Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 307 - How To Stick To Your Diet While Traveling and on Vacation

Episode Date: January 8, 2020

Today we're giving you tips on how to stick to your diet and training program while traveling and on vacation. We show you how much easier it is than you think, especially on the carnivore diet! Subsc...ribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo Mark, how do you like to cook your steak, man? I like my steak medium rare. I'm a juicy guy myself, like a little medium rare too. Yeah, I gotta be careful. I have to cook my steak a little bit more towards the medium, but I'm more of a, yeah, I'm more on that end. But now guys, imagine if you could have an amazing steak
Starting point is 00:00:16 delivered to your doorstep. That would be amazing. I like that. That's what our homies at Piedmont T's Beef does. You order steak online and it shows up at your doorstep. No way. Yeah. Woo!
Starting point is 00:00:27 It does just make, I don't know how they do it, but they pull it off. Everybody listening, you guys can do the exact same thing, too. Head over to That's P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com at checkout. Enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order's $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. But I'm working on the beard. I don't know what's going i don't know i don't know if it's gonna work out but we'll see are we on by the way dude you know what you should do you should do the hipster look the
Starting point is 00:00:55 thing i got going on right now with the you know the long the long beanie get some beard get some tight pants get some tight pants just rock the hipster look for a little bit you already have the flannel you know so you're good to go you see those hipster entrepreneurs on instagram all the time right just do that sometimes looks really awkward when when people have like bigger legs like matt vincent always looks really like matt vincent looks like spongebob square pants like his legs are so jacked that it just doesn't really like i don't know if that's working the same way as it works those little dudes yeah no could never, I could never get those things to be comfortable. It just hogs everything.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I'll never be a, what's the name? Aaron Marino. That's name. Yep. Alpha M. Alpha M. I'll never be an alpha. Um, I don't know how much advice I could take from a guy with two earrings too.
Starting point is 00:01:38 I'm not sure about that. I don't know. Did you ever, have you ever pierced your ears or no? No, no, no. Yeah. Me neither. Nope. Nope. Nope. Just doesn't. My head's too no? No. No? No. Yeah, me neither. Yeah, nope. Nope.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Nope. My head's too big. Yeah. He looks good. He's got the leather jacket going. He's got the... I love watching his stuff. Do you guys watch his stuff quite a bit?
Starting point is 00:01:54 Yeah. A bit. He has a lot... Aaron Marino has a lot of good tips, man. My God, he's good. He's awesome on Instagram TV. He comes on... What I noticed about him today when i was when i was
Starting point is 00:02:05 watching him i was like this guy really he enjoys himself a lot he enjoys his own look because he's really kind of when he's when he's like looking and talking you know you kind of think he's like looking at talking to the audience but he's really just checking himself out yeah i don't blame him good looking guy he is very handsome yeah no yeah when i when i was shredding down and everything you couldn't get me away from the mirror i was like this is bad this is so good still can't get you away from the mirror now probably it's a little bit different though it's bad that you hired somebody to hold a mirror and walk around you told me you told me that was normal so and i fell for it this is gonna happen but happens. By 2021, every bodybuilder will have a hired mirror guy.
Starting point is 00:02:48 That actually makes a lot of sense. It's like, where did you get your start, dude? You remember Michael Hearn in 2021? I held the mirror for him the entire year. Get out of here. That's pretty much what camera guys are. They're pretty much. They have a.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Yeah, they're mirroring you. They are mirroring you. I've got a ton of experience. That's actually very true. Today we're going to dive into talking about eating and training and pooping. I guess that's a normal day for us. That is. Except the real twist part in this one, everybody get ready, is what do you do when you're going on vacation?
Starting point is 00:03:32 Oh, my God. What do you do when you're going on vacation? It's a tough one for everybody for some reason. It shouldn't be, but it is. Yeah, like kind of vacation holidays. They're kind of like the same thing. I guess you kind of just think it's a time to really like – or maybe it should be a time. That's I guess what we'll talk about is should it be a time for you to relax.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I would like to kind of start out by saying that first of all, it really matters a lot where you're coming from. So if you're somebody that's very, very overweight, then I think that if you have somehow figured out a way to get kind of locked into your goals, I think you got to sit in that spot. I think you got to stay in there. And I would encourage you to ride it out. I also would encourage against or discourage rather, you know, like kind of over dieting so that then then it gets to be kind of a sketchy situation real quick because i'm saying you know you know don't over diet but also we preach a lot of fasting on here as well but just because we preach fasting we're not preaching uh being malnourished you know we still want you to have the nutrition and the nourishment that you need and if you're a if if you're somebody that you feel like you're addicted to food, but you're on track and you're
Starting point is 00:04:50 doing really well, then man, I would say whatever way you can stay on the diet, figure out ways to stay on the diet. Anytime that you feel like, oh, this would be kind of a good time to relax, I would just say eat more food. But I would say still be very cautious against cheating or having a trigger that's going to make you go overboard. There was this post that I saw from Lauren Spath. It was with two types of people, the people that can be moderation and the people that have to abstain.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Yeah, it was like abstaining and moderation. And you mentioned something recently where you're like, if you give me some carbs, the carbs will like, if you give me a little bit of rice, we'll turn into like peanut butter or something else. Right. That's the alternative cake and ice cream and everything else. Yeah. When you try to give yourself a little bit of it, it just kind of snowballs into you eating much more. And there are some people that they know that, okay, I just need to stay away from this because if I can stay away, I'm a hundred percent. There are some people that are good at giving themselves a little bit and they're able to handle that
Starting point is 00:05:52 little bit without letting it snowball. I think it's really important, especially even before these situations where you go on vacation international or whatever, to figure out if you're an individual that can have a little bit and be okay, or if you're someone who you just need to figure out all the possible ways to avoid having that food when you're not in total control of your environment. Yeah, and I think there's a lot of people that say they eat from emotions. And so I think the emotions of being on vacation is like, oh, I get to relax. I get to take my foot off the gas pedal. I guess something that needs to be in question for everybody is, is the food that you're
Starting point is 00:06:32 having honestly and truly enhancing the entertainment value and the value of your experiences? Because I don't, I, man, I have to say like, you're going to come back from Italy or France or from, you know, going to Florida or wherever the hell it is that you go on vacation. You're going to come back and you're usually going to tell people about the time that you had. And you're usually going to tell people about, man, I, I saw the leaning tower. I saw this, or I saw that there's going to be like a bunch of stuff that you saw. You ran into someone famous at the airport or something. And yes, the food is part of it. Like, oh man, the food was so good.
Starting point is 00:07:12 But does the food, I guess the question is, does the food have to be so good that it's bad? Does it have to be so good that it's a bad influence on your diet and on your overall, like your behavior patterns that you're trying to develop? Does it have to be that uh intrusive on your kind of like lifestyle and the habits that you're trying to form especially if like you're you're a foodie type i feel like if you're if you're in the situation
Starting point is 00:07:36 you like you know who foodies are they're like they like to try all the different types of restaurants all the different types of food i know i know uh i've mentioned the kenner eyes before where they'll buy a box of gourmet donuts and just take a bite of each, right? You gotta like, if that's not working for you and you're, you're ending up, you're not able to control that. You just need to change the focus to having experiences instead. That's going to be a big deal. But especially in these situations, it's important to, I mean, if you want to enjoy the food when you're out somewhere, I guess the biggest thing would be to just to find the protein that you can enjoy.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Cause there's a lot of different types of meats. There's a lot of different types of ways people prepare different dishes. And like, for me, I just say, try to stick with the tasty protein, the different ways that it's cooked rather than really, really high sugary foods when you're out. rather than really, really high sugary foods when you're out. A lot of the places I went to eat when I was in Italy, they obviously gave you a lot of pasta. And so everywhere I went, I was like, where's the steak? Where's the veal?
