Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 305 - Clearing Up Confusion on World Carnivore Month

Episode Date: January 4, 2020

Today we're talking all about World Carnivore Month! Mark Bell is answering your questions and clearing up any confusion around the carnivore diet. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ https:...// Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what about that Phil Heath comment? I saw that. Oh my god. Everyone want to be black until the cops come. Oh my god. That was great. Oh, Phil, that was great. Oh, man. That transformation was good, huh?
Starting point is 00:00:19 But you know, there are a lot of bodybuilders that actually make that transformation because of the stage tan. That's legit. That happens multiple multiple times it's just only for like one night you go from white to being orange yep and for some people depending on how hard the tan is you were quite literally black yep jay cutler was like he used to be orange like for like weeks after the olympia i don't know like what happened but it just stayed on him forever he probably got like a legit like tan in a bed and then he also got like the the tan tan so he could be super dark so that yeah that'll stay for a bit that's what i did for my show and the discipline to like tan was like a pain in the ass it's like the hardest part it laying out laying out in the goddamn sun
Starting point is 00:01:02 i i mean i guess i could go to a tanning bed but they're i don't know i don't think it's any close to my house so yeah for my first ever show i thought i had to like go to a tanning bed to do it so i went to a tanning bed like twice and along with using tan i realized hold on a second in sema i'm not sure i know no no no no i know oh okay but you are you're aware i'm very aware I just thought like, cause they were like, you know, even if you're black, you need to like, everything needs to be even right. Can you imagine being the person checking people in at the tanning place and he walks in?
Starting point is 00:01:36 No, when I walked in, there's this little white girl at the counter and she was like, so I came in, she looked at me, she looked, she looked up and then she looked down real quick because she noticed what she did so she had to take a double take she's like why is this black guy here but she didn't want to say she was like oh so what would you like to do oh man it's like going into a barbershop bald right like we can't really do much for you you've already got your hair cut, it looks like. Oh, man. Yeah, that was great. Cool.
Starting point is 00:02:10 So what month is it, Mark? It is World Carnivore Month. It is January. So January 1 marks, I think, maybe like the third or fourth year of World Carnivore Month. And this is the third go around for me. And year one, I did it for like two weeks, and then I kind of messed up, and then I kind of got back on it. And I liked it, but it also kind of made me crazy
Starting point is 00:02:33 because I'd never done anything like that before. I never tried to like primarily just eat meat. And I made some mistakes with it too, I think. I think I just made it too hard on myself myself and I think I just didn't eat enough. And that, that was a, that was kind of problematic. And then last year I did it for the full month and really liked it a lot. And, uh, and then this year I'm, I'm doing it with some intermittent fasting because what I've noticed over the, over the, uh, last few months even of doing kind of a carnivore-style diet, not exactly carnivore, I've noticed that fasting helps me really focus and hone in on the foods that I should be eating.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I know it sounds weird, but I find that if I eat throughout the day, I tend to have more cravings. I tend to be hungrier. eat throughout the day, I tend to have more cravings. I tend to be hungrier. Now I'll get hungry, you know, by the end of the day, especially if I fast for like 20 hours, which is fairly common. I fast between 16 and 20 hours almost every day. What will happen is, you know, if I'm eating throughout the day, I'll actually be hungrier than if I don't eat. So I will get ferociously hungry like towards the end of the day. But once I start to eat my food, I'm totally fine. And I usually just do what I like to call a double dinner. Can we rewind real quick? Because on year one, when you said you made it too hard
Starting point is 00:03:55 for yourself, I anticipate that there's a lot of people that are doing it right now that are making it too hard. So, I mean, you weren't fasting that year, right? When you're doing carnivore, but was there anything else that like you were doing that was making it too hard. So, I mean, you weren't fasting that year, right? When you're doing carnivore, but was there anything else that like you were doing that was making it too hard? I think I was, I think at the time I think I was messing around with some fasting and I think I just, when I was eating the, when I was eating meat, I just wasn't eating enough. And so like, I just also didn't know as much about meat. I didn't really even know. I knew I liked fillets, but I just, I mean, at that point i still ate a lot of meat um but i just didn't really i didn't know like you know the different kinds i didn't know how to cook very
Starting point is 00:04:30 cook it very well and so the food was like a little less appetizing and then when i thought about meat i just thought that steak was the only option and so i just kept eating steaks and i think at the time i was getting a lot of like new y strips and I, my jaw would even get tired. I was like, I can't even like chew my food anymore. You know, um, it, between that and between fasting, I was just like, this is kind of miserable. Like I would love to add some other stuff in there. And, uh, that's, I fell off for just like a day or two. I think I just cheated on my diet or whatever. And then I, I got back on it. And when I went back to it, I was like, you know, I'm just going to ease up a little bit. I'm not going to worry about if there's like a little bit of olive oil and something I'm going to use some
Starting point is 00:05:11 seasoning. And that helped a lot. Um, I'm going to, uh, you know, just, just relax a little bit more and eat some cheese and have some coffee and those things. So this year I decided to, um, you know, allow for seasoning and things like that too, because I think that that's not really like my fight isn't really against that. And when I say fight, I'm trying to get as many people with me on this fight. The fight is against, the war is against processed foods and not even specifically just carbohydrates, because as we know, a lot of processed foods also have a lot of other things in them too.
Starting point is 00:05:47 They have a lot of fat in them and they have a lot of things that just override our system and encourage overeating. And so that's really all I'm against is overeating. And what I've noticed is that when you focus in on protein and when you focus in on kind protein, and when you focus in on kind of more specifically, you focus in on meat and eggs, that you're going to be, it seems to promote the diet itself. It seems to encourage you to kind of eat those foods more often. And it also seems like it's almost impossible, which I'm sure that it might be possible, but it seems like it's almost impossible to overeat on those foods.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Seems like you can really pound away a lot of food. You can pound a lot of meat, if you know what I mean. But it might be NoFap January. I'm not sure. A lot of people are doing NoFap January, actually. I've been getting some DMs about that. I thought it was NoFap November. Oh, but NoFap January is a thing too now.
Starting point is 00:06:40 I've been getting some DMs about it. Go men! Let's get it. No, don't go men. I'm in on it. I'm a few days into January and I haven't beaten off so I'm good to go. Let's go. We're all good. But you want the men to not go, right?
