Mark Bell's Power Project - 10 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Fat Loss ft. MeatCanyon || MBPP Ep. 887

Episode Date: February 15, 2023

In this Podcast Episode, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza talk about 10 ways you are sabotaging your diet and corrections to make.  Watch the MeatCanyon video here: New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel: Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!! ➢Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained: ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off site wide including Within You supplements! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT for 20% off! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT for 20% of your next order! ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori! ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep! ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150 Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:  Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢ #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 ready for this you're ready he's ready oh go ahead and see what's going on what we got i love this channel meat canyon recently it just hit me uh hit my feed and i've just been going on a spree and when i meet canyon meat canyon if you guys are listening go to this channel watch his content but um i came across this video and i was watching i'm like this is quite disturbing but this is real like when it comes to you know what i'm not going to ruin it let's just watch it and then let's yeah i want to watch you think check her out yeah it's hard losing weight it's an everyday struggle you will always tell yourself i'll start tomorrow i'll start tomorrow But you have to take action to make change.
Starting point is 00:00:50 This time I can change. I know I can. Forgetting something, Joshua? No, Tony. I don't think so. Hmm. What about your cereal? You always start the day with a bowl of cereal.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Well, not anymore. I'm going to change, Tony. Change for the better. No, no, no, no. Come on, Joshua. You don't mean that here. Joshua. You don't want to eat that fruit.
Starting point is 00:01:25 You want this sweet treat. So yummy and delicious. Come here. Already breaking down. Come here. Who's your tiger? You are. Now, who's my little piggy?
Starting point is 00:01:45 Who's my little pinky, huh? Who's my little pinky? Oh, yeah. That's right. That's right. I've been that little pinky myself. Oh, yeah. Oh, it's terrifying. That's so scary.
Starting point is 00:02:06 They're great. There you go. There you go. Bring it up to those luscious lips. I'll never change. I'm a failure. No, Joshua, come on. Don't cry.
Starting point is 00:02:27 He's coddling him, massaging him. Looks like Beavis and Butthead character. A little bit. It's hard losing weight. It really is an everyday challenge, but it's okay. I can always start tomorrow ah yes that's some dark shit are they always like that dude they're significantly worse
Starting point is 00:02:53 yeah they they meet canyon makes like parodies on a lot of stuff um and he makes it creepy like there's a spongebob one too but when i saw this i was like this is actually real like like this is why we don't keep certain things in the house because if i had frosted flakes on the fridge i'd try to fast and then they'd just be calling my name they'd talk to you they talk to you the way this guy does stuff though it reminds you of uh do you remember garbage pail kids yeah okay it's a lot like that it's really creepy is that like 90s uh Might even be 80s. Yeah, I feel like I haven't heard of Garbage Pail Kids.
Starting point is 00:03:27 I'll pull it up. You know, I think people need just like more examples, more education. They need shit, why not? Like I know there's like a little bit of humor in there. Maybe someone that has struggled with weight loss severely might not even think that's that funny. They might be like, man, that just hurts because I feel that way times a thousand. It's a difficult thing to
Starting point is 00:03:54 be able to change yourself, but it's what we talk about on the show all the time. How can you make some changes? One thing is to be careful with your choices when you purchase stuff because when you purchase stuff you might have an impulsive purchase but hopefully over a period of time when you go to the grocery store you can go to the grocery store fed well rested and make the best decisions possible. And the decisions that you make when you're at the grocery store, hopefully you are buying less and less stuff that isn't good for you over a period of time.