Starting point is 00:08:38 Where's the – I didn't care if it was chicken parmesan or I didn't care what kind of meat it was. I was just like, where do I get some meat? And there was always a meat option at every single place that we went to i always ordered that and then i was like well i'll just i'll pick a little bit of food off my kid my kids plates and my wife because they're probably not going to eat all of it and if i see something that i'm you know just uh would kick myself in the ass uh if I didn't have it. If this place is like world famous for something or whatever,
Starting point is 00:09:07 then I want to be part of that. I want to give it a shot and say, oh, yeah, I had that. That was actually really cool or it was worth it or it wasn't that good. I'd like to be able to form my own opinion on it, I guess. But do I need to have that be my main entree? Do I need to have that be the main thing that I eat? And then another strategy, we were just talking about off air for a second, is to utilize a little bit of intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I know we smash that thing over, you know, over your head all day long, intermittent fasting, but you know, missing a meal or two is, and then also too, how different, how different is the breakfast in other places? It's all, it's all kind of – it's pretty damn similar. I haven't been all over the world, but I've been to a bunch of different places and it's – there's kind of like an egg base and there's some different meats and different countries have a couple little different things that are fun. But you could certainly implement some fasting very easily. You know, that is literally the one piece of advice that I've given any client that I've worked with, no matter what type of vacation it was, whether it was a vacation where it was international. Cause I had a guy that went to Vietnam recently and he was going to be on his
Starting point is 00:10:10 feet a lot. So I just said, Hey, for a majority of your day, I want you to fast. You're going to be walking a lot. You're going to be burning calories, et cetera,
Starting point is 00:10:16 but I just want you to fast for most of your day. Enjoy whatever Vietnamese crazy food you want in the evening. He came back, he didn't gain a pound. Same thing with another guy. That should be people's goal too yeah you know set a weight for yourself be like you know what i want to come back and i i would really like if i didn't you know go over like three or four pounds of my current body weight give yourself a little slack if you want exactly and and the thing is like if you are on a carnivore diet it would would be like, let's say you go to Italy, right? Okay. You have
Starting point is 00:10:47 to choose there if you're going to stick to your carnivore diet, because there are a lot of foods that are very, very, very high in carbohydrates. But even so, if you fast for most of your day, then you enjoy a few cool Italian restaurants or gourmet meals. I'm going to tell you, I feel like it is really, really, really difficult to eat so much food in that really small window of time where it's going to end up messing up your progress. Especially if you're eating protein. Especially if you're eating protein. It makes it that much harder. What would you recommend? Let's forget about the carnivore
Starting point is 00:11:17 diet for a second, even though we're on day number seven of World Carnivore Month. We've made it through a whole week. Let's just say like it's just a client that you have and they're like look man like i just when i'm on the airplane like i just i don't know i get fidgety i'm super nervous i just feel like i need something to eat what would recommendations be would you have them go uh more towards like a natural food would you yell at them and say you need to fast uh would you have them, you know, trying to eat like nuts or fruit, maybe a lot of airports, you can get a hard boiled eggs. Would you encourage stuff like that? Or we'd say, Hey, you know what? There's really not that much calories. It's not going to really add up to
Starting point is 00:11:55 be that much. Why don't you chomp on some like pretzels or something like that? So I think all those, like, first off, I've never gotten that question before, but all those questions, it kind of makes sense. If if a person gets really really fidgety on a plane if you could because the airports have beef jerky airports have eggs like you mentioned if you could have something like that that'd be cool because then you won't feel super hungry good one because you're gonna be like kind of like gnawing on it for i mean like literally takes a while to eat it right you're gonna be chewing the hell out of that for a while right yeah so so that makes a lot of sense because like when you the the airport or the whatever airplane nuts that they give you and the snacks that they give you will – especially if that's the first thing you're eating, you're just going to feel really, really hungry after that.
Starting point is 00:12:34 And gassy. It's amazing. They give you gassy food while you're locked in this chamber of death with everybody else for a couple of hours. You're like, man, it starts to really smell like ass on that flight for a while. Yes. And I mean, one of the big reasons you're trying to eat isn't just to eat.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Like, yeah, you might be trying to feel better because maybe you're a little anxious on the plane, but you're trying to get full. Those peanuts aren't going to make you full. They're going to make you hungrier. And they're salty and they taste good. So they're just going to make you want to eat more and more food. So it would be better, like you said, like
Starting point is 00:13:07 you did the hard boiled egg thing when you were in the airport a few, I don't know, a few months ago or something, right? Exactly. That's always there. And again, jerky, just any type of protein you can get your hands on before you step on a plane would be the best option. And because America has helped influence make everybody else so fat, we have fast food everywhere. So I don't know what happened the other day andrew but andrew was out out there with me and we saw a bunch of mcdonald's like buns all over the street like somebody really had like a there was like a real war on carbs because there was a bunch of a bunch of empty wrappers of like egg mcmuffins and buns
Starting point is 00:13:41 everywhere like it looked like buns no yeah just yeah they everywhere. Like it looked like it was buns. No, just, yeah, they were, there was like, what, like three or four, like it was like a would be sandwiches. Yeah, it was just all buns and they were all like, dude,
Starting point is 00:13:50 it was like, was that close to here? Yeah, it was a crime scene. That had to have been someone from the gym. It's been like your brother. Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:13:58 I hope none of our people are throwing shit out their window or whatever. They would, I don't know. Maybe it was a fight in the streets. I saw, I could picture your brother in like the mind bullet car, throwing buns out his window as whatever. They would, I don't know. Maybe it was a fight in the streets. I saw, I can picture your brother in like the mind bullet car throwing buns out his window as he drives to the gym. So mad,
Starting point is 00:14:10 like F these carbs and just chucking them out the window. Oh my God. Yeah. Imagine getting hit in the back of the head with a, an egg McMuffin. Yeah. But you know, I think,
Starting point is 00:14:21 um, in terms of, I guess, types of travel, uh, when people also travel, like some people, another issue is like when they go and visit their families. I was going to ask you this. When you went to Italy, did you have in the back of your head an idea of places you wanted to go or the type of food you wanted to eat? Because I know, I mean, did you think about that?
Starting point is 00:14:39 Was there any prep or did you just go and you're like, okay, you figured it out as you went? Because I feel like you got to prep. Yeah, well, 100%. or did you just go and you're like, okay, you figured it out as you went? Because I feel like you got to prep. Yeah, well, 100%. So normally for a trip like that, you would normally book it like a few months in advance. So with knowing that, that gives you a great advantage to be like, you know what? It would be great to not really like necessarily like diet hard or anything crazy,
Starting point is 00:15:00 but you know what? It might be a good idea to lose like four or five pounds for that trip. A, because I'm going to be walking a ton, but you know what? It might be a good idea to lose like four or five pounds for that trip. A, cause I'm going to be walking a ton and B, um, it would just be great that I have a little extra, I can have a little extra cushion with my diet. If I want to overeat a little bit,
Starting point is 00:15:14 if I want to enjoy and indulge some foods, so what I come back the same weight that I am right now, but I don't come back any, any heavier. And so, uh, yeah, prepping in advance.
Starting point is 00:15:23 The other thing I was going to say about the airplane, you know, you're trying to make sure, and just about travel in general, but the airplane especially, you're trying to make sure that your experience is really enjoyable. So how many of you have gone somewhere and just kind of felt like crap the whole time? You had a weird flight, maybe you had a, like a red eye flight and you're like, oh, I'm going to sleep on the plane. That never works, right? It's not always easy for everybody to sleep on the plane.
