Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 309 - How To Diet on a Budget

Episode Date: January 13, 2020

How to diet on a budget, is it possible? One of the most popular miss-truths, or misconceptions is that it costs too much to eat healthy or to stay on a healthy diet. We want to remove that statement ...from everyone. Today we are sharing some of our tips on how to diet on a budget, some of our tricks, what works for us now and what has worked in the past when we had much less in the bank. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10” at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast➢ Insta:  ➢ Twitter:   ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok:  FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram:  Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Anyway, yeah, we're here at Phil's Coffee today. I love this place. I know, it's great. We got the whole place to ourselves. Everybody's sleeping, I guess. Yeah, well, it is pretty early. These students ain't hungry, you know what I'm saying? It was dark when we came here this morning, like 6.30.
Starting point is 00:00:15 It's different. It's actually pretty cold out, too, today, for California. I mean, it's always fun and exciting to talk about the weather and stuff, but it's been insanely foggy. Yeah. I have zero. Can't see. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:29 It's all bad. I'm like, you know, if this light coming up is red, I don't think my car is going to stop in time. Like, that's how bad it's been. Can't see Jack Swat out there. I've never seen a guy named Jack Swat before, but I would imagine he doesn't go to depth. You can't see shit out there. How are your eyes without your glasses, actually? They're okay. I can see 20-20,
Starting point is 00:00:49 but with glasses, it's just easier. Plus, I'm staring at a screen or a phone or any kind of screen for a long duration of time, and then they get tired. Do you still use those blue light things? Blue light things. Blue light blockers. Oh, yeah, sorry. get weird. Do you still use those blue light things? Blue light things. Blue light blockers. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Sorry. Not as much because the prescription is a little bit different. I know. I got used to these ones. And so when I switch to the, like, the filtered ones, it's a little bit different. And then I'm like, ah, I got to get reused to the new one. And I'm not going to mess with it. You're seeing the whole world through a filter.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Hmm? Technically, yeah. That's true. I don't know. It's like the... Insema's black. The Matrix type setup. Just in case you didn't know.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Are you sure about that? Maybe not. Some people can't tell. Well, some people think I'm something different. Really? Yeah. What do they think you are? I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm just going to keep that to myself. But hey, have you ever... I mean, this is, people have talked about this before, but I'm just so curious how other people actually do visually see the world. Like, we all see colors the same. How about this? You've never seen your face unless it's been from a reflection. Right? That's, right?
Starting point is 00:02:02 Like that's. So you have no idea what you look like. Or a picture. Which is a reflection. Yeah. Is it you look like sure which is a yeah is it still reflection cameras of capture that's creepy man this is real good coffee well it's kind of like uh remember to be smoking right now smoking something remember that uh remember that first time you uh heard your own voice like recorded something, like on a video or something, you're like, I sound like an idiot. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Or sometimes
Starting point is 00:02:27 you somehow, in the middle of talking, you sometimes kind of almost hear yourself, and then it makes you really reserved about the rest of the shit that you say, because I'm not sure if I'm on the right track or not here. I sound dumb. When we do the live streams, like on the Super Training channel, there's
Starting point is 00:02:44 a delay in my headphones with that setup. So I can literally hear myself as I'm going. That's really tough. But the first time I heard my voice, I don't know if you guys remember on Home Alone, how he had that toy that he would record. So my cousin had one, and we used to do little kid radio shows on that. I would kill to get those tapes right now. We were so dumb, but at the same time, it would be really awesome to have that. You could still get those, right?
Starting point is 00:03:11 I mean, they still exist. What do you mean? Like the toys or whatever? Yeah. Do you guys still have those over there where you could get them back or no? No. Who knows where the heck that stuff is. My niece, Olivia, one time was a referee for me and Quinn.
Starting point is 00:03:27 We were playing volleyball on a tennis court. And we're going back and forth and she's keeping count of everything. And I recorded some of it. And then we watched it back. And Olivia's like, oh, my God. She's like, I don't sound like that. She was confused. She's like, my voice sounds so high.
Starting point is 00:03:46 I'm like, you're a seven-year-old girl. Or however old she's like, eight years old or whatever she was at the time. I was like, yeah, that's your voice. We didn't record something different. That was your voice. That's the thing, man. When I look back at YouTube videos on my old YouTube channel, the first video I ever made, I remember after I made it, I'm like,
Starting point is 00:04:04 oh, man, that's not that bad. That's actually pretty good. I looked at it a few months ago, I'm like, god damn, I sound stupid. The camera and everything, the way I was speaking, it just sounded so stupid. It's funny how you think something's so good.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I was like, I was 21 or 22, but I thought my delivery was cool and stuff and then I so good. I was like, I was 21 or 22. But like, you know, I thought my delivery was cool and stuff. And then I look back and I'm like, wow. That was so bad. You're like 10 times slower than you thought you were? Yeah, just the way I spoke. Like I was trying to speak a certain way and it's like not the way I actually speak.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And it was just like, it's so funny when you think at that point in time, you're like, wow, this is great. And then you look back at it and you're like, wow, this is great. And they look back at it. You're like, this did not age well. This absolutely sucks. Yeah. Well, you're not the only one. Gary Vee says the same thing. He's like, you look at my first video.
Starting point is 00:04:57 He's like, and then within 10 episodes, it was completely different because I was holding back thinking that I was going to alienate some of the buyers of like all the wines and stuff in the store. I was like, damn, if that guy can look back and be like, I look dumb. It's okay for everybody else. It gets better as you go because you learn. You learn from really listening to yourself.
Starting point is 00:05:16 I don't really listen to this podcast that often, but I have listened to a lot of stuff over the years. It helps you hone in your craft and what you're going to talk about. Yeah. I listen to this podcast a lot. I try to.
