Maintenance Phase - Brittany Dawn

Episode Date: June 20, 2023

How a fitness influencer went from small-time scammer to one of the Internet’s leading villains. Links!THIS IS DISTURBINGgoodbye for now… How Dallas-area influencer Brittany Dawn found herself at... the mercy of social media's double-edged swordConversations with the Inspiring Brittany DawnInfluencer Asks Customers to Sign NDA Before RefundBrittany Dawn's archived apology videoInfluencer Called 'Scammer' for Not Providing Coaching‘You can’t cancel me’: embattled TikTok star reinvents herself as a warrior for JesusHere’s what to know about the lawsuit against Texas influencer Brittany DawnFollowers Of Christian Influencer Brittany Dawn Said They Are Angry That She Pivoted To Religion To Avoid ScrutinyFitness gurus and 'muscular Christianity': how Victorian Britain anticipated today's keep fit crazeThe Fitness-Driven Church | Christianity TodayChristian influencer Brittany Dawn defends her foster parent journey amid criticism of her past, monetized baby postsPolice Brutality Against Black Kansas City Man Caught on VideoBrittany Dawn Fitness LLC Thanks to Doctor Dreamchip for our lovely theme song!Support the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Maintenance Phase, the podcast that so loves the world that we've given our only begotten co-hosts. It broke down halfway through. It broke down halfway through. It started strong though. It started strong. The strongest part was your confidence when you said, I've got one.
Starting point is 00:00:28 You should know well enough by now to know, ooh, it's gonna be dark. Part of the issue here is that I am not a lady who was raised in the church. Right. It takes me a minute sometimes to catch on to be like, oh, his Bible talk is happening. Got it. Got it. I am Michael Hubs. I am Aubrey Gordon. If you would like to support the show, you can do that at slash maintenance phase. You can also buy t-shirts, mugs, tote bags,
Starting point is 00:00:55 all manner of things at t public. Both of those things are linked for you in the show notes. Michael. Aubrey. Today. Today. We are talking about Britney Dawn. I'm so excited because all literally all I know is that there's something, something, Christian weight loss, something, something. I've never heard of this person. Bless. A couple of content notes before we get into it. There are a lot to be had for today's episode.
Starting point is 00:01:22 We are going to talk about police violence. We are going to talk about cruelty to animals. We are going to talk about police violence. We are going to talk about cruelty to animals. We are going to hit on some transphobic rhetoric. We're going to talk about miscarriage. I feel like Stefan. This episode has everything. I feel like you're doing this to get me interested. Oh, it's like a writing prompt.
Starting point is 00:01:41 It's like, how can I tile these things together? But then what about you? Are you familiar with Brittany Don? I was not before this epistone. This was one that was heavily, heavily requested of us. So I thought I would dig in and see what was there. And I will tell you what was there was a kernel of a conflict that I understood, and then a bunch of things that grew up around that sort of kernel of a conflict that I understood, and then a bunch of things that grew up around that
Starting point is 00:02:06 sort of kernel of a conflict that made me feel kind of complicated. I have complex feelings on this one. So we're going to invite folks into the complexity. I don't like these episodes. I don't like it when current day events are as complicated as history. So I thought we would start out with an Instagram post, as we often do on an influencer episode. Let's take a look at the Instagram.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I'm about to be influenced. I am going to ask you to describe the post that I just said to you. Wow. Good God. Yep. So this is from an account called real Brittany Dawn. It's a photo of of an extremely thin woman wearing like bikini bottoms and a crop top top.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And she's sideways to the camera like mugshot style. So you can see how impossibly flat her stomach is. Like she looks too dimensional. Yeah. The post says, fact every female should know. One, every girl has roles when they bend over. Two, when someone says you're beautiful, they're not lying. Three, any girl you ask will have a stretch mark
Starting point is 00:03:17 they're beyond normal. Four, you should have more confidence. It's actually really attractive. Five, you're allowed to fall in love with yourself and you should have more confidence. It's actually really attractive. Five, you're allowed to fall in love with yourself and you should. Six, it's okay to not love every part of your body, but you should. Seven, everyone's boobs are uneven. We just did an entire bonus episode about my wax skeleton. So I feel seen by this.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Eight, you should be a priority. Not a second option, last resort or a backup plan. Nine, you're a woman. That alone makes you pretty damn remarkable. Ten, most of all, even on days when your makeup lists slash lounging and sweats, you're absolutely beautiful. And it's from 250 weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Just a weird way to do that, but I guess that's like five years. Tell me your thoughts, Michael. Man, I feel so mean saying this, but it's like clearly like a first photo of like a very conventionally attractive woman who's like, you don't have to be conventionally attractive, bestie. Yeah. It's very, I don't have to be conventionally attractive, Bestie.
Starting point is 00:04:25 It's very, I feel like it's very emblematic of the time that we're in, where it's all about loving yourself and body positivity and all this. But it's oftentimes very conventionally attractive people telling this to you. And so it's like a weird, like the message and the messenger are just like incongruent. But then if you talk about it, you sound like such a dick.
Starting point is 00:04:48 Yeah. You're the one shaming someone for being in a bikini, just cause she's thin. Yeah. I don't. Just annoying. Take it quite in that way. I think there is a tendency to want to believe
Starting point is 00:05:01 that it is dickish to talk about this kind of stuff. You're like, you're like, let's be dickish, Mike. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Get in loser. We're saying. No, I think, look, I think there are a few things here that feel like, as you have noted, like sort of a rich text for a cultural moment, which is this idea that you should love your body and love its flaws and sort of perform a kind of satisfaction with your body, right? perform a kind of satisfaction with your body, right? Yeah. All the while continuing to pursue pretty ruthless and continually narrow standards of both beauty and health, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And when someone my size or shape or someone who looks like me says these same things, what we are met with is like threats and harassment and like wild intense awful reactions. Yeah. If these are things that resonate with you, by all means, go to town. It feels like it is worth noting that those are things that some people are culturally permitted to say and some people are not. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Dude, if you're going to start with number one, everybody has roles when they bend over. Show me the roles. Totally. You're showing me a distinct lack of roles. I see like no body fat. with number one, everybody has roles when they bend over. Show me the roles! Totally! You're showing me a distinct lack of roles. I see like no body fat on this person. Also, no stretch marks, also no uneven boobs. Like none of what she is mentioning is depicted here. Well, I can't see the boobs.
