Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 340 - Andrew Saved a Life

Episode Date: March 2, 2020

Just the Power Project Crew today, reunited, double LP World Excited, Wu Tang Wu Tang. Andrew saved his fiance's life, Mark gained weight and Nsima's girlfriend likes to prank him. Often. Subscribe to... the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10" at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah so i think a bavette steak for people that don't know i think it might be a little bit similar to a flat iron steak but the bavette steak man that thing is really really tender so what i did the other day with it is i just and i showed it on my instagram so make sure you guys check it out so you can learn how to cook it but i just chopped it up with some scissors i threw it on my uh my grill and or griddle rather and it cooked up in like, I think about three minutes. Whoa. It cooked up super fast. It was 16 ounces of meat, 16 grams of fat, one gram of fat per ounce.
Starting point is 00:00:34 And it was 100 grams of protein. Country grammar. Wow. 100 grams of protein. That's incredible. That's why I look so jacked today. Yeah. So it's not the steroids.
Starting point is 00:00:45 It's the beef. But isn't it kind of like almost blasphemy to cut it with scissors and do all that? I think people get all worried about the way that you cut up, you know, the way you cut your meat and the way that you cook it and stuff. But I actually have been using scissors for a while. And if you cook it before you cut it, you get the luxury of having the meat like right away because it cooks so fast and i know some people like oh you know it's going to be more tender it's going to be more
Starting point is 00:01:09 juicy when you cook it this other way but it's just a different experience cutting it this way the other thing i learned is that sometimes with like a grass-fed meat which certified piedmontese has a lot of grass-fed grass finished meat as well uh sometimes there's going to be some parts that are kind of tough. And what we know from like Paul Saladino and Dr. Baker, like those guys want you to commit. They want you to eat the whole thing, right? They want you to eat even some of the weird wiry parts.
Starting point is 00:01:33 But when you cut it up a certain way, you get to eat all that stuff without it being like weird or stringy or any of that stuff. So it works out really good. I love it. Yeah. Certified Piedmontese, the absolute best beef on the planet. Head over to
Starting point is 00:01:46 That's At checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Can you believe that? 100 grams of protein. And 16 grams of fat. It doesn't look like you're in belief, man. It still shocks me.
Starting point is 00:02:03 It still does shock me. But it's true. 100 grams. Wow. I got some stuff. Oh, you do? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yep. You do got some good stuff. I found out what you did. Okay, so I'm getting fired on air is what's going to happen. Yep. Shit. Yeah, that was shit. I mean, I knew you were into freaky shit, but that was crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:23 And then to see the pictures. Dude, you know what's so fucked up? Okay, are we on air right now? Yeah, yeah. Dude, I knew you're into freaky shit, but that was crazy. And then to see the pictures. Dude, you know what's so fucked up? Okay, are we on air right now? Dude, I was so mad. So real quick, I know you got something to say about your lady, Andrew, but my girlfriend, right? Recently, I told her to get her, like I have a guy that I've been going to for years to get my car fixed. And it's been cool. And then I was like oh yeah just give
Starting point is 00:02:45 gerardo a call so she went and she took the car to him and he was talking or whatever and uh she she said like oh yeah you know this human just hits me every now and then and then apparently she said she left a long pause and things got really quiet she's like i'm joking and she left she just left and it was supposed to be not suspicious it was a joke it was a joke um and then apparently like yeah she told me about i'm like you told me you're joking right she's like yeah but i left a long pause i'm like okay number one sierra i'm a big black man okay well you can't joke about shit like that with the police are looking for you and then another thing she's done many times is like we'll be walking in public and she'd be like
Starting point is 00:03:30 oh oh i mean no not the time this is not a good idea that's not cool damn she likes messing with you she really likes messing with me so i'm just like fuck you might just get me shot one of these days out of one of these jokes seriously Oh god God god god Gonna have to smack some sense into her Oh my god What do you tell a woman with two black eyes Nothing you told them twice already
Starting point is 00:03:58 Oh man I'm sorry These are bad jokes I didn't have any coffee yet this morning. Cut me some slack. Don't you have coffee in your coffee right now? No, it's just a whey protein shake. Why is it so thick, by the way? I just didn't put that much water in there.
Starting point is 00:04:13 I put a ton of ice in there, and I should have put a little bit more. It's pretty good, though. It looks uncomfortably thick. Hey, excuse me? Nothing wrong with thick. Thick and chocolatey? Thick and chocolatey, Thick and chocolatey. Like I like them.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Wait, what? Hello? We're not on air, right? Yeah. Yeah, we've been on air. But it's not live. We're live. Oh, we're live.
Starting point is 00:04:36 Oh, shit. Oh, shit. I should put this on Instagram that we're live. Yeah, you should. I'm a legit lifesaver now. I actually have that on my resume. What happened? So we were, I think it was Saturday.
Starting point is 00:04:50 We were eating Chipotle. Sat down, had a chicken bowl. We all have one. Sounds like a sin already. Yeah. I got my bowl. Jasmine has a burrito. Stephanie has her chicken bowl.
Starting point is 00:05:02 I sit down and I just put my fork in like for the first like bite right and then stephanie's like i'm like oh are you okay and then she let out one of like of like just a scary sound it was oh i was like oh god oh shit she's actually choking yeah normally when you ask someone if they're okay they can at least say something and then you know because they said something that they're probably going to be okay they need to drink some water and work it out that's what i thought it was like oh maybe water down the wrong pipe like what the heck you know and i'm just like oh shit and it's like i stand up i throw the table out of the way and i'm like hey i'm gonna do the heimlich right now just and then just bam one two got rid of it so the chicken like flew out no so what she said
Starting point is 00:05:48 is it like it was stuck in her like the wrong pipe right like a whole chunk of chicken i wonder if there's such a thing too it's the wrong pipe yeah there is yeah okay does it travel yeah it travels down like the wrong part of the esophagus or some shit like shit like that. How many throats do we have? God. I don't know. It's a good question. I'll lugle it. Maybe it's, Bill, because the nose, you know, your nose and your throat, there's somebody listening to this. But your nose and your throat are like
Starting point is 00:06:15 together in the back, right? And so maybe something kind of slid the wrong way. I think just, yeah, one pipe goes down to where the food section is supposed to go. I'm pretty sure we only have one pipe, but there goes down to where the food section is supposed to go. I think the other one's the oxygen. I'm pretty sure we only have one pipe, but there could be something at the top where there's a split somewhere. Got it.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Where'd you learn and how'd you learn the Heimlich? Because I don't know the Heimlich. Like, in that situation, G would have been gone. He YouTubed it. Real talk. I legit have no idea. I just knew. That's a good idea, though.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Yeah. Yeah. I just knew that it was. As it's happening, you're like, hold on. That's a good idea, though. Yeah. Yeah. I just knew that it was. As it's happening, you're like, hold on. Hold on. Just hang in there. Yeah. I actually have no idea where the hell I learned it because I'd never performed it before.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yeah. And I just made a fist, put it on her whatever the hell it's called. Yeah. Right under the ribs. Well, you were behind her, right? She's turned into a doctor out of nowhere. Yeah. All right, guys.
Starting point is 00:07:04 I have. Oh, no, no. Okay. That's CPR. yeah that's like okay i'll just yeah all right but yeah cpr i think it'd be more complicated right oh oh yeah most definitely yeah it cleared everything out and then you know i was just like like i don't know what i would have done after that like i had that was all that was it right i was just like shit like how am i gonna like like jab like a straw down her throat so she can catch some air? I didn't know. Yeah, I do think people reach their fingers in someone's mouth, too. I don't know how far down.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You're supposed to kind of hook it out of there. And the Heimlich maneuver, just trying to push on their sternum, I guess, can help kind of heave ho stuff out of there i think even patting them on the back you know can help a little bit but you can probably also make it worse yeah so you probably have to be very careful yeah i don't know how i know this one also but like when a kid's choking and like you know you see parents pat them on the back that actually gets it like further down right instead of like i don't know like because you want to get more of this front maybe yeah because i think like also just don't know, like pushing the front. Because you want to hit more of the front maybe? Yeah, because I think like also just like pushing them back, like with your hand forward, it like, you know, pushes their body back and food forward.
