Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 253 Live - Chris Bell

Episode Date: September 24, 2019

Today we are live with big brother Chris Bell! Chris is the one who got Mark Bell into lifting. He is the director of Bigger STronger Faster, Trophy Kids, Prescription Thugs and is currently working o...n a carnivore movie with Generation Iron. Subscribe to the Podcast on all platforms: ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #SARMageddon #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I can't wait to have more of that nootropic. I want to see how it feels over time. I want to try two scoops with Mindboard. Hey, hey, hey, listen. You're being aggressive. Yeah, I'm going to film you. You're aggressive. I'm filming you.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Don't touch me. Where's your manager? I feel attacked. Yeah, with nootropics, there is like some diminishing returns yeah but i don't i think you'll be fine with just using one scoop over a longer period of time though okay because most nootropics and we're talking about the perfect keto nootropic here by the way uh they you take a couple of capsules and it's just not enough of the ingredients so with that gigantic scoop you're getting plenty oh yeah didn't you say something about the like the fat
Starting point is 00:00:52 solubility of it too yes yes so even think of uh the the biggest alpha nootropics out there on the market yeah uh most of them do have alpha gpc but none of them have uh any kind of fat like to them at all so in order for you to actually absorb everything inside of them you have to take some form of fat with it although the all the labels say just take with your freight like water or your favorite drink wrap the capsule and some cheese what do i think everything exactly so perfect perfect keto just took all the uh the workout You don't have to wrap it in cheese. Or salami. They did it for you. They added a little bit of MCT oil that's not going to make you poop your pants, but it will make the compounds, because they're soluble, so your body will be able to break them down and you'll be able to take them in.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Very nice. Yeah. Yeah, I like a lot of the products and i found out about these guys through this guy yeah my brother you know um actually dr anthony gustin he's been a supporter the second i got on a keto diet he was like hey i'm a big fan of bigger stronger faster what do you need and of course like i was just getting into keto you know and um i said hey just send me everything you got let me try it all tried the exogenous ketones and that's when i was like heavily in the ketosis and he's just been a a part of the journey the whole way. I remember
Starting point is 00:02:08 when I first started carnivore, like the, I think like two weeks in, I did his podcast. He came to Venice and I did his podcast and we hung out and talked and he's just a go-getter, you know, but by the time he was 30 years old, he owned six chiropractic clinics. And then he got into the keto diet and he got rid of all of his practices just to dive into that. And as far as I know, and CEOs like the other CEO that I know that takes as much pride in his company as you, you know, he's a lot like you in a lot of ways where he just won't compromise on anything. He'll pull a product off the shelf if it doesn't have the right ingredients and right quality and stuff. And I just like people like that that are have integrity and work hard kick ass you know and chris you just got his book too right yeah keto answers i actually like the carnivore section they're very carnivore friendly
Starting point is 00:02:54 those guys at perfect keto so actually um i can't wait to do some stuff with them coming up because i like everything they're doing you know yeah and that's like a uh is it like an easy read because i know it's like a Q and a format. I haven't really checked it out just yet. It's kind of fun to read because you can just skip around. I don't really recommend, well, I mean, if you, if you're kind of new to keto, I would recommend picking up a different book first. I would say like Mark Sisson's book, I think like actually Mark Bell's book, the war on
Starting point is 00:03:21 carbs, the simplest book on keto that's out there. And then I'd pick up something more advanced, like, okay, now that I have some information on it, let me get all these answers, all these little nitpicky questions that I have. Cool. Yeah. So if you guys want to check out that book, you can head over to slash keto answers book. Or if you want to take advantage of any of these products that you see right here on the podcast table, you can head over to slash power project, enter promo code power project check out for 15 off everything at keto perfect uh-oh you got a chunk of ice over here i'm like homer simpson
Starting point is 00:03:56 when it all comes down in your face give him ass to mouth i mean mouth to mouth you got this andrew it happens i might have to bleep that out. No, I'm just kidding. No. No, no, no. Might have to leave it in. Yeah. And then, so speaking of that, and it wasn't Mr. Christopher Borbell the first one to get us on Piedmontese beef too? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Oh, my gosh. Yeah, I mean, we were, like, I was eating it, but I didn't really know the company at all. I just recognized that nugget that they started to put it on the shelf. And I was like, man, this stuff's really good. And whenever he would come over, I was like, man, like nugget and Costco. I don't know what the deal is, but they got great meat and started buying more of that Piedmontese stuff. But he was the one that informed me. He's like, man, I don't understand. They have these really lean cuts of meat.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And I'm thinking in my head, I'm not going to even bother to buy those lean cuts of meat because there's no way they taste any good. He was like, no, they taste amazing. Well, so the way that I actually put up a post about the Belgian blue in Bigger, Stronger, Faster, the big genetically mutated bull that's actually all natty. And I put up a post about it. addie and i put up a post about it well when i when i did bigger stronger faster i remember the guy saying the the steak on this bowl is leaner than boneless skinless chicken breast and i was thinking there's no way so i'm doing this carnivore diet and i'm actually trying to push protein and i'm looking away for a way to push more protein and so i find all these ranches that have belgian blue but it's really hard to order it's really rare to get they don't have a whole lot of meat they have like one cow they're always out of stock but then i saw that piedmontese was
Starting point is 00:05:29 a similar breed very similar breed but it was from italy so they're italian these piedmontese cows like super mario at least that's how they talk boink yeah so these piedmontese cattle are they have a gene that gives them double muscle that double muscle makes the meat very very tender and juicy and um it's my favorite meat on a carnivore diet i do have to um it is actually so lean that i have to switch up between piedmontese and some other steaks because it's actually almost too lean at some points but i think if you were on a diet where you're eating carbs it actually makes even more sense to use Piedmontese beef. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:07 We were talking about like bodybuilders be great for bodybuilders to check it out because of how lean the meat is. It might rival their chicken breasts that they're eating. I think it'll, you know, a lot of people will prefer the taste of beef and the nutrient density of beef to that of chicken or pork. It's more easily to source good beef than it is to source good pork
Starting point is 00:06:25 and to get good chicken, other stuff like that. So just might be another way to do things. And you eat a mix of stuff. Like you don't care necessarily if it's grass fed or like you kind of eat a mix of different types of meats, right? Yeah. I don't think that it makes any difference. I mean, we haven't seen any difference in health outcomes. We might come later on down the road, they might do some big study and find that, you know, that the grain fed causes something, but it just doesn't seem like it does. It doesn't seem like there is any reason that it would, it seems like the protein and the fat are, you know, pretty similar and it's not causing any problems for people. So, right. And Piedmontese has both. It has grass fed and has grain fed. They got a big combination of
Starting point is 00:07:04 people should also know that like piedmontese even though it's grain finished it's like 95 to 97 percent grass fed so they are in nebraska so they're just not like i think a lot of other companies will put like grass fed on something even if it's not grass finished and like piedmontese doesn't necessarily do that so those are mostly grass fed. But then in the winter, they got to feed them on grass pellets and other things like that indoors. It's just the way that it goes. Yeah, we'll have to have someone on there from them on our podcast to help clear up a lot of this stuff because I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I certainly don't know it. My understanding of some of the stuff is that all uh cows are grass-fed especially to some extent yeah so it's like i don't know how big of a difference it makes i think the important thing about places like piedmontese is they're practicing like sustainable farming methods and they're uh they're all they're just a family-owned business so i think um they really they care about what they're doing if somebody's gonna say hey say, hey man, I go to In-N-Out and that's kind of bullshit, you know, whatever, I don't believe in that kind of farming. I can almost agree with that.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Like, yeah, that is a big kind of gigantic operation. But the places like Piedmontese that are family-owned, they seem to put a lot more attention and care into the animals. And, you know, that's one of my goals is to make sure that we treat all the animals good, as good as we can. Yeah. that's one of my goals is to make sure that we treat all the animals good, as good as we can. Yeah. And even if you don't care about any of that,
Starting point is 00:08:28 the, the convenience of just having it delivered to your house. Like I threw up on my IGTV, like what, what, what happens when you receive a box? Like I was training here. I got home like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:08:38 what's that? Like sick. It's Piedmontese beef. Did it have gold, gold wrappers in it? So mine did. The one that we had here did. So I sent this gold wrap. Yeah. It was, it was really, you know what I also like, Piedmontese beef. Did it have gold wrappers in it? So mine didn't. The one that we had here did.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Yeah, they sent us gold wrappers. Yeah, it was really high-end. You know what I also like, and a lot of people don't know, is you can cook Piedmontese or any steak, actually, in an air fryer from frozen. You can go right from frozen. Whoa, wait. Whoa, from frozen? Yeah, you got to cook it about double the time,
Starting point is 00:09:00 but it'll cook up just as good. Actually, it's really juicy when you cook it from a frozen state it holds in all the water really yep i learned it on a podcast wow we'll figure right these podcasts are valuable maybe i never thought about doing that because i was like i always thought it would taste worse if i cooked it from frozen i thought it would too it tastes amazing you're blowing my mind right now hey once i get home, I'm going to stop blowing and see him. Cool. If you guys want to get in on this Piedmontese fun, head over to
Starting point is 00:09:33 That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT. That's going to get you an entire 25% off and free two-day shipping on orders of $99 and above. We've got a bunch of stuff to talk about here on the podcast today. I had somebody ask me a question that we'll get to in just a minute. Basically, just kind of ask me about what I did before Slingshot and Super Training. I was just a bum, basically. We'll get to that in a minute.
