Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 281 - UFC 244 Recap, The Rock's Butt and Caramel

Episode Date: November 4, 2019

Today we're talking about The Rocks butt at UFC 244 and the Nate Diaz vs Jorge Masvidal fight or course. We also expose how terrible we are at spelling and pronunciations, and Mark declares he is goin...g to not eat any carbs till Christmas. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, so Mark, what are ketones? Man, that's a great question. You know, it's hard to produce ketones. It's hard to, it's actually one of the hardest diets because it takes almost two weeks for your body to actually start to produce ketones. Ketones is, it's a fractionated fat. When you start to consume large amounts of fat
Starting point is 00:00:18 in the absence of carbohydrates, your body will start to produce ketones. Some people believe that ketones are a preferred source of energy, especially for like your brain. So a lot of people say, oh man, I'm on like this keto high or I've gone on a ketogenic diet
Starting point is 00:00:33 and I have a ton of clarity because of the ketones. But for me right now, like I haven't been on an actual ketogenic diet in a long time. I do eat very low carb, but I still have room for fruit. I still have room for dairy. And so therefore, I supplement with Perfect Keto.
Starting point is 00:00:50 I utilize their ketones. And they have a chocolate-flavored one, a salted caramel one, but my favorite one is the coffee-flavored one. I actually throw that in my morning coffee, which I think would be something to be great for you to try because you do a lot of fasting, right?
Starting point is 00:01:03 Yeah, no, I'm definitely really excited to try that in the morning when I'm fasting because I fast for most of my day. And since I'm pretty low carb, there is a period where I think I do hit ketosis. So it'd be really, really cool to get that in, in my fasting period. Yeah. We got to test your ketones too, to see what you're running on over here. Andrew, where can they find out more about these ketones? All right. You guys can kick ass just like Mark Bell on ketones today by heading over to slash power project and use code power project and get 15% off all perfect keto products. And SEMA, I know that you don't work out very hard. Nope. Because it's pretty much just all genetics. You get a lot of questions
Starting point is 00:01:41 about genetics. Is that right? All the time right all the time all the time i wonder you know what the importance of you know some of our food would be genetically like say for you know cows for example uh you know i think the genetics of our food is it's pretty damn important like you know piedmontese is all natural all natty with no added hormones or steroids and not even trend i don't know they. These things are pretty lean. Yeah, but I mean, they're cuts of- I'd like to have them tested personally. I think we should. We should.
Starting point is 00:02:12 But their cuts of beef are from the Sandhills region, Nebraska, and contain significantly less fat and higher protein content than other beef that you might find at the store. This comes from genetics, the breed of the cow, and not relying on the extra intramuscular fat and marbling. In other words, you get the best protein to fat ratio from the best cows in the country for the best beef for maximum gains. I love it. You're able to still eat your meat, but you don't have to worry about the extra fat calories. Works out great for anybody that is looking to be jacked and tan like us.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Like us. Andrew, where can they find out more information about Piedmontese beef? Cool. As awesome as high protein, low fat beef sounds, our friends at Piedmontese are going to give you a more awesomer deal by heading over to That's Enter promo code POWERPROJECT and that's going to get you a whopping 25% off your order, along with free two-day shipping on all orders of $99 and above. So, Mark, are you more of a salty or more of a sweet guy? I'm more of a sweetie.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Really? Sweetie and sweaty, I think. I have a sweet tooth, man. I don't know. The inner fat kid still is stronger than anything else I've ever been able to build. My mindset is pretty strong, but my willpower will waver and the fat kid will come out and I'll have to have something sweet. So like a Quest cookie or a Quest bar is something that I'll look forward to at the end of the day. I do like the Quest chips, but Quest cookies over chips for me.
Starting point is 00:03:44 I'd like the chips they're like what's there's one flavor i think it's ranch it's pretty damn good i actually like that a lot so you got a taco flavored one they got all kinds of they got like a nacho flavored one right so good that's my jam salty crunchy that's what i need to have and it's amazing that i can have that on a clean diet because like what uh quest says they say cheat clean in this case i have no guilt and i get to have my chips and they're amazing and they're delicious if you guys want to get in on that head over to quest at checkout enter promo code mark's quest and get 20 off all the chips that they have available you will not regret it then i need to see this i'm actually very curious i mean i had a
Starting point is 00:04:23 i had a boner if I'm being honest no actually when he when he came out I was like wow he looks fucking big yeah like because I know he got like shredded up for the uh for the shoot and stuff that he did a while back and I think the last movie he filmed he got like really tight and really in good shape and he just he didn't look like bloated or anything he looked he just looked fucking i mean he looked like he weighed 280 pounds maybe more i don't know well i mean standing six five yeah standing next to those dudes those dudes are like what five seven oh yeah yeah a lot of those guys yeah so he's gonna look like a giant but his shit was tight his pants were tight his shirt was tight is it okay can we pull this i'm gonna i'll find it hopefully i can find it but you know
Starting point is 00:05:05 semen's gonna start to sweat i'm just real curious because this sounds funny no well okay so uh maybe it was because she saw him on tv but the wayne listens to the show so i know well careful okay shoot somebody that i may or may not be engaged to looks up and sees, wow, look at the rocks, but, and I'm like, Hey, like what's going on over here? And I look up and,
Starting point is 00:05:29 Oh, okay. His pants were like, we got to find a, they were painted on with like a roller, like, like a spray paint would have been too soft. These things were fucking tight.
Starting point is 00:05:39 This brings up a really good subject too, because, you know, when somebody's, when somebody's good looking and you're with your lady, there's certain ways to kind of approach – there's certain ways to talk about this kind of stuff that are cool and there's other ways that are not. And the way you were describing it to me when we were working out was hilarious because andrew's like she kept harping on it and i'm like listen drop it you need to settle down and it's funny though because there's a double standard there i feel like i feel like we were like oh my god look at her ass we would be done we would be done we would be fucking on the street man i'd be calling you guys up being like hey man can i you know you guys got a place for me to crash i'd be getting booted out man bro yeah right
Starting point is 00:06:34 go ahead no i was just gonna say like nothing it just they they were really tight and his butt was gigantic yeah like i looked up and i'm like, you know, you're right. I forgot to bring this up on the last show, too, because Insima is going to find this one really funny. Oh. So on this topic of porn, I don't. Is this mic on? OK, that's on. I don't want to.
Starting point is 00:06:58 I don't want to beat a dead horse or wait. What is it? I don't want to beat my meat. You don't want to beat your meat. Yeah. Anyway, I love the fact that that reached a lot of people. And I love the fact that, you know, hopefully it helps some people. We've got some messages that it helps some people. So it's funny and awkward as it is to talk about the subject.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I'm glad that it reached some people and that it helped. But my wife has seen my, you know, my searches before in the past. And she's like, you like – she's open-minded. So she's like – I don't know. She's checking some of the stuff out that I've watched before. And then she's kind of like – she looks at a couple different things and she's like, wait a second. She's like, are you kind of – are you into some of this stuff? I was like, well, wait.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I was kind of like – I was really on the fence because I'm like this is a good opportunity to be like fuck yeah I am but then I was like wait some of it's a little you know maybe a little too much for her so I was like and so I was like she's not a fan of the midgets I was like yeah yeah the midgets
Starting point is 00:08:00 kind of creeped her out I was like well you know but yeah it was funny because I didn't know where to go with it. And I kind of saw her reaction. She wasn't like, hey, wow, you're into this? I didn't know that. Me too. It clearly wasn't that way.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It was like, oh, whoa, some of this is kind of. And I was like, oh, no, no, I'm not. I'm like babe those searches they just come up and sometimes you click on the wrong you know i'm like i don't even i don't even know how some of that happened i'm like that's weird oh my god oh man that's great that is that is fucking awesome it's great that andy doesn't listen to this oh yeah that helps too wait was this a conversation you guys had recently or that was a conversation a long That is fucking awesome. It's great that Andy doesn't listen to this. Oh, yeah. That helps, too. Wait, was this a conversation you guys had recently or that was a conversation a long time ago? It was a few years ago.
Starting point is 00:08:52 But, I mean, along the same lines, though, I think that it is important for couples to – they do need to communicate and you do need to talk about what you're into and shit like that. do need to talk about what you're into and and shit like that that's stuff that if you don't get to it like i've been married for a long time if you don't get to it it can be it can become problematic at some point so even if it's weird i was you think you should just throw it out there and say it because you know it may it may help you to stay together or may help you have a better understanding of like what she wants and what you want and all that i know it's fucking brutal to try to talk about it and be like ah you know it's like it's gonna be fucking awkward hey man i'm over here taking notes that's some important stuff right there that is some very important stuff it is um i can tell you from experience i was married previously and like i felt like i couldn't speak up about anything and then so like
Starting point is 00:09:43 when i ended up you know talking to steph and like kind of like i couldn't speak up about anything and then so like when i ended up you know talking to steph and like kind of like okay this is getting serious it's like hey i might be into some shit that you never tried before i love it and she was down you're like she you know we're still together yeah but mark's absolutely right like if if you do stay quiet the longer you stay quiet the harder that hill is to you know run over and it's just yeah and this goes across the board we're not um this isn't love line or anything all of a sudden but just with everything dude like i would i would hold so much in yeah now even if the slightest weird thing bothers me and this is outside of the bedroom now let's like just tell her and then you'll find out like oh that
Starting point is 00:10:26 was it's a hard at all it's hard thing to say as a guy yeah but sometimes you just got to flat out tell somebody that hurt my feelings sometimes you've got to say it you know and it's like sounds like such a sensitive baby thing to say but it's actually very mature and just say like i didn't like that you you know, or whatever, whatever the situation is. It's, it's a hard thing to, it's a hard thing to say. Yeah. Okay. I think I found the rocks. That sure is tight too. He's got the pecs out. Yeah. Everything's tight. I wonder if he's like drunk or high or something,
Starting point is 00:11:01 because there was something awkward about all this. Dwayne, I know you're listening. We're not trying to embarrass you, buddy. Yeah, that's what friends are supposed to do. They're supposed to call you out on some shit. But look at these pants, how tight they are. I mean, these are illegally tight. And watch the glutes as he turns around.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Yeah, so Steph walks in right there. Oh, my goodness. That looks like two football helmets slammed together. The old Monday night football. Wow. Dude. Those baby blue, really tight pants. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Yeah. I think that was it. I have a pair of pants like that, actually. I can't wait to rock them. Damn. But, dude. Damn, he's got some glutes. So handsome.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Are we even surprised, though? I mean, he... Oh, when you're jacked like that you can you know yeah but still i mean it what's cool is like i mean i think he's like 50 right the fucking guy the fucking guy is jacked he's like 49 or 50 i mean he's like right there wow pretty sure yeah ah poor nate i'm one of those losers that like missed the fight i didn't see it i just heard about it from all of you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I got the fight like last minute. I was trying to figure out ESPN+. I was having some technical difficulties. I didn't know if I was going to be able to get it. Yeah, I'm having difficulties over here. But I didn't really, I guess I didn't really know that you needed like an app. I didn't know. I didn't understand it was an app. But all these apps, all this shit is really weird nowadays because you – like Samsung doesn't like Apple.
