Magic: The Gathering Drive to Work Podcast - Drive to Work #328 - Meet my Daughter

Episode Date: May 6, 2016

Mark introduces his daughter as he drives her to school. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm pulling out of the gas station. You all know what that means. Well, first off, it means I needed gas. But second off, it means it's time for drive to work. So, as I explained in my last podcast, I'm going to start driving my daughter to school every morning. So we decided it was fine time to join, have her join and do a podcast with us.
Starting point is 00:00:20 So say hi, Rachel. Hi. So for those who don't know, I have three children. Rachel is my oldest. So how old are you, Rachel? I'll be 16 in two weeks. Which means you're driving soon, right? Yeah, I'm going to have an apartment right now and hopefully get my driver's license once I get 50 hours of driving. Yep. So Rachel was born back in 2000. Yeah. So Rachel is, was born in, back in 2000. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:50 And Rachel has a brother and sister, twins, boy, girl, Adam and Sarah, who are 12. But they are not riding in our car today. So we get to, so I, I once before did a podcast where I interviewed my mom and my dad, separate podcast. So this is going to call Meet My Daughter. So one day Sarah will be having Meet My Other Daughter. But today, okay, so what I want to sort of, a couple questions we're going to be called Meet My Daughter. So one day Sarah will be having Meet My Other Daughter. Meet My Other Daughter. Okay, so a couple questions we're going to ask today. We have a full drive to your school today.
Starting point is 00:01:13 So okay, question number one, which is, what am I like as a dad? What are you like as a dad? Yeah. Well, for one thing, I think you're the reason I've made a lot of bad puns in my life. That's my fault. Yes, that's probably a big factor in my life. And definitely for also a love of gaming. When it comes to sports, I am not the most competitive person.
Starting point is 00:01:41 But if we're playing a card game, hands down, you're going to get your butt kicked. I am ready. Explain a little bit. What do we do every Friday night? We have game nights. We do different things with our family every weekend night. We have game night on Friday night, movie night on Saturday night. We watch TV during dinner on Sunday. For Friday game night, we basically have the parents pick one game, and then whoever's kid it is turn to pick a game, then whoever's kidded is a turn to pick a game and we play two different games that's always really fun so uh how uh how competitive is
Starting point is 00:02:13 your dad uh i would pretty much say very competitive even if the game he's at is like not very good especially like the drawing one we'll have like a hamburger and then you'll draw like a baguette and we're like what is this but you're still you're still very passionate all like whatever you're doing so especially the games or it's like word games or like trivia games like you know your stuff i do when we have teams do you not often choose me to be on your team? Sometimes, like, Sarah will try and snag you. And Adam always wants to go with, like, Mom. So I just kind of float in between sometimes to, like, I don't know, even things out-ish.
Starting point is 00:02:55 It's like three versus two. Okay, so, um, what, I want to get your viewpoint of magic from your perspective. What is magic to you? Okay, well, the first thing I had of magic was probably you teaching me at the age of, like, eight, because I was, like, super interested, and you brought me, like, your bring-your-kid-to-work day, and so I tried learning it, and I think this sort of, like, faded off, but I definitely have a perspective of other people playing it. Like, my friend, he got a set of
Starting point is 00:03:26 magic stuff for his birthday like a month ago. And there's definitely a whole bunch of other people I know that created clubs for this. And they have their own cards and their decks and I see them all like laid out and playing. So I know definitely other people my age are playing them and I see them like all the time. So, so how many of your friends are aware that that's what I do, that I make magic? Um, I say sometimes pretty decent. Sometimes we'll get it from, sometimes we'll get it from my last name and sometimes it won't get until they see you in person when you're here for like a career fair or something like, Oh, your dad is Mark Rosewater. That's, like, pretty cool. And I'm like, yep.
Starting point is 00:04:07 Well, I know him in all my life, so I'm like, yep. So I've spoken at Career Day. In fact, I've spoken at a couple different year classes. What classes have I spoken at? Do you remember the times I came in and talked to your class? I'm trying to think. You've spoken a lot of times. You've spoken, like, I think, like, a few years, like, career fair, both mine and Adam and Sarah's at BCMS. You've spoken at camps a few times.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Like, we've tried, like, recruiting for camps, and on Friday, it's, like, come meet Buck Rosewater. And, like, you'll give out, you have, like, a lot of starter card stuff, so you'll, like, hand those out all the time. Yeah, starter decks and stuff. So, I mean, you've spoken at different camps and, like, schools and stuff. So, I mean, those are the main two I can remember. It's middle school, career fair, and, like, a couple of two kids. So, do you know what talk of yours I did that has ended up creating the most content? The talk that you did?