Starting point is 00:10:00 But I got my brother on here today, and I want to ask him a few questions. He and I have talked about, and Seema and I have talked about very briefly about Instagram leveraging. You know, we can we can sit here and complain all we want about social media and about these young kids today. And we can complain about stuff. Right. But there's a lot of great things that come from social media. There's definitely a lot of bad as well. But the good things that can come out of it sometimes are just simple fact that you're putting yourself out there, you're showcasing yourself to people and you're saying, hey, this is what I'm doing. And then because that's what you're doing, then you're stuck doing more of that. And you're kind of it's almost a way of we've talked before, like compete or don't compete. This is a way of like you're not really competing, but you're competing with yourself. You're competing with where you currently are. You're competing with your former self. We've talked a lot about, you know, should you compete
Starting point is 00:10:48 in bodybuilding? Should you compete in powerlifting? But is throwing up a 500 pound deadlift on Instagram like that's kind of almost enough because people know that that's where you stand. And when they see a deadlift 400 or deadlift 300, they're not as excited. So how have you utilized instagram leverage to keep you going on this carnivore diet i think it's interesting that i say this all the time it's just as important for me to have instagram as the people that you're inspiring or the people that are following you yeah two-way so i actually thank everybody for following me because i think it's awesome it's like you get on there and people like hey man way to go you look great good job
Starting point is 00:11:24 you're kind of putting up a post because you want to hear people say that. Like I started growing out facial hair, right? So I put up a funny post about being fat. But I started growing a little bit of facial hair, and most people say, well, I really like that. So you go, well, if people in real life are saying it, I can put it on Instagram, and people will say, hey, I like you with the facial hair.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Right. So you're trying to get yourself a little pat on the back. But I use that to say, look how fat I was. I can help you. You know, what do you guys need? How can I help you? And I love more than anything, like the thing I'm most proud of with you is just seeing like the posts that say, hey, I'm Mark Bell. I'm not perfect. I used to be just like you. What can I do to help you? And like that makes me so proud to see that because that's kind of what we're all about. And I think people like Gary Vee say this is like you give and give and give of yourself and shit just happens.
Starting point is 00:12:17 And I truly feel that way. It puts you in a position like I'm in a position right now where I get to make a movie. We can talk about a little bit too, but i get to make a movie and we can talk about a little bit too but i get to make a film with generation iron that's a dream movie for me to make this is like a life's work for me it's a big deal of uh shit that i have coming up and it's because i put myself in a position with instagram that's the only reason the only reason that mark and i were on joe rogan in front of 90 million people or wherever he downloads it was because of Instagram. The very first thing he says is, you were doing some heavy fucking deadlifts on Instagram, man.
Starting point is 00:12:52 What's going on with that? And the reason that he finds that interesting is because I had a double hip replacement surgery. And he's thinking, man, if this guy can deadlift more than a lot of people with two fake hips, that's really cool. It's something that can inspire people. It's something that can help people kind of find their way. So I think we leverage it in those ways. You also find that like, you feel that you need to stay consistent on your carnivore diet just because of so many individuals that DM you asking you questions about the carnivore diet. You know, what's different about carnivore diet and vegan diet. Thank God. I think it's like a carnivore diet isn't so dogmatic.
Starting point is 00:13:26 I'm like, I only eat meat. I would never eat a plant. That's not what I'm saying. I never say that. I don't think anybody should actually do that. I think there's evidence that we've eaten both forever. But the good thing is that that's not the case because I think of sometimes being at like – I was at 7-Eleven the other day. And I was buying Ben and Jerry's.
Starting point is 00:13:50 And some dude knows me from like Instagram. He's like, dude, I follow you, blah, blah. Like honestly, I went over and I put it back and I fucking went home. I went home. Oh, man. In tears probably. No, I was like, you know what, man? It's like I was going to cheat and I do cheat once in a while but it it got me be great if you like threw it you were like hey just hit somebody you
Starting point is 00:14:12 know like the guy was following me because he was doing he's like following the diet and stuff and i'm like oh this is bullshit if i'm in here buying ice cream you know what i thought i grabbed a protein shake i didn't mean to grab this i was was going to tell him, like, oh, yeah, it's for my girlfriend I don't have. So I'm happy I haven't put myself, like, I let people know I eat some other stuff sometimes. So if I go out to a burger joint, I ain't guilty of anything. I didn't promise you guys anything. I can have the bun. That's hella funny, though.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You're so jacked, though, that nobody cares. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess. Goes right to his muscles. Yep. Yep. John Brardy was on here just a couple days ago, and he kind of had the statement of how they allow people to do whatever diet. They come to him for help, but he doesn't want to try to like change like too many beliefs of people. And so he
Starting point is 00:15:06 wants to kind of, you know, introduce small changes so it could be something that people can be consistent with. But what he's seen and he's probably, he may have worked with more people than anybody else that we know. I mean, he's on a really large, uh, large scale of the people that he's worked with. And so he's just like, well, I don't, why don't I just try to put these people in a good position to, to do well and to do better than they've done before so that they can feel good about, you know, what it is they're doing. Do you feel that, you know, in, from what he said, he was like, I've seen every diet, every form of dieting work, but amongst all these different diets, all the way from carnivore all the way to the opposite
Starting point is 00:15:43 side of carnivore, which would basically just be eating like vegetables, which would be like, I guess, like a like a vegan diet. Right. We can say those are kind of opposing each other. They're very different. But he said he saw about five to 10 common things that people had in being successful in gaining control over their diet and losing weight. Are you of that same belief that you can utilize any style of diet? I think you can utilize any style of diet? I think you can utilize any style diet. I just think that people – so the people that follow me are more like me. It's just going to be like that.
Starting point is 00:16:16 We all flock together. So if you're kind of like me and you've been overweight your whole life – There's not a bunch of vegan people excited to follow you unless they're going to be making derogatory comments. Exactly. And so it's people kind of get attracted. Oh, wait, this guy's doing a carnivore diet. Let me follow him. They're already kind of bought in, you know?
Starting point is 00:16:34 So I feel like I have a captive audience for that. However, I feel like some of that captive audience are young kids and they're like 15 years old. And we have a great example. A kid was from Kentucky. He was here the other day. He was actually older than that. He was in his twenties, but he was saying, you know, I am following a carnivore diet. And he was like all fired up about it, you know? Sounds about right. And, uh, and he said, Hey, so what, like, um, you know, I want to get bigger.
