Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 306 - Maintaining Strength While Dieting

Episode Date: January 6, 2020

Today we're are talking all about gaining and maintaining strength while on the carnivore diet. Is it possible to do so? How about going for aesthetics? Can you get ripped while on the carnivore diet?... How are you supposed to train while going all carnivore? We answer those questions and any others that came in during the live stream! Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. So, Mark, did you watch any awesome football games yesterday? Oh, we're live, live. Yeah, we're live, live. All the way live. I watched a lot of football games, and I'm glad that you brought up football because I have a special announcement to make in a second here. But, yeah, you know, it was pretty cool. I actually went to the Yard House in Sacramento near the doco, near the, like, theaters, the new movie theaters and stuff they have over there. Sick. And Jake and I went.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I had some tuna appetizer, and then I got tuna for a tuna entree as well. I went double tuna dinner. It was really good. But, yeah, the games were good. I was surprised that the Vikings won. Yeah. And it looks like they're playing the 49ers, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So what's crazy about that? Vikings are a football team, American football, and they hail from Minnesota. They wear purple. Purple and gold. Yeah, there you go. There we go. I played a few video games when I was a kid. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:01:07 So what's cool about that, but also sucks at the same time, is now the Niners play a lesser team, but everyone's kind of excited for the Seahawks versus Niners kind of rematch. Right. Which makes me nervous as hell because there's a good chance that they'll play at the NFC title. History will show that we've never been able to beat them. It's just one of those things.
Starting point is 00:01:31 It very much reminds me of Niners Cowboys back in the day. They might play them in the next round. It's possible. That'll be a hell of a game to try and see, right? Them or Green Bay would be sick. But I mean, yeah, i don't know anyway we obviously have to get through the vikings and then we'll go from there and sema have you ever been to any professional sports games like you ever been to a king's game or nfl game or anything
Starting point is 00:01:55 like that i have been to a king's game when i was younger i think i'm like my people always tell me i need to go see hockey live i'm like i, I don't really care about hockey, but people are like, no, no, you don't understand. Like it's so much fun. I feel like I've never been, I need to go.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah. I feel like it's for the fights, but anything else? Yeah. Yeah. But those fights must be like super fun to watch. Probably intense up close. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Everyone always says we got to go check out the stock. Didn't. Oh, they have a hockey team. Oh, oh wow. Yeah. They're supposed to be really fun to go see I'd rather go to the Sharks that would be sick
Starting point is 00:02:31 yeah but not many live sports games to be honest not many well I've been to some of the football games this year and that was actually really cool but Andrew was telling me about the playoffs and he said you went to a playoff game yeah not the last football game i went to but i was at the game where alex smith threw a touchdown to terrell davis oh yeah terrell
Starting point is 00:02:54 davis terrell davis in overtime to beat the saints it was just yeah one of the most amazing experiences like ever wow i was telling mark like the whole lot of energy like the whole stadium's going wild the whole first quarter nobody could sit down like it was just like what's going on here like it was like i said probably like the best experience like ever it was sick that's all right well here's a good time for me to drop this in i'm actually nervous saying this. Here we go. Andrew, I got you and your wifey tickets to the 49er game, and you're going with Andy and I.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Whoa. Like, this Sunday? I just bought them just now when I went to the bathroom. Wait, seriously? Are you serious, dude? I'm serious. Holy shit. We're going on Saturday, buddy.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Damn. You got to stay on your diet, though. Yeah. I'll be checking in on you. That's wow. I think his eyes are like. I'm about to cry, dude. Amen.
Starting point is 00:03:56 It's going to be fun, dude. I'm excited. Holy shit. Wow. We didn't get you the same seats as we got, but you're coming with us. Hey, it's still broke. And you're not in the nosebleeds. The worst part of everything is just the drive there.
Starting point is 00:04:08 So, I mean, I'll drive for you, but that's usually the worst part. I think we're going to take a train up there and then get a car ride back. Something like that. Holy shit. I heard that works pretty good, but I don't know. It'll be Stephanie's first Niner game. Oh, there you go. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Holy shit. Sweet. I better find a... Maybe you can get married on the 50 yard line have your wedding right there her birthday is tomorrow see there you go so hopefully she's not listening to this live hopefully it's surprise later on i don't know we'll see hold on and then just like if you didn't get her a gift just say hey babe i got you yeah that's right i got you a little something oh my god anyway i think we're supposed to be talking about the carnivore diet but we got a little derailed there in the beginning um i think it's uh let's see what the hell is today today is the sixth that means it's day number six of uh world carnivore month wow and i don't know if I've shared this on the air yet, but I have, she's listening. I have to. Oh, cool. I have told you
Starting point is 00:05:10 guys about, um, my mother-in-law doing the carnivore diet. Uh, she's been diabetic for several years now. And, uh, she's had some success with dieting in the past and helping her blood glucose levels and stuff like that. Uh, so day one of the carnivore diet, she felt pretty good. I kind of noticed that she was under eating a little bit. Day number two, she wakes up and her blood glucose is like sky high. And she's like, what's going on? Like, why is that happening? And I said, well, it could be a reaction of not eating any carbohydrates and also still taking your medication because like the human body just does weird shit.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I'm like, I don't really know what happened there 100 percent. But I also said, you know, just relax and it's just one day. And I was like, how do you actually feel? And she said, I feel fine. And I was like, OK, no trouble there. She did say her stomach was bothering her a little bit, but I was just like, you know, it just takes time to get used to these diets. Anytime anyone goes from eating one way to eating another way, you're going to notice some differences with your stomach. You're going to notice some differences in your bowel movements. Like your bowel movements might be greatly reduced,
Starting point is 00:06:19 especially if you start doing fasting or especially if you go from a diet where you have a lot of carbohydrates and then now you have none. It's going to take some time for your body to adjust. And some of the information I've heard is it has to do with the hydration and the amount of water like in your bowels and stuff like that. But I don't like to make things too complicated. I just know that when you eat differently, you're going to poop differently. Yeah. And you're going to have some different situations going on. But anyway, she's been sticking it out. She's been staying on the plan. And I said, you know what? The best thing you can
Starting point is 00:06:52 do for your sugar is to try to use that sugar up a little bit. So go hit up a walk. And she's like, all right. She's like, I got my headphones on. I'm hitting up my walk. And then the next day, on day three of the carnivore diet, again, keep in mind, she's been diabetic or was diagnosed with diabetes probably like eight years ago. She woke up with her blood glucose at 75 and that's the best that it's been in five years. Wow. So I'm not saying the diet, you know, cured her because it's not a cure. It's not, it's not like, oh, now I'm all good. She still has to stay on the plan. She still has to continue to walk.