Starting point is 00:04:55 I did a talk for one of your classes, and it's ended up creating a lot of content for me. So, do you know what talk it was? What's something I was in the room for? Yeah, yeah. It was a talk to Mr. Nichols class. Oh. Remember that one? You mean in fifth grade?
Starting point is 00:05:09 Yeah, we knew in fifth grade. Do you remember the talk? I think so. Well, like, very, like, briefly. So it was called 10 Things Every Game Means. Oh, no. I remember this. I remember this.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Yeah, I remember this. Yes. Well, since I did that, I then wrote an article on it, and then I did a podcast on it, and then I did a series of ten podcasts on it. So I milked that for a lot of... Milked that cow. Yep. So, okay, so tell a story about me that you think the audience has never heard that you like. I feel like Grandma.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Let me think. I don't, I don't know. I mean, the, the bigot story was pretty funny. Any, any story with you drawing is pretty funny. I mean, I know there's probably very few stories in which I do anything that embarrasses you or anything, but, uh. Well, I mean, cause usually it's like, cause there's like the stories where it's like, oh, I brought my dad to like a dance or whatever. And it's like, no, it's like every time time I go to, like, a dance with you, it's like, I dance just as, like, not as well. Like, you pretty much just, like, just wait around. I bring down your dancing? How do you bring down my dancing?
Starting point is 00:06:11 It's just, like, I can do very well in the Just Dance with, like, very simple, like, cool choreography. But as soon as you, like, freestyle, it's just, like, what am I doing? Like, Sarah is definitely, like, the dance in our family, not in the sense of, like, well, I guess in the sense of both the dance floor and sort of like the classroom, because she'll do like contemporary stuff and she'll start like hip hopping. And my dad and I are like, what are we doing here? Like, we can just do it.
Starting point is 00:06:33 So. So, so far we've, I can't draw and I can't dance. Okay. We'll get the full list of things I can't do. Well, okay. Because they don't, they don't know what I can't do. I tell them what I can do, not what I can't do. Well, there's a reason you're the head designer, not the head artist.
Starting point is 00:06:47 That's true. I've done magic art. I did one piece of magic art. And that's proved why I should not do magic art. As for the dance, it's got a dance competition there. I don't think anyone's going to see it in action. Unless they ask for something, but we'll see. Let's try to think of any stories.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Like recent stories no recent any what's your what's a story I have a very hard memory sometimes I'll remember things randomly in the day
Starting point is 00:07:12 like it's like this was the 23rd day of March I'll jog your memory a little bit because one of the things I think that's fun
Starting point is 00:07:18 for them to hear is just hear stories about you know a normal like some normal thing not like the stories I always tell are like I'm designing magic or something but this is more like just everyday hear stories about me in my, you know, a normal, like, some normal thing, not, not like,
Starting point is 00:07:26 the stories I always tell are like I'm designing magic or something, but this is more like just everyday. Just a personal everyday sort of thing. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:35 I bet there's probably just a lot stored in my head. I think I'm so overfilled with memories that they've all just become like same level. I don't know anything that's like standing out.
Starting point is 00:07:43 Let me see, recently, like. So when I, when I taught you magic, what's your memory of me teaching you magic? Uh, you, like, laid out, like, all the cards. You're like, this thing does this thingy, and I was so bad with, like, doing everything. I, like, basically keep my cards and keep my cards up just because, like, I didn't know what I was doing. I mean, every time you teach, it's really good. I know Adam, like, you're teaching Adam, I think. Yeah, Adam and I play now. Adam and I play all the time. So you have, so you have that. And I don't know, I was also eight at the time. So I'm trying to think. Right,
Starting point is 00:08:12 so let me explain what you, so we actually don't currently have this, but for a while we had a take your daughter to work, take your child to work day. Yeah, I went. And they did a whole bunch of stuff for the kids. Like they plotted out the whole day. And then one of the things I would do is I would come and do a make the card with the kids, where the kids would all together make a magic card. Yeah, we chose, like, Jace the Mind Walker. Jace the Mind Sculptor. Mind Sculptor.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Planes Walker. I think I mixed up the two. Yeah, you guys made up the Planes Walker. This is why you're doing this job, and I'm not. I'm very bad at these terms. I, like, know, like, some terms, but I'll, like, mix them up all the time. No, but remember we had that and some other kids,
Starting point is 00:08:47 they had like some sort of like demon card and we presented our two cards and it was like, we were like, oh my goodness, this is so cool. Yeah, and then what we did is, this is pretty cool,
Starting point is 00:08:56 is we had the kids make the card and then we had an artist who worked in the building draw the card while the kids were doing other stuff and then we mocked up the card so at the end of the day when the kids left, they had an artist who worked in the building draw the card while the kids were doing other stuff. And then we mocked up the cards so at the end of the day when the kids left, they had a copy of the card they had made. Yeah, I remember that. I thought it was pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:09:13 I don't know what that is now, but I thought it was pretty cool. So, I remember, uh, yeah, and then we made two cards. One was a planeswalker and one was, like, a demon. I don't know. I mean, I guess, because I'm trying to think, I'm still thinking in the back of my head about the story stuff. Like, I know we've definitely gone to like a lot of plays. I think that's like
Starting point is 00:09:28 a big thing that I do with you now is that since I've been older, I've been going to a lot more plays and musicals with you. I'm trying to think, what have we seen?