Starting point is 00:06:37 I need to see more to determine the boobs. I'll make a determination at a later time. Like, we'll be our official boobs judge for today. That's what people go to this show for. They're like, I want to hear Mike comment on women's bodies. I want to hear a man's opinion. Noted women body expert Michael Hodge. I mean, the other thing I'll say about that number one is every girl has roles when they bend over is a very specific that's speaking to a specific audience. It's not speaking to me. Right. I have roles when I stand up.
Starting point is 00:07:06 I have roles when I lay down. I have roles in every, there's not an angle on me or a posture on me that doesn't have roles, right? So it's normalizing this for a very specific group of people who are close to thinness. You know, I only followed like six people on Instagram. I had to unfollow this guy who I added and he post these like mirror selfies
Starting point is 00:07:28 of like I used to be so ashamed of my body, but like I finally sort of made peace with the way that I look. He's like tall and thin and lean and he has like a visible six pack. He's always been thin and lean and he's like insecure about being skinny, but it's like he has like the body that I literally would have killed
Starting point is 00:07:47 for in high school, for much of my young life. It was like I wanted to look like Guy Pearce in Memento and he looks like fucking Guy Pearce in Memento and I don't have any animus toward this person. It's totally legible as human behavior to me. I just wanna encounter that on social media. I don't really, that's sort of why I only use Instagram to keep in touch with high school friends
Starting point is 00:08:06 and people that I know personally. Yeah, that's my personal Instagram account as well. It's just straight up like people I know and then comedians. That's it. And a couple of tattoo artists. And your personal Insta is mostly your dog. Not mostly.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah. I 100% took a video of who in this morning scratching at his food bowl, and then I had to talk myself out of posting it. Why? You should have posted it, Aubrey. Well, just like to see that. Who needs to see a dog scratch at it, the dog bowl?
Starting point is 00:08:35 You should have been like, one, every dog scratch is its bowl. Two. Believe in yourself and your dog. You got to make it into inspo, Aubrey, and then it's okay to post. So Michael, shall we start at the start with Brittany Dawn? Should I not have clicked on her Instagram profile?
Starting point is 00:08:51 I'm on her Instagram profile, no? Oh, no, Mike! Oh, there's a category in her stories for cyber bullying. That's probably where we're headed, I guess. We'll get there. I don't know. Brittany Dawn was born in 1991 in Texas. There is not a lot out there about her childhood or
Starting point is 00:09:08 even about her early rise because she is a person who had a lot of pretty organic growth or at least organic semen growth on social media. That is born out today. She has 442,000 subscribers on YouTube, 483,000 followers on Instagram, and she has 1.3 million followers on TikTok. That's a lot for just like a normal ass person. Most of what we know about Britney Dawn's early life are things that she herself has said in videos and Instagram posts and all of that kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:43 She reports that she worked as a vet tech in early adulthood for several years. From there, she gets into a bodybuilding world. She loses a small amount of weight. I think the number that I saw in one of her early posts was like 30 pounds. Oh, you love this. This is this is Aubrey Katnip, like the thin person who lost a tiny amount of weight and then becomes like a weight loss influencer. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:10:08 So she like her early Instagram posts are an overwhelming number of before and after photos of herself split screened. She starts looking more muscular because she's bodybuilding. She starts looking more toned and these before and after photos of essentially like a thin person who's not particularly toned and then a thin person who's thinner really, really, really take off on social media. People eat it up.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Okay, I couldn't help myself and I Google image searched for Brittany Dawn 2014. Damn it, Michael. And yeah, she's like super buff. She does look like a bodybuilder. And like her before pictures are all just like a normal looking person. As Brittany Dawn is posting her sort of fitness content,
Starting point is 00:10:53 she also starts talking about her own personal history of what she considers problem drinking and also disordered eating. She tags her posts with ED recovery hashtags. She includes like a bunch of like ED warrior kind of stuff. And some of those posts are before and after photos, which is an extremely wild choice to make to say I'm talking about my ED recovery. Here are my before and after photos. Oh. Which means other people who are looking for
Starting point is 00:11:27 eating to sort of recovery content are going to click through and get these kinds of before and after photos, which they are a very clear statement of the before photo is what a body should not look like. And an after photo is what a body should look like, right? And to your point earlier, I would say her before photos are something that I absolutely would have loved to have had in like high school and college. So I am sending you a quote from a piece from the Dallas Morning News.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay. It says, over five or so years, Brittany Dawn grew her following by posting pictures and videos about her own transformation and a seemingly idyllic lifestyle. Her feed is filled with inspirational messages. It takes zero dollars to be a decent person with a good heart, images of her modeling fitness wear, healthy snacks, and two-foot pizzas, trips to Hawaii, a pit bull with 10,000 followers of its own, and a range rover. Many of her followers say her life looked like something they wanted for themselves, someone who practiced what she preached.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Okay, I have no idea where this episode is going. So I know, what are we? What are we foreshadowing here? We're not foreshadowing much here. This is genuinely like a fast forward. This is a wealthy, thin white woman who sort of has the world by the string and she's doing very standard issue influencer stuff. Aubrey, there is nothing standard issue about two foot pizzas. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I don't even know what that is. As her following grows during this time, she starts offering services to her followers for a fee. She starts offering personalized meal plans. She offers macronutrient checks. She offers personal training and one-on-one fitness coaching. Okay. All of the services have different prices, but the personalized meal plans go for up to $300. Oh, okay. Which is a fair amount of money for a plan and not any food. I would you can say it sounds low, but I'm also like my brain is so fucking warped by doing so many of these episodes on these
Starting point is 00:13:32 Gryfters. That's so much less than a PDA. Yeah, exactly. We've looked into so many other fucking weirdness. Yeah, yeah. Britney Dawn has claimed that she helped 5,000 clients during this time, but when she was later asked to confirm that she didn't know how many clients she had and neither did her manager. So I'm guessing that's an aspirational scale. I'm guessing that skews a lot larger than what she actually did. It's why you can just do this by like being like a hot lady who posts on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:14:03 So all of this is happening. Folks are paying her for meal plans, all of that kind of stuff. And in 2018 and into 2019, her customers start to connect through a Facebook group. And as they start posting about their experiences, they figure a few things out. The first thing that they figure out is that their personalized nutrition plans were not personalized at all.