Starting point is 00:12:30 So you can't like mirror shit off your phone. That would be simple. If you can get everything on your phone because your phone has such good – it like functions really well. Yeah, smooth. And your phone for some reason is faster than everything else out there. Your phone is way faster than your fucking TV. And it's faster than your computer somehow, which I don't understand how that works.
Starting point is 00:12:47 But it's super fast. And the controls and everything, you understand how to do all that. Sometimes you start trying to do shit on your TV. I don't know about if you guys ever had to like type in like a password on your TV or an email or something. It's like fucking impossible.
Starting point is 00:13:00 It takes forever. Nightmarish. Yeah. And the controller sucks for everything. So it's a giant pain in the ass the ass but anyway we figured out the riddle and i was able to get the fight and it was pretty cool yeah you should just be able to cast it sometimes but i mean it'll get easier over time it's just yeah i heard that um what nate diaz was like pissed that the rock was even there because like the rock is also from miami and mazda mazda so he's like fuck the rock
Starting point is 00:13:26 he's not a badass mike tyson instead he said that that's great yeah i like i like nate diaz oh dude he's incredible he's just not afraid to say whatever he doesn't care my my wife you know like we watch some sports together and stuff normally like the the guys that like talk shit and stuff normally she doesn't really appreciate them but i'm like she hasn't really sat there and watched a lot of fights with me but she knows that nate diaz is the guy that beat conor mcgregor and so i said i said i know i said i know you think he's like white trash right but i was like watch how every time no matter what happens in this fight watch how he never fucking gives up.
Starting point is 00:14:07 He never slows down. He never takes a break. And he never stops moving forward after he gets his ass kicked. He was getting fucking killed in that fight. He got knocked down a bunch of times. And then when he'd get back up, his normal instinct, even after he gets hit with a big shot, is just to keep walking forward. I've never seen anything like that before. I mean, he might be one of the most courageous fighters I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Like, that is unbelievable. Like, maybe it's not even always smart, but it's wild. He's always moving forward, and he's always in control. Like, he gets the shit knocked out of him here and there, and he's always in control. Like he gets a shit knocked out of him here and there, but he has enough experience to where he can move into something else where he's slightly protected and he'll come and go a little bit because he'll get like kind of knocked out on his feet a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:56 But then he's like, boom, I'm going to go to my back or I'm going to, I'm going to grab the guy close enough. And if I can just breathe for like five seconds, then I'm, my head's going to be clear enough. And if I can just breathe for like five seconds, then I'm, my head's going to be clear enough. And then there he is protecting himself again.
Starting point is 00:15:09 There he is throwing punches. It's unbelievable. Yeah. He's the only fighter that I can think of where like, Oh, he just got knocked down. This shit's over. He's the only one that's like,
Starting point is 00:15:17 Oh, he got knocked down. I can't wait to see how he gets up. Like, and he, so like the first round, he spent like a majority of the round, not a majority. He the round not the majority he
Starting point is 00:15:25 spent a long time on his back yeah and masvidal is just trying to hit him and he just can't he keeps getting uh you know feet to the body and he's just like hanging out down there you know first round bloody everywhere yeah uh rogan was saying because he has so much scar tissue he opens up real quick but yeah he's just even in the worst situation in a fight where you get dazed and off your feet, he's still just like, no, we're good. This is this is what I do. And it's like, oh, my gosh, dude, like I can't think of anybody else that does that. He has great instincts. But I have a question for both of you guys, since you know Nate Diaz pretty well. Does he slur his words more nowadays than he used to in the past? Because like with the nature of the way that he fights and the amount that he's getting hit i've been hearing him talk and i'm just like i don't
Starting point is 00:16:09 think he used to talk that way am i tripping no i think i think it may have gotten worse yeah he is a little bit of like a mumbler so that's what i was gonna say like even initially like his like pronunciations you know he slang right you know yeah slang so uh but like no he's very talks very straight yeah yeah exactly and but now like a more recent it was i think of the post fight interview when he uh when he beat i think not pettis the fight before that maybe and i was just like oh like shit i i hope it's not some like you know you know like when guys get punched right after of course because the guys that take hits too. I agree 100%.
Starting point is 00:16:47 They got to make sure these guys are okay. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. But man, everyone's, they're pissed off at the stoppage. You know, everyone's like, don't fight in New York. Bo Hightower had just reposted somebody's, an MMA fighter's tweet or something. And he's like, this is the exact same doctor that doctor that told me I had a broken leg when I knew for a fact I didn't have a broken leg.
Starting point is 00:17:10 And he called the fight and was like, dude, I was fine. It's like fine for a fighter, right? Fine for a normal person. Like, no,
Starting point is 00:17:16 but yeah, something about New York, man. They, they call fights early. So watching the fight, like you don't like, I,
Starting point is 00:17:22 again, I saw pictures and it was a lot of blood. You don't think that that was a valid call to stop that fight i've neither of you guys do i don't think so because i've seen much worse now could something have happened of course and that's what the doctors are there for their hair they're there to prevent some serious damage to the fighter um it it was it wasn't one like really really like it wasn't a landslide but there was no question that masvidal took those first three rounds easily yeah possibly even a 10-8 round in there so if you look at the trajectory of the fight it was only going to get worse so i think maybe i am backtracking a little bit and saying that it might have been okay. But like everybody knows that like he wasn't really, really hurt.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Like he wasn't like he's dude, it's Nate Diaz. Like you can cut his head off and it'll be like, no, I'm good. I think this, I don't, I would not have called it. No way. I think it's cool that Mazdal's like, we'll do a rematch. Even though like instantly said that he probably won that fight. Even if it continued on, he was like, we'll do a rematch. Even though like... Instantly said that, yeah. He probably won that fight even if it continued on. He was like, we'll do a rematch. That's nice. He's like, this isn't how
Starting point is 00:18:29 I want... He's like, he needs to be asleep. That's the only way I end fights. He deserves that belt. That is a bad motherfucker. Like, seriously. Yeah, you know, the eye thing, I mean, I think in a doctor's defense, the doctor is probably like, well, this probably just isn't going to get better to get better you know like it's just going to continue to get worse
Starting point is 00:18:49 and i think you know if they're thinking about like longevity of some of these athletes when they're they can no longer fight i think maybe that's what they have in mind at the same time that's the profession you chose you chose to be a fighter. I'm sure Nate Diaz and everyone involved understands what they got themselves into. The cut looked really gross and people are like, oh, I've seen worse. But, you know, like that particular doctor, he may have stopped other fights early and things like that. But it looked pretty bad. And it's like, I don't know, like what if he gets what if he gets kicked again? Like how like do we do we need to wait yeah you know like he's getting nate diaz was getting
Starting point is 00:19:31 slaughtered like he he did well he he did the best he could uh he was outmatched the other guy got the other guy got the better of him uh jorge got the better of him early in the fight and continued to do so the whole time and uh they just kept dumping like vaseline in it and stuff and it was just you know it's kind of nasty yeah and the other tough part was he had one right above the eye like right i mean that's on the eyebrow right and that shit was like flapping and then he had another one right below his his eye so he had why we got to zoom? Because we can. That's why.
Starting point is 00:20:06 It looks like when Jessica put all that makeup on us for the... Yes, it does. Yeah. We became zombies. It looks crazy, but that's real. That's just what happened to him. He got split open. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Yeah, I mean, no one ever wants to see these fights end early. I thought the ref actually did a great job of letting the fight go because a couple times Nate got knocked around pretty good. But it's like, man, I don't want to see these guys die either. I don't want to see them get like you're saying with the brain. I wonder how much investigation they do into the health of the brain because the actions of someone brain. Cause you know, the,
Starting point is 00:20:46 the actions of someone like a Conor McGregor, you know, I, I wonder how his health is. I wonder how he is mentally, you know, or, or,
Starting point is 00:20:55 or these just like acts to, you know, you know, be a little crazy and, and be entertaining, you know, you know, it's crazy to what they're finding out over time about like even sports that you wouldn't expect.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Like I think there's been a little bit of research done into soccer players and like heading the ball. I never would have thought like when I played soccer because we do a lot of that. But apparently because of the, it's like microtrauma. Apparently that microtrauma to the brain and the head over time, over a long time, can actually cause damage. And you wouldn't think that because you're like, soccer, I mean, yeah, there's a little bit of contact there.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Call it Aaron. Yeah, right? But you would not expect it to actually do any damage. So then when you look at sports like hockey and football with all the ramming, then you imagine, okay, fighting, you're getting punched in the head multiple times potentially. Yeah. Do you hit heads in j the head multiple times potentially. Yeah. Do you hit heads in jiu-jitsu? Barely. No, like that's –
Starting point is 00:21:50 Pretty rare. It could happen. Like you get in a knee to the face or something. What about getting brought down? You get brought down pretty hard? Yeah, but that's where you learn how to break fall. There's like technique to falling and hitting the ground. You know, someone will throw you.