Starting point is 00:09:36 I know we've been to Skyline. We've seen Rumors and the Drudgery Chaperone. You've been as well high to watch me before for Beauty and the Beast. I've seen other separate stuff. Well, we also, we saw, we just, we just saw How to Succeed in Business.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yeah, Fifth Avenue, we've seen a lot. And we saw Wicked last year. And we saw, um, Music Man. Music Man was really good. And, uh. Wizard of Oz, when I was there, I remember that. Yeah, we saw, we saw Legally Blonde. Legally Blonde was so good.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Um, we've seen a bunch of plays and we're going to go see Kinky Boots that's been so it's fun, that's something Rachel and I do by ourselves we go off and do plays theater appreciators of a family
Starting point is 00:10:19 I think it's also another thing I've got it's like an appreciation for theater and now I've started like thinking about directing or writing so I may do something like that I like that, writing I'm also trying to do directing but there's not a lot of internship stuff for that so that's where I'm kind of searching
Starting point is 00:10:36 I did some directing you know I did directing back then what I'm saying you're talking about the plays that you've made the Lego my ego Lego my ego yeah
Starting point is 00:10:46 most of the stuff I directed were things I wrote mostly I would write and direct so I did a play called Lego my ego I did a play
Starting point is 00:10:54 called Last Impressions what was the one with the whole swappy thing the whole like the people with certain jobs or better
Starting point is 00:11:02 other jobs oh that was when I was a kid that was called what was that called, I was not a kid. That was called, what was that called? I used to, as a kid, write,
Starting point is 00:11:09 I won a playwriting contest like three years in a row and we performed, what was the name of that play? I'm blanking on the name of the play. But, yeah, as a kid's play
Starting point is 00:11:18 and the premise was that at some point everybody in the, This medieval castle Yeah, everybody retired, all the adults retire and go off
Starting point is 00:11:25 to retirement or something then all the kids have to take over the jobs of their parents but everybody oh mismatch
Starting point is 00:11:29 it was called mismatch and everybody's really bad at the job they do and that the king who's a brand new king
Starting point is 00:11:36 king and queen the brand new they figure out that the way to solve the problem is that everybody's doing the wrong job and that the things
Starting point is 00:11:43 that make them bad at the one job make them good at the one job make them good at the other job. Yeah, I know, like, the Joker was always,
Starting point is 00:11:47 like, super, like, still, and, like, night. The Joker was very serious.
Starting point is 00:11:51 He was always, like, super silly. And so he ended up becoming the Chancellor and the guard was a klutz so he ended up becoming the Jeff Jordan.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Anyway, so, I don't think you've ever read that play. No, I don't think, have I ever read a play that you've written?
Starting point is 00:12:02 I don't know, I'm not sure. No, I don't even have seen one yet. Do you still even have them? What do you guys even, what do you guys even record them on? I have them. I don't think, have I ever read a play that you've written? I don't know, I'm not sure. No, I don't even have seen one yet. Do you still even have them? What do you guys even, what do you guys even record them on? I have them. I don't want to go.
Starting point is 00:12:09 We carve them on stone tablets. That's what we, yeah. Because cassette tapes, when were cassette tapes? I don't know when the evolution. Cassette tapes? When the evolution of cassette tapes. You know what I said? I had word processing as a child.