Starting point is 00:04:37 You know, let's talk about this real quick because I think, you know, even though I found that video hilarious, you're right. Like there are some people who like that is actually the struggle, right? So Joshua, what could Joshua have done to defeat Tony the Tiger? Let's be real. What could he have done? Yeah, maybe on this particular day. I think it's important that you – I hate like the morning routine thing, but like people respond really, really well to a routine. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:07 You're going to respond better to having a routine and having a plan and having a little bit of a schedule than just haphazardly going through your day. Because haphazardly going through your day, you were kind of planning on maybe going for a walk in the morning, but you woke up, you looked outside, and sure enough, it's raining and it's windy and you don't go. But if you have a scheduled time where you're going to exercise for 10, 15 minutes, you might look outside and go, ah, damn, it's raining. You might get a raincoat. You might get an umbrella. Or you might say, ah, I'm just going to go in my garage and use my treadmill or whatever other access you have to some sort of equipment. You do your 10 or 15 minute workout. You go to your fridge. Tony the Tiger is still there. He still has conversation with you. And maybe you lose. But you got your exercise in. You protected yourself. You did something that is going to help you control your blood glucose better because you just exercised.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Now, instead of you having something bad for you in the morning, you just had some post-workout carbohydrates. Maybe, also, maybe the exercise that you did makes you feel good. You're like, Tony, get the fuck out of my kitchen. What the hell are you doing here? And why is he so jacked, by the way? Well, Tony the Tiger actually is jacked. If you look here and why is he so jacked by the way well tony the tiger actually is jacked if you look at the picture yeah tony the tiger is v taper yeah he'd be a great bodybuilder chris bumstead and shit but you know in this situation i'm like i'm
Starting point is 00:06:37 the type of guy who if there is frosted flakes or cinnamon toast crunch the beautiful taste you can see if that is in the house i like tony's fucking jacked that's false advertising though that is false advertising probably a great squatter with those short legs too yeah the long torso maybe a sumo deadlifter a great sumo dead lifter and actually yeah great squatter i wonder how he'd do with the limit he's probably a great swimmer oh yeah yeah That's a good call. Tough on the bench, though. The arms are long. The chest is big, though.
Starting point is 00:07:08 He doesn't look like he has great range of motion in the shoulders. He'd have a pretty good total. He looks real tight. But one of the things is people love to talk about tracking macros, and tracking macros can be very beneficial if you're somebody who really wants to try to fit some of these foods in. But there are many people who these foods, I'm one of those people who like, even if I track it and I won't just eat one bowl, like, cause I'm not satisfied after one bowl,
Starting point is 00:07:32 even though that bowl is like 400, 500 calories, it does make me feel full. So the best thing for me personally is even though I could track it and make it fit, I would just actually just keep it out of the house. So I don't have to fight that battle and I could choose a better option. So I think one of the biggest house so I don't have to fight that battle and I could choose a better option. So I think one of the biggest things to not even ever have to fight this battle of choosing the right foods is just making sure that in your home you have the right foods.
Starting point is 00:07:54 So maybe you would have chose to throw that out the night before because most likely he didn't wake up first thing in the morning. You know, the video is first thing in the morning. He's going to his fridge. Got a grapefruit, Mark. He brought a grapefruit to the table. He was trying. Yeah. That's what I wanted to bring up.
Starting point is 00:08:08 I don't know about you guys, but I have never, ever woken up and been fired up to eat a grapefruit for breakfast. So I think that was his first mistake that a lot of people make, which is like, I'm going to start Monday. I'm going to eat nothing but salads. I'm going to work out four times a day, eight times a week. You know, it's like, well, okay, you're setting yourself up for like really hard failure. So I think maybe picking something else that's like more, um, appetizing, but also maybe not even worrying about breakfast. If you can't make that tough decision between frosted flakes and a good meal, then fuck breakfast. Like, don't even worry about it. Tim Dillon had a guy on his show named Joe Rogan on his podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I've heard of him. And you should check it out. Tim Dillon has a cool show. I think it's episode like 380 that he had where he had Joe Rogan on the show. And Tim Dillon, you know, he just talks, you know. Sometimes he's really over the top.