Starting point is 00:08:13 I don't know. But more, yeah, it was just, it was crazy. And I was just thinking like, this probably wouldn't have happened if we were eating steak. Probably not. But also, I mean, let's be real now. we were eating steak probably not but also i mean let's be real now you now have the greatest amount of leverage any situation that ever comes up in the future save this card this isn't this is like a single card you have now this is like this is like a 10 argument card so or like a blowjob punch card you know right but i saved your life endless punches though yeah
Starting point is 00:08:47 yeah 100 100 punches i think at least my dad right away was like like hey you owe him your life now but yeah her her mom was pretty stoked she just gave me a big old hug she's thank you so much and the jasmine's like freaking out because like she's like i don't want to lose you like to you know to steph and it's like no it's fine i'm here she's like okay cool yeah but yeah so yeah that's i saved stephanie's life but yeah you're right what would happen if she had some uh some steak yeah some like tender steak you guys have any ideas what type of steak we could have gotten as long as you're not overcooking that piedmontese i think it'd be perfect yeah it's pretty easy to do that too if you're not paying attention dude that Piedmontese, I think it'd be perfect. It's pretty easy to do that too.
Starting point is 00:09:25 If you're not paying attention. Dude. Okay. Cook up quick. I made a mistake yesterday. I was cooking one of the New York strips and I had it. Cause I was like, cool.
Starting point is 00:09:32 I had an air fryer for 12 minutes. I usually do it for 10. And when I did it for 12, it was all right, but it wasn't as good as if I did like nine or 10. Isn't that so disappointing when you mess it up? It wasn't. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:41 It was just a little, like most people would probably have liked it that way, but I like it a little bit more rare. So yeah, it is very disappointing't yeah it was just a little like most people would probably have liked it that way but i like it a little bit more rare so yeah it is very disappointing but it's still good i've been using uh scissors chopping my shit up because i don't even want to wait for the short amount of time it takes to cook up the piedmontese so i just i've been chopping them up which is like sacrilegious on on some steaks sometimes but it cooks up super quick and it tastes amazing. I've done it with the flat iron steak and the bavette steak. And even some of the ribeyes, I haven't cut them up, but I smash them. I punch them. Oh, it's like tenderized.
Starting point is 00:10:16 Yeah, I pound my meat. Yeah. I flatten it out and it cooks up a little faster too. Yeah. And it's like easier to cook, you know, like because sometimes the timing of it and everything can be a little bit of a pain in the ass. Yeah. I've noticed that like with almost any other type of steak, like I don't even mess with the temperature of the air fryer. With Piedmontese steaks, I have to lower the temperature like a lot.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And so that way I can cook it a little slower, a little bit longer. Do you cook yours frozen? You guys cook yours frozen? My brother said he cooks his frozen and he said it comes out amazing. I've never tried it. I've never tried it. I've never done it. I've always let it sit out, let it defrost. Yeah. I've never given it a shot
Starting point is 00:10:54 so I don't know what it'd be like, but he said it's amazing. I'm scared of doing that. I was going to say, yeah, they're so good, I don't want to mess it up. Yeah. He's got that ninja thing. The ninja foodie, yeah. Yeah. He's like an ambassador for them, it seems like. It seems like it, yeah. Anyways, the absolute best steak on the planet.
Starting point is 00:11:10 The only thing that can make it better is if it's 25% off. Head over to That's At checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping. Man, that's like a music jingle at this point. Do-do-do-do-do-do. P-I-E-D-M-O-N-T-E-S-E dot com.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Yeah, he's got it down pretty good, doesn't he? Do it a couple, 300 times. I think it's like a jingle. Exactly. Right? Yeah. At this point, yeah, I don't even realize that I'm saying letters. It just sounds.
Starting point is 00:11:41 Our boy Jordan Syatt has jumped on the carnivore diet. Yeah. And I sent him a text message and gave him some advices. And then also I gave him a phone call and I was like, hey, we should shoot content together. And of course, he's a content creating machine. So he was already creating content and he just filmed our conversation, our phone conversation. And I'm interested to see, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:06 how he feels doing the diet. I'm also excited for him to have explosive diarrhea. I'm pumped for that. And I just think, I think it'd be a good learning experience for him. I think all of us have a lot to learn when it comes to nutrition and really like sometimes the only way to really learn a specific diet is to try something.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Like if somebody was like, Hey man, Mark, we're going to're gonna have you eat like you know 400 grams of carbs uh you know a day and here's what we're gonna do i would probably learn a lot you know just like i did do in the bodybuilding diet um a lot of people say stuff about themselves it's not true they say i i can't do well on that diet and they maybe have never tried it long enough. I think in the case of the carnivore diet, because it's an elimination diet, I think he's going to learn when he does bring back food, since he likes to track and count calories and stuff, that he might, some of those more offensive foods that he was eating, he might back away from them a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:13:02 He might still enjoy some of his foods. I know he's a big fan of like cereal and some things like that. So I'm sure that he'll still, you know, eat some of that stuff. But I would imagine that you'll see some good shifts and good changes for him. I actually recommended to him too, that he tries it for more like eight weeks rather than a month.
Starting point is 00:13:19 But I think what he's put out there so far is he's going to do it for a month, but that, that'll be a good enough time for him to learn how it feels. No, I think he'll definitely enjoy it a lot. And you know, he obviously does flexible dieting and he's, he's all about moderation and portions. And what I've been like seeing, cause I was actually talking to a guy about this the other day. It's like this dude was saying, you know, he, he does carnivore, he does carnivore and keto. And whenever he does cheat
Starting point is 00:13:42 and he has like ice cream or whatever he can never find the control enough to give himself like a moderate size just a little bit right like he'll go out and with every intention of getting like the the like it from cold stone but you always end up getting the god to have it because the like it is just not ever good enough you know that god to have it's like what 900 to 1100 calories some people don't have the best self-control for that type of stuff. And it's just better to eliminate it. And some people maybe, you know, and those people that don't have that self-control, that could be because when they were a kid, they were always having big portion sizes. So as an adult, they're like, fuck, why would I get a small one?
Starting point is 00:14:18 I could just get a large. You think it might be as simple as like, if you really don't care about food that much. Like there's some people that just don't care. Like they're like I went most of the day and I didn't even remember to eat and I have a headache. Like people that you probably worked with before. I have family members that are like that. They're like, yeah. And I'm like, well, that's not really what they mean by intermittent fasting. Like you're not like planning it and then you're not eating well when you are eating.
Starting point is 00:14:42 You're not giving yourself the nourishment that you need. But you think maybe it's as simple as people that don't care that much about eating maybe they could have a little bit more freedom with their diet and maybe tracking their calories would be effective and then people that really love to eat maybe they need to find foods um that would kind of slow them down and and be like them like yeah make them full and be less likely for them to have fat accumulation if they did overeat it. It's like, hey, you're in this category or you're in this category. And obviously there's wiggle room, right, to try different things.
