Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 270 - Can Andrew Get Abs?

Episode Date: October 18, 2019

While talking off air, Andrew explained to Mark and Nsima how he's never been able to see abs. Not never ever, even when dropping weight down to 155lbs. Mark and Nsima assured him he absolutely can ob...tain abs by dropping body fat and with their help. Can he do it? Project Shreddageddon has started. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make sure you push the right button I pushed the right button You gotta get that button I miss the way Jasmine used to say button Don't you hate when they learn how to say stuff the right way? Yeah It's the worst You want them to like still say it the cute way
Starting point is 00:00:16 And still be all messed up It's like it's not called a remote Call it a burnout the way you used to A burnout Be cute. Yeah. Yeah, stay cute. Stay the same size, too.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Just like Daisy. That's right. Why can't you be more like Daisy? And yes, I'm waiting till this episode down below. Why can't kids just grow on command? You just say, okay, now you can age. Yeah, go for it. Like, ah, we're running low on cash here go get
Starting point is 00:00:45 a job and grow 18 please now yeah just make them grow just grow today's podcast is brought to you by perfect keto our buddies over at perfect keto are always uh hooking us up with some awesome stuff i'm really digging the nootropic uh i like the flavor of it. It kind of tastes almost like a dark chocolate. I'll throw it in my coffee sometimes on top of having a bunch of really cool things for your brain, like some brain food. It also has some ketones in it, which I find interesting, and I just like the flavor of it. It tastes really good. What's your favorite perfect keto thingy in SEMA?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Okay, it's hard because it comes down to three. Number one has to be the bars, cinnamon bun bar, cinnamon bar bar. That is my favorite one. Is it true that you stacked it up and put peanut butter in between it and made a sandwich? You're mixing me up with you, man. You did that. That was definitely you. That was not me.
Starting point is 00:01:47 But my second favorite is the salted caramel collagen protein because it just tastes so damn good. And our man, Ron Pena, was talking about how important collagen is in terms of collagen protein. So it's a good way to get that in. Plus, it just tastes so damn good. And then obviously, I'm a big fan of those electrolytes because I do a lot of cardio. How many weeks would it take someone of using the collagen protein for them to start looking like you? Um, like one, one tub, I'd say about a half a tub, half a tub, half a tub. You'll, but then you got to continue the usage. Yeah. Once you stop, if you miss a single serving of the collagen protein, you go back to whatever, actually you get a little bit
Starting point is 00:02:20 worse. Oh wow. It's kind of tough. So yeah, you got to stay on point with that. Got to stay on point or gains all go away. Yeah. What's the what's the uh what how does the statement go that these statements have not been approved by the fda but the bro science in us does approve of what nsema just said yeah and yeah i personally make sense right yeah no it does yeah just if you just think about it just a little bit, that it just makes perfect sense. There's a lot of science behind it. Yeah. Personally, I can't stop eating the chocolate chip cookie dough ones.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I've gone full chocolate chip cookie dough team. I was on team cinnamon. Now it's something about just the gigantic chunks of chocolate that you get into it. Can they send us just the chocolate, maybe? How about cinnamon too? No, like literally just the chocolate inside inside special power project edition yeah i'm down with that just a chocolate bar yeah if you guys want to check out any of the products we just talked about or any of the other ones at perfect
Starting point is 00:03:20 head over to perfect slash power project and enter promo code power project at checkout for 15 off all perfect keto products i'm loving me some of that piedmontese beef as well they're um they're pot they're um part of our podcast advertising as well and we appreciate them i've been on a hamburger kick lately i was doing a lot of the meat a lot of the steak rather and i've been on this um grass-fed beef type of deal so i've been making up a bunch of the meat, a lot of the steak rather. And I've been on this grass-fed beef type of deal. So I've been making up a bunch of hamburgers, throwing some cheese on it. It's been delicious. I can't wait to do that in the middle of this week because I have three of the patties waiting to defrost.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I haven't defrosted them yet. But both of you guys have been ranting and raving about how good their patties are that I'm really excited to dig in. They're good. So I just put in an order for uh the sliders and then a bunch of flat iron steaks based on your recommendations are good and this is something that like i can't promise or even promote but i opened all my my fiance opened up the box and she was like oh you got two um extra packs of ground beef too and i'm like no i didn't order that like no no it was like a promotion that they ran so like i like i said i can't even
Starting point is 00:04:25 i can't promise that but they did throw it in there that's just like how cool this company is like that was totally unexpected and it's so cool when you get you know the uh the package delivered to your house like you don't have to bother going to the store to get anything it's just right there yeah and on top of that they give you a little card that says who packaged it and everything so you know who to yell at if something's missing you may have also heard us talk before on this podcast this is going to fit any style of diet that you want because you can get a type of meat from certified piedmontese that's super lean and so we'll have a similar leanness to like chicken or turkey if you want to get something that's that's super lean but still is red meat so i I highly recommend Certified Piedmontese.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Tell them how to get the hookup, Andrew. You guys got to head over to That's It's a lot easier to spell than it is to say apparently right now. At checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order, and any orders of $99 and above get free two-day shipping. And also our boys over at Quest Nutrition, I've been digging on those donut bars. Have you had a donut bar yet?
Starting point is 00:05:34 I haven't had the donut. What? Yeah. Is that new? It's new-ish, yeah. New-ish, yeah. So imagine the- We hide all the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:41 God! I got to get my pen. You really chucked that pen. I got really upset. They have a donut bar at this place. I'm out of here. I'm really pissed. I quit.
Starting point is 00:05:53 It's like both of you guys have had this damn donut bar and I'm over here like, I didn't even know it existed. So have you ever had like the gas station like sleeve of like chocolate donuts? Yes. Okay. So it tastes very much like that. They somehow nailed that, like, chocolate taste just right. And to be honest, I kind of, like,
Starting point is 00:06:12 I like the waxiness of the chocolate donuts. You dirty, dirty boy. You don't really have that with this, but you have, like, the inside of it. It's really good. It's got sprinkles on it. How is that okay? I don't understand it. They're Quest sprinkles on it. How is that okay? I don't understand it.
Starting point is 00:06:26 They all have quest sprinkles. Fuck both of you. Dude, they even sent like a floaty, too, that looked like a donut. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. Yeah. This is how they do it. This is how y'all do me.
Starting point is 00:06:42 This is wrong. All this stuff's going on over here and he doesn't know about it right well he's too busy getting jacked so oh man you have to just hang out okay well i can't wait for that do we have any in office oh come on everybody ate them anyway quest nutrition has amazing products we've been been friends with the Quest team for a really long time. Our boy Ron Penna and Bruce Cardenas, they've been amazing to us. They've been setting me up with bars and protein and all kinds of different stuff. There are chips as well. They also have pizza.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Quest pizza is really good. If you're trying to stay in ketosis and you're trying to live kind of a low-carb lifestyle, it fits into that. But if you're also trying to just count your calories and pay attention, I think most of the bars are under 200 calories. They also have cookies. They got chocolate chip. They got oatmeal raisin. They have a peanut butter one, I think. They got a bunch of different flavors of that as well.