Starting point is 00:05:30 Yeah, it helps you get better. Because you're like, damn, I didn't say this, or I should have said that, or why did I say that? Yep. Why am I cussing so much? Yeah, and Seema? You know, we just had a conversation about this the other day. It's like, I don't know. I don't think I do.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I have a potty mouth. I still don't. I still don't even know where I stand with cussing. Sometimes I'm like, fuck it. And other times I'm like, I shouldn't be talking like that. I'm like, that's my problem. So sometimes I might cuss a bunch and sometimes I might not do it that often. I told Stephanie, I'm like, hey, the next kid like i'm cussing in front of them
Starting point is 00:06:05 i'm gonna be kind of like a dick but in a funny way like just know that that's happening she's like she starts crying i'm like you okay she's like i just that's the first time i ever talked about how you're gonna raise the next kid i'm like oh okay oh that's that's oh that's precious yeah because we were watching uh the avengers Tony Stark says shit, or something like that. He cusses in front of the kid, and the kid says it. He's like, hey, you can't say that word. And then he's like, but you did. Anyway, they got into it, and he ended up telling her that he was going to sell all her shit or something like that.
Starting point is 00:06:37 It was fucking awesome. I don't know. I don't think there's so much wrong with kids and... Oh, shit. You know? Right. It's not that, unless they're doing it at somebody or at a parent. That was the thing, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I told my kids... Fuck you, dad. Yeah, I told my kids, like, yeah, you can't do it at somebody. You can't, you know, you can't do it at school, that kind of stuff. Yeah. And I've heard them before say, like, shit and stuff. And, like, we just kind of laugh. I mean, we don't really... You know, I've never really heard them before say like shit and stuff and like we just kind of laugh i
Starting point is 00:07:05 mean we don't really you know i've never really heard them say anything too crazy yeah um which is good but i'm sure they do right yeah okay so today we're talking about dieting and budgeting or carnivore and budgeting or on a budget i think uh just trying to get healthy food right trying to get healthy food on a budget because i think uh see the per pound cost of a steak or per pound cost of chicken. And it's certainly a lot different than if you're kind of buying junk food, right? If you're rolling through a fast food joint, they sometimes have like 99 cent options, right? Yeah. And so that's what we'll try to figure out today and see if we can provide people some
Starting point is 00:07:47 value so they can shop a little wiser. Yeah. So one awesome way, if you were to get the absolute best quality beef, where would you go? Piedmontese. There you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So that's or homies at They're going to hook you guys up with 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. It's just the absolute best. You guys know we talk about it nonstop. You need to try it if you haven't already. But make sure you get the flat iron steaks. I've been telling everybody to get that.
Starting point is 00:08:20 And then we always mention, like I always mention, it's going to keep it short. But just cook those steaks shorter than you'd cook a normal steak because they cook quick so you don't overcook it keep that in mind i think the first place to start is to you know try to get involved in one of these like super stores you know get involved in like a costco or sam's or i think that's probably the first place that you want to start because they just have very inexpensive options. And when you look at like steaks, I think most steaks are going to be fairly expensive per pound compared to like hamburger meat. You buy the 80-20 hamburger meat in the big old roll.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I used to buy that all the time. That used to be like what I lived off of. That's usually your most uh inexpensive thing that you can get i think i think you get a pretty big sized uh i forget i wish i remember how much uh it weighed but i think it's like seven or eight bucks at like costco yeah and you can live off that bitch for a while that's that that big old tube right yeah that big old giant every single time grab it, you have to do something inappropriate. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Yeah, you're like, this is a giant meat tube. Yeah. Meat log. Yeah. And then one thing that I learned is, you know, everybody knows I love In-N-Out. I go get mustard fried everything. It used to be Flying Dutchman. That got a little bit expensive and also expensive as far as like counting macros and stuff. So I would just get the hamburger patties.
Starting point is 00:09:43 But then I'd go home and I would put it in white rice and have monster mash with it and it's like oh this is such a cool treat the other day i'm like you know what let me just do my home like home-cooked ground beef put mustard in it and it it didn't taste like exactly the same but it was pretty damn close like so much to the point where like i can drive by in and out and be like you know i'm gonna make my own and it's it's i mean obviously it's gonna be cheaper it's gonna be healthier it's gonna be more more uh cost effective more efficient more everything and it's very freaking close so if you guys do like in an hour you want to try an in and out alternative just put mustard in your monster mash it's it's insane you know one thing i think like because this episode's called carnivore on
Starting point is 00:10:23 a budget you'reining on a Budget. Budget's in there, but I think the prime thing that's not happening with a lot of people, because I was guilty of this too, is actually making a budget for the food. Like most people don't know how much they spend out grabbing different things at whether it's In-N-Out, whether it's a coffee shops, etc cetera. Like if they added that up, it would, it's scary to like, you actually tip like I didn't even want to at a certain point. Cause I didn't want to see the number. I was, I was like purposefully ignorant to it, you know? But then when I saw the number, I'm like, Oh shit. You know, I could, if I just spent this or took this and spend it on groceries,
Starting point is 00:10:59 I wouldn't think this meat is so expensive. Yeah. You know? It's similar to like checking out your screen time app. You don't want to find out the answer. So like, yeah. It's hard to find stats on this. I tried to look up a lot of information on it a few weeks back. But if you guys had to take a guess, how much, like what percentage of people's income do you think people spend uh from a percentage standpoint on uh food like average i'd say it would be anywhere between 20 and 25 percent yeah i was going to say i think
Starting point is 00:11:35 people will assume that it's 20 but i'll probably put it up more closer to 35 40 yeah it was about 30 and i would say that it would probably shock people. I think it's probably more than that still, because yeah, what are, what else are you spending money on? I know we got like cars and, you know, we have a house mortgage and things like that. And that's probably where, you know, a lot of your money's being spent as well. Just transportation and shelter, right? Entertainment would be in there as well. Shelter, right? Entertainment would be in there as well. And then food has got to be a massive part of that. And I think that the mistake that we might be making is we're seeing signs all the time and billboards and advertisements on TV constantly saying $7.99, $8.99, $5.99. And you're like, oh, well, lunch is under $10. I never spend over $10 on lunch, but actually pay attention to the next time you get lunch and actually see how much you pay. And I would be surprised if it was under $10.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I don't know how you would get under $10 unless you maybe went to a fast food place and ate some junk. Yeah, I think that one of the cheapest things I'll say I've ever done was I went to Chipotle with my own chicken. I got a veggie bowl and then I put my own chicken in it. Have you ever ended up at two fast food restaurants in the same day? Yes. Of course. That feels pretty fat, doesn't it? It's pretty bad, especially because Chipotle is right next to habit burger and i'm like oh man if i put
Starting point is 00:13:05 the habit burgers inside the chipotle like bowl that'd be really really really good dude you know this place called monsoon burger yeah okay i want to it's really good number one you have to actually check it out it's very good their beef is amazing but i went there and i got my first burger and i told them double patty two eight ounce patties so i went home ate it but they only gave them double patty, two eight ounce patties. So I went home, ate it, but they only gave me one patty. And by principle, I was like, y'all can't do me like that. So I'm back later on in the day. I'm like, you guys gave me one patty. I want to order a double patty. Can you please just make sure to give me that second patty this time? I didn't ask for a discount. I just wanted to make sure they gave me my second patty so I could enjoy the burger with two patties
Starting point is 00:13:42 instead of one. You had to go back. I had to go back. Did they give you a discount? No, they didn't. But I got my second patty and I was happy. Just going to guess it was a straight male that took your order then. Yeah, it was. Yeah, because if it was a chick, you would have got a discount. She'd be like, I'll get your patties for you.