Starting point is 00:15:13 But it almost seems like that might be the case. I think that's why a lot of people are gravitating towards carnivore and keto to an extent because of the effect that it does have on hunger because it makes you satiated, it makes you full. And even that sensation in itself is nice, right? When you're eating a lot of highly refined carbs, a lot of pastas, a lot of rice, et cetera, these foods don't make you full so easily. So what do you end up wanting to do? You end up wanting to eat more of it. And even if you do count your calories, there's been many times in the past when I was doing flexible dieting and focusing on hitting my macros when i would hit my macros and i still wouldn't feel full so i'll be like fuck i hit my macros i'm not satisfied well no i'm just gonna eat more right uh and then i'd
Starting point is 00:15:54 end up being in a surplus you know for a while so like it's it's like i think that's why these diets are so powerful for a lot of people because they're finally feeling full and this is even with making sure that i hit enough fiber etc right I've been thinking about this lately as well. Um, and, and fiber is another good one because fiber can take up some room in the stomach and it can be really helpful. And I think that, you know, hopefully with the carnivore diet, we're not missing that, uh, tool hope or hopefully we're not forgetting that tool like forever. Like it's not a bad idea to get rid of it for a little while, see how your body reacts to just meat. Um, but then maybe you bring it back in as a strategy because eventually you'll start to get hungry again because you'll kind of be pretty tired of meat, which, um, you
Starting point is 00:16:35 know, you might not think will happen, but you, you will kind of get tired of it. And then having a little bit of variety can really help. But we're talking about, you know, trying to, trying to fill in that pit, you know, trying to fill in that hunger. And I think that if you were to do it with, like I say, a flat iron steak, which is pretty lean, or like a New York strip or something like that, and you did it with kind of a single ingredient food, maybe it has salt on it or something like that, that would be way different than stretching your stomach with steak and salmon, even fattier cuts. It could even be a ribeye. But stretching your stomach with those foods is much different than stretching
Starting point is 00:17:10 your stomach with spaghetti and meatballs. The spaghetti and meatballs, more than likely, even if you were to try to eat a similar caloric amount of them, you probably wouldn't be that pumped about the amount of of the little amount of spaghetti and meatballs that you hate. You probably would want more because it's delicious with the sauce on there and everything. And it's like the combination of everything. And then, you know, who the fuck has spaghetti and meatballs that doesn't have bread and butter with it?
Starting point is 00:17:37 I mean, you got to have that too, right? So now you're really starting to add a lot of calories to your meal. I think those are just some things to think about and consider in your plan of attack with your nutrition. How's your, um, currently like right now you're not doing fasting anymore. You're not doing really time-restricted feeding. So how's that been going for you? Because you look bigger. Yeah, it's been going good. I, you know, I've wanted to, uh, put on a little bit of size. I wanted to be able to handle more weight in the gym. And it worked great. You know, I had to cut back on the milk and the cream
Starting point is 00:18:09 because I like gained weight so fast. It was crazy. I was like, holy shit. What was the heaviest you got? I got to about 245. And the lightest I was was 225. But it's a depleted 225 in a fasted state, you know, which you know how that after jujitsu,
Starting point is 00:18:26 you're probably sometimes very, very light or after the sauna and everything else that you do. Right. And so I'm a little deceiving there, but you know, yeah, it was like two 30 and I boom, I bounced right up to around two 40.
Starting point is 00:18:38 And, and it's helped a lot, but yeah, getting rid of fasting for a little while has been great. But the weird thing about it is I've been trying to, I'm like, Oh, I'll just fast tomorrow. And then I find myself like, I really want to eat breakfast. So it's been a little bit harder to switch back over.
Starting point is 00:18:52 But what I plan on doing, you know, I have a trip to Mexico coming up. try to grade my hunger and grade my cravings and try to keep them to a minimum while, while still, you know, enjoying the foods that I want, kind of like when I want. And so I'm going to play around with that. It'll still be carnivore stuff, but basically I just, I'm probably going to eat in the morning and I'll probably have a long stretch during the day where I don't eat. And then I'll probably have like my double dinner like I normally do. No, that's a, that's a really good idea. Even myself, I've kind of, I haven't, I'm still using like time-restricted feeding. I'm trying to, and also I'm trying to be a little bit careful now with how I say intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding. I know we don't care
Starting point is 00:19:39 that much, but I feel like what I've been hearing is like most people when they talk about- It's changing my dialogue a little bit too. Yeah. When they're talking about intermittent fasting, they're talking about like long-term fast. Time-restricted feeding is just like a 16-8 or a 24 like we've been doing. So I have been. There will be some days where I eat through the day. Still, I'm not ending up eating a crazy amount of food.
Starting point is 00:20:00 And it's not as bad as it was before. But I'm like I'm mixing it up a little bit here and there so I don't get stuck in the rut of just like fasting every single day. I've been feeling really good with that. Um, I think I put on just a little bit of body fat, but I kind of wanted to do that. I think I was feeling a little bit too lean and I want to, I purposely wanted to get some body fat back on and eat more food. So that's been helping. I've been feeling good. But also one thing that I think I've noticed too, you look super fat, by the way. Andrew was talking about it. Andrew was like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Andrew's always talking shit. I know. Uh-oh. Back it up. Back it up. I'm joking. Back that ass up. I just blasted somebody's speaker in the car.
Starting point is 00:20:38 They're so pissed at me right now. Your Christmas tree only has like six striations rather than like 20 6 and 20 but no what i was going to say was um the i got those element um electrolytes you're telling me about yeah i've been using those like they're first off they're really good but man one thing i've been noticing and i don't know if this is like because i've been more on top of my electrolytes as of like the past two weeks but my deep sleep has been so much better consistently. I track it. It's like,
Starting point is 00:21:09 it's been super consistent, like two hours and 30 minutes to like two hours and 50 minutes a night of deep sleep. And so my whole sleep, and I'm just like, the only thing I've added in is electrolytes. Anything over two hours is a big, is a bonus.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah. And I never had it like a trend like that. There'll be some nights where I'll be like, I'll only get like 50 minutes or something, but then some nights I'll randomly get like an hour 30. But now I'm consistently over two. I haven't even thought about that. But I haven't been tracking.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I haven't looked at my tracker in a little while. But my sleep has been better. And I wonder if that's part of it. Something to think about too. Like let's – I know that people like to use fancy words and they like to talk about autophagy and the renew of cells and like looking younger and stuff. But when you're 25 or you're 28 or even when you're even when you're 35 and even when you're 40, like you don't really care them. I mean, to be honest, you just don't care that much. You would love to live a long and strong life and be strong and be able to do a lot of the things that you love to do for a very long time.
Starting point is 00:22:03 and be able to do a lot of the things that you love to do for a very long time. But I think, uh, I think that we know that most of us that are listening to this podcast and most of us that are taking care of our bodies are more than likely going to achieve that. Um, because we care, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:16 we care about it. We think about it, you know, kind of as you think you become right. Like we're thinking about this stuff all the time. And at least we're making a, uh, at least we're making an effort towards being healthier. But if you think about, you become, right? Like we're thinking about this stuff all the time, and at least we're making a, at least we're making an effort towards being healthier. But if you think about, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:29 why most people use fasting or why most people use some of these different diets, it's almost always to control their body weight or to have some sort of control over their diet. You know, maybe somebody just wants to shift their body weight up a little bit. Maybe they want to shift their weight down a little bit. Maybe they want to stay the same body weight for a while and see if they can augment their body fat composition. But really, whatever the case is, it's usually in an effort to, over a long period of time, get leaner. With the exception of like strongman or powerlifting, where you're just trying to get bigger.
Starting point is 00:23:02 You know, there'll be some time maybe when you retire from powerlifting or strongman where you come back trying to get bigger. There'll be some time maybe when you retire from Power to Finger Strong, man, where you come back down that other side. But with the exception of those things, for the most part, whether you're doing jujitsu or – I mean, I see you've gotten leaner. I see Josh Setlidge has gotten leaner. You guys are probably – He's gotten leaner, and I think he's gotten bigger too, by the way. He looks amazing.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. He was squatting today, and his back was fucking huge. I was like, holy – actually, when I walked in, I was like, oh, who's that guy? I saw these like traps and lats and stuff and I was like, holy shit. He's looking great. But really, when you think about why we're using like fasting, why we're using intermittent fasting, we're just trying to partition the calories off into a spot or into a slot, into an eating window. into a spot or into a slot, into an eating window. And I've been paying more attention to the eating window when I have been fasting,
Starting point is 00:23:49 which hasn't been much recently. But I've been thinking like, hey, like four hours, six hours, let's just focus on that. It's less confusing, you know, trying to figure out the 20 hours and like there's apps and stuff and trying to, you know, you're kind of like, what the hell? When should I eat? And when should I eat? I've also have been trying to manage my like ferocity for like wanting to eat. Like, you know, when you get home, you're crazy and you're like cooking and you're distracted. And it's not very, my opinion, it's not very efficient eating. You know, when you eat, it should be a little ritualistic.
