Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 285 - Fasting and Weight Loss Hacks

Episode Date: November 8, 2019

Today the guys are laying out some fasting and diet hacks based on experience. Mark has lost over 100lbs using these easy techniques which you can start using right away! Subscribe to the Podcast on o...n Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 15% off your order! ➢Quest Nutrition: Use code "MARKSQUEST" at checkout for 20% of your order! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow The Power Project Podcast ➢ Instagram: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, the gym over here has been pretty hot, you know, but I'm not wearing like a whole lot of clothes and sometimes I'm able to take my shirt off. Right. But with what you're doing with jujitsu, you're all bundled up. Yeah. Right. You're like you're in a gi and stuff. thing. So afterwards, you're typically drenched and the gi's drenched. But then on a hot day, you're sweating even more. You're losing even more water, electrolytes, et cetera. It just gets bad, really bad. And we've been learning a lot in this podcast about the importance, and from guys like Stan Efferty, the importance of sodium. We know we need a lot of sodium.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Are you taking in a lot of sodium and you're finding ways to take in a lot of potassium? I think you're a fan of coconut water and stuff like that too, right? Yeah, a lot of coconut water. I salt the hell out of a lot of my foods. I take some electrolyte supplements, but I add a lot of that because if I don't, I'm going to cramp up really, really bad. I'm just going to feel horrible when performing. Well, Perfect Keto has a great way of doing it too, where you don't have to necessarily
Starting point is 00:01:03 buy coconut water that might cost $8 or $10 a pop. You can actually just supplement it with some capsules and they have calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium all in one capsule, which I think is a brilliant idea. lifting to jujitsu, maybe pop three or four of these capsules on your way to jujitsu practice and maybe get a little extra, you know, feel a little extra hydrated for those workouts. Yeah, that seems like a great idea. Hydration is a huge thing. I highly recommend that you guys check out these Perfect Keto electrolytes. Andrew, how can people find out more information about this? All right. Everyone can stay hydrated and in ketosis by going to slash power project, use code power project and get 15% off all perfect keto products. One thing I forgot to add is that when you're on a ketogenic diet, when you're on a
Starting point is 00:01:55 low carbohydrate diet, that is very hard to stay hydrated. So check these products out. You're going to enjoy them. I'm sure certified Piedmontese, you can order all kinds of different steaks. Have you checked out the website? Yeah. Yeah. This is a, it's going to be pretty damn awesome. I love ribeyes. Like ribeyes are my favorite cut of meat. But when I was doing my bodybuilding show, I was eating a lot of flank steaks, um, and a lot of ground beef, a lot of ground beef, a disgusting amount of ground beef. How about you? For bodybuilding, yeah, I ate chicken, fish, and a lot of steak. There's actually a lot more red meat in the diet than I expected, which was great. The advantage of the Piedmontese, as you know, is just the fat calories are so much
Starting point is 00:02:37 lower. Oh, yeah. But when I was looking at some of the meat that I got from them, I was like, man, I'm like, this thing is so red. There was no fat marbling in it at all. So I was like, this is going to be like chewing on a sneaker. And I thought I was going to end up like chewing on this thing for the next three hours, but I was totally wrong. It came out very tender and still was extremely flavorful. So I don't know how they're doing it, but they have these super jacked cows. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. I think they're from Nebraska. Nebraska nebraska yeah they're from nebraska but yeah no those pictures of those cows they look uh they look really muscular i
Starting point is 00:03:12 wonder do they do they lift yeah but they're not on juice so what's your natural cow so you said your favorite cut is ribeye for me i really like filet a lot part of the reason why i like the filet is because you never have to like cut anything away from it. Sometimes with the ribeye, sometimes there's some stuff that's just not, you know, not as edible. But I love filet. I also like flank steak. Obviously, I love ground beef. Their ground beef, I think, is superior to any ground beef out there because a lot of the really lean ground beef just gets to be kind of dry. It's almost like eating, I don't know if you've ever had a turkey, like 99% turkey. I know what you're talking about. That's a rough,
Starting point is 00:03:48 that's a rough go of it, but you can take some of the Piedmontese beef and make your favorite monster mash with it. Like our boy, Stan the Rhino Efforting does throw some, mix in some rice with the ground beef, throw in some bone broth, and you're going to have an awesome meal. But my favorite thing that they have on the website is the tomahawk because you got that meat handle. Yeah. And it just makes you feel like a caveman or a barbarian or something. And you just, you can grab it and just, you know, gnaw right through it.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Andrew, what's your favorite cut of meat over there? It's definitely a ribeye. And where can people find out more about Certified Piedmontese? Cool. Our friends at Piedmontese are hooking you guys up with the crazy deal on all their cuts. You can actually head over to That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT.
Starting point is 00:04:38 That's all one word for 25% off your order, along with free two-day shipping on all orders of $99 and more. Also, don't forget they have grass-fed and grass-finished beef as well. Check that out. I think something that's really cool about Quest Nutrition is that it just started out as an idea and it started out with Ron Pena's wife making some protein bars for some people in their office when Ron had a job in a tech business. Everybody in the office actually really Ron had a job in a tech business, everybody in the office actually really liked him a lot. And then it just kind of took off from there. And the rest is kind of history.
Starting point is 00:05:12 But when they came out with their protein powder a few years ago, I thought it was brilliant that they made it and they designed it specifically so that you can cook with it. So yeah, you can mix it up in a shake and have a good protein shake, but now you can bake with it and you can make cookies and brownies and all kinds of cool things.
Starting point is 00:05:27 So I think that's a pretty interesting side of it. I can't wait for my girlfriend to give that a shot because she loves to bake, and I have no skill baking. So it's going to be good. I don't know how to bake either. It's, like, complex. It's a lot of measuring, right? Mm-hmm. I don't know anything about any of that.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Andrew, what do you got over there, buddy? If you guys want to get your hands on some of these awesome flavored proteins, get all crazy in the kitchen, make up your own little thingamajig. What can I call it? Concoction. Make your own concoctions. Head over to Enter promo code MARKSQUEST at checkout to receive 20% off everything at
Starting point is 00:06:05 And see how long. All right. Let's put bets on when we think it's going to go to 99.59. I say at around 26 minutes it transitions. I have less faith. I was going to say about 12 minutes. 12 minutes? I was going to say 12 minutes too.
Starting point is 00:06:19 So I'll say 9 minutes and 37 seconds. We're going to write this down. Okay. I put 26 minutes. I did 12. Nine and to write this down. Okay. I put 26 minutes. I did 12. Nine and a half for me. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:28 Hey now. Minutes. And right now we're betting juve panels. Well, in that case, $1. I was listening to Howard Stern. Every episode is so foul all the time and uh like i can't believe i like listening it's just total it's just garbage it's just absolute garbage when he interviews people it's actually like it's pretty quality because i think he's uh like really good at
Starting point is 00:06:58 interviewing people but as soon as i get in the car he's like he's like there's no way it's nine inches you know they're going back and forth and they're like you, he's like, there's no way it's nine inches. They're going back and forth. And they're like, I think he took an illegal measurement. He's like, I think this guy's measuring from his butthole. And the guy's like, well, where are you supposed to? That is where I measured from. He's like, measure as far back as you can. Right when it starts up every single time.
Starting point is 00:07:21 That's why he's the king of radio. I know. I know. He's still killing it. I sent you guys a text this morning Did you get it? Did you see the first text I sent you guys this morning? Yeah Yeah absolutely
Starting point is 00:07:30 I was proud of you Let me see I wonder if in seem Maybe you didn't see it The Michael Jordan one Oh yeah that was yesterday That was a cool clip huh That was great
Starting point is 00:07:41 Yeah Yeah I pooped myself this morning I thought it was in the clear I thought it was clearly like bubbles I thought it was just air That was a cool clip, huh? I pooped. That was great. Yeah. Yeah, I pooped myself this morning. I thought I was in the clear. I thought it was clearly like bubbles. I thought it was just air. My stomach's been fine lately. I haven't had any issues, so I haven't felt sick.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I haven't, you know, sometimes if you have like diarrhea, you get that burn in your stomach. You're like, whoa. I didn't have anything like that. I got to Starbucks early today. I was there at like 445, and I was like, ah, I get to kind of just chill. I'll just listen to some music, and I like tilt back my seat, and I'm like, I got a couple bubbles going on here. So I went to let them out, and I was like, oh, no. And I was like, I don't know like how much of a mess this is.
Starting point is 00:08:24 I don't know. I don't know. Did your cheeks catch it? What's that? Did your cheeks catch it? Yeah, well, that's what I was hoping for. So I went into Starbucks and used the bathroom, and I was in there for like 15 minutes trying to clean up, man. It wasn't horrible, but it got out.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It streaked into it streaked in it streaked into the undies had i not been sitting down i think i would have been okay you know but i was already sitting down and then i had to like get up and then you know go back and do my business so i lost a pair of uh drawers this morning yeah lost a pair of undies i had to just what are you gonna do you gotta check them out right are you gonna wash them no i just threw them away see that's a rich people because i wouldn't just chuck my boxers like these i'd take them home 20 bucks yeah i'd wash them i'd clean them and i'd reuse them on another day well there's a pair of boxers on mace boulevard in the bathroom if you want to go ahead and try to wash those babies
Starting point is 00:09:23 you chucked him in the trash oh i just went commando out of the bathroom yeah i was like i don't think this is gonna work out but luckily i had my baby wipes because otherwise it wouldn't have been and today's a squat day and stuff i was just like i didn't know how everything was gonna work out yeah that's why it's always good i keep baby wipes in my car the one from costco i always have those because whenever i go to a public restroom i take my baby wipes with me that i don't know if you guys do that yeah i have them in my backpack yeah that's that's a life hack right there because public restrooms their toilet paper is just too abrasive it's just too tough so those baby wipes soften things up wow i just don't think you get everything as cleaned up as you need to yes no exactly you know if any if anyone like is listening
Starting point is 00:10:06 obviously i mean who wants to be like called out like just like just flat out called out like dude you only do things like 60 nobody wants to hear that yeah that's what wiping your ass with toilet paper is like exactly like bro you're going 60 on that shit wipe your toilet paper yeah wipe with toilet paper three times and then use a baby wipe and see how much more you grab. Exactly. Yeah, do a study. Run a fucking test. Run a test. Do multiple. Do it for 100 days in a row.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Make sure that the test is working the right way. Yeah, it is very brown eye opening when you realize how much the wipe gets. It gets a lot, man. And how much deeper it gets, too. That's the important thing. Yeah. Even if it doesn't get solids, it gets the potential liquid that might be around the I think we talked about some of this before, but like-
Starting point is 00:10:59 We definitely have. Yeah. What did people used to do? You know? I think maybe because- Oh, yeah, yeah. Maybe because people ate better, you know like i think maybe because oh yeah yeah like maybe because people ate better because like you just had to because you're a fucking caveman yeah maybe you had some tapered chits here and there and it wasn't that big of a problem probably
Starting point is 00:11:13 or then when i talked about using your hand like just going in like a pond or something and just cleaning it all out remember you mentioned that aren't isn't there i think you mentioned there's a place where people shake with a certain hand because the other hand is used. Oh, yeah, yeah. I don't want to get it wrong, but I just remember Mike Ryan. It's either Indiana or India. Yeah, yeah. And then even one of those places. One of those two.