Starting point is 00:14:00 So I brought up the whole cheap thing about Chipotle and stuff because, I mean, how do you get somebody over that feeling of like, well, I'm going to go out with friends. I want to enjoy myself with everybody else. I don't want to be the guy that doesn't eat because I'm saving money or I'm trying to be healthy. I don't know. How can we change someone's mindset? I think, you know, trying to eat at home as much as you can, can be really useful. And even if you are going to go out and eat with your friends, maybe you are realizing that you're going to a pretty nice restaurant and eat before you go out. And in that way, I mean, you can make whatever choice you want
Starting point is 00:14:41 to make food wise and you're kind of camouflaged in with the crowd you have to really worry too much like if you were to um you know if you had a an open diet where you you have a little bit of freedom maybe you would eat um you know some steak at home it'd be a lot less a lot less expensive eating steak at home as opposed to a restaurant and then maybe when you went out to eat maybe you had like a salad or something. You know, you can kind of like camouflage yourself and mix in with the crowd a little bit easier that way. Yeah, steak at restaurants is so overpriced. It really is, massively, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:12 Steak at BJ's and places like that, like I can make a steak at home that's better, number one, but much less expensive. Yeah, that's what I was going to say. I mean, unless it's like a super crazy expensive steakhouse, you're kind of going to always be a little like underwhelmed with whatever steak that they make. Nobody went to Applebee's and said, holy crap, that was an amazing steak. Like that just doesn't happen. Or Denny's.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Exactly. Yeah. Have you guys ever gotten a like a big, I think they're roast, right? Where you can like cut and make your own steaks? Yep. I've never done that because I look at the price tag, right? Right. I'm like, damn, that's like $100 or whatever the cost is. I'm like, I'll just spend $25 on three, and somehow in my head that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:15:56 So your budget is going to kind of coincide with your cooking skills, too. You know, like you're just like, oh, let's get hamburger patties because that's all I can afford. But it's probably also maybe the only thing that you know how to cook. If you learn how to cook like a roast or a turkey or a chicken. I mean, we've talked about chicken before on the show. I think at Costco you can get a chicken like an entire chicken rotisserie chicken for five bucks. Yeah. For five. I mean, and maybe you don't love chicken, but if you do, then that's an amazing option. And then just learning how to cook can really help a lot.
Starting point is 00:16:30 It can really help open up your playbook in terms of what you're able to buy because if you know how to make roasts and tenderloins and things like that, which is really not hard, all you would need is a cookbook. Pay attention to some of the rules in the cookbook or you can just look online. I mean, there's YouTube nowadays and you can learn how to cook any roast or any kind of thing that you want. It's really not difficult at all. It's really just a matter of like preheating your oven to a certain amount and then like just leaving it in for a certain period of time.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And you can use – you had that meat temperature thing, right? Yeah. Did you get yours? I got it. Have you used it yet? I haven't used it yet. Okay. It just simplifies things, especially because I remember hearing people talk about like, oh, I would cook chicken, but I know there's like salmonella in it if you don't cook it right and blah, blah, blah. So I'm like, okay, well, get a
Starting point is 00:17:16 thermometer and you know for sure that it's good to go. It takes all the guessing game out of it. It's so easy. There's a certain amount of degrees you can get to to get rid of all the guessing game out of it. Yeah, what is it? It's so easy. There's a certain amount of degrees you can get to to get rid of all the – you can be 99.9% sure that you blasted all the pathogens and shit out of there. 165 degrees internal temperature for chicken. 135 for about – Yeah, 135 internal temperature for a steak for like a medium well almost. for a steak for like a like a medium medium well almost and uh it's like i said it just simplifies things and you kind of feel like yep my my food's done i know what i'm doing i'm a man or i'm a you know pro chef whatever you know but it's it just uh it just simplifies it and it takes one of those
Starting point is 00:17:57 hurdles out of the equation by the way i've been getting a lot of dms i think you have too about like brands of air fryers and i like I just want to answer this question right now. Just go on Amazon, because there are air fryers that range anywhere from $50 to $200. Just get whatever's in your price point that is four or five stars, because honestly, all these air fryers do very similar things. That's one easy way to get better at cooking, is just get an air fryer. Again, simplified, it just makes it so fryer. Yeah. Again, simplified. It just makes it so much easier.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Makes it faster, too. I mean, an air fryer cooks your food up pretty damn quickly. Again, you know, I think, you know, going back to like kind of buying in bulk and trying to find trying to find deals. There's a lot of apps available nowadays that people are using. And there's a lot of i mean you can just go old school and get the newspaper and get coupons and stuff like that super couponing yeah you can you can do all that kind of stuff and there's um some people were telling me about some apps online i'll try to get the name for us so we can put it in the show notes and stuff
Starting point is 00:18:58 like flip oh oh yeah maybe that's it yeah i. I think we have it from our research team. What do we got over here? Oh, yeah, we got the Flip app. There it is, Flip. I got to download that. What's that app do exactly? I guess it just helps you find discounts on stuff? It applies filters and gives you discounts on, like, bulk items.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Sick. I use a lot of Rakuten, too. It's another website. Yeah, yeah, it's a website. Oh, my God. Are we getting some Intel right here? Sweet. That's what you're looking for right now?