Starting point is 00:24:22 If you listen to people like Paul Cech and you don't have to be weird about it, but like you do need to be accepting of the food. You do need to be like ready for the food. And so cooking the food, smelling the food, chewing it properly, you know, you're supposed to chew your food until it kind of becomes like a liquid, which is a lot of chewing, probably a lot more chewing than what you're used to, right? When you're ferociously hungry. I'm definitely not doing that a lot. Yeah. And so what happens with me is I get home and I start cooking and I'm not really paying
Starting point is 00:24:54 attention, but I'm a little bitchy. I have a little bit of, I'm a little bit hangry. You know, my kids are there and stuff. I'm not like yelling at anybody or doing anything crazy, but I just didn't, I just didn't like where I was at. So, you know, what I've been doing is when I get home, I'm like, I got some hard boiled eggs in the fridge. I got some cheese. I'm going to set them on the table. I'm going to sit down and I'm going to like eat a little bit of that while the stove is like heating up or while something else is going on. And I'm just going to eat that for five minutes or six minutes and calm the hunger down a little bit. And then I'm going to eat, you know, like a gentleman, like rather than like being like a total complete lunatic savage, you know, and diving into the food.
Starting point is 00:25:37 So just some small shifts and small changes. changes but back to the kind of the main the main point of the entire thing is when you're utilizing intermittent fasting the main thing i think that you're trying to do is you're trying to have a reduction in overall calories so what if what if you were to eat breakfast and then what if you were to eat again when you came home from work and maybe ate like twice and what if that was less calories than you trying to fast for 18 or 20 hours? I know that there's some research that talks about like when you eat and stuff like that. But I think for the most part, in the long run, if you ate less food over a longer period of time, you would have better results. So whatever way helps control your hunger, helps control your mood, helps you to be efficient in the gym. Like whatever that technique is, whatever the way that is, that's the way that you have to try to start to go towards.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And it doesn't mean you have to do that forever because sometimes being uncomfortable and going outside the box a little bit and trying a 24-hour fast and a 48-hour fast and lifting and doing j doing jujitsu and running without food and stuff like that. Sometimes those practices are great, but really try to think about like, what's going to be the most efficient way that I can do this on a consistent basis to control the overall amount of food that I'm eating. What got you into thinking about a mind, like a mindful eating, like just what, what, what was it the catalyst to get you really thinking about the way you approach your meals? As soon as I stopped fasting. As soon as I stopped fasting and as soon as I was waking up and eating breakfast, I didn't even care about eating breakfast because I've been fasting for so long. I still don't care about eating breakfast.
Starting point is 00:27:20 And it was much different. The process was much different. I cooked my food. I didn't eat it while I was cooking it. I cooked it and then I sat down and I like chewed it and I ate it, you know, and I've listened to guys like Paul check and stuff before where, you know, he's, he's very like ritualistic with everything and people would think he was a weirdo, but, you know, he might take a few minutes and almost like pray, you know, before he eats his food. And there's a lot of religions and a lot of people throughout history who have said, like, you should be accepting of your food before you. I'm grateful for this food. I'm thankful for this food. And who the hell knows,
Starting point is 00:27:56 right? But I believe in some of that stuff, at least. So I was like, you know what? I should have a better practice with my eating. And I also like to sit down with my family and eat as well, even though sometimes we're all eating some different stuff. I mean Jake had like Subway the other day. Quinn had like chicken fried rice and Andy was eating some sort of chicken salad thing that she made and I was eating hot dogs. So we were all eating different meals and my son's you know his subway was already ready because it was already in the fridge quinn's uh food was already prepared i was in the middle of kind of preparing my food and he was preparing hers and i think andy got her stuff together kind of last but we all just waited until we sat down and ate.
Starting point is 00:28:46 And like, it's like community, it's family. Like you sit there and just talk and it's a, it's a family dinner. You know, it's, it's different than, you know, me standing there halfway watching TV, halfway on Instagram. I'm just halfway doing everything. And I'm like, this is just, uh, doesn't seem great. It seems like a stressful almost. And I'm like, why am I i'm like why am i why the fuck am i what's the reason there's no reason to be stressed about anything how can relax buddy
Starting point is 00:29:10 cook your food and then eat it yeah um what's the name tim asks how much meat do you guys think you're eating per day i would say um it can really it can range quite a bit it can go from being anywhere between like two pounds to four pounds, you know, something like that. It might even be less sometimes. It might even be only like a pound because sometimes there's like more eggs in there. Right. You know, but I would say that that's probably kind of rare. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:38 How about for you? What do you think? I don't even know by pounds. I like, I'm like, whenever I think about meat and I know it's not all meat, but I'm all, I'm always thinking grams of protein. So yeah, there'll be some days where I guess it wouldn't be a crazy amount of meat, but it's a lot of eggs.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And I'm, I'm always trying to get like above like 200 grams of protein. So I do eat a lot of meat in general, but, but some days it might not be as much. So, so to, you know um so the uh the piedmontese uh that one steak has like sick in 16 ounces it has 100 grams of protein
Starting point is 00:30:13 and so that would be a minimum of like 32 ounces of steak if you were trying to get 200 grams from just that but i'm kind of in the same boat'm just, I could be anywhere from 200 grams of protein on like a normal day to 250. Yeah. And sometimes it could be 350 or 400. We go to like a Mongolian barbecue or something like that. Yeah, shoot. Or a Brazilian steakhouse or whatever. Then it's just, you know, it's different, right?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Yeah. I was trying to think for myself and I'm like, that's probably just somewhere around a pound a pound and a half but if I just think about the meals that I eat here and then like one of my dinners because sometimes I'll end up having two because of like fasting like the other night I had a pound of rotisserie chicken with some noodles it was it was amazing and I looked around I'm like I gotta make some eggs you know and so I'm like okay shit so that's a pound and a half of chicken just like that's like baseline so that's yeah again I just you of chicken just like – that's like baseline. So that's – yeah, again, I just do like you, just count the protein and stuff. I'm going to weigh my meat every now and then.
Starting point is 00:31:12 Just like weigh the meat. I like what you said right there about the eggs, and I think that that's a good message for everybody. The second that you are like eating your food and you're starting to think about other food, just do it. Like whatever that thought is, just go ahead and like act on it. Not if it's food that's off your diet. There we go. If it's something that's on your diet, if you start kind of wandering and you're like, oh, I think I'll have eggs.
Starting point is 00:31:37 I think I'll have, you know, whatever stuff is on your plan. Go ahead and just like actually kind of make yourself eat it, even if you're not that hungry. I think what happens over time is your body, over a period of time, it will remember the experiences. It'll remember, it'll say, hey, you know, last night you wanted the eggs after you ate the chicken and it really stuffed you and you were kind of uncomfortable. Like it wasn't that enjoyable of a situation, right?
