Mark Bell's Power Project - 10 Minute Walk Talk - Stan Efferding on The Vertical Diet

Episode Date: May 2, 2018

Today Mark Bell takes you on a 10 Minute Walk with Stan Efferding. The 10 Minute Walk Talk is a part of Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast, only a smaller and easier to digest version of it. Mark and S...tan talk about the Vertical Diet and give an over view of what the diet consists of. ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: ➢YouTube: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your cankles are gone. Look at this guy creeping up. Alright, I'm here with my boy the Rhino. We're on a 10 minute walk. See, I got my boy Andrew filming as well. And today we're going to talk to Stan Efferding about something that he has not talked about much at all on his Instagram. He didn't talk about it that much on our podcast today. He's going to talk to you about the vertical diet. Stan, tell us what is the vertical diet? Oh my goodness. The vertical diet. It's the first time I've ever had the chance to discuss this with
Starting point is 00:00:35 you. But the vertical diet is just a way of eating, utilizing highly bioavailable, very dense nutrient foods to build a foundation of micronutrients. And then using a vertical access of steak and rice to build on calories overall, so that it's not too restrictive and it's not too broad, such that you're creating digestive issues. And we've been using it with great success with some very high-profile athletes for a number of years now. And I finally, based on so many requests, put it on my website to be available for anyone to use the same diet, same exact program. It includes training, sleep, hydration, and probably over 100 reference articles and videos.
Starting point is 00:01:30 The same exact program that I sent to Brian Shaw, Hafthor Bjornsson, Larry Wheels, Dan Green, and a host of other great athletes, as well as for use for IFBB professional bodybuilders. It includes figure, fitness, physique, bikini for women. athletes as well as for use for IFBB professional bodybuilders and includes figure fitness physique bikini for women. So wait this diet can be used for somebody
Starting point is 00:01:51 who's losing weight or gaining weight? Absolutely most importantly it starts with gut health and micronutrient efficiency so we're making sure that you have everything that you need. We're not overly restricted. If you're dieting and you're not getting adequate micronutrients, then your body's going to start to slow down. Your metabolism is going to start to slow down. And so we try and fuel that with a broader range of foods than the typical diet foods.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And we use certain foods in the diet to stimulate metabolism so that your body temperature increases, your thyroid function improves, and all of the things that makes the hormones work the way they're supposed to work so that you get a better benefit and you don't have to restrict so many calories and go into a deficit.
Starting point is 00:02:41 What foods are we talking about exactly? Let's start out with kind of protein sources. The proteins, the main protein source I like is red meat, steak. Why is that? Because it's so high in iron, vitamin B12 in particular, which is important for every cell in the body for the metabolism of nutrients.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Zinc, it's also a very efficient protein to digest. And so I'll start with that as the base of protein. We're not talking about taking massive amounts in, It's also a very efficient protein to digest. And so I'll start with that as the base of protein. We're not talking about taking massive amounts in, we're just talking about satisfying your protein requirements using steak instead of chicken or white fish, which are not as nutrient dense. I also include at least one or two whole eggs a day
Starting point is 00:03:22 as a protein source, but mainly for the micronutrient value, not for the driver of protein in general because the yolks are so rich in nutrients and so beneficial for so many different actions in the body. Look at that vein in my arm. It's hot. Pretty impressive.
Starting point is 00:03:37 What else we got for protein? We got bison. Well, yeah, red meat in general, and that can come from, say, lamb or bison or steak. It could be top sirloin, New York, you name the cut. In the UK, they use a lot of mints. Same with Australia. It could be venison, any kind of red meat.
Starting point is 00:03:57 It shows where you get the zinc and the B vitamins is from the myoglobin that's in red meat. What about milk? Would milk be part of anybody's diet? I use it as a calcium source. It's just one of a number of selections because calcium is very important in the diet. And you could use milk if you're lactose tolerant, or you could use yogurt. It would be a full fat Greek yogurt, or you could use cheese for that matter. But I try and find a food source of calcium because my recommendation is that you keep your sodium at an adequate level for performance. You also need calcium so that your blood pressure doesn't increase. And when you're talking about some of these nutrients and
Starting point is 00:04:41 utilizing cheese or utilizing milk as a source of calcium. We're not really taking in, we're not drinking like 10 glasses of milk in a day or having 10 pieces of cheese or anything like that. Small amounts, right? That's the thing about the horizontal, the foundational platform of the vertical diet. I'm building a foundation of micronutrients. And so when I say eggs, I'm saying a couple eggs. I'm not building calories with those foods. I build calories with the more easily digestible foods such as steak and rice. But I build a foundation with milk, for instance. I use it mainly for calcium, not necessarily calories or a driver of protein.