Starting point is 00:09:02 He's very sarcastic. You know, he's got a very, really funny. He just is fucking funny. He's hilarious in a lot of ways. But what he said was he meant and he's very smart, too. He'll he knows like history and all kinds of stuff. He was bringing up the fact that we don't have as much religion or don't seem to be as dedicated to religion in this country as we used to be. And he's like, and I think it's part of some of the suffering that you're seeing going on with people's mental health. And he's like, he said something to the
Starting point is 00:09:37 effect of what are we replacing it with? Then later on in the episode, they start talking about food and alcohol and some of that and he's like well what what are you replacing that with and he said it a couple times throughout the show and i thought that's actually really brilliant you you kind of do need to like fill stuff in with something else yes at least for a while you know so if you're gonna break the habit of watching porn at night you probably need to fill in with something else. Like maybe you still beat off, but maybe you don't watch porn. Imagination.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Yeah, maybe you use your imagination. Maybe you just rely on something slightly different. So maybe you start to develop new habits with what you said, Andrew, is really smart. And that is, what are you replacing? What were you eating before in the morning? You were eating frosted flakes? Well, that has a lot of flavor. If the options are like black and white or there's just not an option at all,
Starting point is 00:10:39 like I'm going to fast, I'm going to either fast tomorrow morning or I'm going to cook up like five or six eggs with some bacon and some cheese and I'm going to either fast tomorrow morning or I'm going to cook up like five or six eggs with some bacon and some cheese and I'm going to make a killer omelet. Calorie-wise, the omelet might be a worse choice. But in the long run, you're teaching yourself to eat things that are very nutrient-dense, very healthy for you. And we know that when you start to eat more natty foods, they're harder to overeat. They keep you fuller for longer. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:11:11 And it will help you to get that protein up and to keep your energy stable rather than you having these huge fluctuations with things that have a lot of sugar in them. There's so many podcasts where we talk a lot about protein and the benefits. And like you have a protein shake right here, right? Like that's something that, I mean, you could have in the morning with some coffee
Starting point is 00:11:31 that could actually, it's protein and it staves off your appetite. But also like if you really, if you have a super sweet tooth and you want something that's sweet, right? And the eggs don't do it for you. You could easily get some Greek yogurt, some berries, raspberries, and blueberries to put in there. Put a little bit of honey, mix that shit up. That tastes, it's really good. And it's real though.
Starting point is 00:11:53 The thing is, it's real. You will end up actually feeling pretty good and pretty full after. And it won't spike your blood sugar as much. You won't end up overeating it as much. Like it's just, again, a better option. Like you just mentioned right there. What can you replace it with he tried a grapefruit and the funny thing about the grapefruit is i remember when i was a kid when my mom was like there's a point my mom
Starting point is 00:12:13 was trying to like diet or whatever i think dr it wasn't dr phil dr oz mentioned something about grapefruit him and oprah so my mom bought hella grapefruits and she was like eating grapefruits and stuff i remember i would eat some grapefruit here and there too so like people really try that they're kind of weird they are weird yeah yeah there's something about it that they were saying health-wise but they're really gross i like them i like grapefruit it's very bitter i hear that a lot i'm like they're maybe i've never had like a i don't know if there's different kinds no you're right they're weird they're just different yeah if you put grapefruit and salt the salt does something where it actually makes the grapefruit a bit sweeter, I think. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:47 It's pretty fucking good. But either way, you want to find something that you can replace this whatever you're overeating. We talked about it so much, things that you can replace it with that are going to be better for you in the long run that are going to allow you to stick to the habits. Every morning, I have a steak Every morning I have a steak shake. I put a steak shake. I did it today. I threw the steak shake in with some Dutch Bros cold brew coffee and I used some of the chocolate electrolytes that we have.
Starting point is 00:13:15 It's like a dessert. Yep. I have that every day. That's really helpful for me because I still have like a fatty guy taste bud thing going on. Oh, we all do. I like a lot of different flavors. I like shit that's spicy.