Starting point is 00:07:42 So check out Quest Nutrition. Andrew, tell them how to get set up. You guys got to head over to quest Um, literally like the best bars. You got to check out the hero bars too, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:53 I know, man, they're so good. So throw all these items in your cart and at checkout, enter promo code Mark's quest for 20% off everything in cart. So we just did a little Q and a on Instagram. We went live for the first time actually with all three of us that was actually kind of fun yeah that's kind of cool
Starting point is 00:08:10 maybe we'll uh do some future episodes that are actually live on instagram if we can figure out the instagram button again we've uh had some issues right so i've i i figured it out and i just have to figure out a way how to put our stream in multiple places at once. Cause right now we, it can be Instagram or YouTube. It can't be Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. Andrew specifically talks to me this way cause he knows I don't know what he's talking about. As soon as he says streaming, he knows that I'm lost. And so he knows that that's like a safe word. Then he could say, he could put anything he wants. It's like a firewall for me.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And once he says streaming, I'm like, yeah, my eyes just roll back and boom. Or I just have to tell Mark, like, dude, don't worry about it. The files are rendering. Don't worry. It's all processing right now. Rendering files. And eventually it's going to, yeah. I'm like rendering files.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Okay, that's stuff for Andrew and like Chris and the media team. Like that has nothing to do with me. Don't ask any questions because you're going to mess them up. Stay in your lane. It's like when you ask somebody a nutrition question. Well, metabolically, then you're like calories of the carbohydrate and the, oh, okay, cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:20 I get it. You're like, I just wanted to know how to be ripped. Can we still talk about being, can we still talk about just being ripped and all anybody wants you to say is just take a lot of trend and work out hard that's pretty much what people that's the recipe that's the recipe so speaking of recipes let's talk about this recipe for some abs our boy and boy Andrew is craving some abs. So your body fat percentages that you've gotten done have been through what mechanism or what way did you get your body fat tested? Through an in-body scanner.
Starting point is 00:09:56 So it's the one that you stand on barefoot and then you hold the electrodes or whatever they're called and you stand still for like a minute or two. And then your body fat percentage was about what on there? I can check, but it was like in the low teens. Oh, good. Yeah. Yeah, so the good news is that, you know, from what I've seen, I've seen you with your shirt off, not with your pants down quite yet, but we're getting to that soon, hopefully.
Starting point is 00:10:20 Honestly, when I get abs, I'm just going to walk around pantless. I was like, because I have abs now, I can do whatever I around pantless. Why the fuck? Because I have abs now. I can do whatever I want. And you're 1% Congo, so. That's 1% Congo's there. Shit. That's all we had to do. I like that.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Yeah. So anyway, you're between 11 and like 13% body fat. And I think, you know, the key ingredient to getting somebody some abs is just to bring their body fat down to a level where some abs start to show up. So, you know, trying to strip down some body fat, the good news is that you have a lot more muscle mass on you now than you did, you know, 10 years ago. I think you mentioned you may have weighed about 155 or 160. Yeah, I've dropped down to 155 probably, let's see, how many years, Like five years ago now, maybe. And then when you weighed that amount of weight,
Starting point is 00:11:09 how did your stomach look then compared to the way that it is at the moment? I mean, I can't remember exactly, but, I mean, it looked fairly similar. Okay. Pretty flat on top and then just like a pretty big pooch at the bottom. Like definitely not like, Oh, I just have a little bit hanging in there. Like,
Starting point is 00:11:29 no, I've always had quite a big belly for some reason. Kind of around the belly button area. Yeah. Where's my, I think just a lot of sit-ups, man. And if you do them upside down,
Starting point is 00:11:40 that'll really help burn fat. Cause all the blood will be flowing to your head. Right? Yeah. Actually, that sounds head. Right? Yeah. Actually, that sounds kind of right. Yeah. It sounds pretty legit. And the faster you do them, the faster you're going to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yeah, the faster you do them. It's all about the speed. It's speeding up the furnace pretty much. If you think of like, you know, when you put on an oven, when you put on an oven and you slowly raise the temperature, it's like increasing the speed of your sit-ups. So the higher the speed, the higher the temperature of that metabolic burn within the abdominal cavity.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Then the abs will be rendering. Well, and the higher you turn up that flame, the more gas it needs, right? Yeah. So you're going to be really gassy on top of everything else. Is that what's been happening? I'm cool with that. Yeah, you've gotten a little gassy. That's just the fat being, you know, vaporized.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Sometimes it stinks yeah you guys are joking but i mean i really don't know where to take it i don't know where we're going with this well here's the uh the breakdown when i did the uh the sarmageddon thing now people make such a big deal about the way that you get your body fat tested and i think the the most important thing is if you are going to get something like that tested just get it tested in a similar fashion you know uh have it be uh done at like a similar time of day have it be done you know under similar conditions like you didn't you know drink and eat a bunch of junk the night before um and then you didn't specifically try to diet or do anything crazy to like alter the
Starting point is 00:13:05 the numbers but some people like oh that one doesn't work or you got to get you know the calipers or you have to get a um dexa scan you know and people have they get all crazy about but we've had you know we've had all kinds of different people on this podcast and even a dexa scan um lane norton who a lot of people hold in high regard uh in terms of nutritional information he thought the dexascan was like pretty flawed as well because he was like i could just eat this or eat that and i could make it you know uh you know have it be uh way off so whatever way you get your body fat tested i think is fine and then it's a matter of continuing that same testing so So that way you
Starting point is 00:13:45 got something to compare it to. And the chart that Andrew has posted up, he goes from about 13.7 down to 11.7 and each person where they hold their body fat is going to be a little bit different. So I would say like in, just in accordance to this chart, I would say that, Andrew, you probably need to lose another maybe like 2% or 3% body fat for abs to be in pretty good. For them to just show up, it might have only been like maybe like 1% more or maybe even like 2% because even 2% down is a pretty good amount. Yeah, because then it would be down in single digits. pretty good amount yeah because then it'd be yeah down single digits and then when so when i did do this testing like there is a protocol that you're supposed to follow with the in-body scanner a lot of people don't even know that you're supposed to do that but like like i couldn't even shower before i did it because then i would retain or like be somehow holding more water because it
Starting point is 00:14:38 was on me so like everything was done the exact same fasted Saturday mornings, no shower, nothing like that. And food wise, I mean, everything that was when I was really, really strict on the vertical diet. So nothing changed. No, that's one thing to make sure of, like, not just that you're getting the same test done, but just make sure that if you typically fast before the test, fast before the test. If you like don't have like a very high sodium meal the day before something versus another time that you have the test because you could be holding more water if you get it done. Right. You know what I mean? So like you did in the smart way.