Starting point is 00:11:36 What was his name? Justin Lovato talked about it, too. Him and his wife, Stephanie, went over, and they both got sick. The old poop hand. Yeah, the poopy hand. Poopy finger. Under the fingernails. Yeah, last time we looked this up, remember they had like a stick with a sponge.
Starting point is 00:11:52 That's how they, and then they washed it off. We have a terrible, we got bad show etiquette. Like we started out so bad, like everyone already fucking, like no one's listening, right? They're all left. Yeah, they're probably all gone. It's hard to this shit. All four people left. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:06 There was four people that were pumped and we offended them. And now they're off, you know, listening to something else. I'm trying to remember though, because usually I can recollect the last time I shit my pants. I feel like maybe I've been on a winning streak because I don't remember. It's been a minute. Certain streak for sure. Yeah, no streaks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I feel good about myself. I like i'm maturing adult i'm i'm an adult well you did poop yourself in the sauna but that was like ah i think that was the last time that was that was it that was the last time that wasn't that long ago i baked that that was so bad that was so bad and it was cooking up it cooked the poop just like cooked in the sauna and everybody was just like i was just sitting there like just sweating away you're like i got a few more minutes in this song i'm on a i'm on a schedule so disgusting so disgusting be careful andrew's a veteran though andrew's been like having poopy problems for forever yeah so it's like not fair like we're going against a black belt yeah so that's funny because like people will always look look towards me and be like you gotta have something i'm like dude i'm
Starting point is 00:13:15 so good at at pooping that i can like just really stay tight and like i'm good i haven't really ever quite necessarily i mean you said the tightest asshole of all time all right i'm gonna leave you two alone for a little bit replay that part of the podcast i stared you in the eyes for a few seconds and your voice got even deeper oh i flattered uh the strong muscle back there yeah yeah i remember the last time was definitely on a trampoline that was the last time that it happened shook the shit out of you yeah i was probably like in third grade though oh yeah so i was a youngin but i just remember like look how high i go
Starting point is 00:14:09 it was uh i think my my brother was on it with me and then he you know he like he launched each other and i just i wasn't yeah like oh no he wrapped himself again yeah yeah i was telling andrew this because i felt so okay so we're so stupid i think the other night i ate some chicken so i ate these costco um they make they have these drumsticks and they season them pretty well it's pretty good air friday it was good right but it's like every time i eat that chicken i have like the worst farts right so what happens like a rotisserie chicken kind of thing no no no it's um the drumsticks oh yeah yeah just the straight drumsticks so i i made them the hell's in those things great seasoning just really great seasoning so i ate
Starting point is 00:15:00 them um i was farting throughout the day and like i was just like i was like this is really really bad like when you smell your own yeah yeah your own you're disgusted you're just like god your own it's your own recipe right yeah i can't be around anybody right now oh my god your own brand i've heard it right yeah and i'm in the bed with my with and I fart. And I'm just like, oh, no, no. Please don't be one of those. It's one of those. And immediately I smell it and I chuckle a little bit. I was like, right?
Starting point is 00:15:34 And then she smells it. And it's so bad that she starts to cry a little bit. Oh, man. Because she was already feeling just a little, right? And then she smelled that. She was just like, oh, man. I was like, my fart was so bad i made her cry that was legendary i've definitely done some that have woke my wife up not from the noise necessarily but from the smell from the smell she's like oh my what's going on like there's something outside or like i'm like no it's
Starting point is 00:15:59 actually came from my butt it was toxic yeah it was legitimately toxic yeah i've done some that smelled like the air coming out of a bike tire like a weird like yeah like i'm like what the fuck the hell did i'm like that is insane i'm like it's like it's not even a flat out like stink it's just like unbearable yeah I love these memes too when you fart your wait for somebody to smell it you kind of like there's that anticipation because like oh here comes the cloud it's coming and you're wondering how you're gonna play like am I gonna lie yeah or am I gonna tell everybody we gotta own up to it yeah dude that was me or does everybody just
Starting point is 00:16:40 ignore it for some reason yeah which is great too and it's funny cuz like so we have three little dogs and every now and again they will fart and it just ignore it for some reason? Yeah. Which is great too. And it's funny because like, so we have three little dogs and every now and again they will fart and it just, but it's a different smell. So you can't blame the dog. Like, ah, damn dog again. But dogs will do what dogs will do. Yeah. But now I'm trying to get better at that. I was telling him after he told that story.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Trying to fart more? Trying to just do it more, but away from my lady. Oh, I didn't want to do it there. I just, you know, there's no reason for it other than just like. Like, why did Andrew have to go to the hospital for cramps? Yeah. Like, he was trying to hold it so his old lady wouldn't get smashed by the farts. Yeah, well, you know, because I was just thinking, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:17:20 okay, if I'm over here ripping ass all night long, it's like when I roll over to, like, hey, it's like, yeah, if I'm over here ripping ass all night long, it's like when I roll over to, like, hey. It's like, yeah, you smell like shit, dude. Yeah, it's a little harder to get some when you're doing that. So, you know, yeah, just trying to lay the groundwork and not fumigate the house.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Oh, my God. And we're out. Where's our script? Isn't Settlegate supposed to help us with that stuff? It's his day off today. What the? I didn't think he actually took time off. Why do these young kids need days off?
Starting point is 00:17:53 What is he doing? I'm pretty sure no one ever gets vacation here, so I don't know what he's doing. No, you're not allowed to have vacation. That's bullshit. I was in here this morning, and there was no Settlegate. That's weird. Daily discipline my ass. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:18:08 He's either in or on his way to Seattle. Oh, that's right. Seattle gate. Damn, that's right. Wait, are we? 100% serious. Yeah, because on his Instagram, he had posted. Coffee.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Yeah, any good coffee shops in Seattle. And then Josh Kim's dumb ass was like Starbucks. Oh yeah. Wait, is the original Starbucks in Seattle? It is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's actually really, really cool. Uh, area in Seattle. I mean,
Starting point is 00:18:39 Seattle's awesome, but yeah, I've been to the first, uh, Starbucks. Pretty cool. I need to check that out. It's all like old school.
Starting point is 00:18:46 It's got all the original. Well, I don't know if it has all the original stuff, but it has some original stuff. The original logo with the boobies hanging out. They're not allowed to have the boobies hanging out anymore. I think it's more covered up or something. Really? That was the original logo? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Yeah. It had some titties going on. Oh, God. I was way in favor of it. I was like, this is great. They should bring this back. But people got upset. It's a mermaid, you know?
Starting point is 00:19:08 Let me see. It's fictional. Whoa. What? Right? Mermaids aren't real? Yeah, they're not real. Oh, but.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Double check. Yeah. Isn't there like a place in Sacramento that has mermaids at the club or something? Dive Bar. Dive Bar. Yeah. Dive Bar. Dive Bar. Yeah. Dive Bar. I've been there once.
Starting point is 00:19:26 It was pretty interesting. Yeah. They're swimming around and they come up for, wow. Do they have boobies? No, they cover them up. Those are very natural. It's a very natural. That's what they look like?
Starting point is 00:19:35 That's a natural. That's kind of weird. Is she holding like her own bush or something? What is that? I don't understand what's going on here. What's that? Groomer? groomer yeah that is we need to get her one of those manscaped man we get a manscape shit she has a lawnmower and can get she's a fucking weed whacker though yeah i've never seen this before coffee tea spices why did why did they think that that was a good logo terrible idea like like seriously it wasn't starbucks started in like
Starting point is 00:20:03 the 90s like this isn't like some super old company and why did you think that that was a good logo i'm just it doesn't matter i guess this is the proof that logos don't necessarily matter because look how big starbucks is nowadays well maybe they were small back then i don't know if you start off like this i mean you could pretty much start off with the logo being a dick and and you can make a multi-billion dollar company. It doesn't matter. The new break the bar logo. Yeah, not a bad idea, bro. Yeah, just the silhouette of your.
Starting point is 00:20:34 It says like this is not a phallic symbol. This is a dick. Just says it clearly right on the logo. We are live right now on youtube absolutely yeah no we didn't start yet i'm gonna we're definitely find the youtube link and that private stuff you shared earlier too that wasn't on there yeah i just you're good man you're in the clear no one thinks you're weird except for me and andrew and everybody that listens and everybody here at slingshot everyone Everyone's that met you. Everyone from super training, everyone at jiu-jitsu, your parents, your family.
Starting point is 00:21:07 I'm a pretty weird guy. Everybody in my life knows it. Everybody, yeah, everybody in my life knows it. I'm okay with that. Yeah. Oh, nine, nine, nine. Ah!
Starting point is 00:21:16 Wait, wait, wait, wait. How many minutes do we have? Well, okay. We're at like 1530. I said 12. Ah, so you won. You won. I said 26 minutes., so you won. You won. I said 26 minutes.
Starting point is 00:21:27 What do I win, like a sombrero or something? Can you quickly tell the people what we're talking about? Because nobody's... Oh, no one heard that part. And then I'm going to change the camera so that way they could see it. Oh, God. We have a clock in here that just doesn't work. We have like a digital clock.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Yeah. Oh, man. Maybe somebody can send us a clock that actually works't work we have like a digital clock yeah oh maybe somebody can send us a clock that actually works but our we keep breaking i think it's because we're breaking records on social media i think that's what that means that's what that stands for that's what that means um and we took bets on like when this clock was going to get all fucked up again we don't know why it just keeps happening but it went to nine nine9-5-9. I don't know. It just doesn't work.