Starting point is 00:06:56 Because then they're going to go. You want the men to remain inside the ball area, right? The men to... Oh, I'm not talking about yeah i'm i mean us yeah men go man no fat that's what i mean keep keep the semen but okay i think we're talking about a diet weren't we we're going back to the carnivore thing out of fapping back to carnivore so um mean eggs mean eggs a lot of people have been asking about like vegetables. So I mean, how does it like
Starting point is 00:07:29 spinach and all that type of stuff along with like fiber? So how about that? I think people get twisted up a little bit with what I'm trying to do and what I'm suggesting to them. And the reason why there's a difference is because I just have been messing around with diets for a long time. I've been messing around with powerlifting for years and years and had to make weight a bunch of different times. I did a bodybuilding show. I'm fairly used to the nutrition I need to get certain results. I've kind of not completely mastered, but I feel like I've mastered a decent amount of my dietary wants, I guess you'd say.
Starting point is 00:08:15 And I'm able to sustain some good control over my diet for a long period of time. And so when I'm issuing this challenge out, I'm trying to make sure that I'm issuing a challenge that I feel is simple enough and easy enough to be repeatable. Like I want people to be able to try to hang on the best they can for all 31 days. What I'm trying to do personally for myself is like I removed cheese, I removed vegetables, I removed coffee because I don't know, because I've been doing this for a while, I'm trying to intentionally make it a harder challenge for me. So I guess what you can kind of say is I'm trying to mirror the level of challenge that it is to people that are new to it by screwing myself over more. And hopefully that gives you a little bit extra dose of motivation. I love cheese.
Starting point is 00:09:01 I love having a cheeseburger. Like I don't really like hamburger meat. Like I don't unless it has cheese on it. But I absolutely love cheese. I love having a cheeseburger. Like I don't really like hamburger meat. Like I don't unless it has cheese on it. But I absolutely love it when it has cheese on it. So I tried to make this kind of compromise. I was like, you know what? Screw it. I don't need any cheese.
Starting point is 00:09:14 I don't need any dairy. The only dairy I'm having is some butter. Butter just makes everything a lot easier and a lot smoother. So there's some butter in there. Bone broth, butter, eggs. I can't think of anything else outside of that. Oh, and some seasoning. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:28 And some tea. Okay. I'm just allowing for some tea because I just feel like sometimes you literally just need something to fucking do sometimes. I think that's what coffee is sometimes. Like, hey, let's go grab a cup of coffee.
Starting point is 00:09:40 It really is. And I don't want to feel like an alien or a weirdo and be like, I can't go. So I'll just have tea. And then you guys know I like to kind of just chill at coffee shops sometimes and be a weirdo. So I'll get some tea there. What I recommend to everybody else, though, is I recommend that if you want to have some vegetables, then go for it. Now, if you have some sort of ailments or disease or don't feel good or have an autoimmune disorder,
Starting point is 00:10:04 then I would suggest that you go full carnivore and really try to sink into that. have some sort of ailments or disease or don't feel good or have an autoimmune disorder, then I would suggest that you go full carnivore and really try to sink into that and lean into that the best that you can to see if you can clear anything up that's going on in your stomach, that's going on in your gut. One question I get asked a lot, people are really worried about fiber and they're worried about like colon cancer and a lot of these things, which is, I think it's absolutely awesome that so many people are concerned about their health in this way. I think that that's great. There's a lot of evidence that goes either way.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I'm not going to like tell you that you can or can't do something. What I would suggest though, is that you listen to some of the information from Paul Saladino. Listen to some of the information from Sean Baker. And then determine for yourself what you think is best. Does it seem logical to eat some vegetables here and there, to have some roughage, to have some fiber? I think that most of the information that we have about fiber, there's not a ton of, although in abundance it might be negative,
Starting point is 00:11:02 but there's not a lot of negative information about fiber. There is some negative information about vegetables being like anti-nutrients and things like that. But to me, I just think that that's a weird – I'm not even concerned about that at all. I think that vegetables are healthy, and I think that if you want to incorporate them, go ahead and do so. Just know for myself personally that in being a one-of-one experiment and messing around with this stuff for a while, the most amount of vegetables I'll eat in a given week normally is like just a couple servings. Like I might have three or four servings of vegetables in a given week, not in a given day. I'm not saying that that's the healthiest thing to do. I don't actually truly know. And I also don't think that anybody does. So, you know, you can kind of take that for what it's worth. That's what I've been practicing.
Starting point is 00:11:55 That's what I've been doing. I don't have problems going to the bathroom. I feel amazing. In fact, I've been running lately and a lot of that has to do with this diet. I just, I've been running lately, and a lot of that has to do with this diet. I've been walking for the last five years, going from 330 pounds down to 230 pounds. And one day I was like, you know what? I feel good. I feel like light. I'm just going to run. I decided to run. And now I've been doing a walk-run, and eventually it'll probably just turn into a run-run.
Starting point is 00:12:22 But yeah, I'm feeling amazing. And so what I'm trying to share i'm trying to share with people and encourage people to hop on this world carnivore month with me for those of you that haven't done it yet it's okay you can jump in now um we still got a lot of days in the in the month for you to do it uh i was uh slick enough to get bedros coolian to jump on board with us there we go and so he's doing the carnivore diet with us. And then I've impacted a lot of family members. My aunt is doing the diet.
Starting point is 00:12:50 She's lost about 18 pounds in only two months of doing the diet. She also was able to get rid of a lot of medications. I have my mother-in-law's on the diet. She's diabetic, so it's really important for her to kind of grasp some of these principles. But guys, listen, the main thing is you don't need to freak out. You don't need to worry. We're not trying to remove carbohydrates from your life forever, and I'm not going to do that either. I have a war on carbs, but I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:13:20 In fact, in February, I think that I'm going to start to bring in some potatoes and some rice and try to gain some strength back and stuff like that because it's good to mix things up a little bit, try some different things. And I'm not ever going to say that carbs are necessarily bad. I just think that they sometimes can be enticing and they sometimes can lead you to overeating. So those of you that want to get in better shape and you want to have that bicep vein, which I think that should be a goal for every man on the planet is to have a bicep vein. If you want to lean out a little bit, you should jump on this World Carnivore Month with me. And I think that one thing you mentioned is like the first time you did it, you know, you fell off a little bit, but you jump back on the next day. I know that there's going to be quite a few people that will, because this is such a shift, you're going to fall off. Maybe. Okay. It might happen
Starting point is 00:14:09 for a day or two. Don't stop for the month. Just get right back on ASAP as soon as you can. Cause literally you haven't, you haven't failed unless you actually totally stop doing it. So just hop back on the diet as soon as you possibly can. And then the other thing that you mentioned, which is really important, is it takes time for your palate to change. It takes time for you to actually want to eat certain foods or not want to eat a lot of like maybe the sugary, highly refined, high carbohydrate food that you used to eat. So you need to give yourself the time to do that. And one thing, at least even for myself, that makes that really easy, and we've talked about this numerous times on the show, is just making it difficult to have access to. So I know it's sometimes difficult for individuals with families, but you can get rid of a lot of the snack foods, the high-sugary snack foods that you have in the house that you'd usually easily grab. And your family doesn't need it either.