Starting point is 00:15:10 You kept all the variables the same as much as you could. You got yourself tested. Yeah. But I think, you know, one thing that is really important for us to talk about here is like, you know, you said that you don't think you can get abs. Well, we know everybody has abs, right? And a lot of people have the goal when they're looking at this whole fitness thing, like, you know, I want to have a six pack. But I think the first question you want to ask along with that, or one of the first questions is like, how do you want to look when you have that six pack? Because, you know, you were saying that, you know, oh, I don't think I can get it.
Starting point is 00:15:42 And both Mark and I are like, you literally, you lose 10 to 20 pounds of body fat, you're going to have a six pack. But the real question is, is are you sure you want a six pack right now? Do you want to put on more muscle than get it later? Because like, even when I look at my whole, like throughout like my athletic career, you know, there were phases when I just wanted to build more muscle so that when I got leaner, I looked better, you know? And I think a lot of people they're like, oh yeah, I want to get lean, but they haven't necessarily put in the groundwork to gain as like more muscles so that when they do get lean again, they look their best or they look the way they actually want to look. Yeah. It's really rare for people to even work on gaining, you know, to like really take their
Starting point is 00:16:22 time with like, I'm going to really, you know, hone in and focus in on gaining. I think for yourself, I mean, that would be the main thing is like to, to pick, to try to pick a lane. Cause it doesn't sound like you want to stay the same. So, but it does sound like you have been staying the same. So you got to pick a lane you want to get bigger, or do you want to try to get smaller? And if you want to get smaller, then it's a matter of, you know, how do we work on lowering your body fat percentage and we would do that through uh the manipulation of your food and if you want to get bigger it would be the same thing it'd be through the manipulation of your food but it seems difficult for you to pile on a lot of weight um because it's hard for you to eat a lot of food correct yeah and also we, we've had this conversation 15 pounds ago,
Starting point is 00:17:06 we'll say, and Mark was like, well, you know, yeah, it might be cool if you'd had abs or like, you know, showed some definition, but you would look so much better if you just added at least like 10 pounds. And I'm like, okay, yeah, he's 100% right. Like I was already skinny. It wouldn't look good to look skinnier, you know? And and then and by no means am i saying i've accomplished anything by like you know weighing 196 pounds but it's a lot more than where i was yeah and you actually do look like even though you're looking at yourself every single day but we could see like dude your arms your legs like right now when your arm your left arm's bent like that bicep never used to yeah that bicep never used to be there like that now think about like you know another six months from now as you continue to
Starting point is 00:17:50 just pack on that training volume let's say you're only 202 pounds you're gonna look substantially different at that 202 even though it's only like four or five pounds that four or five pounds is gonna be solid you know what i mean and then if you were to cut then, you'd look even better. So that's like, this is the phase where like no one likes to be in for a while, where you're not seeing the shredded six pack, and you're just putting on a bunch of muscle. But like we all need, I needed that phase. I'm guessing you needed that phase.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Yeah, you need to fluff up sometimes, yeah. Yeah. And you can take it too, you could take it too far either way. You could get like too small, or you can get to, you know, sometimes you can get too big because you just had, you're at some point like you're packing on too much chub rather than, you know, you're, you're kind of, you know, but we see a lot of people do it with getting too small too, where it's like, man, like you're starting to pull off some muscle. Maybe you should go back the other way. So it's kind of hard to weigh it all out. But let's just hypothetically say that you're going to be on a mission towards dropping some body fat. I think that you're not far away. I mean, even if your body fat percentage is slightly higher than at 11.7,
Starting point is 00:18:59 even if it's back to the 13, I think that you can still rapidly um you know start to get leaner and maybe that's something that maybe you maybe it's a new series that you start up because then it's like well fuck i'm stuck on this thing and i gotta follow through with it so like the i'm gonna get abs series or something you know yeah and like what a pain in the ass that would be. But at the end of it, if you worked hard, you would have abs. So I think there's a few things. I mean, you can cater some training towards fat burning and you could utilize some amount of cardio. Like you could do, let's just say you did like sprints twice a week.
Starting point is 00:19:44 That might have some benefit but it's it's really going to come down to the food but some um some interval training and the only reason why i say twice a week is i know that you've trained quite a bit as is so i think twice a week is is plenty um but from a lot of the stuff i've seen you know in regards to like hit training or some people even call it hurt trainingE.R.T. training, which H.E.R.T. training is just actually taking a little bit more rest than they initially even anticipated in between your sets because it's the effort that they feel like matters more so than the actual rest interval. So what I'm saying with that is you could potentially do six sprints at about 15, 20 seconds, probably more like 20 seconds. Eventually do six sprints at about 15, 20 seconds, probably more like 20 seconds. You do six sprints at 20 seconds and rest whatever desired amount you need in between those sets.
Starting point is 00:20:36 If you're trying to increase your conditioning, then you would want to rest a little bit less. But if you're trying specifically more for fat burning and six is just a real reasonable number, like you're going to be pretty gassed from doing six of them. I think doing that about twice a week could help, but again, it's going to come down to your food and making sure that you're getting in the proper amounts of sleep and stuff like that. Yeah. One of the biggest things is like people being able to handle their hunger when they're having to maybe cut out some food or eat a little bit more of a deficit. That's one of the biggest things whenever I've had to purposefully cut in the past for bodybuilding and stuff, the hardest thing for me to deal with was my hunger because one thing that I was doing was eating out all parts of the day. I'd have a breakfast, I'd have
Starting point is 00:21:20 a lunch and some snacks and some dinner. I'd make sure it fit my deficit, but I'd always feel hungry all the time. There's never a time that I really felt satiated. And that's one of the reasons why a lot of people believe that when they get lean, if they do get that, that they can't maintain it for a long time because they're like, I'm always hungry when I'm leaner. You know, back when I like, you know, when I got on stage, I was like, okay, this condition's great or even close to this condition's great. But even when I'm close to this condition and lean, I can't maintain this shit because I'm just hungry all the time and I feel weak. And one of the biggest things that changed for me was like utilizing fasting, getting used to the feeling of hunger and realizing it's not always just hunger. Like it's not that big of a deal. And that's one of the things that just helps me maintain this what i have currently because i'm not like i know that i can or i i feel normal like i don't feel like i need to eat all the time now if i had my old eating habits and i was like looking the same way i don't think i'd be able to maintain this because i'd want to eat all the time so i think that's one of the big things. That's one of the reasons why I can maintain this and still be able to perform.