Starting point is 00:19:32 Yeah, it's like super low prices at like Safeway and stuff like that. Oh, man. And then finding different grocery stores to shop at too like um right down the street from from my house is uh is a nugget supermarket but like nugget everyone always thinks is crazy expensive and it is expensive in comparison to a lot of other stores but they also normally carry higher quality products so like you if you went to nugget and looked at like their cereal it would be the same as it is everywhere else. But they're going to have weird offshoot items.
Starting point is 00:20:07 They'll have a wide array of dark chocolate, and they'll have a wide array of different steaks and prime meats and stuff that you can get. And you look at those in comparison to being at Safeway, you're going to be shocked. You're going to be like, oh, my God, this place is crazy. But it's really more so to do with they have a little bit higher quality stuff at places like that. Yeah if you're always looking for some kind of gluten free option Nugget will always have it. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:34 That's what we've had to do a couple times. It's more of a health conscious place. Yeah they do. Yeah they do. It's a lot more expensive than what we can offer you guys but they have it there if you run out. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I got some of those Piedmontese sliders sent to me yesterday. I'm really pumped about that.
Starting point is 00:20:55 And then they keep sending me that Dynasty bone-in ribeye, probably because they hear us talking about it on this podcast. Bone-in ribeye? Yeah. Tomahawk. Tomahawk. Oh, okay. Tomahawk.
Starting point is 00:21:04 Yeah. Yeah, these look so good. God dang. I don't want to get hungry. Mornings, we always talk about food. It's a trap for me. But, yo, if you guys don't have a Costco or Sam's Club membership, you have to get one. Because when I was in college and even after that when I was training people and I wasn't bringing in that much money, those places were so clutch in terms of getting all the chicken I needed, all the beef I needed.
Starting point is 00:21:27 It was really, really inexpensive because there was so much. And eggs, too. I'd get that 60-count eggs every single time because the price of eggs was just so much lower. So I saved so much money there. It's like, what, $60 for an entire year? Wait, for a Costco membership? It's not, what, $60 for an entire year? Wait, for a Costco membership? It's not bad at all. And also, too, on the kind of hierarchy of things that you should be worried about,
Starting point is 00:21:50 I think the main thing you should be worried about is managing your body weight, and I would put that as a priority, and I would make payments towards that every single week. And then additionally, I wouldn't worry too much about like the omega three eggs, like the, the flax seed fed chickens and the grass, the grass fed, grass fed beef. And like, I just wouldn't, I wouldn't really waste your time with that. I would just, my main concern would be like, okay, I'm, I feel like I'm pretty unhealthy. I want to get in better shape. And then if you, you know, if you start to'm pretty unhealthy. I want to get in better shape.
Starting point is 00:22:27 And then if you start to have more money or you start to run into a situation where you can afford those other foods, then you go for it as goes your values and your ideas in your head of what that means to you. To me, I don't think it really makes a huge difference. I think that advertising and propaganda will always win. It will always be there. You're always going to think that this shampoo or cream or body spray or whatever the fuck it is, just because it's expensive and it's advertised to you all the time, you're just going to think that that's the best.
Starting point is 00:23:03 That's the way to go. That's what I should be doing. And it's just kind of the way of the United States and that's just where we're at. But I don't think, you know, there's not going to be somebody that eats omega-3 eggs versus regular eggs who's going to live to be 170 years old. And then another just super easy way to, you know, help the budget is like following something like whether it be carnivore diet help the budget is like following something like whether it be carnivore diet or the vertical diet you have like four or five things that you buy and
Starting point is 00:23:30 then that's it like so when when those things go on sale you can buy in bulk but also like you're not kind of going around the entire grocery store like oh this looks pretty good i'll grab this like oh i remember okay we're gonna grab that and then by the time you're done it's like oh wow that's 300 on food i didn't mean to do that. I came in here for nothing, ingredients to make Monster Mash. And like if you go, if you show up to like a party, you know, people bring like chips and dip and sodas and stuff, right? Well, when you're eating healthy, you just cut out all three of those things. Those are not even, and then you're even more conscious of what you show up with when you start to show up places.
Starting point is 00:24:06 You're like, I don't think I'm going to bring that. I think I'll bring like deviled eggs or something like that. And you go to the store and like those aren't that expensive. And you make better choices because you're constantly thinking about not just your own health. You start to think about other people's health. You're like – like last night I was putting meat in the freezer and i i just saw like there was some stuff from christmas that was still in there was like cookies and some sort of weird toffee crunch almond thing or whatever i'm just i just threw it all away i'm like no one in
Starting point is 00:24:36 the house needs this for anything so i'm just gonna fucking chuck it i just got rid of it you know i can picture myself listening to this like years back. And one of my main, I don't need a lot of variety nowadays in terms of food. But one of my main things back in the day or my excuses for eating, I was like, oh, I need variety. You know, I can't just eat these same things every single day. But the thing is, is like I know that at that point I'd be saying that and giving myself an excuse. But I wouldn't actually put in the effort to look up different recipes for good food that I can make easy to cook at home that would give me the variety and it would be less expensive. So if you're like a college-age person listening to this, like if you want variety, seriously, variety is very inexpensive. You literally just need to Google it.