Starting point is 00:15:51 For some reason, your sleep, you know, doesn't work out or you're having trouble sleeping in the hotel and so on. But part of your job when you're on, when you're traveling like that and when you're on vacation is to feel good. And eating a bunch of junk food, while it might satisfy you and get you excited for a little bit, it's not really gonna give you a net of feeling very good. So if you eat a bunch of crap on the plane,
Starting point is 00:16:14 you're gonna really be in a world of hurt when you land. And this is where traveling with a little bit of food makes some sense, prep something um try to be prepared but like i can't i like every pretty much every airport i've been to there's always there's always like stuff around to go to now the airport is also very expensive though so if you want to save a lot of dough then you would cook something at home or prepare order stuff off of amazon or go to like a costco and get your beefky. Because if you buy at the airport, it's like they ring it up. It's like nine bucks or something.
Starting point is 00:16:48 You're like, I just got the one. I'm just trying to get that one thing. Are you sure that's the right price? It's like four sticks of beef jerky for $10. Yeah, and you're like, come on, bro. So that would be something to think about. In terms of like protein you know don't forget about cheese cheese is everywhere like when i was in italy like they always had like
Starting point is 00:17:09 a cheese board or something like that and so you there's there's always and uh that kind of protein is is just great i mean i don't think anybody would debate the some people are a little weird about dairy and some people don't digest dairy very well. But I think in general, the general consensus is that dairy is very healthy, is a great form of calcium, a good form of sodium, a great source of protein. And of course there's some fat in there, but yeah, that's a great way to get some protein in. And I think the big thing here is like when we're talking about all of this, right, this is like vacation. You're going and you're having fun and you're enjoying yourself. But everything that's mentioned here shouldn't be taken away from enjoyment. Like even if you do, you know, you go to a restaurant and the meal has quite a bit of carbs, but it has quite a bit of protein to flip the table over. if again if you're not eating all day long and this is why like
Starting point is 00:18:04 The biggest thing that I think goes along with this is just fasting for most of the day If you're not eating all day long and you have that one or two meals those one or two meals shouldn't be so ridiculous That they mess up all the progress that you've been making on your diet when you're at home Even if it's for two or three days if you're not eating all day long Which is the problem when going on vacations because you always have food and alcohol all day, if it's only within a few hours, it's hard to do that much damage in a few hours. Even if you go off a little bit, you have a little bit of fun, it's hard to do that. So if you at least do that and utilize protein, like we were mentioning here, so try to have a lot of protein with those meals so that you do get full faster, that'll make such a big
Starting point is 00:18:44 difference so that when you come home, everything's the way it should be. And you're able to go right back into what you're trying to do with your diet. Do not fall into the trap. If you have a hotel room that has like snacks, like don't mess with that thing. It's going to be crazy expensive and you're going to eat everything there. And it's usually like not that good. Every once in a while, they'll have some good stuff, but it's usually not. It's like they have that bag of chips sitting there and you just keep eyeballing it and just keep staring back at you.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I should even just from now on just tell them like, you know, hey, don't have any of that bullshit in my room. I don't want to see that stuff. Yeah. You said that when you were in Italy. Did you purposefully try to walk more? Because I feel like whenever anyone that's worked with me has mentioned vacation, they end up walking a ton which is great but did you plan for like to actually walk more I feel that's important yeah I I did I I planned on walking more and I um you know we would come back from somewhere and I would be like man I'm pretty beat I'm pretty tired but then I
Starting point is 00:19:40 would say you know what it's actually a great time just to go out for a walk and check out some new stuff and then I would come back and I would you know tell the family I'd say, you know what? It's actually a great time just to go out for a walk and check out some new stuff. And then I would come back and I would, you know, tell the family, I'd say, Hey, you know what? If we go down this street, like it's got this, this and this, and I'd lay down, take a nap. And then we all go out again. And like, we had a new spot to go to. So it was super fun. And it felt like, um, it felt adventurous. And I'm, I'm a really horrible, like, I don't know. I just, I, I wander. Like, I just, I don't know if I, like, if I, like, if I'm a really horrible – I don't know. I wander. I just – I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:16 If I see like a building that just has cool structure, like I'm not an architect or anything, but I love looking at like design and stuff, I'll just be like mesmerized by it. I'll just fucking stare at it. And my wife is like – she's four blocks ahead of me or something. She's like, what are you doing? I'm like, I don't know. I keep staring at that church over there. It looks amazing, you know, or this thing or that thing. And I'm like trying to just to look at stuff and take it in. And I'm like taking a mental picture.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Then I'm like grabbing a picture on my phone. Yeah. So I really like to kind of go out and I like to walk a lot, but I like to also kind of check out a lot of different stuff. Yeah. Sightsee, I guess. Exactly. And that's I feel like a lot of different stuff. Yeah. I guess. Exactly. And that's, I feel like a lot of people, especially, okay. So if, if the reason I did like two cruises this past two years was because cruises are super fun, but they're not crazy expensive. Right. And I know a lot of people
Starting point is 00:20:55 that like to go on cruises, but the thing that happens whenever people tell me, it's like, I gained like seven pounds on that cruise. I gained like 10 pounds on that cruise. And I get it because on a cruise, you pay for everything in advance. So you can order all the food to your room and it's sometimes free. There's food all the time on the boat, right? But if you- Probably also a gym. There is a gym. There is a gym. So the thing is, is like, I didn't work out every day when I was on the cruise, but we did walk around a lot. We did do a lot of activities and we both made sure
Starting point is 00:21:23 to like fast for most of the day. So we didn't eat for most of the day. And when we did, there were always options that had a lot of protein. We were able to be on our feet for a little bit. There was a gym. So I feel like we enjoyed everything about that cruise, but we didn't come back gaining any type of weight because of exactly what we're talking about here. And that's a situation where you're trapped. You're trapped on a boat and food is everywhere. You can't go anywhere else. Right. So that, that's the type of situation where you should still be able to go enjoy everything that you're doing. Be normal. Okay. So it's nothing abnormal about it. Come back and you're still a okay. Yeah. I think it's really easy to kind of like, just let your defenses down. And I think that's
Starting point is 00:22:02 basically what we're talking about is like, once you let your defenses down. And I think that's basically what we're talking about is like once you let your defenses down, you don't want to like let the floodgates open up and then just start an onslaught of unhealthy eating. And also like I think it's actually kind of fun and actually kind of cool to like be a leader. So if you end up traveling somewhere and you end up going to like a conference or you go somewhere where there's going to be other people that you know. Maybe you travel somewhere with family members or friends or something. It's kind of cool to say, hey, everybody, let's get together at 8 o'clock tomorrow and let's work out. When I travel with my family, everyone's always like, okay, when are we working out? I think every year the last few years we've worked out on Thanksgiving Day. We all get together and we all work out.
Starting point is 00:22:46 A lot of times some of the kids will join us. I don't know. They'll run with us or whatever we're doing. I think like two years ago we did like a CrossFit workout. This year we did like a run walk where we ended up going way further than I anticipated. We went like six miles or something. It was fun and we were dead. And a run walk?