Starting point is 00:22:27 But, yeah. It's a huge factor if you think about somebody that's like 250 and they want to be 225 and they want to be a little leaner. As they start to lose weight, they're still going to have that appetite of the guy that's 250. They're still going to have some of those habits and stuff. And so what Nsema is implying is that possibly through this method, through some intermittent fasting, it might be easier for you to have something that's super black and white. Like how do I cheat on this diet?
Starting point is 00:22:57 Well, the only way to cheat on it during this timeframe is for you to eat. And then once you eat, it makes you more hungry. And then once you have an opportunity to you more hungry. And then once you have an opportunity to eat, that's where we have to have conversation of like, what is it that you're going to eat? And I think for you personally, I think like a vertical diet would, would really make a lot of sense. So utilize some intermittent fasting, utilize the vertical diet, but here's the trick. I think that would really help kind of cement everything in and maybe try to make sure that you're not uh committing some serious uh damage on yourself uh later later in the evening
Starting point is 00:23:32 so maybe you eat twice maybe you need to eat three times because maybe for you if you eat twice maybe you have to jam in too much food and too short of a window but we come up with a certain amount of times you can eat now if you eat and you're still out of control hungry, then the only thing you could eat is like fat and protein. And the only reason why I would say that is just because that's a good rule to have. So that way you're not, we know that like if you're left to just mainly eat steak or to eat some eggs or to eat a couple slices of cheese, you probably won't really over consume.
Starting point is 00:24:04 You probably won't sit there and like gnaw on that for the next hour. But we know that if you can throw a scoop of rice into something that maybe you're going to have more potential overeats. We know from history and our own experiences that if we start to mix stuff together, that creates a great opportunity for us to start to eat a lot of food. So maybe something like that, you know, like if I'm going to have, if I'm going to eat more food, it's like a second helping of whatever protein we had for dinner, maybe, maybe the vegetables. And then maybe you come up with a couple of decent snack options that are like, if I, if I go for that, I can only have that one
Starting point is 00:24:40 thing and that's all I'm going to do. And then, you know, try to end, try to end your eating window about two hours before you go to bed, try to hit up a walk, um, you know, after your last meal, like staying on point and staying dedicated. Um, even as far, I'd go to even as far as to like brush your teeth. That's a good signal for me that it's over the eating for the fucking day is done with, you know? So a lot of times after dinner i'll go upstairs even though i don't want to and i'll brush my teeth and then i'll go on my walk and the whole time i'm kind of still kind of thinking about food but i'm like i already brushed my teeth and like it's over with and i i think about all the agreements i tried to make with myself
Starting point is 00:25:20 yeah the uh the intermittent fasting and the controlling the hunger, that's actually like my superpower. Controlling your hunger is your superpower. Well, I mean, it is. It's been really, really busy the past couple of weeks. And I looked up on one of the days during this past week. I was like, oh, shit, I didn't eat today. And this was one of the days that we trained. I had a photo shoot. I had video shoot. Like everything. I'm like, oh, oh shit i didn't eat today and this was one of the days that we trained i had a photo shoot had videos like everything i'm like oh fuck i didn't eat like i'll just wait
Starting point is 00:25:49 till i get home and then i got home and i had you know some piedmontese steak and uh purple uh the sweet potatoes dude you're 100 right those are so good still haven't had them dude oh my gosh i actually air fried them is that like the Japanese sweet potato? Yeah. Yeah. That was really good. Anyways. So that day.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Japanese sweet potatoes are ridiculous. They don't taste like you should be allowed to eat them. Correct. They don't even taste like the orange sweet potatoes. They make orange sweet potatoes like peasants. Dude, they're so good. Yeah. You have to eat them with the pinky
Starting point is 00:26:25 up and everything yeah yeah i gotta try that those are delicious but the uh the intermittent fasting thing that's uh i mean i would prefer to do that over trying to get like gaining's fucking hard man like i i did enjoy like oh i'm gaining so i'm gonna go to chipotle and get you know double everything that was awesome but you know like i can't maintain that i can't do that three times a day yeah you know what i mean like the the the vertical diet was amazing like that without that i wouldn't have gained a damn pound because i can easily eat that three four times a day and then dinner and the dinner is usually just something you know homemade like spaghetti right like it's it's very easy and moderate nothing insane yeah to be able to
Starting point is 00:27:12 intermittent fast through that like i can definitely do that i think something else that would help too as i would suggest that you do like one meal here maybe possibly two but probably just like one and i would still have some meal prep. And the only reason why I say that is that way, when you get home, you know, if you're, you know, thinking about other types of food, because you did get hungry, um, you still have some, you know, you still have some healthy meals that you could just easily zap in the microwave for a few minutes and you're, you're good to go. You know, that way you can, it's like, you need all these like little backup meth, uh, mechanisms. So you don't go, uh That way you can, it's like you need all these little backup mechanisms
Starting point is 00:27:46 so you don't go off the rails. But really all we're talking about is just eating less, trying to find a way to eat less. And if you go back to thinking about the bigger person trying to be the smaller person, you're going to still have those bigger person urges all the time. And intermittent fasting, you can start to actually kill off that
Starting point is 00:28:06 hunger hormone or even just get more comfortable with it and recognize. I mean, I think that, um, and we've had people talk about it before, but I think that fasting falls in line with, um, with, with a lot of factors that make you feel more healthy, make you feel more productive. And obviously, like, if you go too long without food or you go kind of unplanned without food, sometimes it doesn't feel great. But once your body gets over those first couple temptations of eating again, normally you feel really good. And if you think about a ketogenic diet,
Starting point is 00:28:41 a ketogenic diet is a way to try to trick your body into thinking that you're fasting even though you're not fasting because that's what happens when we fast. You end up in a – if you fast long enough, you end up producing ketone bodies. And I thought Dr. Ken Berry brought up a point that I think may have been missed by a lot of people that listen to that podcast. Fat is your primary source of fuel, not your secondary. And I think that that is amazing. And I think that that is something that everyone should be really thinking about a little bit harder, whether you agree with or disagree with. I think it's a good thing to think about and it's a good thing to actually challenge. Are all these carbohydrates, are they our primary sources of fuel? It's like, man, I don't,
Starting point is 00:29:25 I don't really think so. Um, I, I know that some people get frustrated when we go back in time and we look at the way that people used to eat, but I mean, don't you want to know how we're supposed to eat? Yeah. You know, if you go back and start to think about how, how we used to eat or how we were designed to eat. I'm a believer in God, and I'm a believer in the way that we evolved and stuff too, but at the same time, when I start to think about some of these things, I do understand that we're designed to do a lot of shit. We're designed to do a lot of good.