Starting point is 00:14:59 They don't need it either. Yeah. I'm not saying get rid of your potatoes or your healthy foods, but get rid of the trashy refined carbohydrates that you have in the cabinet. Cause no one needs that. Parents, you know, listen up for a second. I mean, your kids, there's a lot of healthy things that they actually like or healthy ish things that they actually like. And you should review that with your kids and you should work on trying to keep as much of that stuff in your house as you possibly can um most kids like fruit i don't even really i've not even ever run into a kid that doesn't like some fruit they'll enjoy fruit so have some fruit around that's readily available
Starting point is 00:15:35 um kids don't usually dig vegetables but but uh that's okay you know you figure out ones that they do like in terms of like yogurt or cottage cheese. My kids like cottage cheese. I'm not a fan of it myself, but they dig it for some reason. Yogurt. Who cares if it has a little bit of sugar in it? At least there's some protein in there, right? And try to buy the higher protein yogurts if you can sneak those in. But you want everyone in the family, you want everyone to be protein focused because when you're protein focused, it makes it a lot harder to overeat. And that's really what the main fight is always against.
Starting point is 00:16:08 The main fight is always against overeating. What I've noticed with this diet though, is that through eating meat and through fasting, it has kept me really locked in, focused and motivated. It's improved my sleep. It's improved my energy output. I feel really good every single day. And I think what's happening to a lot of people is a lot of people are robbing themselves of opportunities by eating some junk food, by eating some processed foods, by not going for the meat. Like it's really easy to reach into your pantry rather than to reach into your refrigerator because the foods that are in your pantry are – they're scientifically engineered by companies that have like billions of dollars to really smash your palate, right, and to really hit every sensor in your body versus just a piece of meat that you cooked up yesterday and you look at that steak in the fridge and you're like,
Starting point is 00:17:07 I don't want to heat, that's going to be gross. Like you're automatically thinking it's going to be disgusting, which it would be disgusting in comparison to, you know, getting some chips and like dipping them in cheese or something like that, right? Yeah, exactly. And that's exactly why I think like the intermittent fasting aspect of this, if you're doing the carnivore challenge, try to maybe pick up some intermittent fasting. We've talked about it a lot, but maybe start off
Starting point is 00:17:29 if 16 hours of fasting is a little bit too difficult for you, start with 12, just start with 12, do a 12, 12. That'll get you better adapted to dealing with hunger. When you start feeling that, oh God, I got to eat something, just roll through it um i know mark is doing carnivore hard mode right now where he doesn't have any caffeine doesn't have any cheese right it's plain meat but caffeine is going to be something you can use for some reason i've been finding that a lot of people that i know he helps tremendously yeah yeah and one one other thing a lot of people that do intermittent fasting mention that sparkling water is like something that they really crave on their fast i've noticed that too i drink so much more sparkling water nowadays i think it's the i don't know the
Starting point is 00:18:08 carbonation or something it's just like it feels like a treat it feels like a damn treat it's weird people are listening to this right now these guys are fucking these guys have their assholes yeah they're like we're shutting this fucking thing down yeah for me it's kind of just like the uh almost like the who said it uh somebody we had on they talked about mouth pleasure yes thank you yeah why are you guys getting so excited about it it's like the uh you know when you drink you crack open a soda and you can hear the fizz and you're drinking it like bites your back of your throat and so it kind of has the same same like a nostalgia feeling when you're drinking your sparkling water and it just i don't it tastes really like it doesn't taste like anything i used to think it was bs the best meme that i've seen
Starting point is 00:18:50 like all of last year was like like who said that sparkling water was a good idea it tastes like tv static and i'm like you are oddly very accurate because it does taste like tv static but it's delicious it makes sense but exactly like using like using those tactics what it does taste like TV static, but it's delicious. It makes sense. But exactly. Like using those tactics, what it does is when you're ready to eat, you actually start craving foods that are going to make you full, right? Especially now you don't have the Doritos in the cabinet anymore. It's harder to reach for those things. But now you have steak, you have eggs, you have bacon, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:19:21 You have all these foods that you can make and you're actually hungry for them and you will feel full after eating them. So you want to make that easy for yourself. But along with that, you mentioned that another thing that made it difficult for you when you first started was the cooking aspect of it. So, I mean, okay, I'm not even going to, I'll weigh in on this way later because I'm like, I think the worst at cooking within this group. But for both of you guys, how do you make your meat pleasurable? Yeah. But I think for you, I think it was great that you got an air fryer yeah that was a game changer right it was and a lot of people a lot of people you know they they think it's a horrible sin to like throw steak in
Starting point is 00:19:55 the air fryer and i've never had steak from the air fryer until um i think it was like new year's eve i took four uh piedmontese New York strips. Andrew, you're going to have to tell them how they can get a deal in a second. I took four New York strips from Piedmontese and threw them in the air fryer. And Seema's getting so pumped. He's so excited. He's so happy. And they were fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:20 All I did was pour salt on them. And everyone's like, how did you cook these? They're like, oh, these are New York strips. Oh, my God, these are so lean. These are so good. And everyone was eating them up. So the air fryer is a chunk of magic for a lot of us that don't know how to cook really well. Like I still don't know much about cooking.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I've just – I've kind of learned, I guess, by doing and by hearing small tips here and there. But I really don't – I honestly don't know what the fuck I'm doing. But I'm working on it. So you were able to stack the steaks on top of each other inside the air fryer, or you do them one by one? Do you have a big air fryer? My air fryer is pretty much a couple sizes bigger than a toaster oven, I guess,
Starting point is 00:21:01 because it's a toaster oven. It does a bunch of stuff. Oh, it's a it's a toaster oven like it's it does a bunch of stuff oh it's a deluxe it's a it's a it's like a it's like a dishwasher and uh yeah you can put your clothes in there too i think i haven't figured that part out yet yeah um because like the one that i have i'm pretty sure it's like in sema's me i'm assuming like because we're both like damn how did you fit that many it's like you can fit like two flat iron stakes in it. Yeah, that's like. And that's like it's tapped out after that.