Starting point is 00:25:19 You just need to Google some of those recipes and they're free. Google some of those recipes and they're free. Even look at Stan Efferding's Bone Broth on the website that they have where you don't even have to purchase them from there, but you can look at all the different varieties. I suggest you purchase them from him because they're actually really, really good. They taste really good. They might not fit your price category at the moment, but they're delicious. But he'll have a Monster Mash that's primarily just meat. It might be like meat and carrots.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Meat, carrots, bone broth. Then he might have another one that's like meat, carrots, spinach, and bone broth. Then he'll have another one that has peppers in it. And he'll have another one that has onions. All these different options. As soon as you go and put peppers into a recipe, it's a totally different meal. It changes everything. Or you throw a little cheese in something. Or there's small adjustments. totally different meal. Yep. It changes everything. Or you throw a little cheese in something or,
Starting point is 00:26:10 you know, there's small adjustments. And then, you know, if you're on if you're on kind of a regular diet, just trying to be in good shape and you're not really trying to be carnivore or keto shit, rice is very expensive. Potatoes are very inexpensive. Vegetables can sometimes be a little pricey, but like for how much you can use of them and they really don't cost a ton. And it just depends on, you know, what, like what you're buying, you're buying pre-packaged stuff. You know, if you're buying the packaged spinach, then it's going to cost more than, you know, buying a big old bundle of spinach, things like that. Yeah. And I mean, hopefully people don't get too weirded out but like i buy all my produce at walmart because it's the cheapest and i don't eat vegetables like at all like i don't but we use all these ingredients to make salsa which i pour on literally everything and that
Starting point is 00:26:55 helps a ton yeah and then another thing that like i didn't i didn't experience until i moved into a bigger space where i could actually have like room for it was an additional freezer. Please tell that meme, bro. Oh, man. Okay, so the meme I woke up to this morning was white people be like, no, no, no, no, no, not that fridge, the one in the garage. Damn, I ruined it. But I was cracking up because I'm like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Yeah, I can actually say that now. But, you know, anyways, yeah, being able to buy in bulk and have the space to throw it in the freezer in the garage is huge. Yeah, I have a freezer that's just absolutely enormous. I have a huge fridge. The thing is like, I don't know, probably like maybe about 10 feet tall, it seems like. Now, it's probably like about 8 feet tall, but then it's probably a good like 4 or 5 feet wide. I mean, it's huge.
Starting point is 00:27:53 And then on top of that, I have a freezer in my garage that's full of meat, and then I have two other fridges in my, I don't know how any of this happened, but I got three refrigerators and a freezer, just food coming out of everywhere. Well, I guess when you have a house that big, you need to fill it up somehow. You need to take up some space. It's in case there's a zombie apocalypse is my excuse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Well, okay. So back to the freeze, like what happens when a buddy of yours is a hunter and he's like hey i have all this extra meat do you want some i need hunter friends i know and i got family members that are hunting and then casey in the warehouse he always has something too but like how cool will it would it be if you had the like uh opportunity to be like oh yeah please i'll take whatever you got and you can throw it in your freezer. So it's a small buy-in. It's probably like maybe a hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Yeah. But, I mean, then you're set. You're good to go. Yeah. All you got to do is thaw it out and you're... Yeah. Or even in the air fryer, I heard some people just throw stuff in frozen, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:58 You can cook frozen food in there. Same with the Instant Pot, too. Mm-hmm. You know, one cool thing I was thinking about was thinking about like okay this isn't carnivore but for a lot of people that are craving fast food type things like you can make like fries that aren't horrible or macro unfriendly in an air fryer by just cutting up some potatoes seasoning them you don't even have to toss oil on them if you don't want to you don't have to toss oil on them put them in there boom you got fries and they're really freaking good yeah and they'll taste amazing they will exactly you got fries and they're really freaking good. Yeah, and they'll taste amazing.
Starting point is 00:29:26 They will, exactly. And they're much healthier. Like, one thing I noticed, and you guys tell me if you notice this too, anytime I cook at home, shits are great. Poop is great.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Oh, yeah, yeah. Everything's awesome. I eat, like, not just fast food, but even at a restaurant that's pretty good, all right? I have the shits. Like, that's one reason where I'm just like, I can make everything better if I just make it at home.
Starting point is 00:29:50 You know, at almost every restaurant, they're going to dump quite a bit of oil on your food because they're trying to really make it taste good. And if you're trying to get the sizzle and the kind of fry and a and a sear of a meat you know if you have oil on it it kind of makes it more effective i don't think it really makes it taste any better because when i cook stuff at home i never use any of that stuff and it still tastes really good but you know in in their case you know they might have you know it might sound gross but like their stuff's probably not as fresh as what you're cooking at home too i mean you could have something that you bought from the store immediately put in the freezer and you thaw it out or sometimes you buy something right from the store right then and eat it which is my favorite way to eat uh steaks and stuff like that i love having a fresh meat that
Starting point is 00:30:37 makes a huge difference but you know i think that um people aren't really conscious of that of what you just pointed out is the fact that you don't know what they're using in a restaurant. And we did that video with Chef Rush. I mean he just kept squeezing oil on the thing over and over again. And they call it olive oil but it's usually olive oil and canola oil in most restaurants. They have like what is referred to as 80-20 because restaurants are always trying to cut costs wherever they can. Selling food is like a lot less profitable than we probably think. And it's, you know, owning a restaurant and stuff like that is very, very difficult.
