Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 344 - Street Bike Tommy

Episode Date: March 12, 2020

Street Bike Tommy is full-time contractor turned wild motor vehicle stuntman from the hit MTV show, Nitro Circus. He recently has gotten into training, and is actively working on taking control of his... health through lifting. Today Tommy shares his origin story and how he was able to turn his passion of doing stunts on his street bike into a career. Street Bike Tommy on Instagram: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Visit our sponsors: ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT10" at checkout for $10 off $40 or more! ➢SHOP NOW: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project crew, what's going down? Today we have an amazing guest. He's somebody that we were really looking forward to hanging out with since the, you know, since the inception of this whole trip. The trip that wasn't supposed to happen that ended up happening and thank goodness it did because we got our boy Street Bike Tommy. Tommy was a staple on Travis Pastrana's Nitro Circus. In case you're not familiar with that, Nitro Circus is basically jackass on motorcycles, but like all the stunts, everything was multiplied by like a thousand. Uh, Tommy's been training with our boy, Brian Allsroot, and he's being coached by our homie, Uncle Nick.
Starting point is 00:00:35 So that's kind of how we were able to make that connection. And, uh, he's so fun. It was just, we were just hanging out with him. It was so cool. He was telling us tons of stories of like how everything got started and it was really cool because you know i finally got a reference on a show where uh i could actually say cky2k if you guys know what that is uh then you know it's basically jackass before it was jackass and he said that that was one of the videos that inspired him to like really to start being a you you know, a madman on a motorcycle.
Starting point is 00:01:06 He, uh, it started with just doing wheelies every now and again, you know, he, he kind of just wanted to show off. And then next thing you know, he's being chased by all the cops in his neighborhood or in his town.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And, uh, you know, it just escalated. One thing led to another, led to another. And then eventually there was a competition to try to win two thousand dollars and uh you know it was uh again it was just like a jackass thing right like hey if you film it let's
Starting point is 00:01:32 just see what you guys can do and he wrecked his car and he did all kinds of stuff and then the big thing that really put him on the map is he he's never he never took his street bike off a ramp and he told Travis Pastrana like, yeah, I'm fine. I could do it. And instead of just, you know, taking it easy, he decided he wanted to do a front flip and it ended terribly. He broke, I mean, he shattered everything. His leg was barely hanging on by one tendon. Um, but he jokes around about it. He laughs and he just, he can't wait for the next thing. The whole time, the power project crew was just, you know, eyes wide open jaws on the floor because we just couldn't believe like that. He, and that's the funny thing, man. Like he just wanted to do all this stuff just to show off. It wasn't even to really make money. It just doesn't make any
Starting point is 00:02:19 sense. But I mean, obviously it all worked out because, you know, towards the end of the show, he's just like, yeah, I get to do whatever I want to do with whoever I want to do wherever I want to do it. He's traveled the world several times. It's a success story. It's just a totally different route than most people would take. Nonetheless, it is a success story. Real quick, thank you to Icon Meals for feeding us the entire trip. Without them, I don't know if I would have gotten any food at all. I mean, I know I'm down for
Starting point is 00:02:50 fasting, but I mean, four days straight of not eating wouldn't have been cool. So thank you, Icon Meals. If you guys want to check it out, please head over to right now at checkout, enter promo code PowerProject for 10% off your order again i highly recommend basically anything with brisket that they make it's delicious if you guys dig this episode make sure you hit tommy up on social media his uh his social media links will be down in the youtube description or the itunes show notes let us know what you guys think and please please please enjoy the show my stomach is definitely hungry yeah it makes mine makes weird noises all the time like it wants to be on the show it really gets wild yeah it does right it's good wild yeah yeah i had to pull the microphone away because it was doing the same thing my tum tum was but the next time it does do that one of you guys just just go into it lean in
Starting point is 00:03:41 yeah like uh it sometimes happens like directly after I have a sip of coffee. It's like, I don't know, stirring the pot down there. You know? I'm sorry, guys. What happened? I just think it'd be bad, but it's pretty fucking. These aren't, like, well, see, you should know these things better. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I didn't think so. These aren't these aren't like cushions i mean this is like leather kind of issue you know it's not absorbing go there's no filter on it just yeah you can't really fart into these we'll get you that lounger over there yeah so you were trying to get a check mark and what happened did you get one i got one uh you feel different i don't i just feel like the blue ig check mark more mad than anything man like why did it take so long why do you hate me like what did i do there's a lot of punks out there with blue with a blue check mark i see you know i had a couple friends not even kidding like
Starting point is 00:04:37 i had some friends that had like 1500 followers and they're like new to like i don't know singing or something you know somebody on the inside though no they just got it like not even kidding man and i'm like sitting back and i'm like i have all this stuff under my belt tv shows you know you name it like print like actual for real for real movies um and i had like imposters like if you typed in my name it would be a list of fake me's so like and i'm constantly in the news like i actually had like newspapers you're like yo i'm actually legit yeah like like i swear as like i actually blanket like i have everything you want yeah and but it's like everybody says that but it's like for like two years like i'm like throwing these requests at them and then like i actually had i kept getting denied denied
Starting point is 00:05:39 denied and i had to get a hold of a friend of mine that's actually like had a friend in instagram and next thing you know i got my blue check mark and i wonder if it's like mark zuckerberg just get a hold of a friend of mine that's actually like had a friend in Instagram. And next thing you know, I got my blue check mark. And I wonder if it's like Mark Zuckerberg just sitting back, like laughing at everybody being like, this guy thinks he's real. This guy thinks he's a celebrity. It probably is because,
Starting point is 00:05:55 well, you know how Zuckerberg is, man. I'm a gun guy. I'm like Captain America. I eat meat. I lift, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:02 now I'm starting to lift weights. No, he's like, nah, son, you don't get that blue check. Yeah. You starting to lift some weights? Yeah, yeah. So. What's going on with that?
Starting point is 00:06:12 Uncle Nick. Big Uncle Nick. My man, Nick. He's been training me for like the last month and a half. I've been trying to, you know, New Year's resolution, you know, just be healthier. It's March, so you're hanging in there pretty good. Yeah, solid, yeah. And I took a week off, had the flu, and then I did take seven days off last week
Starting point is 00:06:36 because Monster Jam came through town, and those boys like to get loose. Uh-oh. Yeah, I got to get back on track. But we sent it pretty hard and in uh in baltimore you like in lifting oh yeah digging it over there at never state and uh have you messed with it before uh so i used to power lift in in high school and uh i used to go to competitions and i won a bunch of stuff um and uh i lost track of it when I turned 21. We all know why.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Wait, why? I like to drink and chase the women's. You waited until you were 21 to really go deep in drinking? Really cut loose. I actually didn't really drink all through high school. I was always the kid that was like the the sober guy with a 12 pack of coca-cola under his arms for reals and like i'd be at these parties and like the cops would show up and be like they'd be pushing me out front like go talk to the cop i'm like
Starting point is 00:07:34 dude we're not drinking like i mean breathalyze me i don't care yeah yeah you know he's like i know you guys are drinking like punching pie bro leave us alone yeah and you know we we'd have these cool parties because like i'd be like an ambassador in between us alone yeah and you know we we'd have these cool parties because like i'd be like an ambassador in between the drunk kids and the cops so um high school was fun uh but when i when i actually did start drinking it was full tilt and uh yeah it's probably a little bit tough too being a celebrity right like you know people like they want so hard out here well no they just they want to have fun with you right like oh yeah grab a drink like if people want to buy you a drink or that's people want to experience stuff with you on a different level
Starting point is 00:08:12 than just kicking it right you would not believe how many times i get offered and drinks and and drugs and all kinds of stuff man people don't hold back um let's smoke a joint together oh bro it gets loose and i'm all like nah but the shots like i'll take all the drinks what do you drink i'm like anything the years and years and years of people buying me drinks like you name it like we're drinking it i don't care like you can put literally whatever you the only thing i don't do is gin can't do gin tastes like pine cones to me i'm like it's like too dry like smokes my mouth yeah like i'm like yeah it's not my thing you know like you say you started drinking heavily when you were 21 but obviously you've had a lot of success so uh i mean how did it affect you like
Starting point is 00:09:00 was it it seems you were you've done well. Yeah, so it seems that way. I've made about every mistake you can possibly make because I like to, like, just life in general. Like, I like to really just have as much fun as possible at any time. And it's gotten me into, like, a lot of trouble. But, no, I just, I like to cut loose, man. And, you know, I'm a glutton. So that's like why I've gotten overweight over the years and stuff like that. And it's just now I'm trying to dial it back, you know, and it's kind of hard because these events are really fun.