Starting point is 00:16:59 What should I be eating? And I said, rice, you know, and he got really shocked. And I said, I would recommend that you either take a look at Stan Efferding's vertical diet. I said, that might be a little complex for you, but the easier way to go is just add in some white rice around your workouts. You're going to find that you'll have more energy. You're not going to be craving, you know, anything because you just don't crave as much when you're incorporating white rice. And the kid was like, he was thin and already lean he's already in good shape so i'm like why am i telling this guy why don't you restrict a whole entire group of macronutrients for no freaking reason i i believe if i could eat like that that i would do that um i even believe like coming up in the near future i'm
Starting point is 00:17:41 kind of going towards those things um but i also don't think like I deal with carbohydrates very well. So it's not like, I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I'm eating a lot of carbs at any point in my entire life, but there may be a time where I'm adding in a cup of rice around workouts or something like that, just because it makes you feel better, you know? Yeah. John Brardy even went as far to talk about the body types, you know, the ectomorph, Yeah. John Brardy even went as far to talk about the body types, you know, the ectomorph, the endomorph, mesomorph. And I think he just said, look, it doesn't really matter how much you believe in that and whether you think it's like bullshit or not. He's like, I think everyone can look around a gym and say, like, that guy's short and stocky. That guy's tall and thin. And that guy's somewhere in the middle. Right. Yeah. And so what his point was is like, from what he's seen, uh, usually the taller, lankier person is more of a fidgety person. They like to move around a lot. They, a lot of stuff that they do, uh, in their lifestyle, just maybe they swim or maybe they, um, have a job where they're just more active. The shorter guy, the fatter guy, the other guy might
Starting point is 00:18:46 have a lifestyle that's maybe where he sits more. He doesn't move around as much. And so I think it's really hard to really change who you are, but you can change, you know, through your diet, you can end up gaining some freedom into some other types of foods. But it's really, as we've seen, it's really, really hard. It takes a long time. Well, also like we created a thing, the war on carbs. And I think we see more and more evidence that carbohydrates, no matter how we stack it, carbohydrates are going to be the problem for most people, even as they age. Like even as we're seeing with like Alzheimer's disease and dementia and all these things are coming from people eating carbohydrates and you're like well why why are we always pushing that
Starting point is 00:19:30 carbohydrates are so good like oh because they're younger you know it's like what what is what are the toll of carbohydrates going to take on people and like i think i kind of think you and i had it right all along with launching the war on carbs when a lot of people come down on us and be like it's not carbohydrates carbohydrates are not bad and people they keep preaching i keep preaching i'm not saying that they're necessarily bad but i'm saying we're gonna see that that's the issue like coming up so it's not to say they're bad but they're the issue that we have to contend with when we pull them out of the diet we're not seeing so much alzheimer's dementia and all these other things and i'm mainly talking about, you know, these process crappy carbs, but we also see a lot of times that these diseases and these
Starting point is 00:20:10 things that we blame on carbohydrates. And this is something that I just think needs to be said, supporting the other side of this. Um, it could just be caloric, you know, it could just be people that eat carbohydrates, eat more calories, you know, because it's helping them to eat more calories. So it could be caloric load that's doing that but um those things will wash out in the near future i'm sure you know yeah and as uh john berardi and many others have pointed out i think uh um our boy lane norton points it out quite a bit is that a lot of things that we call carbohydrates actually have a lot more fat in them sure they do carbohydrates like a donut being a good example maybe ice cream maybe pizza lane's a perfect guy to bring up because i i rely on him a lot i thought you'd say you
Starting point is 00:20:49 hate him i was gonna say me too i love lane i think he's got great information i think the fact the fun guy to argue with though you know we we need police in this environment like we need people to say no that's bullshit and even if he tells me hey chris that's bullshit he won't ever be that mean to me but like i know that's kind of what he means, you know? Um, so I told him, I said,
Starting point is 00:21:07 I think I got really inflamed by sugar. And he said, well, there's no evidence that sugar by itself is inflammatory. I'm like, okay. And he's like, however,
Starting point is 00:21:15 when you ate, what did you eat? And I said, I ate Ben and Jerry's. He's like, well, Ben and Jerry's probably puts you about 2000 calories over. Cause it's about 2000 calories.
Starting point is 00:21:23 He's like over your limit of food for the day. Cause you probably ate and then you probably ate that on top of it. So you had a very high caloric day. Right. And I said, yeah, I probably ate about four or 5,000 calories that day. And he said, that's probably what inflamed you in all, in all seriousness, not just sugar. Sugar can have a part of it. It can play a role in it. Um, and I think it does, but I don't think it's like the main, I don't think it's always going to be the main contributor, you know, because I have had sugar. This is the flip side of it. I have had sugar that are things like candy that are like really low fat and they haven't had
Starting point is 00:21:53 the same in like inflammatory effects. So it's just like, Hey, one is only about 200 calories and one's 2000 calories. That is a big difference. Yeah. I like how, how like you even mentioned that you're going to start eating some or adding a little bit of carbs into your diet later on, even though you don't feel that you respond really well to it. Because even John was mentioning in the podcast the other day, he was having some autoimmune issues. So he restricted some foods. I think he took a lot of carbohydrates out. He wasn't purely carnivorous or anything, but his issues went away. He still has a lot of vegetables in his diets now, but he doesn't have a lot of carbohydrates currently. And he was mentioning something that really made a lot
Starting point is 00:22:29 of sense. I mean, as you age, your diet may, you'll like, you might not be eating the same way as you will be eating 15 years later, you know? And I think that's something that is really good to realize for people because some people think that they get on one thing that works now, that it's going to, it's going to feel great for the rest of their lives. But you know, you're going to end up evolving just like you are with what you're currently doing in terms of carnivore and adding things in. Yeah. I think, you know, staying on carnivore forever is just kind of tough. It's kind of tough to just like pick one thing and just go with it and have it all the time. And then like,
Starting point is 00:22:57 then again, like, you know, we do talk about gut microbiome and diversity and stuff like that. And why I think a lot of that stuff is woo woo and kind of BS and we don't need it. Yeah. I also think that, uh, there's probably something to it. Like if you have a diverse, more diverse gut microbiome, you are eating more variety of food that then you're able to enjoy more foods. And some people will say, who cares? You know, it's just fuel and blah, blah, blah. But like, look, we're all different in that respect, right? If you're, if you're a boring in that respect right if you're if you're a boring person that doesn't care about any you know like if you don't find any enjoyment that doesn't even mean you're a boring person i should say i'm saying boring food wise right you could
Starting point is 00:23:34 be a boring person food wise it doesn't mean you're a boring person i would say even venture to say i'm a pretty boring person food wise yeah like nobody's having any fun with me with food necessarily but they're also not going to miss out because i can go anywhere like literally anywhere in the world and find something to eat because there's always going to be meat somewhere you know unless we go to a vegan place and then i would just fast through it yeah but that's okay i even think that that's fine or i might even order something like who like like i said i'm not so strict on being a car just a carnivore i do believe in a little bit of variety and even when people say like hey on a carnivore diet
Starting point is 00:24:11 you're gonna have gut microbiome issues you're not eating fiber it's like i'll have two or three quest bars a week i'll have like different things right that and people probably laugh because but those have good fiber in them they do those. Those are good prebiotic fiber. Yeah. And there's nothing, I don't think there's anything wrong with utilizing things like that in your diet to create that diversity. Or even having some bread or having a potato or having some rice. I mean, you're going to get in some different foods. They're going to sneak in there.