Starting point is 00:22:03 There's a way you can hit the ground where you really don't hurt yourself. And you guys are on a mat. Yeah. And we're on a mat, right? Like you'll never hit the ground head first. And if you do, that's because. So you break in your fall with other body parts?
Starting point is 00:22:14 Yeah. You kind of like you, you disperse the, uh, the impact with your body. Like the way you fall disperses all of the impact. If you get like thrown, thrown, you're probably, which hopefully never happens, but if you get like tossed, you're probably also taught not to like put out like an arm or something. Because then you could potentially like, you know, you're trying to break your forearm. You can break your arm or your wrist, right? So is it like trying to get your forearm to hit the ground first or elbow kind of thing? Yeah, it's kind of like when you break a fall, it's kind of like your back and then everything else kind of just hits and you snap back.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Oh, okay, that's the way we fell in wrestling. Yeah, exactly. So, you know exactly what it is. It's called taking a bump. So, that's how it is. But like, you know, all these sports are dangerous in and of themselves. But I think I heard Rogan talking about this. They're still not even sure in terms of fighting. Like, they're discovering all the dangers of it. Like, it's already a dangerous sport, but they're finding more and more. I think actually a boxer died two weeks ago of like a brain thing from his knockout.
Starting point is 00:23:11 Like that stuff. Brain bled. Yeah. You heard about that? Yeah. Yeah. It's – His brain swelled and continued to bleed and that was that.
Starting point is 00:23:23 It's crazy. Have you ever seen the concussion movie with Will Smith? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw that. Yeah, that movie was great. I thought that depiction that the guy in the movie does, he just has like something in a jar, like in a pickle jar basically. He just shakes the jar and he's like,
Starting point is 00:23:38 this is what happens to your brain. Like it's not, you know, there's the fluid around it to protect it, but everything's still getting knocked around a lot. There's not you know there's the fluid around it to protect it but everything's still getting knocked around a lot there's not much stability going on there and it's i mean even in jujitsu i mean it's like you know you don't want to like not do anything but even in something like jujitsu where you're just making contact maybe you make contact hard enough to where it does actually impact your brain slightly yeah i'm sure it's to a much lesser degree than getting punched in the face.
Starting point is 00:24:06 But it can happen. And then a lot of this stuff makes you really wonder, though, too, is it better to get punched? Like let's say you see a beautiful knockout, right? Someone gets punched and there's that snappy punch that's just perfect, hits the guy right in the chin, and boom, he's out cold. Like, is that better? Like, I know I'm picking, like, the lesser of some evils here,
Starting point is 00:24:30 but is that better than, like, football? You know, where you're knocking, knocking, knocking, knocking against each other. And if you're a defensive player or an offensive player, typically in a football game, there's about 60 plays. So you'd be on the field for 60 plays, and out of those 60 plays depending on your position you're going to probably be ramming into somebody else for a good
Starting point is 00:24:51 amount of it now if you're like a kicker or something like that you're not going to get as much contact and if you're a well-protected quarterback and you're good at your trade then maybe a little less but like the offensive line the defensive line they're smashing into each other every play so i kind of wonder you know is it is uh the frequent you know smashing smashing each other better or like even like boxing compared to mma like maybe mma as weird as that sounds maybe it's maybe it's healthier because you don't have as much padding on your hands and maybe you get like maybe because you get knocked out quicker maybe that on your hands. And maybe you get like, maybe because you get knocked out quicker, maybe that's better.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I know it sounds stupid, but rather than getting a pounding, you know, I just keep fucking punching you with a pillow on my hand. Is it better if you just get, boom, knocked out cold quicker? I'm sure neither one is great for you, but kind of makes you wonder. I can understand that
Starting point is 00:25:44 because you're accumulating all of that consistent over time yeah yeah it's just it's just consistently you're getting hit over and over it's it's versus just a knockout um i i think like maybe i think maybe just getting yeah in terms of i, punching, I think MMA might be a little bit better than boxing. Right. Because boxing, like, it's getting knocked out unless you're like a Deontay Wilder with a hand of God. Like, that doesn't happen like that. And in boxing, you have, you're punching either, you're punching the guy in the head or you're punching him in the stomach. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And then MMA, I can kick you in the leg. I got a lot more options. I can take you down, right? A lot more things you can do. So maybe in that sense. And pure boxers, it's not like they're able to always utilize their boxing or whatever in MMA.
Starting point is 00:26:38 But then you also have kicks to the head. And that's some wild stuff. I don't know. Or a knee. Oh my God. Knee to the head? Yeah, know. Or a knee. Oh, my God. Yeah, a knee to the head? Yeah, Masvidal's knee. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:50 God, man. He started the fight with that kind of like teasing. He's like, I'm going to get you. And then Nate Heckel jumped back, and then they kind of both laughed at it. Yeah. And the chat room's kind of thinking that it was a good call. Like, everyone's upset, but in retrospect, it's definitely a good call. There we go. It kind of ruins everybody's night you know and i think yeah yeah and i think uh
Starting point is 00:27:09 you know nate diaz was like i was just getting started you know and it's like well you know yeah you should have got started when the bell rang you know three rounds ago that would have been a good idea you know i think that like when when i'm not a fighter or anything but when i watch these fights i want to enjoy the fight but i really also want the athletes to come out healthy because like yeah like we lift whatever you know we're athletes too like i feel like there's a sympathy there like please don't like get fucked up but don't get fucked up you know not permanent yeah like you want these guys to come out well but when when like when i've seen just like spectators watch like they want blood yeah it's like it's like the uh coliseums right we want blood you know and then when they're like uh some of the lighter
Starting point is 00:27:54 weights you know like bigger dudes are talking shit like they can handle it was like oh man go go just take a uh taibo class and see if you can just hang the whole time. You'll still get wrecked. Yeah. Punch a heavy bag for 15 seconds and you can't fucking breathe. Literally 15 seconds, not minutes. Right. Throw as hard and as fast as you can for 15 seconds. First of all, you're probably going to hurt your wrist
Starting point is 00:28:18 on like punch number three and you're going to be like, ow, that kind of hurt. And you won't be able to breathe. Ow. You're going to be a little bitch about it right or just like you know uh i don't know do like 20 burpees and then go try to punch the bag and then think about that guy that you're calling a bitch like when the round is ending and you're like why isn't he throwing punches he should just go for it because it's the fifth round or it's the fourth round or whatever and it's like well because the guy's fucking tired and the guy got punched and the guy's still punching him back
Starting point is 00:28:50 yeah the guy's gotten punched i mean a lot of times you're like man i don't understand why the guy's not going in and taking him down since he's a really good wrestler it's like well he probably got fucking kicked in the leg or kicked in the head or he felt some sort of power from the guy where he decided that shit ain't a good idea anymore that's why mma is such a wild sport man because you watch all these like you watch a lot of other normal sports and then you see like mma you're tired but you have there's all these things you have to think about you know with them it's it's beautiful but it's just like complicated as hell so when when you had like Gina Fabian on, right? I was like, first off, she could probably knock me out.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Like just like with her, like her length and her reach and stuff. She just looked like an absolute beast. But then just like all she knows, it's just crazy. Yeah. On so many levels. On so many levels. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:40 And then, so after that fight, I started watching the, uh, Garnelo Alvarez fight and it was really hard to stay awake and it was a good fight it went all the way to the 11th round and he knocked him out so i've heard i've i've turned it off after like the fifth round just switching over to boxing yeah and it was it was so odd like you know it just it looked weird because i'm like the way they move the way they're punching like not focusing on the lower like you know as far as leg kicks or something yeah it was just it just was really odd and i gotta admit i was bored yeah so it's almost like uh you know after you eat like after that's exactly after you eat dessert yes right you eat something real sweet and then to
Starting point is 00:30:20 try to go back to something like to go to your uh regular dinner yeah even if it was nice and that's not me like really knocking boxing i love watching boxing i grew up watching boxing like that's the only time i got to see my relatives was when we got the fights you know yeah but it just was uh it one it was way too damn late i switched over and uh you know i look i'm like oh they're just doing like the you know the national look, I'm like, oh, they're just doing, like, the national anthems. I'm like, sick, like, it's about to start. And then, like, 30 minutes later, like, they're still doing the walk-ins. I'm like, what's happening here? Like, can we please get started?