Starting point is 00:09:39 I was drinking last night, kind of almost forgot about this podcast. I was drinking last night. Kind of almost forgot about this podcast. Yeah, me and Nick were actually sitting at breakfast, and I was staring at my phone. I was like, man, why is 1130 ringing my bell? I'm getting this recall, and I'm like, I feel like I'm supposed to be on a podcast.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Nick was like, are you kidding me? I thought that was Saturday. I was like, no, no dude i got a text last night i was already drinking yeah so um we ran over here and uh we happened to tuck in behind arnold randomly enough like he was already oh shit have you met him before no so i didn't meet him now but you just saw we were yeah in route like we had on a mission yeah we had a be, but we were en route. Like, we had. On a mission. Yeah, we had a beeline. We were late, so.
Starting point is 00:10:29 I should say I was late, so. I don't want to put Nick under the bus. But I saw the back of him and the whole crowd that was following him, so. Yeah, it was pretty cool. Yeah, just being here, man. Like, I know this isn't, like, the star-studded event that it's supposed to be, but I'm having a great time. This is kind of like being at a really exclusive club.
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's different, right? Yeah, it's cool because now we've got elbow room. Everybody doesn't have that mentality. you know, mentality, you know. So I'm pretty excited to check out the event. It's kind of like I'm dipping a toe in, you know. Have you been out here before? I've been through here on tour with Nitro, but never for the Arnold. And I didn't really see the city at all.
Starting point is 00:11:24 Like when we're on tour in the States, it's normally a bus tour. So, they get you in, they get you out. Like, you probably get two hours during loadout to hit a bar real quick and see if you can't pick something up and drop her off in the next town.
Starting point is 00:11:40 For real, it happens. It's, uh, but yeah. Have you always been this way since you were young? You always wanted to have fun? You were always kind of just seeking, like, just laughing and having a good time? It's funny. I was quiet. Like, when I was, like, it was all, I can actually tell you the moment that it all changed for me.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And this is the first time I've ever told this story ever. When you discovered vaginas. No. Yeah. Like, yo. This was the third grade so oh okay yeah so a little early for that is it i think i'm joking so in the third grade i had straight a's all the way up like every class i ever had straight a's you know and i was like always attentive and like in the front of the class attention yeah and then like um this one day my math teacher miss creech she uh this dude like the bad kid you know but the cool kid like the cool bad kid was acting up in class and like as a punishment he had to sit next to me like she was like you, you got to sit next to Tom. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:45 Because like I was like, you know, like, what are you doing? Shut up. You know, be quiet or whatever. And like this kid, he like spit a spitball at somebody and it like whacked him in the face. And I was like, you know, I thought it was the funniest thing ever because I was like, I didn't know where it came from because he did like real fast. He was like, you know, like you don't even know how to make a spitball, right? No, never. And he straight up snipered this kid.
Starting point is 00:13:10 And I thought it was the funniest thing in the world because now he's got spit on his face. It's like something that's foreign to me. And he goes, hey, man, you want to try? And I was like, do I? No. No, I don't want to do that. It's bad. So he's like, he's like, whips out another straw and like hands it to me.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And I was like, what am I doing? What do I do? He's like, use the wrapper. Like put the wrapper in your mouth. And I was all like, all right, here we go. Put it in my mouth. And I was all like, he's like, all right, just aim it at somebody. So I was all like, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:13:44 And I just felt this like rush over my body and i was like i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do this and i was like and like straight missed like but like this kid saw it like whiz by his face and i was all like it wasn't me that was like i got like super like my stomach dropped like i was gonna get in trouble like i'm gonna get kicked out of. That's a rough feeling right there. My dad's going to disown me. Like all this. I was like,
Starting point is 00:14:08 no, no, he's like, try it again. Try it again. I was like, man, do it.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Try it. He's like, he's like, he keeps like egging me on, egging me on. And I was like, all right, whatever.
Starting point is 00:14:17 And I was just trying to get it. I was like, bang. And I hit this kid dead in the face. Smack. And like, I'll never forget it. Like the,
Starting point is 00:14:23 because he did this Twitch thing. He was like, ah, and like, you know, it hit him dead in the face smack and like i'll never forget it like because he did this twitch thing he was like ah and like you know it hit him dead in the face and uh i was like oh no oh no and like this this that feeling just got worse and worse but then like nothing happened like um that kid actually got in trouble again for the spitball that i spit because like all the kids you would never do it yeah yeah right and then i was like oh my god this is the greatest thing ever you can just like have fun and like you don't always get caught like you know it's not always a big deal yeah yeah so like it was kind of like that was the opening to like kind of what's the kid's name the spitball kid tom ford believe it or not wow real talk tom ford
Starting point is 00:15:05 change your change your life you can look it up chase out elementary school that's a real story real names i don't know am i allowed to say that stuff i think so yeah i mean yeah you're fine yeah it really happened you ever hit tom up since no i'm doing i have no idea he probably did that kid was such he's in the joint he was cool guy but he was just such a bad he was a bad yeah and um then that like through my high school career like i was always class clown but i was always like scared of like going fast and like doing like stuff that would hurt me and then um i got pretty good at driving my uh Explorer when I first got my license. I thought I was like Cole Trickle out here.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And I was going around all these corners and stuff. And I was like, I'm so fast. I'm so fast. Out there drifting. Like for real though. And the Ford Explorer was no joke. And I ended up one night, like my buddy was egging me on. This is like
Starting point is 00:16:05 right when gone in 60 seconds came out and he was like go baby go go baby go like the button and like i was just driving super fast like on my road like i had this like super long like mile long driveway basically like but like the first part of it street and that first corner you know i'd take it super fast and this one time uh the tires like the stuff that you don't think of as a kid like you don't understand that like every time that you've done something before like the tires were flexing and like air was coming out and i wasn't like aware of pressure and like i go to go around this corner again and the tires come right off and like i flip it and I get ejected out of my driver's window.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Oh, shit. And, like, I don't remember any of that. How fast were you going? Probably 75. Oh, shit. And, like, they measured blood spatter because cops came out, and they were – they measured blood spatter 20 feet in the air, like, from, like – because when I got ejected, I got ejected up.