Starting point is 00:05:22 So we nailed down most of the proteins. I guess fish could be involved as well, or maybe? Of course. Salmon twice a week is in the program for the omega-3 fatty acids. And again, as protein goes, if it's tolerable for the body, you could eat more salmon or you could eat a few more eggs. But it seems in terms of dose dependence, when you get too many eggs, they tend to be a high allergen. You get too much milk, you might have a lactose intolerance. So I'm cautious about how much of those to throw in, but I try and get enough so that you can get the benefits of the micronutrient profile. Chicken's not really part of the protein menu. You know, I do have a chicken
Starting point is 00:05:57 meal in there for folks that choose to do so. It does have some other B vitamins in it. It's just not high in B12. My concern with chicken, it's a good, better, best scenario, and I think steak's best, is that in the three months it's alive, it generally eats a lot of soy, and that gives it a high polyunsaturated fat content. Not a fan of polyunsaturated fats, I don't think it's an efficient fuel source for the body. Of course, we know with cooking with it,
Starting point is 00:06:20 it can oxidize, and in the body it can do the same thing and create problems in the body for digestion. All right, well, that's our protein sources. What do we got for carbs? Well, I start out on the micronutrient profile. I throw in daily potato. They're very nutrient-dense, multivitamins, et cetera. Regular or sweet? Either one.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah, they both work. Both have the same profile. They're very similar. No hash browns and no french fries. No hash browns or french fries. And I use that. I don't use a lot of potato because it does have resistant starches, which is good as a prebiotic for the body, for the bacteria and digestion,
Starting point is 00:07:00 but not so good in quantity because it could create a situation where with a leaky gut, absorption starches into the bloodstream so I don't use too much of that. That's one thing that I throw in there for a carb. I also throw in vegetables, spinach, very high nutrient dense spinach, vitamin k1, potassium, magnesium. And you like spinach because it doesn't produce a lot of gas either, right? Correct. It's a low-gas vegetable. I throw in a carrot, also a root tuber, like a potato, a good prebiotic source. It's also a naringen, an anti-estrogen. You first told me about the one carrot.
Starting point is 00:07:37 I thought you were going to tell me to shove it up my ass. No, we eat these. That's where I thought we were going with that. We put them in the other side. Oh. And the carrot also is kind of a detox for the body. It provides a vehicle for the liver and the kidneys to put toxins such that they're exiting the system and not recirculating through the bloodstream. Guys, you want to know more about that, check out Ray Peet.
Starting point is 00:07:59 He's all over YouTube. This is where Stan has gotten some of this information from. Stan's pointed out many times he's utilizing a lot of different people to bring you this kind of information. There's some great resources out there. Weston A. Price Foundation, of course, Ray Peet and Dr. Youssef's new study, the PEER study, shows the benefit of all of these nutrients. And then I've applied them to myself and done blood tests every month and seen the changes, like with the carrot in particular and the oranges. They're both anti-estrogens.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I could see in my blood tests month over month and compare and watch my estrogens go down as a result, which is particularly important for both men and women. So these things, they do have an actual effect on the body. So these things, they do have an actual effect on the body. Same thing is true with the stimulatory effect of oranges, which is another carbohydrate that we include in the diet. And the fructose in the oranges stimulates the liver, which improves the function of the thyroid in the body. That and cranberry juice for iodine for the thyroid. And I experienced in my own blood tests how when using those foods, my thyroid stimulating hormone went down and my thyroid started functioning better. So by applying these methods, I'm able to increase my metabolism,
Starting point is 00:09:16 improve my liver health, improve my thyroid health, decrease estrogen. It's a lot of benefits to these micronutrient foods. That's why they're so important to me as opposed to taking a multivitamin to solve this problem because the multivitamin doesn't have all those other benefits. Any other types of carbs on the diet? After building the foundation with those carbs, I use simply white rice. I avoid bread, pasta, spaghetti, you know, pizza crust, whatever, pancakes, wheat in general, because it tends to be a high allergen, bloats you. And so I use white rice, not brown rice. Brown rice has anti-nutrients, has phytic acid in it.