Starting point is 00:31:17 So wherever they can, they try to cut a corner on expense. And so they have things like that that we don't really want in our food but it ends up in our food yeah and so going back to the the air fried potatoes um if anybody's followed this podcast from power project day one then you'll know that like fries has always been like my my thing like that's like french fries i can't not have french fries so doing um shred again like my my pursuit to get abs like i didn't have any kind of like fast food fries or anything but i made them at home i know and i'm like you know what like this isn't this is great like okay i'm never gonna have fries at the restaurant they don't compare they it's i mean eventually at some point i will i know i will but like i've been in and out
Starting point is 00:32:02 since then i've been to other places where fries are available. And I'm like, I don't even want it. Like, it's crazy. And so I wanted to point that out because I know somebody is like, yeah, right. Air fried potatoes. That doesn't taste good. Like, dude, I had an addiction to fries. Like that was my thing. That's all I ever wanted. I never knew this about you. Yeah, dude, it was. I mean, Mark will be jokes about it now. But like, i'm sure it frustrated him back in the day because i'd be like oh i would you know stay on a clean diet but i'm just like out of all the goddamn things you can pick he's like fucking french fries they get cold and soft and they're they're fucking bullshit like they don't even taste good anymore
Starting point is 00:32:37 and i'm like dude but that's that's my thing you know yeah i do understand when they're hot they taste pretty good eating a couple of them's pretty good. Yeah, but I mean, just getting an air fryer changed all that. And now I'm good. Like, I don't need to have them anymore. I can make them at home and they'll taste better. I'll feel better and it'll just be better all around. And then how much better do you feel? Like, how much more fulfilled are you when you're looking down at a steak that you prepared?
Starting point is 00:32:59 Right. And let's also say that you eat, let's say you eat like three times a day, you know, three or four times a day. And let's say that you you eat, let's say you eat like three times a day, you know, three or four times a day. And let's say that you normally spend around 20 bucks. Like that's just off of like Instagram and kind of polling people and asking people. People are going back and forth between all these prices. But the one that kind of kept coming up was approximately around $20 a day, which I think would be about $140 a week. It might be a little less for some people. And
Starting point is 00:33:26 some people might be like, my grocery bill is way less than $140. I spend $70 and that's food that lasts me the whole week. But you're not accounting for the Saturday night that you went out to eat and you're still missing some pieces of the puzzle of things that you consume during the week that have calories, which would be food. In my opinion, your, your $5 Starbucks that you may have every day, uh, is,
Starting point is 00:33:50 is going towards that, uh, that bill. So anyway, um, you know, let's just say that you normally spend around 20 bucks a day, um,
Starting point is 00:33:58 and even lower, but like around $20 a day. If you now start to eat like twice a day or once a day, you can either save money or you can put more, more money. You can leave the money at the same and buy higher quality stuff, you know? So you have an option there. And I, I just shifted this week to eating once a day. I'm trying the Spath diet this week, which is, uh, they only eat five times in a week. Uh, I'm not that crazy yet. So I'm just going to try seven, seven meals. I'm just going to try seven meals. I'm just
Starting point is 00:34:25 going to try one meal a day for the whole week. But I mean, you're still going to eat a lot. You're going to consume a lot in that one meal. But are you going to make up 100% of the amount of food that you would normally eat? Probably not. And maybe on day one and day two, maybe you do. But after a little while of engorging yourself with food and really feasting, you'll probably calm yourself down and make a little bit better decisions on how much you eat. Yeah, that's the next thing I was going to say was just fasting. If you're eating less than you're spending much less on food, when you when you do get to your one meal, if you were to look at it as far as like plates go,
Starting point is 00:35:07 how many meals are you having? Because I've been doing like three dinners in one at night, like on accident because I'm trying to catch up to my macros. But I'm just like, hmm, like I've been eating for like three hours. It's been awesome, but I'm just curious how you're doing it. So what I've been trying to do is I've been trying to have like a, you know, a one-hour eating window. And so, you know, somebody that's listening to this that wants to give this a shot, if you're worried about like protein and stuff, I would say even throw down a protein shake after your meal or with your meal. I would do it after the meal probably so that way you can eat more actual food.
Starting point is 00:35:42 But I'm not really concerned about any of that. You know, so far it's, I'm only a couple of days in, so I have no idea how my body will really react to it. But last night I had, last night I went out with my wife. So that was expensive because I ordered two different steaks that were on the menu and salmon, which is just crazy. But if I ate that at home, which I did the night before I ate that same thing at home. I mean, you're looking at spending around $12 as opposed to probably like $80. I mean, what a massive difference that is, right? Yeah. Like last night, because I do that one meal quite often, I had two ribeyes, an omelet that had eight eggs, some hot links, some cheese on it, and then there was a protein shake.
Starting point is 00:36:31 So that was all within, I ate that within like an hour. Yeah. That was a lot of protein, a lot of fat. And like when I brought to do that one meal, that's what it turns into. It turns into just a massive feast. that's what it turns into. It turns into just a massive feast. I did eight ounces of chicken breast,
Starting point is 00:36:47 half a cup of rice, 16 ounces of really lean ground beef, whole cup of rice, protein shake, and then because I had plenty of macros, I had plain ass Cheerios. So I wanted something crunchy. There we go. I think like conventionally,
Starting point is 00:37:07 let's say we look at the performance side of things. One meal, a lot of people don't think that you're going to be able to go to the gym or do the exercises you've got to do or whatever well. Yesterday, I was able to go to two jiu-jitsu sessions, and I thought I'd feel bad, but I felt great throughout both, and I didn't have to take a break at all. It really comes down to just trying it out and giving yourself time to actually get used to be able to expend energy when you, you don't have food in your stomach. That's all it is. I think you could really, or most people could really do well. It's just a scary thing to try cause it's not popular. Yeah. And, and you might not feel good, you know, like you may do it cause like you have worked your way into it over a long period of time and so have i and so if you're like all right starting on monday i'm gonna try what mark and sema said that might be crazy hard for you you might really feel like
Starting point is 00:37:55 crap and i don't even think that either one of us would recommend that to you i would think you you would want to try to build into it if If you never fasted before, trying to move into one meal a day is going to be very tough. However, I do think that food choices and your frequency of your food, I think, are two things that could cure obesity pretty rapidly in this country if people could figure out a way to shift their body, to shift themselves into primarily eating one meal a day. I think fasting is so much more natural than we even give it credit for. The human body is designed and set up to go through some fasting and even some starvation. The human body is designed to make ketones and to run off of fat and run off of ketones.