Starting point is 00:30:02 We're designed to do a lot of harm. We're designed to be able to fast for several days, and we're designed to stuff our faces all day. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to do it. But it doesn't seem healthy. It doesn't seem like it's in our best interest to do it. And to have the ability to do it is one thing, but to be able to have some reserve stored up so that we can go back to maybe the way that we were initially supposed to eat, I think makes the most sense. Yeah. But like, that's the thing. Like for most of my, I guess, athletic career, I was eating very, very, very high carb. But for the past, I don't know, it's probably been more than a year now that I've been lower carb some days,
Starting point is 00:30:44 past, I don't know, it's probably been more than a year now that I've been lower carb some days, barely any, some days, maybe even 50, you know, 40 to 50 grams. It's literally the best I've felt even athletically too. So it's, it's not something you have to do as an athlete or even something I think you have to do when bulking to eat an immense amount of carbohydrates. I don't think you have to eat that many. Um, I know we're talking about cutting, but I think especially when it comes to bulking, a lot of, a lot of us that are trying to get bigger, you don't have to do it as aggressively as a, you know, you don't have to dirty bulk. Yeah. You know, that's, that's something I think most people should maybe even try and avoid the dirty bulking aspect of it. Like trying to put on as much weight as possible in the shortest period of time. I know some, I know some guys right now who are trying to put on as much weight as possible in the shortest period of time. I know some guys right now who are trying to put on 20 pounds in the next two months.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm just like, how about you spread that 20 pounds over nine months, maybe the year, maybe aim for that because that'll be a quality 20 pounds, most of it, versus if you just try and pack that weight on the next two months and see a 20 pounds more on the scale. It's great that you can do it, but probably 90% of that's going to be pure body fat. Yeah. And you really won't feel much stronger. I mean, maybe like maybe your squat goes up a little bit cause you got a little extra fluff going on or something, but just to gain that 20 pounds, just to gain the 20 pounds, it really, I mean, I I've done it, you know, I've done, I've, I've, I've prepared for powerlifting meets before and I haven't felt quite as strong as I wanted to. Uh, and I'm, you know, like shit, man, it meets like 16 days away.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I'm like, I'm just going to eat and eat and eat and eat. And I still had good results at the meet, but it did, it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. You know, I still didn't get, I just wasn't trained up to like what I was, what I wanted to lift and no amount of just adding extra fat was really going to do anything to really change that. So something to keep in mind and have good, good, strong perspective on. Yeah. I got, I think this is a pretty good question from John Mull and he's just basically asking, is there like an ideal body fat percentage to like hold and maintain to develop muscle? That actually ranges
Starting point is 00:32:45 for certain people. For certain people, they do better being slightly higher. Like they can even tell in their training when they're, let's just use arbitrary numbers, when they're 16% versus when they're 12%. When they're 16%, they're much stronger, they have much more energy, etc. When they're 12%, they're extremely drained, blah, blah, blah. And I think that changes over time too, because a few years ago, like myself, if I was single digit body fat, I would be sued. I can't train well. I can't get quality training in. I feel weak all the time. But over time, I mean, when I got back to this, I got used to it and now I can train well at that percentage. So I think that for most people and even myself for a certain period of time,
Starting point is 00:33:27 I did better 14, 15%. Some people I know do better at like 18%. But if you spend a certain amount of time at each body fat percentage and train there, I think people can adapt to it. I think you can, I think you can adapt to the energy like requirements of the training and that body fat percentage, but it just takes some time. I think also something to think about is like, just what do you, what weights do you look
Starting point is 00:33:49 good at, you know, and try to make note of that. Like, I think, you know, Nick Wright, when he was here, um, he squatted nearly 600 pounds. Very, very strong, very strong guy. Um, he, he looks thick. He's got good muscle mass strong guy. He looks thick. He's got good muscle mass on him. He did a bodybuilding show, and he could easily turn back to that. He's got a little fluff. He's got a little bloat on him, especially compared to how he looked on game day of the bodybuilding show.
Starting point is 00:34:18 But I thought he looked great. I thought he looked powerful. And so it's like pick your style. What's your style gonna look like what do you what are you gonna look like i would say i mean if i just take a wild random guest i'd say he's like you know probably 15 body fat when he was here something like that arms still look awesome he still he still looks powerful still looks strong still looks like a badass athlete and i think that's going to be a little different for each person. Some people further, you know, to have
Starting point is 00:34:45 like a bicep vein or something like that, they might have to be, you know, getting closer to 10% body fat for other people. They might be able to be 18% body fat and have a pretty thick bicep vein. But I think, you know, um, alpha M he did a video talking about the bicep vein. And I actually think it's, I think it's so important. I think every single person, every single dude, at least that lifts should have a bicep vein. I think it makes it look like you lift. I think it's important.
Starting point is 00:35:13 It's a good indicator too. Like if you look at everybody in this gym, like, yeah, it's a pretty damn good indicator that you're lifting. If you have a bicep vein, it's funny because I've never really thought about it before, before alpha M said it. But when you do think about it and you look around, you're like, huh, the bicep vein it's funny because i've never really thought about it before before alpha m said it but when you do think about it and you look around you're like huh
Starting point is 00:35:27 the bicep vein is real you know but that's yeah just it just it it probably means that you've been a been training for a long time and normally it means that you're probably under like 15 body fat maybe even more like 13 or 12 i think another thing that we need to think about and i mean we know this, but it's like, it's just something that should be mentioned. You should give yourself time with all of these processes. You should give yourself time getting leaner.
