Mark Bell's Power Project - Do Men REALLY Prefer SUBMISSIVE Women?

Episode Date: June 21, 2023

In this Reaction Video, Mark Bell, Nsima Inyang, and Andrew Zaragoza watch the first part of Jubilee's "Alpha vs. Beta" video in an attempt to answer the question, are submissive women better than dom...inant women?   Check out the original video:   Our Thoughts On Submissive Women   0:00 Intro 3:04 Are Men Designed To Sleep With Multiple Women? 24:50 Are Submissive Women "Better" Than Dominant Women?   New Power Project Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the new Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below! ➢ Recieve a year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 & 5 Travel Packs! ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off Mind Bullet!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box   ➢ Better Fed Beef:   ➢ Free shipping and free bedside tin!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works): Pumps explained:   ➢ to save 15% off Vivo Barefoot shoes!   ➢ to automatically save 20% off your first order at Vuori!   ➢ to automatically save $150 off the Pod Pro at 8 Sleep!   ➢ Use code POWERPROJECT10 for 10% off ALL LABS at Marek Health! Also check out the Power Project Panel: Use code POWERPROJECT for $101 off!   ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢   #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell #FitnessPodcast #markbellspowerproject

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think one thing that I kind of got the what I kind of learned when I was single is that like the person you'll have the best sex with is usually the person that you actually care about but like I've had sex with multiple women when I was single and over time it's like it's fun and then it's just like more of the same and then it feels like nothing. Yeah a submissive woman is more attractive. When I hear some of these men talk about a submissive woman it almost seems like they do not like to be challenged in terms of their ideas. A lot of these girls, they usually go home and cry at night from being lonely, from not having a man. There's also a ton of lonely guys.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Are you more attracted to a woman who has a hot pan job or to a woman's beauty? Beauty. Yeah, right away i mean i already knew about like west side barbell and everything like that but she like bought me a ticket to go to columbus ohio to learn west side and that like that just sparked me that that changed my life forever the equivalent of a dominant versus submissive woman for a man would be alpha and beta is that what i'm assuming i've dated submissive women before i find them highly annoying all right are you guys alpha males beta males i'm uh i don't know i like that answer i don't really truly know the difference there's you know sometimes like uh being a parent and getting asked like a lot of
Starting point is 00:01:16 questions it always kind of drove me crazy that my dad kind of quote unquote always had the answer and i'm like as i got older i'm like he doesn't know what he's talking about what do you mean i'm like he seriously doesn't know what he's talking about right now he's just going because he yeah he's just bsing you know so i'm like i'm gonna do my best not to always do that and i'm still guilty of it sometimes but i don't really even know the difference between alpha and a beta i don't know if like being a beta means that you're a pussy oh yeah it means that you're like incompetent and stuff i'm not sure it means that you'll never get the girl you want and you'll never get the pay you want or the fuck that
Starting point is 00:01:49 red pill stuff would would say it is interesting this jubilee video that we're going to go through it i it's going to be really fun to watch but it was pretty much alpha males versus beta males they do a lot of these videos of like anti-feminist versus feminist this versus that and this one's going to be like a bunch of guys who they've titled the alpha males or maybe the more masculine versus the guys who may be more effeminate um oh they're all in a room together yes oh they're having a conversation yeah they're having a conversation okay so it's gonna be pretty cool so uh i guess it's gonna be interesting because i think we all like teeter between both sides and i uh i'm just interested in what this is going to go.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Men should be the stable ones. Men don't need to be crying in front of women. And ideally, they're not splitting chores. And I don't mean that disrespectfully, but I think that if a woman cannot look up to you in some way, then she cannot respect you. And if she cannot respect you, she cannot love you. I totally disagree.
Starting point is 00:02:40 I totally agree. I totally disagree. Justin Lawler. It's so disrespectful that they legitimately were just like, these are the alphas. These are the betas. I'm pretty sure these guys were like, you're just going to call us beta males? I don't know if they were proud of that, but fuck it. Men are designed to want to sleep with multiple women.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Men are designed to want to sleep with multiple women. Men are designed to want to sleep with multiple women. Real quick, what do you guys think? I personally do think that there is an inherent want. You know what I mean? But you don't always have to do it. You don't have to act upon that desire. Yeah. I would say you're designed for that because, yeah, I mean, testosterone and all those things.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Men, for the most part seem to be hornier than women right and they seem to have a higher sex drive in a lot of cases and then like what's that for it's probably for some sort of evolutionary protection so that humans can survive and so you're probably supposed to have multiple mates yeah yeah you're supposed to uh try to plant your seed as much as possible so that way you can you know humans can again like mark just said keep keep living and this is purely from a biological perspective that uh men you know want to sleep with multiple women i think it's natural because uh one of the things are is because we you know we have so much sperm and that way you
Starting point is 00:04:00 know we produce so much sperm and that makes us want to repopulate the earth, basically. And so a lot of times what happens is, is I think that society is telling men not to do that for whatever reason. You know what I mean? And some some guys fall into that. But I definitely believe that, you know, men actually want to be with multiple women because it's just a natural thing in us. This is why you hear all the time, you know, men always cheat in and guys feel like they, you know, trying to hide the cheating and everything like that. And if it was natural for them to just want to be with that one woman, then cheating wouldn't even be an issue. You know what I'm saying? So that's how I look at it. Yeah. I think, uh, for the way we were cultured, I agree with that, but also to just through human history, right. For survival, you, I mean, maybe this is old school thinking, but it's just like for survival
Starting point is 00:04:45 you need to have lots of kids so someone's pregnant how do you keep multiplying you just more women right not saying it's right or wrong but it's just kind of the way i think women even cheat too it's like 50 50 yeah it was interesting i actually had a conversation with my grandma before she died quite a bit before she died but she was like how many kids do you think you want i was like uh maybe two or three and she's like what what what why are you gonna have five or six spread the wealth bro and and i was like spread those genetics around and i was like i don't think i'm gonna need to have that many kids grandma and she's like well what if some of them die i was just like oh wait, oh, wait up. You were born in 19. And that was a common thing for your kids to just die.
