that one's trapped in a moon, so not dead. But slivers are very popular. I think Return to Slivers are more likely to happen than Return to Eldrazi, but I think both can happen. The Mountain Goats. What's more likely? More cards that shut down life gain, or more cards that shut down more likely? More cards that shut down Life Gain
Starting point is 00:24:25 or more cards that shut down Mill? I think cards that shut down Mill are more likely than cards that shut down Life Gain. Life Gain's more organic to what the game is. I mean, not that I like Mill, but Mill has definitely caused us a little bit more problems than Life Gain has. So cards that shut down Mill is more likely.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Next is from Harrison Fjord. What's more likely? Jumpstart 2 or Battlebond 2? Jumpstart 2. Jumpstart was very popular. We are still printing it. It is so popular. So, I mean, not that Battlebond wasn't popular,
Starting point is 00:24:53 but it was not as popular as Jumpstart. So I think there's a more likely chance of doing another Jumpstart than another Battlebond. Okay, Phil Rosier says, what's more likely, returning to Tarkir the next couple of years or returning to Lorwyn in the next couple of years? Okay, what Rosier says, What's more likely, returning to Tarkir in the next couple of years or returning to Lorwyn in the next couple of years? Okay, what's more likely, returning to Tarkir or returning to Lorwyn?
Starting point is 00:25:10 I think returning to Tarkir is much more likely than returning to Lorwyn. Tarkir was very popular. Lorwyn was not very popular. We are more likely to return to popular places. Okay, The Discard asks, What's more likely, a Black Border Chidi Face or a Black Border Gleemax? Okay, so Chidi Face is a card in Unhinged that lets you cheat it into play for free if your
Starting point is 00:25:32 opponent doesn't get you doing it. Gleamax is a card that costs a million is it a million? Yeah, it costs a million mana, and then the ability of it is you make all decisions for all the whenever any other player would make a decision, you make the decision. So you chose all targets and modes and everything.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Gleamax is much, much easier than Cheaty Face. I mean, it's weird that it costs so much, but the rules can actually handle that. Cheaty Face, Black Border rules cannot handle. So I would say Black Border and Gleamax is much more likely. Okay, next. Jonathan Stahl asks, what's more likely? An updated card frame
Starting point is 00:26:03 or an updated card back? Updated card frame is much more likely an updated card back. I mean, we keep talking about the card back, and I don't think we're close at all to changing the card back, but I think we're much more likely to change the front than change the back. Okay, EverNever says,
Starting point is 00:26:20 what's more likely, the return to fetch lands in standard or the return of energy to standard? The return to energy to Standard is much more likely. I don't expect fetch lands to come back to Standard anytime soon. Okay, uh, Sack8, Sacky8 asks, um, what's more likely? Merit Lages return or the return of major interplanar
Starting point is 00:26:39 interactions outside of Planeswalkers? Uh, well, right now you, I mean, I mean, you... I mean... I mean, okay, so... We know that Tezzeret stole the Planar Gate. Although it only allows... It doesn't allow living things through it. That's how... The Planar Gate is how Bolas got the zombies, the Eternals, onto Ravnica.
Starting point is 00:27:03 So I don't know what counts as interactions outside of Planeswalkers. Is bringing objects or dead things considered interaction? I mean, there is cool things where you could bring objects from another world that might have an impact. But, I guess Merit Lage's return is
Starting point is 00:27:19 slightly more likely, I guess. So I'll say Merit Lage's return is slightly more likely. Okay, CHB asks, what's more likely? Phyre Uh, than that. So I'll say Merrill H's return is slightly more likely. Okay, CHB asks, what's more likely, Phyrexians or Eldrazi? Uh, well, if you're paying attention to, uh, Kaldheim, I will say the Phyrexians
Starting point is 00:27:36 are more likely than the Eldrazi. Uh, Zach Holloway says, what's more likely, Magecraft or Prowess? Um, well, Magecraft was just in the set. Uh, and Prowess is a mechanic we like, so Prowess is more likely than Magecraft, only because it just takes a while for us to repeat mechanics,
Starting point is 00:27:55 so I would say Prowess. Michael Jenkinson says, what's more likely, Return of Rebiah or Return of Kamigawa? I think Return of Kamigawa, I think, I mean, between, yeah, I think Kamigawa's slightly more, I mean, Rebiah or Return to Kamigawa? I think Return to Kamigawa. I think, I mean, between... Yeah, I think Kamigawa is slightly more... I mean, Rebiah is... No one's... People are asking Return to Kamigawa.
Starting point is 00:28:10 No one's asking me, or very few people are asking me in Return to Rebiah. Trelkmist asks, what's more likely? A new set of Plane Chase Planes or a new set of Arch Enemy Scheme Decks? I'd guess a new set of Plane Chase Planes is more likely. I think Plane Chase has a little bit more following than Arch Enemy although both have their niche following okay Don't Forget the Lyrics asks
Starting point is 00:28:31 what's more likely to return? Energy or poison? I think energy is slightly more likely to return than poison although I think both could return yeah okay I'll say energy okay April King asks I think both could return. Yeah, okay. I'll say energy. Okay, April King asks,
Starting point is 00:28:48 what's more likely? Triple face cards or the return of Armageddon? So triple face cards, we make another game of Wizards called Duel Masters. Duel Masters has made triple face cards.