Starting point is 00:23:03 You guys went six miles? Yeah, we went six miles in Bodega Bay with all the hills and everything, too. Wow. And, you know, it's just why not be that person? Why not be the one that kind of encourages? And when I went to a conference in San Diego this year, and I told everybody that I ran, too. I was like, I'm working out at 6 a. I'm, I'm working out on those stairs over there. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:23:26 really? And I even put a post on Instagram. I'm like, Hey, like, cause that way now I'm stuck, you know, now I have to be there.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Like I told people I'm going to be there now. Fuck, I got to go run those stairs. And I think I was there for three days and we ran the stairs every day and it was horrible. By day three, I was super sore. Yeah. Uh,
Starting point is 00:23:43 it was a good amount of steps and I have never done i yeah basically have never done anything like that since i guess maybe training for football i might have done some of that but yeah it was brutal yeah it was brutal but why not be that person that that gets everybody kind of going right and that's another thing too when we're talking about like exercising these situations and that san diego trip i don't know it doesn't seem like you had access to a gym, but you saw the access to do something. So you could still do the stairs and do some stair runs or whatever. So if you, you know, if you, if you do have a goal and let's say you're going to be on a prolonged vacation that you know, you don't have a gym at, you got stairs. I mean, you could probably get out, you can probably do a little bit of a run walk, or
Starting point is 00:24:21 you can just walk for a while when you're out. You don't have to have a gym if you have these goals. And then another thing, if you really want to go the extra mile and you want it to get a little bit of a run walk or you can just walk for a while when you're out. You don't have to have a gym if you have these goals. And then another thing, if you really want to go the extra mile and you want to get a little bit of resistance in, you could get a resistance band. They're super cheap. You know, pushups are free. You could do a whole type of little bit of a lifting circuit with that type of work. Imagine if you're just like, I'm going to drop down and do 20 pushups like five times a day. Like, yeah, that's that's like that's 20 pushups like five times a day. Like that's a hundred pushups. That's a good workout.
Starting point is 00:24:48 Exactly. Yeah. You could add a band to that or you could just do the pushups. There's a lot of stuff you could do. You could do burpees if you don't like yourself, do burpees, right? Like you could, you can do a lot. You just have to plan ahead and make sure that you can just like make sure it gets done. I think it's reasonable i think it's reasonable to say like let me do a little bit of like an eye for an eye type of
Starting point is 00:25:09 thing with my with my uh training and my food you know if i'm gonna eat that then i better do this you know if i'm gonna okay i'm gonna i know i'm going to this famous restaurant tomorrow i know they have like an eight course meal or something crazy. And it's just going to be, you know, I'm going to eat 4,000 calories in one meal or 5,000, you know, something crazy. Right. Then just kind of say to yourself, how do I, you know, track my way back out of that? One way would be to start fasting. So as soon as you, the thing I love about fasting, something I think that is amazing is that the second that you stop eating, you start doing something positive for yourself. So when're when you're at when you're home at night
Starting point is 00:25:49 and you're thinking about eating again you got to think like i already started my next day yeah like i'm already a savage i'm already like into it i'm already like fuck dude you're you're an hour and a half in already to your fast why are you gonna jack it up like you don't need the protein bar you don't need the protein shake you don't you don't actually need any of it you just want it quit being a fucking baby yeah and uh you already like when do you get the opportunity to do that like you you literally got an opportunity just to uh get ahead and uh it's it's a great thing to kind of lean into i think amen that's something that happened to me a lot in the past. And it can still creep up on me if I haven't planned. And this is what I'm getting to here.
Starting point is 00:26:30 When you're not doing shit, food is the thing that you think of. Oh, yeah. And it's really, really easy when you're not doing anything. Food and a bunch of other bullshit. And you get a lot of anxiety. You think about what other people are doing and all kinds of things that aren't positive. Exactly. Like there would be times where I wasn't doing anything.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I'm like, huh, maybe I could get something to eat. I'm like, oh, see what's going on here. I'm not doing anything, so now I think about food and I want to get food. Hungry or bored. Hungry or bored. And so many people have sent me messages like, you know, I find it hard to fast on the weekends
Starting point is 00:26:59 because I'm not doing as much on the weekends. So can I just not fast on the weekends and fast during the week? How about we try and figure out some stuff to do during the weekends? And it's the same thing when you're traveling. If there's, it's a good idea to plan some of your things in your vacation ahead. So you don't have all this lull time because especially when you're vacation, when you're not doing anything, that's going to be the time when you really end up turning and, Hey, let's just go eat this thing or let's go do this and eat. Right. If you have stuff that's going to keep you busy, maintaining a fast is so much easier. And that's even the
Starting point is 00:27:30 thing that will still happen to me to this day. Like if I'm not doing something or if I'm not keeping myself occupied in some fashion, my mind will somehow find its way to turn towards food. Oh yeah. So it's, it's something to keep in mind. I didn't have anywhere to be this morning, so I ate breakfast. At least I didn't think I had anywhere to be. Apparently, I did. I was supposed to be here. And so if I would have been here like I was supposed to be for the podcast, I would have been fasting. But instead, I was being fat and I was eating breakfast and bringing my kids to school.
Starting point is 00:28:01 It looked like a good-ass breakfast, though. It was good. What did you have? I didn't see. I had some eggs and some sausage and kind of of as per usual okay you had a big old bucket of sausage right yeah yeah i did see it see now even right now i want to make an omelet now like i really want to make it i'm telling you gotta try you gotta try kind of an egg yolk omelet it doesn't have to be all yolks i did that that. It can though. Yeah, it's really good though, right? It was mostly yolks.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I think I had eight yolks and three whites. So it was a majority of yolks but it was really good. Yeah, it's amazing. It was really good. It's amazing. The one that I made today,
Starting point is 00:28:34 I made like 12 eggs or something and I can eat some eggs but like, I don't know. I know some guys that just hammer like eight eggs like it's nothing but I don't normally eat that many eggs like that.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I'll eat like five or six or something like that. But when I was making this one, I took out maybe about three. I took maybe about three whites out and my kids ate it and I ate it. It was it was fucking awesome. It's good. I was just going to say for anybody that's currently watching the live stream on Instagram, hit us with any questions you might have in regards to staying on your diet, staying on your training regimen while traveling, trying something different so they can hear everything. They just can't really see all the angles just yet.
Starting point is 00:29:17 But any hoot. Back to the program. Also, what I wanted to say is that I just want to reiterate as much as I possibly can, and we can't say it all the time, but I want to say that we're promoting intermittent fasting and we're promoting sound nutrition and sound eating. Hopefully for you, you found a plan that works well for you. And I want to make sure that people aren't getting weird eating disorders. Like don't be afraid to eat. Like, when I woke up this morning, I was like, I wasn't even hungry necessarily. I was like, I just made a decision.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I was like, I kind of feel like eating breakfast. And I was like, I think I bought sausage like a couple days ago. I'm like, I'm going to have a breakfast. And it wasn't like, oh, well, I can't have breakfast because it's going to like impede my progress because I need to fast. You know, we're not, we're, we're encouraging you to do intermittent fasting where you're still going to eat and you're still going to have a good amount of nutrition. But we're not encouraging anything that would be like, it's not intermittent starvation, I guess is my point.