Starting point is 00:05:31 So shit. Right. You know. Do you guys think that women are designed to be more than, you know, to have more than one partner? I think that some of them can also have that want. You know what I mean? It's like. Desire. I think like, yeah, for men,
Starting point is 00:05:45 it might be more natural for us to, you know, be more visually stimulated by different women and have the want to have more sex with other women. I don't think it's as strong for women. But I think there's a want there. One thing that I think is kind of odd when it does come to this is because even though, like I'm in a relationship with one woman and we have, that our agreement we're in a relationship with each other that's what we want
Starting point is 00:06:08 with each other but even though like there's that i may see someone attractive and be like oh damn you know in the back of my head i'm like damn you know what i mean the it's not like you're gonna go and just be like hey uh you have self-control right so i don't think that's a cool attribute of being a man yeah you know and a cool attribute of having like a particular capacity you know like you know you can kick someone's ass but someone gets charged up and you can calm them down and say hey this is like it's not a good idea you don't always have to act you don't have to do it yeah you don't have to you can just go somewhere else and walk on the other side of the street or and then the same thing with attracting somebody else. I mean, someone might find you attractive. Let's say that you're famous and you're making good money and all these different things and you got women coming at you. You don't have to act on those things. And I think it's, I think a lot of men would agree that it's, and maybe other men would disagree, but I think a lot of men would agree it's more admirable to stick to the relationship that you have than it is to go and bang another bunch of other women but some people might dig that too one thing that's interesting
Starting point is 00:07:14 is like i'm curious where they're going to go on this because like a lot of because of this evolutionary desire that a lot of men that that have, that is sometimes the argument for like, if I have this desire, when I get to a point where I'm successful enough, I should be able to act on this desire. And on the red pill side of things, I find it odd that like, okay, if a couple is in an agreement, like, hey, I take care of you, you know, you're gonna have my children. This for me is just sex on the outside. I love you and I'm taking care of you. You know, you're going to have my children. This for me is just sex on the outside. I love you and I'm taking care of you. But for me, it's just sex.
Starting point is 00:07:49 But she's not able to have sex with anybody else. That's kind of that's how on their side they rationalize it. But I look at that. I'm just like, first off, I feel kind of bad if, you know, I get to fuck whoever I want. You can't because I'm taking care of you and I love you. Some people do have that agreement and that's cool for those relationships. But I personally wouldn't feel good if that was – if I was putting the woman I'm with in that situation. I just – I wouldn't personally feel good about it.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Yeah, I agree. I think a man can absolutely be head over heels in love with a woman and still sleep with other women and not mean anything to him. Right. And I think all men have the proclivity to want to sleep with other women. Now, whether they're able to speak to that and actually act on that or not, or if they've been able to, like you said, like religiously find a way to work around it. And I think religion has been great for that because if it weren't for religion, we probably would not have society. But I think what's most important to identify is that a man should create choice in his life. And if you have choice, you should be able to do
Starting point is 00:08:48 as you wish, particularly like in your case, like in my case, if there's no deceit. It's the lying. What do you guys think about that? What he mentioned there? Like it makes a lot of sense if there's an agreement and there's no lying about it. Both parties are okay with it. Why not? Yeah, I think if you set things up like
Starting point is 00:09:04 that from the beginning, I think a lot of times what happens in relationships is people get frustrated with their significant other. And they're like, man, I don't know why they always do this or super frustrated that they always do that. It's like, well, they probably have been doing that kind of since the beginning. Like I don't understand why they spend so much time fishing or so much time at the gym. Weren't they going to the gym when you met them? Like did that change, you know? And so I think the way that you set things up in the beginning is super important. When I was growing up, I was under the belief of just being with one woman, right?
Starting point is 00:09:42 Like I was a virgin for a very long time. Then one girl broke my heart. So that caused, like, a lot of insecurity, resentment towards the other side, right? And then I just became, like, a man whore for a little bit. The problem is you have guys who are monogamous, but they're monogamous because they're forced to be monogamous. In a way, meaning that they have no choice because they don't have the skill to attract multiple women and a lot of times they'll use that as virtue signaling i would never do such a thing well actually bro you can't let me ask you this guys uh i'll start with myself um i don't know maybe because i was raised christian right um i'm not going to church
Starting point is 00:10:20 or anything anymore right now but i was raised raised that way. Even, even though I have the, all guys have the desire to just fuck, right? We're horny. We have good testosterone. We're healthy. Like we're like that, that is what it is. I still think like, even though I could have sex with different women, because not just because I care about the person I'm with. I personally can't see that just, I don't know. I can't see that being a good relationship. I think that being able to control myself and not having to act on that all the time. I don't know. I just, it doesn't seem like it's something necessary. Like I'm not going to need that as I go on in life. I don't need the ability or I don't need to be able to sleep with multiple women to be able to have a happy relationship especially
Starting point is 00:11:07 since my sex life is great i'm totally attracted to my partner it's like i think one thing that i kind of got the what i kind of learned when i was single is that like yeah and real quick like the person you'll have the best sex with is usually the person that you actually care about. But like – and if you're constantly like, oh, what next hole am I going to put my dick in now? It gets old after a while. So that's why I don't think it's all – it's that big of a deal. Yeah, I think a lot of it has to do with like status. So I think a lot of people want to be able to have multiple women because of status. And then it's like outside of the home.
Starting point is 00:11:50 It's outside the bedroom where people like they want to have like a new hot chick on their arm or they want admiration for their girlfriend from their friends. They want their friends to be like, oh, my gosh, so hot or whatever. I think people are kind of like looking for those things. But that's not always the same person that you want to spend the rest of your life with. It could be. It could work out perfectly where that's the case, where it works out exactly like that. Can the disagree step forward? Power Project family, your normal shoes are making you weak.