Starting point is 00:21:29 But so, yeah, that's. We need to have more things called deluxe, by the way. Yeah, I know. That sounds great. That's kind of like an old school term. Knee sleeves deluxe. Elbow sleeves deluxe. Elbow sleeves deluxe.
Starting point is 00:21:40 The deluxe version. No one would ask a question about them. Because they would know. Hey, what's the difference between the strong ones and the deluxe strong? Why is one would ask a question about them because they well hey what's the difference between the the strong ones and the deluxe strong they're right why is this one so much more expensive like oh yeah well that that's the deluxe model oh that's the one with the d in it got it yo but real talk in the past for me like years ago my main qualm about like ribeyes and steaks was like god cooking this is such a chore like i'd have to stick it in the oven i had to check the temperature or i'd use the i'd use my um
Starting point is 00:22:09 what's the uh the pan the cast iron oh yeah i'd use my cast iron it wasn't hard but it took a while to cook so i'm just like this just takes a while like it just take a certain skill too to cook it in the in the in the cast iron yeah the cast iron it takes a certain i can do it but the air fryer like after andrew is the one who told me about it andrew and dj webb told me about the air fryer after i did that i'm just like wow my steak is perfect every time medium rare it's just like it's it's perfect salt it up season it whatever tastes amazing and you literally just put it in flip it halfway through go sit, do whatever the hell you want to do. Come back.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Your food is ready in like 12 minutes. Another thing that works amazing that you don't need any knowledge for is a sous vide. It's just a thing that you stick in a pot. It gets the water to a certain temperature. You put the meat in like a Ziploc and it just sits there on the side of the pot and it just cooks. And you don't even have to like watch it. You don't have to pay attention to it. And like it can't overcook, right?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yeah, it just cooks it to like – I mean you can have it in there for like whatever amount of time that you want. But basically it's not going to get overcooked. I mean I'm sure you could leave it in there for like a day or something and it would get overcooked. going to get overcooked i mean i'm sure you could leave it in there for like a day or something and it would get overcooked but you can basically leave it in there for like an hour and then you take it out and you just throw it in a pan and you cook the rest of it you can sear the rest of it because the outside of it's not cooked it's kind of a weird process it's sort of more uh cooked kind of more through the middle but that turns your steak um absolutely amazing every single time it's it's to your liking every single time. It's not like, you know, sometimes you might mess it up if you have it on a hot stove or
Starting point is 00:23:48 you put it in the oven or something like that. Yeah. And the awesome thing about the Piedmont tea steaks is they cook faster. So like on the air fryer, like I used to have to flip it. Now I'm just 10 minutes and it's done. I'm like, dude, in 10 minutes from now, plus resting time, I'd be able to start eating. And like, that's, you know, like, let's just say, like, if I were to take the time to put it out on the smoker, that's a 10. You know, on an air fryer, it's like a nine.
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, man, we're really now, like, having to debate, like, shit, is it really going to be worth it? And, you know, I like to believe that it is worth it because it does taste amazing. Speaking of amazing, an amazing deal from our homies at Piedmontese. If you guys head over to, that's at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. You guys know we love it.
Starting point is 00:24:42 You guys will absolutely love it. And for World Carnivore Month, it's probably the smartest um you guys know we love it you guys will absolutely love it and for world carnivore month it's probably the smartest move you guys can make because i mean shit it's it's incredible it just it tastes too damn good it doesn't make any sense let me push into that statement that andrew said real quick about the like piedmontese cooking fast because i don't that that needs to click for some people when you buy this meat because a lot of people have dm'd me about this cook it a little shorter than you would like your typical costco steak or something seriously that's actually a good call yeah like your your ribeye usually like in an air fryer it usually take me about
Starting point is 00:25:11 18 minutes it takes my my takes piedmontese about 12 to to cook it to like medium rare where i like it so you really should yeah shorten that up yeah because that would suck if you overcooked it. You're like, oh, this tastes like shit. Yeah. Like, no, you don't know. Like, you do this. Yeah. I think one of the biggest key factors with cooking when you're not using something like an air fryer is, and even if you are using an air fryer, it's just to have some patience.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And that's the hardest thing because you're hungry. You know, you're like, shit, man, you're trying to cook it. And you're like kind of in a frenzy and maybe you pull it off the grill too early or maybe you didn't let the grill or whatever it is you're cooking on, maybe you didn't let it heat up enough. That's always kind of a problem. Another trick, a couple easy tricks, but again, they require some patience is let your meat sit out for a little bit. Just throw some salt on there. You can kind of like pack in the salt. You can kind your meat sit out for a little bit. Just throw some salt on there. You can kind of like pack in the salt. You can kind of press it in there a little bit.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And if you do that and you let it sit for about 10, 15 minutes, some people will even say 20. Try to let that meat get to about room temperature before you cook it. Then you cook it. And then once it's cooked, you got to let it rest. And I believe most recommendations will say you want to let it rest for at least half the amount of time that it took to cook it. So if it took 10 minutes, you want to let it sit for at least five. I guess it would also depend on like how big the cut was and how you cooked it and all that stuff. But those are like the hardest things to do. and all that stuff.
Starting point is 00:26:42 But those are like the hardest things to do. And what you'll notice is that if you pull it off and you start eating it right away, that like all the juices will kind of like slide out of it. Like you're kind of missing out on a lot of that flavor. If you let it sit and you let it rest, it will kind of all, you know, stay inside the packaging that you got going on there. Yeah. Let those juices fall right back into the meat. It makes it, oh, it's made such a big difference.