Starting point is 00:30:54 And then, yeah, like, I dozed off, and I'm like, I'm going to turn this thing off and go to bed, get some training in the morning or something. Something that's pretty cool about the fight game, especially, like, the UFC, because, I mean, there's really not that many ufc athletes you know i don't know how many there might be like 400 yeah there's yeah that sounds like a lot though yeah there might there might even be more like 200 or 300 i know like a few years ago it was like 200 um active people that like fight you know and in a given year is probably like 100 you know with the they have a pay-per-view every month they got like 10 fights yeah so let's say let's say there's 150
Starting point is 00:31:33 like this is not a lot of people right my point is is that you know they had that bmf belt like all these dudes and girls are fucking bad motherfuckers like these are tough people and the thing that's really cool about it is anyone can win on any day like uh you can have you know i've been watching ufc since the first one right i don't have any greater insight on who's going to win a fight than somebody that's never seen it before because you can't really tell i mean most of the time you know most of the time you can take some good educated guesses. I felt that – is it Mozdolov, as I say his name? Mozdolov.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Just call him Jorge. Jorge. I felt that Jorge was going to win last night just because I felt that he was more in his prime. Nate Diaz is great, but I feel like he's probably on a downward uh he's probably heading in a different direction than jorge is like jorge's like he seems like he's got some good uh good winning streak going and then on top of that he's just really strong and really skilled and so i thought like well natez, he's good at like peppering people with punches and he's fucking amazing at
Starting point is 00:32:48 jujitsu, but people don't get caught in jujitsu holds as much anymore. So I was like, he probably ain't going to win. Yeah. And they're both the same age, but I think just Masvidal hasn't been in the UFC as long. So it's,
Starting point is 00:33:01 you know, anyone can win on any given day. Like the talent level is fucking through the roof. Yeah. So it's, you know, anyone can win on any given day. Like the talent level is fucking through the roof. Yeah. And then, so the only thing I can find is just like a year old Reddit post saying that there's 499 men's, uh, in the men's division and then 86 female fighters. Wow. 86.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Yeah. I would have expected a little bit more, but dang. Well, I mean, this was a year ago. Yeah. Yeah. Who knows? Probably more now, but still just the, I mean, this was a year ago. Yeah, yeah. Who knows? There's probably more now, but still, just the difference. Huh.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And you know, on that note of like, you'd never know who's going to win, the only fighter I think I'd always probably, if I were a betting guy, would be Habib. Like, I would always, no matter who, put my money on him. Right. Even Jon Jones, I wouldn't put my money on him all the time because of that last fight he had um but habib i'd just be like take habib just take all my money on habib i trust him because he it's just like the he's a bear he's literally a bear it's i don't think anybody in his weight division could probably beat him he's been crushing people what do you guys think about jujitsu and mma like we've you know we had someone kind of
Starting point is 00:34:05 write in and we're like jujitsu ain't shit or something like a few weeks ago and uh when i was watching a fight last night you know uh nate diaz had a couple couple opportunities like where he was trying to go for a leg and stuff but like the other guy was like dude you ain't getting me in that like because they just they know you know and I'm sure that both are very skilled when it comes to jiu-jitsu. I know Nate Diaz is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Gracie. He's well accomplished. And I'm sure a lot of the other guys and girls in the UFC, they are skilled. So it definitely seems like you better be skilled enough to defend,
Starting point is 00:34:44 but you just don't really see like an arm bar that often i guess you'll see people get choked out rear naked choke is what you're going to see most of the time yeah and the rear naked choke seems to only be a thing when the other guy is just like getting worked you know the other guy clearly is not as good as the other person um and or the guy just got the shit beat out of him and he's tired and he just like is like i'm just gonna i i'm gonna find somewhere where i can lay down and i'm gonna tap out to a rear naked choke well what are some of your thoughts on that i mean the only reason why like i still think it's very effective but the reason why it was so effective at the beginning
Starting point is 00:35:20 was because no one knew what it was no one knew how to escape simple things now every fighter has taken up jujitsu at some level and the first thing that they probably learned how to do is escape a lot of things and they learn how to not get taken down and they learn how to like counter certain things right so now the fighters that maybe there are more experienced or a jujitsu grappling specialist they're not going to be as effective because now everyone they're not maybe on that level but they're close enough to be able to be like okay i know how to keep you at bay so i still think it's effective but i don't think it's uh like everybody's knowledge base is higher it's not as deadly as it used to be although still very deadly yeah everyone's kind of merging into the same
Starting point is 00:35:58 type of fighter yeah so it's just i i don't know i I think what Nsema just said right now is everybody knows how to get out of shit now. Whereas before, it was like, okay, what's this? What's that? And boom, and I have to tap because my arm broke. You don't even really see as many attempts anymore. Like the UFC used to be on the ground a lot more, and it still gets on the ground. But like when the two guys are squared off like their hands are just like up and they're just standing in front of each other and it appears that they
Starting point is 00:36:31 have no intention of taking each other down a lot of times i know that different fighters have different but for most from what i'm seeing in most of the fights i see there's there's very little attempt to even bring someone down a lot of times unless it's a wrestler um because there's very little attempt to even bring someone down a lot of times unless it's a wrestler um because there's a few guys that will just fucking toss you around a bunch um but then when they're on the ground i'm not seeing as much um you know people going for like an arm bar or going for something and i i just wonder like uh obviously it's still effective it's still gonna make someone tap out if you can get somebody in it but it must just be happening a lot less because maybe the skill level of everyone in ju get somebody in it but it must just be happening a lot less because maybe the skill level of everyone in juju you know it when it comes to jujitsu has raised up so much
Starting point is 00:37:10 that it's just fucking tough to get someone in that and then also maybe when you go for something maybe you're making yourself more vulnerable for something else yeah uh damian maya he he's the last one to let go that's like all he wants to do is just get to the ground he's fucking awesome yeah and i think he just who did he just was it it wasn't ben askren was it i'll check but he just won yeah i think he did beat ben askren yeah and both of them were grapplers so and he beat him so i mean yeah i guess khabib is like tossing your ass around a lot. And it's not even just jujitsu because Khabib, his base isn't jujitsu. His base is like, it's wrestling and some, not weird, but it's like some Russian. Yeah, Sambo or whatever.
Starting point is 00:37:55 So he's like, I think. He used to wrestle bears. There's videos of him wrestling bears. But like, you know, even when you look at, because like, I guess MMA is pretty much using no gi jujitsu, right? Even when you look at no gi jujitsu, if a wrestler comes into no gi jujitsu, he's really deadly in that because it's super slippery. So because people aren't getting caught as much in the UFC, it's already no gi. It's very easy to just get out and escape and get back to your feet.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Just like when you watch pure nogi jiu-jitsu, it's really difficult for a guy to settle another jiu-jitsu athlete down. He'll get back to his feet and the match could go on 20, 25 minutes without a submission. So the UFC, you add in all these other variables and the skill level's higher,
Starting point is 00:38:42 it makes sense that you're not seeing it as much as you used to. I also think that there's, I think it's like illegal too, to like, you can't like hold the guy's glove. People used to do that quite a bit. You can hold the guy's wrist, you know, which you might have some glove, but you can't like sometimes they'll try to,
Starting point is 00:39:02 and the guy's got the glove, he's got tape on the gloves and stuff, but you're not supposed to be able to like, you know, really hold the guy's gloves. When I saw Nate Diaz last night, he kept trying to hold the guy's hand, but he just, you know, wasn't strong enough to really, you know, hold the guy's hand in place to get him into anything. Dude, you know, you just what you just mentioned is a fact that I didn't even realize. That's that's a big reason why you don't see, I guess, as much ground control. Because if I were to hold your wrist like this, I can hold your wrist. But if the glove on, first off, if I try to hold here, you can just get out. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:34 So it's so much easier to escape all of this crap. It makes a lot of sense. Yeah. And the friction that our skin has is going to be grippy. Yeah. You know, especially if we're not, like, sweaty yet and stuff. Yeah. Yeah, and so having all that shit on your wrist makes it even tougher.
Starting point is 00:39:54 Shit, man. He got him in a choke pretty easy. It looked like a damn pretty easy. That's crazy. Shit. I love watching the fights, though, man. I've been watching them forever. I always try to figure out a way to get them
Starting point is 00:40:06 whatever the hell way I can but the ESPN plus thing has been kind of a pain in the ass that's what a lot of people are saying and then I had it on my phone and then I switched phones and then I forgot my password oh password just use the same one
Starting point is 00:40:21 they always try to protect you from yourself like that's not a legit password you're like come on one two three four five ain't a legit password fuck you nobody's trying to hack
Starting point is 00:40:32 into my fucking Etsy account A B C D E F that doesn't work either come on bro I was let me have something simple I was so I was asking
Starting point is 00:40:41 the chat room like how effective you know BJJ is in the UFC, and I couldn't figure out which effect to use. There's effect and effect. Oh, yeah. How do you guys deal without autocorrect? Effective.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I think, yeah. But even if there was autocorrect, I still wouldn't know which one to use. Special effects? The special effects of BJJ. God. I think there's an X in there. think so and it's just wait there's uh wait is there except except acceptance accept or accept no that one's that one's pretty that was pretty easy yeah expect yeah we're talking about there and there yeah so what even if you have your phone which is there the there and there. Yeah. So even if you have your phone, which there?
Starting point is 00:41:27 There and there. Yeah. Restaurant, we talked about. Impossible. Guarantee. I never know how to fucking spell that one. And this one, I don't care how many people think I'm an idiot. I cannot spell calendar.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh, yeah. I don't understand. Okay. I really don't get how you can't spell calendar. I ain't trying to shame you, bro. But what is wrong with the word calendar? Calendar ain't too bad. Calendar.
Starting point is 00:41:54 Calendar. Wednesday used to bother me as a kid. Calendar or calendar? See? It's an E or an A at the end. It's an A, but like you just... I don't want to put you on the spot but can you spell it c-a-l-e-n-d-a-r okay well you're a genius no i'm not that's why i said calendar i can never
Starting point is 00:42:12 spell i always put like four l's in there for no reason and then i er every time and i'm like fucking come on phone like how about when your phone like just fucking ghosts you too and like pretends it has no idea what the fuck you're trying to spell you know no suggestions like dude what else am i trying to say obviously oh my god let me mark that in my whatever this word is like you know what that is yeah come on asshole stupid all right let's do a quick test real quick right now all right i'm gonna google it let's think about there okay you are over there how do you spell it go e-r-e boom yeah you're right you're right yeah uh cool okay so you know you're there we were just discussing you know before we got on the show we were for today we were just discussing like why just why just why the fuck is there even a different
Starting point is 00:43:06 way to spell it it's not like if if you wrote it it's not like i would be like well i don't know what the fuck you're talking about because it would be in a certain context you know if you said hey all those people are over there it wouldn't really matter how you spelled it i would know that you're referencing the people that are over in that spot you can even spell it wrong yeah you spell it whatever way you want there's yeah there's so many things in english that like contextually yeah english then and then then yeah that one's pretty yeah i never know what's going on with back then better than better than better than yeah yeah yeah one has to do with time i think the e has to do with time yep yeah back the E has to do with time. Yeah, back then. Right?