Starting point is 00:22:06 And it did so at 15 minutes. We took bets. I said 12 minutes. Andrew said? I said 12 and a half. Oh, I think he said 9 and a half. 9 and a half. I didn't have any faith.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I said 26. Yeah. But yeah, there it is. I'm showing it on screen right now. Wow. And it just goes to that at any random time. I wasn't expecting that. God. And you caught it right when it switched or you caught it right when it's switched yeah pretty
Starting point is 00:22:30 much pretty much i i saw it a couple times i saw it like more than once so i didn't get like the exact time but uh yeah that's hilarious dude why can't we get shit that works this is an amazon brand clock too right i i don't know i'm pretty sure like it's one of those amazon basics in terms of the shot clocks and it's we might need to up our game and go to costco yeah costco is costco super reliable actually we were just talking about target target ain't bad target's never bad too what i learned yeah go actually christmas is coming up so give the people some hacks. This is bad, but I mean, whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I'm all about saving money. So I had some hair clippers or whatever. I had them for like two and a half years. They started pulling my hair. Oh, that hurts so bad. So bad. So I oiled them up, lubed them up and everything. And then eventually it was like, okay, I'm going to have to take it apart and try to fix it or just buy new ones. And I'm definitely that guy that, like, if we have to return something, I'll walk away.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Like, I don't like doing that. Like, I started, like, planning this big old story about how, like, they worked and then they stopped working. I don't know what happened. You feel like they're going to be like, bullshit. They're going to interrogate you. It's like, oh my gosh. So anyways, she's looking up like, you bought it on this account?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. She's like, I'm going back to 2017 and I don't see it. I'm like, I don't know, maybe a different car. I don't know. And then eventually she found it. She's like, oh, okay, well, we can exchange it, but I can give you your money back for it. I'm like, damn, that's amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:07 And then we look up at the return pile, and there's like dead plants. And Stephanie's like, you guys get plants returned? She's like, oh, yeah, absolutely. Wait till after Christmas. People bring back their Christmas trees after Christmas, and they just say, oh, it died before Christmas, so I want my money back. There's your christmas hack so people are buying christmas trees and then after christmas returning them at costco to get a refund it's so cool what is wrong with people exactly that's just so savage that's just like penny but how do you frugality at the bet how do you keep a straight face and
Starting point is 00:24:43 be like yep it died right before Christmas. Even though it's currently after Christmas. And I know it's very, it seems like I'm being cheap by returning it. But no, that's not the case. They really need to put like some fine print. Dude. Costco return policy is awesome. It is.
Starting point is 00:25:01 They need to be like, hey uh if you didn't use it you know because it wasn't working then then maybe you can get your refund but that's some right there right it is but you know i guess people didn't you find some other hack too didn't you order food a certain way and get it cheaper or something or is that somebody else in here uh maybe ordered food from like a certain place a certain way and i know maybe my brother yeah uh boar he ordered uh at five guys and it made it a secret code or something yeah instead of getting like a cheeseburger with no bun he just asked for single patties and it was like half the price yeah so i'm like oh my gosh i don't have to take out a loan to go to five guys i'm joking
Starting point is 00:25:42 but that was like one of that was one of the reasons why I kept saying In-N-Out was just better because the value was better. But he said that you just order single patties and the cheese is free or some shit like that. Wow. And yeah, it knocked the cost down significantly. Free cheese? I'll say this.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Five Guys is a little bit expensive. What are you doing here? Five Guys is a little bit expensive. So that's, wow. Five Guys is really expensive bit expensive. What are you doing here? Five Guys is a little bit expensive. So that's, wow. Five Guys is really expensive. Good hack. Yeah. Earlier today, we were talking about some diet stuff,
Starting point is 00:26:11 and we were talking about counting calories and when to not count calories, and then a difference. There's some huge differences going on. There's some people that just want to look good in a t-shirt and they just want to be like healthier. They just want to make some like some small life changes, really. They just, maybe they're, let's say they're, I don't know, 260 pounds and they're around, you know, I don't know, five foot nine or something like that, right? Like that's a heavier person, right? If they don't have a lot of muscle mass,
Starting point is 00:26:46 that's not going to be a good look to be wearing around, right? Yeah. And they just want to lose some weight. They just want to lose, you know, 20, 30 pounds. They don't even need to do, you know, hardly any of the shit that we recommend on the show. The 10-minute walk would be great. Maybe utilizing some fasting,
Starting point is 00:27:04 but not to the extremes that we take it. And maybe utilizing some strategies that we talk about, like just eating less carbs, but there's really no reason for them to not eat any carbs unless we find that they really like ketogenic style foods, then maybe we can have further discussion on that. And then there's probably not a real reason to start someone out with really weighing foods and, and, you know, doing a lot of calculations. And so like, I guess let's just try to open this up a little bit and let's figure out there's probably, there's no easy way to do things that are hard. So when we're talking about somebody that has accumulated body
Starting point is 00:27:45 fat over a long period of time, what they're about to do is going to be very difficult. And I've lost a lot of weight. Um, but you know, I can look back at it and think it wasn't that hard. I can look back at even, uh, the money I've made and stuff and think, Oh, it wasn't that hard. I can look back at even the money I've made and stuff and think, oh, it wasn't that, but really it was fucking hard. That's why not everybody's able to do it, right? It's very, very difficult. It's difficult. And we all know how hard it is. Like, let's just say someone's like, man, you just can't have coffee. You know, you can have coffee, but you can only do it like once a week, right? And we don't really even need coffee but you actually do need food so what are some good strategies someone can do that just wants to be just a little bit better
Starting point is 00:28:31 it's a little healthier um i think a good support system if and we're talking about we're not talking about an individual that's like fit we're talking about a general individual right i think having a good support system is really beneficial if you're trying to get into shape, whether that be, you don't need, you don't absolutely need a coach. There's a lot of resources out there, but if you have family around you, et cetera, the people around you can make a very, very big difference. That's something that I've noticed when a lot of individuals start doing this. One thing I really like to figure out is like who around you is like maybe also wanting to do this too or do you like are the people around you um out of shape do they have
Starting point is 00:29:12 good habits and if everyone around them whether it's their husband their wife um the people they live with if everyone around them is not doing you know they don't have good nutritional habits or they're not doing anything to be in shape. It's very difficult for you to try and uptake that on your own. If the people surrounding you also are doing bad things, cause you'll be trying to eat this. Then everyone around you is eating something different. You're eating something you'd like to eat. And that's very easy to fall off. So it's like, I think that's one big thing. Especially when you haven't developed the discipline just yet. You haven't developed the discipline. It's different if you're somebody
Starting point is 00:29:49 who's already in shape, right? And you like, you have your significant other and they're not doing whatever. But if you've, if you've been in shape and you want to do whatever, it's easier for you since you've built that discipline. But having to build discipline in a bad, I guess, situation around you, that's tough. And I feel like somehow you either need to help the people around you get better habits in terms of that or change your setting if possible. I'm not telling a husband or a wife to leave their significant other or anything, but just, you know, if you're trying to go on a healthier path, that's very important. Yeah. trying to go on a healthier path, that's very important. Yeah. For me, just because I am a little bit closer to the general person, setting a time on something or setting a certain goal.
Starting point is 00:30:34 You know, right now the goal is abs by Christmas. So that keeps me really, really focused in. Like there's been a couple of times where I'm like, I kind of really want like this or that. And it's like, do I want it more than I want abs? Like, no, that's definitely not the case. But so for like the like, you know, your average person, it might be a certain amount of weight that you want to weigh by Thanksgiving when you see family. You know, that I think to me that that it's just it's extra motivation. Yeah. And also, I think telling somebody that is a little
Starting point is 00:31:06 bit more knowledgeable than you, like you guys, like I asked you guys for help and you guys are now guiding me. Um, but yeah, I really think that like setting like something on your calendar and just being like, that's when I want to weigh X. And then you kind of just start, uh, putting things into place to help get you there. That might be even a little bit more advanced, but I think what Mark's kind of more leaning towards is just even simpler than that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Honestly, you have a point there because you want to figure out what your triggers are potentially because I think when John Berardi was on the show, he mentioned this. You want to set up kind of a framework for yourself. I think that people underestimate the amount of, I guess, the effect that stress can have on you when it comes to trying to take on a weight loss goal, right? If you already have a very stressful lifestyle, whether it be work, family, et cetera, that can back you up. So you want to figure out a way to get rid of that. But let's just say, you know, you're consistently getting into things at work and then that causes you to go overeat, right?
Starting point is 00:32:13 You want to figure out like, what are the things that typically go on on a day-to-day week-to-week basis that causes me to maybe go over the edge or that caused me to make this decision. And you want to try and derail those things. So you really want to take a look at your life because if you don't, then those stressors are always going to cause you to backpedal. And if you never actually take a look at them, you never actually, you know, uh, figure out why every time you get off work, you always have to go to Wendy's or whatever. You always have to go here and get, get this thing that you're craving. If you never figure those things out, that also is very difficult. So I think one thing is to figure out a way to mitigate the stress in your life or combat
Starting point is 00:32:50 that so that it doesn't end up being something that causes you to move backwards. And how would you tell somebody that's like, you know, you just said like, oh, like really look at your life and figure out like what's going to be the triggers and whatnot. For some people, that might be a really daunting task, especially if, damn, I do like going to Wendy's. I do like going to Starbucks and getting the whatever high caloric sugary drink, but I can't give that up. How can you tell them, no, it sounds crazy right now, but eventually it gets really, really easy. For some people, you mean, you just have to talk about it. You got to figure out what causes them to make those decisions. Like it's really, it could be.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Sometimes it's deep. Sometimes it's. Sometimes it's like really mild. They just enjoy it. Sometimes it's deep. Like, you know, they, they blurt out that their dad called them fat when they were young or something. You're like, whoa. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Okay. Now. And then that's a whole different thing. something you're like whoa okay okay now and then that's a whole different thing i mean that's like somebody who probably has lost weight several times over but uh doesn't feel worthy of it you know they lose weight and they start having some success and they feel good and because they have some uh damage in their past they have some trauma um that the food really is an addiction you know there's a little some controversy over like how addictive food really is. And I think that if you had trauma and it's filling in the trauma,
Starting point is 00:34:10 well, that actually works. Unfortunately it can make you really unhealthy though. Yeah. Yeah. But I think it's like that, that is something that needs to be talked about. It could just be that they're just making a bad decision and you need to figure out a way to derail it.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So make another decision in place of it consistently. So that doesn't end up being your go-to, but sometimes it just could be a lot of times it's stress at home. That's what I find a lot. It's stress at home, significant other stress, kids, et cetera, and figuring out ways to deal with that stress in a different way than going towards your favorite food that makes you feel pleasure is what we got to figure out how to combat. And let's just say like, um, you think about the different environments that you're in. So you got your support group that would be immensely helpful. Putting a time domain on your goal would be really helpful because not only putting a time domain on it, it's important for several reasons. It makes you, it makes you think
Starting point is 00:35:06 about, uh, what it is you actually want, you know? So you can say 10 pounds, you could say, I want to lose 10 pounds. Um, a really key factor with that whole thing though, it would be just make sure it's reasonable. You know, don't say I want to lose 20 pounds in a month. Just be a little easier on yourself so that you can, you could, but many people have lost 20 pounds in a month. But I would, uh, I would urge you away from that. I would say like, just pick like five pounds. And then if you lost five pounds in two weeks, then great.