Starting point is 00:24:39 If you do eat vegetables, how do you eat them? Like how do they sneak into your diet? The only way I really eat them is um i'll have some iceberg lettuce so a lot of the vegetables it's because of uh autoimmune issues like arthritis and things like that and the plant toxins that they have in them so the things that i'll eat are like iceberg lettuce usually which is like good with a burger or good with like ground beef or something like that it kind of tastes good with like ground beef sour cream and some uh you know some lettuce and the greener it is the more like stuff it's going to have in it basically the more fiber and it might cause more problems right there's more phyto chemicals phytonutrients and then like stuff like cauliflower rice i think is great because
Starting point is 00:25:17 there's almost nothing in that either there's not you know it's not as going to be as heavy fiber and stuff in there but yeah but it's not gonna be as heavy in any sort of anti-nutrient as um some of these other plants so i just kind of eat stuff like that like we were just talking about going in and out and getting some uh having some onions on the burger uh it's weird because um so on stan's diet onions are a fodmap but on rob wolf's autoimmune paleo diet they're anti-inflammatory, you know? So it's a weird thing about onions. It's like, well,
Starting point is 00:25:47 what are they? I don't know. You know, are they good? Do they, are they inflammatory to your stomach, but not inflammatory to the rest of your body? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:54 It's a weird, you know, a lot of stuff's weird. They make you fart, but they help your joints and tendons. Yeah. Something like that. I'm not like,
Starting point is 00:26:01 that's why I'm not sure. And that's why I'm going to write that down. Does it, does anybody know why they make you cry? Yeah. yeah i'm not sure why they make some sort of actually enzyme that's jasmine asked me yesterday i'm like um there is something to that i remember they're mean i don't know i couldn't answer it uh furious pete told me and you can tell your daughter this furious pete being a professional eater he's eaten every disgusting thing that you can possibly imagine every part off of animals and everything like just gross gross stuff your grossest thing that
Starting point is 00:26:29 you can think of he's eaten the hardest thing that he ever had to eat was an onion a whole onion a whole just raw right whole raw onion and there's like a raw onion challenge like most people can't survive it okay everybody go three two one Three, two, one, and go. We should do that. That'd make great video. And then hit like the rower and the skier back and forth. Oh, my God. They're up after that.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Maybe get keto breath first. That's what I was going to say. Does everybody have keto breath first? And then just be like a fire-breathing dragon. I don't know if there's really like a good reason to be like to follow any particular diet and to be so dogmatic about it, except for if you're dogmatic about it for yourself, because it might cause other issues for you. You know, maybe, maybe you find out that every time that you have, uh, too many vegetables, maybe it really hurts your stomach or maybe you have a back injury or maybe, you know, or maybe
Starting point is 00:27:24 when you eat too much meat, you end up in the bathroom all the time. You know, like I, I think that, you know, everyone's a little bit different when it comes to some of these little kind of nuanced things. But I think it's like a matter of just finding something that you can land on that feels good, makes it feel good and allows you to make progress all the time. For myself with vegetables, like I'll just eat them. Like I go to a restaurant. If I feel like, you know, I'm like, I don't know, the steak might not be like that much food or whatever. I'll get a salad, you know, I'll just eat it. I haven't personally noticed any, you know, difference from having vegetables. One thing I have noticed is that when I only eat
Starting point is 00:28:05 meat that I end up with, uh, I ended up paying the price on the toilet. Things start to run through me after I only eat meat for a few weeks. And then, um, some of our friends have said, Hey, well, you got to go through that period, you know, for like two or three weeks. I'm like, I'm not going to have diarrhea for two or three weeks. That sounds foolish. Like that sounds dumb. And so I've just never even have bothered to try to blast through that point, so to speak. But have you noticed any like any negative impact of vegetables, maybe other than just stomach discomfort? Not not really specifically. Like so it's not like I eat them and I'm like, oh, I'm so achy and everything hurts. And yeah, it's not really like that.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I just do know that they have all these things in them. So I just decided to get rid of them. And when I got rid of them, I think more than anything, what happened was the digestive issues actually all went away from me. So I think I have my have the opposite. Like literally every single shit is tapered like perfectly. So when I, you know, I i eat meat i have perfect poops it's when i cheat on the diet like yesterday you got some uh wing stop those things are made with
Starting point is 00:29:12 soybean oil and those blew right through me and i think also like maybe there's like ranch dressing has probably lactose in it or had something in it because i was farting all day so you know when i eat off the diet like that that would be it's still carnivore it's still meat but it's got other crap in it those other crap in it just made me like really have issues you know and so but when i just eat steak it's literally every shit's tapered do you think it's worth you think it's worth it to do that occasionally to have something like that that you look forward to that's kind of fun you think it's worth it well yeah we did this fast food challenge right so you did a seven day fast food challenge and i joined in on that and um i think like the day that i ate um i think two days ago i
Starting point is 00:29:54 ate three meals at mcdonald's and it honestly was like the best i felt in a long time i felt like a little kid wow really i was so happy and i felt i just felt awesome like i just felt so like oh yeah i got enough he investigated mcdonald's because we were talking shit about mcdonald's when we were on the podcast and so he he went online and like looked up their meat and stuff like that yeah i just was like looking at it go you know what this may be everything i seem to look into is always just backwards and you actually look into it and you're like oh okay like you go on mcdonald's website and you look it's like oh 100 beef no extenders no fillers blah blah blah i'm sure you know there's probably things that can creep in there that they're
Starting point is 00:30:33 allowed to say and not say whatever but for the most part i i believe you know it's 100 beef but i did it i went and ate there you know three times in a day and then the next day i came in and i felt like leaner than ever you know i was like it's it's so went and ate there, you know, three times in a day. And then the next day I came in and I felt like leaner than ever. You know, I was like, it's it's so weird. You would think you'd be all bloated and all feeling shitty and all these things. And I just go like, well, maybe maybe things are opposite. You know, I have to I'd have to get, you know, blood work done and whatever. But I was even thinking of like maybe just going a whole nother week of just eating fast food and get my blood work done and seeing what's going on.
Starting point is 00:31:03 And blood work isn't necessarily even going to be like the answer either because like who knows if it has health effects or this or that uh other than than what you can see on blood work uh but i just find it interesting that you can eat like basically everybody says fast food is the problem but maybe the answer is actually right under our nose and it's been been in every McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King, Five Guys and In-N-Out. Like it's been there the whole time and we just have been eating too much other shit with it. It might just happen to be fairly convenient and fairly inexpensive for you to make a change. Yeah, exactly. And it's not saying that that's optimal, but I keep saying the optimal is like what you'll do yeah before i forget uh somebody named uh craig kav10 on instagram from ireland uh they were like hey i went to mcdonald's and i ordered without the bun and the guy taking the order was like ah bell brothers huh and he's like yep fist bump boom
Starting point is 00:31:57 whoa in ireland dublin yeah i thought that was so cool i know right yeah and then uh the other thing i want to talk about is uh i think we had spoke about this before where even I had heard the myth that McDonald's used 100% real beef because that's what the company was named. According to the old Google, uh, it says that, that McDonald's doesn't own a company named 100% real beef. So I don't know. I don't know where that myth started. snopes thing yeah yeah i'll keep digging into that but i remember that's what i had heard i got you oh okay so that yeah it's like okay so yeah we can say it's made with 100 real beef because that's the company name you know what either way it didn't do shit to me yeah there you go i want to get the proof you
Starting point is 00:32:40 know like it's like what is the proof let's let's get blood work though hold up you know take your tapered shit out of the toilet hold it up over your head and be like here's my proof yeah exactly but it's all i need to show people talk about an instagram post what you're saying about like the other food that people typically have when they eat at mcdonald's those like they typically have to get a shake a bunch of fries maybe a drink that has hella carbohydrates in it and they add that to the meal right so if you actually just went there and just got like a burger or something or even without the bun it yeah probably wouldn't be that horrible it's probably actually the reason why like some people aren't in such worse health because we eat at mcdonald's so much and we eat at places like that so much i think like the actual
Starting point is 00:33:18 little amount of beef that they are getting is actually only good thing that they're eating yeah if you think about it that way right well? What are they eating? Bread and meat. Yeah, as a kid when we went, you know, I would get two cheeseburgers, fries, and like a chocolate shake. Yeah. And like I, yeah, I love the fries and the chocolate shake more. I mean, I remember sometimes starting to eat that first and then like my parents would say, oh, you know, they wanted me to eat like the sandwich
Starting point is 00:33:41 because they knew that there was like meat on there, which is is which turns out to be pretty true like if i ate the meat but for me it's always it's always that thing it's like i always want to go too far you know if i just had the two cheeseburgers that probably filled me up just fine if i had two cheeseburgers and a diet coke probably would have worked probably would have went out you know got out the door uh unscathed you know without the french fries without all the sugar you can can get like at McDonald's. Like the other day I got, it was so much food.