Starting point is 00:14:30 Of course. That's like that dude who was making personalized playlists for ladies that he met on the internet and then it turned out they were all just the same playlists. It's all just an endless loop of hey there Delilah. It's Connor Obers and they all are, they all should have seen right through it. They also figure out that they're one on one support, which some of the plans build, like you get, you know, personal support from Brittany. We're a lot of generic texts that were like, you got this girl. Oh, hell yeah. That's just automated all this
Starting point is 00:15:03 shit. It sure seems like it. There are also funny little details about this. One customer ordered something that came with a packet of that said it came with 21 amazing recipes and the packet arrived and it only had 11 recipes in it. Nice. I wanted to be like there was not only was it not 21 amazing recipes, it was just 11 recipes and they were just okay. Like, the next thing that they figure out is that many customers had previously dealt with eating disorders and signed on because they felt like
Starting point is 00:15:40 this was a safe way to do what nearly everyone feels pressure to do, right? Which is sort of quote unquote, get healthy, which just means get thin. Right. You know, you have a bad business model when like it works until your customers start speaking with one another. It's a bad story. So folks start going back through her old posts and screen grabbing Instagram posts that show her using hashtags like ED Warrior,
Starting point is 00:16:08 eating disorder warrior, and also hashtags in the same post like be healthy and skip dinner. Yeah, that's not what I would classify as ED recovery, necessarily. Right. I would describe that with the term ED somewhere in there. They also figure out that some of them have requested refunds when they sort of figured this out. And they were like, oh, well, if it's not personalized, give me my money back. What?
Starting point is 00:16:35 Those requests for refunds rarely even got a response email. Those who sort of escalated to complaining on social media got an even clearer message. Their comments were deleted and their accounts were blocked. Okay. I'm pretty done. Another good sign. The handful of customers who were offered refunds were offered either partial refunds or were
Starting point is 00:16:59 asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Oh wow. Getting their up to $300. Okay. Uh-huh. The funny thing is she could actually hide behind like technicalities to be like, well, it was personalized.
Starting point is 00:17:13 You just happened to have the same characteristics as every single other person. Unfortunately. There's a path to this that I can sort of understand which is like up to 5,000 clients is a lot of people to manage, especially if you're not trained, especially if you don't have staff. Like I think there's a good faith way of getting here.
Starting point is 00:17:34 I don't know that Brittany Dawn took that good faith way to get here, but usually if you sort of take that route, you would go, I'm so sorry. Let me level with you. Here's what happened. Of course, I'm gonna refund. This is what we're gonna do when we're on cameo. Finally, we're like, you're all getting the same fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:17:49 One of my favorite late night rabbit holes to fall down on the internet is cameo pricing. Oh yeah, same, I know, it's so fascinating, I know. To be like, how much do you think Chris Harrison, the disgraced former host of the bachelor charges? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then my guess is always wrong because it's like $500. And there's weird like Trump world people on there who's like prices are shockingly high.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And you know, does someone want a happy birthday message from Michael Flynn? Hey, it's the mooch. Hey, congratulations on your retire. Okay. So folks start talking about their experiences in this Facebook group and start figuring out that no one's getting what they paid for and also very few people are getting refunds. So it starts to leak out more broadly, right? Folks start commenting on her public posts being like, hey, can you give me a refund?
Starting point is 00:18:45 People start talking about it more online and it gains so much steam that a YouTube prankster, Cassidy Campbell creates a video to prank Britney Dawn. These were the people that would just like walk up to people in grocery stores and be like, Matt! And then like scare them. Yeah. And it's like, oh, oh, Brittany Dawn. These were the people that would just like walk up to people in grocery stores and be like, Matt, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:06 And then like scare them. Yeah. And it's like, whoa, oh, gotcha. It's like, yeah, it's just a human reaction to you being a prick and like ruining someone's day. Congratulations. We are absolutely not going to watch this video because I understand what your discomfort threshold is.
Starting point is 00:19:21 And this is like 60 points above that. Oh, really? It is so uncomfortable. Now I kind of want to watch it, I'll be like 60 points above that. Oh really? It is so uncomfortable. Now I kind of want to watch it, Aubrey. Gee, Michael! What's it like, describe it to me first. Let me know what I'm to expect. Okay, so the video is absolutely bizarre.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Okay. Cassidy Campbell is sort of dressed up. He's got a costume. It's a very weird sort of broad caricature of this cartoonish idea of small town conservative bigots. The look is very tiger king. I'm already uncomfortable. Mullet baseball hat.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Streamy. Extremely uncomfortable. Handle bar mustache. Okay. He keeps saying, Maraca. Good, go on. Which is like, okay.