Starting point is 00:17:02 And it's a good thing that I got ejected. I wouldn't wear a seatbelt. But it was a good thing that I got ejected. I wouldn't wear a seatbelt. But it was a good thing that I got ejected because, like, I'll show you. I'll find pictures later. But it looked like a can opener ripped open the truck, like, on my seat. So, like, if I was still in the truck when it continued to flip, it's a wrap. My son gets his license on Monday. This is a great story
Starting point is 00:17:25 teach him about tire pressure yeah yeah exactly or shit yeah i mean you just make bad decisions sometimes oh he's gonna make a bunch of them yeah i mean it doesn't happen you just can't be scared of that stuff because everybody does it did you get hurt yeah so like i like i had hairline fractures like my whole skull like was like looked like uh just just shattered like from like this whole front like from here holy shit and it was just spider web fractures um and uh it actually healed back uh with calcium deposits and stuff so after that i could pretty much put my head into whatever i wanted to for real superpower for real the making of a superhero yeah yeah captain of crash what about your uh parents like what they think you know you tell
Starting point is 00:18:19 them like oh man i don't know what happened or well so i don't remember any of this keep in mind i'm that's the only time i've been concussed in my whole life like the only time and uh i uh i came to and i was all i saw was like rotor blades you know because they airlifted me uh to shock trauma because of the head the head injury wow because like i was all messed up but like i was like up and like in autopilot basically and they told me i punched one of my windows out of the truck like i was mad at the truck and i was screaming that a deer jumped out in front of me so like the completely idiotic like not under its own control body of me was looking out for me later with a story of something that didn't happen so i was like really impressed with myself because like you know like wow i got this covered pretty good
Starting point is 00:19:11 right and you know it wasn't a big deal because of the story like the deer thing made it you know totally like insurance or whatever so yeah pops wasn super pissed, but he was super pissed because, like, the deductible was, like, $1,500 or something. And that was a lot because, you know, my pop spent all his money on property, so we didn't have any, like, extra dough. So he was like, you're going to get that. So I had to go to work and pay that off.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Did you take a long time to recover from that? Not really. The bones, probably, because it's not something that they can monitor or cast. You know, they just kind of, as long as it's not shifted, they just let it heal. There's not much they can do,
Starting point is 00:20:01 but it was about a week. I was just in and out, in and out, in and out, and I didn't really know cognitively like what was going on. Like that, that was a weird feeling. So none of that, that didn't slow down your desire for. No, because I'm having a good time in my brain. I was like, well, you know, I'm still okay. If that happened, like I wasn't awake for any of it.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Like in my brain, legit. Like it was like somebody chopped a movie. Like it was like frame to frame. Like somebody had took one frame of me hanging out. Like I was playing video games at my buddy's house. And then the next frame that was cut. And this is my to this day memory of the situation. Except for like I remember the rotor blades.
Starting point is 00:20:39 But like at the time, like I'm playing video games. And all of a sudden it was like boop. And I'm like in the hospital. And my head hurts. And I'm like I come to to, it was like straight up like, you know, wizard boss. Like I'm looking around and my dad's there and my mom's there and my brother's there and a bunch of my friends are like around my bed and I'm like, what's everybody like looking at me for? Like what?
Starting point is 00:21:01 I thought it was fake. Like at the time it was happening and i was like nah and my dad's like crying i've never seen him cry before ever and like he's like not okay and like and i was like what happened and this nurse who happened to be standing right there was like you were in a bad car accident and i was like but who was driving? They're like, you were. It was your truck. I was like, nah. Get the fuck out of here. It's like, you know, in my brain, I'm like Mario Andretti, bro. Like, you know.
Starting point is 00:21:33 I'm like, I ain't crashed. What you talking about? Now I know you guys are playing because I didn't crash. Right. Right. And then, like, they were like, yeah, but, you know, Nick and Brian were in a car with you. And I was like, are they okay? Literally that second second the thing opens up and these dudes in straight up smocks come walking up and brian's pushing an iv and
Starting point is 00:21:52 nick's got his arm around brian and they're like oh dude we're good and i was all like this isn't real like this isn't real like and that's, it went from literally like the controller was in my hand to boop. I saw that situation and is, you know, I was like, you know, I mean, if the worst happens, it's not like I'm going to know about it. Yeah. So send it, you know? Oh my gosh. And now you have like a helmet built in cause all the calcium, right?
Starting point is 00:22:21 Just in the front. Oh shit. How'd you end up getting into like TV and stuff? You said you've been on tv since 2004 what so shortly after that i turn 18 i get out of high school and i buy my first crotch rocket because like you know like can we explain what a crotch rocket is yeah it's a gsxr 1000 made by street bike Street bike. Got it. Super sport. You know, it's like the go fast, you know. Is it cheap?
Starting point is 00:22:49 Because, like, you know, we were all going fast back then. And, like, you know, this is the era of, you know, Fast and the Furious 1, Gone in 60 Seconds, and all these things. And, like, all my friends were friends were like hyped about going fast and the fastest the cheapest way to go as fast as you can is a street bike like you can at the time drop 11 grand and go 200 miles an hour so yeah so i went straight to the dealership got this you know bike and started riding around. And I was running from cops all the time because I didn't have a license, you know.
Starting point is 00:23:30 So, like, I was just like, you know, Crown Vic, he ain't catching me. What are you, crazy? So, I started riding around all super fast. I'm, like, getting this, like, this name for myself, like, around the area, you know, being loose. Because, like, we'd film everything and just have a good time and uh it was funny because like what started actual like me wanting to like show off for people was like every stoplight i would get to there was it seemed like there was a kid like there was just some kid go do wheelie and i I was like, I don't know how. He's like, you suck.
Starting point is 00:24:05 You know? It's like, for real? Like, yo, I got this cool-ass bike, and I got this kid over here telling me I suck. Like, man, I got to look. So I'm like, whoa. Whoa. And I ride around for two weeks trying to learn how to wheelie. And I was doing different things, like filling up my gas tank one day and then letting it get empty like seeing what the weight shift is and like trying to figure things out like
Starting point is 00:24:28 film me i want to see where my you know because like in my brain like the front tire is like way up but it's like six inches off the ground you know so you know we wrote me and my friend just decided to learn how to wheelie and uh i got it so like i was wheeling everywhere. Just like all over, you know, all over the place. I could go through traffic. I could steer around corners like, and it was like fast too. Like, you know, when you get up in the higher gears, like you can do 150 just
Starting point is 00:24:55 forever. Front tire stops, you know. You put it down, it shoots smoke out. Like, yeah. It's like aircraft stuff, you know. And I'd go over bridges. Like, I'd try to, like, wheelie everything. Like, there's even this golf course that has a connecting little bridgeway
Starting point is 00:25:16 that goes over, like, the main road. And, like, one night I was like, oh! I, like, went over it and, like, filmed it because, like, you know, cars were going under me. And it was, like, a golf course for golf it because like you know cars were going under me and it was like a golf course for golf carts like bridgeway and i just like we're gonna cross it and bite was all up in the air it was crazy but it's just stuff that you love to do and you did it with your buddies you'd film it yeah you guys would you know probably watch it back and shit yeah weren't like thinking it would turn into anything right no so at this exact time uh
Starting point is 00:25:47 jackass like was just coming out and god what a great show oh dude what a great show right those are my guys those are my guys and then uh so me and my friends we we were all watching all the dvds so did you watch uh cky2k yeah so that was the first time i ever experienced that shit that's amazing yeah so uh bam and his crew like my my hero was always ryan dunn like because like he was always like the guy like whenever bam was doing something that bam was like you know putting movies out and he was like i remember my chair was so cool i'm like nah random hero bro like bam's cool like don't get me wrong but random hero like my man was like doing whatever like off the wall stuff that you'd be like no way like no like he always caught me way off guard with like everything
Starting point is 00:26:37 that he was doing and like that's who i like saw myself as like the guy that would go like the next level, like do the stuff that nobody was going to do. Like just take it too far. Yeah. I wanted to be that guy. Yeah. Where you're like, like we all go a certain distance with something and you're like, holy shit.
Starting point is 00:26:56 You know, when you do something, we're like, whoa, shit. I know he's going to go that stupid with it, but he did. And then like, you know, so we, my friends, cause we thought we were, you know, we're just like and then like you know so we my friends because we thought we were you know we're just like those guys you know so yeah so we started carrying around this little handycam you know we're shooting like mini dv you know and all these kids like that we were hanging out with we'd film all the dumb stuff that we were doing like shopping cart stuff and like you know we were totally biting their style but we would also do fun stuff in between and like we'd film like all the wheelies and stuff and like we had these street bikes and like we're filming so randomly
Starting point is 00:27:36 um a longtime family friend of mine she started dating jim to champ jim to champ was travis pastrana's roommate at the time and at that time travis didn't tell anybody like it wasn't public knowledge that he was starting to also film a dvd like bam was and so they were like collectively getting together and they were filming all the stuff that travis was doing. And Jim DeChamp came to like, because we used to party on farms all the time. So like my family friend, she had like one of those farms that like, you know, that we all gathered at like every weekend.