Starting point is 00:35:52 You should give yourself time gaining because like there, there would be no talking about a long time. Yeah. Like a really long time. Like we're talking about years. Yeah. We're not talking about three months. We're talking about like, this should take a long time like we're talking about years yeah we're not talking about three months we're talking about like this should take a long time because like like looking throughout the stages of like your lifting career to where you look right now fuck all the the you know steroids
Starting point is 00:36:15 or whatever anybody's going to mention about that you've been 230 you've been three something and to get to this feeling the way you do and eating the way you do took you a long time to do you know i mean i like i know guys that aren't on anything right but it still took them a long time to get to that lean body fat and being able to maintain it over a decade of gaining dropping gaining dropping gaining dropping myself like gaining dropping gaining dropping gaining dropping and now i'm smack dab here feeling pretty comfortable, but I would not have been able to do this a few years ago because a few years ago I had to put on size. I had to get bigger. A few years before that, I had to cut a little bit. A few years before that, I had to get big
Starting point is 00:36:56 again. You know? So it's like, it's, you know, if this, if you're trying to get there and you're trying to look big with abs or whatever, no matter what you do, it's going to take a long freaking time. You really shouldn't try and rush it. You can't rush it. You really don't have an option to rush it. And if you try to rush it, you're going to be small and maybe get the abs that you want. And if you try to rush getting big, you're going to be big and strong, but you're probably going to be fatter than you want. And then something else to recognize, in this process, you're always going to want the opposite.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Yeah. Almost every single time. As you're chasing one thing, it's kind of cool for a minute, and then minutes go by, and then you're thinking about that next thing. You agreed that you wanted to do this. I want a bulk. You start putting on a little bit of fluff, and it's summertime. about like that next thing you know you you agreed that you wanted to do this i want to bulk you start putting on a little bit of fluff and it's uh you know it's summertime everyone's in like a tank top or has their shirts off and you're like oh like do i still want to bulk you know and then
Starting point is 00:37:56 there you are on a treadmill somewhere yeah is it is it true that like once like once you do develop abs and you burn like all the excess fat off it's easier to get back to it once you do start to bulk up? Or is that like urban legend too? So there's actually some funny truth to that. That's not urban legend. When you get lean, your body fat, what is it? The way your body fat sets on your whole body kind of changes. So I've seen this happen with bodybuilders, like a ton. And I know this isn't something that's been researched,
Starting point is 00:38:33 but it's very anecdotal, but it's very straightforward and easy to see. And it happened to me too. When I got to lower body fat percentages, my legs are a special part of that. The first time I did a bodybuilding show, I did a show, like even at the weight, I wasn't able to see lines in my legs. I know this with a lot of other dudes too, especially where they hold a lot more body fat. Well, when they got lean, they were able to see some lines in their legs when they gained body fat back. Wow. Not like I'm back to the way I was before the show, but I still have some lines and they, that they never were able to see before. They do another show.
Starting point is 00:39:08 They get really lean. They come back, whoa, I'm seeing more lines, even though I'm the same body fat as I was before. I'm a little bit leaner in the abs, too. Your body fat gets a little bit more even throughout your physique. There will be certain areas that if you tend to hold more body fat there, that will still be an area where you hold a little more, but it'll be a little bit less than it was before. So I've just seen that happen so much and it happened so much to me. Like that is just like, it's undeniable. Yes. Your body fat distribution. There we go. That's what I was looking for. I knew it was a super simple one and I couldn't think of it either though.
Starting point is 00:39:41 Your body fat distribution does get a little bit more even. And I've seen that happen across the board to men and women who've done multiple cutting and bulking cycles. But when they cut, they went pretty, like, you don't have to go to, like, 3% or 4%, but you cut pretty low. That kind of falls under the category almost of, like, spot reduction, you know? And some people, you know, spot reduction was really made fun of for years. And spot reduction is, like, I have fat right here, and I'm trying to annihilate getting rid of that fat. Now, you can't really do that necessarily the way that you're thinking, but you can start to annihilate almost all the fat on your body as you work towards staying lean for long periods of time and it will be easier and easier to stay lean. And all of a sudden some shape and some veins and some lines. And you're like, you know, it sounds kind of funny to say it, but like, you're like, I'm not even really trying right now. And I'm like, shit's getting like looking leaner.
Starting point is 00:40:36 And maybe it's, maybe your stomach doesn't look leaner every day, but you're going to notice like your triceps, your, uh, your legs, maybe a new vein pops up in your calf or something like that. This will just happen. And it's not going to happen like on its own. You have to stay dedicated to the game and you have to be in it, but it's really actually, um, it's something that you can be pumped about because you got to look forward to that in the future, because the longer that you're doing this and the longer you stick with it, things will get, things will get easier because you'll be stronger, uh, mentally and, and it won't be as hard, but things will always be a little bit difficult. They'll always, it'll always be tough. You know, once you get a set of abs, it, there's going to be a bunch of things that
Starting point is 00:41:21 are going to be hard. It's going to be a, it's going to be hard to maintain those abs and B, it's going to be really hard to kiss them goodbye. Yeah. But you're going to have to be a bunch of things that are going to be hard. It's going to be, A, it's going to be hard to maintain those abs, and B, it's going to be really hard to kiss them goodbye. Yeah. But you're going to have to be okay with that because you just got them, and it's kind of a finicky thing. It's going to take some balance. It's going to take a while, and you're not going to want to be undersized or small
Starting point is 00:41:37 or deprived of calories for how long you want to play that game for. But you can come out of that. You can work towards building muscle. Boom, you build that muscle back up. Metabolism is a little bit better. When you strip down the next time, you'll be a little bit bigger. It'll be easier. And over a period of time, you will, um, you will start to get yourself in a zone that feels real comfortable. Yeah, that sounds good. And you know, if I do do document it it would just be to selfishly keep my ass on track and also just give me another goal like you know after i was done with the sarmageddon series i was kind of like floating in limbo like all right what am i gonna do now
Starting point is 00:42:15 like what's the next stupid thing next like pun sarmageddon pizza geddon was what an idea i wanted to do next shred again and then there was trend then there was Trenageddon, of course. And then so, abs doesn't rhyme with Geddon, so I can't do that. Shredageddon. Shredageddon, yeah, that was one actually. But, yeah,
Starting point is 00:42:32 I don't know, like I definitely, I need something to, you know, put the blinders on and focus on one thing. Yeah, I would love to give that a shot.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Well, not give it a shot, I would love to do that. So, that might be next. Oh, you got two guys that can coach you up right over here? Where? Nope. Over there? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:55 No, I mean, Encima did help me through San Brigadon, and a handful of people have hit you up from it. And then our buddy Dylan said that you're working with him for his uh powerlifting meet yeah yeah it's gonna be fun yeah he's the guy that we convinced to uh to do a meet before the end of the year he's gonna kill it yeah he's gonna kill it that's pretty cool no i mean if you guys are willing to work with me i'm i mean i would love it so yeah i'd say let's fucking do it yeah but yeah like it's it's weird like you know when you're like yeah when you're where you are right now you're you're doing it it's sometimes just like good not to overanalyze things like you know when i was doing a lot of that stuff i was just like doing it i wasn't thinking of i gotta get
Starting point is 00:43:39 abs or like when i was really big okay people can say can say, oh, you had abs. No, I had lines. I didn't have abs. I had just some lines there. But I was just like, I think like you're right. I had a goal, like in terms of competition, I had a goal in terms of getting stronger. If I didn't have an actual goal in the gym, then it would have been harder. So I think that whatever side you're on, whether you're trying to cut, whether you're trying to get bigger, it's good to have some kind of goal. Because even when I was getting getting leaner i didn't necessarily have a goal to get leaner it was like i was just getting leaner because i was doing a lot of jujitsu i had a lot of that and like i just felt better being leaner and then that happened so it kind
Starting point is 00:44:16 of makes that easier but when you're focusing on your body it's not like it's bad to focus on your body because sometimes you need to but it but it can sometimes just become all consuming. Yeah, it can be a little too much. Yeah. On a scale of 1 to 10, Andrew, what do you think your diet has been in the last, let's just say, year? Ooh, the entire year. I'd say a solid 8. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:45 That's, you know what? I got good news for you. Cause an eight is good enough. Like it doesn't have to be a 10 to, to get abs and to go from where you're talking about to where you want to be. So like, just think about it this way.