Starting point is 00:12:19 As an adult, as an older child. I don't know when the evolution of like cassette tapes to VHS or whatever. I've lived in a world where everything is electronic. Do you know cassette tapes were for music? I don't know. What did you use, VHS? I don't know. I'm glad you have no knowledge on computers.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Now, back in the day, we had discs. Okay, oh, you guys did have discs back then. Yeah. I thought that was like early 2000s or something. Well, I mean, when I first got it, my dad first got our computer way, way back when. This was Apple II back in the 70s. Yes. You had to use a cassette tape to load in programs.
Starting point is 00:12:55 You never saved things on cassette tapes. It just was, you'd have programs that you could load in there. But very quickly, they started having discs. And originally they had like, I don't know, they were like four and a half inch desks or whatever, floppies, and then they made the small one. Although my information view is bad, like pretty much a lot of people, I don't know, have definitely grown up in a world with a lot more
Starting point is 00:13:14 electronics. So I mean, when I was younger, like, as I said before, like I got a nano iPod, and I thought that was pretty cool, and that's when the first iPod came out. That was your first iDevice with a little tiny iPod. And I look at it pretty cool, and that's when the first iPod was launched. That was your first iDevice with a little tiny, a little tiny iPod.
Starting point is 00:13:27 And I look at it now, and I'm like, what is this? And it has like, the little like, buttons were just like, there was no like, official buttons,
Starting point is 00:13:33 and no touch screen, it was like, you had to circle the little discs, and I would always just like, use those things. You love that thing. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:13:40 I mean, that thing was obviously definitely first place technology got, so I had that, and then like, the first iPhone came out, and now, we have a whole bunch of random things on the ground, we have an iPod, I mean, that thing was obviously definitely first-place technology. So I had that, and then the first iPhone came out, and now we have a whole bunch of random things laying around.
Starting point is 00:13:48 I mean, I have an iPod somewhere laying around, an iPad with the case completely torn up. So here's a question. I have my phone. I have a question for you. How old were you when you went to your first Magic tournament? Oh, goodness, I don't know. I think because you said it wasn't in Australia, and I was like six months.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Well, but that wasn't your first one. That wasn't my first one? You went to Australia for the invitation on Australia when you were six months old. I don't know. I'm stuck. How early did I go? You seem to have little memory of that trip. I think the first time we ever went to a magic tournament, I believe, was Invasion.
Starting point is 00:14:19 When Invasion came out, you were a baby and we took you to the tournament center. Below six months? I think you were under baby, and we took you to the tournament center, and, uh, Below six months? I think you were under six months. Oh, goodness. Um, well, it, anyway, you, you, for sure your first, your first medical, you were a baby. How long was mom working at, like, Wizards up until, like, she had me? Because I know you guys met. We met at Wizards, uh, and then mommy actually worked up until she had you, and then after
Starting point is 00:14:43 she had you, she, she, she, And then once, I think it was when she had maternity leave, that's kind of like her Well, she went on maternity leave, and then at the end of mater she had you. And then after she had you, And then once she had maternity leave, that's kind of like her. Well, she went on maternity leave and then at the end of maternity leave, she's like, yeah, I'm not coming back.
Starting point is 00:14:50 That was that maternity leave. Um, we, we knew when she went maternity leave that there was a good chance she wasn't coming back. But, uh, well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:14:59 they still, they still, they still like you. So, I mean, you've been there for 20 years. I stayed. So,
Starting point is 00:15:04 quite some time. Yep. Okay. So, see, so, um, what is,
Starting point is 00:15:12 okay, so it doesn't have to be a story, but is there something you can tell the audience about me that they might not know? What's, what's a fact about me that they might not know? I don't know. Cause it's always, it's always difficult to ask things like that, because I said before,
Starting point is 00:15:26 like, you've been my dad for as long as I've been alive, obviously. I'm just saying, like, I'm looking for some tidbit of information, but here's what they want. When they listen, they go, oh, okay, it's somebody else, Mark's relative. I want to hear stuff I don't know about Mark. I want to hear stuff. I mean, because it's definitely different from their perspective, as I said before. Just, like, yeah, because obviously they know, like, nothing about you. I live, like, 24-7 with you. Right. on your stuff I mean it's definitely different from their perspective as I said before just like yeah cause obviously
Starting point is 00:15:45 they know like nothing about you I live like 24-7 with you right so I don't embarrass them nearly as much as I embarrass you
Starting point is 00:15:52 no I mean you definitely shine through your like you know like the stereotypical like white dad that always wears like the socks
Starting point is 00:16:00 with sandals and his barbecues like like you do the barbecue thingy but like you're actually good you don't't set everything
Starting point is 00:16:05 on fire. Unlike cartoons I've seen. So props to you for that. I don't barbecue often, but I can barbecue for those things. Yeah, so you do on the 4th of July,
Starting point is 00:16:14 and that's pretty decent. Right, 4th of July, it's when they barbecue. Yep, and then puns definitely shine through. You don't wear socks with sandals. God bless you.