Starting point is 00:35:35 That's cool. And then say it well, that now that would be cool to, to be on task to do another five pounds and you'd be ahead of the game. But when you're thinking about all these different stresses and all these different places that you end up in, so you're with different people, right? And then you're also in different places. So think about the places that you're in and then how do you get out of those places or get away from those places? Maybe there's a particular place that you guys go to for lunch all the time at work. Maybe there's a gathering, you know, maybe you get together with your buddies on the weekend and shoot pool and watch football. And that's another environment where you're not
Starting point is 00:36:09 eating healthy. And maybe that, maybe that place doesn't have options that even seem remotely healthy to you. But this is where choosing a diet that fits you and that suits you well can really be effective. You can say, okay, well, you know, I go to a bar and they got like wings and, and burgers. And so you can now get, you can go kind of keto and you can say, I'm going to get the burger. I'm going to eat a couple of fries and I'm going to get a diet Coke, right? You can kind of transform some of the decision-making that you're doing. If you're, you know, eating a lower fat, then you'd have to make a different choice, different decision. Another option though, too, is just to like, you know, let's say that you, on your drive home, you always see like a Carl's Jr or something.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And you're like, God, I love Carl's Jr. Or there's a McDonald's on your route or something like that. See if you can take a different route. It might be hard to avoid McDonald's, but if that really is a problem for you, if you're really like at the end of the day, you know, you're going to make a bad decision. Abstinence, you know, just fucking don't, don't go anywhere near it. Like just don't even that way. You don't even have to really think about it as much. Yeah. You really got to figure out the things that typically get in your way. And on that, on that note of like, you know, coworkers are going out to lunch, et cetera. I've heard from quite a few people, you know, whenever somebody starts
Starting point is 00:37:29 going on a diet, like people around them or like their coworkers, like, uh, what are you doing? What is that? And it makes people feel weird. You know what I mean? I think you need to kind of be okay with feeling a little bit weird and doing things differently. I think you mentioned that the other day, you mentioned that the other day when you went into a restaurant i think it was the habit right yeah and you you were like you're looking at what everybody else was eating you're like huh i feel good about this right yeah and i think um you guys when you did the gabrielle lion episode she was like uh all her friends think she's super freaking weird because the way she eats right it's okay if the people around you are eating a certain
Starting point is 00:38:05 way and they think you're a little bit you know weird for eating that way it's because you're doing something differently and you're doing something better for yourself yeah that's okay you don't have to do you don't have to i guess conform to the way that they're eating yeah i think just a super easy thing to to think about is like if you want to look like everybody else you can eat like them and have them be like okay with your food or you can switch it up and try to better yourself exactly how many people over the years have looked at like a john cena an elon musk the rock jeff bezos and been like whoa that guy is really fucking weird, right? Like, they're, because they're just different, right? Like, I mean, John is very weird.
Starting point is 00:38:50 Like, he's like, you know, one of my good friends, but like, he's just different. He stands out. And that's okay. That's good. That's a good thing. It's a positive. Like, you're trying to be so disciplined and so into it not necessarily
Starting point is 00:39:06 like hardcore not standoffish none of that bullshit but like you're just trying to have you're trying to be so buttoned up that that you really want people to be kind of pissed about it like man like i will i ever catch up to that guy, then you're kind of thinking to yourself, well, if I really, no, probably not. You want it to be like, you know, you want to be a little different than, than, uh, what you see most people doing. And, you know, in, in some of this, like in the beginning of this, you won't be that different. You'll be very much the same because you're trying to make small changes. But what's exciting about it and the reason why we're so fired up about it and the reason why we talk about it on every show
Starting point is 00:39:50 is that we know what can happen and we know what can happen to you. We're so pumped for Andrew because we know Andrew's made these great, he made a great amount of progress in the last two years. But the progress, it doesn't seem as if he's getting all fired up about it now. The progress that he's going to go through in the next like eight or ten weeks is going to be really transformative and it's going to be a place that he probably otherwise thought
Starting point is 00:40:15 he would never get to and he's going to learn so much from it dude i know i'm gonna get locked in yeah yeah mark told me he's like hey, hey, you know, eventually you're going to have, like, cardio is going to come at least three, maybe four times a week. You're going to have to be on that step mill. And I got all giddy and I just responded. I'm like, this is going to sound weird, but like, I'm excited that that's the new prescription. Step mill turns you on. And then.
Starting point is 00:40:41 Hey now. A little bit. Yeah. Actually. Kind of. Maybe. And then he sends me a voice message bit, yeah, actually. Kind of. Maybe. And then he sends me a voice message back like, all right, if that's the case, it starts next week. And I'm like, all right, let's go.
Starting point is 00:40:52 And so to explain some of that. So part of the reason Andrew's already in it, he's already at an advanced state. Like he's already been lifting for years. at an advanced state. He's already been lifting for years. He's already been dieting pretty hard, messing around with different diets for the last two years or so. So he knows the game.
Starting point is 00:41:14 And I'm thinking in my head, how do I throw stuff at him that is so challenging that it's like, fuck you, do that you know what i mean like if i just give if i just give him underhand pitches all the time he's gonna kind of take him for granted it'll be like too easy yeah like i want him to be harder i know he doesn't have a step mill i know that he could easily i i know some of his gym setup that he has in his house but i'm like i don't want it to be that easy i want to make it a little harder so that there's a routine there's a pattern there's something like burned into him where he's
Starting point is 00:41:48 like i gotta fucking get this shit done yeah and uh because once you do that you're gonna build um you're gonna build disciplines that are really strong these strong roots these strong foundations that no one can break you of them and it's it's actually kind of cool too because it's a little bit of alone time, which is a sacrifice with a family and stuff. But it's awesome. You get to have that little drive to the gym. You get to get that 20, 30 minutes on the step mill and you get to throw your headphones on
Starting point is 00:42:17 and just be with your own thoughts for a little bit. And it'll be challenging, but it'll be crazy rewarding. Yeah, it'll be early. but it'll be crazy rewarding. Yeah, it'll be early. It's only getting colder now. So everything's going to get a little bit harder. And then I have to figure out how to make more time in an already busy life for the wife and the kids. So, yeah, I was telling Mark, I was initially thinking it's just going to take a lot more work inside the gym. And then when, you know, my fiance and I were like trying to schedule out our week so that way we have a set schedule so I can tell Mark when I'm going to do cardio and when we can train and whatnot. And it kind of just hit me like, okay, yeah, it is going to have to be stronger in the gym and more time in the gym, but I have to raise my game everywhere. Here on the podcast, here at work, and then most importantly at home
Starting point is 00:43:11 because, man, if I mess anything up at home, then everything kind of crumbles and falls apart. How much are you weighing now? Okay, it's fine. Oh. Yeah, it's okay. You keep it a secret not really um so just just like to break it all down when i finished ptarmageddon i was 196 pounds when i started shred again i was 192 um last week i was down to 182 this week i'm 180. This morning I woke up around 179. So it's, it's trickling down.
Starting point is 00:43:48 Um, yeah, everything's feeling really, really good. Yeah. I'm definitely going to bed a little bit hungrier than I was comfortable with, but the goal, right? Yeah. I have the goal in mind and I'm focused on it and nothing's going to break that. You know, being comfortable with hunger is something that people will have to get used to at some point too. But again, if we're talking about someone who has accumulated body fat, has had bad habits for a while, you probably don't really need to be very hungry in the beginning because there might be, especially if your habits are bad, like if you have really shit habits, if you're consuming a lot of calories through drinks and
Starting point is 00:44:31 stuff like that, ditching the calories from the drinks isn't really going to make you hungry. It's just going to be a small change, not that hard to do. But if you're trying to start to cut back on your food, which is something at some point you'll have to figure out a way to make that work and make that happen um that is something that you're gonna have to uh you know examine calories from the drinks though like especially if it's really sugary drinks even if they ditch those calories um because it's a lot of sugar they would like you'll probably like feel like you're hungry. Yeah. Like you're, you're like,
Starting point is 00:45:05 where's all that sugar that I used to have? You know what I mean? Right. Right. So that's, that, that's one thing that, that's why like,
Starting point is 00:45:12 you know, when it comes to just like, let's say someone doing a flexible dieting for a show or whatever, whatever, and they're adding in all these foods, right. It's different than an individual that's trying to lose a lot of weight. Like,
Starting point is 00:45:22 because it's, I don't think it's very good to try to fit some of those foods in nowadays at least i don't think it's good to give room for these foods um what do you think of diet drinks like you're talking about like just in general like people someone loves fucking mountain dew and like diet mountain dew or something they just love mountain dew period and you're like well you, if you really love it that much, then try diet Mountain Dew. I think it could be a good first step. I think it's a it's a really good first step because it is zero calories or whatever. But I don't think it's a good idea because it's not healthy. Like it's really not. It's not something that you want to be having every single day.
Starting point is 00:45:58 What you'll see a lot is when people are doing shows or whatever. Right. I know we're not talking about, you know. Yeah, bodybuilding and crystal light and all that stuff. But also Diet Coke. Diet Coke is a big one for them. Like I know guys that would drink multiple Diet Cokes every single day. Multiple because it's zero calorie. And yeah, it doesn't necessarily affect their amount of calories, but it's not something good to have.
Starting point is 00:46:19 It'd be much better if you could slowly wean yourself off of having to have that at all or feeling like you must have it. So I think it's an amazing first step, and it's great that you have that option because at least now you can get rid of all those calories that's in your normal Mountain Dew. But let's then try to figure out a way to have it less frequently. People are always talking about money too, like ditch the diet sodas and drinks and stuff and just drink water. And you're going to save money on that, and you can spend it on nicer cuts of meat yeah people that's why sparkling water people love that too
Starting point is 00:46:49 yeah you're talking about the machine you have at home that's one like because it kind of the carbonation makes it almost feel so the machine i want uh i don't have one but i i um just you know i've heard mark about you know spend more time on yourself or work harder on yourself than you do your job or you know just kind of like work in instead of work out so like i've taken um a lot of steps in trying to like better myself and my family so like with pied montes you know they do hook us up but i've already purchased like a lot more than they've given us like because it you know it's amazing and it fits with the macros perfectly yeah um so i normally buy like two cases of the sparkling water at um at costco i was like you know i'm gonna buy a third one and bring it here to the gym so i always have that here too so if i
Starting point is 00:47:37 ever crave something i can just drink sparkling water and it's so satisfying yeah to me it's it's i mean it's i know people think that it's gross to drink soda water carbonated water whatever to me it's like it's yeah dude it's so thirst quenching and you do get like the bite right from the fizz and to me that's like yeah when i think of like like chowing down on some food it's like what's better like oh you wash it down with soda, right? Well, I still kind of have the same effect. I just don't have all the extra calories and all the shit that's involved with drinking soda.