Starting point is 00:32:02 And so over a period of time, it may be effective to do that. And even if you still do it, it's probably like no harm, no foul. Yeah, the fat muscle memory. Yeah. Oh, go ahead. No, because I was going to say, because like I sat, like I went to like the pantry and I'm like, man, I could do some oatmeal. And like I start like getting creative with like what I could have. And I'm'm like the last
Starting point is 00:32:25 time i did that i felt like shit yeah okay well and then you're gonna just go back to the eggs because i feel good you're gonna justify like eating some bullshit too oh yeah yeah absolutely so your mind will really wander and you're like i'm actually really hungry yeah and i think that that's when carbs hit me the absolute most is at night like if it's you know the whether it be the last meal or second to last meal if i just load up a little bit too at night like if it's you know the whether it be the last meal or second to last meal if i just load up a little bit too much because it fits it's like like man it's not only is it terrible the next morning in the bathroom but like i just don't feel good like i felt i feel like i lost you know like i was winning the whole game and then the fourth quarter they
Starting point is 00:32:59 hit a three to you know beat me and it's like ah like it just doesn't feel good they hit a bullshit three two yeah their foot was on the line everybody fucking saw it didn't get overturned yeah not enough evidence you lost yeah dude on the note of what you were saying in terms of um i guess feeling when you're a little bit uncomfortable i feel like my uncomfortable meter has gotten so much better well like on the lower carbs that i've been eating uh as often and i'll put it this way remember when we were having dinner at uh the the steakhouse with sean baker and in my and this happened multiple times before that and after that this happened multiple times i tested it i'm like let me try this so when we were having that dinner i was like i'm good now if i have one more bite
Starting point is 00:33:41 it's probably not the best idea and then we had another piece of meat that came out like okay fuck it let me have one more bite i had one more bite and i was just like like you got quiet immediately like yeah you saw me i was sitting there just like staring down really trying to just like let everything go down this is embarrassing if i barf all this up yeah and then i did that again later when i was eating at home and i had a lot like i had a lot of meat and a lot of eggs and stuff and i was was like wow i'm really full like if i have one more bite like let's test this shit so i had one more bite i was like and then i was like fuck and i just sat there and put everything away and put it in the fridge for the next day so it's like now like i really know whereas in the past i just be like until i'm just feeling really disgusting i can't get that disgusting yeah
Starting point is 00:34:23 yeah i've been having a hard time with, when it comes to just like, because I'll have carnivore days where I just like no carbs and I feel great. Like I feel awesome. And it's also not like putting three days in a row to where I can get that hardcore carnerea
Starting point is 00:34:37 where I just, I can't hold anything in. And I don't, you guys can help me with the verbiage here, but like I'm full, right right like i'm satiated yeah but i'm not like satisfied i know what you mean yeah and i i think a lot of people might be struggling with that too because there's like i can't keep doing it so i'm like okay we'll try different cuts of meat different types of meat all in one so you feel a little bit more satisfied
Starting point is 00:35:01 but i know for me personally like i i'm still wanting just a simple like half a cup of rice just to help me feel satisfied does that make sense it does it does make sense yeah it does make sense and that's where i think like i don't know if you're doing carnivore that's where i feel like more fat can come into play oh if if you're an individual that like you're you're you're doing carnivore but for me like i know what you mean an individual that like you're doing carnivore. But for me, like I know what you mean. And for me, like that, that'll end up being like just a little bit of rice, you know, whereas in the past it would have been a crazy amount of carbohydrates. So that does make a little bit of a difference for me sometimes, just a little bit of carbs. I mean, it's really a
Starting point is 00:35:38 little bit, it's like maybe 30 grams of carbs. It's not that much versus I used to eat 300. So I think for a lot of people, it's like the opposite of what you ate. You know, I think the body's trying to, you're trying to get some like homeostasis. You had, you had something savory. You had something kind of salty, buttery, like all this stuff's kind of similar, especially when you're on a lower carb plan and you don't ever hit the palate with anything. That's like sweet. Yeah. And you're just, but this is where you can get creative, I think.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I think there's room for that. And you can go through different phases where you get more strict. But why not get a Zevia soda and like – this might sound gross, but like throw some BCAAs in there or something like that or get some iced tea and mix iced tea. Like I've mixed iced tea with BCAAs or EAAs. And it's like, well, it's okay. We understand it's not a chocolate shake, you know, from In-N-Out Burger, but it's something, right? Mixing up, you know, a whey protein shake, you know, throw in some heavy cream. We've talked about that in the past. Something I still do. But I think that it has to be something that you have to do it before your mind drifts.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Like you have to do it immediately, you know, because once your mind starts drifting, you're going to act on that thing, you know? And then, you know, walking yourself through the steps of uh how is this helpful you mentioned the word satisfied it's a really interesting word you know you're like well what's what's satisfactory for you you know is it satisfactory for you to continue to to look the same it's it's like not right so then you have to think like this is it like you have to think in your brain you I don't know why this is happening, but this is a fucking trick. Like this is, you know, like this is against what I, you know, what I want to do. I mean, it might be like seeing an attractive woman.
Starting point is 00:37:32 You know, you know not to act on that one, right? Because it's not conducive. It's not productive towards the way that you're trying to live your life, even though you're like, hey, shit, she looks great. You know, your penis is saying, hey, dude, like, are you checking this out? Did you see that one? Look, over there. And I think the same is true with the – They're everywhere.
Starting point is 00:37:54 Your stomach is, you know, kind of poking at you too, saying, hey, man, like, dude, when's the last time you had some ice cream, bro? When's the last time you had a Pop-Tart? So you can't, you know, you can't go acting on those things otherwise uh you'll end up divorced and somebody will own half slingshot this empire especially here in california oh shit oh god actually i don't even think i would own the other half because i don't even know i didn't even know you don't know what the paperwork's yeah i don't know yeah it's not half other half because I don't even know. I didn't even know. You don't know what the paperwork's like. Yeah, I don't know. It's not half of yours to even try to get back.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I'd be really screwed. Dude, this reminds me of, there's an old trader I used to work with. I'm not going to mention his name because he still works as a trader, but I was young and I think I was like 19. And I was like. People could easily just put the numbers together. Nah, don't remember this man unless they worked with him because like he was notorious so i was like i'm a one
Starting point is 00:38:50 i'm a one woman type of man dude like i i don't i don't mess around like that he's like man are you gonna eat the same food for the rest of your life i was like what do you mean by that and he's like well i mean would you eat chicken all your life wouldn't you want some steak wouldn't you want a burger wouldn't you want a pizza like why are you going to just eat that one steak for the rest of your life i was like i was about to say his name i was like man you're disgusting leave me alone that just reminded me of the devil the devil on your shoulder right yeah oh god i remember when we were at uh midtown when super training was that was in was in a a gym where like normal people showed up to it as well there would be you know women coming in from work men too but you know we're gawking at the girls the girls are coming in and
Starting point is 00:39:37 they're dressed great like they have a lot of them work at the capitol building and stuff and one of the guys would be like oh man i'm so into that it'd just be like you know just a a regular uh white woman just walking through 35 years old whatever right um then the next girl would walk through it'd be a black girl and she'd be like in her 20s oh i'm so into that then an asian girl would come through and oh i'm and it's like dude you're into anything that's in a fucking skirt like you know all you guys are a bunch of savages, you know. That's the conclusion that we came to in that preliminary test that we ran at Super Training Gym. Just everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Somebody at this location was like, yeah, you know, what I tell my wife is like, hey, I drive a Ferrari. Like, I love that. I appreciate that. It's amazing. But if a Porsche drives by, I'm still going to look at it. That's not how it works though. Sunglasses.