Starting point is 00:07:28 She still has to continue to eat meat and stuff like that. But the main point here is that the food that we eat can fix a lot of the ailments that we have. And you might have to go in deep at first. You might have to take a deep dive in at first. And then from there, you might be able to open up your playbook a little bit and then say, you know what? I really, I enjoy rice or I enjoy this. I enjoy that. And even as a diabetic, you can still enjoy some of these foods. You just have to be cautious of how much at a given time that you're going to eat. It's not
Starting point is 00:08:00 like you can't, you don't have, it's not like you're getting rid of carbohydrates forever. eat. It's not like you can't, you don't have, it's not like you're getting rid of carbohydrates forever. And for her, she likes like fruit and stuff like that too. So she'll be able to mix some of that stuff back in, but it's like, let's get the blood glucose situation fixed. And let's also get your insulin resistance fixed. And the two ways that we're going to help, uh, the two ways that we're going to help combat against her insulin resistance are through fasting and through not eating carbohydrates. Those two things are like medicine for insulin resistance, whereas metformin, which is a drug that she's taken, it only helps with her blood glucose levels, which is different than helping with your insulin resistance. So that's the problem with a lot of the medications that are available is that they don't actually treat like the root cause. They almost always treat,
Starting point is 00:08:49 they kind of treat like the end result, which makes you feel better for a bit, but then how long are you going to stay on these medications for and how long is that going to work for? It's really crazy though, because this, you said the blood glucose went down to 75 after day three or after day like five or six, was it after day three down to 75 after day three or after day like five or six was it after day yeah after after day three yeah and that's the reason why i'm happy about that but the reason why that's so frustrating to me is because like we've seen a lot of doctors use simple dietary interventions like fasting going keto slash carnivore now. And we've seen it working for years, but continuously for people with type two, the first intervention is giving them medication and insulin, and that's not a
Starting point is 00:09:33 permanent change, but simply taking out certain foods, building certain simple habits, just trying to change that part of an individual's lifestyle can get rid of it overall. I mean, I know it's, I guess it's a little bit more invasive since you have to make sure these individuals are doing this every day and people have the capacity to just fall off because they're craving certain things, right? So it's more difficult to keep track of them, but you can make sure they're always taking a pill, but this is more permanent. Yeah. It's a lot shorter of a story just to say, okay, in SEMA, I'm going to write this prescription for you and you have to take this twice a day. Like it's just easier, right?
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah. And I don't, you know, I don't think that doctors are like evil and I don't think that they're, I don't think that all doctors are hustling just to try to make money. I don't, I just think they're, they're just literally trying to do the best that they can with what they have. And they also might not be that informed. They might not know anything about, like intermittent fasting, as weird as it might sound, it's new. Like intermittent fasting hasn't really been around
Starting point is 00:10:32 that long. The first I heard of it was through a book called The Warrior Diet, which was put out probably like 20 years ago. That's, I mean, and I know that people have talked about fasting before, but he talked about like one meal a day type of thing. And that's kind of the first I heard of it.
Starting point is 00:10:48 And that disappeared for a long time. And that wasn't in circulation. I didn't know anybody that really even messed with the diet much. And then, uh, I would say what, four or five years ago, it started to like really kick up. Yeah. And then now it's more popular than ever, but there a grego gal kino body that guy he's been on youtube talking about that for a while but yeah you're right in terms of like i guess gaining
Starting point is 00:11:11 steam or a lot of people starting to implement it and like seeing a change in the way their habits where that's been like for i don't know the past three years or so so people have been doing it for a while it just hasn't been super popular. Yeah, for today we're going to get into talking a little bit about performance. And we're going to talk about performance in a few different ways. Rather than just talking about strictly the carnivore diet, I'll give my take on the carnivore diet and performance. But we're also going to talk about the carnivore diet, the keto diet, intermittent fasting, and how Encema utilizes intermittent fasting and how Andrew utilizes intermittent fasting. And both of these guys, along with myself, we have not noticed major drop-offs in our performance. Some of the things that I'll share,
Starting point is 00:11:57 I'll kind of kick it off. And so there's so many different things to think about when you think about my current strength levels. I weigh 100 pounds less than I used to. And I used to frequently be probably like – probably about 80 or 90 pounds heavier than I am right now. That top weight, that 330, I wasn't that for very long. But I was consistently between like 290 and 300 pounds for a very long time now i'm consistently between 230 and 240 pounds um i would have to say that um in maybe in maybe the only the only case that i would know of somebody getting stronger losing that much weight would be in somebody who's untrained yeah and we've seen that in in super training here we have a couple guys
Starting point is 00:12:45 in here working out right now that have lost you know 60 pounds 100 pounds 200 pounds even my own brother's probably lost about 50 or 60 pounds and he's gotten a lot stronger um but he was also coming from a place of being like pretty detrained you know and he wasn't really messing with dead lifts he thought he was hurt he thought he was you know he and he wasn't really messing with deadlifts. He thought he was hurt. He thought he was, you know, he thought it was, uh, he just thought his like lifting career was kind of over. And now it's amazing to see him in there squatting and deadlifting and everything else. Um, but the main thing you have to keep in mind with all diets is that if you lose a significant amount of your body weight, uh, for who weighs 100 pounds, if they lose 5 pounds, that might be a significant amount of their body weight.
Starting point is 00:13:28 And if you're a 300-pound guy and you lose 5 pounds, that's not a very significant amount of your body weight. some facets of your lifting, such as, you know, doing like a row or doing a deadlift or doing an overhead press or a bench press or a squat or something like that. But you're also going to gain some ground in other areas. You're going to be able to breathe better. You're going to be able to recover from your sets a lot better. Yeah. Which, I mean, just think about the fundamentals of that. You can get from one set to the next faster. What is that going to lead to? That's going to lead to massive changes in your body because now you'll have more muscle mass on you because it'll be that much easier for you to work for hypertrophy if you can
Starting point is 00:14:17 do four sets of 10 in the span of 15 to 18 minutes as opposed to 30 minutes. That's going to be a massive change in the stimulus that you're giving to your muscles. So you're going to recover from not only like set to set, but from rep to rep. So you'll be able to do more reps. You'll be able to do more sets. You'll be able to hit things with more frequency. You're going to notice that you're just going to end up in better condition because why?
Starting point is 00:14:42 Because you're moving a lot more. You're just going to end up in better condition because why? Because you're moving a lot more. I mean, for some people, one of the guys we have in the gym now, you can follow him on Instagram. His name is Russell Buddy. He started at 485 pounds. He's now 430 pounds, and he's making a lot of progress. Obviously, he's still a lot heavier than he wants to be.
Starting point is 00:15:03 He's working really hard for it. But he said in the beginning, just even while he's still in the beginning, he said even walking is a pain in the ass. So even for him to do our perimeter walk that we do here at Super Training, it's like about a mile walk. That is very difficult for him. And, of course, like stuff like that's going to make you sore because you're not even used to it. But it's like you got to start somewhere. because you're not even used to it. But it's like you got to start somewhere. And so keep in mind that as you get in better shape,
Starting point is 00:15:28 you're gaining. You're gaining a lot of other things. But yes, you will lose some strength if you lose a significant amount of body weight. It's really good, first off, that you mentioned the difference between untrained and trained individuals because if you're untrained and you're dropping weight, you're going to get stronger.