Starting point is 00:30:22 It's a, it's a, it's just a break from, you break from eating five, six times a day or even aside from the bodybuilding eating five, six times a day eight times a day, but it's because a lot of snacks. It's like a lot of intermittent eating, which is interrupting our fasting, which the fasting, again, fasting does so many different things, but it's a basic healing of the human body from inside out. You're creating new cells. You're burning body fat. You're burning off sugar. out. You're creating new cells. You're burning body fat. You're burning off sugar. It's a literal fight against insulin resistance, which is powerful for everyone. They believe in 2030, or no, I'm sorry, in 2050, the rate that we're going at, that 50% of Americans will have Alzheimer's or dementia. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:31:27 My parents are in their 70s. I don't want them to – I mean think about that, getting your memory. You get your memories wiped out. I don't know what else you have. I think that's all we got as human beings. So you could be potentially escaping stuff like that just through utilizing some intermittent fasting and fasting when you're on vacation too can look a lot different than fasting when you're home like it doesn't have to be you know i know we talk about 18 hours and we talk about 20 hours
Starting point is 00:31:56 and stuff but it doesn't it could be six hours i mean it's intermittently intermittently you're not eating you're making the decision so let's just say you ate breakfast at eight and now it's 1030 and you're thinking about having like a Coke or a Pepsi or something like that. Just don't have it. Just wait until it's time to eat or that little snack that you're thinking about. Just don't have the snack. Aside from carnivore, aside from all these diet plans and everything, just simply don't eat it. And when you start to abstain from that, you can be really successful just by simply incorporating some intermittent fasting. And you can forget about carbs and fat and protein. And I mean, I would still urge you and encourage you to go towards protein. But man, you can forget a lot of the rules and a lot of the laws that everyone wants you to follow and you can kind of follow your own thing if you can figure out some intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I think that's, that's another good thing to, to think about when going on vacation or going out. Like try to have, whenever you eat, just try to have it be meals. Like try not to. A hundred percent. Yep. 100%. Yeah. When I do think about in the past, when I would go on vacation, I would have a lot of snacks on deck back in the day. I really would. That's something I didn't think about. When a lot of people go on vacation, you usually try to keep food on you. So you got something to pull out and whip out when you're feeling a little hungry. I got that Nutri-Grain bar right there on deck.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Dude, I would pack so much food. It was like I was going off to war just to leave my house every day. It's like, just pause for a second second where in the fuck are you going are you going on some sort of crazy trek out in siberia or something like that yeah like you're you're leaving and you're going 10 minutes down the road to a starbucks just relax everything's gonna be okay you got my little baggie of oranges you never know yeah um we had a question come in from twitch our first question from twitch yeah um so i can't pronounce or i don't know he has a weird screen name but um he just came back from vacation so he did put on some weight and he wants to you know
Starting point is 00:33:57 obviously take some of that off but he heard that uh having cheese is not a good idea period when trying to lose weight is he he accurate, misinformed? What do you think? Anything that you have a good opportunity to overeat is probably going to hinder your ability to lose weight. So if you really love cheese, it might be good to really try to moderate it in some way or just try to kick it out.
Starting point is 00:34:23 But I think cheese is relatively healthy. It's just pretty dense in terms of calories. And you're going to probably eat a little bit more of it or eat a lot more energy than you might have anticipated. Then you kind of hit it on the money there, because when you think about like when people eat cheese, we've said this a lot, that you don't want to mix a lot of carbs and a lot of fat together, right? But what is a beautiful mix? A lot of cheese and a lot of carbs. You know what I mean? So I guess the reason you probably heard that is because whoever said that was saying that in the context of also eating quite a bit of carbohydrates, you're going to probably prong all that cheese. It's not a good
Starting point is 00:34:58 mix. Yeah. Yeah. If you're on like the vertical diet, then cheese wouldn't be so great. Some cheese would be okay. A little bit of cheese here and there. Sprinkled. Cottage cheese and things like that and lower fat options in terms of cheese. But yeah, cheese can be, it can be a slippery slope. But if you're also on a no-carb diet, then cheese is pretty fair game. Again, you just want to
Starting point is 00:35:17 make sure that you're not, you know, just eating it all day long. Yeah. And then from Instagram, GLBR1 asks if you can flip your intermittent fast meaning eat breakfast and then not eat the rest of the day what are you a mutant i'm joking that's against the rules right you can't do that you can do that yeah you can certainly do that um sometimes i'll mention something about like a schedule and i'll say how fasting works really great with my schedule I'll
Starting point is 00:35:45 say like I kind of you know I kind of work from you know nine until four or something like that or eight until four or something like that and other people like well I you know I work nights and I'm like I'm just I'm trying to give you like a reference point that I have this period of time where I go to work as well and that I'm like eating here and I'm eating there and that's all I'm trying to do. But yeah, you can certainly use your intermittent fasting in whatever way would be the most convenient for you. Our snake diet, remind me of the name.
Starting point is 00:36:17 Cole Robinson. Jinx by me, Coke. Can it be sparkling water? That was amazing. Jinx by me a sparkling water. Pellegrino. Where did that come from anyway? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Kids are weird. It is really weird. It's kind of funny. I guess like you just, as a kid, you always just want, you want something extra. Yeah. Because you called it or whatever, right? Pretty much. Anyway, Cole Robinson encouraged fasting earlier in the day, and it can be really effective.
Starting point is 00:36:46 He had me doing it a little bit, but it was just too hard for me with my family eating and stuff like that. I was just like, I can't figure this out. So it was too difficult. The one time I tried a diet that was too difficult, I think I've tried everything and been able to follow them pretty decently. Man, that was a real kick in the nuts. But if it works with your schedule, then that's great. I'm sorry. You said he wanted you to fast during the day or fast during,
Starting point is 00:37:08 what did he want you to do? Yeah. So Cole, Cole would basically like if he feels like in a perfect world that you would work out at like, I don't know, around eight o'clock, seven o'clock, you would get some good sleep and you'd work out in the morning and uh he doesn't really like uh he doesn't really love to to work out completely fasted so he'll say you know eat eat a couple hard-boiled eggs and have a couple oranges and go to the gym and go crazy you know he really is a big proponent of heavy training as well and then from there he would recommend another small meal and then he'd recommend just fast. Through the day.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I see what you mean. Yeah. So he was – I mean he's a proponent of some pretty radical – he's got some pretty radical thoughts. Like he might even say like, hey, man, I want you to eat like 500 calories for the next five days, something crazy like that. Which you're thinking, oh, that's not too bad. Do it for five days. But it makes you hungrier than fasting itself because you ate something. And now you've exposed yourself to food.
Starting point is 00:38:10 That's another thing to think about when you're thinking about traveling and being on vacation is that the second that you eat, that's kind of going to encourage more eating. So just try to figure out a window. Try to figure out a window, try to figure out a window of time. Um, my wife and I fasted yesterday for, I think like 20 hours or so. And as we were doing it, she was like, it is so weird. We're coming down to the end of the fast. And she's like, I just, I really don't care whether we eat or not. She's like, I can go to bed. Let me ask you this. Did she feel that way? Cause I know the episode with her,
Starting point is 00:38:44 she said she's been doing it for a while. And when she started fasting, was it as easy? Like, did she feel that way? Or was it like, was she getting kind of? It's gotten a lot easier because then she also said, she goes, as soon as I started to eat, she's like, I was full. She's like, I got full pretty quick, you know? And she was like, I just kind of knew I needed the nutrition. So I kind of kept eating.
Starting point is 00:39:03 But, I mean, that's the power of fasting. I mean really what we're trying to do, you know, for like a bigger guy or something like that, like a bigger guy might have to fast for a longer period of time to end up with the same kind of results as she got from yesterday and to feel full that quickly. But the basics of it is that if you don't eat for a day, it's going to be really, really hard for you to smash all the calories. And there's a bunch of guys who are like, I could do it, bro. And like we know what you're thinking. But if it's mainly protein, especially that's the first thing you're introduced to, kind of a protein and fat source, you're going to run out of steam.
Starting point is 00:39:43 kind of a protein and fat source, you're going to run out of steam. You're going to eat like two pounds of meat, which is probably not anywhere near your daily, uh, what you need on a, on a daily basis. It's probably way lower than that. So. Yeah, man. Now the old Encima, it was a badge of honor for me with the amount of food I could eat. Like whenever we'd have like a Thanksgiving, I'd like people would be seeing my plates. I'd be like, yeah, I can eat that. I could put it away. And I could, and I was like, nah, I can handle way more. I'd be like, yeah, I can eat that. I could put it away. And I could, and I was like, nah, I can handle way more. I was a garbage disposal.