Starting point is 00:13:29 I like savory stuff. And I love sweet stuff. Nowadays, I can control stuff better. So I can have like chocolate and things like that. But I got to be careful with my selection. I can't just go and buy like peanut butter cups because I would, i was to purchase peanut butter cups i'd buy like a truckload of them but i'll try to buy like a dark chocolate or something it's like it doesn't taste so good that i'm gonna eat a lot of it it tastes good enough yeah to hit some of those kind of pleasure
Starting point is 00:13:59 sensors and stuff like that but it's not anything that kind of short circuits me into a lot of overeating. So you got to find, you got to find shit in your diet that tastes really good. And one of the hugest problems is that we don't really cook as much anymore. I don't think people are cooking. The households are a little different nowadays. You don't really have, there's not as many, I don't believe there's as many families like sitting down and having dinner. There's a huge difference when mom cooks dinner or whoever in the household cooks dinner. Catch yourself. When mom cooks dinner.
Starting point is 00:14:36 The way it used to be. Because that's her job. Good old days. Why are they working, Mark? I don't know. Why do they have jobs now? They got all smart shit. Getting educations.
Starting point is 00:14:45 The fuck you need an education for? We're going backwards, Mark. We're going backwards. I want to be traditional. The whole world's going to hell. God. I'm joking. Normally, when you cook a meal at home, there would be some sort of like, I mean, almost
Starting point is 00:15:00 in every culture, not in every single meal, but almost in every single culture, there's kind of like a meat-based something or other, right? Italian, you got meatballs and pasta. You know, maybe you can say, well, you're going to overeat because you're going to eat like garlic bread and a bunch. But like at least again, at least there's some real foods in there. At least there's some like meat. Mexican food. Most of the food that you look at there's like american food there's a fucking hamburger or something like that you know power project family how's it going now
Starting point is 00:15:30 pete montes beef is a company we've been eating literally for years now because they have some of the best beef on the market tons of cuts tons of different types of beef check them out andrew where can they get it at pete that's and at checkout enter promo code power to save 25 off your entire order and if your order is 150 a more you get free two-day shipping links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes to add in on the other side where like for example an african food even though like there's not always a lot of meat, but the carbohydrates that are used have a lot of fiber. So like, like the, the yams, these things, you guys do a lot of soups and stuff, right?
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah. Soups, but yams have a fuck ton of fiber. So like when, when you eat some of that food, it still fills you up. You're not like, it's not, you know, cereal is literally just processed food. It's sugar and it's not, you know, cereal is literally just processed food. It's sugar. And it's meant for you to overeat. So even in some of these other places, the real food has nutrients that are going to make you feel full. And that's kind of what we're talking about here.
Starting point is 00:16:38 A potato supposedly kind of depends on what you look at. But it has like this satiety rating that's like through the roof. So any kind of potato, I know like a yam a sweet potato like there's they're all a little different but it's all kind of the same thing in some respect like if you eat a yam like that's substantial yes it is it is so that that's the thing just figure out better substitutes so you don't have to end up like joshua and maybe just don't have the shit in the house right because i mean that was mean, if that was me, I'd kowtow to Tony too. Do you think it would help to have a little support? So like if he went to the fridge and maybe there was somebody else in the household, you know, that maybe prepared a good meal either for you or for themselves already,
Starting point is 00:17:23 like for you guys to sit down and it's like a significant other. Or if, I know for me, like if my wife's doing good shit, it's easier for me to do good shit. And I know vice versa. I don't really, I don't really pay too much attention to what she does, but it can sway me, you know? Dude, my girlfriend, like she makes her own food, but she has a she has good
Starting point is 00:17:45 eating habits um and i had good eating habits too but i'm i'm even better now just because i'm like damn look at you okay i'm you know like it's good when when everyone's kind of playing the same game i know that can be tough for people because sometimes if you live with somebody else you're trying to make these changes but they still want those frosted flakes maybe i have to have a conversation say hey boo can we just fucking just get rid of it like can we just get this out of the house so that i don't have to eat this all the time sometimes like support is beneficial support helps yeah you don't have to be negative about it i think you could just say hey you know we've we talked about this we were supposed to start jan 1 and it's the 4th,
Starting point is 00:18:25 and we're kind of like screwing up. Let's make sure that we right this ship and get ahead in the right direction. For us, it's definitely that. We both have each other's backs, but also we want to eat good for our son. Our daughter, she can make her own decisions, and she makes good choices already.