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Starting point is 00:12:52 And you guys will receive 15% off your order automatically. Again, slash PowerProject. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. I remember when I would, like, go on tour and things like that. My friends would always try to encourage me to, like like hook up with girls that were on to me but i wasn't really like into it and it made me feel like weird like oh like there was something wrong with and now i'm at a point in my life where I feel like I'm only having sex with multiple women, so I'm not weird, so I'm quote-unquote normal. I feel like even when I do have sex with these random women, it doesn't give me any gratification.
Starting point is 00:13:34 I know that comes with random sex in the end, but I know in the back of my mind that I just simply don't enjoy this. I've been with multiple women and i've been with one woman and being with one woman is just so peaceful telling young men that they're born this way and that they should feel this way it can really not do damage but just sort of making you second guess things about yourself am i normal am i weird is there something off about me everyone else around me is saying that i have to feel this way or I have to do these things. But yet I don't feel the courage to do those things. I'm a beta.
Starting point is 00:14:12 No, but listening to him saying that, it's like, yeah, I've had sex with multiple women when I was single. And over time, it's like it's fun. And then it's just like more of the same and then it feels like nothing and i i think that personally i needed to go through that experience to understand that it's just more of literally the same except a different person that you don't really care about and when i'm with my girl like it's great fucking love it every fucking time do you think if you were at a different point in your life like where maybe you had less and you were a little bit unsure when I was younger when you when I was in my early that's the thing when you're in your early
Starting point is 00:14:57 20s I feel like you and yeah that's how I felt like I just want to fuck it's it's it's great but I think it seems like at least for some people it gets to a point where you just, some people realize it's just like, it doesn't mean much. It really doesn't mean much hooking up with a bunch of different people. It may mean something to the bros who are like, oh, how many girls have you had sex with? Might mean something to them. But at the end of the day, it's like, it just kind of like, for me personally, and this this is not for everybody it's just a diluted experience right so maybe people just need to go through that so they maybe they learn that they love it and that's like the thing that's for them and again like you mentioned people are wired differently and some people like myself are just like
Starting point is 00:15:38 it's all right you don't even need another person you can make yourself come twice as hard by yourself oh yeah just get yourself a fucking flashlight that vibrates at 100x speed get a good imagination and you're ready to go oh yeah dude true though i don't think that we should promote men sleep with multiple women i think that we should promote choice and what feels right to you so in your particular case i would never tell you to sleep with multiple women. I think you might be doing the right thing to do exactly what you're doing and not do it or stop doing it. It's not about pushing it on the young men. But I'll tell you, there's a lot of young men that have a demon inside and maybe are really upset and frustrated with themselves because they feel a certain way.
Starting point is 00:16:17 And it's like, oh, I'm coming out the closet. I'm straight, you know, or super straight or too straight or whatever it is. I think that it's really going to be about choice, man. So me to you, I tell you, if that you don't feel good doing that, man, I wouldn't do it at all. Yeah, I agree in your situation. What was happening in this way, I think a lot of times what happens is you have guys who will have sex with multiple women because they're trying to fill a void. So it shouldn't be about filling a void. It should be about you actually desiring. So you don't desire to do it. So which is why you shouldn't do it. But there are guys who desire to do it, but then they're suppressing their desire, and then it's doing the same thing as you not wanting to do it.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Like they feel weird about not doing it, but they want to, whereas you felt weird doing it, but you didn't want to. I think it's a society thing. Like what you just said, who's making people feel guilty about not doing it? Other men. The reason, I think women and men, the question was, do you feel that men are meant to sleep with multiple women? Or they're just, you know, that's what they do.
Starting point is 00:17:12 And I don't think that's true. I think as a part of your character and who you are, I do believe that if you say, if you're going to be honest with your partner, your partner is into it. But do I believe that we are biologically meant and it's in our head because we have to procreate and this and that? I don't believe that. I believe the reason we do it a lot is because it's looked upon as a great thing for men to have multiple women. Women are shamed for that.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Shamed totally. I have one son and two daughters, and I know the difference of how I felt when they were 15 or in their 20s and now they were 15 versus him having multiple partners or my daughter. When they were 15 or in their 20s, now they were 15 versus him having multiple partners or my daughter. But I guess think about that interesting double standard. Partially just because getting sex is much easier for women because all guys want to have sex. If a woman has quite a bit of sexual partners, they're shamed by other women and then they're also shamed by men. Women call them a whore. Men think they're a whore. What do you think about that?
Starting point is 00:18:05 I don't know. I think both sides need to be maybe a little more cautious with it and maybe give it some more thought. It's easy to just, you know, succumb to your emotions and succumb to the feelings that you have. But I think it should maybe be thought about a little bit more. I think from both sides like we were talking about before but you guys would want well not would want to but you you think about having sex with them i'm gonna speak to myself i think about having sex with other people every now and then and like it's like i can see a woman's track i'll be like damn that's a nice ass but again i'm not always it i don't feel
Starting point is 00:18:42 like i'm suppressing a beast or a demon by not acting on it. I know it sounds, maybe some people do feel like they're suppressing a demon. I don't know. It's just, it's a, it's an impulse to seem pretty strong when you're young, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:56 when you're a young man and you're 15 and 16 and 17, like those things are hitting you pretty hard. Oh yeah. Um, but I, you know, I, again, I think think I guess you have to think about like what it is you want. I have like I have a bunch of friends that are single and stayed single and they navigated that. And I think they're OK with it.