Starting point is 00:43:47 And that has an E in it. And then I don't know the other one. And then is like a comparison. Better than that. Yeah. Yes, yes. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:56 But it gets a little tricky here and there. Yeah, I know. It's tough. So like... So guarantee. I just wrote it out. So he got it. So G-A-R-R-A-n-t-e-a no guarantee g-a-r-r-a-n-t-e-a guarantee i guarantee it yeah yeah that's gotta be close enough
Starting point is 00:44:22 if i saw i would know what you it I would know what you're talking about I know what you're talking about Guarantee Isn't that some weird shit? I can't do it Man I bet you there's some like English majors
Starting point is 00:44:33 Or English teachers Listening to us Faces are red There's anger Oh man Collage Collage is the top one College
Starting point is 00:44:42 Yeah college College or collage I just I've always yeah college and college or collage i just i've always had a problem with halloween every halloween i spell halloween yeah i spell the double l i always miss it i always think it's a single l you gotta just use october 31st what you do on october 31st i hate when i like when it's very obvious that i can't spell something and i do something like oh oh yeah, the 31st. Yeah. I have definitely done that.
Starting point is 00:45:08 And then yesterday, Stephanie was asking me how to spell Canelo. And I'm like, it's Spanish. Canelo. It is exactly how it should be spelled. Spanish is such a smart language. Well, it's just English is so difficult. Yeah. And then I'm just like, every other language, it's almost like, okay, if you were a kid trying to spell something, that's how it is.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Like, mark spelling guarantee. Like, in other languages, that's how you would spell it. Or just draw a character. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I think that's Chinese. I think they use a lot of characters. They have characters.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Yeah. And then we have shit like buffet. Buffet. Yeah, buffet. A good example of what we're talking about in terms of context is if I said, hey, can you go to the store and get a eggplant? You would know what I mean. Now you're going to go to the store and get some eggplant. You're not going to bring back a bunch of dick, right?
Starting point is 00:46:03 I don't know. It depends what store you're going to it depends what generation too yeah because like yeah young kid mike i don't fucking know i'm done with that statement um yeah context is a big deal makes a big difference fuck spelling what spelling. What about sometimes when things are hard to say? Like, specifically, you know, stuff like that. Specifically. Like, you kind of feel like you're going to spit all over somebody when you say specifically. I still can't say the haptic. Oh, yeah, haptic.
Starting point is 00:46:40 I tried not to stutter. I got to look. I got to look. How is it spelled? Wait, how do you say drawer? Not like that. Because my girlfriend makes fun of me all the time for saying drawer. I say drawer.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Drawer. Like a drawer. Like you're pulling out clothes from your drawer. Yeah, your drawers. Drawers. Drawers. It's hard to say. I don't know how you're supposed to say it.
Starting point is 00:47:03 You guys know? I say drawer. Well, when I talk to my phone, my phone, like the predictive text won't work well because I don't speak properly, I think. Like I don't enunciate certain words. So I'm like, why the fuck did it say it like that? And then I'll say it again. I couldn't even spell drawer.
Starting point is 00:47:20 D-R-A-W-A-R. Drawer. Oh, gosh. Now my Siri is set to the Australian. Your drawers. Your drawers? Your drawers or your drawers. I got to look up this haptics or whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:30 Haptic touch. What's so hard about haptic? I don't understand. Haptic. I think just because I just need to figure out what the word is. Sounds and haptics. Yeah, haptics. Let's see what YouTube has.
Starting point is 00:47:40 That's weird. Okay. That sounds... Drawer. Oh, you know what's a tough word to say peculiar peculiar peculiar is you have to slow you gotta kind of slow down to say that wow that was really peculiar peculiar i have to set i have to set my feet yeah you can't throw that one off your back foot this is what youtube says for drawer drawer drawerwer. Drawer. I say it right.
Starting point is 00:48:05 Yeah. I say it right. How does she say it? I don't know. She never says it. But whatever I say, she's like, huh,
Starting point is 00:48:11 that's how you say it all the time. Like all the time without fail. So I just don't say it much anymore. So can you get that from there? From the, the, the thing? Oh man.
Starting point is 00:48:23 What else? This, this has me just going down a... What other words are just kind of weird? I hope the chat room has some ideas. I'm all asked. There's no way to help. I'm bad with IE and EI and I can't figure
Starting point is 00:48:36 that one out a lot of times. You can never spell those. I've got to just throw it out there and let my phone take care of the rest. Science. Hey, man. Thank God for Grammarly and Spellcheck. Grammarly is an awesome app. By the way, we Amen. Thank God for Grammarly and Spellcheck. Yeah. Grammarly is an awesome app, by the way. We are not sponsored, but Grammarly is an awesome app. How about trying to spell Connecticut?
Starting point is 00:48:53 Oh, yeah. Connecticut. Connecticut. I'm going to the East Coast. Wait for it. That's how we just avoid it. I just CT. Yeah, Connecticut's tough. Mississippi is really easy because it's like you sing a song with that. M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-E-C-T. Yeah, Connecticut's tough. Mississippi's really easy because it's like you sing a song with that.
Starting point is 00:49:06 M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-I. But we say Connecticut, but it's C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-C-U-T. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up. That's not. Are you sure? Positive. Connect.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Connect-a-kit. Spell it again. Oh, man. I feel like I'm going to mess it up. C-O-N-N-E-c-t-i-c-u-t oh my god that makes no sense why do they say connecticut then connecticut that makes me so angry that makes no sense at all it's connecticut that's connecticut connect connect i cut maybe someone's messing with us on wikipedia you know how you can like edit yeah that's connect connect to cut connect connect tie cut maybe someone's messing with us on
Starting point is 00:49:45 wikipedia you know how you can like edit yeah that's totally possible but i know for because like i was there not that long ago and yeah connect english is stupid all of the silent like uh what's um like silent stuff's the worst phlegm yeah phlegm but it's the logna baloney baloney how the fuck do you get baloney out of balogna yeah why the ph and f you know ph yeah ph and f yeah phonetic filler philanthropy phallic yeah hey now did we just talk about the word phallic the other day? What are we talking about on this episode? We're talking about all kinds of things The phallic is PH I barely heard that word for the first time
Starting point is 00:50:36 When Mark said it the other day Phallic is the shape Of phallus Which is I think the Greek root for penis oh so it's the dick root yes i'm totally making up the greek root thing but i think phallus is a root of something yeah fallacy fallacy oh oh yeah see fake dick i don't know what's happening here oh my goodness dude uh so i know i'm not allowed any quest cookies of any kind but i shot some promo stuff for for quest
Starting point is 00:51:15 it came from a fan his name was something stiletto i can't remember wow actually that was his last name hey now but uh he sent me a whole recipe and i cubed them and then i threw them in the oven oh and the whole house smelled exactly like uh like homemade cookies oh that's awesome and because i made them you know i had to i had to try one or two or four and they tasted extremely good that's awesome just heating them up a little bit yeah just so i threw them in the threw them in the oven uh then kind of squished them down a little bit put them back in the oven and they tasted like homemade cookies wow it's yeah so and this was of course
Starting point is 00:51:55 this couldn't be like a hero bar so kind of like what mark was saying with the uh you know heating them up a little bit yeah just the regular uh cookie cookie dough one was it was incredible wow it was really good so you just put you put the cookie in the oven just for like how long uh so at 325 for like eight minutes and then it got soft and then i smushed it down wait but the cookie's already cooked it it like gets crunched like like it turns into a cookie again all right pause do you think it's possible to put it in an air fryer that's just like an oven like could i just put it at 325 in the air fryer you might have come up on another another method of cooking it yeah like how about just like 400 for three minutes in the air fryer there's only one way to find out i'm doing that one it might explode but
Starting point is 00:52:38 i bought like a mini oven thing that's also an air fryer it's two in one but you have access to shit in the future though we don't yeah we can't buy that i know it's a whoa i haven't used it yet isn't an air fryer pretty much a mini oven uh this is a combo this is like uh you can like throw like toast in it and shit like that it's like a toast it's a toaster oven type deal you know it's like a small little thing that kind of sits on your counter, and it will also work as an air fryer. I don't know the difference. I don't know if there is much of a difference.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Wow. Yeah. Technology. Like I said, I haven't tried it yet. I also have a weird microwave. I have a microwave that I got weird shit at my house. My oven opens up this way, sideways like a fridge. And then my microwave is a drawer.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I push a button and it pops out. And you put the food down inside of it. Just like it's a drawer. And then it closes and microwaves your shit. Real quick. I don't know why. Something else just hit me oh good people say i could care less about x y and z the x y and z part or the careless the care because if you say i could care less that means you have some form of care right
Starting point is 00:53:59 now and you could potentially care less the saying is i couldn't care less about whatever it is because then you have no more care i could not care anymore wow i could not care and i hear it wrong i've been saying that wrong for the longest time i've been saying i could care less so that i could i could care more about it i could care less about it yeah so when you say i could care more about it. I could care less about it. Yeah. So when you say. I could care more or I couldn't care less. Yeah. Correct. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Because when you say I could care less about it, it means like, oh, so then you have some feelings about it. Yo. What about I couldn't care more about it? I couldn't care more. It means you care a lot. Yeah. It means you care a ton.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Right? Use that one on your lady one time and then if she gets mad, just be like, did you even listen to what I told you? I said I couldn't care more. That means I care so much. It's not possible for me to go to another level of care. Right, exactly. This is really funny.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Henry, who's been here, our British supplier of slingshot products, he said that him and his lady, they work on programming. They work with the British IPF team. And she helps organize some of the programming as well. And so she's like, he's like sitting on the couch, like just chilling, like watching TV or whatever. And she's like, should they do, should the athletes for the accessory work should they do um uh single leg uh you know single leg squats what those called uh split squats yeah should they do uh split squats with dumbbells or should they use a cable and i'll say either is fine and
Starting point is 00:55:40 then she'll come over and she'll sit down with him and she like pauses the TV and she's like, you don't care about what I have to say. And he's like, no, no, no, no. No, he said either exercise is fine. But to her, that means like you don't give a shit. And he's like, no, that's not what I said. You can pick either one of the exercises. And she's taking it as like he's like blowing her off and being like it you know whatever she's taking it that way that is tough that's kind of those men are from mars
Starting point is 00:56:11 women yeah venus type things that's in in our like i did not say that i don't care they're interchangeable so ptsd yes yeah But I'm on the other side, though. I'd be like, hey, babe, do you want to do like, you know, do you want to go to Twotley or do you want me to cook at home? Yeah. Like, OK, well, which one? Like, whatever you want. OK.