Starting point is 00:16:21 You don't wear socks with sandals. I don't wear sandals. It does not look good. Well, you wear socks, obviously. I mean, you have sort of like a sock-ish sandal thing inside, but you don't wear them in public. You know better. I do. I know better. You know better. Because your typical fashion statement is a flannel. What do you think my fashion sense? Flannels. Flannels galore. Pretty much, it's like that, like,
Starting point is 00:16:40 you basically argue with yourself and with us how this flannel does not go with this flannel, but with this flannel. Well, you gotta match the shirt to the flannel. We'll see you in, like, weeks, and we'll, like, guess your shirt, and be like, oh, what week is it this week? And we'll, like, guess, like, the theme of the week based off, like, your shirt. Oh, so, I think the audience knows this, but real quickly. So, one of the things I do every week at work is I always theme my t-shirts. And then at work, they try to figure out what my theme is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:04 We try and guess them, though. My family knows I do that. And fail horribly I guess in them because we'll have like no idea be like it's this set thing that we're coming up with like what well sometimes sometimes they're geeky things and we get them and sometimes they're geeky things that we don't get so levels of geekiness around us so we definitely have absorption or something like mom's in the doctor because of you I'm pretty sure. Yeah. And I know a lot just because I have friends who are obsessed with Dr. Who. So that's like my angle.
Starting point is 00:17:30 One day you could watch Dr. Who. Maybe I could, but I'm already obsessed with too many other things. I got to catch up on all those. So what do you like to do? What are your favorite things to do? Favorite things to do? I enjoy a lot of reading. Like my bookshelf is completely filled.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Okay. Like as I remember from like Seinfeld, because, like, we watched Seinfeld for a little bit. I think, like, during Seinfeld at one point, he was like, why do you keep books in your bookshelf? Once you've read them, you're done. Are they, like, trophies? And I'm like, yep, pretty much. Like, there's books I have not read that are in my bookshelf because they're motivational books. You guys have me for, like, Christmas that I didn't get around to yet.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And then I have other books that I have read and I bought with my own money because they're motivational books you guys have for me for like Christmas that I didn't get around to yet. And then I have other books that I have read and I bought with my own money because I wanted to read them. So this is a big writing book. John Green. John Green. John Green.
Starting point is 00:18:13 My parents know this for a certain fact. Yeah. I enjoy, yeah, Fallen Stars, Paper Towns, which I just did the movie of by the way.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Looking for Alaska. I'm going to read Will Grayson, Will Grayson. It's fun as a Catherine. So I definitely have stuff to catch up on. What's your favorite band? Favorite band?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Fall Out Boy. Because that's just a good band that I enjoy. Because obviously, if you've ever heard Centuries or Uma Thurman or Irresistible, that's the most popular stuff. But I've listened all the way back to 2006. They've had five albums, and I've listened probably like 40% of everything they've ever made. So I feel pretty good about myself. I listen to that.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I've started getting into bands a little more. So Fall Out Boy, Tending at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, which is March 22nd today when they broke up. Oh, okay. God bless My Chemical Romance. 21 Bonds. You're 100 the day they broke up? Today is the day they broke up Were you 100 the day they get together?
Starting point is 00:19:10 No, this is literally the internet is blowing up I texted my friend and she goes How dare you say that to me? With crooked letters And then we started texting, singing the song Welcome to the Black Parade So it's a thing I believe in's a thing.
Starting point is 00:19:25 And then also 21 Pots is also really good because it's starting to get more popular with Stress Sad, if you ever heard that, or Blurryface, which is like their album. Okay. Other than Magic, which clearly must be your favorite game, what is your favorite game?