Starting point is 00:20:03 It hasn't been funny or insightful in a solid decade. Yeah, if we, 241-year-olds are telling you that you're sick, it's not funny anymore. If we, if we're over it, wow. Cassidy Campbell is at a fitness expo where Brittany Don has a booth. Okay. is at a fitness expo where Brittany Don has a booth. Okay. In this video, he does include a pretty lengthy segment
Starting point is 00:20:29 where he's giving context. He's playing like videos, front facing videos from people on TikTok and Instagram, talking about their personal experiences and how rough it was. He does. So like it is sort of signal boosting that stuff, but mostly it's just this like wild shitty flat caricature. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Of a guy going, one, two, three, Trump! Like, okay. He sort of makes his way into this fitness expo. He goes up to Brittany Don's booth. He sort of gets her attention and then he absolutely just starts shouting and unloading on her. What? About how she stole money from his daughter and she just wants her money back but she won't give the money back. It is very uncomfortable and it has the energy of a random dude walking up to a lady in a public space.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah. Shouting at her. Also, what's the point of the costume if you're just gonna walk up to a lady in a public space. Shouting at her. Also, what's the point of the costume if you're just gonna walk up to somebody and yell at them? Yeah, you could have just straight up ask some direct questions. It's like, hi. Without doing this weird, deep character work. Yeah. Yeah, this is like a tension that I feel like
Starting point is 00:21:39 we both think about a lot in like doing episodes like this that like whenever there's a female influencer who's kind of problematic, criticisms, tip into like rank misogyny extremely quickly. Yeah, I mean, we'll get into it. There is not quite cottage industry, but there is definitely like a community of people who are just like, fuck this lady.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Yeah, it becomes anti-fandom really quickly where literally anything the person does becomes grounds to criticize them and like the justified critiques or like the scale of the justified critiques get buried under all this other stuff. Yes. It is full bitch eating crackers territory.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Yeah, that's what I was about to say, but I didn't know if you knew that term, because that term's problematic. Oh, Michael, if you think I'm not listening to your bonus episode, you're crazy. Do you want to say what bitching crackers is just in case you don't know? So for those of you who are not subscribers to the bonus content of if books could kill
Starting point is 00:22:39 bitch eating crackers is sort of this shorthand for like when you Bich Eden crackers is sort of this shorthand for like when you hate someone so much that them just eating crackers elicits a negative response from you that you start going like look at this bich Eden crackers like okay And it's almost always women who this happens to like you see the derangement you see the beginning of like okay There's like real reasons to criticize this person and And then very quickly, you're like, wait a minute, the things that people are criticizing her for are like eating crackers type stuff. So this video ends up getting 1.8 million views, which is absolutely bonkers to me. After this happens, Brittany Dawn posts an apology video, a classic of the YouTube genre, and it is very weird, and it is very wooden.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Okay, it has since been taken down, but I found an alternate upload, and I think maybe you and I should watch the first little bit of that too. Even if we end up cutting it out, it's just a lot for little watch parties. I like our little watch parties too. Also, I just feel like I'm like,
Starting point is 00:23:48 let's stretch out today. Yeah, let's just go for it, let's relax. Let's just hang out in the living room of our show. Okay, here is the internet archive. YouTube link, I didn't know that was possible. Oh, baby. Is everything? Welcome. It's everything. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Fuck, yes. Okay. This video goes out in February of 2019. Hey guys. I'm not really sure where to start this video. I am scared to film this video. There's some things on the surface that have come to surface that have come to fruition that need to be addressed and so I'm here to do that and I'm here to
Starting point is 00:24:30 put everything to rest. Once and for all, I apologize to anyone who feels like they got scammed for me and I genuinely promised that my intentions from the start were pure. I wanted to help and impact as many women as I could because I felt like this is why I was given this incredible platform. When you're given an opportunity like this, you would be stupid not to take it and run with it. And unfortunately, I ran too fast for one person. These claims are coming from years ago
Starting point is 00:24:58 after I got launched into a business that took off so fast that I didn't know how to mentally handle it. I did what I needed to do to the best of my ability. I didn't know what I was signing up for simply because being an influencer and running a fitness influencer business was not really a thing back then. Therefore, I didn't have much guidance. I'm so excited.
Starting point is 00:25:19 Tell me about your reactions to this so far. Okay, so I guess it's a little wooden. She's reading off of her phone and kind of pausing to look at the camera every now and again. Maybe this is like bad of me, but I am in my head comparing her to all of the other influencers and all of the other scammy bullshit. Yeah, this is obviously indefensible behavior,
Starting point is 00:25:41 but it's on a grading on a curve. This is not like that bad. Yeah. I find it difficult to get worked up about this. Yeah, I can understand that. And I felt that way at this point in the research as well. Okay. And then my feelings changed.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Okay. She talks about getting death threats after the Cassidy Campbell video. She talks about getting harassment. She talks about all kinds of stuff. She's pretty widely known at this point to be a fairly unreliable narrator, or it's an untrusted narrator.
Starting point is 00:26:15 So she's talking about this stuff and people are already like not thrilled with her. So to have this kind of statement where she's reading off of her phone, where this is a side note and a real pet peeve, her dryer is on in the back wrap. Dude, I was wondering what that's on with. I thought it was her pit bull.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Yeah, like a pair of overalls or a button or something. It's like clickity, clickity, click. The other thing to know about this video is that she monetized it. Okay. It had ads, she included affiliate links, and people are like, why are you making money off of your apology
Starting point is 00:26:50 for scamming people out of money? Yeah. So it's like not, again, like, I'm not gonna make a federal case out of it, but I get why it left a bad taste in foes. Yeah. Right? Like, fair, understand.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It's not good, it's not that bad, but it's definitely not good. Within just a few days of that on February 13th, the Britney Dawn backlash becomes a story in national news media, and Britney Dawn goes on Good Morning America. Yeah, I have this link in my right hand bar. Yeah, you sure do.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Yeah, it's like suggesting this to me now. Britney is sort of briefly quoted on camera in the piece and she says, quote, I jumped into an industry that had no instruction manual. I'm basically going through uncharted territory and I'm doing the best that I can to the best of my ability. I'm using this as a tool to learn and to grow as a professional and to move forward. All of this only sort of serves to amplify customers really troubling stories, right? Someone comes forward in all of this media
Starting point is 00:27:53 and says that she was very thin at the time that she started with Britney Dawn when she decided to stop doing the Britney Dawn routine. She was at 80 pounds. Oh, wow. Another customer disclosed that she had anorexia and was still put on a quote unquote personalized plan of 1,245 calories,
Starting point is 00:28:16 a paired with high intensity interval training. Who? Another person said that they weighed around 200 pounds when they were doing sort of Britney Dawn's program and that they passed out from inadequate nutrition. In November of that year, November of 2019, so we're fast forwarding like nine months, she announces that the focus of her social media presence is changing. She says that health and fitness are important to her, but that her identity is shifting, and now her identity is in Christ. Her content shifts very quickly from primarily fitness and weight loss content to evangelical content that I would say is even niche within evangelical spaces.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Oh, really? There's a real Pentecostal sort of tenor to what she's doing. So she's like, she's in a tent. She's doing revival stuff. She's in her Range Rover filming videos on her iPhone camera. So we're going from, here's how to order a low calorie drink at Starbucks. And like, here's the lunges that I'm doing to the video that I just sent you. She is posting this around Joe Biden's inauguration. That's when this video comes out. That direction, okay.