Starting point is 00:40:32 You need to wear sunglasses. Keep your head straight. Last story. My girl still holds this against me to this day. To this day. We were no. To this day. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:40:46 So we were at Cal Fit one day, right? I think everyone has a story like this. I think I know where this is going. Yeah, dude. And you know what? I try to be so just deliberate with my eyes and like just my movement and what I pay attention to. Because I'm just like, I just try to be so deliberate. But like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I was standing there waiting for her to come out of the gym. And this like a bright pair of leggings walks by and i didn't listen i wasn't even intending to look like i was like looking straight forward leggings are a trick and then immediately like dude my eyes went like this this fast like that happened like that you didn't even see it right i was just like right and i didn't realize pretending you're on your phone my girl was like right there she was looking at me and i was looking this way i didn't see that she was there and then i i turned towards her and she's like i was like what and she's like i saw you i saw what you looked i'm like i didn't look i trust me i didn't look and then i was like
Starting point is 00:41:42 fuck i did look i didn't it's like it's like instinctually you just go you'll catch yourself and i caught myself it was just like she caught that millisecond that millisecond she caught that shit oh she she'll still use it against that slight millisecond in your lapse of your willpower. So unfaithful. It's disgusting. Oh, God. Man, she's so strong to keep you around. Yeah, I think that's happened to the best of them. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:42:19 It definitely has. It definitely has. That's tough, man. There's a lot of tight pants walking around. There'll be a lot of tight pants walking around the Arnold. Oh, yeah. What did we call them that one time? We called them high-waisted vagina pants.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Yeah, Jesse Burdick. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, Jesse Burdick. Yeah, high-waisted. High-waisted vagina pants. I can't believe how quick that's coming up. I know. It's right here.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Next week. Yeah. The Arnold's here yeah we're gonna be there podcasting with a bunch of people boob casting yeah we got a lot of uh a lot of awesome guests dude i wonder if thor's gonna be able to pull something crazy because he pulled a thousand for two yeah right we did 1058 and i think like i think the deadlift from what i've heard i think it's like the fourth event or something like that. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:43:06 Is it earlier than usual? I think. I don't remember where it usually is in the lineup, but that's kind of the question mark of what kind of weight can he deadlift. There's a record for the Arnold, and then there's Eddie Hall's record of 11.01 or 11.02 or whatever. Eddie Hall, did you guys see he He broke the record for Isabel, the CrossFit workout. Wait, what? What kind of CrossFit workout is this? It has to be based on
Starting point is 00:43:32 force production. It's just lifting. I don't even know what the lift would be called. I guess it would be called a clean. Like a clean and jerk, maybe. But it's not like an official you know it's not like an it's you don't need to like squat it down and stuff you know so it's just going like hell
Starting point is 00:43:52 with the weight over your head it's on his youtube channel he did uh uh he did 30 reps in 50 seconds and he beat the he beat the record by three seconds which is a lot somebody beats a record by three seconds like that's that's out of this world you know wow and it's so i don't know who had the record before but i i think that uh brian shaw has tried i think a lot of these strong men guys have tried it before oh yeah go back and it showed just the record right there do you see that white screen that popped up for a second there we're watching it on youtube over here i love how he's got his shirt off it's a big that's a big man right there he's he's still he's not he doesn't compete in strongman currently anymore right but he's still so like massive yeah his back oh there you go oh she won theFit Games. The fastest time registered for Isabel is 129 by Annie Thorsdorfer.
Starting point is 00:44:49 And then a male is 120. Oh, that's by CrossFitters. But the world record was 53 seconds. But I don't know who did it. Oh, wow. I don't know what the bar weight is, but it looks like they have a 45 on there. It could be another country too. So it could be, that could be a different weight on there, but like that looks like a 45 pound.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It's probably like, I don't know. I would just, I would just guess that it's like 200 pounds maybe. Yeah. Look at him, man. He's, he's going. I was actually shocked. Shoulder mobility up here yeah i was i i was impressed with uh his shoulder mobility but i was actually shocked that he even got tired at
Starting point is 00:45:33 all like like right here he starts kind of getting kind of tired yeah but he's just like i mean he's moving really really well but you see him just start to kind of start to breathe start to uh yeah kind of dissipate a little bit it would have been interesting if he just went for a minute and just to see what he could do dang though he's got an official there counting the reps and everything that's torturous you gotta love eddie hall yeah yeah that guy's an animal unbelievable there you go 50 seconds yeah 30 he Unbelievable. There you go. 50 seconds. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:05 He did 30 reps in 50.9 seconds. Wow. Yeah. He's like, oh shit. He's like, I can't breathe. That's a big, that's a big, big man. Mm-hmm. He's got multiple world records now.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So what, he has the deadlift? He has this? I think he has a fewlift? He has this? I think he has a few other records in Strongman, and I'm sure he has a bunch that are European records and stuff like that. I mean, he's a legend. I love seeing the fact. I think it's great that Strongman keeps growing,
Starting point is 00:46:38 and there's some young bucks at the Arnold this year that will, I think, give Thor a run for his money. You know, the guy that won the World's Strongest Man last year, he'll be there competing. And then there's a bunch of other guys that people haven't even heard of that are coming out of the woodwork. And there's more and more thousand-pound deadlifters. I don't know if you guys saw, there was a kid at Steffi Cohen's meet that broke the 275 deadlift record. So that guy, Jamal, I think Jamal pulled like 970 something and he pulled it like super fast.
Starting point is 00:47:12 It's quick. It was nuts. And I think that was the 242 record. But there was another guy there that pulled like 940 or 950 and no one even said anything. I mean, he's in a heavier weight class. So it's not as strong of a lift, but it's 950 pounds. And no one really talked about it.
Starting point is 00:47:28 It was mind-boggling. I think I might have saw it on Powerlifting Motivation or something like that on IG. Everyone's going to keep getting stronger. The sport grows. Everyone's going to be energy. People are going to just get stronger and stronger and stronger. It's crazy. Yeah, so it looks like our homie Sean says that Isabel is 135 pounds.
Starting point is 00:47:46 So yeah, it was just a plate. Not just a plate, but it was, yeah. It looked like he had more on there then. I don't know why, but he had- That looked like that little- Like a little donut. Yellow thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:55 I thought that was a little bit more weight, but I guess it wasn't. It was just a boulder. Anyway. Yeah. Huh. But- Maybe it's 135 pounds for women. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:07 I can't wait for the arnold though it's it's it's well it's going to be different this year since we're going to be podcasting but even so i want to see some of those events hopefully hopefully we have time to go see some of those i think yeah i think i think hopefully we'll we'll have time to at least at least check out some hopefully we can at least see some deadlifting yeah that would be that would be that would be great. Yeah. And then the Piedmont Tees booth will be right there too, right? Yeah. So we'll be hanging around there quite a bit.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Oh, snap. Yeah. I'm sure we'll run into a lot of our friends there, a lot of people that we know. So that would be really cool. Yeah. And then I'm trying to get us into Rogue to get in a workout, which that would be cool. Last time when I went there, it was like, it was like walking into like a dream, you know, it was like, you know, I, I like CrossFit.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I appreciate CrossFit. I don't follow CrossFit that much, but the room that I walked into was just like a room full of greatness. It was like one legendary CrossFitter after another. And I was like, this is fucking cool. And this is strange. You know, this is different. I mean, it wouldn't be any different than, you know, somebody, uh, who's into powerlifting,
Starting point is 00:49:09 walking into a room full of world champion bodybuilders. Like you still have appreciation for it, you know? Yeah. And, um, like Rich Froning was there. Uh, Camille LeBlanc was there. Matt Frazier. It was just like, you know, one Annie Thar's daughter and they're all just like working out and it was cool too, they're all just like working out. And it was cool too,
Starting point is 00:49:25 because some of them were working out. Some of them were doing the, the open workout. So they were, you know, taking it very seriously. They had a judge there and they were, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:34 going at it hard and other people just wanted to keep up with their fitness. And they were just training. Some of them were training around injuries and stuff, but everyone was like, I was in there like getting after it. There I am in the corner, bench pressing, watching like Rich Froning doing like uh pistol squats and stuff like he was doing
Starting point is 00:49:52 yeah he kept doing pistol squats back and forth with the assault bike i was like that looks like it just absolutely kills probably does no it does kill yeah he did like i don't know 12 calories or something and like six reps per leg which is 12 reps total and i was just like how are you he's like six rounds of it he's keep going back and forth barely breaking his sweat he's like talking to me like you know in between while doing his pistols you see like like that that type of movement you know you're doing all this yoga and running and stuff and i'm like i'm doing all this like like that type of movement, you know, you're doing all this yoga and running and stuff. And I'm like, I'm doing all this, like,
Starting point is 00:50:26 like that type of movement is this type of stuff I want to be able to do effortlessly, you know? And that's, that's, that's fucking amazing. That is amazing. How's,
Starting point is 00:50:33 how's the yoga and stuff been too? I saw you posted a photo from your, it's been good yoga place. Yeah, it's been really good. I've been messing with it for a while now. I still need to just be able to go a little bit more, but I'm only able to go once a week at the moment.