Starting point is 00:19:37 Oh, favorite game. I'm trying to think. I definitely like Hearts Against Humanity or just like other like, really weird games, Exploding Kittens, which was a super cool thing, because,
Starting point is 00:19:49 well, Matthew, what's his last name? Inman. Inman, yeah, Matthew Inman came to our house, and so,
Starting point is 00:19:55 because he lives in Seattle, so that was pretty cool, and he had us play Exploding Kittens, and I beat him twice, which I feel, I feel pretty proud of him. Well, that's a fun,
Starting point is 00:20:03 I beat him, the very first time he taught me, I beat him, so, we both, I'm fine, we both beat that Inman, and it's fun. The very first time he taught me, I beat him. I tie it. We both beat that in a minute. Here's the thing. Because also I watch online. I watch a lot of gaming stuff sometimes
Starting point is 00:20:14 because I watch Smosh games, which is like Smosh, but then they have a whole bunch of different other separate channels and gaming. It's one of their channels. So I watch a whole bunch of those. And sometimes besides video games, people will play like card games or other like board games to another i played exploded kids one time because i got it as like a special you know like they're popular
Starting point is 00:20:32 people so they got it before it came out officially and i watched that and then i used the tip of them because they said like when one time they had to choose a random card from like someone else's hand so i think matthew played that card to me And then I shuffled my cards, and he goes, that was really smart, because usually people keep their board and stuff on the right side of their hand. Yeah, no, it's good. So I feel like I'm pretty well. And hopefully we're going to VidCon this summer,
Starting point is 00:20:56 which is a really cool internet conference. And hopefully, if I do get to meet Smosh Hands at some point in my life, I will thank them for helping me beat the creator of the game. So that's a super cool thing. I like Exploding Kittens, there's another one he's coming out with soon that he showed us, and that one was pretty cool. I don't know, I definitely like a lot more of, like, the, yeah, like, the cardboard games, there's definitely a lot of, like, the games you can play with a regular, like, 52-card
Starting point is 00:21:19 deck, where it's, like, I played Gin Rummy. Gin Rummy? I remember in 8th grade, I played with my friend Gin Rummy a lot, my teacher's like, I played Gin Rummy. Gin Rummy? I remember in eighth grade, I played with my friend Gin Rummy a lot. My teacher was like, you guys can't play card games. And I'm like, we promise we're doing it at work,
Starting point is 00:21:30 so it's like, fine, if you guys keep up your grades, you guys can keep playing. And we both got like A's or E-minuses in the class and we just played Gin Rummy like 80% of the time.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It wasn't too hard to get in class. So we played that a lot with also another Spanish girl and some other guys at our table. But also I played, we played a lot of garbage. I like soldier by myself uh blackjack some people try
Starting point is 00:21:50 and play the 52 card pickup trick on me but i know that's not working i don't know i just play a lot of those games and stuff and uh i'll bring this i'll bring up with you tiny guys i did play chess at like one point in my life where i got both a you went to chess i got yeah i got a participation award which is pretty cool and then one, I got a participation award, which was pretty cool. And then one time I got a sportsmanship award, which is a tiny little trophy. I never wanted to get jerky. What's the thing you most remember about chess? What's the one rule you remember about chess?
Starting point is 00:22:13 The strategic rule. Oh. Do you remember anything? Is it all gone? All I remember is the electric fence move where you use the queen and your rook to trap your king into the corner. That's all I remember. Okay. Well, something. something i mean i remember that because that one was like oh my goodness the electric fence whoa my goodness is so cool i didn't know i didn't know the electric fence maneuver no i was like freaking out because i was like this is such a cool move and then every
Starting point is 00:22:37 time i've played it i've tried to use it i played against one guy one time he's really smart i almost beat him but like not quite i had like i had like the king left and he had like a queen and stuff and he had like a few things left so he beat me on that though yeah I don't know did you expect me to say like I don't know like the one major rule I don't know I remember you went to camp yeah I'm saying I don't know I've been I've been to definitely just like a lot of various okay what's your what's your favorite tv show oh favorite tv show I watch a lot of YouTube so definitely
Starting point is 00:23:06 that's gone down a little bit I know that together as like a family we watch The Middle which is really good
Starting point is 00:23:11 Goldberg's you guys watch separately we bang there than I do but we still watch it just usually not at the same time
Starting point is 00:23:19 yeah they have one that's coming up it's called The Real Onios or something that's on the ABC Yeah I already started but it looks really good
Starting point is 00:23:28 I want to watch it It looks pretty decent What's your favorite movie? Favorite movie? It used to be Clue for a while On Netflix just because of the three different endings And I like the third ending Because all of them are on Netflix I'm pretty sure Like at the end
Starting point is 00:23:44 So I mean I like that because I was like this is so cool And also Tim Curry is pretty sure, like, at the end. So, I mean, I like that, because I was like, this is so cool, and also Tim Curry's a buffler, so I just like, he was, like, a great actor, so I was like, yes. Okay, so we said Clue used to be your favorite.