Starting point is 00:27:04 I usually like to like, we'll just cook something else while i'm waiting for that steak to be ready so like that's what i do a lot of my omelet that's a good idea yeah like literally that's when i like i chop a bunch of bacon up make some eggs maybe some hot links i just put it all in an omelet a lot of times i'll have uh my bone broth at that time because all i gotta do is heat it up for a minute and it's ready to go and i'll just drink that it gives me something to do it gives me like because it's hard it's hard to be like calm and uh rational while you're like cooking and especially when you're at the end of a uh of a long fast you're like just trying to grab a hold of any food that you can get yeah on uh on instagram somebody had asked they were curious about like in the middle of world carnivore month can you have something
Starting point is 00:27:45 like the mct oil powder from perfect keto or i mean we'll get into it also a little bit later but even like sugar for zero calorie drinks with flavor and stuff like that and my response was like as long as it doesn't lead to something else you know like yes like if you need a little extra something a little like uh you know something to forward to, then by all means do it. But that doesn't mean, oh, I'm cool to have this. That means I can have a Coke Zero. Oh, I had a Coke Zero. That means I can have a regular Coke.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Don't let it turn into a domino effect. But I said, I will ask the man. So what is your take on mixing in stuff with a little bit extra flavor that's not necessarily meat for world carnivore month i think that for people that are new that's great i think it's great to have like the more options you have the easier it is at the end of the day to have a w up on the board like the thing you need to ask yourself at the end of the day is did i eat meat and did i eat eggs? And hopefully the answer is yes. Hopefully the answer is yes every single day for the entire month. And one way to make that a little easier is to throw some stuff in your coffee,
Starting point is 00:28:54 is to have some MCT oil powder in your coffee. Perfect Keto makes some great – they have some great options. They got some different flavors. There's no sugar in it. So that would be a really good option. You can even just do the old school kind of MCT oil butter mixture, like a keto style coffee to help get you through that fast. I understand that a lot of people say, well, that's not really fasting. And I agree with that because it is kind of, it's throwing off your fast slightly,
Starting point is 00:29:22 but it's not negatively impacting your insulin levels at all, which is part of what we're trying to do is we're trying to keep the insulin at bay. But as you're going through this process, we're not trying to make it horrible. We're not trying to – I'm not trying to issue a challenge to you that's going to like ruin your life. I'm trying to issue a challenge to you that's going to improve your life. Now, I would also put everything in like a little bit of moderation, like sitting there eating or drinking diet Sprite all day is probably not great. Probably not a great practice. Mainly, it has nothing to do with what's in the diet Sprite. It has to do with more so about like what is that going to lead to.
Starting point is 00:29:58 To me and for me is that if I awaken that side of me, it makes me crave other things and it just kind of throws me off. So I don't really participate. I don't really have things like that in my plan, in my diet. But if you're, you know, you have a monster energy drink or you have, you know, something to kind of hype you up before your workout, pre-workout. Now, I would also just think about this for a minute. What we're trying to do with World Carnivore Month too is we're trying to show you
Starting point is 00:30:29 that you don't really need these other things. You just want them. And so it might be a good practice to get rid of them. But I'm not saying you need to get rid of them and get rid of them forever. If you really like those things, you really enjoy those things, you don't think those things are causing you any harm or causing you any problem, then I would keep rolling forward with it. And like another thing about the MCTs that I think they're pretty good. First off, they taste really good, but I do notice a little bit of like a cognitive benefit, an increase in just my ability to focus on work. So that's another
Starting point is 00:31:01 thing that they could be pretty beneficial for. They're really low calorie. So like Mark said, no insulin spike pretty much. So it's not going to have that big of an effect on your fast. It won't make you hungrier as the fast goes by, even though it tastes pretty damn good, which is like one thing that can happen with a lot of different things. It's like when you eat something small, your appetite starts to run and you start to feel hungry and hungrier and maintaining your fast is harder. I feel like it makes the fast easier. So it's just another tool that you can use. Yeah, I would totally agree because that's it's something to look forward to.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Like I just said, but like, yeah, when I drink that, I don't feel like I get hungry at all. It just it suppresses the hunger, which is the goal when I'm drinking straight black coffee. But everybody knows, you know, drinking straight coffee eventually kind of like, man, I want something. So it's really easy to mix in the MCT oil powder. It's going to be a little mouth pleasure, you know? I'm going to remember Andreas, what was his name? He was like my twin brother. We just looked way different.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Andreas? Vargas. Oh, yeah. Andreas Vargas. Yeah, he's the one that said mouth pleasure. I just remember my ears perked up. He lost a bunch of weight and stuff. Power lifting coach for Lane Norton.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Yeah. Oh, God. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Anyway, sidetracked. Perfect Keto, they're offering you guys a pretty cool deal. It's a really easy way to just try out some of the MCT oil powder.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Maybe you want to try some of the Perfect Keto bars. But head over to slash powerproject. Check out, enter promo code powerproject10 for $10 off any order of $40 or more, which makes it really, really easy to just hop in and grab a bucket of MCT oil powder. I wish I could recommend the salted caramel. I can't. I can only recommend vanilla because that's the one I have. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:48 Anyway, Andreas, I'm sorry, bro. I know your Instagram is the strength cave. I just know you as the strength cave and I forgot your name was Andreas Vargas. But yeah, me and him ate the same way growing up. All we wanted was pizza every night. We didn't want any protein. Or I mean, maybe he did, but we just didn't care. We just wanted snacks. we wanted mac and cheese yeah and it tore my stomach up and he ended up gaining weight
Starting point is 00:33:10 and i didn't gain any weight i just stayed skinny but we still were going down the same path and it was like weird i'm listening to him speak and i'm like dude like your childhood was exactly like mine there we go yeah you know part of this uh carnivore challenge too is to get in shape because I know for many people that the holidays are tough in terms of their nutrition. I know that people start making mistakes, you know, around Thanksgiving time and it just kind of rolls over into December and rolls over into the new year sometimes. And there's a lot of people with like New Year's resolutions and different things like that. You know, this gives you an opportunity to follow through on that, to follow through on your fitness goals and the things that you want to do. And if you're – one thing is while you're doing this carnivore challenge, realize that a big reason to do this for most of you that are trying it, and there's different ways you can do it. But for most of you, I'd imagine that you want to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:34:03 You probably want to lose some body fat. And so we're talking about like throwing some stuff in your coffee, but we're talking about like doing this like once or twice a day. We're not talking about having a coffee that doesn't look like coffee anymore. Like, you know, sometimes you see people with heavy cream in their coffee and their coffee is so light. You're like, is that like primarily just an entire, you know, venti coffee of cream? That's not going to allow you to get to your goals. And you might be disappointed because you're like, fuck, man, I'm really trying this diet really hard. But you have a couple things in there where they're kind of like these little white lies that can kind of spiral into not allowing yourself to lose the body fat that you want to lose.