Starting point is 00:15:44 If you're training, you're going to get a lot stronger. you're gonna get a lot stronger you're gonna be much stronger even after you've lost a hundred pounds because you haven't been training consistently um but one thing i the big question i get and i andrew i saw this on a lot of his comments on shred again and is and you're still trying to recover over i am yeah i saw this comments on a lot of his shred again and stuff because he lost like what, 28 pounds or something? No, like 21, 21 pounds. It's like, Oh, how much strength did you lose? Did you lose any strength? And Andrew's been training a lot. I'm not going to answer this question for him, but yeah, if you're an individual that's been training for years and let's say
Starting point is 00:16:19 you're going to be going from 200 pounds down to 170, so you're going to be getting pretty lean. Chances are is that you might lose a little bit of strength. But then another thing that I see a lot of people ask is, oh, when you're trying to drop, do we just like, you know, increase the reps and lower the weight, increase the reps? No. I think it's like the best thing to do is continue to try to maintain the training style you have. Continue to train for strength. Because you lose body fat, like Mark said, you're getting lighter. You're losing body fat in certain areas where you may have had some cushion, like your arms for bench press or the back of your hamstrings for squats where you'd bounce off of that. That might not be there. Okay, your leverages
Starting point is 00:16:56 have changed and you might lose a little bit of strength, but you won't lose as much as you think if you continue to keep the training style and if you don't just drop the volume because a lot of people also drop the amount of weight they do because they're like oh i'm dropping weight i gotta increase the reps it's not what you want to do if you're trying to maintain the strength that you have yeah and i mean that was the goal for me right i was trying to shred as much as possible so therefore the reps did go up but it wasn't really the same thing i wasn't going for like like a triples instead of like one rep max it was more like all right let's hit a set of like eight or whatever yeah and yeah the leverages
Starting point is 00:17:31 thing like it didn't make too much sense to me before all of this but now it totally does i mean imagine wearing like uh you know two gangsta sleeves on your elbows right you're gonna be able to bounce that that bar right off your chest so when it comes to the bench yeah i do feel like i did lose a little bit of strength but i also was not focusing on maintaining that strength had i focused on that i'm positive i'd still be right where i was before i started this cut yeah um the biggest um like an obvious one is my deadlift i matched my pr when i was on sarms and like damn near 30 pounds heavier yep so i'm like okay but you kept training that obviously i saw you as you were cutting you kept training that deadlift yeah yeah i kept training it with like different
Starting point is 00:18:20 methods so like i wasn't again not going for one rep max but i was using like trap bar more often uh variations of that like with the elevated heel to kind of work the quads uh but yeah no i just i came in i think it was last week or the week before and i'm just like you know what no one's around i'm gonna i'm gonna go ahead and just see what i can do and 275 went up pretty pretty quick i'm like, I should probably take in between or not. Screw that. Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna go three plates. And yeah, I hit it for reps. And it felt, you know, it wasn't easy. But I'm like, shit, that's the most I've ever deadlifted. And I just did it way lighter. Like a totally different body, you know, because that was right before the
Starting point is 00:19:01 photo shoot. So I had abs at that point. So it was abs PR. Dude, the thing you mentioned there though, and one thing that people tend to forget is when you're dropping a substantial amount of body fat, some people, yeah, you've been there before, but for most people, when you're dropping that body fat, you've never really trained being that way or being that lean. It's literally a different body. Okay. So you, you know, you need to give yourself time to adapt to training in that body. Even if you're a little bit weaker, you can get stronger being that lean. In the past, when I was really lean, I felt frail and weak because I wasn't used to training that way, training that, like being that lean.
Starting point is 00:19:39 But after a while, I got used to it. I got used to just the way it feels, what I need to do preparing to go to the gym. I just got used to training in that body. And it's not like nowadays. I don't feel like shit. I don't feel frail. So just take some time. Also, too, if we're just thinking about like energy, right?
Starting point is 00:19:56 If let's just say and seem let's say you're sleep deprived for let's say an entire week, you know, like really sleep deprived, like rather than the eight hours you're getting, you're getting like four or five a night if you're lucky. And, you know, maybe you've been doing jujitsu practice hard and you come in here and you try to deadlift as heavy as you can. You're going to be significantly weaker. It's going to be really hard to have the energy output. You didn't recuperate. You didn't recover the way that you needed to.
Starting point is 00:20:24 And when we're thinking about dropping a lot of weight, although I'm a person that I'm not a huge fan of counting calories, they still count. They still are a factor. The amount that you consume is still a factor. And so, you know, the question here becomes, can you gain strength while you're losing weight? And the, the, I would say the, if I just had to say yes or no, I would say no. That, that I wouldn't say that you can't do it because there's, there's always like, you know, there's always people that figure out a way to do it. Right. it, right? But I would just have to say no as an immediate answer if I was to say yes or no, because you're giving your body a lot less energy. Now, if you did it in a very specific way where you had it figured out to where you're only giving your body like a little less energy than normal and you're doing like a long diet, then you might have a lot of success with gaining strength.
Starting point is 00:21:26 But really the truth of it is there's a reason why bodybuilders bulk and there's a reason why they cut. Then they go back and forth between the two things. Now the average citizen doesn't really ever consider anything like that. And I think that actually this is hugely problematic. I actually told a guy the other day, I said, dude, go home and eat you know really start to like just honestly for the next couple days don't weigh yourself don't even think twice just pull the trigger and eat is he a bodybuilder type no i just no this is one of the guys that's trying to lose weight um he's a heavier guy but like he his uh his weight has stalled a little bit, but he's already made good progress.
Starting point is 00:22:07 And I said, you know what? You need to just forget about it for a few days. Just go home. And cause he said he wasn't feeling great. He's like, I'm feeling really tired. I'm feeling really weak. I'm feeling kind of worn down. I said, well, your motivation is in direct correlation to your food and to your sleep.
Starting point is 00:22:21 So let's up the food a little bit, just for a couple of days, you're still going to be on your diet. I'm not saying go home a little bit, just for a couple of days. You're still going to be on your diet. I'm not saying go home and eat pizza, especially for somebody that's overweight that's trying to lose. The point is, it's like I'm trying to give him a surge of energy so he feels good because we undersell how important
Starting point is 00:22:38 the actual training is. So anyone that's on any sort of diet, whether you're doing intermittent fasting and keto or if you're mixing intermittent fasting and carnivore, no matter what you're doing, if you notice a drop off in the way that you feel during your workouts and you just feel exhausted and you feel exhausted at work, then what you're doing is not very effective. It's not working the way that you want it to work. There is going to be some suffering. And so you're going to have to decide how much of that do you really want. But in my opinion, it's a mistake because I've done it.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I've done it before. It's a mistake to rob yourself of so much energy that now I don't even have energy to come on this podcast and deliver a good message. I don't even have the energy to be a good friend or be there for my kids. I'm just freaking too tired to do anything with them. You can get yourself to that point, and that's okay to do that for periods of time. But I think that some people should consider eating like a bodybuilder. I'm not really talking about the actual diet. I'm talking about more in general.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Have a season. Have a season. Okay, summer's coming up. about the actual diet. I'm talking about more in general, have a season, have a seat. Okay. Summer's coming up. I'm going to tone up a little bit. Cause I'd like to, I'd like to go on a vacation in Hawaii and I, you know, I'm going to be on the beach and I want to look a little bit better. And then the winter time comes around. Maybe you put on a little bit, a little layer and you don't worry about it as much, but maybe your training changed a little bit. Maybe you get a little stronger and maybe like, rather than thinking like, OK, now I'm going to get fatter.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Think about, OK, now's the time to get stronger and eat more food and have more energy. Yeah. I really like what you said there in terms of first off the sleep and the diet breaks. I'm not going to go too much on sleep here because we kill that every time. But especially when you're dieting, you knowrew we andrew's talked about it a lot we did he'd take pictures on the nights that he didn't get a lot of sleep he was holding more water he didn't look nearly as lean on the night that he got sleep he wakes up looking shredded you lose more body fat when you're able to sleep probably because he peed the bed and he peed the
Starting point is 00:24:37 bed not the bed i definitely peed myself as i was running to the bathroom. Oh, that's right. Yeah. But I was actually going to ask, I mean, we can touch on sleep, but like when you are depleting yourself, can you make up some of that energy by sleeping a little bit more? You probably could. Yeah, no. Like, well, so your NEAT goes down automatically, right? You're just kind of, you're moving around-ness throughout the day. And then we had a question roll in from CC Cardenas. I think that's what it is. Basically, just like how come people feel like they need to have carbs in order to build, you know, for hypertrophy and for strength gains?