Starting point is 00:19:21 But I think they're also like not that happy about it at times, too. they're okay with it but i think they're also like not that happy about it at times too but i would also say that i know some married people that aren't always pumped about that situation either so it's complicated you know to get through this life is is really complicated and to try to figure out how to manage uh somebody else's life as well or your life together with somebody gets to be complicated and then try to have a family and then try to like you know figure out all those things so all these things are really difficult to figure out but I would just say for young people if you if you're somebody that you believe you want to get married and you believe at some stage that you want to have a family I would just say don't really waste your time dating people that you don't think you're going
Starting point is 00:20:08 to marry. And so that should help you go on a couple of dates and just kind of see right away, like how involved with this person you want to be. And hopefully you'll be able to kind of narrow it down and find, find somebody that, uh, you feel is really worthwhile. And we talked about this on a prior episode, but like if you're a young guy, again, date intentionally. But also, you don't have to settle for the first person that comes your way. You know, especially if you're a young guy, like first time he has a sex, you're like, ooh, this is great. Sometimes you might just be like, oh, I want that to be my girlfriend. Fall in love right away. Yeah, don't.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Don't. Give in love right away. Yeah, don't. Don't. Give yourself time, yo. Struck a check for a million bucks and never feel that feeling again. I absolutely would. I really, really would. It's something that I really hated myself for and I felt very apart. I grew up in the south, south Louisiana. I was a Bible Belt.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And I felt very distant from people around me because I had this urge in me and could not understand why I was so different. The biggest self-hate I've ever felt in my life is over this particular subject. I thought I was broken. And I understand you. And me, again, I'm going to come back with, you know, just being around it. And me, I'm bisexual. I've always have been. But like you heard me say, I've been married to a woman for 30 years and I've been committed for 30 years. Doesn't that I don't have that desire. It's my character to say, this is my person and that's who I want to be. So that's what you're making a character versus is the drive.
Starting point is 00:21:34 I was going to say that goes back to, are we just built that way? Because if we're just built that way as men, then there's multiple people that I'm going to want to sleep with. But I think what I was under the impression with that question was, are we biologically DNA created for that? I say yes, but I love and I agree with what we're saying here. It's like, but as men, right, in the culture and awareness and being a human being, having a consciousness choice language, we can choose not to. We can go against those desires or urges and stuff. If you feel that desire and you're honest with your partner,
Starting point is 00:22:07 I believe that is true. Do I believe that we are biologically meant to, we just biologically want to sleep with more people because we have a penis between our legs and not a vagina? I don't. Well, let me ask you this, though, because you said you're bisexual, so that means you're attracted to men and women, right? So if you're with a woman, aren't you also attracted to men and women right so if you're with a woman
Starting point is 00:22:25 aren't you also attracted to men so wouldn't you want a man and a woman no so you're just like i just want one and i'm i made a commitment and it's not even like i'm but there's no urge to what there's always more that's that's what that's what we're talking about but that doesn't mean that i'm biologically i think men and women both have urges. Where do you think the urge is coming from, though, if it's not biologically inside of you? I think the urge comes from—I don't think it's a biological thing. You get temptation, not urge. But the urge creates temptation, no?
Starting point is 00:22:56 But is temptation bad? Like you say, in a way, it's kind of like temptation. No, I don't think temptation's bad. I don't think it's a thing of—then Then that goes back to all of us. Then all of us are meant to sleep with multiple people. So then that's just a whole different society thing. But it's not just the question was, as men, are we? I don't think so. But regardless, I think it's important to understand. I think we are. And if we can come to terms with that, we can begin to move past it if that's what we desire. But if we reject that idea that it's not natural, then we
Starting point is 00:23:24 can't move past it if that's something that someone wants to do andrew what what happened right there would you uh well he just got done saying that he uh basically he just like uh what's the word um he was like uh not condescending double talk yeah yeah where he was like they're like no it's not biologically we don't have it in us just because we have a penis to want to sleep with other people fast forward five seconds later yeah i do have urges and it's like well i think that's just what everyone's talking about like i don't think it's uh i think they're all in agreement they're just using different terms i would also agree with his original statement is that he thinks that both sides might be that way yeah which that sounds fair to me i think it is a
Starting point is 00:24:03 bit odd um because i do hear a lot of guys talk about how like, yeah, it's totally natural for men to want to do that. But for women, no. On that red pill side of things, it's like I as a man should be able to and my woman, if I take care of her and I love her, she shouldn't want that. I think that's kind of ridiculous. It seems kind of dumb to think like – Especially modern women. I mean they can do all – they do all the same things as men. There was a time where people didn't think they could.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But they're doing all the things now, right? In the end, it is a choice that like if you want to be in a poly relationship, that's fine as long as there was an agreement. Obviously don't be in a monogamous relationship and then relationship and then you know like single-handedly choose to you know sleep without a woman without telling your partner like that's when like issues arise submissive women are more attractive than dominating women let's answer this question real quick submissive women are more dom are more attractive than dominating women what do you what do you answer you had some thoughts i think all women are attractive. Yeah, there's definitely that. No, yeah, I think what they're talking about,
Starting point is 00:25:08 like the stay-at-home mom versus the boss bitch that goes to work and handles her business and then comes home and brings in either more money, less money, or just brings in money. Yeah, as a masculine man, if we're going to go down this road. But yeah, a submissive woman is more attractive. Somebody that's more traditional, a little bit more old school you think about
Starting point is 00:25:29 um you know like the the old black and white paintings and stuff or pictures of like the mom at home cooking food you know helping you take your shoes off as you walk into the the house or whatever it may be and so it's like yeah that's fucking awesome and i'm not saying that like a uh a woman with a career that sort of thing is unattractive but i'm just saying between the two i guess yeah i would have to say that the submissive woman is probably gonna be more attractive and also this is gonna sound really mean but like maybe less of a headache if that makes sense it's interesting because um the submissive and dominating thing, I think the terminology, when I see people talk about it,
Starting point is 00:26:11 I see like a lot of guys when they talk about a submissive woman, this is why this conversation is really interesting. I'm wondering where they're going to take it because when some guys talk about a woman being submissive, it almost sounds like they don't want a woman who's going to come with some different opinions other than his own. It's like, it's my rules or nothing else, right? And when I hear some of these men talk about a submissive woman, it almost seems like they do
