Mark Bell's Power Project - 10 Minute Walk Talk - The War on Carbs

Episode Date: February 14, 2018

Mark Bell literally takes you on his 10 Minute Walk to talk about the ketogenic diet. The 10 Minute Walk Talk podcast is the accessory to your 10 Minute Walk. Hit play, go for a walk and by time the e...pisode is over, so is your walk. ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Mark Bell and this is my 10-minute walk talk podcast. Today I'm going to talk about, you guessed it, the ketogenic diet. While I'm going to talk about the ketogenic diet, I am on my 10-minute walk, literally on my 10-minute walk, recording directly into my iPhone. So if I sound fat and out of breath, it's because I sound fat and out of breath, it's because I'm fat and out of breath. Today I'm gonna talk to you about the war on carbs. War on carbs is something that I've been practicing since I was a teenager.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I started in the mid 90s, 1995 to be exact. And I've utilized a ketogenic style diet on and off for many, many years doing very, uh, doing many variations of a ketogenic style diet, doing just experimenting with low carb diets as well as cyclical ketogenic style diets. cyclical ketogenic style diets. The war on carbs though is a different style of diet where you go into, you go into ketosis without any real plan about when you're going to come out because I know and you know that there's going to be a breaking point. I know and you know that there's going to be a holiday, a birthday, a something, a this or that. But what I'm challenging all of you to do is to try to go 30 days, 20 days, 12 days. Even if you go five days and then you only go three days
Starting point is 00:01:41 and then you go two days and then you go two days, and then you go 10 days, it's going to be better off than you having a planned cheat day. And we'll get to all that in a second. The war on carbs is something I'm very passionate about. I have a book coming out. By the time this thing gets published, this audio file, the book may or may not be available at I'm not quite sure when it's going to land exactly, but you can look for it around January 1st, which is going to go along with the launching of my new website, which is going to be called
Starting point is 00:02:20 Anyway, back to the matter at hand. My big fat diet, the ketogenic style diet, the war on and you're going to be more health conscious and you're going to shift into eating more vegetables, keeping the protein a little higher and actually getting the fat down a little bit. I do not think it's a good idea to go out of your way to eat fats. I don't think it's a good idea to chug down coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil. I don't think it's a good idea to go out of your way to really soak up any of these extra fats except for when you are trying to get into ketosis. Some of that may be a little bit necessary. Adding it to your coffee, adding butter to your eggs, things of that nature. But trust me, folks, when I tell you it's not a pretty sight,
Starting point is 00:03:29 if you try to go down that rabbit hole too far and you add coconut oil and all these different things to your foods, you're going to be blowing out the old O-ring. And that's not good for anybody. So my suggestion to you is, if you're listening to this right now, first of all, you should have some headphones on. And that's the way you should be listening to this
Starting point is 00:03:53 because you should be concentrating on what it is that I'm saying to you right now. This information and these messages are vital. They're very important. And if you're just haphazardly listening to it, as you're scrolling through Instagram, it's not going to be as effective as if you're truly paying attention. So get a pen and get ready to write this shit down. Here's the diet. Here's what it consists of. For protein and fat sources, you have a lot of different variations of meat.
Starting point is 00:04:27 We have chicken, we have steak, we have fish, and we have pork. Within that, there's a wide range of foods that you can eat. I personally am a big fan of steak. What kind of steak? Choose the ones that you like best and stick with them. And also, why not switch things up a little bit and have some variety? When it comes to sauces, I'm not too worried about sprinkled in carbohydrates here and there. I'm not all that concerned with that. However, teriyaki sauce is taking it a little bit too far. Teriyaki sauce typically has too much sugar. It'd be hard to get in ketosis if you ate teriyaki sauce with several meals or even maybe even once.
Starting point is 00:05:18 It might have a lot more sugar than you originally anticipated. So those are some of the meats. Now you can also have cured meats, salami, pepperoni, um, any kind of cured meats that you like. Really? I try to get them so they're nitrate free, so they have less junk in them. Um fat and protein sources are going to be from cheeses. What kind of cheese? You pick. When it comes to fat sources, we'll move into just straight up fat source. You have a lot of variations of salad dressings. Now, you're going to want to try to go as healthy as you can. I suggest some of Mark Sisson's products. He makes really good oils that don't have, that are usually derived from avocado oil and not canola oil.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Canola oil and some of these vegetable oils can be quite dangerous for us in larger amounts. So you want to kind of watch your consumption of those. We have olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil. A lot of those oils are great for cooking. A lot of those oils are great to blend into some of our foods. And those are some options that you want to look into. Aside from that, olives themselves are great. Avocados are great. Nuts are great nuts are great cashews walnuts pistachios macadamia nuts all those things are fair game on a ketogenic style diet I personally love almonds probably the most out of all of them and I usually just get them straight up, plain raw almonds. I like those quite