Starting point is 00:25:20 Muscle glycogen. Like you feel that. Yeah. I mean, you know that like if you're if you're kind of lean or whatever and you eat carbs the next day or the next few hours, you get all veiny and you get all full while that full is glycogen going into your muscles. And when you're working out, you feel that. So like you, you don't, the thing about carbs and the lifting community is they think they need more carbs than they actually do to perform. That's 100% true. That's a fact. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:48 That's definitely a fact. And especially like a lot of times, no offense to the guy that asked the question, but a lot of times people that are asking these questions, they're like 18 and 20% body fat. Charles Poliquin, he was pretty strict strict i went to a seminar of his and he said look if you're not 10 body fat or under which is like that's some pretty strict guidelines he said he got no business eating carbohydrates he said that yeah holy i was like wow that's a tough line dude i was like can we talk about like 12 or 13 you know. He's like, no, 10%, dude. Otherwise, don't bother. He just kind of – he thought – I think it's a good goal. Like 10%, again, that might be a little strict.
Starting point is 00:26:33 I say, look, bicep vein would be a good – get the bicep vein. A bicep vein could – I mean it could be all over the map in terms of your body fat, but I would imagine that you'd probably be like under 15%. Would you agree with that? Oh, wait. For someone to have a bicep vein? Yeah, under 15%. Yeah. I think that's legit.
Starting point is 00:26:51 Like if you're under 15%, you could probably go for carbohydrates. But again, the point is like what is the goal? Put the goal first and then put all the disciplines – wrap all the disciplines around what the actual goal is. What's the goal? What are we trying to do? If you're 400 pounds, then you don't really need to worry so much about your glycogen levels. I think that you need to really – you probably have made yourself sick if you're getting that heavy. And, I mean, there's probably going to be some complications coming around the corner if if you're if you've been heavy that heavy for that long and so i think the only way to kind of uh to to try to like reverse
Starting point is 00:27:31 out of some of that is to be pretty extreme for a while yeah your body has more than enough energy to work off on its own it does yeah and we've had people on the podcast say look you're you know your your energy is right around your waistline right now. Something to point out too when Nsema was talking about being in a different body, that was huge for me when I was losing weight. And then also another thing that happened too as I was losing a lot of weight, you have to be really careful with the weights that you select for yourself because you're no longer your former self. So if you're a big, strong guy and you really like getting after the weights and you, you like doing, you know, heavy bent over rows with like three plates and you like deadlifting
Starting point is 00:28:13 heavy and stuff like that, you're going to have to be really, really conscious and you're going to have to take, um, much shorter, uh, much, uh, much shorter jumps towards your maximums, you know? So if you typically, uh, are able to bench around three plates, um, you know, try to make sure you're doing 225 for a, for a set or two, feel that out, then go to 245, then go to 275, just make sure it's all there. Um, and it's also, it's not like you're going to lose the weight overnight, but we do kind of lose the weight pretty quickly. And then we're like, man, that 275 was super heavy. And then you try 315 and it hurts your shoulder.
Starting point is 00:28:52 And then now what's your energy output like? It sucks, right, because your shoulders hurt and now you're not as excited about working out anymore. And then maybe your shoulder hurts so bad it affects your sleep. And it's like it could be a really vicious cycle. I remember working with a lot of CrossFitters and they would tell me like, I'm trying to teach them how to use a belt because they would never use a belt and they certainly would never use a powerlifting belt. They don't have time for that shit.
Starting point is 00:29:16 And so I'm teaching them how to use a powerlifting belt and I'm teaching these guys how to deadlift, you know, 500 pounds and stuff like that. And I'm like, okay, you really want to, you know, push your stomach like into the belt. And these guys have no waist at all. I mean, they have some ab muscles, right? But they don't have a waistline at all. They don't have any thickness to their waist at all either. They're very thin.
Starting point is 00:29:38 And anyway, we're cranking these belts on and the belts aren't doing shit. They're not doing anything for them. And they're telling me too they're giving me feedback but i'm like you know i'm uh too much in full power lifter mode to really listen to them and to understand i'm like no dude you just tighten up your belt and you blow your belly out and boom you were supposed to big uh no no they weren't they weren't too big it's just that like there's no mass there they just couldn't yeah there was there wasn't much mass there and so it was it was hard to teach and maybe after a period of time maybe i could teach it to them but i'm like these fucking guys don't know what they're talking about i'm like a belt always helps
Starting point is 00:30:13 it you know you you wrap it around pretty tight and you you know you push into it and it's going to give you support i noticed how like it's so much more uncomfortable wearing a belt extremely tight that's all they said they're like all it does is hurt when you lean out for sure. So like now when I've been wearing it, when I've been wearing it, I have to wear my hoodie over it. Cause if not, man,
Starting point is 00:30:33 that shit digs into you bad. And there I am wrapping my, you know, belt around my 40 plus inch waist. I'm like, it don't hurt at all. What are you guys talking about? Like,
Starting point is 00:30:41 I didn't even want to mention that. Cause like, I remember like once I got used to wearing it, I'm oh this doesn't hurt at all and then i would hear someone else saying like dude don't be a bitch okay it doesn't hurt and then but now like i leaned out and i'm like okay it does kind of hurt a little bit so as i started dropping more and more weight i was like i started you know bending down to pick up like a deadlift it still helped a ton of squat but whenever i went to do a deadlift i was like i don't feel shit from the belt i'm like damn i'm like those crossfitters were right
Starting point is 00:31:09 holy shit yeah yeah that might be the reason i've always hated deadlifts and uh belts i always i still always use it on squats but i've always not liked deadlifts and belts yeah i don't think it i don't think it uh oh it can help people, some people that like lift with their lower back. Your back is usually pretty flat and you, you, while you cheat, sumo. I do. Yeah. Mark, when you were, uh, I mean, cause you've been, you've been a big boy. You, you leaned out pretty good and you don't have any loose skin, at least that I know of.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Um, some, uh, let me get his name. But you got some stretch marks. Yeah. Uh, yeah, I think so. Yeah. I got some stretch marks too. Uh, his name but you got some stretch marks yes uh yeah i think so yeah i got some stretch marks too cool uh his name is jason smith he asked the question like does bulking up and leaning out and kind of just doing that on a constant basis uh will that help eliminate some
Starting point is 00:31:54 of like the the loose skin you get from from uh from like a big cut yeah you know what i i don't really know what the deal is with loose skin i. I have been fortunate to never really end up with it. I did lose my weight over like a long period of time. So I didn't go from 230. I didn't go from 330 to 230. I went from like 330 to like 290. And then I went from like 290 and 300 to like 270 and 280. And I kind of repeatedly went down. And I went back up and wait a little bit,
Starting point is 00:32:27 but I didn't like crazy. There was no crazy fluctuations. Once I made the decision to really go down and wait, I continued to trend downward just over a long period of time. I mean, it's been like over 10 years ago that I was that heavy. So people ask me a lot, you know, how long did it take you? And I said, well, it took me 10 years because I just, I don't know, I get to different body weights and I'm always like, I could lose another 10.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I can lose another 10. I could lose another 10. I've said that a bunch of times. But now I feel like I'm at a pretty good point. point. Some people believe that through like keto and through fasting that, uh, that is somehow supposed to, um, have you end up with less, uh, skin, but I don't, you know, I don't know what the information is behind that. I know that there's been some people on the internet talking about like pretty extreme fasts and how you don't end up with any loose skin, but I, you know, I don't know how true that is. I know a lot of people that have dieted a lot of different ways.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And I know a lot of people that have dieted with using keto and some fasting that still have – that have had loose skin. I think things like that though too, I think that they can improve over time as well. Now, if you lost 200 pounds, like maybe you'll always have scars from that. I don't know. But if you lost 50 pounds or 100 pounds, I think the likelihood of that tightening up over a period of time is pretty good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:56 We've talked about that on this podcast before. For those of you that are lifting, that have been into lifting for a long time, I got some really great news for you. If you're already obsessed with lifting, you're going to naturally get a little leaner. As long as you're not completely gross with your diet, you're going to naturally get a little leaner over time.