Starting point is 00:38:41 But like most people's bodies don't ever, I mean, think about someone who's someone who's excessively overweight. Their body probably never goes through the fat burning process at all. Their body probably never even produces hardly any ketones at all. And it's like, what's the consequences of that? I don't think that we know yet, but perhaps the consequences are diabetes. Perhaps the consequences are cancer. I mean, these are all things to consider and things to think about. And the reason why people are leaning so hard towards these lower carb style diets. You know, like mentioning that, man, when I look back at how I was eating, like in the past, all day long, lunch yeah you have snack dinner like i but but
Starting point is 00:39:26 like the thing is my eating frequency was so much there wasn't that much time that i was going without food now doing this or or not eating for most of my day for what is it a year and a half now when i look back at that i i feel i could be so weird and even on times like when i'm like okay i'm just gonna have breakfast with my girlfriend or something today and I'm just gonna eat through the day it's weird and I don't feel nearly as good I just feel kind of like lethargic and tired I feel bad about it when I gotta eat breakfast you feel bad
Starting point is 00:39:54 I feel bad about it I'm like this is gonna suck I gotta kind of eat all day because I know that I started once you kind of kick that off then you have to kind of continue eating all day it's hard to like at that point it's just hard to like not eat like you can do it but then you end up just kind of kick that off, then you have to kind of continue eating all day. It's hard to like at that point, it's just hard to like not eat like you can do it. But then you end up just kind of wanting to get something else later on. So it's just I feel like what we're doing, even though it's not popular, it's actually like you said, it is more of a normal habit or it used to be.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Right. How about do you still you still fasting often right now or i fast every day there we go still like there's there's the the amount of productivity i get through done throughout the day is insane like i'll blink and i'm like oh shit i gotta start eating soon yeah which isn't healthy but only that's not unhealthy actually but only because i go in knowing that i'm going to do that so like i don't start the day with, like, a coffee with, like, cream and, like, you know, or have a snack here or there or whatever. But, yeah, dude, fasting is great, especially for someone like me who doesn't necessarily love to pig out on food. By the time I do start eating, it's like, hey, like, this is going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Let's see how many eggs I can fit into my macros because I still track. I know Mark has said, like, there's, you know, he doesn't like tracking or doesn't recommend it. But for me, it helps because I know I'm like, oh, I'm way behind. Like I need to eat a little bit more protein now. So in that aspect, it helps me out a ton. But yeah, dude, it's so much fun to be like, oh boy. Like when you start like calculating stuff out, like, damn, I get to have eight eggs right now. I get to have a whole cup of rice or I get, you know, whatever. I'm going to have to eat, you know, 16 ounces of chicken
Starting point is 00:41:28 in this one meal. And it's like, oh, previous me would be like, that's impossible. Me today, it's like, no, that means I can put a bunch of seasoning right here. I can use chicken stock, as much salt as I want. That's something I never knew I could do. Like, I thought you're not supposed to have that much salt. Now it's like, oh, wait, no, go nuts. It's fine. I almost forgot about, I used to eat these steaks all the time when I was broke. And they're called Eye of Round Steaks. They're extremely lean.
Starting point is 00:41:56 They're extremely lean. They're, like, just as lean as chicken, pretty much. Flavor-wise, they're not, you know, they're not super tender. I was going to reach for my phone, too. Yeah, flavor-wise, they're not super tender. I was going to reach for my phone too. Yeah, flavor-wise, they're not super tender, but I have round steaks, very inexpensive. Now, when you look at them, you're going to be like, there's no way I can get full off of those
Starting point is 00:42:15 because they look like two little hockey pucks. They're very small looking. But because they're primarily protein, you're going to get full on them pretty fast. So even last night, I had a flat iron steak was the first thing that I ate yesterday, and it was going to be something I wanted to mention on the podcast is, you know, the stuff that's been shared with us about protein being satiating from Ken Berry and from Dr. Baker and Paul Saladino, and it just keeps coming up. I mean, we just keep
Starting point is 00:42:45 hearing it over and over again, especially Ted Neiman, who's saying he doesn't even believe that protein should count as a calorie. Those guys had such great information and such great wisdom towards protein. When you are protein focused and you have protein first, it annihilates your appetite. So when I went to this restaurant last night, my fear was that I'm going to sit there and just keep ordering food forever. But when I ate the flat iron steak, which is a pretty lean form of meat, once I got through that, I was very calm. And I was like, oh, I'm going to be more than satisfied with what I have in front of me. But when I was looking at the food with my eyes, I was like, this ain't going to work. And I'm like in fat Mark Bell panic mode.
Starting point is 00:43:32 I'm like, I'm going to need to wash this down with some ice cream or something. But, you know, I was really kind of sweating it. But, like, it's very, very true. When you eat leaner meats or eat protein and you start to consume a large amount of protein, it will start to fill you up. The other thing is that's amazing about steak, and this gives it an advantage over pretty much everything else. It's tough to chew. And then what have we learned about hunger? What have we learned about being satiated, right?
Starting point is 00:44:02 We've learned that it takes time. about being satiated, right? We've learned that it takes time. So, you know, if you, if you want to get full, uh, fast, then, you know, get, get a steak that's fairly lean. It's going to take you about 10 minutes to get through it. Even if you're crazy hungry, probably anyway, just with all the damn chewing that you have to do. And then the signals in your body and the hormones in your body are now like, Hey, like, you know, we're, we're pretty satisfied. We're pretty good. And maybe you have to eat a little bit more, but you pretty much be done at that point. And then how about stuff that we should be avoiding? Because I think the misconception about like eating healthier costs more because like a Quest bar costs more than a Snickers, you know, like whatever it is,
Starting point is 00:44:45 like, Oh, because it says low fat, it's going to be more expensive or because it's low carb, it's more expensive. So like, we'll call it fake health foods. Like, yeah, there's a lot, there's a lot of shit to really get over, get into and to knock out of people's lives. I mean, first of all, if you're broke, you shouldn't be going on vacation. I mean, that's number one. Like I've never, I've never been anywhere in my fucking life until I made some money. Like, even as a kid, we never really went anywhere. So I think that's number one. I think that you're kidding yourself.