Starting point is 00:18:40 But Andrew, doesn't Aurelius love Frosted Flakes? Why? Well, it's because of the kids. We keep it in the house's because the kids we keep it in the house because of the kids he's never had and i like i know what this sounds like okay he's only two he's gonna be two exactly one week from today but he's never had cake he's never had candy he's a private child sounds like you're giving your kid an eating disorder he has no idea what that those things even exist
Starting point is 00:19:05 you know it's like when mark was saying that uh his kids didn't know disneyland existed so they never wanted to go happiness from your children yes yes no balloons either that's right did you talk about that on the podcast i know people just need to know real quickly we can leave it at that and just be like damn they didn't have balloons leave it there okay oh so when when i do have like the uh the defense is down and it's like man i really just want like a bag of chips or something i think about my son looking at me and wanting those chips and then me having to explain you know i i can eat this but you can't you know at first it was like oh he doesn't have teeth he doesn't know how to you know chew on this he
Starting point is 00:19:49 can't handle it now he can definitely handle it but now i just like hey nope let's get rid of any of any of the things to where like i have to go hide and eat it or something you know which has happened yeah i we had some candy in the house and i'm like oh let me get this you know it's a dark chocolate ghirardelli i'm like oh i'm gonna eat the shit out of this but if he like comes around the corner i have to like oh wait nope because then he's gonna oh i want some too it's like well you can't have like i don't want you to have this so i guess i am being a little bit like depriving of him or for uh he's being deprived but if he did eat it then maybe he'd freak out and want that all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:25 But if he doesn't know it exists yet, then, you know, he doesn't, he doesn't want it, but in time he will have access to it and he'd be able to make his own decisions. But I'm just trying to build a really good base for him.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I got like cottage cheese, yogurt, fresh fruit, just kind of around a lot. We're fortunate to be sponsored by piedmontese it's great to have lean sources of meat red meat gets a lot of uh or used to get a lot of negative press still kind of gets negative press because of the amount of saturated fat in it but piedmontese uh the type of cattle that they are the the uh meat is much leaner and I eat that every fucking day.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I think if you, you know, we've talked about it before, but if you fill your plate up with nutritious stuff, then you start to end up with a diet that has less room for negative influences. And I think that you can leave, if you have good control over your diet, you can leave some of it open to eat whatever the fuck you want here and there. Yeah. Shouldn't be a thing for you to like starve yourself away from pizza for months on end if you really like pizza. You should be able to, after a Saturday morning run or lift, you should be able to go have some pizza.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Watch your favorite game, your favorite show, whatever it is, plop down in front of the TV and just not have any rules for a few hours. Why not? If you like that, if that's what you enjoy and that's what – because otherwise we got the opposite going on and all we need for any diet to work is consistency. And if whatever it is you're trying, you can't string together three days, five days, seven days, 12 days, it's not working. It's not appropriate for you. So if I was to feed you, if I was to be with you for a whole day, I gave you all the nutritious stuff, but I also titrated small amounts of here's a Beach Hut deli sandwich at lunch.
Starting point is 00:22:38 At dinner, you're going to have a steak or some sort of meat, and you're going to have some vegetables, and then I'm going to give you some ice cream at the end of the day. Next day, you get done with your workout. For lunch, you have two slices of pizza and a protein shake. And I continue. If I keep giving you small dosages, like if I'm literally feeding it to you, small dosages of shit that you really like, Friday, I give you a beer or two with your dinner or whatever, or some wine,
Starting point is 00:23:11 you'll be able to probably follow that for a long time. Be like, holy fuck, this is amazing. But if you're left to your own devices to try to do that, how can you personally safeguard yourself to where you don't overdo it and that's where you could be potentially like in downtown davis i can go on a walk there's a place called a village bakery i could go in there and get a couple slices of pizza done it a bunch of times like after like a long run i'm like i like pizza a lot i I like that kind of pizza. It's New York style pizza. I go in there and I get two, like if two slices of pizza throws off your weight loss mission or your mission to have the body that you want, something's awry, something's off. If a little bit of bread throws you off, if a little bit of, again, this is considering that you have some control over your diet. If you're still spinning out of control, you might need a stronger discipline in the beginning.