Starting point is 00:07:07 a bit. I don't know if I mentioned eggs already, but eggs are a great source of protein and fat. As we move into the carbohydrate section, the only thing that you're allowed to have, the only thing that you're allowed to have is vegetables. So you don't have a lot of choices when it comes to carbohydrates. We can explain it further at another time how that you how it comes to be that you have more variety with your carbohydrates later on. But in the beginning, you're going to want to abstain from them. You're going to want to try to stay away from them. Those are some of the foods that you have access to.
Starting point is 00:07:56 The foods I just mentioned. Those are some of the foods that you want to shop for. And that you want to have readily available to you. Cheese sticks become really important. I eat a good amount of cheese. I like the amount of calcium. You might not want to overdo it with the cheese because it can cause constipation in some people sometimes. Let's see, what the fuck else do we got food wise? So I went over the different various forms of food. The next time I hit up one of these podcasts, I'll talk about a diet that can go along with the war on carbs. But remember, this is a challenge.
Starting point is 00:08:36 I'm trying to get you to reset your metabolism, pay attention to what you're eating, gain control of hunger, gain control of these insane food cravings that many of us suffer from. And I'd like you to adhere to some of the foods I just mentioned for 20 plus days. See if you can make it 30. The most amount of days I ever made it was 31. See if you can beat that. Beat Mark Bell. Let me see some other recommendations. Percentages. I don't care about percentages. Calories. I don't care about calories. Let's, in the beginning of this, let's have you work on cutting out carbohydrates. Let's have you work on getting the foods correct. Let's have you work on shopping. Let's have you work on the rhythm and the timing
Starting point is 00:09:26 of how all this is going to act. A couple things to be weary of while on a ketogenic style diet. It can dehydrate the hell out of you. So make sure you're drinking enough liquid. You're going to want to drink a lot of water. In addition to that, you're going to also want to add quite a bit of salt to your foods and sometimes even to your water. You know you're doing it right if you don't
Starting point is 00:09:51 taste the salt when you add it to your water. You're just sprinkling some in here and there throughout the day because the ketogenic diet, without carbohydrates, carbohydrates, they hydrate the body. Without carbohydrates, your body would be depleted a lot of times of some of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes that it needs. So it could end up with some cramping. In terms of performance, a ketogenic diet is not superior to a diet that allows for carbohydrates. not superior to a diet that allows for carbohydrates. In terms of aesthetics, in terms of looks, and in terms of getting a hold of what the true problem is with all dieting or with any form of, with any effort to diet, is most diets don't deal with the root of the problem, which is
Starting point is 00:10:40 people's addiction to food. Carbohydrates are not the enemy. Carbohydrates are great. They're great sources of energy and they can help a ton with performance. However, carbohydrates are typically extremely tasty and those are going to be the things that we want to overeat. Ice cream, pizza, candy, and they're just such, they're in such abundance and stuff too. So if you eat some mini Snickers bars, you know, those little tiny ones they have around Halloween time and some peanut butter cups and things of that nature, the amount of sugar adds up very fast. If you're listening to this and you're thinking, man, the war on carbs seems way too steep for me, do me this favor and try something a little different. Just for the next couple weeks, cut out all forms of sugar, all forms of calories coming from any liquids.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Cut out all forms of calories coming from any liquids. And drink more water. Get more sleep. Get to bed on time, go for a 10-minute walk several times a day like I'm doing right now. This concludes this version of the 10-minute walk talk. I am going to resume this and have a part two for you guys to talk a little bit further about the ketogenic style diet.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I hope you enjoyed this. Please give us a review. Please let us know how you're liking these. These are very raw. This is great content. And it allows me to be less invasive, less intrusive, no cameras, just a simple audio record and people send me a file. We have Matt Vincent, Jesse Burdick, Chris Bell, the director
Starting point is 00:12:26 of Bigger, Stronger, Faster. Matt, we have Kelly Starrett. We have many, many others that will be jumping aboard. And I'm really super, super pumped for you guys to hear all these different people talk. We're going to get some great information out to you guys. Anyway, get on those 10 minute walks. I'm Mark Bell. Catch you later.

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