Starting point is 00:28:19 I grew up in the sticks kind of, and like that's what it was. It was like apple orchards or like on someone's farm and then you had to try to find it and you had no idea right there's no social media or anything at the time hey you just had you had to know you find the cars and then you you'd find the spot you know yeah and it was uh was travis was he already like really popular at this time oh he was super famous like travis has always been super famous like he he had his first sponsor when he was like four years old.
Starting point is 00:28:45 Got it. Yeah, okay. Yeah, and I always knew of him. How did you get a sponsorship at four years old? That's like a whole podcast right there. For real. For real. Look up Travis's history.
Starting point is 00:28:55 That is one impressive dude. That's wild. From the time he was a kid. I mean, they struggled getting him through racing as a child, because a sponsor isn't, like, a big money sponsor. They probably gave him stickers back then. But, you know, still, you know, he was getting that attention to where he could get stuff from manufacturers back then. That's wild.
Starting point is 00:29:26 And then he was, like, always super popular because, like, you'd always hear these, like hear about the famous guy that's from your area. It's like Travis Bistrana, Travis Bistrana. I was like, yeah, I don't know. Never met the guy. And then when he was 16 is when he won X Games, the first Moto X Games. And then everybody was like, oh my God. You're like, he can't do wheelies like me. Dude, well, no. I was like, yo.
Starting point is 00:29:42 For real, Travis's name was like gold, like where we're from. And so at this party, the fact that Jim lived at his house, you know, all my friends were like, oh my God, Jim's so cute. Jim's so cute. And like, I was like, in my head, you know, I was, I'm alpha the group, you know, I'm like, nobody's cooler than me, you know? All right, you better, you better talk about me more. And so I was jealous, you know i was i'm out for the group you know i'm like nobody's cooler than me you know all right you better you better talk about me more and so i was jealous you know so um but when jim came over uh to the party he brought with him a little dvd and like everybody's like play the dvd
Starting point is 00:30:16 play the dvd play your movie and like so remember minister of south park i'm sorry you sound a little bit like cartman right i identify that's my dude cartman's my man but uh so he has his dvd and like all everybody's like oh let's all gather around see how cool jim is and i'm all like man fuck that guy but i like him like at the time you know i'm like he's cool but in my brain i'm like fuck that guy so it's so jealous like you know you know how it is so they they put on this DVD, and everybody's gathering around this TV, and we're all watching it, and it just starts off loose. And you're like, holy shit, these guys are gnarly. That was back when they were trying to do backflips for the first time ever.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Travis had done a few. Kerry Hart had done them. And Mike Metzger were doing them but like people were like it still was very very new like a foam pit was like the fresh like it was right when the foam pit like was birthed and so they were back in the back and they're like they're throwing these flips to dirt you know and like jim's doing you? And I'm like, he's not even a pro rider or whatever. And like these, he has these dudes just over there trying and they're like,
Starting point is 00:31:30 widen themselves up. And like, we're all watching this movie and I'm like, man, this guy's cool. Sucks. It's cool, man.
Starting point is 00:31:38 I can't, I can't deal with this. So like, um, as the movie ends, you know, everybody's like, Oh my God, that was, Oh my God, you know everybody's like oh my god that was oh my god
Starting point is 00:31:45 you know blowing him blowing him up and i was like look man like i don't know man like that's cool but like if i had that kind of money and resources like i'd be able to do some pretty rad stuff you know twice as cool as you pretty much you know that's basically how it went and he was like oh yeah like basically like took offense as you would he's like how it went and he was like oh yeah like basically like took offense as you would he's like well we're gonna be we're actually filming for the second dvd now and we're having a film shoot in a week and uh you want to come over and put up or shut up i was like i don't ride dirt bikes you know and i was like i was like i can't i can't i'm not gonna do anything because like at the time all the x
Starting point is 00:32:26 games writers like you know big names like cowboy kenny bartram ronnie renner and like they're all like gonna be there and i'm like i mean i'll come check it out he's like nah nah you can't just come over like you gotta you gotta put a team together and i'm like but like i don't ride dirt bikes like you don't understand like i don't that's not what i do he's't understand. That's not what I do. He's like, yeah, yeah. That's not what it is. So the DVD isn't about riding dirt bikes. It's about just cool stuff. He's like, we're having a competition where teams go out, teams of three go out, and whoever comes back with collectively everybody's going to decide who has the best footage wins two grand.
Starting point is 00:33:03 And I was like, two grand? Bet. everybody's gonna decide who has the best footage wins two grand and i was like two grand bet he's like he's like you ain't gotta ride dirt bikes you ain't gotta do nothing if you talk to the girl in the 7-eleven and to do a naked jumper jacks you can win so i was like this is my competition you got nothing you know so and uh we we uh we go down to my house at the time uh and like me and my buddies were like that day that we had 24 hours that day um you know we go down to my house and we're all sitting in my living room and everybody's coming with these ideas of like cool stuff to do and like i thought i was the coolest guy in the world and like we had nothing but ideas but at the time
Starting point is 00:33:43 now i'm under pressure, and it's real. I was like, nah, stupid. We can't do that. It's dumb. We're getting writer's block heavy. Nobody's coming up with any ideas. And I'm like, ah, what can I do? What can I do?
Starting point is 00:33:55 So just to shake it off, I literally just jumped in my everyday ride at the time, which was a Ford Lincoln 1983 baby blue. Had a purple window tint. Town car, baby. Hey, I like the lead sleds, dude. The big cars. I used to sit in them couch cars. Yeah, this is it.
Starting point is 00:34:13 That was me. And then I jumped in that car, and I just put a couch cushion in my chest and put on my street bike helmet and ran that son of a bitch into a tree. And I don't know why but i thought it would be cool you got on tape right oh yeah yeah okay and then it was still running uh kind of hurt my knees a little bit but backed up and then i hit it like way faster and like folded the whole front end up and then like i didn't really realize how bad my knees would be they broke the whole dashboard like and then i like fell out and i was like oh god that hurt
Starting point is 00:34:45 and like it was good footage and like it was cool it didn't make any sense but it was cool and then uh like what are we gonna do now what are we gonna do now and i was like i don't know went inside got my shotgun and like finished her off you know like put a couple rounds like in the quarter panel threw some glass shot the tires and then like i'm like what are we gonna do now i don't know like i'm like trying to like think of cool stuff to do and then like um i noticed that the car sitting real low like because the tires were popped so i was like man that's kind of i was like looking i was like man you think richie could get his truck up on there and like i was like oh maybe my buddy had this lifted s10 you know with some
Starting point is 00:35:24 big ass tires on it i was like dude call him over my buddy had this lifted S10, you know, with some big ass tires on it. I was like, dude, call him over. See if he can't run this thing, you know, get his truck on top. And he ended up breaking his diff trying. But he did get on top of it. But he had to do it backwards. So he backed onto it. And it was kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:35:41 And the only prize here was two grand we hear a lot of destruction going on for 2k yeah yeah and like you know two grand and accolades you know did we ever get the girl to do the jumping jacks nah i didn't have no game back then for real like i was you know you had to like know me to like me back then all right but did you guys end up winning this like did did your tape win oh yeah because that was like my most famed like stunt okay like because that that's where i they got i got my name i ended up taking you know because everybody's trying like you gotta take a street by cut you gotta take a street by cut and this time i'd been running from cops so much they actually had
Starting point is 00:36:23 like cops waiting on like my normal route. Like they were for real looking for me. I didn't have a tag. I didn't have a license. Like, and I wore full leathers at the time and my bike was covered in tiger print fur. Long story.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Well, so I'm very undercover, but it was fast. So like they couldn't catch me like i'd be going down the road normal speed limit and a cop would come see me and like legit like whip around like you know see that bike and wow and like come out like you know like i didn't always feel like running yeah you know and they started I didn't always feel like running. Yeah. You know? And they started getting really good.