Starting point is 00:34:09 I mean, I couldn't even really finish it, but I did anyway. But I got like three triple cheeseburgers and it was like, I think it was like eight something, like eight bucks. Right. And it was like, it was just so much beef and food. And I was like, you know, this is crazy that you can get this. It's that cheap. It's already made. Like you said, I got it within five minutes. It was so simple and easy. Like I said, people are probably getting pissed at me because they're thinking it's not optimal and it's all crazy and it's not grass fed and all these different things. But I just don't see the difference in the outcome. That was the pile. What are some other ways you're able to save some dough? Because that's the thing. People on a carnivore
Starting point is 00:34:50 diet, people on a keto diet, a lot of times we get blasted with questions like, how are you supposed to do this on a budget? I think eggs. That's a great way to save money. Eggs are fairly inexpensive. They're fairly inexpensive. And just ground beef by itself is way cheaper than steak
Starting point is 00:35:05 thing a lot of people need to know is a lot of people are trying to get leaner right and it's said that um ground beef and ground meats and uh you probably know this from talking like stan and brian shaw and stuff they actually digest quicker and faster and might be better for getting leaner even you know and and muscle growth so uh eating stuff that's ground might be just easier like a quicker way to get into your into your system and and actually work a little bit better so i think sometimes uh you know people are just forgetting too about like just you know go to the store and just be smart you know find things that fit into your budget the best and like you're saying ground beef is a great option um maybe get some chicken
Starting point is 00:35:45 thighs like just because you're on a carnivore diet doesn't mean that you can only eat red meat all the time dr ted naman had a guy who's homeless following him and he said i went to the dollar store i found a frying pan for a dollar spatula for a dollar thing of uh ground beef like a small thing of ground beef for a dollar thing eggs for a a dollar. And I made like beef and eggs. And I did that every day for a year or something with money that I begged from people and I lost 75 pounds. And you're like, what the heck? A homeless dude, right? And you're like, what the hell? Like, how does that happen? And so you're just showing out like, you know, you say this a lot. It doesn't matter what you have. You can still figure it out. I think people are just ridiculous. They have absurd expectations for the amount of money that they're going to pay for
Starting point is 00:36:29 their meal. Because I know people are going to Chipotle. I know people are going and they, I think they feel like they're getting a meal for like six or seven bucks. And I just don't see how that can happen. I think even like Chipotle, if you're trying to get a little extra meat on there, I think you're, you're looking at like trying to get a little extra meat on there, I think you're, you're looking at like going out the door for 10 or 12 bucks. Everybody goes to Starbucks, just walk into McDonald's, use that $5 for your Starbucks and buy,
Starting point is 00:36:54 buy meat with that. And that's enough nutrition probably for the day. Well, I remember the, uh, there, there's a meme where like, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:01 walk into subway, like I'll take a $5 foot long. Okay. Total price, $15. Like what? What? Oh, I i used five dollars but right after fees yeah after ever after everything yeah you're absolutely right i fell in that hole all the time i was like oh i got a couple like for me lunch was always like five bucks like that's just in my head that's what i think but then you walk out and you're still spending close to 10 every single time
Starting point is 00:37:24 it's like oh shit breakfast at some places even costs a lot of money you get killed think about that spending ten dollars on subway you know versus versus buying some beef from the store like it's just there's not a comparison well the amount of meat that so the one day that big pile of meat i think that was 12 patties from mcdon cheese on them. And I, I counted it up. I went online and looked at the calories. I think it was 1600 calories. And so if you were to get that same amount for like nine, you know, you're not going to get that many calories for nine bucks. You know what I mean? So I think if you look at it per calorie, you can load up. I'm going to, it's going to remove myself from the conversation. Cause I don't know. I don't even understand. Like I don't look at prices and i haven't for a long time but like what are people expecting to spend on food
Starting point is 00:38:09 on a daily basis like i i don't have any clue you mean when they eat out just period like like what is like do people even have a number in their head and then when i post something like of a filet or ribeye do they even like no like they're like oh it's 20 bucks or whatever but like so what would you spend on a like if you had a normal day if you ate five meals in a day like most most people that work out are eating somewhere between four or six meals a day let's say you have about four or five meals in a day most of them are home one of them one of them's out to eat like what what is that i just don't even know what that looks like most people eat carbs and that's why it makes so much so easy it's like because rice is very inexpensive rice oats and potatoes are so damn cheap and you can fill up on them and i think that that's that's one of the
Starting point is 00:38:54 problems is like to eat an all-meat diet it's going to definitely cost you more money right it's like you can do it cheap but it's definitely going to cost you more money than eating those cheap carbs and i think that's more the. So I think people are looking to spend probably less than 20 bucks a day, which to me is kind of ridiculous. Like the only thing I spend money on is food, actually. So I'm always, it's food and gas and that's kind of it. Um, I think that like the food is one of the most important things I put in my body. So I actually would rather spend money on food and eat good food, good quality food, you know. So a lot of times I'm eating steak and things like that.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Yeah, no. When I was in college or even after that, when I just had a normal job, like trying to even thinking of buying steaks was not in my in my purview. I was too much money, right? Too expensive. Eight ninety nine per pound. You trip around beef all the time back in the day. Yeah. Ground beef.
Starting point is 00:39:47 I would get chicken breast, chicken thighs, and drumsticks. That was my meat. And drumsticks are cheap. Chicken breast is cheap. You know what I mean? So that was my thing. People should know I did red meat and water in college at USC. And I did that for more than a whole semester.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Was that a class? No, no, no. I did that for about six months. whole semester. Was that a class? No, no, no. I did that for about six months. And me and my roommate both did it. Me and Justin Braun, who actually ended up being the strength coach over at Montana State. Oh, wow. So me and Braun did that the whole time. Red meat and water.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And we would go to Smart and Final, which is in LA. And we would load up. We'd get the five-pound big tubes of beef. We would get a bunch of those. I think they were only at the time, I don't know, they were like six blocks or something. Those are scary, those tubes of beef. Andy used to get grossed out.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Mark's wife would be like, oh, look at that thing. They do look pretty gross. Yeah, they look crazy. She doesn't like those being around. So they're called chubs too, which is even grosser. Five-pound chub. Big old chub. Give me two of those chubs too which is even grosser five pound chub big old big old chub give me two of those chubs and so you had so basically i had that and a gallon of mustard in my in my um
Starting point is 00:40:52 refrigerator with a pump goulden's mustard so i would make ground beef put mustard on it and that's what i would eat every single day and i did that all through college and if i could do that through college when i was at usc i was flat broke i had no money i worked at the school bar and i was flat broke and that's what i ate every day i never had a problem with calories i was still fat you know i had lost a lot of weight though i went from 242 down to under to like 195 i would float around and compete at 198 all the time and i was always light 198 even so i asked the live chat like okay so like what would you guys spend on an on one meal uh the consensus is like yeah five bucks uh breakfast five bucks and then some other guy named chris 50 if the wife goes so we won't say his last name just in case
Starting point is 00:41:35 five yeah people are saying people are saying five dollars so five dollars must be fast food right so now the next question is okay where are you getting a meal for five bucks yeah you're not going to black bear diner for $5 or Denny's. I'm not getting any real – well, there are some – those breakfast places where it's like $4.99 special. But wouldn't you average – but wouldn't you even like average Denny's out to be like maybe like $11 even on the cheap end per person? That's just one plate. I think people think it's $5.99, but it ends up being $11. Yeah, no. They charge you for the orange juice, the coffee. They charge you for everything. That's just one plate. I think people think it's $5.99, but it ends up being $11. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:05 They charge you for the orange juice, the coffee. They charge you for everything. Even back then when I was making like $8, $9 an hour, when I ate out, I was not eating $5 a meal. It was like $12, $13. Yeah, not for $5. Maybe a minimum of double that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:23 You know, I find it interesting, interesting too when it comes to like a meal prep company people are like freaking out over the prices and i mean first of all like you know just learn to stay in your lane and and do do what you're able to do for the time being and it's okay with where you're at but you know work towards something different i i always have the perspective of nothing's ever too expensive. Just make more money. You know, that's a good, it's a nice way to like kind of look at things like I'm going to work towards that one day. And it would be really cool if I ever get the opportunity to actually do that. But it may never happen either. Like I'm just going to work towards it.
Starting point is 00:42:57 In reality, meal prep is, you know, it is a privileged thing. It's an entitled thing. It's something that you earn. Yeah. Like you earn, you earn the right, like, so back in the day, we would have to be like,
Starting point is 00:43:07 you'd have to make enough money to hire a chef and do all that. Like they've actually made it way cheaper than it's, than it's ever been, but it's still a thing that's of privilege.
Starting point is 00:43:16 And I think it's cool to earn privileges like that. Like, I think it's cool to earn the right to eat steak every meal. You know, like it's,
Starting point is 00:43:23 it's cool to make those your goals too, to be able to be like, Hey, I just want to not worry about what eat steak every meal. You know, like it's cool to make those your goals too, to be able to be like, hey, I just want to not worry about what I pay for food. Let's also not forget that fasting is free. It is. You know, like control, you know. So is gluten.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Control, yeah. Control your appetite a little bit better and eat less overall food. And that will help your wallet out a lot. Also though, I think that sometimes I think people are just, what I see from people, and it's so frustrating to me, I think a lot of people have like a broke mindset. And what I mean by that is like your mindset is a little broken towards thinking that a meal prep company, their individual meal is expensive because it's 12 bucks is very short-sighted because
Starting point is 00:44:07 is that really expensive or is that actually super convenient and amazing because it's healthy food and that you don't have to think about you no longer have to drive to cost like are you forgetting that you drove to costco are you forgetting you had to take time out of your weekend you had to take time away from your family to like go drive the Costco and shop and do all these things. And then you had to actually come home when you're tired and you still had to cook it. The last thing you want to do is spend your time doing all this bullshit. Now you have this frozen thing that you just, you ordered it, showed up to your house, you stuffed in the freezer, takes three minutes to cook. You can't ever get that time back. Time is money. And so it might, it might be easier for you to give up on it and be
Starting point is 00:44:49 like, Oh man, that shit's expensive. I can't afford that. I think you can't afford not to do it. I think you can't afford not to go for shit. You can't afford not to work harder. Also think about what you just said about fasting being free. So think about that. It's $12 a meal, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to buy five meals and I'm going to fast five times. Like that's a great plan. Like right there, that plan just saved you. I just saved everybody 50 bucks. Well, and maybe you just, maybe you do like those meals a lot. Like we like the monster mash from Stan Efferty. Maybe you really enjoy that. Maybe you enjoy some of the stuff that Todd Abrams has with the icon mealsals. But maybe it's like a little bit of a treat for you. Maybe it's a convenience for you.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Maybe don't use it five times every day. I mean, yes, that would start to cost a lot of money. But maybe you use it once or twice a week. I think that's a good idea too. I think it's a good idea for almost anybody to just have some meal prep meals in their freezer at all times just because you – in life, we just run into things where you know things will just happen every day and then you don't have time and then you're stuck so i always tell people i literally always have a steak ready to go so in my fridge at all times
Starting point is 00:45:56 there's always like a steak cooked up ready to go there's one in there right now if you went and checked when i go home i can either choose to eat that or make a you know a fresh new steak but that steak will be in there and if i don't can either choose to eat that or make a, you know, a fresh new steak. But that steak will be in there. And if I don't eat it today, I'll probably chop it up. Yeah. You know, it'll be in Tupperware. It'll be sitting there. Put some salt on it. It'll last a little longer. And then I'll just eat it when when there's you know, there's a gap and I, you know, I need it. And so I just always kind of have a steak that's like air fryer cooked up and just ready to go. You know what you're saying right there is so key because in the episode prior, we were just talking about how like if you don't schedule things, if you don't have a plan for things,
Starting point is 00:46:33 you're just going to end up doing what you don't want to do. Like what happens with most people? Why do most people end up eating fast food and they eat out? It's because they don't have a plan for the meal that they're about to have. So they end up going and eating crap that they don't want to actually eat, but because they don't have anything at home or anything set up, they eat that trash. Well, if you actually have like a meal prepped or from a meal prep company, you got something there. So you don't have to think like, you don't have to go out and get Denny's or Wendy's or whatever and make bad choices there. It just makes it easier. It's just there. Yeah. Or just order like the Bell Bros and just don't get the bun. You could do that too.