Starting point is 00:48:11 So in my opinion, I found a really, really easy hack to do. I know people don't love that flavor or whatever, non-flavor, but if you can get used to it, I mean, you'll never go back. If I touch a real soda now, my teeth feel like they're going to fall out. Oh, yeah. It's terrible. It's been a long time. Yeah. I haven't you'll never go back. If I touch a real soda now, my teeth feel like they're going
Starting point is 00:48:25 to fall out. Oh yeah. It's terrible. Long time. Yeah. I haven't had real soda in forever. You know, what we're talking about here is, is, is really tough because you have to change a lot of the things of what you're made of and, and your, your own conversations with yourself on who you are. I mean, how many times have we heard someone say, oh man, I just, you know, I just, I really love food, you know? And, and they think that, and then there's the opposite side. There's the fitness people who are jumping around all happy, all smiley saying, I have so much energy. Like I feel so good. And the people that are heavy are like, fuck you. Like, I just want to eat a fucking cheeseburger. Leave me alone. But I think that we could come to like a compromise and maybe like meet in the middle.
Starting point is 00:49:09 I think that you can still eat your cheeseburgers with the bun. I still think you can do, uh, a lot of things that, that I wouldn't typically do, especially at this stage. And maybe in SEMA wouldn't do. And maybe with Andrew's goals, he's not going to break those goals for now. But I think that there's a lot of room for you to be flexible with your food. If you're on a ketogenic-style diet, maybe every third day, or let's just even say low-carb, forget about keto even, let's not even complicate it, let's just say that you have decided to, you know, eat about 100 carbs a day or something like that, right?
Starting point is 00:49:46 And you're trying to get some good exercise in. Every three to five days, depending on your goal, depending on what you're trying to do, you can have a cheat at the end of the day. You could eat a piece of cake. You could have some ice cream. It's going to have to be reasonable. You can't go crazy with it.
Starting point is 00:50:03 And even on occasion, you might be like, I, when I started out at three 30 and started losing weight, I had a cheat every day basically, but it wasn't, it was so different than the way I was eating before. So I'll explain. Um, I would take things like say like a perfect bar. I don't know if anyone's ever had a Perfect Bar, but Jesus Christ, they're amazing. A Perfect Bar is just like smashed up like peanut butter and honey. They're delicious. It's all natural stuff, you know, but you can easily overeat them. And if you have one or two a day and you're not nutritionally sound in other places,
Starting point is 00:50:43 then you're going to be not heading, not headed in the right direction. But I used to have one of those at night with a piece of dark chocolate and it was fucking amazing. And so I started having one of those at night and then I would start to have one kind of every other day and then I'd have one every day and then I'd go back and forth. Um, and it turned out, I was like, uh, I don't, I don't, I don't really think I, I don't really need that, you know? And so I, eventually I started to get rid of it. Um, there was other things that I would, you know, put into the diet here and there. I would make like a, a keto hot chocolate. Um, I would make, um, keto pancakes once a week. Like I would just started to mix things in.
Starting point is 00:51:26 So it's like I was doing like a quote unquote cheat. And I was certainly overeating in terms of like the amount of food I ate. But I would intentionally do it. It was like a day off. And it was a day to kind of like rest and recover and be like, okay, now I got to get back to it. What you were talking about earlier about stress, the key to stress, the key to stress always is to recover from it. It doesn't matter what the stress is. So you could be overstressing yourself with your diet.
Starting point is 00:51:52 You could be so worried about carbs making you fat that you could be stressing yourself out or just thinking that everything's going to make you fat, which is not healthy. Yeah. That's not a healthy mindset to be like, I can't eat that. It's going to make me fat. That's not it. To say you can't, to say you don't want to eat it. I choose not to eat it because I have a new goal. That's, that's the dialogue that you should be having. Um, you really have to start to have, you know, some healthy conversation with yourself on how you're going to handle a lot of these different situations. But your diet should be open to at least some treats here and there.
Starting point is 00:52:30 But if your goal is going to be real extreme, like something like what Andrew's trying to do, there's really not much room to fuck around. But as we're talking here, in this scenario, losing 20, 30 pounds for someone who's pretty heavy, who hasn't dieted before, the stress that you're going to run into, you have to figure out ways to recover from it. You have to figure out ways to feel better about what you're doing. Um, you have stress at home, you got stress at
Starting point is 00:52:56 work. You can overstress yourself from your own workouts. You can overdo your own workouts. Yeah. We talk all the time about sleep. These are all things that you're going to have to really take a look at. Family. You're going to have to really start to, people are like, oh, you've got to remove all the people that are negative in your life. Well, you have to try to maybe not remove, but spend less time with those people. Get around people that are going to move the needle for you. Get around people that are going to encourage you. Get around people that are going to encourage you. Get around people that are going to inspire you, people that are going to fire you up. But really, you have to be able to recover from all the
Starting point is 00:53:33 different things that you have going on in your life. Yeah. And I'll also just say like your phrases too, like how you describe things or how you say certain things. Like I was telling Mark, you know, I've been calling it keto breath now. I don't know if I actually have keto breath, but when you don't eat for at least 16 hours a day, your breath gets a little weird. It gets kind of dry. I used to call that hunger breath. You know, when your breath is just kind of like, it's just like real humid.
Starting point is 00:54:03 You're like dying on the inside. Yeah. So I always call it hunger breath. And I'm like, wait, but like when I say hunger breath, I instantly think like I'm hungry. And so what happens when I'm like, oh, I got hunger breath. I need to eat. Like I would just say it without even realizing it. Like, wait, no, I don't need to eat because I still have X amount of time left on this fast.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Yeah. I'm now calling it keto breath even though if that's not even accurate like i don't i'm not in ketosis or maybe i am i don't know but i'm changing not only like my my habits and like how i'm eating but i'm also changing the things that i'm saying because i don't want to fall into a trap of like oh i got hunger breath so i gotta start eating because that's what i would normally do um like mean, you can attack this from so many different angles. Like it's not just about doing one one thing or the other, like physically or verbally saying things to yourself can help so much. And I know because it's helping me right now.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I think that we could have like, honestly, a full on episode about the whole uh the mind side of this because you could be trying to do everything like the episode we just had yesterday or something two days ago where we talked about simple habits that you can pick up right you could do all of those things but if your internal self-talk is continuously negative and if your inputs are continuously negative you will f up in a few days you will you know you won't just f up you will fall off yeah like you like tyler bray when he was on we mentioned this too when he was like find a way to motivate yourself every single day play something in the morning etc there's so many things that i do um like that i i like i just thought of whenever i'm going to jujitsu there's this song that triggers me to get hype yeah and i don't i don't even think about that but when i when we
Starting point is 00:55:45 were talking about that right now i play that song every single time at some point and it gets me so so freaking hype to go train like internally i start to rev up before i get on the mat yeah and that's just something that like is normal right but if you can have these these things that just become they they give you an emotional response, a positive emotional response to go do the things and get the habits you need to have. That's crazy. I think when you think of trigger, I think we're thinking of negative, you know, like that's going to trigger like a negative response, but things can trigger a positive response too. And what are those things in your life right now that are triggering a positive response towards you walking, towards you eating better, towards you being healthy?
Starting point is 00:56:29 Maybe you don't really have much now, but maybe you need to find it. Maybe you need to figure it out. Yeah. And also, be your own cheerleader. You're not going to really get from point A to B if you're always doubting yourself. Sell out and fucking be like you know no one else is going to do it for you so that that's another thing that i've always dealt with and i'll be i'm going to try to build the balls up to lay it all out for shred again but it was something my dad had told
Starting point is 00:56:57 me a long time ago and it stuck with me for a long time and like it was weird a lot of stuff changed in my life after he said something to me well i've said it on the podcast but basically he uh he looked at my cousins were like oh those my nephews are jacked and he looked at me and he's like oh mine sucks so yeah i know it sucked but uh ever since then i became real uh here's that word that i can't pronounce self-conscious yeah and so uh i've always like had a lot of doubt in my mind conscious conscious conscious conscious yeah you got it conscience conscious i fucked up conscious conscious self-conscious noten con conscious shis
Starting point is 00:57:38 conscious conscious yes self-conscious there you go yes hey there we go and that's all the time we got thank you very much is never a weakness leaving on a win yeah anyway so yeah i've always dealt with like negativity in my own mind and now i'm i feel like i'm making the you know turning the corner and it does like i said with the the verbal side of things because that's a little bit more extreme but even mentally you know like going to the gym yesterday, knowing that I was going to have a good bench session and I put up a lot of weight, like more weight than I expected to put up, which was awesome. It's yeah, dude, everything. Like I just said, so many angles that we could attack. Self-doubt is a crazy thing.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I think everyone suffers from some version of it. is a crazy thing. I think everyone suffers from some version of it. And I think that preparedness is like a key factor to having less self-doubt. So if I'm going to go and let's say do like a TED talk, right? I've talked in front of a lot of people. I've done a lot of different things. I've talked in front of a lot of different cameras, a lot of different ways. I'd be really nervous to do a TED talk, but I'd also get prepared for it. So I would, I'd be like, oh shit, they said they want me to do one in August. And I would be like, okay, more seminars. I need to do more seminars. I need to talk about like I need a like I don't usually talk about anything in particular when I do these seminars and stuff it's it's sometimes about a squat or deadlift but there's not really a lot of prep that goes into it I talk about some of my life principles but they're not really ironed out all that well they're just like they just come to me as we're speaking I would prep for that I would I would say all right well maybe they're just like, they just come to me as we're speaking. Um, I would prep for
Starting point is 00:59:25 that. I would, I would say, all right, well, maybe I need to work on talking and just as weird as it would be. Like I need to like talk in front of my wife and my kids, you know, one night need to have them sit on the couch. And then I need to pretend that I'm coming out for this Ted talk. And I need to like, just, that would be fucking weird, but that's what I would need to do. Right. To get, so if you get prepped for something, then it breaks down those barriers. But I do think there's some people that have so much self doubt. It's really crippling to the point where they're like, I'm not even gonna, I'm not even gonna really try to get any momentum towards that. Cause that ain't for me. Like I just can't. And I think a lot of people do that
Starting point is 01:00:04 with weight loss. Unfortunately, they're like, I, you know i you know well and sema like he's fit you know so of course he's doing you know he's doing these 10 minute walks and of course he's doing fasting because he's already fit it's easy for him and it's like well these are some things that could be actually very simple for you they're not going to be easy in the beginning, but they are very simple to follow. Uh, it's not like you're going to be, uh, you know, dying doing a 10 minute walk. Well, hopefully not. Yeah. I think that's where like, maybe we'll try to build smaller wins. This guy super important, you know, rather than maybe taking on a 24 hour fast or whatever, start with something small that you initially start off with. That's
Starting point is 01:00:45 where a lot of, I think. No bro, Monday I'm going no carbs and I'm going to mess around with some 48 hour fasts and like, I'm going to be firing off ketones. I'm doing a two hours on the treadmill CrossFit workout after the treadmill. Yep. Yep. That's what I'm doing. Starting on Monday. That's where it gets tough. You wouldn't tell anybody not to really try and go do something to better themselves if they want to do it. But at the same time, if you know that you stop yourself from doing a lot of these things or you have a lot of self-doubt, that's where trying to take smaller steps comes into play. Or setting up smaller wins like we just talked about. Try to remove this from your life, like just in terms of going and eating out at some restaurant. Try not to do that as often. That in
Starting point is 01:01:31 itself is a win. And count those things up. Write those things down. Like Andrew said, be your own cheerleader and pat yourself on the back for these small things so you can slowly build them up rather than trying to take on a giant undertaking, failing on that and thinking you suck. Right. I agree. I think if somebody is to go to the doctor and they are suffering from depression or something, the doctor is going to try to find out what's going on currently. And then they're going to start to dig into like your past. And eventually, you know, through some sessions or something like that, they're going to start to, you know, uncover that there was some things that, that were going on in your life that led to a lot of these things. And I think what you talk about often with people that you help
Starting point is 01:02:19 is you're like, Hey, why don't you just like write down, you know, write down what you eat for the next few days. Don't really try to like diet or impress me with your food, just whatever you normally eat. It's because you need like some sort of information about their history. Like you also need to, you know, not just their current eating habits, but you know, what did you used to eat? You know, what foods do you like? What foods do you dislike? You need to kind of like have all this information. But once they write stuff out, then you can start to see and you can be like, OK, you actually ate like seven times, you know, in each of these three examples that you gave me of these days of eating. if we count up all the snacks and stuff that you had. And then you can start to make decisions on what you're going to do with those foods. Like, do we just completely eliminate them? Do we just have a conversation with the client and say,
Starting point is 01:03:14 hey, you know, do you think you could maybe ditch some of these snacks that you're having during the day? And just you could save that little treat at the end of the day. Let's just see what that looks like. And then you're also drinking soda. And I saw that you had a Frappuccino and there was a bag of potato chips in there. Can we get rid of, you know, let's see if we can get rid of some of that stuff and then see what it looks like. So you're going to need to know, like, what are people up to?