Starting point is 00:37:08 Like, they almost got me about twice. But I was real, like, I don't want to bring a bike out. They're, like, you got to bring a bike out. You got to bring a bike out. I was, like, all right, let's go get the bike. So I go do these crazy wheelies down one of the longer highways where we're from. And I'm, like like going in and out of traffic and i'm like getting all that good footage and stuff and all of a sudden bang like something
Starting point is 00:37:30 happens in the motor and it comes down i'm like i was like what the hell that's like cops i'm like oh come on and i got like half power like bikes like topping out at like 90 so i'm like this is not good so like i'm like flying down the road as fast as i can and i'm like i'm running on this motor that's just about to pop and then uh i cross over the median because i knew they couldn't like do that and i was like and like i go down this little thing come back up and i go the other way and i'm like watching them go the other way and i'm like ah you know and like i get down the other way and then you know i lost them yeah so had my buddy come pick me up put put it in the back of the truck and take it to travis house
Starting point is 00:38:13 because now that my bike's shot too so i'm like it's still got some power like let's try to jump it anybody ever jumped a street bike ever you know nah so i'd never jumped anything in my life ever either like ever so but i was like how hard could it be his phone pit right you just laying the phone whatever so i was like that was like right when i met trav i was like hey man you mind if i jump my bike in your phone pit he's like because like the little arm that he has like it's not that strong like he was like i don't know my wearing tear my my thing he's like if you do it you got to do a trick and i was like you know all right and at the time like backflip was like the coolest trick and he's like what are you gonna try i was like i don't know i'll try backflip you know because
Starting point is 00:39:00 travis pastrana who i who I've idolized, the most famous dude ever to come out of our area, is like now I'm at his house, which is like a house that's been on cribs. And I'm like, yeah, we're going to do a backflip. So that's like the first thing in my head. Is he the first guy to do a backflip or one of the first? One of the first. He like made it kind of famous, right? So Cary Hart was the first one just because that was before foam pits.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Like, at X Games and Gravity, like, at events, like, Carey Hart would come out and he would throw it. Nobody had ever done it. And, you know, like, the mindset that you got to be like, I think I can do that. So, you're jumping 75 feet you know an fmx setup and you're you're getting you know 30 feet in the air you know and you just you either land or you get seriously hurt so to try that just to wrap your head around that alone you're like what is this guy thinking like how did that ever even happen? You know, because it's not something you can do halfway. Like, to learn, like, you know, like, Superman and stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:40:09 you just kind of, like, as you jump, you just grab, and then, like, you grab some more, and then you get, you know, bigger extensions. But a backflip, you either do or you don't. Yeah. So, like, the fact that he just would come out, and, like, he did it in competitions. Like, there was no practicing. Like like he'd just be like hot and just you'd see this dude bang and just wad himself up but then he landed it one day he got it and everybody was like oh my god the game has changed
Starting point is 00:40:41 right so you know that is crazy. Yeah. Like once you're the guy, once you do land it, right. Who cares if he messed up a couple, you know, he could have got killed. A hundred percent. But people have gotten killed. But when you, when you land it, you're the first guy to ever do it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:57 Yep. And at the same time, Travis, you know, cause he sent one into the bay at X Games. He used a berm and just sent one into the bay. And he didn't get anywhere near getting it. Is he the one in the Red Bull commercial that comes down to the other side of the building? Like he jumps from one building to another? He has jumped one building to another. I don't know about a Red Bull commercial.
Starting point is 00:41:23 There was a sick Red Bull commercial that was on years ago. I think it might have been on during the Super Bowl. But the guy jumps from one building to another. And when he lands, he like broke his wrist and he broke maybe his ankle or something like that too. And it just goes right up to the camera. And it's like it's not, you know, it's not like fake or anything. It's just shot the way it's shot. And he says, welcome to my world.
Starting point is 00:41:42 I was like, that's fucking cool. I mean, he's never crashed like building building that i know yeah because we jumped building building for the tv show in la and uh you know the the thing that you don't really know about like he could jump that distance like perfectly every single time yeah it's just trapped he's he's a machine like he's done it yeah he didn't crash in this one either. He just, he just hurt his wrist. Oh, that was probably, that was Robbie Madison. Oh, yeah, there you go. Yeah, Ryan Madison.
Starting point is 00:42:15 Yeah, because he did the, jumped on and off of the. Like in Vegas or something? Was that a big ass arch? Yeah. Yeah. That was insanity. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:23 Robbie's gnarly. He goes big. He's gotnarly. He goes big. He's got a bunch of world records, too. He's the distance record, I think, holder right now for like 300 and something feet. Yeah. All right. So you're going off of Travis's, you're going to his phone pit. Yeah. So in my brain, I'm like, man, I know I told this dude I'm going to do a backflip, but
Starting point is 00:42:41 I'd never done a backflip ever, even to this day. I can't do a backflip on a trampoline never done a backflip ever like even to this day like i can't do a backflip on a trampoline i can't do it into a pool for real like my brain won't let me do it but i can do front flips you know what i mean and i didn't want to tell this dude i was gonna do a front flip because like the front flip was just yeah okay buddy like because the front flip it just it doesn't physically make sense so for real even even now there's only a handful of dudes doing them um and they just happened like a couple years ago like um and this is on a broken bike and you've never jumped yeah 375 pound suzuki gsxr 1000 cc 6R1000 CC super bike covered in fur. Sounds like
Starting point is 00:43:25 great. Yeah. Yeah. So and my buddy is a plumber and my other buddy is a construction guy just like me
Starting point is 00:43:34 and that's my team and I called myself Tom P in the propane carnival because I was making fun of nature. Yeah. because I was making fun of the nitros yeah but yeah then
Starting point is 00:43:52 I ended up like this is around noon I went and maybe we'll just jump go up there and you know you've jumped anything before I'm like no never but I can ride maybe just jump you know go up there and you know you've jumped anything before i'm like no never but i can ride like all right well maybe just jump in very slow at first just to see how it reacts on the ramp face because it's a wooden skate light ramp face and i was running super
Starting point is 00:44:17 sticky tires at the time you know so who knows like what would have happened on the on the face so i was like all right i'll give it a shot. I was like, whoa. And it just kind of like landed in the pit. Didn't get any air. And I was like, I got this. Just super young me, full of, man, I had pepper. Boy, I had pepper. And I was like, I'm going to be famous.