Starting point is 00:23:51 What's your current favorite? Clue used to be my favorite. What's my current favorite? Um, I like a lot of books, maybe adaptations, so when I say that my favorite books are called North Star, it's usually also movie,
Starting point is 00:23:58 but I also do like the perks of being a wallflower, both book-wise and movie-wise. Um, I don't know, usually, yeah, usually definitely things with, like, comedy, stopian. I absolutely hate horror movies, so I'm not doing anything with that. Although, for some reason, I know quite a lot about horror movies, even though I hate watching them. I know, I know some decent stuff. And then...
Starting point is 00:24:18 You like doing research on stuff. I do research on stuff a lot. And then action movies, uh, have you ever seen, um, Jupiter Ascending? I have ever seen Jupiter Ascending? I have not seen Jupiter Ascending. It's sad. It dragged Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum, and Eddie Rene Majer, three great, brilliant actors, into this terrible, terrible action movie.
Starting point is 00:24:36 It won a Razzie. I don't know if it was won a Razzie. It got nominated for a Razzie. It might have won the Razzie, I'm not sure. I don't know if it won a Razzie, but at least it got nominated, I know. Like, it's not it's not Fifty Shades of Grey bad but like it's like pretty bad have you ever seen The Matrix
Starting point is 00:24:49 I've shown you The Matrix The Matrix I mean I've heard of it but I don't know oh the people who made that made The Matrix The Matrix is a little bit better than uh
Starting point is 00:24:56 yeah I mean I'm not saying that like I'm not saying that everything they make is bad because obviously the actors in it are really good in other stuff but I mean it's just like a very sad event
Starting point is 00:25:03 it's like I don't want this to happen to you like I feel bad for you so that other stuff, but I mean, it's just like a very sad event. It's like, I don't want this to happen to you. Like, I feel bad for you. So that, that obviously looks very good. I mean, action movies sometimes are super confusing, especially if all the characters are wearing similar clothing. Cause I'm like, who's fighting on what teams? Especially when they're all superheroes and I don't know what the teams are.
Starting point is 00:25:18 It's, it's like, it's like board history all over again where I'm like, wait a minute, who's the ally powers? Who's the axis powers? I have to keep remembering what countries are on what side. The allies are the good guys, the access are the bad guys. I have to remember which countries are the good guys, which countries are the bad guys. I have to keep remembering this. So pretty much
Starting point is 00:25:33 action is supposed to be very confusing. Not even because of the action, just because of who's on what side, which is very confusing. I'm not a commentator. One last thing I meant to ask was from time to time we'll be out in public and somebody will recognize me um and i i know it tickles share to no end but what you do does it annoy you do you find interesting what what happens when people out of the blue just
Starting point is 00:25:58 well i mean it's kind of like i mean if you i mean if you if i were the child of like obviously because there's i know like um like mean, if you, I mean, if you, if I were the child of, like, obviously, because there's, I know, like, um, like, celebrities, like, either one celebrity or two celebrities are, like, obviously, like, big in the newspaper or whatever. It's like, Beyonce, DC, for example, it's like, everyone pretty much knows their kid, like, Blue Ivy. And, um, I mean, obviously, if you, if you were, like, this, like, kid of, like, super, like, famous people, I mean, it would probably, like. Well, far from super famous, so.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Super famous. I mean, obviously, I mean, I bet, like, those kids, I mean, kids that have grown up or kids that will grow up will probably, like, shrug it off because, like, yeah, it's like, they're my parent. I see them all the time. And other people, I mean, obviously, sort of, like, idolize them. But, I mean, as a kid who was there, like, 24-7 and see, like, their, like, everything, it's obviously not, like, as surprising to you because you're like, yes, I know them.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Like, they're my parent. You sort of, like, shrug it off or whatever. So, I mean, obviously, when people see, I mean, I feel excited for them because they can see that the idolites, like, you're my dad and I idolize you in a parent way than, like, a celebrity I never get to see sort of way. So, I mean, so there's different ways of idolization, but, I mean, there's definitely people that I know that are like, oh, like, you're Mark Rosewater's daughter, like, that's really cool, and I'm like, yeah, that's people. I mean, no one's ever, I don't think
Starting point is 00:27:06 anyone's ever really tried to get anything out of me, except for this one kid, I remember, that may have tried to get a dick out of me, but I wasn't really budging. He's right. He was trying to try, I mean, I don't know if it really gave anything to him, I might have been like, man, but, no one's really ever bugged me for anything, I mean, it doesn't really matter, I know they play it, but, like, I mean, obviously, it's not that much. But I definitely remember there was one person. Like, we went to, like, some game place.