Starting point is 00:26:38 not like to be challenged in terms of their ideas. And the thing is, I personally don't think that's a good idea for myself. If I come with an idea, I want you to have the brainpower to call me if I'm wrong, not just to do what I say. That sounds wonderful, Nsema. You're so smart. That's a great idea. You should totally do that. How would it feel having a yes woman at home? Sometimes when I hear men talk about a submissive woman, it's like, you just want a yes woman. You just want someone who's going to agree with everything. And that could be less of a headache. And I know this isn't what you're talking about, by the way, because I know Stephanie.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Stephanie isn't that type of person. You guys will talk about things but sometimes men some sometimes when men talk about wanting a submissive woman it's like you just want a yes woman and that's that that's not an adult that's just kind of like kind of another kid you have to take care of you know what i mean i think what's attractive at least for me is uh someone that can be a really awesome parent you know that's what was obviously like when i first met andy i wasn't thinking like oh she's gonna you know it takes a while to like get to know somebody in that way um but ultimately i don't care if
Starting point is 00:27:56 she's got uh some traits that are maybe stronger than mine in certain areas i'm not intimidated by it i'm just like this is. She has better organizational skills than me. She's definitely way more aggressive than I am. If there needs to be like a phone call to like get something fixed on the house or something like, I'm not going to make that phone call. I'm going to be such a pussy. They're like,
Starting point is 00:28:17 Oh, we don't have anything for June. We could be there in September. And I'd be like, okay. She, she would be like, no,
Starting point is 00:28:22 this thing's broken. Like you need to, someone needs to come and like we pay, you know, she'll, she, no, this thing's broken. Someone needs to come and we pay. She'll nag them and yell at them and get someone to come. So I think a lot of times people are intimidated by women that might have a career, women that might have their own opinions and stuff like that. And I dig it.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Yeah, same. Power Project family, if you're trying to increase your muscle mass, if you're same. Power Project family, if you're trying to increase your muscle mass, if you're trying to lose body fat, if you're trying to stick to a nutrition plan, if you're trying to get fit, pretty much if there's anything you're trying to do for your health, we know that sleep is the biggest determining factor to help you get from point A to point B. That's why we've been sleeping on 8C mattresses for probably more than two years now. And the main reason is the technology behind the Pod Pro.
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Starting point is 00:29:41 to head over to slash powerproject and you guys will automatically receive $150 off of your order. Again, slash powerproject. Links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Hell yeah. Listen, my shirt says submissive women are sexy. Okay, so.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah, it's true, man. It's true. And look, I think one of the most beautiful things about love is being able to fully take care of a woman in every way, whether that's emotionally, protecting, providing, everything about that. Like every fairy tale that was ever written for all the time was about a man saving a woman from a castle in the dragon, right? Or some sort of scenario like that. And I think that's absolutely beautiful. And I have nothing against women being empowered.
Starting point is 00:30:34 And I have nothing against women being empowered, but I do feel like the happiest women in the world are the ones that look up to a man and that he can fight every day to love her and love his kids and his family and provide and be that source of something to actually look up to. Like, I believe a woman can admire a man and it's very, very, very healthy. Am I saying that somebody that doesn't do that is not a man? No, I would never. do that as not a man? No, I would never. But ideally, the relationships that are going to work, the relationships in, let's say, the 30s, 40s, 50s, or whenever we were having nuclear families stay together before we went off the gold standard and inflation pushed everybody to have two people have to have a job. Yeah, dude, I do. I think those relationships are much happier when the man can lead a house and be proud of going out and going to work every day and fighting for his family. Yeah, I do. More feminine in a role, in a family, and take on either that motherly role or that nurturing role or the role that feels supportive to the overall mission of a man.
Starting point is 00:31:11 It's just got to be a man worth getting behind. And weak men are the reason why this is a problem. Case in point, look at the workplace. You don't see women applying for jobs to be power line guys or hang steel at steel companies. They're not picketing outside of the United States Army being like, why won't you draft me? They don't want that smoke, bro. And that's okay. And I can't, I can't say enough. It's like, as a man, like you get to take pride in taking care of a woman, protecting women. What about your daughters, man? You want to protect and provide care for them. That's okay. Let them be feminine. A strong man doesn't need you to be a man.
Starting point is 00:31:44 He say, fine, you can be a woman. You're safe, sweetheart. You come with me. That's okay. Let them be feminine. A strong man doesn't need you to be a man. He say, fine, you can be a woman. You're safe, sweetheart. You come with me. That's it. There seems to be like, we seem to be putting women who are working and making good money as being inherently masculine because that's the thing that men always did. And now women are starting to be able to do more. But it doesn't have a gender trait to it at all. My girl loves like, she wants to be a therapist, but she fucking loves that field. a therapist but she fucking loves that field just because she loves that field doesn't mean she's inherently masculine but she has a field that she's interested in and actually wants to build something with i don't think that makes her necessarily masculine and the fact that she's going to be making good money doesn't mean i can't take care of her in other ways along with bringing home income myself so like that's that's why i mean i know it gets more complicated when
Starting point is 00:32:43 kids come to the field because like yeah you know you gotta have somebody there but at the same time it's like that that that's the thing that's just like things are different yeah i think kind of some of what he was saying there's maybe it's not necessarily like masculine or feminine to go and make money maybe it doesn't have a gender attachment to it, but laying bricks kind of does. Like there's just not a lot of women. Like do we need to instate a law that says you have to fire, you have to hire one woman per every seven men on this road construction site? We shouldn't have to because there's not a lot of women that
Starting point is 00:33:26 sign up for it in the first place that's why there's not women there it's just not typical much like there might be other jobs that men may not apply for because maybe it has a little bit of an attachment to uh being feminine do you think this has anything to do with the concept of a woman won't date below her pay grade, that sort of thing? So like if she makes too much money, then she'll end up being, I'm assuming, single because she can't find another high value male that makes that much money that fits all the other things because she's so focused on her career instead of being the submissive woman that didn't go to college whatever it may be that isn't making a lot of money so that way she can date up right is that that's usually how it goes right that's how yeah statistically
Starting point is 00:34:17 that ends up happening some women do find it harder to get into a relationship because sometimes they cannot find somebody who potentially makes more than them that's what they're looking for or the yeah it's just harder for them because you know they usually date across lines and up as far as income so i'm just curious i'm wondering if maybe this just has something to do with that as well partially yeah i think some people might be worried or concerned that if their girlfriend does like develop and grow and get into personal development and start to make a lot of money that they might kind of look at you and be like, you know, I can find someone else that probably farts on the couch a little bit less than you do right now. And I don't need you anymore. But I don't think there's – if you find the right person, you find the right person.