Starting point is 00:34:16 And then at some point, that might fall off. But if you're decent with your nutrition, like if you're not making progress right now and you're super pissed about it, two, three years from right now, you will be leaner as long as you're paying attention to it. On the note of that loose skin, one thing that I've noticed across the board is that there's, when people lose a lot of weight, there's a sect of them that they lose it not just really fast, but by also doing a lot of cardio. So they'll do a lot of walking. I had a client years ago when I was training people in person, he lost a lot of weight,
Starting point is 00:34:48 but he's like, yeah, I did a lot of walking and running. He had a lot of loose skin. I also know a lot of people that dropped a lot of weight, but they used a lot, they did a lot of weight training. So in that process, they were gaining a good amount of muscle as they were dropping all this body fat and the loose skin wasn't as severe. So, I mean, if you're listening to this podcast, you're probably already know that you got to lift, but if you're really heavy and you're trying to lose weight, know that that's even more so important in your case, because you kind of, I mean, you kind of want to fill things out as you're getting smaller, you know, you're going to be losing body fat, but you want to maintain all that muscle because a lot of bigger people have a lot of
Starting point is 00:35:25 muscle because they're having to walk that weight around. So who knows when they drop weight, their calves are beautiful. They have those giant bulbous calves because they have to walk around. But if you can now lift weights multiple days a week to maintain that and gain muscle, the skin problem won't be as bad when you're leaving. That's an amazing point. I mean, yeah, think about it. They don't have loose skin on their calves. You know? No, yeah. And I mean most men, you know, like some of the guys in here that I've seen make outstanding transformations, they don't have any loose skin in like their arms.
Starting point is 00:35:54 You know, the only place you see is just literally around their waistline. And, you know, like unfortunately it sucks that you end up with that. But I think health-wise and I think appearance-wise, you still look a million times better. And if you can look good in a T-shirt, I think shit, man. Like that's all anybody can kind of hope for. Have a little bit of a puffed-up chest. Have a little bit of shoulders, a little bit of lines in your arms, and I think you should be pretty pumped about that. One other thing real quick. What was the name of the guy the truck guy that came onto the show i
Starting point is 00:36:29 feel so bad for not remembering but he big diesels trucks keaton hoskins keaton hoskins the muscle the muscle he said something that i think is super freaking important for people to remember as they're dropping weight and lifting and trying to maintain strength there's a big mental aspect to it because when you're when you get a little biter, you might feel a little bit more frail. You're not, you're not as big as you were, right? So you might not feel as good. And when you're physically not mentally not feeling as good, that will affect your performance a little bit. Even if you're getting sleepy, even if you're eating enough food, you need to continue to try and attack all of your workouts like you were before and kind of just ignore the little bit of weight that you've lost.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Because a lot of times that will affect the intensity at which you go for a deadlift or a squat or a bench that you usually would go. You're like, oh, leaner, feel a little bit more tired. And you don't attack it and you feel weaker, even though legitimately if you just kept attacking your training the way you used to, you wouldn't be weaker. There's a really big mental aspect to it. Like when I, when I started fasting and training initially, I'm like, Oh, I feel so tired and weak. No, I was stupid. It was just my head. Yeah. Right. When I got used to it, I was like, no, I'm good. I'm good. Yeah. Everything was good. You need to give it a couple of days, you know, you need to give it a little bit of time. So as I was mentioning earlier, you might be robbing yourself of energy and you might feel like shit
Starting point is 00:37:43 throughout the day. You have to kind of ask yourself the honest question of like how long – like I've been having some headaches from coffee because I haven't been drinking coffee for the last couple days. And is it going to go away? It's already away. It already went away. Like I had a headache on day number two and a headache on day number three and how long did each headache last 20 minutes yeah like it really wasn't that bad at the time i was like fuck man this headache is kind of killing me and i drank water and i was you know drinking salt and i was like all right well i'll just end my fast and nothing seemed to
Starting point is 00:38:19 really uh really help but it's over with like it wasn't that hard to get over to get over it you know so just to like dumb it down simplify it or just ask the question that i see more than anything um can you build strength and if so how do you train while following a strict carnivore diet yeah i think you certainly can gain strength on a carnivore diet because you don't always have to necessarily lose weight when you're on a carnivore diet. Again, I'll go back to what I said in the beginning. If you're going to lose a significant amount of body weight, let's say the carnivore diet is so different and so radical to you that you drop 20 pounds in a month, you will most likely lose some strength. If you're untrained, then maybe you actually get stronger. But if you're already trained up, likelihood of you getting a little bit weaker
Starting point is 00:39:10 is probably pretty high. How would I train? That would just be like dependent on what your preferences are. But, you know, strength training, we've talked about quite a bit on this show, and the rules are always the same. You want to train as hard as you can but not always as hard as you think. You want to be a little bit careful with how heavy you go and how often you go heavy. I think probably the major problem is people aren't prepared for the program that they're about to do. Probably the greatest thing I've ever heard on this podcast in terms of training was said by Chad Wesley Smith, your nemesis. My nemesis.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Oh, my God. These two are going to lock horns, ladies and gentlemen. That's going to be sick. It's going to be awesome. At the Golden One Center. I'm super hyped. What? We just amped it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I'm super hyped up. But Chad Wesley Smith, he said he said you know you always have to be prepared for the next program that you do he's like so i don't fucking care about your programming and and the program that you're on now he's like it doesn't do any good to like all of a sudden out of nowhere start bench pressing three times a week he's like what how's that gonna work and then if you aren't gonna bench press three times a week well well, maybe it would be a good idea to kind of like ease your way into it. Like, oh, this day I'm going to go 60 percent. This day I'm going to go 70 percent.