Starting point is 00:44:42 That was my mindset. I was like, I'm going to be famous. I don't care what I do. I'm going to be famous. Famous shit. I just had this like, that's what I'm gonna be famous. Like that was like my mindset. I was like, I'm gonna be famous. I don't care what I do. I'm famous, famous shit. Like I just had this, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:48 that's what I'm gonna do. And, um, I get on this bike and I was like, that was nothing. And like, I'm looking at this ramp face. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:44:55 it's like straight up and down. You just hit it faster. You go higher, you go further too. So, so I come into this thing at like, cause I had a buddy there because at this time, all the professional riders had left, even Travis. Keep in mind, at this exact same time, Travis, one of his things that he was doing,
Starting point is 00:45:17 he took his cousin, Special Greg, and put a burlap sack over his head, tied his hands behind his back, stopped on one of the popular bridges down in annapolis and yoked him out of the truck put him on the side of the the jersey wall of the bridge and had a blank in a shotgun it was like you know yelling yelling at his cousin acting like you know i'm gonna shoot you i'm gonna shoot you and bang and then he falls off the bridge and that happens so the the reason why i do it on that bridge because there's a waterfront restaurant right there where people are all sitting outside cops got called it was gnarly so because everybody knows his truck his big yellow stupid truck so he drives back to the house and at this exact same time I'm hitting this ramp again and
Starting point is 00:46:06 all my friends are you can go twice as fast so I was mathematically going twice as fast I come in this ramp doing 60 boom go right up and I'm like yo I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm like up over the front of the thing I'm like I'm actually doing it it's like coming around I'm like yeah dude I'm gonna change
Starting point is 00:46:22 the world again and everybody's gonna know my name it's gonna be awesome and like I look down I'm like yeah dude i'm gonna change the world again and everybody's gonna know my name it's gonna be awesome i'm like i look down i'm like shit oh man and i'm like too far man like i'm like i'm gonna i'm gonna miss this thing so like it's coming around it's coming around i'm like oh i gotta get this thing out you know from over top me i'm like it's coming around it's coming around like right as i'm like coming you know down on the other side of the pit like I came like in front of me and I like ditched the bike but then I was like uh-oh and then like then I had to like try to run out of it and yeah it was not pleasant at all busted my stuff up big time tore my ACL MCL PCL um because like my on my because i tried to run out of it so like i exploded every
Starting point is 00:47:07 bone in my left foot like every little baby bone in my left foot just and then uh what i didn't know was i did also detach my left calf and my achilles on the left side and then on the right side like when i planted my right foot that's when my femur came down and mushed my tib fib like it like grinded like it just came down into one of those and like ripped everything out the only thing i had was a partial lcl was the only thing holding my knee together for a couple god a month and a half because like i swolled up like so bad they couldn't do surgery right away yeah um and like I was in the hospital like taking these blood thinners because like I turned so purple like from my shoulder blades down it was like purple shit like purple purple and um yeah it was gnarly
Starting point is 00:47:58 um but so I crash bang and I'm like I can't breathe like it's the worst, and I'm like, I can't breathe. Like, it's the worst. Like, I'm alive. Like, because the whole time, I'm like, I'm dying. Like, this is me dying. Like, that's what I had in my head. And then I'm sitting there, and I'm like, out of breath. I'm like, and I just couldn't stop making that horrific noise. Like Jim Carrey. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Like, I couldn't physically stop making the noise like i felt stupid make it i was like god why am i doing that my body's just involuntary going and like i'm like oh god and then like i'm like i'm either gonna pass out and i'll just wake back up like whenever you know but i'm like it's like like, it's technically kind of like drowning in the air as what it feels like. And like, as like, I feel like I'm kind of starting to go out. Like I go and I get it back and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:48:53 Oh my God, I'm alive. But like everything hurts and like I'm in super pain, but like I'm alive. And then all my buddies start coming, like running over and they're like, Holy shit, dude.
Starting point is 00:49:02 Like what? And I'm like, get my helmet off, get my helmet off. Cause I can't breathe. I'm like, get it off. And like, they get my helmet off and I'm like sitting there and they're like holy shit dude like what what i'm like get my helmet off get my helmet because i can't breathe i'm like get it off and like they get my helmet off and like sit there i'm like like oh my god dude i'm like calling the ambulance dude i'm messed up and i'm like you know because like it feels like in my body it feels like my whole left side's like deflated yeah like i was like it's something missing like it felt like i had a butt cheek gone or something because like there was nerve damage and stuff like from the the muscle you know ripping up into my body and like i just didn't know what it was uh at the time and like nobody even on the mris they didn't they didn't show any
Starting point is 00:49:35 of that like i was like later i found out i was like why is my calf so like after the swelling went down like why is my calf looks so jacked like it like had like sucked up and turned so yeah um but uh yeah and then that that at that time travis had just got back um to the house and he was coming down this hill because like there's a hill where the shop is he was coming down the hill from the house to the shop and he saw my bike go over his shed and he was like, Oh no. So he ran cause this kid that he only met 10 seconds ago,
Starting point is 00:50:14 like before and like he just did his thing and he's like running down a hill. He's like, Oh my God, I'm getting sued. You know, like this complete, who knows this kid, right?
Starting point is 00:50:22 Like why is he even here? Like he didn't, he didn't know like my affiliation like or anything. And like is he even here like he he didn't know like my affiliation like or anything like he's like oh god and then like he's like uh huh and i was like what's up man you know i'm like shaking this dude's hand jacked up on his phone pit and he's like got this face like i'm screwed and at this time a squad of cops come down the hill you know and they get down to the shop because they knew exactly where to go and they're there for travis but as soon as they got there it quickly turned
Starting point is 00:50:52 into this dude needs to get airlifted out to to not die because they showed him the footage and they were like in a panic to and then like so he didn't get arrested, but all these cops that came down, they saw the bike, and they were like, hmm. And they were like, Travis was laughing because they told him all the stories of all summer of them looking out for this bike, and they finally found out who it was. But, you know, they don't have any proof. I got a lid on. Like, doesn't look like we're going to be chasing you anymore. I'm like, but you didn't get me. Like, doesn't look like we're gonna be chasing you anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:24 I'm like, but you didn't get me. Yeah. Oh, my God. So, yeah, that was the rise and splat of street bike Tommy, which is funny because, like, the reason why I got the name was I was calling, like, when they aired it. I thought it was famous as hell because they travis rented a movie theater one single screen in annapolis like our one theater one screen rented to play the movie for that little group and um he uh i was like i'm a movie star you know and like so that's when that clip first got shown and then um i met the producer greg godfrey of godfrey entertainment who created nitro circus with travis and jeremy raw and he gave me his car and he said hey you know i don't know i don't know if you know what you have here or not you know because like i was
Starting point is 00:52:18 pretty hammered with my friends and he was like um you know you could either always be that guy that did that thing and just have people buy you drinks at bars. Or you can take this ball and run with it. Like you can do more stuff. And I was like, I've made it. You know, like I was like, I'm finally, I got my foot in the door, you know. So like a month later, I called the number. And like his secretary picks up, totally caught me off guard.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Because like i thought i was gonna talk to him and she was godfrey entertainment this stacy how may i help you and i was all like uh uh is greg godfrey available and like she was like yes who's calling and i was like oh shit um i'm trying to like in my brain think of like how to reference like myself so he'll pick up and like uh in the d the DVD, like they just like Puma, Prostata land champ or whatever. And they showed my crash and said, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:53:11 So I was like, I'm the, I'm the street bike guy from the last video. And, uh, as Tommy, Tommy from, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:17 the guy with the street bike, street bike, Tommy, the guy with the bike. And she was like, okay, uh, hope please.
Starting point is 00:53:23 And like, she was caught off guard and like, there's a beat. And then he picks up, he goes, please. And she was caught off guard. And there's a beat. And then he picks up and he goes, so you got a nickname now? And I was all like, yeah, I guess. And he's like, Street Bike Tommy. And I was like, huh, okay, yeah. And Greg Offrey just gave me a nickname. So I'm like, yes, I'm sticking with that stupid name.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And that's how Street Bike Tommy was born. Wow. Yeah. Oh, and the reason why I was calling him is because I told him I wanted to jump off a cruise ship that I was going to be on. And I'm now banned from all Royal Caribbean cruise liners. Wait, pause. So you're actually banned?