Starting point is 00:56:34 So then, like, is it cool if I cook at home? It's like, OK. Like, well, OK, isn't like, yes. It's not like I'm super pumped. Yeah. So I'm like, no no you have a preference for some reason i'm not saying it and then she'll be like no i said okay and i'm like okay but which one would you say yes to like absolutely and it's that happened okay and then is it either or either
Starting point is 00:56:57 either or i hate you i think it's i think it's uh i think it's either either i don't know i'm tripping so hard right now is it either either one works i don't know this episode has has exposed me i think uh i think you might be able to use i think you might be able to use both i thought you're gonna say either or either but i think they have man they don't have different meaning kind of no no yeah i think that's just like an accent thing right tomato tomato they're both spelled the same yeah it's just yeah um man that same thing happened to be yesterday night you got in trouble i didn't even get in trouble now but like she was she was hungry
Starting point is 00:57:40 you know she had a long day so you know i had some options um but it's like i could eat anything bro like i could eat literally any anything and be perfectly literally you couldn't care less where you go to eat couldn't care less right right so i was like hey you can do anything she's like oh i don't know so i was like i i picked an option but like nah not that i picked another thing like nah not that i picked another thing like that's not and then i picked something and then it was like yeah two minutes later no i was i was just laughing on the inside because you see these things on the internet so much yeah yeah where to eat you know what the worst thing is like when a bunch of time starts to pass too, when you're like, oh,
Starting point is 00:58:26 where are we going? Oh, I don't know. Like, and for me, it's like, let me check with Jake and let me check with Quinn. And Quinn always wants to go somewhere different than Jake. And like, I have certain diet requirement things that I'm trying to stick to. And so it starts to get complicated really, really quick. I normally am just like, well, I can literally go wherever because I could just eat a small snack here and then I can eat when I come back. Or,
Starting point is 00:58:50 you know, if it's, you know, something that maybe they don't have a lot of good options for me, I could just eat a salad there. I could eat something small. It's no big deal. And I'll just go wherever everybody else wants to go because I'm just we're just going because we're going to do something as a family. But as soon as some time starts to fly by and people start getting hungry and people start getting hangry and then it starts getting ugly.
Starting point is 00:59:13 You're like, yeah, we'll just eat here. Fuck it. And then you cook up something or eat something that you didn't even really want. And that's like, I don't know. It's just a grumpy place to be in. Yeah, I never get mad when it comes to food, though. I don't really waste any time getting mad about it either anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:31 I used to get a little frustrated because I just was not used to fasting. Fasting really helped chill me the fuck out. Well, that's what I was going to say. I was like, now throw fasting into the thing. You know, like, what do you want to eat? I'm good. Okay, I guess I won't eat either. no no like it's fine like let's get you some food or let's cook something whatever it is but yeah for me it's not necessarily the food it's just the time
Starting point is 00:59:55 like like hey like if we don't figure it out pretty soon then that's gonna push like and i will calculate the hours i'm like hey this means we're not touching the you know bed till like 10 30 yeah and then by this time it's only like six i'm like no you don't like yeah it's gonna be a while and that's the only time where like i'm like like okay what we have to figure this out right now and that happened to me a few weeks ago we're supposed to go somewhere at like 6 30 and 6 30 turned into like a little bit closer like eight and i was like oh shit like by the time we go you know and eat and everything like i'm back in bed around 10 and i don't think anybody really realizes how long some of this shit takes it really does take a long time restaurants uh seem to take longer now than ever i'm not sure what the deal is with that but they
Starting point is 01:00:46 do seem to take a while sit down restaurant it's like you're in there for at least an hour which i think is kind of excessive like i think i think you should be in there for about 40 minutes or so um and if you want to kind of hang out and have dessert and coffee or whatever the hell else people do then you should be able to do that too but you should be in and out of there quicker i think yeah that can get frustrating because then it's like starting to mess up your next day if you've got stuff that you're trying to you're trying to do the next day it doesn't happen to me way too often but yeah you just mentioned coffee as a dessert i don't really ever do that but yeah people do that i think the first time i heard about that was with you guys at like some
Starting point is 01:01:23 dinner yeah i don't know if it was you or someone mentioned. I'm like, who the hell does coffee as dessert? It could have been me because I was just remembering how my parents and like if we have family over whatever, every single night my parents while watching the news would have coffee and like dip like cookies into it. That gives me so much anxiety now that I know about how coffee affects your sleep. Same here. And I'm just like, like it hit me. I was just like, oh my gosh, dude, literally every night, Monday through Friday was coffee. Like, you know, news comes on at 10.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Yeah. So a cup of coffee at 10 p.m. at night, every night. I'm just like, dude, how the heck? Like, oh my gosh. And you're right. Now that we know so much about sleep and then caffeine, I'm just like, oh. Like, I would never.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah. That just makes me just, I'm so happy that we're in this day and age. Like, I mean, 50 years from now, we'll still be happy. But like, wow. Like, we think we know so much, but I do think we know a lot. And like, just all the ways we're optimizing how we're living compared to my parents your parents it's wild bro like i think about all these little things that are just like normal to us now like when we talk about fasting when we talk about sleep like a lot of these things people just didn't really
Starting point is 01:02:39 care about right you know and as we like even when it comes to fasting as we're digging deeper into the weeds about how beneficial it can be and it's just wild andrew how old are you how old are your parents uh it's 1950 67 is my dad and then my mom is like 63 yeah 67 like I still think like, you know, 70-ish, I think it's still fairly young. And I think that when we see, like when I see family members and friends and stuff that are in their mid-60s, early 70s, and they're really kind of like hobbling around and stuff. I'm just thinking like, we know better now. Like you don't have, that doesn't have to be, not everyone has like different circumstances and some people have some really unfortunate circumstances, but most of them can be avoided. A lot of them can be avoided. A lot of them can be avoided through better food choices,
Starting point is 01:03:44 through better sleep habits, through better sleep habits, through better exercise habits. And I think, unfortunately, you know, even as early as about 20 years ago, you just didn't hear as much information. Not that the information wasn't there, because it was, there were still people talking about it, but the information is so readily available now that if you're not doing that, I think, I think, you know, 30 years from now, 20 years from now, it's going to be a lot less common to see people suffering that way, you know, that, that are really having a hard time getting up out of a chair and things like that when they're 65 and 70, because you probably really shouldn't, you should be still, you should still be, uh, moving around
Starting point is 01:04:29 pretty good at that age. Yeah. And I mean, my dad for his age and despite the open heart surgery and everything, like you look at him and you look at somebody his age and it's like, whoa, do you look fantastic for not for your age, but like in comparison to what's like around, you know, at that age today you know once you know we're all that age we'll look even better than them but it's just yeah and i mean but yeah just thinking about dessert every night as i'm typing it out dessert or desert i don't know which one is which how many s's strawberry shortcake. I know this one because I love dessert. Dessert's a double S.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Strawberry shortcake. What about strawberry shortcake? It's delicious. That's how you can remember dessert. It has two S's. There's little tricks like that that you gotta figure out and they kind of never leave you. You always remember.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I don't even like strawberry shortcake is that how you remembered it all these years that's dope well what do you think so do you not like the sponge cake part of it like i just don't care i don't care for it got it yeah strawberries are well okay so i i mean i've talked about this before but i don't like cake i'm not a cake okay. Not even – Fuck cake. Unless it comes with ice cream. You need cake. Cake has to have ice cream with it.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Otherwise, it's just bread with fucking sugar smeared on it. I don't think it's that good. How about cheesecake? Cheesecake is on a totally different level. That's really like – yeah, it's not cakey. Like cake is like bread with stuff smeared on top of it. I like ice cream cake man oh cheesecake yeah cheesecake is amazing so then you wouldn't like pan dulce i don't know what that is what it's basically bread but it's uh it's you guys all know it it's fun it's the uh it's the um
Starting point is 01:06:18 like spanish dessert like or mexican dessert i mean yeah i don't know if i've ever had that i've had like the pudding type thing what's that called flan flan yeah that shit's whack yeah i don't like flan yeah uh or tres leches that's even worse tres leches that sounds kind of that sounds evil yeah i don't know why it's not good i like tortilla chips everyone likes tortilla chips chips. I like salsa. Yeah. I like pico. Well, yeah. Some pico. You don't like onions that much? I do.
Starting point is 01:06:51 I love onions, but I don't know. Like, at the Mexican restaurants I've been going to, just the pico has been kind of whack. Oh, man. That's disappointing. I gotta take you guys to this place in South Sac. Once this whole shredding thing's done with. Oh, man. It's so so good you're getting abs though yeah no i'm good with that i'm just saying like there's this this spot that i've been wanting to take mark
Starting point is 01:07:10 to it's just it's just kind of it's kind of in the ghetto but it's it's like a nice place it's just all around it it's kind of shitty on the subject of food restaurants real quick that you guys probably not have not been to there's a place called taco and it's not what you're thinking it is a korean mexican fusion have you have you had it no so they have like these sounds interesting yeah bulgogi and galbi burritos and you know they can actually be very like it you know you can get like um all this korean type uh korean barbecue meat over some rice so it can be really clean if you want it to be it's amazing amazing. It's in downtown. Yeah. It's this little shop. It's nice.