Starting point is 00:28:59 The best way to describe it is imagine three cards that are glued together on their horizontal axis such that you could fold themion style, sort of, so that they could fold on top of each other. And then the front face is just one card, and you open it up, and two faces are the second side, and you open three faces are the third side. Anyway, I don't think Armageddon's coming back. We've made triple-faced cards in another trading card game, so while both of these are big asks,
Starting point is 00:29:26 I think triple-faced cards are more likely than Return of Armageddon. Theta of Diamonds. What's more likely? The return of generic hybrid mana or the return of colorless mana costs? So generic hybrid mana, I think she means what we call two-brid,
Starting point is 00:29:38 where it costs colored mana or it costs two generic mana or colorless mana costs. I think colorless... I think they both can come back. I think colorless has more flexibility to it than two-brid, so I will say colorless mana costs. Okay, what's more likely to happen? Another silver-bordered set or another great designer search?
Starting point is 00:30:00 I would say a silver-bordered set is more likely to happen before another great designer search, only because unstable did pretty well. And great designer searches are just really hard to do. And, yeah, I think, I mean, I think both will happen. I just think the great designer search is a bigger ask. Not that a silver border set isn't an ask as well, but not quite as big an ask
Starting point is 00:30:26 as a great design of search. Okay, how am I doing here? I'm almost out of time. I can see my desk. Okay, I have a lot more questions. So I will, I'll answer a few more and then we're going to
Starting point is 00:30:37 wrap it up for today. Okay. Jasmine Lawrence asks, what's more likely? Enchantments that tap or lands that don't provide mana? Both of those are things we don't do. Hmm. Okay. I will say enchantments that tap, because I believe we will make enchantment creatures again,
Starting point is 00:30:59 and enchantment creatures are enchantments that tap. So that's my pick. Code Monkey says, what's more likely, black border contraptions and enchantment creatures are enchantments that tap. So that's my pick. Codemonkey says, what's more likely, Black Border Contraptions or Black Border Urza Planeswalker? I think there's a greater chance of there being a Black Border Urza Planeswalker in a Commander product or something than there is of
Starting point is 00:31:19 Contraptions becoming Black Border. Next, Bill asks, Bill at Crush Castles, asks, what's more likely, a future-themed set or a prehistoric set? I think a prehistoric set is a little bit more likely to be future-themed.
Starting point is 00:31:36 While we brush up against sci-fi, it's still, like, fantasy sci-fi, and it's hard to go to the future and not get much more hard sci-fi, where I think we could go to the past and do... Like, I do think we will one day do a prehistoric set. Whether it's Morrigan or not will remain to be seen, but I do think eventually we'll do it.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I mean, I... I do know we keep pushing up against, you know, sci-fi. I mean, Kaladesh, for example, has a lot of sci-fi things, but, anyway, I think prehistoric set is more likely. Okay, I'm going to answer a few more questions. I'll answer three more questions, and then we'll call it a day.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Okay, what's more likely? Double-faced cards that have two spells on one face, like the original split cards, or an entirely new card type? Well, one of the rules we made about modal double-faced cards was we won't put spells on either side because we'll just do split cards. Um, it is possible to make them ones that are
Starting point is 00:32:26 spelled long enough that they wouldn't fit on a split card. Okay, and another entire new card type is a big ask. So, okay, I guess we'd make modal double-faced cards with spells that couldn't fit on a split card, maybe because of their
Starting point is 00:32:42 size or something. So I guess that's slightly more likely than a new card type. Okay. Ira Creasman asks, what's more likely, Wurzel and Thormul or Garth and Greensleeves? So Wurzel and Thormul were the two... Richard Garfield wrote a small story on the Alpha rulebook
Starting point is 00:32:58 that has two wizards fighting. Those are those two wizards. Garth and Greensleeves are characters from the early novels, early magic novels. I think I think Garth and Greensleeves are a little more, like, Warzel and Thamel were literally, like, characters, like,
Starting point is 00:33:15 were mentioned by name in this little tiny short story, where Garth and Greensleeves had novels, like, were fleshed out characters. So I think it would be easier to make Garth and Greensleeves into characters, so I guess I'll choose Garth and Greensleeves. Okay, the final question. From Chris Botello. What is more likely, Splice or Echo?
Starting point is 00:33:37 I think Splice, with the caveat of Splice onto something, not necessarily Splice onto Arcane. I think Splice is slightly more likely than Echo, just because downside mechanics really aren't popular. Echo has never been super popular, and I get much more people asking about Splice than I get asking about Echo.
Starting point is 00:33:55 So I will say Splice is more likely. Okay, guys, that is all the time we have for today. I'm curious if you guys like this. Was this fun? Would you like to have more? What's more likely? If it's something you guys like this? Was this fun? Would you like to have more? What's more likely? If it's something you guys like, it's something that I could do again.
Starting point is 00:34:10 But anyway, I now see my desk. So we all know what that means. It means this is the end of my drive to work. Well, end of my drive to work. So instead of talking magic, it's time for me to be making magic.
Starting point is 00:34:20 Okay, guys, I'll see you next time and thank you for all the questions. Bye-bye.

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