Starting point is 00:29:48 So the thumbnail is like her looking concerned in that like a YouTube thumbnail, like I'm reacting to this way. And then the big caption in the thumbnail is, this is unsettling. I don't care if your red, blue, Republican, Democrat, I don't care what state you live in. I don't care what color state you're the state that you live in is. I don't care about any of that.
Starting point is 00:30:13 This isn't a video about my political stance. Oh, no. This is not a video about who I voted for or anything regards to that. This is a video about what the Holy Spirit is revealing to me and so many others in this day and age and things are shifting and they're shifting fast. The first thing that I found incredibly disturbing yesterday was during the inauguration when Lady Gaga was up there. If you don't already know Lady Gaga is tied into witchcraft. I'm going to try to put some information here on the screen, other talk, sharing this and stating this and ensuring you guys the facts. If you dig even, even if it's an inch deep, you will find this.
Starting point is 00:30:48 It's out there. Like it's not trying to be hidden. She has made this known. The performance that she put on yesterday was more than disturbing. Um, it reminded me of Hunger Games from the get-go. Uh, and then on top of that, on top of her whole outfit, her whole get-up, she was also wearing the dove of peace symbol, also in Hunger Games. Little disturbing. Lots of red flags going on there. Lady Gaga is also tied to Marina Amabrowvik. Now, if you don't know who she is, Google her name. She is a witch. They're both into spearficking and soul-cooking and yesterday the slogan for them was fight for the soul of our nation. Biden said that he is going to reverse any and all laws
Starting point is 00:31:27 that were made or put into place against abortion when he gives the way house. That he wants to do away with gender terms like niece, nephew, brother, sister, mother, father, I'm sorry. What? How are people not seeing these red flags? The opening prayer in the Senate two weeks ago, I believe was two or three weeks ago in itself was disturbing Not only not only were they praying to all these other gods
Starting point is 00:31:51 But they closed that prayer out with amen and a woman. I'm sorry Do you even know what amen means? Do you even know what amen means? But we live in this culture that is so sensitive and so easily offended by anything and everything, including a prayer now that our government who doesn't want to offend anyone is now mixing and molding God's word for what they want it to be instead of submitting to his authority of who he is and who he has always been. And I just want to say this, if you are offended by anything that I say in this video, I really, as a sister and Christ, want you to take that offense to the feet of Jesus and ask him, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal these things to you,
Starting point is 00:32:30 because if you're following the same Jesus that I am, he will. I love the clip that we just watched, started with her being like, Marina Bravavic is a witch. Yeah, and Lady Gaga was dressed like the Hunger Games, and then it ends with her going, people are so offended by everything these days. I know, and outfit that remind you of a movie, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:32:55 The thing is, is Hunger Games, that's not even like a sacrilegious text. That's not like that's not like witchcraft or in that's just like a sci-fi movie. Yeah, there's no occult element to it. So I don't know what I don't know what her, I don't know what. I mean, to be fair lady,
Starting point is 00:33:10 Yaga's outfit did look a little hunger games, but like that doesn't like mean anything. Also the symbol in the hunger games was the mocking J, not a, yeah, enough, just only always means peace. Yeah, that's like a Christian thing. There is so much in this video that I feel like- We can go line by line, Aubrey.
Starting point is 00:33:27 We can just do this all day. Particularly, I wanted to dig in with you on Biden wants to do away with gendered terms like niece. That's actually true, but all of the vowels will be replaced by X's. Next fused. I love it when these deranged religious people say stuff about like language and like pronouns and stuff
Starting point is 00:33:49 that just like literally doesn't make sense. But like, they want to do away with pronouns. Like in English, that would actually make it very difficult to communicate. I don't think anyone's actually proposing that. Well, and also just like as a, you know, former public policy person, when she's like, he wants to do it with all these names for nieces and wife and husband and nephew, my brain is
Starting point is 00:34:13 trying so hard to figure out what policy that would be. Yeah, tell me the mechanics of that, Brittany. What are the mechanics by which someone could ban? How do you stop people from saying words? I mean, we're so awash in this stuff that it is almost campy at this point, but this is someone who's become unglued from reality on some level, and she's clearly reading far right.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Facebook group ass news sources that just say shit that just doesn't make any fucking sense It's like yeah, the the Democrats want to ban all religions Yeah, and then the weird stuff with the symbolism is just like pure QAnon. It's pure QAnon It's also pure national treasure This is a fucking this is a generation that read too much fucking encyclopedia brown. Growing up and we all think this is the way to like, self-crimes.
Starting point is 00:35:09 It's too much damn brown. I, the funny thing is I, I love the Dvenchi code so much because it's just openly such fucking garbage and like in a really fun way, like I feel like the writer kind of knows that it's garbage and it's just like very well executed garbage. Listen, I'm over here dunking on national treasure and I 100% watched national treasure book of secrets last week.