Starting point is 00:27:30 It was, like, the castle or whatever. And this one guy, like, would go up to Desi, like, my gross order. Give me gross order. Oh, my God. Guys, my gross order. I was, like, shouting and running all over the place. And not because of, like, if my dad knows, like, someone's freaking out over you. It's just, like, they were freaking out so much that I found it, like, over the top, like, hilarious.
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yeah. So, I mean, it doesn't, like, annoy me as much. Just more if I could, like, I get it because, like, obviously, I mean, there's obviously people that, like, I look up to or whatever that's, like, that other people would, like, show up. It's like, oh, yeah, they're my friend, my sibling, my cousin, my, like, Karen or whatever. And so people, depending on, like, your relationship with them, can, like, shrug it off. So I bet everyone's pretty much half that. I think anyone who is, like, a close person of someone else
Starting point is 00:28:12 who was well-known in a way or another, whether it's online or with games, like, the biggest, like, pop star in the world or whatever, like, people have, though, like, shrug things off. So, no, it doesn't really annoy me as much. I just have to feel more excited for the person like I'm like
Starting point is 00:28:26 you're living a dream good for you go you okay so we're almost to school here last chance for anything you can tell them that
Starting point is 00:28:34 they wouldn't know about me if they wouldn't see this is that's the thing that's difficult I have to rack my brain
Starting point is 00:28:39 because like I have trouble remembering things for like dinner last night so trying to trying to pull out stories
Starting point is 00:28:44 I don't know okay it's fine I mean well I mean I'm still I have trouble remembering things for, like, dinner last night, so... Trying to pull out stories. I don't know. Okay. It's fine. I mean, well, I mean, I'm still... I'm still trying to think. Like, I don't... Because I bet probably if you pulled in Sarah, Sarah would be, like, pulling out a list, and she's like, here are my top ten reasons.
Starting point is 00:29:00 Sarah would have a list. Sarah would be, like, ultra prepared. I don't know. I'm trying to think. I mean, you guys, don't you guys keep, like, a quote book or whatever of, like, things that, like, we've said? We do. I do.
Starting point is 00:29:12 Do you have it? I mean, it's not a book. It's in my phone. But I keep quotes. I think I'll keep quotes. I bet there's probably, like, one that, like, I've said. Yeah. I have some quotes from you.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Yeah. I remember there's one, like, Adam said. It's talking about, like, that man or whatever. I remember it was that quote. But anyway, it sucked to like that man or whatever. I remember it was that cool, but... Anyway, so we're going to wrap up here because we're coming up to your school. I don't know, any lesbian or question-ish things? No, but it was fun having you.
Starting point is 00:29:35 Hopefully, so one of the things, like I said, to explain is Rachel's going to be driving with me to work in the near future. But most of the time, you listen to music while I'm doing my podcast. What is my podcast like for you? You're just ignoring me and listening to music?
Starting point is 00:29:49 I try because I'm trying my best not to blare on my ears, but also hear the music over you. I mean, it's harder in like a car when it's like in the closed space. But I mean, I've never really seen your podcast. It's obviously interesting
Starting point is 00:30:02 to see you kind of like in the motion. I mean, I listened to part of it during GDC because I was like, this stuff is sort of cool. So sort of like half mixture of you talking and stuff. So I mean, obviously if you're talking about something else that I have no idea what it's spelled, I can probably relate more to a conference than I can
Starting point is 00:30:14 so some sort of new set that you're doing. Ah, so you were listening in to the last one. Yeah, a little bit I was. But I mean, also you were talking about your stuff. No one said you can't listen. Okay, anyway, we are now, we're now parking the car. So, I end every podcast the same way. Did you know how I end the podcast?
Starting point is 00:30:31 End something with talking magic. Now we've got to go making magic. Yeah, something like that. Talking magic, making magic. I park the car. You know what that means? It's time to end my drive to work. All righty.
Starting point is 00:30:42 So, instead of talking magic, it's time to be making magic. And going to school for me. And going to school. I need to learn. And then we say see you next time. See you next time.

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