Starting point is 00:34:46 So pay attention to that. How much we eat is also important, but when you're on a carnivore diet and you're sticking to eating meat and you're sticking to eating eggs, when you stay on that path, when you stay on that plan, it's going to be very, very difficult to overeat. But you still need to ask yourself the question of, am I still hungry? Like, do I really need more food? Do I really need to reach in my fridge again? Or am I adequately supplied? Am I sustained? Am I actually good? And usually the answer is, you're usually good. Like, I'm not encouraging people to undereat and to make their diet way
Starting point is 00:35:19 harder than it needs to be. But at the same time, I think that we just always want more because it's always available. You know, you can always just fucking rummage through your fridge and pantry and have at it again. But also, you know, have the discipline to kind of turn the other cheek and turn away from some of these things. Have the courage and the discipline to say, you know what, I'm just going to go on a 10-minute walk. A simple tip that has helped a lot of people that I talk to is before you eat, put your shoes on if you don't already have your shoes on. Get your jacket ready if you need one. It's the wintertime.
Starting point is 00:35:54 And be prepared. Just actually just go do it. Like don't even really think about it. Before you know it, you're outside and you're like, oh, shit. All right, well, I got to do a 10-minute walk. And 10 minutes just – it doesn't take very long. So I think that it's a, it's an easy thing to do.
Starting point is 00:36:09 That's something else I want people to incorporate. You know, during this carnivore challenge we have, you know, meat, eggs, bone broth. It's pretty much the, the diet with some salt and some seasoning. Um, and then kind of, there's some things that are on the outskirts of that, which is like cheese and coffee, um, MCT oil or MCT oil powder. Um, some of those things are on the outside of that or butter is the other one. And additionally though, aside from the nutritional side of things, I would like you to, well, part of the nutrition thing is I'd like you to fast. And as we stated before, just fast for 12 hours, work on that, and then build from there. Fasting 12 hours is actually really pretty simple. Stop eating two hours before bed. And once you
Starting point is 00:36:52 wake up, don't eat two hours after you're awake. And hopefully you slept for about eight hours. That's 12 hours. Now you can start eating, but it's not a demolition on food. Once your eating window is opened. I personally feel that when the eating window is shorter, when it's more like a four or six hour, that it's a lot more effective for me. And I really liked that. I like kind of like doubling up. I love to stuff myself. That's just something maybe like I have from the time I was a kid, I love to kind of engorge on food. So I'll night, I ate steak and bone broth before I went out to eat a big old prime rib. And I probably ate it probably about 90 minutes or so before I had the prime rib. And even while we were waiting for the prime rib, the place I go to is a place called Bud's.
Starting point is 00:37:41 It's in Dixon. They have steak bites. So it's just a little appetizer of like chopped up tri-tip steak. And so I ate that while I was waiting for that. But that's been really effective for me. In addition, I'd like you guys to get in three 10-minute walks. I'd love for you guys to really focus in on your sleep. Try to get more sleep. I don't care how much you're getting currently. Just try to get more of it. Seven or eight hours is recommended. Some people are really hard on that eight-hour number, but I just, for myself, I know how difficult it can be. And maybe for some of you, you struggle with it too.
Starting point is 00:38:15 I'm always in the seven to eight-hour range, especially more recently. I've gotten a lot better. It's taken a lot of practice. It's taken a lot of work. lot of practice it's taken a lot of work um and i'm trying to think if there's anything else fasting sleeping eating walking and oh and some strength training obviously you got to hit the gym so you know hit the if you don't love hitting the gym uh start to learn to love to hit the gym you know try just three training sessions a week and you know as we pointed out on this podcast before like just go there with the intent intent of kind of accomplishing like one thing and then finish off that one thing with one other thing.
Starting point is 00:38:49 And that way you got two things in. And most likely if you're at the gym already and there's some babes there and they're checking you out while you're doing your curls, you'll probably end up doing some triceps too. And then you might end up, you know, next to them on the elliptical because they're hot and you have nowhere else to go. And you just got in a 90-minute workout when you didn't intend the workout at all. There we go. Did you talk about like salt, sodium intake by any chance? Yeah, you're going to want to have some sodium intake mainly because you want to make sure that your electrolytes are balanced. You don't want to end up cramping up.
Starting point is 00:39:23 You're going to lose probably some water weight during this process. You're probably going to end up peeing all the time. You're probably going to notice that. And so, you know, having salt, you know, just salt your steaks. You may want to try to even throw some salt in your water here and there. Additionally, you can take from Perfect Keto, they have an electrolyte. They have electrolyte capsules. You can take a couple of those every day just to try to make sure you're getting in enough sodium and potassium and all that kind of stuff but you know meat has everything in it that you
Starting point is 00:39:56 need so you don't really need much more than that other than the salt it's pretty much meat salt and eggs people have asked me a lot about that they They've asked me a lot about, you know, what about like vitamins and minerals and stuff like that? Steak literally has everything that you need. And whatever steak is missing, the eggs will make up for. I know some people really encourage people to eat liver. But I don't think that you have to eat liver. I just think that if you enjoy liver and you want that to be part of your nutrition, then that would be amazing because it is loaded with a lot of nutrients. It's been noted as nature's multivitamin. So if you want to get those extra vitamins in, that would be
Starting point is 00:40:36 a great way to do it. The other question I get asked about all the time is fiber. People ask a lot about fiber and they ask a lot about cholesterol. For cholesterol, I would say, you know, check out Dave Feldman on YouTube. You can also check out Dr. Ken Berry, who we've had on the podcast. He had a lot of great information on cholesterol. Dr. Baker talks about it quite a bit. But cholesterol isn't really the monster that we thought it was. It's not directly correlated to heart disease the way that we originally speculated. 50% of the monster that we thought it was. It's not directly correlated to heart disease the way that we originally speculated. 50% of the people that go to the hospital with a heart attack have bad cholesterol. 50% of the people that go to the hospital with a heart attack have good cholesterol reading. So take that for what it's worth. I'm not saying that you're not cautious
Starting point is 00:41:19 about it. Again, I think it's great that everyone's health conscious. I think it's great that people are asking questions. In terms of fiber, I don't really know 100% what the deal is with fiber, but just from my own experience, I haven't felt like I needed it for anything in particular. I haven't had any issues with going to the bathroom or anything like that. So for me, I've been good. But if you run into issues on this diet, which I have before, I have had like diarrhea from run into issues on this diet, which I have before, I have had like diarrhea from doing the carnivore diet. And I think that actually had to do with just having
Starting point is 00:41:49 too much fat. I think in my bone broth, I was like putting too much butter in there or something like that. And so that was a little bit of a problem for me for a short period of time. But all I did was just bring in some vegetables and it was gone. So maybe I need a small amount of fiber. I'm not sure. But like I said, when I say small amount of fiber, it's like I have vegetables every couple days just at a convenience. Sometimes they serve them to me at a restaurant or stuff like that. I don't really go out of my way to like really cook vegetables. So that's some of the shit I would like you guys to do on the carnivore diet.