Starting point is 00:40:07 Now I can still eat a lot, but it's not like it used to be. And it's, it's really crazy. It's, it's awesome that you can feel full off of eating a good amount of food. Like actually a normal human amount of food will make me full. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:20 That's wonderful. And I've seen, I've been with you before. We went to like a, one of those, what is it? Brazilian Steakhouse? Yeah, Brazilian Steakhouse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:28 And you were smashing a good amount of meat that day. But still I think – how many days can you actually do that? And that was just kind of one instance we were out and we were just enjoying food and it just kind of became a thing a little bit too, right? It's steak, man. If it's meat, I need to rephrase this statement right now. If it is Brazilian steak at a Brazilian steakhouse, I can pound it down. Pounding that meat.
Starting point is 00:40:59 The first statement is going to be just wrong. It's going to be a bite. No fap January. Still hanging in there. High five. Boom. boom there we go points on the scoreboard i mean i you know it's not easy but i'm hanging in there yeah real quick shout out to daniel smith who says in february will be a year full carnivore oh my god yeah slow clap congratulations buddy yeah and then a couple different questions about like different types of meat. But Cam asks if there's anything wrong with turkey sausages or turkey hot dogs.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Whatever meats you like, man. I think people ask a lot about hot dogs and processed meats and deli meats and stuff like that. Just try to use some common sense. I think better is better. Like are you going to get more nutrition from beef jerky or you get more nutrition from a fresh thing of meat? Like I'm sure you could have a study that finds there's really not that big of a difference, but can we just apply some general logic to it and say like it probably makes sense to fresher food. So always try to get better stuff is there a reason to eat like turkey hot dogs probably not
Starting point is 00:42:09 a ton of reasons for it but if you want one here and there because it tastes good and it helps you to stay on your diet then go for it i eat piedmontese hot dogs here and there they have steak they're just like steak trimmings from what they've told us and uh those are freaking delicious and they're high in protein i think 21 grams of protein and like 10 grams of fat dang i think hot dogs are usually flipped the other way yeah 20 grams of fat and it's barely yeah um there's a lot of there's a lot of uh research about processed meats and things like that and there's some evidence that shows how awful they are for us and there's some evidence that shows how awful they are for us. And there's some evidence that shows that they don't do anything harmful to us at all.
Starting point is 00:42:49 So it's kind of like the artificial sweetener debate. You know, it's kind of just in limbo, like where people are like, you can't have that. You're going to get cancer. If you have one monster energy drink, you're going to die. You know, other people are saying, hey, look, there's really not much evidence of that. So then I guess I can lead into the next question from ryan for yeah ryan for um he's just basically asking if are there any meats that you would want to avoid then like maybe pork if you're not well that's i know i guess it's more like a person-to-person thing like if i have pork it kind
Starting point is 00:43:21 of pork it hurts my stomach a little bit yeah there's there's really nothing right there's no meats that i personally avoid there are some people that i've spoken to where they're like yeah whenever i eat red meat i get queasy so if you're in a situation where you're eating certain meats and they make you feel bad okay avoid them but there's no meat that i've ever i can't think of i'm really trying to think of a meat you should avoid honestly like a meat that i think is just kind of okay people are gonna get on me for this one i think chicken breast is just kind of useless even if you're on a diet like because i mean if you're on a really low fat diet yeah but chicken breast just seems so
Starting point is 00:43:59 i don't know man i've been eating chicken breasts out of a can oh yeah those wild planet it's really good the wild planet ones this was actually just a Costco brand because I thought I had one meal left in my little fridge here and when I went to go get it I was like oh no I ate it
Starting point is 00:44:19 so then I ended up just cracking two cans open and then just pouring salt all over it. And I was super happy. It was delicious. I mean, chicken just doesn't – a chicken breast just doesn't have as many nutrients as like a steak or something. That's the only real difference. But I don't think it matters too much.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And I think you can have at it with any meat that you want. Seriously, yeah. I mean, except for human. Don't eat humans. Don't eat humans. And if you eat sardines, don't eat a crazy amount of them because there's something in them that you don't want to get too much. Mercury? Yeah, there's like lead and mercury and all that stuff and certain kinds of fish and stuff.
Starting point is 00:44:54 So yeah, you might need to be a little cautious. But yeah, you can have at it with meat. Meat, meat. Play with your meat. Play with your meat. Eat all the meat in the world. You guys want some more questions or you want to move on back to uh traveling and stay on your diet i'll take another
Starting point is 00:45:10 question or two we got just a handful of questions from instagram actually uh let me see if i can pull up their names uh what do we got uh matt something he was just asking about switching to carnivore while in the middle of meat prep. And my short answer was like, well, don't mess with anything that's working because he said that he's actually making gains as is right now. Oh, yeah. Yeah, never mess with anything if you are honestly and truly making progress. And also, don't listen to anything that we say on this podcast. If you're making progress, don't go jumping and switching. Like if you feel like you're doing really good now,
Starting point is 00:45:50 you could take the information that we have and use it at some other time. We put out an arm training podcast. We did one on back and stuff like that. And if you're making good progress and good gains on your arms and your back now with the program that you have, there's really, I can't even think of one reason why uh you would switch i i'm impressed that you're uh influenced by us but uh yeah man keep doing what you're doing and and wait until the contest is over crush the meat and then do the carnivore diet yeah man that off season's the time to experiment not now and then sema just real quick for her name
Starting point is 00:46:25 sophia on instagram um she's actually just a little i don't know what what the uh actual full-on question is but she's just exercising not really focusing on her diet but she's still able to lose weight so my thought was like well you're just expending more uh energy therefore burning more calories yeah maybe like if that was a question or a statement, maybe just like exercising isn't something common to her and she's just doing way more activity than she has in the past. I think that's what is actually happening right now. Yeah. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:46:56 So then Ashton on YouTube is, he wants to hear your guys' opinion on longer fast because we talk about intermittent fasting a lot but when we had colon you know that that opened up a lot of people's eyes to doing like a 72 hour fast or longer he's talking about the autophagy that you gain from fasting from a longer period but he doesn't hear us talk about it much yeah so mark i think you have more experience actually doing longer fasts i mean there are a lot of people that are advocates of doing them like really long ones, 48, 72, five day fasts once a quarter for health benefits. I liked it when I did it and it was a fun, uh, challenge. Um, it's something, it's something I think everyone should try. I first of all think everyone should try like a,
Starting point is 00:47:40 you know, try first fasting, you know, a short period of time, you know, before you go diving into it. But I think a 24-hour fast is very reasonable for people to try. I know that the Spaths, they were saying that they only ate like five or six times a week, five or six times a week. So they might eat like Monday through Friday and they didn't eat at all on Saturday and Sunday. Yeah. And they had one meal. I mean, man, that sounds like a tough, a really tough regimen to do, but it looks like it worked amazing for them.
Starting point is 00:48:11 I would encourage you to try some fasting. I would encourage to try, you know, a 24 hour, 36. You know, I think a great way to get a long fast going is to just stop eating pretty early in the day. long fast going is to just stop eating pretty early in the day. If you could stop eating around lunchtime or you can stop eating around, you know, early, you can like 4 or 5 p.m. or something like that. Stop eating then and then carry out the fast and see if you can make it again until 2.