Starting point is 00:35:37 So around this time that Brittany Don is shifting her content, she's also shifting what she is selling to her followers. Okay. And she starts selling tickets to religious retreats. Okay, that makes sense. Where she baptizes attendees. That's actually, that's a way better business model. The reaction from at least the most vocal
Starting point is 00:36:00 sort of Christian folks responding to this is very negative. Charging someone to be baptized, like what are we doing? Especially when that someone isn't clergy, feels really wild. I mean, sure. But also, like, it's a weird case to like all of a sudden be offended at the intersection between commerce and Christianity, guys.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Someone hasn't heard of Joel Osteen. Yeah, Brittany Don is not even in the top 1000 of fucking mega church-ass grifters doing this shit. So this may seem like a hard turn from sort of fitness content into Pentecostal leaning evangelical content. But Christian fitness has a surprisingly long history. Ooh, you are doing context.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Oh, hi. So the modern roots of that connection stretch back to the Victorian era. There's a book called British Manly Exercises. My favorite kind. That is published in 1837 and becomes a hit. Oh, okay. One Scottish medical practitioner
Starting point is 00:37:14 founded the British Institute of Physical Training in 1889. His exercise program consisted of what he called physical jerks. Oh, what? Which feels to me like how you would describe dancing in the foot loose town. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:33 Yeah. Yeah. So all of this evolves into a movement called muscular Christianity. Pfft! I am taking it that you have not heard of muscular Christianity. No, because if I heard it, I would assume that that was supposed to be a metaphor.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Like, it's muscular, like, the spirit of Christ is making our beliefs more powerful, but they mean, like, literally physical muscles. Like, you're covered in, like, veins and protein. Absolutely. The idea behind muscular Christianity primarily focuses on men and masculinity. And the idea is that your body is a gift and that it needs to be trained to do the work
Starting point is 00:38:12 of Christ. Things like protecting those who are perceived as not being able to protect themselves, things like missionary work and so forth. Professor Richard Andrew Meyer outlined six criteria for muscular Christianity. Abs, lats, quads, perhaps. Perhaps. Number one, a man's body is given to him by God. Two, to be trained. Three, to be brought into subjection, four, to be used for protection of the weak, five, to be used for the quote advancement of all righteous causes, and six, to be used
Starting point is 00:38:57 for subduing the earth, which God has given to the children of men. subduing the earth. The anxiety at this point is like, we're working in these factories, and it's making us soft. We used to work the field. So this idea of like, subduing the earth is like, we have to get back to our sort of masculine roots
Starting point is 00:39:15 of working the land. God, it's always the same shit. It's the same shit we see now, right? It's like, oh, we left the land. We used to be pure. It's like all this sort of like, Michael Pollan stuff, authenticity, and get your yogurt from a dairy farm, direct from the farmer.
Starting point is 00:39:32 It's all the same shit forever. The other thing that's all the same shit is that muscular Christianity also sort of gave way to a set of beliefs that are with us still today, which is the idea that physical strength led to strong character and strong morals, right? That if you are training in the gym, that doesn't just mean you're training in the gym, it means you have tenacity and a work ethic.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Right? Like, there are all sorts of sort of like character compliments that we add on to the simple act of going to the gym, or not going to the gym. Right. It's turning us into a metaphor, basically. So muscular Christianity spread through the US as well, in part as a sort of reactionary politics, right? Women were gaining more social and political rights. A wave of immigrants were sort of shifting culture and the job market. And all of that also led to a different sense,
Starting point is 00:40:31 but like linked to this sort of English version of white masculinity in crisis, right? Always. Pulsification of men, this is like the thing that men have been fucking whining about for like 200 years. Straight up Tucker Carlson. Ah, yeah, exactly. Muscular Christianity is actually how we got the YMCA.
Starting point is 00:40:50 What, the song? No, God, Michael. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I mean, it kind of is, like this is why we have gay men in the United States. Yes, yes. The YMCA built its first gym facility in 1869 in New York. And before that, it really was just a Christian association
Starting point is 00:41:11 that didn't have nearly as much to do with athleticism, right? Okay. Muscular Christianity continues to sort of influence Christian fitness programs today. We still have programs like losing to live, the Daniel plan, firm believer, bot for God, holy fit, body temple wellness, and body gospel, right? Like there are tons of these. You have a bunch of these in your diet book collection, I know. Because you've talked about it a couple of them. I don't have firm believer.
Starting point is 00:41:42 That's by far the best one. All of this also ties into Christian weight loss programs. I read a great piece in Christianity today about this sort of concept of like a fitness driven church. They referenced a 1957 bestseller called Pray Your Weight Away, which argued that, quote, if our bodies really are to be temples of the Holy Spirit, we had best get them down
Starting point is 00:42:09 to the size God intended. Yeah, God does not care what size you are. This is dumb as shit. This timeless being. It's like looking down and it's like, oh, your belly fat's like 8%, it should be 5%. Cheryl's put on a few. I see.
Starting point is 00:42:25 God. So in the tradition of muscular Christianity, Brittany Dawn starts her own ministry called She Lives Freed. Okay. According to the Guardian, her ministry is a 501C3 registered non-profit. As part of that, she launches a podcast, or actually earlier this year in 2023, called Chiseled and Called. That's not even good, Brittany. She starts holding religious
Starting point is 00:42:55 retreats and her retreats go for up to $650 for a weekend retreat, which is considerably higher than other sort of like Christian spiritual retreats, right? She also has a bunch of merch. She sells a set of Bible highlighters. What? Why would you need special highlighters? That's genius. I like her now, I'm sorry. It's such a blatant gift.
Starting point is 00:43:22 You have to all those respected. Fucking Bible Highlighters. She's just taking like a razor blade and scratching off the part where it's as sharpy. Yeah. And writing like Bible. Like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:43:38 Oh, Oh, Can I tell you about, Oh, no, no, I'm so giggly. This is good. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Can I tell you about? No, now I'm so giggly. This is good. Yeah. Hahaha. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:43:48 She also sells protein cookies. Okay. She sells false eyelashes. Shhh. And she sells self-tanner. Is the bronzer called looking dark on the arc? Hahaha. I think that would be pretty good.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Hahaha. There are also some internet allegations that the false eyelashes that she sells are just like drop shipped from Alibaba. I'm sure. Yes. Well, what did you expect? Is that like she's like a, like, textile major factor?