Starting point is 00:35:05 I don't think there's any reason to fear what it is that they're going to do next. With the exception of maybe like particular fields are a little bit more dangerous because of like relationships that can develop and things like that. But again, you either picked the right person or you kind of didn't. There were just a few things that I disagree on. the right person or you kind of didn't? There were just a few things that I disagree on. I think that in 2023 especially, I think women just want to be able to look to the side and see their partner as an equal. And I think a lot of women now are, I don't think they're trying to be men. I think what they're realizing is that the qualities that they were looking for in men, they've always had it within themselves. If women are submissive, it's mostly for, I want to say like the validation for the man. I think they know
Starting point is 00:35:49 in the back of their heads, like they know now that they can do things on their own. I don't think they necessarily need a man, but I think what they're looking for is that intimacy to have a partner, but I don't think that they require one. Oh no, they do. Cause you know, a lot of these girls, they usually go home and cry at night from being lonely, from not having a man. They have all these things and then they don't, they're upset they don't have a man.
Starting point is 00:36:13 You know what I mean? And I heard you say that, you know, women want to be the man's equal, but you don't see, and maybe this could just be a societal thing, a societal pressure, but you don't see women doing things that could make them equal to the men.
Starting point is 00:36:22 You don't see the women approaching the men. You don't see the women paying for the dates. You don't see the women being that could make them equal to the men. You don't see the women approaching the men. You don't see the women paying for the dates. You don't see the women being more assertive to the men. I know the thing that he mentioned is like, you know, you see a lot of unhappy women, right? Lonely women. There's also a ton of lonely guys. It's like even though there's this weird thing on the side of women where like, oh, yeah, we don't need no man, blah, blah, blah. We need each other.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Like men need women, women need men, and like obviously if you're gay, whatever, all that type of shit. But people need each other. So like men still need women. Straight men still need women. You're going to be lonely as fuck, you know, if you're at some point. Like you'll still need a woman too. It's a weird thing.
Starting point is 00:37:03 See what I'm saying? So where is that at? Because they got options. They got so much more options than men. Well, I'll still need a woman too. It's a weird thing. So where's that at? They got options. They got so much more options than men. I'll tell you what you do see. You see a high level of women on antidepressants, more than ever, right? And I think that's a bunch of women trying to cope
Starting point is 00:37:14 with trying to be like a man when really, let me ask you a question. Are you more attracted to a woman that has a high-paying job or to a woman's beauty? What do you ask? Beauty. Beauty. I mean, I'm just.
Starting point is 00:37:25 Yeah, I don't give a fuck about their job. Yeah, right away. And I also would like to ask, if you guys find submissive women more attractive than dominant women, is that because it makes you feel more validated as a man? Or is there something there that you feel like feeds into your purpose as a man? Yeah, well, it's a balance. If I'm a dominant person, I need a submissive. If I meet a dominant woman, we're going to butt heads.
Starting point is 00:37:49 What if that changes? Like, what if she grows? Because I would love everybody to be able to grow throughout life. What if she starts becoming more dominant? Is that like a... Are you saying if she starts becoming more dominant in our relationship? More dominant or equal to your dominance? Oh, yeah, she's gone.
Starting point is 00:38:03 She's finished. See, that's my thing. Like, look, I got children. I don't need somebody else to take care of. And I love your thing about, you know, the Prince Charming and everything. But you know what I need? I need a badass woman who can match my badass energy. I work with my wife.
Starting point is 00:38:17 And I'm going to tell you, I take care of her. She takes care of me. And she's badass. And that's what I'm attracted to. I don't need a submissive that I have someone to take care of. And it's fine, you know, if she goes through that, then I'll be there, and I will take care of her. But I'm not looking for somebody, another child to take care of
Starting point is 00:38:32 and have to dominate and talk. You go over there. This is where we're going to go to dinner. We're going to do that. Now, that's why what he was saying, I was going to bring that fact up too. A lot of men are depressed because they're putting on this shield of I have to be the leader.
Starting point is 00:38:43 I have to do this. And you know who goes to get help first women you and andy you guys this you guys both own this massive business together you guys have multiple kids it's like how do you think things would have gone if andy was i don't know it's a hard question to answer but if andy wasn't andy uh well i i mean she's been so supportive of everything that it's just I can't make any sense of that question, really. It was kind of a stupid question. It's not really a stupid question. I know what you're saying.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Just I would have just my whole life would just be completely different. You know, just would have went in a different direction. The first seminar that I went to that, I mean, I already knew about like Westside Barbell and everything like that. But she like bought me a ticket to go to Columbus, Ohio to learn Westside. And that like that just sparked me that that changed my life forever. It'd be like, you know, I think you were mentioning someone recommended jujitsu to you. You never heard of it before. Shit like that.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Just boom. It just changes. One of my ex-girlfriends. Yeah. Yeah. Just changes the trajectory of your whole life and from that moment on for the next 15 or 20 years i that's all i thought about was powerlifting just from that one seminar so yeah just i don't know what my life would have been like otherwise better question did andy's did she ever intimidate you?