Starting point is 01:07:47 So that sounds good. Yeah. I'm up for stuff. Groovy. Yeah. But yeah, in terms of real quick, um,
Starting point is 01:07:58 as far as, cause we're, we're talking a lot about carbs here. I don't want to go too deep down this rabbit hole, but what kind of carbs have you guys been sticking to or eating in your diet because like i know that we talk about the war on carbs a lot and like a lot of people have been messaging me and saying are you keto but i eat carbs i used to really not think that there were like bad carbs but i realized there are carbs that
Starting point is 01:08:22 aren't nearly as good so what kind of carbs do you guys stick to? I just do white rice and then vegetables. And then I think the only other like carb source would be from like if I put dressing on the salad, which is always like no fat Italian dressing. And until you guys take that away from me, I'm going to keep doing it. And when you do, it'll just be lemon, like lemon juice. Gotcha. But that's it for me. Yeah. I like, because I get this question so much.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I literally stick to white rice, potatoes, vegetables. You can throw potatoes in there for me too then. Yeah. I forgot about that. That's literally, that's literally. That's it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:04 And I don't eat them. So like for me, I just, I don't choose to, I don't choose to like intentionally eat carbs. They might be part of something. They might be like in something. There might be some trace ones here and there. I might try like a keto product. I might have like a keto pizza or something like that.
Starting point is 01:09:23 There might be some carbs in there, but it's usually like a fiber. I don't really eat. I mean, if I go off the diet, that's the time I do eat carbs. So some people are like, oh, well, you need them and you got to like reset your body. And it's like, well, I still get, I still get them in here, here and there. But actually, you know, because Andrew is on a cut, I'm going to actually join Andrew. you know because andrew is on the cut i'm gonna actually join you andrew so um i decided to do no carbs until uh just until until christmas oh shit no carbs till christmas and uh so yeah
Starting point is 01:09:53 be no carbs in november no carbs december i actually kind of have a master plan to trick myself and to uh get your hand off that hero ball i actually have a plan to trick myself into go, you know, till Christmas. And then I was like, well, once I go to Christmas, I should try to push it to like 100 days, which I have no idea how many days it is until Christmas. But I was like, well, then once I do 100 days, I might as well just do the whole year. So fuck it. So I'm going to see if I can do a whole year. But I got to make it to Christmas first and then start to make decisions from there. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:10:29 I got to set some guidelines to it and some rules to it. So that way I don't, uh, don't go too haywire, but I mean, I would imagine that I'd probably have some drinks in there. Um, and that's actually a good topic to bring up. Um, so I, I enjoy some drinks here and there, but I probably drink about – let's see. I probably drink about two glasses of something, either like vodka or be about – it probably averages about three or four times a month. Three or four times a month, I'll have two, maybe three, and very, very rarely four. Once I have four, then I'm fucked up because I'm going to probably eat something because I'll end up having like a craving almost like the munchies. So that's about as much alcohol as I'll consume, but, um, it just kind of depends. Like if I'm really honed in and focused in on something, I recognize that alcohol is not going to, um, alcohol is not going to accelerate my progress, you know? And that's the way I kind of look at stuff like i don't think potatoes or or rice are are going to deter uh
Starting point is 01:11:46 anything that i'm trying to do but i just feel like for me for what i'm trying to do it's not going to accelerate it so i'm just like i don't it's cool i could have it and it could be a good energy source and maybe i need it to kind of like refill or feel a little stronger or something for a particular workout but i'm like it's not going to accelerate me towards what I'm trying to do. Yeah. Um, how do you guys feel about, uh, I know you don't really drink much at all, Andrew. How about you? Yeah, I don't drink much at all, but like, I think it's because first off, I don't eat that many in terms of carbs. I don't eat as like, I don't eat often. Um, I'm eating less food than I used to. So when I do have alcohol, I'm a lightweight too. So, I mean, everybody here in this office knows how much of a lightweight I am.
Starting point is 01:12:28 I'll feel a beer. I'll feel a glass of wine. So I've never needed much alcohol. I think that's great though. I think they should feel it. Yeah. I like that. No, I love that because I'm cheap that way.
Starting point is 01:12:40 But yeah, I don't have, maybe if I were to average it out, maybe it would be maybe four to six times a month, depending on what time it what time of like, yeah, what time of year it is. And I'll never I never get drunk. Like same here. It's I haven't been drunk in years. So I don't I don't look at it that badly either because like again when i have it it's usually like a special occasion or something happening but it's not like a it's not a routine social thing for me i don't want it to be a routine social thing for me yeah so i look at it that way it's just like it's not something i i think everyone can like manage it their own way
Starting point is 01:13:20 but it's not something that uh say i would be wanting to have too often yeah like i said the last drink that i had was at the arnold whenever that was like i'm trying to remember right i don't know yeah but yeah other than that that's the only when we had those beers yeah yeah yeah and that was just because like it was so you know like oh we're gonna go down to the bar and i'm like i'm always like no i'm just gonna go to bed but i'm like i'm gonna hang out with everybody like this will be fun and then boom there's a stack of heinekens right in front of me and i'm like damn i have not had one of these in years that looks amazing yeah and so yeah i took advantage or indulge i mean and but other than that like
Starting point is 01:14:01 that was the only drink i've had all year yeah and it will probably be the only drink I have all year. And something that might help people that I mentioned on the last podcast, if you're going somewhere and you're trying to slow down your drinking, you might want to take into account that everybody else is drinking. And kind of the point of drinking is to lower like your inhibition of, you know, worrying about what you're going to say or whether you're going to feel dorky or whatever. lower like your inhibition of, you know, worrying about what you're going to say or whether you're going to feel dorky or whatever. But just remember, like I said in the last podcast is that everyone else drank for you. And so you don't need to worry about it. So if you act weird to say something weird, you should be able to lower your social anxiety by just kind of understanding like, Hey, everyone else is going to be kind of like a little bit jacked up that they're, they're, uh, you know, normal decision making and
Starting point is 01:14:45 their normal, uh, like level of awareness is going to be a little different. And so you don't necessarily need to do that too. You can just kind of like pretend that you did. Yeah. Another thing I just remembered too is one of the reasons why I'm so, uh, I guess careful with my alcohol intake these days too, is cause I know how it affects my sleep and how it affects sleep in general. Um, not good, not good to like drink right before yeah isn't that weird because it feels like it helps you sleep yeah if it knocks you right out knocks you out if you have like a glass or two of wine at like eight o'clock and go to bed at like 8 30 like you're just you feel like you're out cold that's why people can tell themselves like oh it makes me sleepy but your sleep quality
Starting point is 01:15:24 is yeah because you're sedated you're not asleep and there's been a lot of studies on it a lot there's been a lot of studies kind of referencing that yeah and then another weird thing that goes through my head sometimes like like maybe there will be a night that i want to get a beer but i'm like i just did a lot of cool jujitsu stuff today i did a lot of reading today and you do a lot of like recollection in your sleep i'm like fuck if i drink this right now i might not be able to remember things as well tomorrow so like that that kind of goes through my head too so it's like the more you kind of know the less you want to actually have it but if you if you don't know much then you could just be like oh that's fine yeah and we know how we always say like there's a study for everything like well
Starting point is 01:16:03 there's a study showing that like if you drink a little bit while studying for something that you'll remember it during the test or some shit like that wait really yeah what an interesting i know it's i i don't know exactly like word for what it could be but whatever uh really really quick what's his name uh we have a uh birthday shout out this kid's 16 years old. Yeah, 16 years old, pulling 500, squatting four plates. What? Marcos Gomez, happy birthday, dude. Your brother sent me a clip of you lifting the other day. Unreal.
Starting point is 01:16:35 This kid's amazing. 500-pound squat? No, 500 deadlift, but he's squatting four plates. He's only 16 years old. Yeah. I wish I was that strong. Marcos, he said his name is? Marcos, yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:46 Marcos. Happy birthday, Marcos. Happy birthday. Appreciate you being a fan and appreciate you being out there kicking some ass. Yeah, for real. That's a lot of weight. Wow.
Starting point is 01:16:53 I know, right? Wow, dude. I know. I wasn't nearly that strong at that age. I don't think I'll ever be that strong. Oh, you. Yeah. Good stuff, man.
Starting point is 01:17:03 That's what I'm going for. But yeah, no's it's just those uh anomalies right yes but he probably did start training when he was like eight one thing i think was cool that you just said is and i think that this is uh important for people is you know don't throw stuff away like don't be so um don't be so quick to throw away your entire day like i know a lot of people, they do really, really good for the whole day and then they just chuck it all away. And you could make a decision at night that could change everything forever for you. You can really make a lot of progress just
Starting point is 01:17:37 by, I think we're always thinking about like all the stuff that we need to do, but there's actually a lot of stuff that you need to stop and you do not do. So don't sabotage your diet at the end of the day. I know it's like, that's where you're the most vulnerable. You're kind of tired, but don't, you know, don't think about it as throwing it all away. Think about your whole day being worthless because you fucked it up with candy or you messed it up with ice cream. That's not really what happens. You're not really, you're, there's still, you'll still get rewarded for your efforts and stuff. But again, it's not going to be something that's going to accelerate you towards something. So just view it as, is this treat, is this thing
Starting point is 01:18:13 really worth? I spent, you know, 12 waking hours, like training, fasting and doing all these other things. And now I'm going to chuck it away because I feel like eating a donut. And at the same time, you can kind of like make sense of when you should, when you can and should have that donut because you probably shouldn't live a life without donuts. That'd be dangerous, but you don't want to throw it all away. Don't throw it all away with a drink. Don't throw it all away with junk food. So what makes, I mean, I kind of have an idea, but in your opinion what makes a donut different than cake because they're both bread uh donuts are fried okay there you go yeah fry me a cake and i'll eat the fuck out of it yo that's so true though yeah think about that
Starting point is 01:18:57 i've thought a lot about this that's how i got the 330 pounds yo there's this spot um oh man oh man what's bad bakers do you guys know what it is are we going oh you have tickets god um bad bakers they make like this dope uh it's it's in sacramento there's a thomas there's one in the thomas and there's another one like fulsome but it's like they make this bread they also have donuts there but they make this filipino bread that everyone that i know has had it it's like it's like crack and it really is like a drug yeah there was a time maybe last year oh this looks amazing i got it like a 30 piece and ate all 30 savage with milk. It's so good. Yeah, it's, I'll bring in some for you guys to try. No, you can't.