Starting point is 00:45:16 You're like, I can't afford my food. But you have every goddamn streaming thing possible on your fucking TV. And then you're like, I can't afford to do carnivore diet. It's like, are you fucking kidding me? You spend $125 on fucking television. It's a fucking joke. People have a broke mindset, and that's what drives me nuts when I see those comments because they're like, oh, well, it's easier for you because you've got money.
Starting point is 00:45:40 I'd done it before without money, and I remember what it was like. And it was hard. It was difficult. It was more difficult. But it before without money. And I remember what it was like. And it was hard. It was difficult. It was more difficult. But it's not impossible. You buy bulk eggs, buy bulk hamburger meat, buy shit that's on sale, go to stores that aren't overpricing their foods or have the highest quality of meat. Don't bother to go into a fucking Whole Foods and stuff like that. Yeah, and if your iPhone doesn't look like it got shot up by a drive-by,
Starting point is 00:46:09 you should not be looking at the new iPhone 11 or the 12 or whatever and then complain that you don't have enough money for food. Yeah, it's like $12,000 or something, right? It's so expensive. But, yeah, I see the same thing. It's like, oh, I can't eat healthy. It's like, those Jordans were really expensive. And you have a new pair every day.
Starting point is 00:46:25 You always have the new one that comes out. I don't understand why you can't get like some legit food. But anyway, yeah, that's one. Like, yeah, you got to budget everything out, not just food. You got to figure out exactly what all of your money is going towards. Because I know when I was I was spending some money on stupid things when I was in college. And I was like, why am I, why don't I have money? But it was because I was wasting money on literally stupid shit.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Supplements, you know, protein bars and stuff. I mean, you just have to put a value on it. Like, what do you value it at? Is it more important than you getting sound nutrition? And there's not a lot of things I would put over top of sound nutrition. So, you know, having some supplements here and there to mix up some flavor, to have a protein shake, as you were mentioning, or to have something just a little outside of your diet, that totally makes sense. And that's being very reasonable.
Starting point is 00:47:18 And you should have some stuff. You should have a fucking beer. You should have some wine or something like that here and there. But, you know, try to figure out a way. Like, do you need to go to a bar to do it? Because you're going to spend a fuck ton more money doing it that way than you're going to be like just a couple of course lights with your buddies or something like that. Okay. So then biggest takeaway for people to take home with them from Mark Bell on budgeting and staying on your diet and whatnot. I'll sum it up real quick. Make more money. Get a job.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Or a second job. Yeah, I guess so. I mean, we could end it right now. I'm a true believer in that. I mean, I mean this, and people will think I'm an asshole for it, but I never think that anything's too expensive. I always think you should figure out a way to make more money. Figure out a way to make.
Starting point is 00:48:04 I know people are talking about being uncomfortable. The reason we're talking about being uncomfortable so much, the reason why you keep hearing that so much is that so you can be more comfortable in other areas. You know, what we're looking to try to gain through our nutrition in the first place is some sort of freedom. We're trying to gain some like fitness freedom, some freedom with our body so that our body feels good all the time so that we're not lethargic. We're making an investment into our body. I feel better now than I ever have in my entire life. And then when I went to do my walk run yesterday, I was like, fuck it, I'm just going to run the whole thing. And it felt really good. And I haven't run a mile in probably two years or something like that.
Starting point is 00:48:45 And, and previously before that, I have just no running experience at all. So I'm feeling better all the time, but it's an investment that I've made in myself to try to make myself feel better. It's something that had to be forced. It's something that had to be worked out. It's something that really took a long time. And that when I was younger and didn't have money for stuff, I never really sat around and thought, Oh, I wish I could do that. I was always like, I'm going to figure that out one day. I I'm going to, I'm going to up, up, you know, move up the ladder. And then you see like, um, I see people like Grant Cardone with like a private jet and stuff like that. And I'm like, that's fucking cool. I'd love to, I'd love to be able
Starting point is 00:49:22 to try to figure that out. I don't know if I ever will, but I'm going to try. I'm going to try to figure that out. So always work on, you know, leveling your way up. And then we gave you guys a bunch of good tips on what you can do, you know, eating on a budget. Yeah. And if you guys have any more tips, wherever you see this posted, whether it be YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, posted, whether it be YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, wherever the hell it is, leave your tips in the comment section. That'll be great. And we have a couple ones from Twitter.
Starting point is 00:49:53 I'm not sure how to pronounce that. That guy said super something. What does that say? Where are we at? At the bottom. He said go to Sam's Club. Yeah, Super Marcados. Yeah, Super Medicados.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Yeah, something he gets online, I guess. It's an online meat box. Allows me to splurge a little on items. Yeah, anyway, I've never heard of it, but we should check it out. I've never heard of it either, but yeah, just fucking Google some of this stuff too. Yeah. And you'll find a lot of great information. There you go.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Boom. Boom. Boom. Where can people find you, Andrew? At IamAndrewZ. But if you guys really want to party, it's at MBPowerProject on Twitter, at MarkBell'sPowerProject on Instagram, slash, I think it's MarkBell'sPowerProject. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:41 I'll check it. slash IN slash PowerProject. We're on Twitch. We're on Mixer. We're all over the place. All the links will be down in the description. Nsema, where you be? Nsema Iyang on Instagram and YouTube.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Nsema Yin Yang on TikTok and Twitter. Mark Smelly Bell on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. Thank you guys so much for following along. Really appreciate it. Today is day number 10. We're in that double digits for World Carnivore Month. And if you haven't jumped in on it yet, you still got three weeks. We still got three weeks of carnivoring it up.
Starting point is 00:51:18 So please join in. You can check out my Facebook group, which is Mark Bell's Carnivore Challenge. There we go. Took me a second to think about it, but go over there and check it out because a lot of people are sharing information amongst each other, which I think is actually a lot more valuable than just getting information from me because now you're sharing information with people that are just getting started on the diet just as you might be. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later.

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