Starting point is 00:40:07 No, no, no, no. I, I, um, she, she's a strong person, like from my purview. She, she can talk too much. I'll tell you that much. So those are conversations I've had to have with her. Yeah. Uh, it was actually really funny. We were meeting with a mutual friend that friend that was uh giving us some like business advice and stuff uh-huh and this person just like stopped for a second she's like andy can i stop you for a second and uh i was like oh
Starting point is 00:40:37 man this is gonna be really good she goes i love to talk a lot but you are talking a lot more than even me. And she's like, in order for this to work, we're going to have to be able to go back and forth. And so I kick her all the time and try to elbow her even in meetings today because she'll – so she will try to overpower stuff, but I don't really care. Okay. It doesn't bother me. I wonder – I mean, I guess it would be the equivalent of a dominant versus submissive woman for a man would be alpha and beta. Is that what I'm assuming? I mean, is that assuming that correctly? Yeah. I mean, you could put it in those terms. Yeah. Cause like if we're looking at just like the, the blocks or the fucking.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Yeah. Put everybody in a box. Exactly. It's like a submissive wife at home, blah, blah, dominant boss bitch. Like that would be it. Okay. Then I'm curious like what women would prefer more, the alpha male or the beta male? All of this stuff, I think, yeah, there's so many people. It probably depends on the person. Some women probably prefer a guy that like is just really chill and not like like super i don't know yeah but maybe not wearing
Starting point is 00:41:47 a dress like that dude hey there's some girls that are into that look at harry styles maybe a guy that's like uh just like in the middle a little bit you know a guy that's like you know maybe not developed yet but you know what i mean like because you usually a lot of times you meet someone when you're younger and so hopefully you can kind of like grow together. But I'm a firm believer. I've gotten a lot of therapy in my life. I've done a lot of things for myself personally to resolve my own internal conflict.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Okay, so it's a job of alpha men. A real integrated alpha man has the capacity to understand what he's feeling, why he's feeling the way that he is, articulate in a way that is productive to the dynamic. So a real man is someone that understands himself deeper at an emotional level has taken the time to do that so he can show up as a rock not so he can show up more emotionally problem is is that if you're super emotional we talk about
Starting point is 00:42:35 the whole thing of being submissive or dominant your woman is going to dominate you because you're so emotional emotionally unstable let's say that it's emotional let's stop using emotion let's start using emotionally unstable i uh you know maybe i have a misinterpretation but i would think like a alpha male would be uh someone that's maybe more uh emotional and more like high strung what do you mean like gonna react and be mad and like right oh okay i i see the cut like you're talking about like the the violent alpha you know like the guy who's like an alpha but putting your foot down like on where we're going to dinner and like just i don't know being like being aggressive i guess yeah there can be too aggressive um but but like when it comes to emotional instability it's like
Starting point is 00:43:23 i wonder where they're going with this because – I guess they're thinking like a beta might be like weepy and have like some female characteristics or something like that. Yeah. But anger is also an emotion. You know what I mean? It's like you see a lot of some guys who are really deep on the masking side. They get angry fairly easily. They're not very in control of their emotions.
Starting point is 00:43:46 So, I don't know. I guess we'll see. Teeter to the waters of the relationship. So, I mean, you guys know dominatrix exists for everything. And by the way, I used to personal train dominatrix. You guys are their clients. Not me, cowboy. I'm being serious.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Like, it's a very hidden thing. I used to i used to day high positions of power very alpha but like here's the thing i think you guys put a little bit too much pressure on yourselves it might be a societal thing i've dated submissive women before i find them highly annoying sometimes i just want somebody to pick a choice i like her places she's got better taste than i do when it comes to that kind of stuff. So please go ahead. We do butt heads once in a while because she is dominant, but does that mean she lost respect or attraction for me? We have, no, not at all. And trust me on that one. So I think it does depend on your energy. You have a very high one, right? Maybe it doesn't mix well with somebody who also
Starting point is 00:44:42 has a really high dominant energy. I'm not saying that's wrong because they exist for a reason. Submissive people. Right. But I just think for me, when it's very submissive, I don't find that as sexy. I find that annoying. And that makes sense. And the reason why I see what happens is the more masculine you are, the more you want the one to be submissive. The more dominant she is, then the more. I don't know. I think I'm I think I'm pretty masculine, dude. And I don't want somebody that submissive the more dominant she is then the more i don't know i think i'm i think i'm pretty masculine dude and i don't want somebody that's a minister i'm saying that in that moment you're in your feminine but go ahead in your feminine pause yo damn i'm a beta no seriously like i i
Starting point is 00:45:19 don't know man like i've somebody who's like extremely submissive it's it's like they're kind of a kid you know like i've i've i've been in a relationship with someone who just couldn't make decisions and just they were they they were just floundering through life couldn't figure shit out and it's very fucking annoying to have to lead somebody who's just like you don't have your shit together it's annoying for women who have to date men who don't have their shit together it's annoying for women who have to date men who don't have their shit together either it's like but i don't necessarily agree with this guy who's like oh the more masculine you are the more submissive of a woman you you you want there's this um i wish we could pull it up but there is this video by jaco and he was talking about how
Starting point is 00:45:59 and jaco willing you guys know him he's fucking u.s navy seal he's like yeah i don't want to date somebody like the person you're with should be capable of being a good partner should be a badass should be able to handle shit because if this is somebody you're going through life with you don't want somebody who you're gonna have to hold their hand through everything like fucking superman like i one of those guys mentioned how men do put a lot of pressure on themselves. And I do think like, if you see this archetypal masculine alpha male, right? You put yourself, you pressure yourself to have to have everything figured out. You have to be a leader. You have to make all this money. You have to be able to be the rock. You cannot have any type of like emotions that you can't handle because Gord knows she's going to leave you if you were, you're a little bit emotional. Sometimes it's like,
Starting point is 00:46:45 there's all this pressure and you wonder why a lot of men cannot get to that type of Holy grail, you know, Pat project family, shut your mouth. We've been talking about breathing through your nose and nasal breathing during your sleep for the past five years. That's why you've partnered with hostage tape.