Starting point is 00:44:59 What if getting abs, um, just meant that, uh, maybe for a little bit longer, you starved off away from maybe a couple extra cheat meals or maybe even not even that. Like maybe you could still have cheat meals during the process. Maybe it's just maybe you're like half a meal, like cutting out half a meal each day away from that. That's totally doable.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Yeah. And you'll have days where you're like oh fuck i'm you know i'm kind of hungry or i'm kind of tired or and you'll be able to kind of audible and and we we can help you with that process too but that's probably the truth you know when bedros uh i don't remember if he said it on the podcast or said it to our team but he talked about you know 212 degrees or whatever it is that makes uh your water boil right and he said one more degree and it creates steam and steam can power an entire like fucking tugboat right and so you know you kind of think about it in that sense it's like maybe you just have one more degree
Starting point is 00:45:57 maybe it's an extra training session or maybe it's like could be a combination of a couple of things which actually is good is better news uh because then it's like could be a combination of a couple of things which actually is good is better news uh because then it's like less messing around with your food you know yeah yeah i mean i i always think of that uh or this just reminded me of that that meme where it's like uh two guys digging ones like he gives up right as he gets to the diamonds the only thing's going because i mean maybe that it is as simple as that. Because when I took half of my carbs out, I didn't do that for very long. But it didn't seem like work.
Starting point is 00:46:33 And then during the sheet that I showed earlier, I wasn't trying to cut that entire time, but I still dropped body fat. Yeah. but I still dropped body fat. Yeah. So like I, I'm hoping that once I do focus on trying to really cut the, uh, the body fat percentage down that it actually won't be as hard. And I will see the results that I was like that I'm hoping for.
Starting point is 00:46:53 But you see one thing is like when people look at that, when you, uh, gained, you gained and you lost a little bit of body fat. Um, I don't want everyone to think it's, Oh,
Starting point is 00:47:02 it was the SARMs or it was just the SARMs because this was one of the first times that you were like 100% on top of the food you were eating. You were eating a good, consistent amount of protein every single day. You're eating a lot of the same foods every single day. You were on top of it and you were super on top of your training. Yes, there are SARMs, but I've seen people get these type of results not taking drugs where they've gained weight gained size and their body fat has gone slowly down that's very possible but you need to just be on top of your shit like you were yeah yeah this was over a three month time span too it wasn't like a you know short thing and i think because it was a little bit longer, that's why I'm still been able to maintain over 190 pounds.
Starting point is 00:47:47 So, and feeling pretty damn good now too. Good. That's also the testosterone. So, and speaking of the, I got half to, I feel like I've been walking around with like one leg.
Starting point is 00:48:01 I feel like I've been driving a car with like two wheels. What? Now that I'm on test i feel incredible i look at your life before you're like what kind of shade was i living under yeah i don't know if it's placebo or not but dude i feel like i have so much more energy throughout the day now i just i don't i feel way better so and that's because my test was pretty damn low that was after yeah before it was okay yeah after it was terrible now it's fantastic yeah i just had to mention that yeah so i'm hoping with that plus diet plus training starting to look pretty jacked maybe that's something that you always needed give you a little boost right i mean i mean i i i hope that people at least around here are noticing like even my work
Starting point is 00:48:50 performance has gone up i mean like look at like uh someone that we would consider to have high energy would be like jason kalipa right yeah and then before you started taking testosterone would you put yourself in the same category in terms of energy? Right. So it's like not a knock on you, but I'm just saying like maybe someone like a Jason Kalipa naturally has, you know, probably a bunch of other things going on his brain chemistry and all kinds of
Starting point is 00:49:15 stuff. Right. He's got more fucking energy than all of us, all of us put together, you know? Yeah. But maybe there's other people out there just need a little, they need a little something to get a little,
Starting point is 00:49:27 you know, a little kick. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I feel like if you're, if you're a little bit on the older side, not a teenager listening to this or anything, but it's definitely something you should go to your doctor and check. Yeah, I want to take a look at it. A lot of doctors don't want to do anything,
Starting point is 00:49:39 but I had somebody reach out that I, I just kind of saw like the preview and said that went to one doctor. They were like, oh, no, you're fine. Went to another doctor and like, yeah, you're fine, but let's get you optimal. And I'm like, oh, that's a good doctor. You got to keep that one.
Starting point is 00:49:53 Plug, Dr. Ken Berry, actually. I don't know if he talked about that on the podcast. I don't know if he talked about that, but in the book. Not specifically, yeah. Yeah, in the book, he had a chapter on testosterone for men, testosterone therapy for men, because apparently there was a myth that it would give you testicular cancer. And that's a total myth. Prostate cancer.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Prostate cancer. Yeah, and there's proof that I think that even having lower testosterone can lead to that as well, right? Amongst many other things like depression and all that sadness. And then he also ends that chapter with saying that uh he's good now but when the time comes he's gonna do what i did which is the bhrt pellets i was like yeah you're on the right track that's good no that's that's that's awesome man yeah and that episode went up today so if you guys listen to this live after we go off the air make sure you stop you know stick around and check out that episode if you haven't already yeah what
Starting point is 00:50:45 do you think Andrew should be like protein wise and things like that you think maybe you know around somewhere between 200 and 300 grams of protein a day maybe maybe a similar amount of carbs and maybe like 100 fat or something like that. What do you think? Well, I, I put Andrew probably around 210 to 230 protein. I know you're eating like 280 or 300, right? I don't think you need that much being real. Um, I think that's just like a little bit of excess, but like, it's not going to hurt you. I just think that you could put a little bit more of that into, you already like carbs. So in terms of carbs, you'd be anywhere between like 180 and 200. I think you can get away with less, to be honest. And in terms of fat, 90 to 110, 115 to start out. I wouldn't want, like for most men, I don't like having them have less fats.
Starting point is 00:51:35 It really tends to start affecting their mood and their performance. It's like more than taking away their carbohydrates. So I'd like to keep the fats. It's like more than taking away their carbohydrates. So I'd like to keep the fats. If we're like, if this was your diet, I'd like to keep the fats at a minimum at the very end.