Starting point is 00:40:30 And this day I'm going to go 80 percent since I've never done this before. I want to see how that feels. Let me try that for like two weeks or three weeks and I'll just up the percentages a tiny, tiny bit. And then before you know it, you're down the road a couple months and you got this tremendous progress. But I think, you know, if you're trying to train for strength and you're trying to train to be strong, there's just, there's way too many ways to get strong for us to like list out on this podcast. But from what I see in general, from a lot of people in commercial gyms and stuff like that. Just lower your reps. Try to lift a little heavier.
Starting point is 00:41:07 Try to lift safely. Try to have good form. Watch some YouTube videos. Understand how the bench squat and deadlift is supposed to be done. And understand that the assistance exercises oftentimes are just as important as the main exercises themselves. And just be very cautious of you know when you're feeling good be very cautious of taking that next big jump uh you might not need it at that time you
Starting point is 00:41:32 don't need to worry about so much about like uh testing your strength you need to always uh you know be more concerned about building your strength yeah um two two things i'm gonna make it really short like you said there's no different way you need to train while doing carnivore. Like you don't need to train differently than you did before. Even when cutting, you don't need to train that much differently than you did before. But the second, I think most important thing, if we're talking about strength is making sure like that, like you said, record yourself, but make sure that rep one looks like rep three looks like rep four. Maybe it'll go a little bit slower, but make sure that rep one looks like rep three looks like rep four. Maybe it'll go a little bit slower, but make sure that your last rep of your movement,
Starting point is 00:42:10 you're not totally breaking down in terms of the way things look. Because that's just a sign is, yeah, you're trying to gain strength. So you're trying to lift heavier, but that's a sign that you might be lifting too heavy. You're working with loads you can't handle. And that's a really, the reason why I mentioned that is because that's probably the most common, I'd say, mistake a lot of strength athletes make. The goal is to get stronger, so the intuition is let's lift heavier to get stronger. But when you're lifting too heavy and your lifts look like trash, then not only are you not going to be getting stronger, you're going to be at a risk for injury, and then you're at a risk for just not being able to lift for a little bit of a while too. So you want to make sure that you're lifting heavy enough where
Starting point is 00:42:45 it's challenging it might be a little bit slower than lighter work would be but your form isn't turning into total chaos yeah and then so another simple question uh when it comes to aesthetics can you get better get ripped get more aesthetic on a carnivore diet? And if so, what would your training look like? So just back to how you should train a little bit. Think about this. It actually doesn't make any sense the way that most people train when they're cutting because they start hopping around
Starting point is 00:43:26 the gym like a goddamn bunny rabbit yeah and there's really no reason to be hopping around like that it actually doesn't really make any sense because you're you're most likely in a caloric deficit you're taking in more energy now you're asking yourself to run around like a maniac it's hypertrophy bro look it up yeah now Now you're asking yourself to run around in the gym like a maniac. And actually, like it might make more sense to do like singles and triples and give your body this signal, this stimulus of like, hey, this is the way we're going to train today. We're going to work out hard. We're going to stimulate the muscle. We're not going to annihilate the muscle. We're going to send a message to the body that, hey, we're going to get stronger in the protein that we're taking in.
Starting point is 00:44:04 We really need to take that in and the body that, hey, we're going to get stronger in the protein that we're taking in. We really need to take that in and to help repair and build those muscles. But if you're going to be wearing yourself very thin and you're going to be kind of burning the candle from both ends when you go in the gym and you're like, I'm going to do cardio and then I'm going to do all these circuits. And then I'm to – all the while you're on a low-calorie diet. That would not be very smart. Back to the aesthetics thing in terms of a carnivore diet, I think absolutely. I think a carnivore diet will help a lot of people look better. I think it will help a lot of people drop some weight. I think the first thing that people are going to notice is they're going to notice a decrease in some inflammation in their face.
Starting point is 00:44:45 Their face is going to be less bloated. Their face will look a little leaner. Again, I also highly recommend some intermittent fasting. I really think that that's important. I think minimum four or five days a week. It doesn't have to be on every day. Having a day or two off of it is kind of nice. It gives you something to look forward to.
Starting point is 00:45:04 You can say, you know what, every Saturday morning I'm going to cook up some bacon and eggs and I'm going to have a big old breakfast and you can get after it that way. But I really feel that you can make some massive changes with your aesthetics. And then at that point, if you feel like you lost a lot of weight and you feel like you're getting a little stringy and you're getting a little scrawny looking, throwing a fucking potato, throwing some rice, throwing a little bit of carbohydrates. Whenever you feel like you've gotten like as you exhausted all the options with the carnivore diet and it feels really good to you, why not mix the carbs? Why not throw a little bit of carbs back in to help build some muscle mass again? Yeah. I want, if anyone is curious about that specific question, how do you train for aesthetics during the carnivore diet or just how do you train for aesthetics in general?
Starting point is 00:45:50 I want you to think, I just want you to have the idea that let's just put it all together. You can put strength training and gaining muscle for aesthetics together. You can get stronger and better looking together. There's, they don't have to be two different styles. You can do your strength training and then right after that, do your bodybuilding movements and you looking together. There's, they don't have to be two different styles. You can do your straight training. And then right after that, do your bodybuilding movements and you're golden. You don't have to change your whole training program for aesthetics. Okay. Because I, I, I, I, I don't get that question a lot because I'm just like, we can do both, you know, just do your accessories after your lifts, get that in, do that every day after your big compound lifts, when
Starting point is 00:46:23 you're training for strength and you will gain muscle in your shoulders your quads your calves etc you just actually have to do those movements and it's like pure strength athletes that are only training for like you know squat bench deadlift or whatever they tend to kind of just like skip those well now let's just not skip them let's give them the time that they deserve and i guarantee your aesthetics will you will look more aesthetic or whichever whatever way you're trying to look yeah and then so another question if i didn't want to go to the grocery store but i wanted to get some high quality meat do you guys have any suggestions where that would be possible to do like if i could have something shipped to my doorstep i wonder talking about some like modern
Starting point is 00:47:06 technology yeah they're gonna fall down like from outer space or something i basically want to know is there like a tesla of steaks available there's this thing it's called um mon montpey something like that my brother actually dyslexic my brother my brother called it uh he called this the piedmontese sliders the other day he called them the baby yoda of meat because they're so cute and powerful he said but yeah i think piedmontese uh would be a great certified piedmontese would be a decent start i think yeah for some reason they have like mutant steaks that have tons of muscle tons of protein in them and for some reason there's have like mutant steaks that have tons of muscle, tons of protein in them. And for some reason, there's no fat, but yet they taste really good.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah, those jacked cows claim natty. I'm still confused by the whole thing. It doesn't make any sense. It's great because you can eat so much meat. And if you're dieting or even if you're not, but like most people that diet avoid red meat because of the amount of fat, right? Well, now you can just eat all the meat you want. Yeah, yeah. right well now you can just eat all the meat you want yeah yeah um my one of the most awesomerest things about it is that they'll ship directly to your door uh you guys seriously got to try it out
Starting point is 00:48:11 it's uh head over to that's at checkout enter promo code power project oh boy uh for 25 off your, and if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. And then real quick, a question from our boy Matthew on Facebook. If you guys aren't following Mark Bell's Power Project on Facebook, this is one of the benefits of following because you get to watch it live. We're just crushing people's screen time. Yeah. That's all we're doing. Yeah, there's nowhere you can hide from us.