Starting point is 00:10:00 I stay away from beans, full of lectins, really hard to digest. I'm trying to grow calories after I've taken care of the micronutrient profile and provided the necessary carbohydrates to keep the metabolism fresh. If I just need calories now to grow a large athlete and to help highly active athletes with a huge workload like CrossFitters, et cetera. Then I grow that with white rice primarily for a carbohydrate source. Very easy to digest, very efficient on the body. And I can drive that as high as a thousand grams a day for an athlete like Hofthor or Brian Shaw. If you're a less active person and you want to drop some body fat,
Starting point is 00:10:42 would it be okay to just maybe drop out some of the rice? Absolutely. That's what you do. And you still keep some of the other carbs that stimulate, like keep some of the fruit in there and the cranberry and stuff like that? Yep. That's what we do. We keep the oranges in there. Again, the fructose to stimulate the liver, the cranberry juice because of the iodine to stimulate the thyroid, the potato because it's so nutrient dense, and also provides the prebiotic value and of course the carrot for all the benefits that we mentioned earlier.
Starting point is 00:11:10 So there's a broad range of foods that you can eat while you're dieting that still keeps your metabolism hot and fresh so you don't start to slow the metabolism by over restricting. You guys have been following along for some time seeing me do the war on carbs and do a ketogenic style diet. And, uh, behind the scenes, I don't like to share information until I start
Starting point is 00:11:33 to see something, uh, work or until it starts to feel good for me. And I've been working with Stan for the last several months on, uh, we've been trying to clean up my blood work and the results that we've had have been huge. My blood work was really in the shitter for a while there. And Stan has, uh, helped me out quite a bit. I am transitioning, um, because I think that you shouldn't be on a fixed diet. It shouldn't be on the same diet forever. Shouldn't have the same goals forever either. I think you should get in and out of different stuff here and there. So for me, I'm shifting into utilizing some cranberry juice, utilizing the orange, utilizing the carrot. And for right now, I don't currently have the rice in there, but that'll probably be something I'll add in again as well, because I want to not only look like I lift, I want to be able to, I want to be able to actually lift something when I'm in the gym.
Starting point is 00:12:27 Well, we want to get all the benefits of carbohydrate restriction or low-carb diets, such as improving insulin sensitivity and weight loss. But we also want to have the benefit of stimulating our metabolism, liver and thyroid again. And that comes, of course, from the orange and the cranberry juice iodine that's in the diet and have good digestion, which we get from the carrot and the potato. So they have a very specific purpose and they're drivers of, I think that foundation that I talked about in the horizontal platform of the diet. How can people, uh, how can people find you, Mr. Efferding? Uh,,, They all come to the same location and I've put that
Starting point is 00:13:15 program out now. It's available. It's 51 pages, over a hundred references, articles supporting the diet, along with videos as well, links to videos. And that's all on there for the same exact program that I sent to all those great athletes is now available at The Vertical Diet. is the easiest place to find it. There's been reports that the white rhino is 100% extinct, but I feel otherwise. He's right here. He's still alive. We still got one alive and kicking,
Starting point is 00:13:52 and at 50 years old, he's kicking a lot of ass. He's somebody who's always provided a lot of great information for me and for my team, and his diet is working for hundreds hundreds of people and it'll soon be thousands and thousands of people and hopefully it'll be hundreds of thousands of people I really think that this diets gonna explode more and more people are gonna get word that people are winning championships and people are slapping on some six-packs and hitting up some PRS in the gym and more importantly
Starting point is 00:14:22 improving their health and, improving their health. And also improving their health. And a lot of times these things don't always run together when it comes to aesthetics, when it comes to performance. A lot of people will tell you, hey, those things don't go along with health. That's correct. Yeah. But now we find that the better we take care of ourselves, the longer we can compete at a higher level. We find that the better we take care of ourselves, the longer we can compete at a higher level. I'm healthier now than I have been in probably any time in my career. My joints, my knees, my hips, everything that I punished and tortured over the years, now it's 100%. The diet that Stan gives you guys is more than just diet. He's given information on strength training, hypertrophy.
Starting point is 00:15:06 He's also given you information on how important sleep and hydration is. Salt is also a huge part of the diet. Make sure you're doing all that. Make sure you're checking him out at The Vertical Diet on Instagram, at StanTheRhinoEfforting
Starting point is 00:15:22 on Instagram, right? That's right. That's all the time we got. Catch you guys later.

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