Starting point is 01:03:39 What are they normally doing? And that's what you'll have to examine for yourself. If you're just trying to be a little healthier, you'll have to just examine, like, what are you doing? Like, what's going on on each day? And then you need to figure out a way, how do you make it easier on yourself? Because it's not easy. You don't want to be hungry. You know, if you're hungry and you go shopping or if you're hungry and go to a restaurant, you're going to fail.
Starting point is 01:04:04 You don't have enough willpower yet. You're not strong enough to handle that. Yeah. But on that note of hunger, man, like that's a big thing that over time, you got to like no matter who you are, you need to be okay with like feeling. You got to be okay with being hungry. Even if you're like I think you mentioned at the beginning of a diet, maybe not, you don't have to maybe not you don't have to be
Starting point is 01:04:25 you don't have to worry about that but sooner or later that needs to be something that doesn't bother you that doesn't make you act because if every time you're hungry it makes you like it makes you go find something to eat then you're always at the you're at the whim of of your body you're at the whim of hunger and that's not good in the long run. It's very short term. You're not losing any weight currently, right? No. You've been about the same weight for?
Starting point is 01:04:52 Last year. Oh, okay. Yeah, still 240 to 245. And then are you hungry in a day at all? Yeah. Right. There we go. Yeah. Like, I feel it.
Starting point is 01:04:58 But the thing is, again, now. So for you to not accumulate body fat, it's as, you know, we all recognize that you have genetics on your side, right? And you actually work fucking very hard, too. We recognize that. But, like, this is a guy that, you know, this is the guy that everyone looks at and is like, oh, man, he gets to eat whatever he wants or whatever. He doesn't. You know, he still has to have this discipline. And if you were just eating all day every day, you would be fatter than you are now.
Starting point is 01:05:27 Yeah. Substantially. Yeah, exactly. And so that's why I think, again, if you're heavier or if you're someone who's a little bit overweight, I don't think fasting is even remotely unsafe. I really don't. A lot of people are like, oh, uh, you cause eating disorders or whatever. No. If you're overweight, anorexia is the least of your woes. Yeah. Seriously. It's the least of your woes. Like just not eating for a few hours. Doesn't need to be 16 or 18 or 20 hours, not
Starting point is 01:05:58 eating breakfast or whatever. It's not that big of a deal. I always think that fasting is kind of the easiest road into all this. And if you want to, if you want to really try to cheat the system, you know, to see if you can cut off your food about two hours early before you go to bed, that might be a tough habit to start to do. But the sooner that you start your fast, the sooner you get to end it kind of. So you can kind of, you're gonna have to play a lot of tricks on yourself. You're gonna have to like, kind of lie to yourself, uh, in order to like make some of these things work. Like, oh yeah, fasting's great. That's why you hear people talking about how great fasting is because we're, we're really lying. Like we'd rather be fucking eating to be honest with you.
Starting point is 01:06:38 Right. But it is a, it is a good way to gain control over the overall amount of food that we, uh, that we tend to consume because we just fucking eat way too much. One note I want to make is I think athletes or individuals that train and they eat a lot and they're looking at their food habits and you know it's not the best, understand that you're not out of the water. You are in danger because when that day comes and you're not doing as much or you have to slow down, that's why you see a lot of people that were former really fit athletes get really big. You see it all the time because they can't do as much as they used to and they eat the same way. And because they eat the same way, they accumulate a lot of fat and they don't know how to get back. Now they're not able to exercise as much. They're not losing weight. They haven't built good food habits. You will get out of shape. So right now
Starting point is 01:07:29 when you're in shape, this is the time to start building better eating habits because when that day comes, you got to slow down. You don't want to have bad habits. And there's so many people that exercise often and they're nowhere near having the body that they want and that's like i understand too like everyone that exercises for a period of time is going to start to really like level up with the body that they want right yeah you know somebody who uh gets a porsche might one day want a lambo right like it's gonna cut that's gonna That's, those are kind of natural progressions, but that's not what I'm talking about here. I'm just, you know, I think that there's a lot of people that exercise frequently. They have a decent, uh, meal plan. They, they say they eat clean, but there's a few things that they can change
Starting point is 01:08:20 just as, just as simple as the person who needs to get momentum towards uh you know dropping weight who's never really dieted before i see it a lot in power lifting these people are 20 25 body fat sometimes sometimes certain sports have certain body fat percentages that lend themselves to that sport and helps you be more productive yeah however if you're not in that category and you're not like you know you're you're not so attached if you can let go of that strength a little bit um you need to adhere to some new disciplines as well and you need to dive in and you need to kind of like you know what would you rather have do you want to you know always have a consistent 405 bench or would you rather you know be 15 pounds lighter you know figure it you know just figure it out what's the priority and then if the priority
Starting point is 01:09:16 is to always have the 405 bench then that's fine but i still think that exactly what i agree 100% with in sema that you still need to have some healthy practices and make sure that you're not just stuffing yourself with a bunch of junk yeah i got a pretty funny question from uh ryan in the live chat and i just want to well he just asked how do you uh how do you fast and not be an asshole but i know right that's good but what i want to say is like yeah why is it different when you're fasting? Like, I don't get hangry at all. Like, it's just like, oh, there's a little bit of hunger there. But like, why is it because we're not like having a lot of carbs and we're not feeling that? Or like, what's the deal? Because I didn't even really think about it. Like, I don't get agitated at all. But when I was eating throughout the day, I'd like oh fuck i gotta get my next i would uh say that most people that are intermittent fasting especially like the intermittent fasting that we're doing and that we have you messing with we're eating pretty damn good like we're eating healthy we're eating healthy food and uh you know we're also we also have a good amount
Starting point is 01:10:20 of calories in our body so none of us are like extremely deprived of calories. And I think that's important too, because we're not like starving, right? But somebody that tries, I sometimes hear somebody say, oh, like I kind of do that anyway. And it's like, no, you really don't, you know? And then also fasting is a lot easier
Starting point is 01:10:42 if you are producing some ketones and you will produce ketones the lower that your blood glucose is you'll be in a line to produce ketones more often that way but simply put I think that just because you you are you're like this is the amount of hours that I'm going to fast for I think you just become okay with it and you get more comfortable with the hunger and hunger from, from everything that I've dealt with from a hunger perspective. It's just like these pulses, it just comes at you and then it stops. You know, it comes at you, it might hit you three times in the arm. Like, dude, you got to eat, dude, you got to eat, dude, you got to eat. And then it's five times. And then later in the day, it's like eight times
Starting point is 01:11:24 your stomach growls and you're like, fuck, you're like, oh my God, I'm actually shit. I'm actually pretty hungry. But then every time it like dies off and it dies off and it dies off. And I fasted for 72 hours before. And it's like, once you get to like 18 hours or so, you're just, you just don't really care anymore. Isn't it funny how the hunger pulse doesn't, you would think that the pulse of hunger gets worse the longer you fast, but it kind of just the same feeling on hour 36 or whatever. You get that pulse, but it's the same as it was on hour eight. You know what I mean? It's not like you're now ravenously hungry. It just stays. It's the same feeling of hunger and then it goes away. I think you mentioned something that's really important. How are you not an asshole? It's
Starting point is 01:12:08 because it's deliberate. Like, you know, okay, I'm not going to eat for 16 hours. That's why it's so easy for you right now because it's, it wasn't unplanned. You didn't come. You also know when your meals come in and what meal it's going to be. Exactly. That's huge. Yeah. Like you, it's not like you, uh, you were planning to eat today, but you got so busy with work and you weren't able to go to Chipotle at noon. So now you're thinking about Chipotle that you were supposed to have at noon, but you got to keep working, right? It's different. You were planning on not eating for 18 hours.
Starting point is 01:12:38 So you put that on yourself and you're okay with it. That's why we're not assholes when we fast. We're doing it to ourselves. And also, like I told Mark, it feels really rewarding when I do get the hunger pulse and I'm just like, yep, that's my fat. Just like, hey, we need help. Bring in the troops.