Starting point is 00:48:44 But he's asking how much salt on the carnivore diet i know it comes up quite a bit because we can use it as like a pre-workout um he already salts his food plenty well like is there any like i don't know is there any way you can actually measure how much salt you should be taking in 250 milligrams yes exactly that amount actually no no yeah there's uh there are some amounts out there that people share like if if you check out um uh keto gains he talks about it quite a bit he also sells a product that that is in that space but um if you you know if you're just just add some salt to your steaks and then um if you feel like you need a little energy kick, try just throwing a little bit of salt in your water. Something I do every morning is I throw a little bit of salt in my,
Starting point is 00:49:29 in my, the first glass of water that I drink in the morning. That's something that helps me a lot. And then I also use a perfect keto electrolytes. They're just little capsules. I'll use maybe two, three, depending on the day, depending on how much stuff I've done for the day. And I like to take this stuff before I'm in trouble. I like to take this stuff as preparation. So I'm not like, oh, my God, I'm cramping. And then I down a whole bottle of the Perfect Keto electrolytes. I usually try to make sure that I have it before the training session. So I get a
Starting point is 00:50:05 little zip because a lot of times that energy dip that you're feeling or that head fog that you're feeling just has to do with the balance of water in your body. Yeah. Real quick. Let's, I guess, let's kind of tie that into, you know, we're talking about utilizing fasting during a lot of world carnivore month. Right. And it's going to be a really good idea if you can train in your fasting period. But I think you probably get a lot of the questions like, oh, can I take a pre-workout or what should I eat right after, et cetera. I think first off, like it is really powerful to train fasted. And initially you might feel a little bit tired since you usually might eat two hours or so beforehand. But it's something that you're going to get used to. You do a lot of fasted training now, right? Yeah. My pre-workout is
Starting point is 00:50:50 nothing and my post-workout is the same. I usually work out in the morning and I don't get around to eating. A lot of times my exercise for the day could be done by like 6 a.m. And I'm not eating until, you know, like 4 p.m. or something like that. I do think that there's great information about, you know, having some post-workout meals and post-workout shakes and things like that. That can be super effective for people. I also think that you might be able to kind of ride the line and you might be able to do a little bit of both. But what I suggest for people is just try fasting. Just try it as strict as you can follow it for a while because people do ask a lot about like, can I have a
Starting point is 00:51:35 post-workout protein shake? I don't think a post, look, here's the thing is a post-workout protein shake is not going to make you fat, right? A post-workout protein shake is not going to make you fat, right? A post-workout protein shake is not going to make you fat. In addition to that, will a post-workout protein shake negatively impact your fat loss? I don't think so. I don't think it's going to negatively impact. But sometimes it's important that we just try stuff just to see how it feels. And if it feels better to have the protein after the workout, then by all means throw that back in. But you have to be honest with yourself.
Starting point is 00:52:10 You have to give it an actual real shot. I think the gist of it on fasting is this, is that we have glucose in our body. Our body produces its own glucose as well as getting dietary glucose. And so if you're somebody that eats carbohydrates and you utilize some fasting, you can kind of think of this. Your muscles are using up glucose. Your body is using up glucose. You're running off of that as energy for the day along with fats and other things.
Starting point is 00:52:40 But primarily you might be running off of some of the carbohydrates in your system. Then your liver is going to burn off the glucose as well. And then once that's done, the human body is like, hey, what else we got? We got anything else? Hey, check around, see what you got. Oh, there's some love handles over there. Those don't look very good.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Let's ship those on out of here, right? So your body will start to utilize its own body fat. And that's part of one to utilize its own body fat. And that's, that's part of one of the major benefits of fasting. And there's a lot of other things that go on with fasting, but again, I don't think having like a protein shake is going to really interrupt that. And I actually think at this time, I don't even know if we have enough information on what that truly does. But anyway, I think give, you know, give the honest fast, give it a, give it a good shot, give it a try for yourself. The other question I get all the time is,
Starting point is 00:53:30 does coffee break my fast? You know, and I, having some black coffee is not going to be something that breaks your fast. There's some people that say you can even have about 50 calories during your fast. Thomas DeLauer being one of them, he researches it quite a bit. I'll take his word for it. You can have about 50 calories or so during your fasted state and not interrupt it in any way. In addition to that, like I think throwing like the perfect keto, like MCT powder, again, I don't think that's going to hinder your progress in any way. If anything, it's going to help your progress because it's going to help you to fast for longer. I did that this morning.
Starting point is 00:54:07 But I would also say that if you're – the moment that you have any calories, I would just say that I'm a believer that that does break your fast. But it's not going to negatively impact your progress. And it's not going to negatively impact many, many of the things that you'll get from fasting. It just slightly is interrupting the fact that you're not consuming any energy. Yeah. And then another note for individuals that like, let's say you're a competition level athlete, you want to use fasting, you know, maybe in your training. I think it's a good idea because it's not going to happen your training that much but when it comes to comp day uh it'd be a good idea to like eat eat a little bit more food that night before and beforehand before competition because like training when fasted is like a like a hormetic like a hormetic effect it's just like a little bit you know it's
Starting point is 00:55:03 a little bit of stress. And then what you can do is when you're getting closer and closer to the competition, maybe have one or two of your training sessions where you might actually eat a little bit more and you can see what that surge feels like because you will feel a little bit stronger. You will. So when competition day comes and then you eat that like a little bit of extra carbohydrates, a little bit of extra calories before you go and compete, you're used to what that feels like. And it's like you have an extra boost. That's what I look at it like. Like when I'm going to compete in jujitsu competitions, I'm going to eat a little bit of food beforehand. I'm not going to fast into the competition,
Starting point is 00:55:35 but that's not something that I think you need to do every single day of training. I think you could definitely get the benefits of fasting into your training, but not on comp day. When you did a world's this year, did you eat beforehand? Yeah, I ate like a little bit of oatmeal beforehand. I also had some coconut water because there was potassium on deck in between matches. And some electrolytes. That's the main thing. But on the note of electrolytes, the perfect keto electrolytes are super beneficial whether you're doing any type of cardio work like jujitsu or lifting have like three or four of those especially when you're fasting that's
Starting point is 00:56:10 going to be really beneficial so you don't cramp up you don't feel bad to have that with some water that'll help a lot yeah and so we're running out of time but i wanted to hit a few questions that came in uh let's hit them like rapid fire uh k i think it's kayla fly on periscope we're also on periscope so this is cool this was the first question that i get to read from that platform uh what are you guys thoughts on greens while on the carnivore diet as far as like a supplement just real quick if you can yeah uh i i would just ditch them for a period of time. Okay. And then Brookshire also on Periscope. In episode 305, Mark, you were talking about bone broth. How much per day and why? Bone broth has collagen in it and it also tastes good. And yeah, I mean, it's also something
Starting point is 00:57:00 that can kind of help you whenever you're on any sort of diet because it's very, very low caloric intake. I throw a little bit of butter in there and I throw some egg in there as well. But if you just have it plain with just add some salt or herbs or something like that, it has like I think like 30 or 40 calories. That's what you're breaking your fast, right? Yep. Okay. That's what he's breaking his fast. Okay.