Starting point is 00:54:01 Oh, currently. Black flag like a mug. Yeah. What happened there? Oh, currently, black flag, like a mug, yeah. What happened there? Oh, man, so me and a buddy of mine, like, I had this great idea, like, what am I going to do next? Like, now I got to impress Craig Godfrey,
Starting point is 00:54:12 so it's like this, you know, snowball, and I'm like, what am I going to do? I got to do something cool. I got to, you know, I can't ride dirt bikes, you know. Like, what am I going to do? What's something that I can do that nobody's done? And, you know, we're getting ready. We were just happened to be going on a cruise,
Starting point is 00:54:27 like me and my buddies. And I was like, man, if I jump off this cruise, like that'll be cool. And so like, nobody's ever jumped off, like people fall,
Starting point is 00:54:37 you know, but like nobody's ever jumped. So I was like, I'm going to jump off cruise ship. And, uh, we go on the cruise and you know i do the whole cruise and the whole time i'm asking you know bartenders i'm asking you know people on
Starting point is 00:54:53 the boat i'm asking anybody that i can talk to like hey has anybody ever jumped off one of these no hell no well no what no i'm like well have people fallen like i'm asking people you know people fallen like did they live you know because i need to know that you know because i've never jumped off anything that high ever like i might may have jumped like off a high dive or whatever but like this is like high so um they were like yeah yeah people have fallen i'm like but did they die like well some of them and i was like well but people have lived. I'm like, but did they die? Like, well, some of them. And I was like, well, but people have lived. Like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I was like, that's enough for me because I'm going to do it on purpose, right? So they go on this whole cruise, go to Cozumel. I'm drunk the whole time. And then we go to the private, like, rural Caribbean island or whatever. And then we go to Key West. And, like, I was like, all right, well, I'm not going to waste this whole cruise like i'm gonna do it last so key west i'm like i'm jumping off key west i gave my buddy rent a jet ski and i gave him a camera you know the same one i filmed street bike stuff with and um i was like go out there because i want the bottom shot like i want i want
Starting point is 00:56:03 you know i want you to come up to the boat. And I want, because, like, anybody can film a guy jumping off. And it's like, eh, you know. You know, it's not. You want the splash. You know what I mean? You want the entry. So I told him to go get a jet ski. And, like, I want that angle.
Starting point is 00:56:17 You know, it's going to be a sick angle. He goes and gets this thing. But he's like, the thing is, like, you're supposed to be, like, way out there. Like, not even remotely close to the boat. And, like, you're just supposed to, like, the thing is, you're supposed to be way out there, not even remotely close to the boat. And you're just supposed to do these little laps. You look like ants.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I'm talking ants. And it's like, I see this one ant after like an hour break away and head to the ship, but it's only halfway. I was like,
Starting point is 00:56:40 what is this kid? Like, what are you doing? What are you doing? And I couldn't even tell it was him. But I was like, it has to be because he's just floating you doing? What are you doing? And he couldn't even tell it was him. But I was like, it has to be because he's just floating there for a minute. Floating there. Floating there.
Starting point is 00:56:50 I was like, I'll give him time to get the camera out. He's floating there, floating there. I see, like, what looked to be an arm do this, which I thought was the camera coming up. And I was like, all right. Oh, no. Guess I got to. So I go in, and like you know looking over the boat the rail comes up like high so and it's like at an angle and so like i can't really
Starting point is 00:57:15 get a really good look over the side so i go to like ghetto fence hop this thing you know i'm like and like and then i like pencil i'm like yeah this is sick i'm doing it and then like look down the bottom of this boat just does this and i'm like oh no because like i just you know had the street bike thing you know so like i go push off the boat because i'm like skimming the side so like i like push off the boat little did I know that had been in the sun all day and was hot as you know what. And burned my hands up. And I'm like, ah, my hands. I'm still falling.
Starting point is 00:57:54 And that push had spun me. So now I got my legs over my head. And I'm like looking at the water kind of sideways. got my legs over my head and I'm like looking at the water kind of sideways and I enter the water from 110 feet with the left side of my face. And I had in my head that I was going to like, I was like, no matter what happens, swim up hard. I'm going to be deep, man. I splashed. Like, I'm at the top. Like, I hit and flopped. Like, I was just already there.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And I was like, ah, ah. And I couldn't open my eyes. Like, I'm, like, trying to see. And, like, here I am. And I, like, open my eyes. I do see a little bit. And, like, I'm, like, blurry. And, like, there's this huge red cloud just, like, getting bigger bigger bigger around me and like i looked down
Starting point is 00:58:46 like oh shit and like it's like a squishy machine coming out of both nostrils like i hammered something and blood was coming out like in ropes like ropes so i'm like ah ah oh no and like i'm in this deep ass shark infested water off key west and i'm like oh i'm like come get me come get me and my buddy he's putting the camera away and stuff and like he comes rolling up and i'm like out of water as fast as i could ever get out of water yeah yeah dude and then yeah we get yoked up by the coast guard and uh they drag us in and we did a bunch of interviews and i kept saying i fell i fell i, I fell, I fell, I fell. For like four hours, me like swollen face.
Starting point is 00:59:28 It was awesome. But yeah, they kicked us off the boat in Key West and we had to take a taxi cab from Key West to Fort Lauderdale where our truck was. And that was expensive as hell. But ended up getting this dude that was like, because it was 2 in the morning by the time we actually got in the cab. And it's one of the weirdest dudes I've ever met in my life who had run away from something he did in North Carolina. And he now lives in Key West, and he hasn't left the Keys in like 20-something years. He's like, man, this is going to be wild. There's going to be more than one lane.
Starting point is 01:00:07 And like, I haven't been up that way in over 20 something years. Cause like he got in some trouble and his dad was like a mayor or something. And like, basically like pushed a bunch of like his bad stuff under the table. And like, he sounds like a TV show.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And he ends up taking us in us and like we thought it was cool as hell when we first got in because he was like you guys want to stop get some beers we're like yeah so like we stopped got a 30 pack and you know me and my buddy were just in the back like telling stories and stuff and this dude's wild man apparently he had crashed a 5.0 mustang into the like his dad's mayor's house or whatever some city he's governor or whatever but he was like some political person and he crashed a 5.0 into that mansion because apparently like he like had a run like he was just always like fuck you dad or whatever you know he was like one of those kids and like he was doing drugs and stuff all the time. And smashed his car in the...
Starting point is 01:01:09 Long story. And he was telling us all that, and we're in the back, and we're drinking beer. And we're like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. And we were kind of cool with it, but then he was like, hey, let me get one of them beers. And we're like, nah. Nah. Nah.
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yeah. nah nah yeah but then we get up to florida and uh you know we're we're he it finally opens up and like this dude you could tell had not left the keys in forever because as soon as it got to more than one lane and it opens up to like three my man just starts doing this he's like oh man this is wild and he's like doing 70 he's like i haven't done 70 in forever he's got i'm like dude this is not a good thing man we're gonna go like we're gonna die we end up getting uh you know we end up getting to uh uh fort lauderdale get the truck head back and uh we cried my grandma lived in Fort Lauderdale at the time and we crashed it at my grandma's spot.
Starting point is 01:02:07 And, uh, you know, we just rolled in and in night. So she didn't see me until the morning. And as soon as like I came down for breakfast, you know, at this time,
Starting point is 01:02:16 everything's swole. Cause I ended up hemorrhaging. My left eye is where all that blood came from. And like, I had like, it was, it was nasty, but, uh, she woke up.
Starting point is 01:02:25 She goes, oh my God, what'd you do to your pretty face? Why'd she sound Italian? She's Italian. Okay, there we go. Yeah. She said,
Starting point is 01:02:35 yeah. So it was, you're so handsome. Why'd you mess up your face? Oh God. And then like we ended up driving the rest of the way home but man kept the tape like ended up keeping the tape and i gave it to godfrey footage was so terrible they ended up using like one of those like zoom in like bubbles and like followed me down the ship and like it just was this splash it could have been a dummy for anybody
Starting point is 01:03:05 knows yeah because my guy he was like didn't think that i was gonna do it so he didn't want to get in trouble for getting too close to the boat and he you know he filmed from like super far like fully zoomed in and it was like just happenstance that he got what he got, but yeah, good times. Is, uh, is all this stuff, uh, worth it?