Starting point is 00:50:48 So I need to just commit to, I think twice a week would make a big difference, you know, because like you kind of, as I'm going into each position, it's a little bit like jujitsu where it's like, oh yeah, I kind of remember this. And then you remember it more, the more that you go. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:03 You know,rew mentioned something interesting to me the other day he said he's interested in doing some jujitsu nice yeah and you know what caused this like sudden spark of interest in sima pants with his match against um chad wesley smith it was just it was fucking dope it got me really fired up and you want to beat up chad wesley smith andrew no i want i want chad i want chad to lay on top of me he wants to kill the white guy i researched everybody missed that i'm joking hey everybody does right what was the name of that book i sent you guys the other day like white guys mess up everything or something like that i forgot what it's uh michael moore
Starting point is 00:51:45 it's in the text i could look at oh it's like old white men something or other yeah yeah something like all anyway do you remember what you were saying we text a lot i was well i was gonna say um i was gonna say so every like it's not like uh that rigid but like every month or so i i i look into different people you know and i i might like research like bruce and when i say research i'm like looking on the internet youtube nothing fancy you know i'm not a researcher but uh i'll look at some you know i'll look at a person or two people or so at a time and i kind of go back and forth because what i found was when i pick one person and i try to research just them and I keep looking at articles and different things from them,
Starting point is 00:52:28 it gets to be very boring. Yeah. So I kind of have people that are a little opposite or not opposite, but they're just, they're just not the same. So I've been looking at like things from Marcus Aurelius and I've been looking at stuff from Bruce Lee and the stuff from Bruce Lee is like mind boggling.
Starting point is 00:52:45 You know, he died at 32 years old. And it's like, how the fuck can you be so well-known dying at 32 years old? It's like amazing. And then just how smart he was. You know, he spoke a bunch of different languages. I didn't know that. And the way he was able to articulate himself
Starting point is 00:53:02 and communicate was amazing. And the way he was, like articulate himself and communicate was amazing. And the way he was, like, he was such a good teacher. He's, like, teaching somebody how to, like, throw a punch. And, you know, they're throwing the punch. And he's like, you know, you're paying attention to what I'm saying, but you're trying to, like, just do what i'm doing with like um rather than trying to do it with like force and like aggression you need to do it with like uh you're like feelings almost you know it needs it needs to like flow a lot better and so he like was teaching a guy like how to how to execute it you know better rather than like rather than trying to impress bruce lee he was like just do
Starting point is 00:53:42 the fucking movement basically is what he's trying to say. And then he also said, like, why people come to him. He's like, why people come to me as a sensei, instructor. And he said, it's just expression. It's just expression of that particular person. So that particular person has things in their life that they want to work out. He's like, they pay me and they're able to express those things. And for each person, it might be slightly different. He's like, but it's based on solving a problem for that person, whatever their problem
Starting point is 00:54:16 is in their life. Maybe it's just a new challenge. Like it doesn't have to be this like deep, dark, secret thing. But he said for a lot of people it's um usually like more emotional it could be something fear-based and this is this goes for everything this is not like this is not just for mma i think you could you could apply this to rock climbing you could apply this to playing football you could apply this to lifting weights you applied just about anything um and he said it's just they're trying just to express their body they're just trying to and so i thought that was really interesting because when you think about martial arts i think you might be thinking like yeah i'm gonna like jack somebody up
Starting point is 00:54:56 or i'm gonna be able to attack somebody and yeah you're also maybe thinking of like protecting yourself uh but when you think about it as just an expression of yourself uh that's really that's that's an that's an interesting way to look at it and i thought i just thought like that kind of blew my mind i was like that's really cool because maybe somebody just wants to feel more secure and what a great way to feel secure through lifting weights and being stronger and feeling more substantial and now feeling like hey look if look, if I'm a little bit bigger, maybe people won't mess with me, right? If I know jiu-jitsu, if somebody does mess with me, they're going to really have a problem.
Starting point is 00:55:32 They're going to have an issue. So I thought that that was really cool. Yeah. It's crazy how little, like, everybody, like, yeah, I look at Bruce Lee and I'm like, you know, his famous quote is like, be something like water. Yeah, be like water yeah be like water be like water right but and you look at him you're like ah bruce lee's so dope but i know so little about him yeah same here yeah like i don't know shit about bruce lee it's kind of embarrassing but um but yeah no do you guys do that at all you guys
Starting point is 00:56:02 i mean you i know you guys like read a lot of books and stuff like that. Like how do you guys get your edumacation going? Usually reading books, looking up, like, especially when we have guests here on the podcast, like Caldeets that we just had on, I got triphasic, the triphasic thing. I'm looking through that because a lot of this, like the little bit of RMR that he did on me and the little bit of RMR that I was doing these past few days. I think it's RPR. RPR. RPR. RPR.
Starting point is 00:56:25 RPR. Reflexive something, something. Anyway, the little bit of RPR that he did on me and he showed me and the stuff that Jesse was telling me to do, like the past few days that I've been doing that before training, my shoulder's been feeling amazing. And again, I'm pretty sure that I have a slight labral tear in there, but it's not been hurting like the past few weeks. I did it this morning and I did it before I worked out yesterday and it was great. Yeah. So like that, like that's like that, you know, I, I'll look at what certain people are doing and I'll just try to go in and read about that. That's what we try to do. But I do, I don't really, you know, read autobiographies or that type of stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Not, not much. I, I've wanted to, I guess, but, and the Marcus Aurelius stuff, I guess I've been looking to that for a while now. I have some of that stuff, but generally I don't. And I feel like I probably should. good at what they do but yet they're still seeking to be a lot better you know i remember listening to a famous speaker this guy jim rohn i've mentioned him many times i listened to a lot of his stuff and he um gets up and gives a speech and um he was a personal development speaker and he said um he's like i saw a porsche in the parking lot on my way, on my way, you know, walking here this morning. I saw Rolls Royce. I saw Cadillac and he's rattling off all these good cars. And he's like, why is everybody here?
Starting point is 00:57:55 Because everyone's smart enough to know they can get better. They have the white belt mentality. You already have a nice car. You already have nice things. We already have nice things. Marcus Aurelius was like, you know, he was a leader of like the biggest empire in the history of the world. I don't even know if our society has ever caught back up to like what they were able to do for the limited resources that they had. Like what they were doing back then is like it still doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I think I told you guys when I was in Rome that they had like heated floors and stuff yeah like what the right they had a retractable dome on the coliseum and i mean like it just doesn't make any sense but that guy could snap his fingers and have anything done he had all the wealth in he didn't even really have like wealth he just had like unlimited i don't even know what but like it it's interesting because like what would you do if you had if you had unlimited he had unlimited resources like just think about that you have unlimited your resources are completely unlimited you can do just about anything that anyone could possibly think of which is an interesting thing in of itself because you can only think uh so far you can only think so far.
Starting point is 00:59:10 You can't like someone can't like make a car for him necessarily because they just didn't have the technology for that at the moment. No one has no one has progressed. We thought that far yet, but he could do just about anything within reason. And then he chose to meditate and he chose to like write books and he chose to write about how you should live your life. Crazy. And I don't know his practices. I don't know what he, you know, I don't know, you know, I don't know how he was amongst people. Like, I don't know if he was a dick or whatever, but it seemed like he was a great person
Starting point is 00:59:38 and it seemed like he was trying to help other people live a great life. And it's like, that's pretty damn impressive. Yeah, Marcus really, that's like another one of those things where you know you drive by the billboard and you don't even notice it and then mark sends you a text and then you're like oh okay so like yeah i've seen a bunch of those like stoic videos and and whatnot and it just like oh that was okay like it was cool it didn't hit me at all and then mark sends me one hey watch this one all right cool yeah and it was it was one of those lines were about like um shit now i'm having a hard time remembering it was like stealing stuff or something like that like uh or uh about religion or something like believing that like if you do bad things you go to hell
Starting point is 01:00:22 oh right and then but with a stoicism about well if you do bad things, you go to hell. Oh, right. And then, but with a stoicism about, well, if you do bad things, you currently are in hell. Yeah. And I was just like mind blown, like, holy man, that was really, really good. There's a lot of weird sayings like that where you're like, man, like, I don't know. It just seems like, I know that we get taught some of this stuff in school, but it just seems like we need that stuff in school more so than anything else. Yeah. Some of the principles. I mean, even just talking about how to live by the law.