Starting point is 00:48:42 And then by the time you look at the clock, you might be like, I could make it. You know, I can do the rest. I can do 24 hours um in terms of like all the health benefits and you know i would suggest you go back to some of our uh previous podcasts that we've done with some other experts when they talked about those kind of prolonged fasts and what they can do for you because they had a lot of great information on it um i always forget the guy's name the youtube guy um that we had on that talked a lot about uh longer fast it wasn't cole robinson it was yeah cole did um not elliot the guy with the accent uh you're talking about ken berry no no no he's got no he's got he's like um like european
Starting point is 00:49:21 or something uh seemland yeah seemland seamland check out that podcast and that actually you know check out the guy's youtube channel he's got a lot of great information on intermittent fast he has so much information he goes deep he yeah check his check his channel out and uh if you want to know about longer fast he has a lot of good info peter t has been pumping up a lot of info about long-term fast because he's really deep into that too. I do think that people – it's a little over – it's like a little overblown. I think that it can be really beneficial. The one thing you'll have to keep in mind that if you do a – let's say you did a 48-hour fast and then like two, three, four days later, you find yourself nose deep in a pizza. The fast didn't really work very well.
Starting point is 00:50:03 you know, nose deep in a pizza, the fast didn't really work very well. And those are some things that happened to me when I first tried longer fasts like that. I was like, oh, man, this is great. And then a few days later, I was eating like kind of junk. And I was like, oh, my. I was like, I think this has to do with the fast. I think that it caught up to me like that. Like I can't escape it. Your body is going to tell you, yo, dude, you better make up for that shit. I know what you
Starting point is 00:50:25 tried to do to me. You better eat something. So just make sure that it doesn't result in that. Some of the best advice I've heard in terms of any type of fasting, the best thing to do with fasting is just to pretend it never happened. And I think that's really powerful. When you go back to eating, when it's time to eat, you're going to eat like basically 25 percent. You're going to consume about 25 percent of the energy that you otherwise could have consumed. But you shouldn't be on a quest to really smash so much food that you completely eliminated the fasting that you did. One thing I want to bring out from what you just said real quick is because I've heard a lot of people say yeah i've done if and it's not for me every time i come off of a fast i eat too much food blah blah blah but the thing is is like you've done that before i've done that
Starting point is 00:51:11 before andrew i think you've done that before right or no you're just better than us i think no no early on yeah i think like the first time where i actually did like a longer fast i just ate too fast yeah and then like I got like like it just hurt my stomach yeah they're like there are times in the beginning where I not only did I eat too fast but like I binged I just I just went a little bit crazy on the food I had because I'm like I gotta eat everything right now so much fun but it is so much fun but the thing is is like you get better at that and fasting does also get easier and I mean I don't want to make this blanket statement but i
Starting point is 00:51:45 think literally like anyone could do it it's not like something that i know people are going to hate this but it's not something that just works for some people and doesn't work for others it could work for anybody just got to give it time just like anything else it no it really can work for anyone i mean think about people in your family right now think about your aunt think about your uncle think about your mom, think about your uncle, think about your mom, your daughter, your sister, whoever. It can literally work for, like, anyone has the ability to just simply not eat, to choose to not eat. And again, we're encouraging, like, intermittent fasting, and we're encouraging that you do get some nutrition and you do eat at some point. But this, you know, you want to start out really simple. I mentioned this all the time, but stop eating about two hours before you go to bed. And, uh, and then once, once you wake up,
Starting point is 00:52:31 you know, uh, maybe skip breakfast. And before you know it, it's like 12 o'clock, one o'clock, and you probably were already on your way to a like 14 or 16 hour fast just from utilizing that little bit of strategy. So it's not very difficult. It can be hard to have, you know, 10 or so waking hours without food and you don't have your, your 10 hour day occupied with a whole lot if you're not doing much. Uh, but like the, most of the episode was about, you know, being on vacation and traveling. If you're traveling, it, uh, definitely occupies a lot of time. There's a lot of stuff to do. Journal, write stuff down while you're on the plane, listen to a podcast, get informed,
Starting point is 00:53:13 listen to an audio book. Just try to do whatever you got to do to try to not eat, really, in that situation. It can be difficult because you're kind of like uh almost pre-trained to it you're like every time you know are you really that hungry on the plane or has it been a habit that every time you've ever sat down on a plane you always munched on something so now you're associating the plane with food and so now you're prepared to like do the same thing that you've always done yeah well when somebody says road trip or trip it's like all right what snacks are like it's a thing like you go to the store to actually get road trip snacks i mean i know when i was a kid like when because like we have family in you know socal and mexico like we're like are we gonna go see so and so it's like oh i can't wait to see
Starting point is 00:53:58 what snacks we get yeah man because it's just all part of the show it is but i guess grabbing some snacks like a perfect keto bar wouldn't be that't be that bad of an idea, right? Yeah, instead of Fritos. What kind of chips do you guys like? We've talked a lot about cereal in the past. What about chips? I mean, I think everybody likes Doritos. I mean, come on.
Starting point is 00:54:19 Doritos are legit, right? I like the regular kind of nacho cheese Doritos quite a bit. But I actually like fritos a lot and they have like two ingredients i think it's like that's right yeah they do it's like let me look it up corn and salt or something it's like yeah yeah it was pretty it was pretty bland but they were nice and salty yeah the uh the old encima was a big fan of hot cheetos like high school man hot cheetos oh god i loved them normal cheetos were nasty but hot cheetos were good yeah how about like all that shit you got on your
Starting point is 00:54:51 fingers from stuff like that that's the best so you can you know lick the fingers it's great i don't that's yeah i don't like that wasn't a fat you wait because of the finger licking or because no no i i don't like stuff on my hand like anytime I'm in the kitchen and I'm cooking something, like whether it be steak, whatever it is, I will wash my hand like a thousand times because like I just, I don't like having anything on my fingers and therefore... You can't have like a rag next to you and just kind of wipe it off on there? I can do that, but at some point like I will touch and I'll still feel the filminess of whatever it is and i
Starting point is 00:55:25 can't do it so if i'm even popcorn i can't put my hand in and get the popcorn this is an entire another podcast i cannot do it wow i love i love popcorn because it has butter because of whether it be butter or even if i will have uh popcorn with nothing but salt or sometimes just nothing because that tastes kind of good. I can't touch it because there's still a – Oh, like movie theater popcorn. Yeah, it's like greasy oil filling. How do you eat chips? I just get a cup.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Oh, chips? I don't know. Chips – Fritos works when you can put it in a cup. Hot fries works really good. Hot fries are really, really good. So what, you put it in a cup, you go like this? Yeah, but i don't want to repeat that motion and i had the camera on me too so but yes i i get a cup and it's like i drink the popcorn sometimes dry cereal uh chips anything like any kind of finger food. I just can't.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I don't know. Finger food isn't finger food for you, though. It's not finger food. No, I have to find another way. Like chicken nuggets? What do you do with those? I guess that's a little bit different because there's almost no getting around that
Starting point is 00:56:41 because I'm going in on, like, everything's done. And plus, it's just i don't know i'm usually probably like i would have dipped it in something anyways and so that's an immediate hand wash right after the meal's done um tortilla chips dipping them in salsa yep that's fine huh because it's like dry kind of man do you have this food in our culture in nigerian culture it's like african culture i fufu i've mentioned it here before i used to eat it a lot as a kid you have to use your hand yeah it's like this pounded yam and soup and you have to take the yam out you have to roll it in your fingers to turn it into a ball dip it in the soup put it in your mouth that's how
Starting point is 00:57:17 you eat it so good like it's great that sounds good but now there's a hurdle you'd be that that american with the spoon yeah i went back and forth oh lord um yeah and then like if any of my like nephews or even if jasmine wants to play like nintendo switch or something like can you please wash your hands because i can't have a greasy control well you know what but i've been like that since i was a kid like i would hate driving like a controller or whatever and it would like yeah you're just a clean guy man i ain't gonna hate it i ain't gonna bag on it i'm trying to be sorry trying to be cleaned up over there yeah i do hate um i hate having my hands smell like meat or smell like food you know because you're cooking and like the smoke and stuff or uh sometimes i go to put something like
Starting point is 00:58:02 warm on when i'm like cooking it doesn't really happen as much anymore because the ventilation works really good. But you put something warm on because it's kind of cold, and then you smell like you've been cooking meat all day. That will annoy me, especially if I'm going to work out. And I'm like, man, I washed my hands even, and they still kind of smell like meat. It's weird. If I go anywhere and somebody is like deep frying something, I smell that on my clothes like the entire night. That's all I do. I get home and I cannot wait to get out of them and I have to shower because I feel like it's in my very little bit of hair.