Starting point is 00:24:10 You might need to keep it black or white so that you don't get stuck in the gray and you don't make bad decisions. Until you can gain control with some intermittent fasting or whatever the strategy is that you use, you might have to kind of have yourself in a little bit of a purgatory for a little while until you feel you're more advanced. And once you're a little bit more advanced, you should be able to do what I just mentioned, but you'll have to learn how to do it. You have to learn how to have strategies that that work so i think what nsema said about maybe the frosted flakes maybe you ate like two three bowls of cereal and you're like you know what i'm just going to end up killing the whole box either kill the whole box that day or destroy
Starting point is 00:24:56 it throw it out like actually throw it in the garbage bin that's outside your house rather than just putting it inside the house in case you wake up in the middle of the night and want to reach in for it or whatever. So you're going to have to develop a lot of strategies around how to protect yourself. And the last thing I'll mention is literally what you said, consistency is the name of the game, but a big part of this is awareness. So there are so many different ways of dieting. We've utilized intermittent fasting, carnivore, We've utilized intermittent fasting, carnivore, keto. We've done all of these things. But one thing is you need to be consistent and you need to be aware with who you are.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Because there are some people who can handle one bowl of Frosted Flakes and be okay. If you're that person and you got that self-control, you're an adult and that one bowl, you keep it to one bowl and you keep it and that's it. Hey, cool, power to you. But if you are the person who tends to overeat the Oreos or overeat the ice cream, you said that Andy can go in and have two scoops of ice cream and be like, cool, that's not me.
Starting point is 00:26:01 And I don't know if that's, some people are just really good at that. What's wrong with you, woman? I will eat the whole pint, bro. And I don't know if that's, some people are just really good at that. What's wrong with you, woman? I will eat the whole pint, bro. And I know that about myself. So that's why I just don't keep it there. I'll still have it every now and then, but when I have it, I'll have the pint, right?
Starting point is 00:26:14 But that's the thing. That's why I just don't keep it there. So know yourself because you want to set your surroundings up so you can be consistent, right? And then over time, things will evolve because we've done all these different diets, but we don't do them perpetually. You've had months where you've done carnivore, right? At the beginning of the year last year, you did carnivore for 90 days or some shit like that.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, 100 days. 100 days. Over time, you've implemented carbohydrates and fruit and all that type of stuff, right? But you have the carnivore thing to pull from whenever you want to on whatever day you want to pull from it. So one thing to understand is implement the diet that's going to push you forward currently, but don't think that this is what I have to do for the rest of my life because there's so many things that can work. And as you implement different things, it's like having, you remember Legolas from fucking Lord of the Rings, how he pulled his arrows out and just fucking, it's like having all these fucking arrows in a quiver and being able to pull that shit out.
Starting point is 00:27:09 That's what dieting is for us right now. But you want to find what you can stick to. You want to be consistent. And then over time, you want to course correct so that it can get better and better. And then over time, you're not going to even have to think about it. Have either one of you guys had anything that would resemble a binge in the last, you know, I don't know, two years or so? Not a binge, but you guys remember those homemade peanut butter cups with their peanut butter balls? Yeah, like one of your relatives made.
Starting point is 00:27:38 My sister-in-law makes those, and so it was Christmas, and she made a bunch. The bag was a big old Ziploc bag. And like every day I'd be like, damn, like, like I can grab one, move on, grab another one, move on. And then one day I looked down and I'm like, there's only three left. I don't think anyone else is eating these. And I was like, okay. Like I ate the whole bag, but it was like, I don't know how long, you know, it was like weeks. So it wasn't necessarily like a one-time binge bag but it was like I don't know how long you know it was like weeks so it wasn't necessarily like a one-time binge but it was like I don't think you can call that
Starting point is 00:28:10 a binge though it was just extended it made me feel weird at the end because I was like damn there was a lot in here and those are all gone but yeah I haven't like had the need to go eat anything else after that I feel like a binge is like when you have a lack of awareness and when you're eating like you see this thing and you're just going for it and you're full and you're you know what i mean like that yeah yeah like you were talking about pizza i dude i when that episode we were just talking about like when i was drinking a lot like i just eat pizza all the time too i love pizza pizzas i i don't remember the last time i had a slice of pizza i really really want one, but like.