Starting point is 01:00:52 And then it's basically, in short, he talks about you're setting laws that people that are well-meaning, are good people don't need to follow because they don't need the law to have a boundary to know that i should i shouldn't i shouldn't try to pocket your phone today you know and walk on out of here because it's not the right thing to do the law exists to regulate uh how you're going to conduct yourself against someone that steals your phone you know and then there's a lot of sayings of like uh you know we don't measure society by uh the way we treat like the rich and the wealthy but how we treat the criminals and how we treat the poor you know things like that where you're like holy shit you know like it's you know you can we can we're so
Starting point is 01:01:43 far advanced but or we can sometimes be so far behind because you can, we can, we're, we're, we're so far advanced, but we're, we can sometimes be so far behind. Cause you can live like such a bunch of maniacs and a bunch of lunatics at times, you know? No, I'm taking a lot away from like the whole still philosophy type of idea. And the thing is, is like when people even think about that,
Starting point is 01:01:57 they think like, Oh, it's just about being cold and calculated and whatever. No, it's, it's not about that at all. Cause there has been some pushback is for like within these past few years a lot of men have been like adopting that from like have been adopting stoic philosophy or whatever right but the main thing like i think the main
Starting point is 01:02:14 takeaway is just like not getting anxious over things that you you have no power of like over things you can't control just like don't you know control what you can control like your emotions etc and don't let things that you can't control get to you right and i think that that's that's absolutely massive you're not being reactionary like like i think this is the start of another podcast so we should maybe i'm down we should maybe wrap this one up and then do like a shorter one yeah we got plenty of time um i uh you know recently have been like looking into a lot of this stuff so i got a bunch to say on it that you guys will dig um but one thing i'll leave you with for this podcast is um there's two things that you shouldn't worry about and you might have seen me tweet this two things you shouldn't worry about is uh things that you can control
Starting point is 01:03:05 and things that you can't so that means you shouldn't worry about shit anything andrew where can people find you uh hit me up on instagram at i am andrew z i promise i'm going to try to get more active on there but in the meantime follow at mark wells power project on instagram at mb power project on they won't follow you they won't do it i you guys won't of tiktok's been crushing it because we've been doing poop stories on there thanks to for the advice on doing that uh 100 000 views on the j cutler one uh ed cone has 11 000 like it's tiktok's crazy i'm figuring it out but you know anyways Yeah. Again, shout out to Peter Montes for sponsoring the episode. All the links, everything in the description.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And Seema, where are you at? At Seema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. At Seema Inyang on TikTok and Twitter. Yo, get on this 10-minute squat thing each day. Come on. Get with me. Squat with me. I'll be doing live videos usually close to every single day in a 10-minute squat.
Starting point is 01:04:03 So do it, Mark. That's a good reminder. i need to mess with that do you think because i'm super tight do you think i should try like a two minute and then like stand up and shake it out and then try another two minutes or something like that yeah like i posted about that the other day you might like rearrange my body and like hurt yeah doing 10 minutes is like it's it's quite uncomfortable at like the seven eight minute mark but then you just kind of sink into it. But. So are you like at full depth?
Starting point is 01:04:27 Like you just let go? Yeah, man. Full on Asian squat. Okay. I get it. Cause they poop on like the toilet on the floor. Yeah. Are you able to squat that way?
Starting point is 01:04:36 Like, are you able to have your heels down? Yeah. Or do your heels come up? My heels don't come up. My heels are down. And have you always been that way? No. I wasn't that mobile when I was like, I was mobile i was doing power lifting but like not that mobile yeah so no i
Starting point is 01:04:48 haven't always been that mobile but like now i can comfortably just like i could sit into a squat right now and just be okay and chill there but like if you can't do 10 minutes you don't need to do 10 minutes you could do like if you do want to do 30 seconds stand up shake it out a little bit do another 30 or do a minute stand up then back down do a minute like you don't even need to do 10 if you could start with like five minutes one minute each each squat just do that and build it up just like you know in the gym when you start slow and then build it up do that so when cal deets was explaining the rpr stuff it seemed like hey look this is just like a tune-up like a realignment and i think that uh if you're eating if your nutrition is good,
Starting point is 01:05:27 if you know how to train the right way without kind of like over or under doing things too much, if you're getting your sleep, I think, and you're also mobile, I think the mobility factor is a huge one. And I think being able to move properly during a workout is kind of like one version of it. But also having extra mobility beyond your sport is really, really important. And so let's say for like jujitsu purposes that you may not necessarily need to be like overly flexible in one particular position. not necessarily need to be like overly flexible in one particular position well if you get me in a rear naked choke and you pull me back and my knees go underneath me and stuff i'm probably going to get hurt because i don't have the extra i don't have the little the little extra for like
Starting point is 01:06:17 what if you just kind of tweak me or wrench me to one side because you're trying to get a position well now my back is out right and now i'm useless i can't and we never even really got to see like if if you were able to get the choke or tap me out or like i'm already tapped because i i don't have them i'm already done i'm already uh i'm already toast and so i think that uh i think sometimes mobility is looked at in a strange way like oh i'm just going to become like more flexible and more flexibility is part of it. And it can be a cool part of it because it can save you in a situation like that, but also can help you to recover from workouts. Because if you can move more efficiently,
Starting point is 01:06:54 you know, if you and I are on a squat program together and we're following the same routine, we're similar strength. If Nsema is able to move better for every workout, even if I'm stronger, if he's able to move better for every workout, eventually I will lose. Eventually I will lose that game to him at some point. The genetics, I think, you know, can factor in there a little bit. Body weight and stuff like that can factor in a little bit. But I've seen it just time and time again. The guys that are moving correctly, the guys that are moving well,
Starting point is 01:07:25 this is what Ed Cohn preached so much. He was like, he would tell me flat out. He's like, dude, you're not even training the right muscles. You're just, your squat is like,
Starting point is 01:07:33 he's like, you really have to. And, and I did, you know, once, once I met him, it changed things.
Starting point is 01:07:37 And I went from a nine 48 squat to a thousand 80 squat. And that was with, uh, you know, the help of Kelly'slly surrett and stuff like that too but the movement pattern was huge and it's not like i was like all of a sudden uh you know resting my forehead on my shins or anything like that it's not like my mobility increased anything like that you know right yeah yeah it wasn't anything crazy like that but it was just
Starting point is 01:08:02 some small improvements in being able to move better in the squat. And then also understanding what Kelly explained was like, you need to have a little extra mobility. And also, I mean, it was something that saved me because when I fell, when Amadeo Novella let me plummet to the ground, as Smokey likes to say, I think he might have pushed me, actually. Smokey likes to say. I think he might have pushed me, actually. Even though I wasn't very mobile at the time, my mobility was good enough, and I was practicing some mobility exercises at the time. It saved me, because otherwise I think I would have broke my leg or broke my ankle, and that would have been a career ender, and it's not. So I'm still standing here, and I'm still lifting.
Starting point is 01:08:43 There we go. I'm at Mark Smelly Bell all over the place. Strength is never weakness. Weakness is never strength. Catch y'all later. What up, Poopcast? I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of Mark Bell's Power Project podcast. We wanted to thank everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast.
Starting point is 01:08:57 That does so much for the show. It's just like a quick, easy way for you guys to send out a thank you if you guys have found any value in any of the episodes any of the guests and whatnot uh right now we wanted to give a huge shout out and thank you to hassle 7027 i hope i'm pronouncing that name correctly so hassle says killer podcast quote just finished the podcast with dave castro and it's really cool to see how all sides of the fitness community are coming together to get people healthier. These guys keep the conversation interesting and the topics are always educational. Hassel, thank you so much. Hopefully that wasn't, man, this already kind of hurts my stomach when I say this dad joke, but Hassel7027, hopefully it wasn't that much of a hassle to leave that review for us. If you guys listening right now, if you would like to hear your name and your review read on air, please head over
Starting point is 01:09:50 to iTunes right now, drop us a rating, drop us a review, and you could hear your name on air, just like our boy hassle 7027. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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