Starting point is 01:12:56 We're sending out an SOS trying to get more fat in here. And it's like, nope, not today. Yeah. It's actually very, very satisfying when you feel hungry and you don't answer it. Mm-hmm. It's awesome. People are just like, you're full of shit.
Starting point is 01:13:12 But it's like, hey, when you go to the gym and you're chasing the pump, like, does it, like, technically feel good? Like, no, it burns, right? It burns. But does it feel good? It feels great. Yeah. It's kind of like that, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Yeah. And also, like, when, yeah when yeah that's a you bring up a good point like when you get a pump and you know it's kind of excruciating um you get that pump and you kind of ride it out and you get a few exercises in a row and you really sustain the pump for a whole workout i don't know if people realize this but like you helped make yourself bigger that day uh you gave yourself some support. You gave yourself a step in the right direction for hypertrophy. And in certain things, it's hard to really tell. It's hard to tell like, when did you make progress? Or I think with
Starting point is 01:13:56 something like jujitsu in the beginning, you probably have left a lot of jujitsu, uh, practices kind of like your head in a knot. Like you were like, I don't know how that really went. Cause like, I kind of sucked today. I couldn't figure out how to get this guy in this hold. I couldn't figure out how to escape from this other one. But then you have other practices where it clicks in pretty good. And you're like, you know what? You're like, I got better today. Like I felt, I felt that I got better today. I moved faster. Like I tried to put me in this position and I was able to get out of that one quicker and things like that. And when it comes to body fat, it's a tough thing to like feel that you're burning body fat. But I think that when you're hungry, that hunger, I think, I don't want to
Starting point is 01:14:41 say the longer that you ride it out. So I don't give people the wrong message, but I do think riding it out is important. And I do think that is like the fat burning process. You ever just, you ever just get done with like a good cardio session and you just, you, you feel, you know, leaner, you know, or get done with a good training session. You just kind of feel leaner or you can feel your stomach coming in and stuff. And you're like, Oh shit. Like, okay.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Like you just feel leaner than you did, you know, previous days. Some of that is just a step in the right direction. And, uh, you will have to get comfortable with being hungry for trying to get lean. But again, if you're just trying to lose some LBs, uh, the hunger thing is going to come in a little bit later. You're going to have to feel more hunger because you're trying to go from being a larger person that you've been for I don't know how many years. You have a certain energy requirement. And now you're like shutting that energy off. You're like, we're not, you know, we don't need as much energy anymore. And you're like, bullshit.
Starting point is 01:15:35 We still need that energy. Like we still need that fuel. And it's going to be difficult to deal with at first. Yeah. Yeah. I have on my whiteboard at home, like it's okay to suck. I have that written down just as a constant reminder every single day that like, I'm going to do something today that's going to feel uncomfortable. It's going to just,
Starting point is 01:15:55 I'm just going to be bad at, but that's fine. And I think that's something that, especially when, even when it comes to dieting and starting off these things, starting off a lot of things that we're talking about, it's okay that you're bad at it. It's okay that it doesn't feel good and that you, it doesn't come intuitively and that you're, you had a few fuck ups during the week. It's okay to suck. Um, because I think a lot of the reasons why, you know, you don't progress is because you're not okay with that beginning few weeks or a few months where it's just not, you're not doing that great, even though you're slowly moving in the right direction. It's like how Mark always talks about kids, right? They want to play a certain game or like
Starting point is 01:16:34 they want to play basketball or something and then they suck at it. I don't want to play anymore. It's kind of like that, right? It's exactly that. I fell off the wagon. It's like, you know, I've tried every diet, but it just doesn't work for me. Like, no, you just had a couple of stumbles. Get up. Keep moving. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Yeah. So I think that's super important there. When we're talking about exercise and we're talking about trying to have some new habits with your nutrition, what we end up really talking about is willpower. And this is a way for you to consistently and constantly work on your willpower. You might feel like at the moment that you're not strong enough to try some of these things. Um, but over a period of time, it'll just get easier and easier. It's like a 225 pound deadlift, you know, the weight sitting on the bar and you might look at it and say, I, I, you know, I've always had a bad back. I, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:25 I just, I can't, I don't have any clue on how to lift that. I can barely lift one plate on each side and you're asking me to lift two. Well, the longer that you do it and the longer that you work on it, the easier it's going to be to express how strong you are. Um, the longer that you work on this, the easier it's going to be to be able to express the type of willpower that you have. It's something that can be built up and you can have a reservoir of willpower that you can direct anywhere. And it feels amazing. Once you start to adhere to some of these disciplines, it's really fucking cool, man. And it's nice to be like, I don't,
Starting point is 01:18:06 I don't need that. You know, I don't need anything again, you know, going, pointing back to like a John Cena. I remember when he was here, uh, like two years ago, I just asked him if he needed anything. You know, I was like, I hit him up on a couple of things. Cause I know he was just staying in like this, you know, trailer type thing. It's a's a um giant bus that he's in but the bus has everything you know he's he's fucking john cena he's he rolls like a rock star right um but i was like hey you want me to bring any food you know he was like no i'm good i was like how about a coffee he's like no i'm good and i was like how about a coffee for your girlfriend he's like no we're good and i asked him like one more thing or something i'm like you know uh just because i was stopping somewhere too yeah and he just wrote back and he just wrote sustained like i'm good like i have
Starting point is 01:18:55 everything that i need but what a cool way just to like live your life period yeah like i don't need shit from anybody like that's like that's a great mentality to have you don't need the donut you don't need like you want it which is understandable and there should be a time and place for it because donuts are fucking awesome but you should be sustained you should be like i don't i don't need that i don't want to choose to do that because i don't want to end up looking like everybody else yeah i want to look different i want to be different i want to be made of like everybody else. I want to look different. I want to be different. I want to be made of something different.
Starting point is 01:19:27 I said no to Red Robin last night. Oh, my God. I know. Red Robin's actually, it's been a long time since I've been there. Bottomless fries or something? Yep, endless fries. Wait, did I say bottomless? I said bottomless, right?
Starting point is 01:19:39 Yeah, I think it's bottomless. Is it endless or bottomless? It's bottomless. Endless. Bottomless sounds interesting. I think it's bottomless. Yeah it endless or bottomless? It's bottomless. Endless. Bottomless sounds interesting. I think it's bottomless. Yeah, bottomless. Bottomless.
Starting point is 01:19:49 Anyway. I never really thought about the word bottomless until now. Doesn't end. Sick. Yeah. But no, I got invited and I was like, sorry, babe. Like, you guys go have fun, enjoy it. But I got the Piedmontese flat iron steak waiting for me.
Starting point is 01:20:04 That's where i'm heading and it yeah it was like it would have been really cool to go and it's like i probably could have made some adjustments but nah it's not for me right now i was sustained yeah that red robin some bullshit right there yeah that volcano of onion rings or whatever it is my kids love that place i think they give you like they give you like giant ass milkshakes there or something too. My kids, they would get like this milkshake like in a glass and then it came in that metal thing too. The metal thing is nice. Yeah, why not just put all of it in the metal thing?
Starting point is 01:20:37 It just doesn't fit, I guess. I don't know. On the note of milkshakes. Does it bring all the boys to the yard? Mine does. But what I was going to say was, I mean, I don't know how, like, this can work for a lot of people. But, like, I got some heavy whipping cream from Costco. I didn't use a lot of it.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Pour it on your nipples. I'm listening. Yeah. I'm in. Squeezed a little bit. But anyway, I poured a little bit of heavy whipping cream into a into a shaker bottle along with some keto pro and then the perfect keto way i took like a scoop and half keto pro a scoop of perfect keto way some heavy whipping cream and some water shook that baby up and the thing is is because of the heavy whipping cream you don't need to use a lot to get a milkshake consistency it's so good it's so good. It's so good. Oh my God. Like that's been my thing.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Like that, like. I went on a keto diet for that. Yes. That's the only reason why I went back on keto was because of that. Like I don't need to, like I don't need a milkshake
Starting point is 01:21:33 because this legit tastes like a chocolate kind of vanilla milkshake. It's so good. It's so good. And it's not bad. No, there's a little, there's little things that you can do. There's little things
Starting point is 01:21:43 that you can put into your, into your diet. I was mentioning like the cheats, you know, at the end of the day, and I've done it with quest bars as well. And I've done it with perfect keto bars as well. It's like, just find, you know, what's the thing that you like. Maybe like, I've also done it with fruit, which doesn't sound all that exciting. You know, it doesn't sound like it doesn't sound that awesome, but when you're eating foods that aren't sweet and you get rid of sugar and you get some different fruits together, dump some cinnamon on there, throw some whipped cream on there, and you're having a fucking party.
Starting point is 01:22:17 Oh, yeah. That shit's delicious. I mean, it is really good. It sounds dumb to be like, oh, this fruit is really yummy, but it's great. It's going to have fiber in it. It doesn't have sugar in it, but it's not going to be the same as eating a fucking Snickers bar, that's for sure.
Starting point is 01:22:35 Oh, Snickers bars. Should we get some? That's usually how the podcasts go. All this positive advice. We end up in a weakened state. We're all this positive and really good advice and we end it with. We end up like in a weakened state and we're like, fuck this.
Starting point is 01:22:49 What was I? I was. Oh, yeah. Okay. So two mornings ago, I see that you guys posted the Chef Rush video when you guys were at Camden's cooking. So I was like, oh, this looks interesting. I started watching it. And then I was like, like eight minutes.
Starting point is 01:23:04 And I'm like, I'm so hungry. Yeah. Those guys did a great job with that video. Yeah. Like it's legit. Like, okay, if you're doing this whole fasting thing, don't watch food. Yeah. Don't watch it because I would have been perfectly okay.