Starting point is 00:28:45 There's so many cool ways of doing this stuff, too. You can make some pizza at home. Yeah. I don't know if you ever tried that. Like, if you have a family, it's kind of fun. Like, we don't really do that as much anymore, but when the kids were little, we would make pizza at home. It's just a way different experience.
Starting point is 00:28:58 You're not going to eat nearly the amount. It's not really as good. It's like taste, it's different. It is different. It's different, but it's still really as good it's like taste it's different it is different it's different but it's still dope yeah that would be the last time is i would make homemade pizzas with the you know fat-free cheese which i don't do anymore but yeah so i mean but that's the thing you were talking about like having different tools right i had to do a lot of different diets or whatever you want to call it and now i have two meals a day and i've been feeling great because it's it's 100 whole foods with the exception of like you know diet sodas
Starting point is 00:29:30 or whatever but what i was going to ask you mark is you like that bakery place better than woodstock pizza woodstock pizza is good too woodstock's great yeah woodstock the woodstock in davis is like all new now they moved it and uh it's really nice it's like a like legit kind of sports bar dang okay yeah it's good i have to go check it out woodstocks is pretty dope i love that place maybe i'll go there i just wanted to add one more thing here i think my wife has said this before sometimes she'll say something and she's just like i don't know she just has a way with just like kind of nailing stuff sometimes. And she's like, you know, I think some of the people that you help sometimes, they don't need a diet.
Starting point is 00:30:11 They just need to not binge. Hashtag not binge. Like how many days can you make it without binging? And then what's your interpretation of a binge? You know, that's another thing. Like what is a binge? I don't really know. But you know.'s another thing like what is a binge i don't really know but you know you definitely know like when you start eating like you're eating one type of food and then you go to another type of food another type like that's you're in you're out
Starting point is 00:30:35 of control you spun out of control why are you out of control because you were probably too restrictive somewhere else something went went wrong somewhere. You either over-exercised, underslept, or are just making poor decisions with overeating. And recognize that anyone can overeat. So we're talking about there are people that have this superpower of being able to put food back. But those people not only have the superpower of putting food back, they have the superpower of not going to another food afterwards because you could eat like a bunch of french fries and like let's just say let's say you and let's say we all went to uh unlimited cheeseburgers and french fries like in and out i'd come out 10 pounds heavier yeah they just keep they just kind of keep they keep feeding
Starting point is 00:31:21 it to us well there would be a point where we would stop you know there'd be a point where we're like yeah okay like you know and see me ate like 12 burgers and you're all sweaty and shit i got more don't worry i got more we're cheering you on to go for it and have some more you got like the whole ring of sweat going um but if they were like hey you guys want some milkshakes we'd be like, no matter how full we were. So realize that it's really easy to get a second or third stomach with different types of food because there's something in the body called palate fatigue. You kind of get tired of this. And that actually would be a great departure for you to just stop eating altogether if you got full off of that one thing and still want something sweet. If you can control that and say,
Starting point is 00:32:08 you know what, I'm just going to have, in an hour from now, I'm going to have a protein shake or I'm going to have a yogurt, I'm going to eat a little bit of fruit. Having something in place of that, I think will fill in that gap for you. Take us on out of here, Andrew. All righty.
Starting point is 00:32:20 Thank you, everybody, for checking this out. If you guys dig this content, the podcast has full-length episodes that dive deep into stuff like this all the time so please make sure you guys subscribe if you guys are not subscribed for everything podcast related head over to and follow the podcast at mbpowerproject on instagram tiktok and twitter my instagram tiktok and twitter is at i am andrew z and sema where you at discords down below for some community

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