Starting point is 00:47:05 You could do that too. That's what makes it so convenient. Like I said, we don't really, I'm not saying like, hey, go do this every meal of every day for the rest of your life. But I feel like if you had to, like what if you're, I don't know, a cop or whatever and you're just out all the time. It's like what if you have to do that? Then do it. Do whatever it takes to get to what you want to be. But don't be, um, don't be out of shape and feeling like shit. Like I just keep thinking, um, for me, what's, what it is, it's like, I'm, you know, I'm an addict. And I think when you're an addict,
Starting point is 00:47:38 you're always going to be an addict. So I have addict behaviors and now I'm addicted to the way I feel good, which is a great, like the greatest thing to be addicted to. And I just feel completely different about myself, about my confidence. And all this is kind of like, like new within the past, like couple months of being up here, being around Mark and his family and everything. Like just my life has started to like all come together and I start being addicted to like, Hey, let's go to the gym at four 30. Like, that'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:48:03 You know, like, whereas I just never was like that'd be cool you know like whereas i just never was like that before i was never that guy it's been a slow process slow move towards all these things and that's why things like these fast food things i don't see as so bad because like look where i came from yeah and also so what like chris and mark are doing they're just pulling out all of your excuses right because like you're saying like you how many times you you hear people like oh i'm a police officer i work nights or whatever it is so i i can't that says the baby i can't because the baby yeah i can't eat i can't follow a strict diet don't go blaming that cute little baby i know i always blame the baby but yeah so that's why i love what you guys are doing you know like yeah mark doing Mark doing this fast food diet or not fast food diet, but eating
Starting point is 00:48:45 fast food every single day. It's like, yeah, you can, you know, make it happen. Like, and just stop making up excuses. Then also with like the Costco runs, how many times did you go in for like, I'm going to go pick up some steaks or whatever? It's like, oh shit, a paddle board. Yeah, I'm going to pick that up now too. You know, you end up spending way more money by putting yourself in that uh
Starting point is 00:49:05 in that environment whereas you have a meal prep company you're at home you're you should be getting ready for bed anyway so you can wake up and train the next morning and then boom it shows up at your house and now your meal prep is done for the next day what people can't afford to do is to be the same every day you know i want people to take that with a big dose of water every morning like you can't afford to just you couldn water every morning like you can't afford to just you couldn't afford it anymore you couldn't afford to be the same as you were before you would be dead yeah you know and each day i can't afford to not get better because i'm like i'm striving for something and so i turned 47 on november 3rd i'll actually be in hawaii doing a
Starting point is 00:49:41 carnivore seminar in hawaii i actually post about that and if anybody lives in hawaii wants to go so me and dr baker are doing a carnivore seminar um for my rock's gonna be there right maybe he better be all right and i want to be in the best shape of my life i turned 47 years old and so like i'm i'm striving for something i'm i'm gonna just like in the next month just kind of go nuts with you and just get in the best shape that i can is spam carnivore it could be yeah cole robinson has done a spam diet i think spam has a lot of sugar in it right i don't know it's delicious though actually i don't think it does yeah cole robinson uh the snake diet guy he does a lot of stuff like that because he's had people say the same thing about price and so he's
Starting point is 00:50:23 like gotten like disgusting foods that are really really really super cheap and he just lives off of just those the head cheese diet he had like uh like a can of like peas and like i don't know he was doing a bunch of weird stuff what is the grossest thing like head cheese but he actually said it was all really good head cheese isn't actually bad have you had it yeah yeah it's actually pretty good it looks gross it's like all jello i don't know why it's called that. What is head cheese? I have no idea. This is brand new to me.
Starting point is 00:50:49 I'll pull that up over there. I don't know. Maybe it's like duck and liver and stuff or something, right? I don't know. It's all gelatinous fat. It's supposed to be good for you. I don't know. Maybe it's like the next thing that we'll be all eating head cheese. Tuna and sardines are pretty damn cheap, too. Remember we talked about like liver and heart and all that and we thought it was so weird and i started eating it and um i i did it for a month straight i actually
Starting point is 00:51:14 probably go back to eating liver i just actually took a break for the fast food challenge yeah i didn't think liver and fast food like went together well so i stopped doing it for that but um also so everybody knows liver is also pretty damn inexpensive like in comparison to steak and stuff if you go to a butcher it's cheap what's nice about liver is adding liver into my diet i ate less steak right so liver it's five bucks for like a pound or something so um and you only need about four ounces at a time yeah you also feel that when you eat more nutrients like when you, when you're kind of, like, it's like a scavenging all day long for a lot of nutrients that you end up just eating less too. Yeah. So what I, what I like to pack all the nutrients in, that's why when I do the liver,
Starting point is 00:51:55 it's really nice. Cause you get the liver and you get a lot of nutrients in at once. And then, um, I don't feel hungry. Usually I don't feel like I need other stuff. And I also found that I think that you can get leaner by pushing protein higher. I definitely do. But I also feel like I was wrong in a way because I actually was like really afraid of fat. And I think I feel a lot better with more fat. So I'm going to start playing around with like more fat. And I've actually been reading a lot more about people using more fat to even get like leaner however there's got to be there's there's some weird point here where like
Starting point is 00:52:29 nobody's explored it really on a bodybuilding level they've only explored it in a level of like disease prevention and different things like that and they they do do it from a body composition point of view but not more like a more like a skinny person body composition point of view but not more like a more like a skinny person body composition point of view i haven't seen anybody really push this with bodybuilding like more of the higher fat you're right stuff actually robert sykes probably does who's keto savage he's probably the one guy that would have more information on the side i've seen some people and just from just my own uh personal experience you know do like a keto diet for a while, maybe for two or three weeks and get the fats up really high and then pull the fat out and have a little
Starting point is 00:53:10 bit, you know, leaner meats for a little while. And that actually works really good in terms of body composition, but it only works for a short period of time. You're starting to rob yourself of a lot of the things that you need and you start to really feel like shit. I think that's what I was doing. I think short term, you know, if you're just trying to like tighten up for just a few days not probably not a bad idea well it's a protein sparing modified fast which is like what was happening was i was eating piedmontese and i was eating like two or
Starting point is 00:53:34 three piedmontese steaks every day and realizing at the end of the day i only had about 18 grams of fat that's crazy but i felt really low like i felt like i was eating so much food but you know at the end of the day when you count up all the fat you're like oh there's like six grams of fat that's crazy but i felt really low like i felt like i was eating so much food but you know at the end of the day when you count up all the fat you're like oh there's like six grams of fat in each steak and that's all i was getting you know and maybe i would put some butter on it or whatever so probably more like 40 50 grams of fat but that's not a whole lot on a keto diet right and for a guy like your size when i would go up more like to 150 grams of fat i would just feel a lot better you know so i'm just going to play around with that a little bit more and see how that feels. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:08 And just like, you know, again, John Berardi was talking about this the other day too. Like if you're not having a lot of carbs, you need to have a lot of fats. If you're not having a lot of fats, you need something to pull from. Have you ever had a keto brick? A keto brick? Yeah. What is that? So Robert Sykes, who I just talked about, Keto Savage, he makes these things called keto bricks, which are basically these bricks of fat.