Starting point is 00:44:15 Like, of course. So, like, part of her appeal at these Christian retreats that she holds is her backlash. They canceled me just like they canceled Jesus. So I'm gonna send you a quote, a number of media outlets attended this one retreat. Okay. She got asked about, like,
Starting point is 00:44:37 talked to me about the fitness scam stuff, and this was her response to that. I just sent it to you. Oh God, I was right, Jesus. Okay. She says, You can't cancel what God has called. You can try all you want,
Starting point is 00:44:53 but the power of the blood has already overcome it. That is the truth that I walk in every day and a heavenly confidence comes with that. You can't cancel me. She's also selling you can't cancel me stickers. Oh, of course. At this specific retreat. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:45:11 It's like the kind of people that she's praying on. It's like these far right evangelical Christians that are falling for this shit. And part of me just feels like that is like a weird little jungle in there where they're all just fucking getting grifted. Most like right wing politics is so fucking grift adjacent at this point. But it's honestly so hard for me to feel sympathy for people who are like falling for these like bi fucking gold doubloon that
Starting point is 00:45:35 you see advertised on Fox News. Yeah, of course, she's fucking grifting you. This is the whole fucking ideology as a grift. Well, we're gonna go a little further in that direction and then come on back. As with many of these stories, this is all shaped significantly by a dedicated group of internet people. This mostly happens on Reddit, although you can find Brittany Dawn stuff on pretty much every platform.
Starting point is 00:46:01 As of like this week, the main anti-Britney Dawn sub-reddit has over 40,000 followers and is flooded with people who reject every single thing she does. It is like deep bitch eating crackers territory. Right. I get really uncomfortable with that. Even when somebody deserves it, I get uncomfortable with that. Even when somebody deserves it, I get uncomfortable with that. At one point, Brittany makes a video where she talks about a very harrowing experience. She's weeping while she makes the video.
Starting point is 00:46:34 She and her husband have come home from running errands to find that her dog has been hit by a car in a hit and run. She is a wreck as I would be. I would be destroyed. She says that she used to be a vet tech, so she knows that her dog wouldn't have survived. So her husband takes her dog into the house away from Brittany
Starting point is 00:47:00 and shoots the dog to put it out of its misery. People have very strong reactions to this. I absolutely understand why the idea of someone like shooting my dog absolutely got me like choked up immediately. Also I will say there is some real urban rural divide stuff in the reactions to this, right? Like I talked to my dad about this and he was like, well, yeah, man, like if a dog's hurt and you can't get it to the vet, like you got to shoot that dog.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So like there's some of that to be clear, that's not true for Brittany Dawn. She lives in Dallas for worth like a big ass metro area. Like listen, anytime you're putting a dog down, it's a really, really, really hard thing. And people engage with that in lots of different ways, they have lots of different responses to it. I don't need everyone's like grieving to look the same or whatever, but it is kind of wild
Starting point is 00:48:02 to be in such a big city with so many resources and go, now you just gotta shoot the dog. I resent the position that these influencers put us all in because a lot of these people have made their personal life like the center of their career, right? It's like, oh me and my dog are gonna go for a walk or like me and my husband have like such a healthy marriage.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Here's us in the morning drinking coffee and then when something happens in their personal life, right, like they get a divorce or their dog dies, it's part of their public persona, right, because they've made it part of their public persona. But then if you're criticizing somebody for those kinds of personal decisions, in other contexts you wouldn't do this.
Starting point is 00:48:41 You'd just be like, oh, this really isn't any of my business. Well, and also, this is someone who's fucking dog just dies. Yeah, exactly. I don't know. I feel gross about being like, you did it wrong. To be honest, I find the behavior, like something terrible happened to me.
Starting point is 00:48:56 I'm an emotional wreck. I'm immediately gonna turn on my phone and talk about it for the public and broadcast it on the internet. I honestly find that behavior totally baffling and like really outputting morally. Like, I don't get it at all. Yeah. But on the other hand, her dog died.
Starting point is 00:49:12 And it seems like whatever else you want to say about Britney Dawn, she loved her dog. Yeah. It just feels uncomfortable to be criticizing somebody for like her dog hit by a car and she made a decision in the moment that maybe I wouldn't have made, maybe it was the wrong decision. I don't have enough information to really know. The whole thing is just messy.
Starting point is 00:49:31 It was a weird, not the best decision by my own sort of assessment, but also, like, I don't know that a bunch of shitty internet comments is helping anybody do better with that? Yeah, I don't know. I feel really complicated about it. I'm glad you brought me into these complicated feelings. I knew what you meant, no.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Complicated feelings here we are. Since this whole story sort of broke, folks have surfaced other sort of issues with Brittany Don and her work and her sort of presence in the world and on the internet. One of those things is that Brittany and her husband Jordan have volunteered in the past for the Freedom Shield Foundation, which is sort of a right-wing anti-trafficking organization that's like, we're saving Christians from bad life circumstances, right?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Another is that she posted a whole sort of series of Instagram stories and TikToks about meeting an unhoused person named James and trying to find him to give him money and take him in. And the critiques of that one were mostly about like, wow, you couldn't even just do this thing without uploading a video about it. As more of these little stories come to the surface, they actually draw more folks in. Britney announced last year that she had two miscarriages. Britney Dawn has since made a number of videos about her experience with her miscarriage. So people initially start with,
Starting point is 00:51:10 she's just monetizing this again, and that feels gross. And then people start just straight up alleging that she is faking her miscarriages. Awww. Part of what happens around the miscarriage stuff is like utterly grotesque behavior to me. People pull screen grabs from her videos where she shows an ultrasound and goes like, she sings, she had a miscarriage at this time period, but this is clearly an ultrasound from like
Starting point is 00:51:37 this trimester and she sang it was there, like whatever. People are deconstructing all of her videos like the Goddamn Zapruder films. Yeah, and so bad. They are looking at her expressions on her face and they're like, yeah, that's awesome. No one who was really grieving would make that face. I a couple of years ago watched one of the terrible like Sandy Hook conspiracy theory videos.
Starting point is 00:52:01 And like this is the shit that they said about the parents, like grieving parents. It's like their faces wouldn't look like that if their kid had really died. Like whenever you see somebody doing this, huge red flag. Yes. So following her miscarriages,
Starting point is 00:52:18 Brittany Dawn announces that she and her husband have become foster parents to an infant. Right. The infant that they foster is black, and her husband have become foster parents to an infant. Okay. The infant that they foster is black, which will become relevant in a bit. I'm sorry. This riles folks for a few reasons. One, she makes a lot of videos of her with this foster baby.