Starting point is 01:23:17 I didn't end up eating, but in that moment I had to turn the video off. Let's give people a couple strategies with fasting. So I think, you know, there, there are techniques to do like dry fasting, but we're not really talking about that for today. I have noticed that even just drinking water helps. Yes. Like sometimes when I'm pretty hungry, I'm like, I'm just going to drink water and I'll drink, you know, a bottle or a glass of water. Um, a couple other things that have helped me, we've talked a lot about the 10 minute walks, just going on a walk, um, being occupied. You know, if you have a day where you're like, Oh, tomorrow's a day off. And I get to like,
Starting point is 01:23:54 you know, go do a, B and C probably not a great day to, uh, to fast. You know, you could still do it if you want to be a badass or whatever, But if you have like you don't have much work and there's not going to be a lot of activity, let's say you're going like a baseball game or something like not just not a great day to fast. You're going to be too tempted and it's just too annoying and too frustrating. So being occupied, I think, is is really beneficial. And one of the major killers of hunger is working out, you know, getting in a good, getting in a good workout. You do jujitsu and you lift and it's like, well, there's two times a day that you're not going to eat.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Right. And that's, you know, three hours or four hours worth about two hours of each or something like that. Uh, what are some things that help you? You got any tricks? Well, I know that when we talked to Cole Robinson, he wasn't a fan of it, but I do think caffeine is pretty great for most people when it comes to a coffee is great. It's an appetite suppressant, you know, so you won't feel as hungry. So that you mentioned water working out. I'm going to reiterate this. I feel like I'm just repeating the statements you said, but really keeping busy or having something to do. If you don't have something to do tomorrow, figure out something that you can do. Like you don't have to not do anything, but of course there are days you want to take breaks.
Starting point is 01:25:10 But if you can figure out an activity or two that you can do, whether it's going to take a hike or, you know, that's a great idea. And be like, I'll eat after that. Exactly. You know,
Starting point is 01:25:18 cause when, when you're legit doing nothing, that's when those cravings come. And then you start to be like, it's hard to fight it when you're sitting around doing nothing. And there's nothing else other than to go grab something to eat. So that's super important. We talk about it a lot. But if you didn't sleep well the night before and you got four hours of sleep, you are.
Starting point is 01:25:40 You're fucked. You're going to feel so hungry. And fighting it is almost just a useless battle. I don't know. My sweet tooth comes out hard if I haven't been sleeping. Same. I'm like, oh, my God, I need ice cream or I need cookies or whatever. That's where my mind goes, directly to sugary foods, not even to just normal food like a normal fast.
Starting point is 01:26:02 It goes directly to the sweet shit. Bad stuff, yeah. Yes. So that is such a big deal if you're not getting good sleep and you want to try this whole fasting thing you're making it exponentially harder exponentially harder yeah i uh for me i've just been calculating time so like uh i use the the bedtime app on my phone like you know your bedtime app on your iphone and i just like okay last night i stopped eating at this time and then i'll keep rotating I use the bedtime app on my phone, your bedtime app on your iPhone. And I just like, okay, last night I stopped eating at this time,
Starting point is 01:26:28 and then I'll keep rotating until it goes to the next day. And I can be like, okay, at 18 hours it'll be 2 o'clock or whatever the case. So then I know, okay, I'm just not going to get hungry until then. But when the hunger pain does come or hunger impulse or whatever it is, I take some of these guys right here mind bullet oh yeah this helps a ton and then uh coffee just plain black coffee that that i thought that that was crazy i remember in uh mark's book the war on carbs when he was talking about a coffee fast i was like that would destroy me and it would have at one
Starting point is 01:27:03 point in my life like when i had coffee at, like it's just straight to the bathroom. Now, because maybe there's nothing in my system or my gut's just getting better, I can drink coffee and be pretty, like I'm okay. If I drink it and I probably have a full stomach, it will move things a little bit quicker. Yeah. Or if I drink it first thing in the morning, it'll definitely push things out. Yeah. But I do that and then just I walk around the block. It's super easy to do.
Starting point is 01:27:30 And like I said in the past, by the time I get back, I forgot why I even went on the walk. That's how powerful it is. Those three things have been just helping a ton. Yeah, MindBullet helps a ton with fasting. I love it. Yeah, and then, of course, the perfect keto stuff, love it yeah and then of course the perfect keto stuff whether it be the MCT oil powder or the nootropic
Starting point is 01:27:49 got some of the MCT oil that powder in this coffee right now same here it's so good yeah the vanilla is my favorite right now
Starting point is 01:27:56 where's the salted caramel I don't know I've been wanting to try the salted caramel as we were for that salted caramel MCT oil that shit done
Starting point is 01:28:04 walked away what could it be that's vanilla got up and. That shit done walked away. What could it be? Got up and walked away. Gosh, someone in this office took it. I think somebody done stole it. Who stole it? Done stole it. That's weird.
Starting point is 01:28:13 Geez. I wish I could trust people around here. I don't know where it went. It's weird. You know, in the Warren Carver's book, I talk about a coffee fast. And there's a bunch of different ways of doing it. Um, but, uh, you know, blending up some butter in your coffee.
Starting point is 01:28:30 People are aware of bulletproof coffee. Bulletproof coffee is supposed to be grass fed butter and MCT oil. Um, but there's so many different ways, just putting something in your coffee that has some calories in it and not a lot of calories. So that's where, you know, if you're going to use like heavy cream or something, you certainly can use heavy cream. Um, but you need to be cautious. Like at Starbucks, if you ask for heavy cream, they're going to dump in a lot and your, your coffee is going to look very light and it's going to be loaded, loaded with calories. I don't even know. I mean, I would say, I don't know, between like 500, 800.
Starting point is 01:29:07 It could be a lot. Right? It could be a lot. Now, it'll taste pretty good, but the taste to me is not worth that amount of calories. Altering the taste of your coffee with a little bit of cream, yeah, I can get on board with that. But anyway, a coffee fast, you can do just straight up black coffee.
Starting point is 01:29:27 It can be hot. It can be cold. But you can also implement MCT or butter into your coffee. And that's not a real fast anymore because now you're consuming some food. That's calories, right? However, it can help you stay on your path help you help you uh you know stay on your on your plan where you're just trying to basically to have this half of the day this front half of the day uh you're consuming a lot less calories maybe normally you would consume
Starting point is 01:29:57 you know a thousand or fifteen hundred calories now you only consumed like 300 from your coffee or coffees. Perfect Keto has great products. You can put your collagen protein in there. You could throw in some of the MCT oil powder. Just gives you a great option and just helps a little bit with that hunger. And it makes your coffee taste amazing. We might as well hook people up. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:22 slash powerproject at checkout. Enter promo code powerproject for 15% off the MC2 oil powder, the nootropic, all the bars, everything we just talked about to help you with your fast. You guys see those ribeyes that I cooked up last night? I did. Yeah. I thought those were burger patties. Well, I cooked. So I cooked up.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Well, I had a double dinner. I did a double piedmontese stacker. I had two giant ribeyes. Wow. Grass-fed, grass-finished. They were fucking awesome. And then my follow-up dinner was this guy. I just want to show that one there.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Ate the tomahawks. This guy. And, yeah, the follow-up was this food porn that I posted of a Piedmontese burger. That looks amazing. And I just threw a bunch of cheddar cheese on top of there. Hey, what are you cooking that on? That looks really cool. That's like our little thing in our house.
Starting point is 01:31:16 I don't know. Skillet, I guess? I don't know. I'm not going to watch this. Look at that. See, you should check it out, bro. That's great. Yeah, I'm good, bro.
Starting point is 01:31:25 I could look at that and not really get, well. Yeah, as you stare longer, as you stare longer, things will start to happen. When I scraped it off the grill, it all scraped off like perfectly. Oh, God. And then the cheese was like little chips. It was like I was eating little chips with it. It was amazing. Little cheddar chips. Yeah was like I was eating little chips with it. It was amazing. Little cheddar chips.
Starting point is 01:31:46 Yeah, that's the crunch. I definitely miss crunch every now and again. That's the one thing that will eventually be the thing I have to fight back the most. I made some wings the other day. I had this fucking amazing recipe going on. I've been working on it for a long time. But I threw on, I have pork rinds that are like uh like smashed up yes and fuck it's i just bought them off of amazon it was like inexpensive
Starting point is 01:32:14 it's a pretty big tub of it too and i dumped some of those bitches uh on the on the wings after they were cooked and as they were like simmering in the sauce, holy shit, it was good. It was amazing. You bite into the wing and it has that buffalo sauce and the butter and everything all coming together all at once, and then you get that little crunch at the end. That's the good stuff there. That sounds great.
Starting point is 01:32:35 It was fucking awesome. Yeah, it was really good. Yeah. For Piedmontese beef, you guys know my fat's low, carbs are a little bit higher, and protein you know I think I'm at 240 grams a day piedmontese fits perfectly with that because the fat's low protein's obviously high it cooks fast I did cook the flat iron steaks last night in the air fryer because it was running late on the day how was it it was amazing It took 10 minutes to cook an entire flat iron steak.
Starting point is 01:33:07 That's ridiculous. Okay, you guys really, really need to give this a go. Head over to, at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. If your order is $99 and above, you get free two-day
Starting point is 01:33:27 shipping. I ordered Sunday night, got it by Wednesday. Cooking ever since. I always do a little dance when you spell out the letters of the Montees. I saw that. Yeah. Every time. Gets them happy. It's smooth. I'm trying to find a picture of my flat irons
Starting point is 01:33:43 the other day. I did smoke them and then seared them, but I can't find it. Smoking shit. It's really annoying me right now. Any hoot. I always talk about, you know, it's important to have things to look forward to in your diet. And for some people that are listening, it could be some Quest Nutrition bars, chips, pizza. They also have cookies. Quest Nutrition has had great products for many, many years.
Starting point is 01:34:11 And, you know, as I was losing a lot of weight, coming down from 330 pounds, I utilized different protein bars to kind of help me get there. But a lot of times it was Quest Bar that I would rely on. And now the bars that they make now are just so good, so ridiculous. A Hero Bar or if you're disciplined in your nutrition, having one of these bars at the end of the day is going to be something that you can really look forward to and it's not going to hurt your nutritional, your profile of what you've been eating throughout the day. I suggest you hit them up, and I suggest you check out Quest Nutrition.
Starting point is 01:34:47 Yeah, at checkout. Enter promo code MARKSQUEST for 20% off your order. Highly recommend the Blueberry Cobbler Hero Bar. Oh, my God. What's the one that you like? Caramel? Maple Pecan. Caramel Maple?
Starting point is 01:35:00 Oh, yeah. Maple Pecan, I think. Yeah. It's really good. People are going to think it's – it literally reminds me of Snickers. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So I don't end up needing that or wanting that fix because I kind of have it already.
Starting point is 01:35:14 Yeah. I'm going to eat that. Oh, here we go. Oh. See, here's. Ooh. Is that you? That's me.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Mm-hmm. Hey, now. It was so good. Y'all making me hungry. I know. We're looking at too much food. Dude, and the grilled onions, though. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Nice. Nice. Cool. It's cool that we just talk about fasting, but we don't actually do it. Just trick everybody into doing it. And then we go have a massive meal right after this. Where can people find you, Nsema? At Nsema Eang on Instagram and YouTube. There's a new
Starting point is 01:35:47 Smooth Panther video out, by the way, so go check that out. Yes, it is back. How about you? At IamAndrewZ on Instagram. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later.

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