Starting point is 00:54:27 They're a thousand calorie bar. It's not really intended to be eaten like all at once or like it's intended. Yeah, it's pretty big. It's a supplement. So it's like basically like it's a fat supplement. Does it taste good? It tastes amazing. And he just came out with peanut butter ones.
Starting point is 00:54:41 You chip at it with like a knife or a fork and it kind of breaks apart. It's kind of like having an Easter bunny. You know, like you kind of chip away at it. It's a thousand calories. You take a little piece here and there every once in a while. But what I like about it is that on a Piedmontese type diet, so I'll eat like a Piedmontese, break off a little bit of a keto brick. So I was actually going to order some of those up this week and just go with that. They have a new peanut butter one out here.
Starting point is 00:55:04 That actually, that sounds amazing. So it's all made with cacao butter and like sea salt and you would actually love, you guys need to have, you haven't had Robert Sykes on, have you? We need to get Keto Savage. We need to probably actually get him here because he's a little guy like me, but he's a bodybuilder. He's shredded.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Jacket shredded and he's an entrepreneur. Was he like that for a majority of his bodybuilding career or did he start off on the... He's always been keto. And he's natural entrepreneur. Was he like that for a majority of his bodybuilding career? Or did he start off on the- He's always been keto. He's always been keto. And he's natural, so- That's a really interesting person to want to talk to. And Seema would dig him.
Starting point is 00:55:32 Yeah, DJ's always having this keto break. You know, so DJ is good friends. I think he works with them a little bit. And so does, they have a couple people that work with them. They have a guy who was a cop. They have a cool company. And they have a guy who was like a cop who actually quit being a cop and worked for them because he fixed all his mental health
Starting point is 00:55:51 issues through a ketogenic diet. His mental health issues. Yeah, interesting. He was having a lot of issues with PTSD and on-the-job incidents that had happened, like things that he'd seen on the job that were pretty bad, and military stuff. And then he started doing keto, and it totally fixed were pretty bad and then and military stuff and then um he started doing keto and it totally uh fixed his brain and then he started working with a keto brick yeah
Starting point is 00:56:11 and then so back to a head cheese and it took me a minute because i didn't i didn't know what i was looking for but head cheese is not a dairy cheese but a meat jelly often made with flesh from the head of a calf or a pig. Meat jelly. Meat jelly, yeah. Hashtag meat jelly. Yeah, and I think I've had it before. I think they serve it maybe at pubs. They serve it like- Yeah, it's a European thing. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:56:37 It sounds like it. It's a McHead cheese sandwich. It's one of those things where you're like, what is that? And then you try it and you're like, ah, pretty good. Kind of surprised you. It's not amazing. It's not like the best thing you ever had but it's also not disgusting it doesn't look good though what is menudo isn't that some gross it's like yeah it's basically like uh is it brains or no no it's uh um what's the uh what's the stomach lining tripe oh tripe yeah that's what it is tripe oh so i saw they have tripe at nugget you
Starting point is 00:57:05 could buy yeah i mean every mexican family has that whenever we have a big gathering like they usually have it for breakfast yeah but i'm just like you guys know that this is all the shit that you couldn't make anything else with so you just put it into a pot and boiled it and you have menulo that's what it is that and uh hominy isn't chorizo like that too no chorizo is delicious but i mean it's delicious what is that I have no idea what's in that and I don't want to know I think it's mainly just sausage I don't know what's inside of that
Starting point is 00:57:32 just look it up we're good let's not ruin a good thing what is this you got on the screen is that spotted dick? you ever heard of that? that's like a meat or something too right? or is that a vegetable?
Starting point is 00:57:44 spotted dick? look it up there's actually something i don't even think you can bring it bring it up but cowpizzle no there's actually i don't know if i want to ruin there's actually meatballs there's meatballs that are a homosexual slang term yeah, yeah, yeah. I've seen that, yeah. It's almost like too bad you can't bring it up. There's spotted dick. What is it? Spotted dick? Sponge? What is this?
Starting point is 00:58:14 Spotted dick sponge. Oh, it's cake. It's cake. It's sponge cake. Why did they make it like that? Spotted dick with boozy custard. It kind of has a butthole. When you put it in, it comes out spotted. Would you like my spotted dick with some boozy custard?
Starting point is 00:58:31 Look, there's a Heinz spotted dick. What's that? Spotted dick sponge pudding. It's pudding? Spotted dick sponge pudding. What is in it? It's what goes in and comes out spotted. But it looks good. Rewind. Meatball. You were just talking about this
Starting point is 00:58:49 meatball thing. It's an F word. Wait, it's actually a food that's called... Type that in. Type it in. I don't think we can say it. Maybe we can show it. What is it? It's faggot. It's the word. I'll let him say it. It's his in. I don't think we can say it. Maybe we can show it. Hold on. What can I say? What is it? It's faggot is the word.
Starting point is 00:59:06 I'll let him say it. It's his show. I mean, I... But followed by what? Like, faggot meatballs. Type in four faggots. See what comes up. Wait, no.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Well, that's not going to be faggot. Well, I don't know, because it's... Is that the brand? I don't know. It's going to be us. It's going to be us. Mr. Brains. Hey, you said four faggots.
Starting point is 00:59:26 I could have swore a picture of all four of us. Wow. That's real. Picture of the podcast. That's what we're going to name this podcast episode. It's British, right? They're probably like, these aren't selling. We don't understand.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Over the last couple of years, we really took a dive. Mr. Bronze Four Faggots. Wow. I'll pass. Interesting. I wonder like what, like what does it mean over there? I guess it doesn't mean the same thing as over here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Yeah. Facebook apologizes for deleting pink news content over. What? Wait, where? Which one? There's controversy on this picture here. Oh, I know. Which one?
Starting point is 01:00:04 Sorry. I didn't know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Don't click my spotted dick. Fanny's faggots haven't gone down well after Google banned. Something's going on here. That's weird. Fanny's.
Starting point is 01:00:16 It means something different. See on the picture already? Dude, I was so scared for your Google search when you did that. I was like, we're going to have to burn this computer yeah oh wow learn something every day so that won't come up that link sorry which one this one right here yeah oh sorry i didn't know what's the story here it's like looks like there's a scoop here fanny's faggots haven't gone down well after google bans advert oh so google banned it Well, because look, it's like with gravy up there for 15 bucks.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Oh. 15 pounds. I guess it's a meat thing, huh? Interesting. It's like a meatball. How long have you been doing this carnivore diet for? Right now, so I started in January. Carnivore-ish diet.
Starting point is 01:00:59 You remember when I started? I started in January. World Carnivore Month? World Carnivore month uh and it was almost two years ago so we're coming up on two years it was uh well it was January so now it's gonna almost we're almost into October so a year and 10 months were you heavier like how much heavier were you than you were now not any heavier at all like like really. So ever since I- Maybe like 10 pounds? Yeah, maybe 10 pounds. So like ever since I started doing keto
Starting point is 01:01:28 and I was like 215 pounds, I think when I started. Yeah. But I was like 30% body fat. I just kind of like hit it kind of well, I guess, you know, because I never had my shirt off or anything. Yeah. But I mean, I just had no cuts at all. I didn't have one, like ab one anything right and so um but i've completely like cut my
Starting point is 01:01:50 body fat in half more than cut it in half and um only lost a little bit of weight but i think just kind of like reconstitute you recomped yeah you do and then um you know and then fixed a bunch of injuries too which is good and so i still, now the goal is to like fix more injuries, like get in a little bit better shape, get a little bit leaner. I basically want to get as lean as like somebody like Thomas DeLauer, where you basically just look good from every angle. It doesn't matter. And I'm not there yet. I look good from some angles. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:21 But I got to still crop and use a little bit of effects here and there, you know, to get the lighting right, you know? I like that, too, like the way you did it because a lot of people think, like, when they're trying to drop, even if they have higher body fat, they're like, I need to lose a lot of weight. You know, I just got to just drop weight. But some people end up – actually, there's a lot of people that end up like yourself where they'll end up at the same weight, you know, even if they've only dropped 7 to ten pounds but they're substantially leaner it looks crazy just looking at it like i don't realize it because i'm it i'm the guy but when you look at it like how much did you weigh on the left shit well on the left i'm about 247 i think in those those times i for some reason i would always land on about 247 um maybe and then what are you now 290 or 190 rather um yeah about 192 maybe yeah yeah a couple yeah so body weight wise it's not a it's it's not an it's a definitely a good amount of extra skin
Starting point is 01:03:16 you can see where i tore pecs and stuff like that you know you could see all the battle scars of being an old man but um i think all that stuff's okay and i think it's stuff that we have to embrace and a lot of the reason like i don't really love posting pictures with my shirt off and stuff but i think it's a good it's a good thing to uh that's what keeps me in check is like i gotta post like at least once a week like a selfie with my shirt off so yeah i like i'm accountable for me right it's not really to try to brag or be like hey look at me it's just like hey you guys can do all this shit too and and this is what i did and yeah it's just that you know yeah when i started getting in shape um from the old gym um i i would take my shirt off a lot of the training sessions we did outside and it wasn't it wasn't by any means to be like i'm jacked you know it
Starting point is 01:04:02 was more like i'm a little fatter than i want to be still. And I'd like for this to come down. So it's almost like accountability. It's almost like a post on Instagram where it's like, this is the way I look and I want to try to look better every week. So I'll just pop my shirt off. And each week I'd like to feel better about popping my shirt off. This is kind of crazy for me is like um i started lifting because i wanted to be able to take my shirt off and from the time i was like 13 and i started getting chubby to the time i was 46 i never took my shirt off once in front of people not fucking once or 45 maybe so i didn't even wear a tank top no i look like shit and i couldn't figure it out and i lifted every day i bench pressed 500 pounds and i couldn't figure it out so when i tell people like war on carbs this is it
Starting point is 01:04:51 it's like i'm not fucking around it's not bullshit it's i could not figure it out yeah he had it figured out he he was able to control his appetite he was able to control things but he was always in more control than i was you know i was somebody who was out of control. So when I say like the people that follow me are kind of like me, hopefully the people that follow me are the people that like, Hey, they can't figure it out. They can't control themselves. And that's why I do end up putting people on a lot of people on a carnivore diet, but I also ended up putting people on different diets. Cause a lot of people will be attracted to what I'm doing, but they're just kind of misguided for themselves. They think they're the same as me. And then I look at them and go, Oh no, you need to gain weight, bro. Like you need to do it opposite way or whatever. Right.