Starting point is 00:57:26 Then Dylan Box asks about glycine while fasting. So BCAA, glycine while fasting. Doesn't exactly say the question, but you guys think it's important? I think glycine is in – I think that's part of the reason why you have bone broth as part of the diet. I think actual meat might lack glycine. I kind of forget some of these different things. I just take the stuff and I start to implement it. As far as like our amino acids
Starting point is 00:57:54 or any sort of supplements important during fasting, I don't really think so. I wouldn't take BCAAs while fasting. I forgot where I read this, but there's something in branch chains that will affect the benefits of the autophagy process during fasting, and that's one of the things you want to avoid. but I've heard that and read that multiple times where at this point I don't use BCAAs while fasting and that would be something that I would just suggest you use it after. I don't think it's going to, it's not going to kill your fast or anything but it will dampen some of the effects
Starting point is 00:58:35 that you get from fasting. I think you're just trying to let your body do its thing and anything that you take in can compromise that. Yeah, especially BCAs. And then this one, sorry I missed it earlier, but this is a great question and we can end on this one. Men Yo B. He's doing great on carnivore right now, but he is craving something sweet. Any recommendations for our boy Men Yo?
Starting point is 00:59:02 Craving something sweet. Man, that gets to be hard, especially on a carnivore diet because everything is uh everything is like more savory and salty and fatty rather than uh there's really not much uh sweetness to it i would stay away from like soft drinks and stuff like that just because i think that that can uh kind of trigger you and that can kind of just leave you thinking about sweets all the time. Instead, I would maybe have – I would like end your day with like a protein shake. We have our own protein powder, Slingshot protein. We also have Keto Pro, which you can get on our website.
Starting point is 00:59:39 And then in addition to that are people over at Perfect Keto. They have whey protein. And then also too you can make up – like if you get a little creative with it, you can mix up like kind of a hot chocolate mix with the Perfect Keto MCT oil powders. They got vanilla, chocolate, salted caramel. Those are really good. All you need is some hot water. Mix it up, and it's really good. If you mix that with their collagen protein and warm it up a little bit, it's really, really good. So that would be my suggestion. I don't
Starting point is 01:00:12 think you can really, you can't really screw around too much. I don't think diet sodas and those kinds of things are, I just don't think they're a great idea. Yeah, I'd stay away from those. But no, the Perfect Keto stuff is really good. Okay, real quick. On Carnivore, we are still allowing some heavy cream and stuff? Yeah, you can have some of that, yeah. Okay. So I was going to say you could make just like a bomb-ass milkshake. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:40 You really could if you had some blended ice with the MCTs and maybe some of their protein or whatever. You could make a bomb shake and it's sweet and it's good and it's not out of the diet. Yeah, so another simple question. Protein shakes are okay on carnivore? Again, I think we're trying to be as strict as possible. So you want to stick with meat and eggs and bone broth. So if I say to people that heavy cream is okay, then they'll have it every day and they'll have way too much of it. So you can have heavy cream, but how much heavy cream?
Starting point is 01:01:16 Like, I don't know, maybe just have a little bit of it like once a week or something like that. Or buy like the smallest carton you can and when you run out of it, don't buy it again for a while. And then the same thing with like you know protein shakes and stuff like that i don't really think they're going to like negatively impact your progress um but we're trying to see what happens when the human body eats meat and eggs that's what we're really trying to uncover and without the influence of uh just about anything else so, if you want to throw down a protein shake, cause you think it's going to help you recover a little bit better from your workout, I would say,
Starting point is 01:01:50 you know, go ahead and do it here and there. If it helps you get through the day, it helps you put up points on the scoreboard. You end up with a victory for the day. Then that's great. Yeah. Just go take a 10 minute walk.
Starting point is 01:01:58 You walk it off. Yeah. Cold shower. Mark, Mark mentioned perfect Keto. If you guys want to give that a shot, head over to slash powerproject at checkout, enter promo code powerproject10
Starting point is 01:02:11 for $10 off any order of $40 or more. Shout out to the live listeners today. You guys asked some really good questions. Really appreciate it. You guys are dope. Yeah, we're making this podcast the most interactive podcast on the planet. We're kind of already there.
Starting point is 01:02:26 But you guys can use this as a tool to get better at any aspect of your life. But obviously right now we're talking about diet and nutrition. And then what's really cool is when we get good feedback and good suggestions, our listener of the show, Todd Marr, brought it to my attention that you can hard boil eggs inside the air fryer. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I don't know the exact recipe or whatever, but just Google it and figure it out. But I'm like, damn, dude, that's mind-blowing. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:02:58 Yeah, because you can probably do it way quicker than boiling up a bunch of eggs. Yeah. I think it's like 270 for 15 minutes. Yeah. Dude, set it and forget it. That's crazy. Yeah. Cool.
Starting point is 01:03:11 All right. Well, you can find me at Mark Smelly Bell on Instagram and YouTube and Twitter and TikTok. Where can people find you, Nsema? Oh, snap. Switcheroo. Nsema Yang on instagram and youtube and then in sema yin yang on tiktok and twitter how about you mr zaragoza we've been having a lot of fun on instagram at mark bell's power project we are on twitter at mb power project same thing
Starting point is 01:03:39 with periscope at mb power project uh facebookcom slash power project linkedin slash in slash power project each platform has its own benefits following so i suggest you follow all of them twitter you're going to get everything first instagram you're going to get everything and then some linkedin i connected with another podcast and gave them tips on how to better run their podcast. So if you're interested in getting into this, I can help you out there. Same thing with photography. It's real intimate. It's real one-on-one.
Starting point is 01:04:15 A lot of these other platforms like TikTok at MB Power Project also, we don't have a gigantic following. Eventually, that's going to change. If you get in right now, any question you have, any suggestion, anything that you say will be heard. Therefore, get in now because at some point there's going to be so much noise that we won't be able to hear everybody. Right now, every single thing you say we are hearing and we're listening. So you have a chance to mold this show. Get in right now and make this show exactly what you want that's the benefit of following us on all platforms and we are literally everywhere you can't escape from us you can't hide we're making that yeah exactly that's we're that's
Starting point is 01:04:57 happening on purpose so yeah follow us all over the place links are in the description of this youtube video of this in uh in the video, in the Facebook live stream, and on iTunes, and on Mixer, and on Twitch. There's no excuses. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch you all later.

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