Starting point is 00:52:39 She has affiliate links to some of the like baby stuff that she has bought, all of that kind of stuff. She does blur the child's face because the US children's bureau requires that foster parents not post pictures with their foster kids. Yes, thank fucking God, Jesus Christ. She also reveals a bunch of personal details about this baby in her videos. She talks about the baby going through substance withdrawals, which is like an extremely sensitive disclosure, and reads to many folks like she's trying to get brownie
Starting point is 00:53:13 points based on the struggles that this infant is going through. So she has a baby for some short period of time and then is just immediately like mining the baby for content. That's how folks respond to it. Foster parents and social workers in particular are livid that she is sort of bucking this fairly widely accepted role for foster parents that they are temporary, loving homes, but temporary homes for kids who are expected to reunite with their families.
Starting point is 00:53:40 The biggest reason that this one blows up doesn't have anything really to do with Brittany. It has everything to do with her husband. Okay. You start to see comments on the posts about her foster child with people asking how they passed a background check to foster kids. Okay. And Brittany responds in the comments, quote, my background check came back perfect. Thank you. I'd be cautious about believing everything you see about someone on the internet, a gossip forum,
Starting point is 00:54:14 and especially manipulative news stories. Okay. She is talking about her husband, Jordan Nelson, who is originally from Kansas City, Missouri, and is a former police officer. Okay. He and Brittany got married in September of 2021. He is a former police officer in part because the ACLU filed suit against him for excessive
Starting point is 00:54:41 force against a black man. Oh, my fucking God. So the lawsuit was settled out of court, but the dash cam footage was released. It very clearly shows a black man standing still, his hands in the air and fully visible. A group of officers sort of tear up in police cars and approach him. So Brittany Don's husband, Jordan Nelson, is the police cars and approach him.
Starting point is 00:55:05 So Brittany Don's husband, Jordan Nelson, is the first officer to reach him. And what he does is kick his legs out from under him, shove him into the sidewalk, and four other officers descend on him and hold him down. Jesus Christ. A few minutes later on that same video,
Starting point is 00:55:24 he reenacts the whole thing to show off to his fellow officers. Off, fuck off, good God. While this man is still lying on the sidewalk and had yet to receive any medical attention. Jesus Christ. It's like the opposite of bitching crackers. This is like the most odious fucking shit. It is absolutely atrocious.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah. After all of this happens, Jordan Nelson filed for a protective order against the dude he beat. Oh, God. Absolutely deranged behavior is what's happening here. I guess the reason he passed the background check is because they settled out of court. So there's no, like, he wasn't. all the background check would find is if he was convicted
Starting point is 00:56:07 of something, but he wasn't convicted of anything partly because he was like an agent of the state. It's like a huge loophole in the system, right? That if somebody uses power, just subjugate somebody else, that wouldn't show up as a red flag. And now this fucking couple is fostering a black child. Right. Like, just boy oh boy oh boy.
Starting point is 00:56:26 I can't say enough about how extremely reasonable a concern this is. And it leads to quite a bit of talk about how much this reflects the brokenness of the foster care system. And hard agree, right? Got this episode was so fun and breezy. It was just like a run of the mill, like Christian mega church grifter. Remember when you were like, I like her.
Starting point is 00:56:49 I know. And now it's just like, oh, it's like all of like the worst shit in American society. Yeah. Yeah, has she said anything about the video of her husband? Not that I found, just the like, don't believe everything you read, which is like, okay. God, it's such a fucking obvious thing to say, but it's like the idea of a Christianity
Starting point is 00:57:11 that wants you to be thin, but doesn't mind you using your power as an agent of the state to beat somebody up. It's just like not a, that's not a serious morality. Quite a bit of this comes to a head in a way that really surprised me. Okay. The state of Texas announced in February of last year that it was suing Brittany Don for $250,000 to a million dollars in damages
Starting point is 00:57:39 for quote deceptive trade practices. Okay. The grounds for the suit are specifically that Britney Dawn particularly focused on targeting people with eating disorders. Oh wow. People who were clearly intentionally misled and taken in by the frequent implication that Britney Dawn was trained to work with people with EDs or that she had a level of expertise that they could trust, right? They also alleged some other little things that didn't come up in the online tossing out the net to gather things up that I did. The actual lawsuit includes in the damages that they say that she charged
Starting point is 00:58:22 shipping for PDFs. Nice. That's that she pretty good. That's pretty good. Let's write that down, Aubrey. Let's keep that in our back pocket for one week, cash in. The trial gets scheduled. There's over a year of build up.
Starting point is 00:58:39 It's delayed a couple of times. It ends up coming to a close without a single day of the trial because she settles out of court. And two weeks later, Brittany Dawn makes a video saying she's off social media that the Lord is calling her to a period of spiritual rest. Even though she's off social media, she has more followers than ever on TikTok, despite everything. She still seems to be accruing followers and she still seems to be profiting. It's also such a weird internet story
Starting point is 00:59:16 because if it wasn't for the final twist, like the final thing that happens the video of her husband, this would mostly be a story of something on the internet that makes me kind of uncomfortable. Yeah. Like someone who is annoying or tacky or grifty or even like genuinely bad, but then a community forms just talking constantly
Starting point is 00:59:41 about how bad this person is, right? And it seems like they finally, you know, years into this found a good reason to dislike her. Yeah. Like both of them are such archetypes. In addition to being who they are, right? They are also sort of these kind of effigies of like this kind of dude and this kind of lady, and they sort of come to represent,
Starting point is 01:00:09 again, not just what they personally are doing, but these whole systems that they are happily and proudly contributing to that are terrible to folks who are on the downside of power, right? Yeah, and also her boobs are asymmetrical. Oh, okay. I feel like it's okay. It's okay to make fun of her for that now.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I can be problematic because she sucks. She sucks so dope. All that's wrong. I can't. That's how principles work. That's how it works. I can say that about people now. Yeah. Well now. Thank you.

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