Starting point is 00:42:24 All right. So two things real quick. The bone broth. Are there any other options than bone broth? Like can people drink something else that would be equivalent? I don't know. What about like chicken stock? I think that stuff is different.
Starting point is 00:42:37 I think that. Bone broth is collagen. Yeah. Bone broth has collagen. But yeah, I think you could have like chicken stock and stuff like that too. And the bone broth has collagen. But yeah, I think you could have like chicken stock and stuff like that too. And the bone broth is actually really – I want you guys to pay attention to that because especially if you're picking up fasting. Man, we talked about this before, but it's really important for the new individuals to know because when you come off your fast, you're super hungry. Your first instinct is to dump a lot of food in.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Well, your stomach is sensitive. I've had an instance the first time i ever you know came off of fast i threw up afterwards after my first meal because i was so hungry and i ate so much food and i was so happy but then i was like oh my god what have i done yes i was i was like what have i done to myself so you got to use something eat a small meal whether it's like some bone broth which will help warm things up in the stomach and the collagen is beneficial or a meal with a little bit of protein, just, just like mainly protein. Cause that'll get things going and it'll make it easier to eat your next meal. Don't just immediately stuff your face with everything in front of you.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Cause it's not going to be good news. It could be bad. Yeah. What about like, so we were talking about how we prepare the steaks and stuff. Somebody had asked about like canola oil and cooking oils and stuff like that they're they had a more specific question about canola oil itself but like are you using anything to cook your steaks like that like are you like is there any benefit to adding like say uh like avocado oil or something like that i don't think there's really any reason to use any oils or anything but if you did want to use something you can use some bacon grease i don't know if you save your bacon grease at your house but we do and i use that sometimes uh sometimes i'll use a beef tallow which is something you can just order online or you might
Starting point is 00:44:13 be able to get it from the store too um i don't i don't really think uh that you like especially like steaks and stuff they have enough fat and. They don't stick to the pan anyway. So I don't really see any reason to use any sort of oil. But like if you really wanted to, like if you're cooking like chicken or something, you didn't want something to stick, I guess you could use some avocado oil or olive oil or something like that. But again, I don't really see a reason on why you would really need that. I guess if you're cooking eggs, you might need something. But again, I just usually use baking grease. Sometimes I'll use some butter. I usually use butter for eggs.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Yeah. It just tastes great too. Yeah. Yeah. I got another question. I can't. Something, CC Cardenas. I don't think it's Bruce Cardenas though.
Starting point is 00:45:03 That'd be pretty dope. This would probably be for you and Seema, but what about breaking a fast by intaking in some carbs like a cup of OJ? Is there any benefit to having carbs instead of going straight to a full meal? Personally, if the past that I've done that, because I don't do that anymore. I don't know what kind of diet he's following yeah i just asked questions yeah he's definitely doing something something a little different but um i get really tired when i do something like that because of the spike like the spike in my blood sugar like i'll go up and then i'll just feel i won't feel good so personally i i would break my
Starting point is 00:45:40 fast with protein like i would i would break my with a little bit of protein and then go into eating a bigger meal. But breaking it with the juice, I don't even drink juice. I don't have juice in the house anymore. I don't own juice. I really don't drink juice. But you like the movie juice. I haven't seen it. It's on the list.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Did I see juice? Wait. Yeah, you got the juice. I saw juice. I saw juice, yeah. Dude, that's what made me want to be a DJ. Oh, wow. Yeah. Cool. about the juice i saw juice yeah i saw juice yeah dude that's what made me want to be a dj oh wow yeah cool but yeah no i like um i don't see i don't personally know any benefit of doing that i'd say rather go with the bone broth or protein yeah i wouldn't do the juice personally yeah i've been i'm back to tracking and still fasting every day and yeah man now that i have like a little bit
Starting point is 00:46:23 more carbs that i well a lot lot more carbs that I can have, it's been awesome. Dinner time is like two hours straight of eating. I don't feel gross or anything either because I'm tracking. I'm like, oh, shoot. I haven't had any carbs today. Yesterday, I thought I had meals
Starting point is 00:46:38 with a little bit of rice here. I ended up eating just canned chicken. I like canned chicken. It's really good. You can throw some salsa on there too, extra salt. So by the time I got home, I'm like, dude, I have a lot of food to still eat. So I had like eight eggs, a cup and a half of rice, a bunch of chicken and rice. It was amazing.
Starting point is 00:46:59 On that note of chicken real quick, I know that we – okay, so this might – some of you that are hearing this might be like, oh, I already know this, but I know some people don't realize this. We've been talking a lot about steak and eggs. real quick i know that we okay so this might some of you that are hearing this might be like oh i already know this but i know some people don't realize this we've been talking a lot about steak and eggs realize you can eat chicken you can eat fish you can eat scallops you can eat salmon you could like you can have all of these different types of meats so realize this like pork belly you can have pork belly you don't like yeah a lot of most of the meat i eat is steak and red meat but i also do have salmon in there.
Starting point is 00:47:25 I also do have bacon. I have pork belly in there. I have different types of meats because honestly sometimes just eating steak, steak, steak can get a little dry. So you can add in anything. You can make yourself some chicken wings. There's a lot you can do. In the air fryer. In the air fryer, yes.
Starting point is 00:47:41 It's really good. I made some like buffalo wings in the air fryer. They're unbelievable. But he's right. You have a lot of options in terms of meat. And then the other question I get asked a lot of times or like a deterrent to a lot of people is the price. Oh, man, I don't know if I can afford it. Usually, I think usually people are spending a lot more money on their food and their drinks than they really think, than they really give credit to.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I realize that we're all in different economic places. But the time that we're in and being in the United States, like your fridge is probably pretty full. You know what I mean? Like your fridge and your pantry, there's probably like a decent amount of food. Uh, for those of you that don't have that, you know, I understand that it could be harder, but most of the people that I've like run into and most people I see and most people with families, like they have kind of abundance of food, you know, and I, I'm not hanging around like super wealthy people or anything. It's just, I think that that's the way most of America lives.