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Starting point is 00:47:37 being right in that conversation yeah a good a good leader would allow someone else to be right a good leader doesn't have to be right he wants the team to win in fact i'd call a man insecure if he wouldn't allow a woman to be right on the subject she was clearly. I like that. I do like that. And, you know, it goes back to the question of like, what do you find more attractive? Because that's what we're talking about. Yeah, it's a preference. What's a preference? It's a preference. One of the things you said is like when you and your partner or girlfriend get into something and it's like a little heated, like I get off on that. Me, I totally don't get off on that. Like I need I get off on that like i need i don't need any back
Starting point is 00:48:05 talk i don't need any lip i don't need any attitude i mean it's my way of the highway like i don't want none of it even have a conversation in the first place you know the fact that he like really identifies himself as an alpha male i'm masculine yeah yeah masculine but but that's like his identity right like he's identifying like this is this is me and i want somebody who's submissive and he's even using like higher and lower right as a as like a chart and then he's uh believes in his conviction so strongly that he thinks everybody else is wrong, which he may have found out the right recipe for him. Yeah. It very well could be the right recipe.
Starting point is 00:48:50 Now people are kind of ganging up on him. But he may have found something that works really well for him because of his own view and his own beliefs of himself. He's got his wife and his girlfriend. But it does seem very weak when he's like, I don't want somebody backtalking me. It's like, well, fuck, what are you saying also like you can't what does backtalk mean yeah yeah that too you're not supposed to rebut like i have an opinion but i'm gonna keep it to myself like what let's see where it goes what did you say you know like what the hell like no i don't know you don't do that with your wife and then he even like had said earlier that like whatever, if she became more dominant, then he would just hit the eject button and that'd be it. It's like, damn, like you just would give up like that fast.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Like, that's interesting. She's too strong. Yeah. Like, oh, no. It's a challenge. It's a challenge. No backtalk. I'm right.
Starting point is 00:49:42 That's a different thing. If we're talking about a topic and she's right about the topic, that's just how I'm talking about the topic. I'm talking about an opinion of yours or things that she disagrees with. If you're making an opinion, you're saying you want no back talk. No, no, no, no, no. I'm not talking about opinions. I'm talking about decisions. So we can have a conversation about a topic.
Starting point is 00:49:57 But when it comes to a decision, the final decision is mine. Let me change the problem. If we were to have an healthy discussion about a decision which she says i disagree right she said so if we say hey we want to do she wants to do a b and c and i say no i want to do d e and f right we're doing d e and f at the end of the day now i will listen to what she says and if i if i think a b and c sounds better then i say okay yeah let's do a b and c because but you don't sound bad talk in the first place no no no that's even in the conversation no that's that's what i'm saying if we're having a conversation
Starting point is 00:50:26 that's cool i'm saying the final decision though is mine so so you can speak your mind but at the end of the day i'm making the final decision so it's like i'm gonna let you talk yeah let you talk yes in the end i don't really care i'm gonna do what i want no no i said i care i don't i don't want to touch upon the more thing with likeissive. Let's clarify submissive. Let's not get that mistaken between incompetent. Like, submissive does not mean incompetent. And I think you might have been talking about women that could be incompetent, where they don't have the capacity to take care of themselves at all or make any type of decision.
Starting point is 00:50:56 So I think there's definitely a difference in how she shows up in the relationship compared to being able to make decisions in her everyday life. Sure, but he doesn't want them to make decisions. No, no, I didn't say I didn't want them to make decisions. No, your decision is the final, no matter what. Some of the strongest women in the world right now are sitting in submissive roles because they're strong enough to think for themselves
Starting point is 00:51:13 and do what they feel good in their heart. Because there are women that do want to be submissive naturally. And some of those women are the strongest women in the world right now, especially when the world's telling them to go be something that they don't want to be. I do agree that, honestly, it is a choice. It's a preference. We shouldn't speak upon everybody.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Obviously, it's always a gray area. It's a range. It's not one side or the other. And if you guys want to be in a relationship where the woman is submissive and the woman also wants to be in a relationship where the male is dominant, that's completely fine. But the thing I want to talk about more is the fact that you guys keep saying that this is what women want
Starting point is 00:51:45 or that like, all women want this. Who are we to decide what women want? Because first of all, we're not women. And second, just because of our personal experiences
Starting point is 00:51:54 in our lifetime about the people we've interacted with, I feel like that's something we need to take a step back from and clarify that like, no, this is just my personal opinion. In the end,
Starting point is 00:52:04 we don't know what woman want woman knows what they want not men we're gonna do a part two on this but do you guys have any final thoughts on that this part of the video where they're dominant and submissive women i like what that lax guy said yeah i think uh i think they're doing a good job of letting each other talk you know each guy's getting their point across and each person is communicating so i think it's cool i i love this man it's like not like even though these guys are disagreeing on things because i've seen a few of these jubilee type videos sometimes people get catty and shit and people really go like these guys are like letting each other speak and it's a nice wholesome man conversation yeah they're in disagreement but they're letting each other say
Starting point is 00:52:44 their peace yeah i do like what that last guy Eddie mentioned, because it's like when you hear a lot of stuff on the internet, people are like, men are this, and women should be like this, and this is ideal woman, this is the ideal man. But like, I hate this word, but there is a spectrum. You know what I mean? Like, people like what they
Starting point is 00:53:00 like. They like different things, and there's a lot of ways to have a healthy relationship that doesn't fit that standard mold of what most people think is a healthy relationship. So I dig this video so far. What do you guys disagree with us on or agree with us on so far? Ladies and gentlemen, chime in, let us know. I'm real curious and we'll have the part two of this out soon. Strength is never weak. This week, this is never strength. Catch you guys later. Bye.

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