Starting point is 01:05:32 So, but you know, it's all like we, we talked about in the beginning, like this Instagram, like leveraging thing is like, I actually think, um, without it, I like, who knows where I would be, you know, like I actually put that much stake in it. It's, uh, like I, I need it, you know, I don't know if other people do, but I kind of need to, uh, have that every day to be, be able to like, keep driving myself to do this. Like, I think if I got up every day to lift and there was no Instagram, there would be a, it would be a different feeling. Really? Yeah, totally. Cause I love to lift and I love to train, but I also, a lot, a lot of this is like, I got to go lift, but I got a deadlift like six 50 today because like, I got to put up a good post, you know? So there's, there is motivation beyond what would normally be there. It's not like I
Starting point is 01:06:21 wouldn't lift or I wouldn't train or I wouldn't do anything. Cause you've been doing this stuff before Instagram. Oh yeah. Yeah. We've been doing it before, but before I also wasn't broken, you know what I mean? Before I was like a young kid with like the world in front of me and it was like, Oh, let's just power lift and let's just do this and that. And you know, now it's, it's different, you know? It makes a lot of sense. How, how often do you think you let yourself like have, I guess, you know, Ben and Jerry's or stuff like that every single week? How often do you give yourself let yourself like have, I guess, you know, Ben and Jerry's or stuff like that every single week? How often do you give yourself that little bit of a break?
Starting point is 01:06:48 Probably like once every couple weeks, probably like once every two weeks, two, three weeks. I think like that's a good amount of time. Like I also think I would cheat a lot less the worse off I was. So like I think like the further away you are from your goal, like if you have a hundred pounds to lose, you probably shouldn't cheat at all for like a year. You should just get focused and strict and just go nuts and dive in, you know, and go long-term. And then after you go like, I did it, I did it though. I did a year, you know, I did a year on a carnivore diet and, um, where I hardly cheated at all, hardly had anything that was even like off the plan or even close to it.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And then, um, the rest of it's been more enjoyable. Yeah. Does it still feel like, do you still feel like you're getting off of the diet though? When you do that? Like, even though you know how to fit it in without it messing you up, it's not like you're having it every day. So you still feel like when you have it, that it's a problem. I actually, um, it only takes me one thing to get mad at myself and go back. Like, I'll really want, you know, like, if I go to the movies, like, this was actually hard. We went to see a movie yesterday, and I was dying the whole time. Like, I just wanted to leave because I wanted to eat.
Starting point is 01:07:55 Like, I have a hard time sitting there and not munching on something. And there's not really anything. There's no, like, steak snack that you can sit there and munch on. I mean, people are like, oh, bring beef jerky. Itky it's just not the same like you're in a movie theater you're like you want fucking candy or you want popcorn or you want something like that and i think it's okay to have that and cheat once in a while but like kind of like really wasn't a cheat day i knew we were gonna have wings afterwards i was looking forward to the wings but honestly i just wanted to like we were actually next to a wing stop i wanted to go next to the wing stop next door to the wing stop and get a bunch of wings and bring
Starting point is 01:08:28 them into the movie yeah because i was like not even enjoying the movie because i was just thinking about food the whole time so think yeah i have mental issues with food and i think that um it's okay to bring that stuff up because i think a lot of other people share that so i don't see nearly as many movies anymore because it puts me in a bad environment for myself. Somebody had asked, I'm looking for the name. Tim Jenkins sin.
Starting point is 01:08:54 Ask how your hips have been doing now. I feel great. You know, I, I've been doing a red light therapy with the juve light that they sent us. I've been doing that every day naked. Hopefully that'll raise my testosterone levels. I have it here in the office.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Everybody's been using it naked in my office. Yes. I think a lot of people have been using it on their balls because I went in there and there was a chair next to it before, and that kind of scared me. Well, if you find pubes on that chair, it was not Encema. Yeah, because I'm Nance Cake. Oh, there you go and then
Starting point is 01:09:25 also yeah also it's great because it's like a wwe chair so you have to sit on a wrestler's face in order to sit on that chair so that's kind of i think it's aj styles you sit right on his face uh i had mentioned this to you off air but i gotta mention it on air but uh matt uh m base yeah yeah yeah okay i'm boss yeah okay i'm boss i'm probably saying it wrong like it sounded legit the way you said it okay but he was saying he's like because i told him like you know you got to get the red light on your junk if you want it to like really help your testosterone and he's like why don't they make a red light underwear toilet bowl ring oh yeah yeah that's right because you're sitting there anyways
Starting point is 01:10:05 and so the red light would just be shining right on your sack we can i think that's something i thought that was genius add that to mark's toilet he's got those toilets that shoot futuristic yeah the days all right i thought that was a great idea though because you're going to be there for a couple minutes anyways well they should just make them all like that now. Yeah. What movie did you go see? Ad Astra? Wasn't very good. You didn't go watch Rambo? I wanted to go see Rambo so bad.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Nobody else wanted to see it. Ad Astra is like getting put in a sleeper hold. It wasn't very good. And then there's Hobbs and Shaw and you guys didn't see that one either? I haven't seen Hobbs and Shaw. I wanted to go see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood again. hobson shaw's been out forever what are you talking about no i thought it just came out again or not again but like no it's been out for like two months it's been out for a minute really oh okay let's show us how much tv i watch
Starting point is 01:10:57 and then you know what's movies i hear is great that's out is hustlers i heard that's great it's about scores and uh it's about a strip club and it's about the strippers going and j-lo's in j-lo yeah yeah but i hear that's actually a cool badass movie so i want to see that i want to watch rambo i want to i'm going to go see rambo last blood come on yeah me too is that what it's called all right we got this uh question that rolled in and i think what i'm going to do i'm just gonna save it for future podcasts but this is from uh the guy's name is tommy gunn 1999 so speaking of rocky fall uh yeah i know i know i wonder if you're referencing i wonder if it's in reference to that anyway uh he asked uh you know what i did before super training gym and slingshot and all three of us can kind of chime in and talk about what we used to do before we got into some of this
Starting point is 01:11:45 fitnessy stuff. And we'll save that for a future podcast for now. It's all the time we got strength is never weakness. Weakness never strength for where can people find you at big, strong, fast on Instagram is probably the best place to find me. And then all my films are on a Netflix, Amazon,
Starting point is 01:12:01 Hulu. You have bigger, stronger, faster trophy kids, prescription thugs, and A Leaf of Faith. And he's in the middle of working on a carnivore movie right now. And people can find MindBullet, backslash Chris Bell. And that'll save you some loot on some MindBullet, which is great for energy, focus, and getting going in the morning for your pre-workout.
Starting point is 01:12:23 Catch you all later. Thank you.

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