Starting point is 00:48:46 I think most of America has excess food in their cabinet. And so when you start to kind of think about all the excess food, all the extra stuff that you have, well, we're now not going to be buying any of that anymore. You're not going to be buying milk. You're not going to be buying ketchup. You're not going to be buying mayonnaise. You're not going to be buying. It's really going to cut down on a lot of things that you are regularly purchasing and you're going to be
Starting point is 00:49:08 buying less toilet paper because with fasting you're going to be pooping a lot less i mean i used to shit like four or five times a day easy you know and now now it's usually one a day so you know you can thank me later but you're going be saving a lot of money on on uh wiping your ass real nice and tapered too yeah yeah be nice nice solid nice solid uh poopski but you know on on a more serious note um you can go to the store and buy an entire chicken and you can throw a chicken in the in the oven and you can have a lot of meat and it's very inexpensive i think sometimes a rotisserie chicken is like seven bucks nine bucks at costco for like five 4.99 yeah for a full rotisserie chicken that's a crazy amount of food yeah for five bucks like you probably can't find a better deal it's just it's a staple every time
Starting point is 00:49:56 we go to costco it's one of those things where like oh when you go you end up spending more than you want but it's more food and it's like dude it's so easy because you can just start picking at it like i mean not that i've never i've never done that where i picked at the food while still in costco but it's so easy because like it's prepped and it tastes delicious yeah yeah yeah it does it's so you have a lot you have a lot more options than you probably think there's a lot of options in terms of like pork there's a lot of options in terms of uh beef you have like goat you have elk bison you got i mean you know i was thinking the other day and i i don't know why this ever occurred to me
Starting point is 00:50:31 but i was like man it would be kind of cool if there was a a grocery store that was actually healthy you know like whole foods i think was trying to have a standard with that and then they have you know cookies and pizza and everything else there. And I know that there's some that kind of try. There's like co-ops and stuff and they have fresh food and people just think that it's all healthy there. But there's still really a lot of junk in there. There's still a lot of processed foods in there. And maybe it's – one company is trying to have less overall junk in there so it's like organic. But it's still processed foods that are still kind of overriding our ability to control ourselves when we're eating it.
Starting point is 00:51:08 And I was thinking, man, why isn't there a grocery store that just kind of has, you know, that just has everything checked off as like being like good for you? And then I was like, oh, it already exists. It's called a fucking butcher shop. Yeah. That's what I was thinking. Go to a goddamn butcher shop. And actually what i was thinking yeah go to a goddamn butcher shop and actually like why not support your local butcher like it's kind of a cool thing that the that we even still have them yeah um you know like when you go to the grocery store they
Starting point is 00:51:35 say that i think they say 80 of the grocery store is uh like processed foods 80 and so like what's the percentage that's not processed foods? Yeah, you have some – you got some fruit. You got some vegetables. You got some produce, I guess. And then we have kind of the butcher area, right? We got the meat area. And that's kind of the only healthy stuff you can do.
Starting point is 00:51:58 But if you want to try to – if you're somebody that really has a lot of food cravings, a great thing to do would be to put yourself in a better situation. Rather than going to the grocery store, just go to the butcher. somebody that really has a lot of food cravings, a great thing to do would be to put yourself in a better situation rather than going to the grocery store. Just go to the butcher. Yeah. Cause the butcher ain't going to have, hopefully he's not going to have a bunch of crap there.
Starting point is 00:52:11 And that's where you can really try some of those different meats that Mark was mentioning. I do get my liver from a butcher here, but also you can get yourself like, yeah, lamb goat. They have a, yeah,
Starting point is 00:52:20 there's a lot of good different meats that you can try there. So it'll make things again. It'll give you more variability. If you're an individual who's like, I don't want to eat ribeye every day, even though ribeye every day is great, that will give you more options, way more options. Thank you guys so much for participating with World Carnivore Month. If you want to find out more information about it, you can follow me on Instagram. I'm at MarkSmellyBell. I'm posting stuff all over the place.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Instagram. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. I'm posting stuff all over the place. I'm going to post something every single day, which will be a giant pain in the ass on my YouTube channel, which is also Mark Smelly Bell. In addition to that, I started a Facebook group for you guys. I've been attached to my fucking phone nonstop because I'm trying to answer as many questions as I can. This really matters a lot to me and I do appreciate everyone that's participating. Grab a fat friend and make them do it with you because you know that they need it. And where can people find Andrew? On Instagram at IamAndrewZ and I've been kind of like Mark lately, just attached to my phone. I even got a keyboard for my phone because I'm responding to everybody. If you leave a message,
Starting point is 00:53:22 we're answering all questions on instagram um and we just got a new facebook page so i think it's markbell's power project that's where we're streaming live now um again a lot of two-way interaction there um people don't really understand what i mean when i say that but when you catch us live it's your opportunity to talk to mark bell talk to ncma talk myself, and not only ask questions, but we'll respond on the spot. It's really like you can't ask a YouTube video a question, right? Because it's not necessarily going to respond back. So really turn on the notifications for YouTube live stuff, for Facebook live stuff.
Starting point is 00:54:01 And then for sure, subscribe on YouTube. Subscribe on iTunes, Twitter at MB Power Project, Instagram at Mark Bell's Power Project. Where else? slash IN slash Power Project. You guys are not going to be able to hide from us. We're literally going to be everywhere.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Close to four million downloads. Close to four million. Really? That's crazy. Not total. that was just last year so we're we're dude we're knocking down the doors we're i mean like i said uh wherever the heck you guys are that's where we're gonna be wherever your aunties are on facebook you can click a link and send it to them right on the spot we're gonna make it super easy in 2020 for
Starting point is 00:54:42 you guys to share this podcast to literally everybody you know and the biggest thing you can do is share it with people and of course if you can check the links in the description hit up a sponsor go to itunes and leave a review go to itunes and please rate and review um talk about how in sema's mustache is starting to connect to his beard there you go i knew you'd like that. Yeah. But yeah, guys, we're 2020. We're going to tear some shit up. Nseema, if people want to get in touch with you, where are you at? At Nseema E. Yang on Instagram and YouTube. And Nseema Yin Yang on Twitter and TikTok.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Oh, that's right. TikTok also at MB Power Project. There we go. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but it's pretty fun. We're music and so dude in sema you would be phenomenal on tiktok i just i'd be like the terry cruz of tiktok just kind of but with the in sema touch to it dude like i'm telling you i you will crush it on tiktok that's all you. Every day, if you did a peck pop. Just a peck pop to a song.
Starting point is 00:55:46 I should do that. Just peck pop to a song. Let's get it. Okay. All sweaty after. That'll work. Oh, man. Strength is never weakness.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later.

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