Starting point is 01:19:50 Nope. If you do that, dude, my cousin makes them fresh, okay? Yeah. Well, the donuts, I haven't had any of their donuts, because that's kind of newer, but the bread, I feel like I just want to bring in like a five piece, so you can just have one. I can just give you one, and you guys can understand.
Starting point is 01:20:12 I don't want to cause a problem we definitely need to go yeah well my my cousin he he has his own uh i don't know what you would call it but bakery service or whatever boys bakery shout out to them but he makes all this shit and it's incredible place looks good man yeah this looks really we're so contradictory man we were here we only eat rice and potatoes donuts are the best thing we eat oxygen for snacks don't ruin your day but at the end of the podcast hey let's all go to this place well what we really do we don't need to share that this is amazing we're gonna hop on out of here andrew where can people find you at i am andrew z on instagram doing stuff over there to ig tv whatnot and all that good fun stuff hit me up there and sema where you at and sema eang on instagram youtube n-s-i-m-a-i-n-y-a-n-g
Starting point is 01:20:59 at mark smelly bell i have tiktok now so look out for that here we go i'm trying to be all up to date and shit i got no idea what i'm doing and i can't read any of it because i can't fucking see any of it because it's too small so i'm too old i have a tiktok too and i don't even know how to make it i don't know i haven't messed with it i gotta have jasmine show you guys because she's hilarious on there see gary v is like get a tiktok for months i'm just like i don't know what's doing yeah yeah real quick shout out to the sponsors, Mark. Hell yeah. Shout out to our boys over at, uh, and girls over at quest nutrition. Um, the donut bar, you know, we were just talking about donuts. You got that donut craving. Maybe
Starting point is 01:21:36 you want to get rid of it with something that's got some protein in it, something nutritious. Uh, we have our hero bar as well. That's a. We feel like that's a sleeper. People don't know enough about that Hero Bar. This one's been my favorite, the Chocolate Caramel Pecan. Literally, I like the vanilla to it. I like the blueberry jam or whatever. Blueberry cobbler, sir. Blueberry cobbler.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Please get it right because that's the best one. The Chocolate Caramel Pecan. It's not like a regular protein bar. These things are amazing. They don't have that protein bar flavor. We've talked about Snickers. It's not like a regular protein bar. These things are amazing. They don't have that protein bar flavor. We've talked about Snickers and chocolate bars on this show, and this is like that. And people are like, bullshit, Enzima, but just give it a shot, and you'll understand what I'm saying. Well, and some people will look at the stats and they'll be intimidated, but it has allulose in it, which is a different type of carbohydrate.
Starting point is 01:22:22 It's basically a sugar alcohol. It doesn't get digested the same way. It's a, it's a basically a sugar alcohol. Doesn't get digested the same way. Not going to spike your insulin levels the same way. So it does have a healthy amount of fat in it. It does have a protein and carbs in it. So somebody might look at it and be like, yeah, like what diet does this fit into? It doesn't not going to plug into, uh, if it fits your macros very well, cause maybe the caloric intake or the fat is too high. And then you're thinking, shit, it doesn't fit into a keto either. Cause it has all these carbs. If it fits your macros very well, because maybe the caloric intake or the fat is too high. And then you're thinking, shit, it doesn't fit into keto either because it has all these carbs. But read the back of the box.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Read the instructions or the information that's also at It explains what allulose is and explains why it's not like sugar. Yeah, you guys need to head over to while you're reading all this information. Throw all these bars in your cart and enter promo code MARKSQUEST for 20% off. I cannot tell you how good the Hero Bars are. You just have to try them. Yeah. Yeah. I've been rocking some of these Perfect Keto products a lot lately too.
Starting point is 01:23:19 Been really enjoying the ketones. I put the coffee ketones in my coffee. I will also utilize the MCT powder oils here and there as well. They got great products. We had a brutal leg session yesterday. So I was like, you know what? I better load up on some of those electrolytes. I threw down about four or five of those capsules kind of throughout the day. And luckily for me, I didn't end up cramping up. A lot of times my legs will cramp up on a really hard training session like that. So Perfect Keto's got a lot of great products.
Starting point is 01:23:53 You guys are going to want to check that shit out too. Yeah, we've been doing the MCT oil powder. And you guys are, if you're familiar with the show, you know that my stomach's always an issue. I can have that and I'm not, I don't have any issues with that stuff. So much so, we got a tantalizer. We got one of the mixers at the house now. Okay, I'm going to buy one today, too.
Starting point is 01:24:13 Yeah, dude, they're like six bucks on Amazon. It's so cheap. I have them everywhere. I got one in my backpack. I got one in my car. I got one in my house. Yeah, and of course, we're talking about just a – it's called a milk frother, but it's just to mix up the MCT oil powder into your coffee so you don't make a huge mess.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Head over to slash powerproject and at checkout enter promo code powerproject for 15% off. And I highly recommend the vanilla MCT oil powder. Caramel or caramel? How do you guys say it caramel i always just say caramel but it's clearly caramel right i think shaq says caramel i remember when i was a kid there was a video where he was talking about that and it was like an argument i love caramel that's like my favorite athlete i love shaq he's funny dude but yeah hilarious car care no no it's caramel And I'm dead because I caramel.
Starting point is 01:25:08 I ate two packs of the Piedmontese sliders yesterday. Two packs. Two packs? Shakur? Yeah. Yeah. How did you like? I two packed it.
Starting point is 01:25:19 That was just a bad dad joke. That was a dad joke. That was such a dad joke. I'm getting pretty good at those though yeah like you know they're good when they just embarrass the heck out of your kid oh yeah yeah i just get the eye roll really like yeah and i'm the only one laughing oh man so i'm getting better but how'd you have that's a lot of meat i know i was hungry i was hungry well i tried i've been trying to eat less cheese we talked about cheese on here before and not for any other reason than just a little
Starting point is 01:25:52 experimentation and so i've been replacing the cheese with avocado and so i had some really yummy fresh avocado with the piedmontese sliders and i I ate. I was like, I'm just going to cook up like one of these and it'll be okay. And then I started, you know, taking out this some avocado and putting it on the burgers. And then I just like I was like, I'll have like four or five of these little sliders. And then I was like, I'll just eat the whole thing. I threw it in a bowl and I started mashing everything together. And it was like the avocado, the burger, and some salt. It was freaking amazing.
Starting point is 01:26:32 And then like about two hours later, I'm like, I'm still really hungry. I'm going to get me some more of those sliders. That was amazing. But it's like, why don't you have ground beef? How come sliders taste different than if you were just to have ground beef? I know. I don't understand that science. And for some reason, you can't make the sliders yourself either.
Starting point is 01:26:51 They got to be pre-made. That makes it better. On the note of that ground beef, though, that ground beef, I'm a fan of the 80-20. I know some of you guys might be lower fat, but I love that 80-20 ground beef. Yeah. It's so good. He wants to make it last. He doesn't want to even touch it.
Starting point is 01:27:04 That's why I don't want to eat the next one a day because I have three packs left. He's waiting for the next hurricane to crack it open. If you do want to throw some cheese on your burgers, you throw some cheddar cheese on those bitches. It's so good. I fry my burgers up usually just in my pan. I have a grill and everything too, but I don't mess with all that stuff. But I just try to make it as easy as possible. But take like shredded cheddar cheese and throw it on top.
Starting point is 01:27:30 And don't worry if it gets all over the pan and everything because then it will all cook up together. And it's like it's just heaven because the cheese will like get baked and it will just make you a spooge all over the place. I'm not sure if we're supposed to say spooge during an advertisement. I think it's okay. I think it's okay. Yeah, the Piedmontese beef will make you do that. So my fat, my macros has my fat moderate right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Does avocado kill that, or can I? Avocados are pretty fatty, bro. That's what I'm saying. Like, that doesn't count because it's like a fruit or whatever is it a fruit or vegetable whatever it still counts it has a lot of i figured it did but i was looking for a loophole so until i but you can like honestly like we were just talking about this at the beginning but it's nice to know that you can overeat on meat to an extent like if you're really hungry you can eat some extra protein and be perfectly okay like when you're like when you're overeating those sliders that's much different
Starting point is 01:28:30 than overeating on like bread it's it's not gonna affect you in the same way yeah that's just beautiful so i guess my current hack since i can't have cheese and my fat's gonna be low is the new york strips i had those next to a ribeye also from Piedmontese, and I couldn't tell which one was which. Like, they were both, it just, I don't know, I'm like, either they're lying to me or they are just that damn good. Yeah. And they, I mean, they're incredible.
Starting point is 01:28:55 You guys need to check these out. Head over to That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT at checkout for 25% off. Yes. So that's a quarter of your damn bill is already taken off. That's a lot. I know.
Starting point is 01:29:10 And if your order is $99 and above, you get free two-day shipping. Do we have any idea what this particular podcast was about? Like, what are you going to name this one? I'm going to struggle. Just put it like three question marks. I can do that. Or I was just going to think like our spelling I'm going to struggle. Just put it like three question marks. I can do that. Or I was just going to think like our spelling and grammar is terrible or something like that. It has to be something about fighting and grammar or fighting and spelling or pronunciation or something.
Starting point is 01:29:36 Fighting with grammar. Fighting with grammar. But then we have to have something in the title that references the UFC because people click that faster. Or the Rock's butt. We talked about that for quite a bit. Dwayne Johnson's ass and caramel. Bam! Oh, shit!
Starting point is 01:29:53 I'd click on that. I'd click on that too, right? They're putting caramel on The Rock's ass? Ass so fat, let's make a baby? No? My favorite's always been ass so fat you can see it from the front. That's a good one. Lats so fat fat you can see it from the front yeah that is a good one yeah that's so fat you can see it from the front at mark's melly bell on instagram i am on tiktok now but i don't know what i'm doing with it
Starting point is 01:30:16 strength is never a weakness weakness never strength catch y'all later

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