Starting point is 00:58:46 little bit of hair and then uh this actually really really sucks but like if i go to a mexican restaurant i almost have to take a shower after because of that but also and then mark i don't know if you experienced this with your beard that you were growing a second ago but like i can smell the food all around my face and it makes me sick oh it does it makes me wish i didn't eat a lot of restaurants are um like they kind of stink a little bit like the food that they have, which is great when you walk in. But it's not so great when you lay down to watch TV later. You're like, I smell like onions and peppers, bro. Like that's kind of gross. Kind of smell like somebody burped.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Yeah. That's exactly what it is. And then you're like, I'd like reach for gum. I'm like, I got to get this out of this, my butt. Like, it's just bad. Like, I feel like a cloud of burp is just floating around me. Andrew's got a lot of problems over there. We're not even scratching the surface.
Starting point is 00:59:37 This is such a new, I'm very curious about what other stuff you have, because that is very interesting. Like you don't eat finger food with your fingers. That's really can you think about the the coffee maker that i have in here what was the number one rule that i said there's only one rule you can use that as much as you want just throw it out but it was just throw the k-cup out because why because it starts to smell weird yeah cool my bad i dig it so so real quick let's just recap vacation i think the biggest things we had were make sure that you fast that's gonna help a lot make sure you take a bunch of walks because that'll be pretty awesome if you can't get to a gym protein leverage like we talk about almost every episode right exercise if you can so maybe right? Exercise if you can. So maybe find some stairs.
Starting point is 01:00:25 If you can have a gym, cool. But if you have some stairs or you have a band that you can use, cool. No snacks. Don't take food in your pockets. Stay away from it and plan. Yeah, and when you do all that, you can still enjoy wherever the hell it is you went to. And you can enjoy the famous foods from this restaurant or that restaurant. Just don't go off the rails too much with that uh just just don't go uh off the rails
Starting point is 01:00:46 too much with that also don't forget to drink water i think for some reason i think people think like just all the normal rules of the human body like change because you traveled but they really don't and also you know what don't be a bitch about the uh i really this is really annoys me jet lag is is bullshit thing that's just in your mind and same with the time change I'm trying to get used to the time change I'm trying to use the it's like oh my god really do we have to it for me it's uh 4 a.m or whatever it's like no one fucking cares you know get over it and all you all that really is though is you just need appropriate sleep is all it really is and if if you get appropriate sleep, then none of that shit matters.
Starting point is 01:01:26 So figure out a way to get some sleep and shut up about the time changes. No one fucking cares. I got jet lag. Oh, my God. I hate that. Yes. Sleep. Somebody in the face.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Sleep. Where can people find Andrew? You guys can hit me up at IamAndrewZ on Instagram, but really if you guys want to party with us online, it's at MarkBell'sPowerProject on Instagram, at MBPowerProject on Twitter,
Starting point is 01:01:55 slash PowerProject, slash IN slash PowerProject. I don't know what I think at MBPowerProject on TikTok. All the links are going to be in the show notes and in the youtube description and facebook description and twitch i don't even all over the place you guys can find it it's really really easy can't hide everywhere and periscope too where else yeah yeah that's about it for right now and sema if people want to hit
Starting point is 01:02:21 you up where you at dude and sema yang on instagram and youtube and in sima yin yang and tiktok and twitter dude what's up with this chad wesley smith thing man he's been talking trash about nigerians you guys got beef yeah man after what you told me that he said about my mom that was and then my people your mom i cannot believe why would he talk about your mom seems like an amazing woman i thought he was such a really nice guy i thought he was such a nice guy but you guys are gonna go at it some jujitsu oh yeah we're gonna um yeah it's february 8th in costa mesa which is his hometown um and uh yeah it's this flow grappling event yeah his home court flow grappling event called who's number one so it is going to be streaming on flow grappling which is, which is crazy. But yeah, it's wild.
Starting point is 01:03:05 So who's got more beef, you and Chad or Piedmontese? Piedmontese has more beef in general. Chad is beefy, but Piedmontese is very beefy. I'm really excited to see this. I got to figure out a way to – I actually can't go. I think I'm somewhere else. We can stream it. I'll have to stream it and watch it.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I'm really excited because I think both you guys are mutants on an equal level. You know, you're a mutant and a freak and a hard worker and he's a mutant and a freak and a hard worker.
Starting point is 01:03:37 So, I'm excited to see what's going to happen. We should do a, like a fight companion the way Joe Rogan does. Yeah. That'd be great. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 01:03:45 That'd be sick. I should watch it live and be commenting on it. Yeah, except I don't know how to shit about it. So it'll be really good. I'll be the color commentator. It's a seven-minute match. You're working on your crane kick? Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Yes, I'm working on my butt drag, my crane kick. A lot of cheating. A lot of cheating. A lot of cheating. When I was a kid, I watched a lot of pro wrestling. I remember the one manager, Mr. Fuji, he used to come out with – he had salt. He had a little packet of salt, and then the guy would throw salt in the other guy's eyes. So if things aren't going well, chuck some salt in his eyes. I'll have some maybe on my pinky or something so that when i have to like i guess uh face drag him or whatever i'll just salt his eyes
Starting point is 01:04:29 a little bit that he can't see for a few minutes yeah maybe that will i don't know tactics man i don't even know if that'll help though he's pretty big yeah maybe like lube up 940 just gets super slippery so you can't grab me uh man you have to tell us how that 943-pound squat feels. Oh, God, yeah. Honestly, though, it's going to be a great match because I've gone against big guys, but I've never rolled against a guy that is as strong as Chad. You know what I mean? Even the guy at Worlds, Jason Shirley, he was a big dude.
Starting point is 01:05:00 He was a former NFL linebacker, but he wasn't as strong as Chad. So it's going to be really cool and i'm what i'm really happy about i'm really happy that he's in jujitsu too just because like there's there's more strength athletes getting into that sport you know and i feel like a lot of strength athletes would really enjoy it so it's going to be a great showing so here's what i i suggest you do if you were to, by some crazy chance, if you were to lose, you take off the gi and you start posing. Pretend that the whole time. It's a bodybuilding show. I actually think you should do that if you win too.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Just strip off the gi and the rash guard. Start flexing the lats and everything. Anyway, peeps, thanks so much for following along. Please leave us a comment on iTunes and continue to support the show. Keep asking us questions. Keep paying attention to when we're going live and all that good stuff. Shout out to Joe Rogan. He mentioned me and my bro this morning.
Starting point is 01:05:56 He's all in on the carnivore diet. That's pretty cool. It's day number seven. Thank you guys so much for following along with the carnivore diet. Posting up every single day. at Mark Smelly Bell on YouTube. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell on Twitter, at Mark Smelly Bell on Instagram, and on TikTok as well, which I haven't really posted much there. I need to kind of work on my TikTok game, but we'll get there.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Anyway, strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch you all later. Bye.

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