Starting point is 00:51:53 That's still like eating around 80 to 90 grams of fat. Yeah. And then your carbs could be anywhere between like 80 and 120 or something like that. Cause you could get away with that. I feel better with less fat. Yeah. I just simply feel better. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I honestly, like when I do track though i will accidentally be like oh shit i didn't realize i had that much fat so if i if i'm strict that's going to be the hardest part of the whole thing is monitoring and keeping the uh the fat down just because some of it's pretty simple though just like you know staying away from like ribeyes correct that's that's where it usually comes from is like stuff that i'm not thinking about like let me throw on all this cheese i'm like oh what is less fat for you like what is a low fat day for you what does that like what does the grams look like is it just 60 yeah
Starting point is 00:52:34 it just comes from like oh this like the ground beef that i eat my monster mash yeah and then it will come from like if like i keep going back to spaghetti because i just i really like spaghetti but like it'll come from like whatever whatever sauce we're using and then like i keep going back to spaghetti because i just i really like spaghetti but like it'll come from like whatever whatever sauce we're using and then like i will pile on a bunch of mozzarella that's essentially it like i i don't have much else other than that has there ever been a period where you did eat a lot more fat and you felt worse probably that's what happened yeah i mean it happened a couple weeks ago when i followed a strict keto diet and i just i just felt that sick hungry feeling if you you know like if you're if you guys don't eat chips anymore unless they're quest chips but like if you've been hungry and you eat
Starting point is 00:53:16 something like chips or like even a piece of candy and like it burns up in your system real quick and then you just feel sick yeah that's how i feel when i eat a lot of fat it's really odd but it i just i feel gross i don't like it yeah okay so when if i can have higher carbs then i'm all for it well you could like you couldn't bring the fats lower i would just say just don't eat cheese just cut out cheese i, that'll make everything so much easier. And then, um, in terms of like monster mash, do you usually use like 80, 20 or, um, it's, uh, yeah, yeah. Cause the Pete Monti stuff that I got is 80, 20. And then when I go to Costco, I, it's, uh, I think it is 80, 20 also. That'll just put your fat through the roof and your, your fats will be done in 10 seconds. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Um, But yeah, I would ditch cheese. I would ditch pasta.
Starting point is 00:54:06 You're going to eat too much of it. So I would just – the easiest thing I know sometimes people are like, you don't need to eliminate a food. But I think that fucking just getting rid of a food sometimes solves most of your problem. You're like, just get rid of that shit. Yeah. Honestly, you could do this whole thing without tracking and just making food substitutions like Mark mentioned. And then eggs would get me too well i'd say that eggs are so i would do a lot of hard-boiled eggs and then you can kind of adjust you know what i mean so like if you had some costco hard-boiled eggs which i think are really good because they don't overcook the middle of it um get some um i
Starting point is 00:54:41 don't know if you ever tried like uh what is that called? You can get seasoning for it, like an everything bagel seasoning. Oh, yeah, yeah. And dump some salt on there or some garlic salt. Fucking unreal. It changes. It's really good, man. Oh, my God. It's so good.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Like, and Seema said as a snack, you know, eat like six or eight of those bitches. I love those. But, you know, just ditch a couple yolks. I mean, the yolks aren't that good anyway. I kind of like just, I have it in like a mug almost and i just kind of smash it all together with a fork and it's it's amazing it's really really good and i don't eat all the yolks because i don't really love them but um that'll cut back your fat and you'll have something that's got the protein kind of through the roof yeah and i i can
Starting point is 00:55:18 do um you know like if you were just to be like really, really strict on me and be like, no, you can only have salt and egg whites. Like the simpler it is, obviously the easier I can follow it. But also like I just it's a little bit better for me. Like I'll have Monster Mash with salt and Smokey will come in and be like, dude, how do you do that without taco seasoning? How do you do that without hot sauce? I'm just like, I like it better this way. Yeah. I don't like messing it up.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Like I need basic stuff. Another good one is like egg whites and rice. Like that tastes pretty damn good. I didn't know I could have that. Yeah. It's pretty damn good. Or you can try like. I didn't know you could have that.
Starting point is 00:55:52 I didn't. To me that looks like a carb in a carb. Egg whites and rice? Egg whites and rice is great. Egg whites is protein. My bad. I mean, yeah, I understand like that. But like to put it with. Rice. With. Yeah. I feel you. Egg whites is protein. My bad. I mean, yeah, I understand like that, but like to put it with –
Starting point is 00:56:06 Rice. With – I feel you. Egg whites, rice, you could have a little bit of chicken in there or something or something a little different. Maybe even throw some salsa in there if you want to spice it up a little bit. But that kind of stuff is real good. It's going to keep your –
Starting point is 00:56:18 I thought this was supposed to be hard. I mean, the cool thing is like this is where that Piedmontese steak is like – I mean, again, I'm sorry, peeps, but this is where that shit ismontese steak is like I mean, yeah I'm like sorry peeps But this is where that shit's gonna come in play because like a lot of that meat is super low-fat and if you're since you Don't like loaf or you don't like a lot of fat. You can still use a lot of that meat Yeah, get a flat iron six I think they have like total for one flat iron is like 50 grams of protein and like no fat Mm-hmm. It's like what the hell or like two grams of fat and then like no carbs.
Starting point is 00:56:45 That shit's going to be easy for you, bro. That would be, oh man. Alright peeps, hopefully you got something out of this. Hopefully you can kind of take away some of what Andrew's going to take away. We're going to help him get more jacked and more tan. Maybe less tan, but more jacked. Andrew, where
Starting point is 00:57:02 can people find you? You guys can hit me up on Instagram at IamAndrewZ and for sure any tips that I get from Mark and Nsema, I will break them down a little bit more clearly and kind of write them down in written format. So that way, if you guys want to follow along with me, something you can do. This was not pre-whatever, I didn't know this was going to happen, but hey, if you guys do want to follow me, that's where you can follow me, at IamAndrewZ on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:57:29 How about you, Ansema? Ansema Inyang, N-S-I-M-A-I-N-Y-A-N-G. We should start calling you Shreddagoza now, not Sarmagoza. Yeah. In a few months, you're going to be Shreddagoza. And I'll probably, yeah, I'll, not probably, I definitely will do it Sarm-free.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Yeah. I don't know about that. I was going to do Carterine, but after the Tony Huge episode, the most recent one, he convinced me not to do it. Oh, snap. What did he say? So Canadian Trevor, when asked about Carterine, like, oh, what about the cancer study? He's like, oh, it was a botch study, which I already knew the answer to because they gave rats like a crazy amount but that crazy amount equals to like only like 60 milligrams for like a for like a grown human i'm like damn i was
Starting point is 00:58:13 planning on taking 20 that's not far away from 60 like hmm i don't know and then when tony talked he was like oh it just means that like if you going to get cancer, it just speeds up that process. Oh. And I'm like, well, well, sir, that's not what I wanted to hear. Speeds up your cancer if you're going to get it. So what, man? So I have the bottle just sitting there, and I'm like, I don't think I'm going to do it now. Yeah. Good call. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Damn. I know, right? I'm at Mark Smelly Bell on Instagram. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later.

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