Starting point is 01:03:29 Oh yeah. Come on, man. Like I'm at 36 years old and I've seen the world four times, you know, and I definitely punch above my weight class, you know, it's,
Starting point is 01:03:39 uh, stuff that you would, you would, you were doing anyway. Yeah. And like, I've made a pretty good living off of it. I haven't really been able to save anything because I'm kind of an idiot.
Starting point is 01:03:49 But I give her hell. It's an interesting thing because when you're saying that some of it was done to be cool, it sounds kind of dumb in a way, right? Yeah. But if we're being honest, everything's about being cool. Everything's about mattering to other people. Right. Everyone wants to be substantial, lifting weights.
Starting point is 01:04:11 Leave your mark. Yeah, trying to get bigger. Yeah. Like, it's kind of dumb, too, right? Or trying to deadlift 700 pounds. That's moronic. Like, where are you going to use that life? What are you, a fucking idiot?
Starting point is 01:04:19 Like, you're going to kill yourself trying to deadlift 700 pounds, you know? Right, yeah. So it's interesting because when you look at it at a perspective like that, well, it's like, well, just about anything we're doing isn't really just purely for yourself. But in this case, it might be a little bit more so because you're just having so much fun actually doing it. Right. Except for the risk factor of like, fuck, I might really get.
Starting point is 01:04:48 Yeah. Some of it's probably fun. And then sometimes you're you're probably like well there's been that was just dumb yeah there's been a bunch of those times where i'm just like there's been oh man it's got to be creeping up on 10 times where i legit thought that that was it like for real like i've i was in a moment where i accepted that i was going to die. Like, and still here. Are you old enough yet to kind of start to think more about, like, how dumb some stuff is going to be that you might try? Absolutely. Absolutely. When you're younger, none of it was dumb.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Yeah. Well, when I was younger, I knew it was dumb, but I didn't care. You didn't care. Okay. Like, you know it's stupid. You know you're going to. Like, there was times where I was like, I'm going to mess myself up right now.
Starting point is 01:05:29 It's going to hurt for the next couple months. And I would just be like, fuck it. You know what I mean? And like, I just, I didn't want, it was FOMO.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Like, I didn't want to miss out on the next thing. Like, cause like being part of that group, like the second that you're just like, nah, I'm, I'm, I'm good. Like as soon as you puss out you're not invited there's this other kid that's like oh i'll fucking do that i'll fucking do that yeah go ahead bro so it seems
Starting point is 01:05:55 like a lot of it comes from just like you wanting to have fun and be it doesn't really seem like you're necessarily like uh like a thrill or like uh like always searching for that adrenaline rush no it's not really about the rush yeah that's about where the rush takes you like sick you know um i'm not bullshitting about seeing the world like it's it's taking me everywhere and i've been able to do it with all my friends at a young age because the one thing that you you like when you when you talk to the older people like like because i always talk to like you know elderly i'm like i listen to the stories and like where do you regret you know like what did you want to do and they're like oh man like we're doing it right now we're going to see the world but you're in a walker man like and who knows like
Starting point is 01:06:40 there's so many old people that die on cruise ships like there's old people that literally go to cruise cruises to die and it's like you know i don't i always wanted to do it on my own terms man like excuse me i didn't want to be you know i don't want you know i didn't want to work my whole life doing something that was going to beat me up just as bad, you know, because my dad, you know, he can't make a fist, you know, and he's contract works harder than anybody I've ever met my whole life, you know, and he got beat up. His back, you know, is smoked. We talk about that all the time. You know, we've been lifting for years and we get after it and we like to train, but we feel we you know we feel pretty good we actually a lot of times feel better than people at our own age they just have happen to have a really bad back or bad knees and it's like you didn't even do anything yeah you just were living your life just working whatever
Starting point is 01:07:36 your nine to five job is just to have a screwed up neck you may as well fucking try to do a back flip yeah meet rad people like there's not a place on this planet that i can't just roll up and be like oh i'm just gonna go crash at so-and-so's house like i'm you know i feel like i want to do this and i can stay with this person and line that up and like you know i'm not like i've made money but nothing like what people think but i do have a lifestyle that it doesn't cost me much does Does it mess anything else up in your life? Having that mindset of, you know, just fun and fuck it. And does it mess up maybe commitment?
Starting point is 01:08:12 It's definitely, you know, because I've had two big relationships my whole life. Like I never really committed much. But I got married once. Didn't work out. Like, um, but I got married once, didn't work out. And then, uh, you know, because it's, it's, it's hard being on tour and like that was the height of the TV show and stuff. And we're traveling for TV and she didn't want to ever leave my side because there was like a lot of like, you know, insecurity there, you know, like, like I can't be bringing sand
Starting point is 01:08:41 to the beach all the time here. But I mean, but like when I'm committed, I'm committed. Like I've never, that's the one thing I the time here. Yeah. But I mean, but like when I'm committed, I'm committed. Like I've never, that's the one thing I've never done. I've never cheated on anybody ever. Like I've never even kissed another person when I'm with somebody that I'm like, I'm with you,
Starting point is 01:08:53 you know? But, um, yeah, when I'm, you know, I, I commit,
Starting point is 01:08:59 you know, that's, that's never been a problem. Commitment's never been a problem. I'm always like, all right, fuck it, let's go.
Starting point is 01:09:06 Um, but, uh, problem. I'm always like, all right, fuck it, let's go. But yeah, and then the last relationship I was in was like, it's just so hard because they don't understand. They're like, you're just out there having fun. And it's not a job. I'm like, so yes, I am having fun. And I'm not going to apologize for lining myself up in a position to do that for a living but also know that it is work and i don't have time to just be like oh yeah come on out and then like you'll get to do rad stuff too right like i'm on a schedule
Starting point is 01:09:40 like we have a shoot schedule the reason why i get to have fun is because I'm on the schedule and we are doing it as a business. You know what I mean? I don't have time to take you on vacation. I'm going to Australia and I have taken them but then they're like,
Starting point is 01:09:58 we didn't do anything. I told you. I'm 16 hour days. When they're there, they want me to work hour days, like, you know, when they're there, they want me to work. Like they're like, we just spent this money to get you here and we have all these resources based
Starting point is 01:10:13 around you having fun. So go have fun. I'm like, all right, I'm good. You know? So, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:19 it's hard to, to explain to them really what it is. Cause there's like, you know, they have this idea really what it is. Cause there's like, you know, they have this idea about what it is that I do. And then they fault me for their idea. Plus you're still seeking for the next, the next big thing.
Starting point is 01:10:34 I imagine. Right. Yeah. Oh, I feel like looking for it. Always. Um, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:39 and it, you know, I'm trying to settle down. I've done, I've done some things to try to, to make moves and keep an economy home. But it's just, you know, it's hard. It's real hard.
Starting point is 01:10:49 Well, you love it. It sounds like you love it. You know, my dad has always told me, he said, don't ever feel sorry about loving your work. Right. You know, because I had a conversation with him a few years back. I was like, yeah, I'm kind of at the gym a lot or I'm working a lot. And he just said, hey, you know what?
Starting point is 01:11:03 You're a good dad. You're around all the time. You know, you're around as much as you can handle and your kids don't need you to be there all the time he's like just never just never feel bad about loving your work he's like there's absolutely nothing wrong with that and i was yeah oh that's a good perspective 100 man it's it's a it's those lessons that like i'm glad that i learned early because we're not here for a long time and if you look at the bracket of time that you actually get to enjoy life, because you're prepping, you know, you're not even experiencing life until you're at least 23, 24.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You didn't have a chance until you shot that spitball at that kid. Right? Dude, for real, like that moment stuck with me forever. Did you go to any school after high school or is that that was no i didn't even graduate high school um i actually went five years because i liked playing football did you ever go back and did you ever go back to high school and graduate no man everybody's like why did you get your gd i'm like who cares i mean not once in my whole entire life has anybody asked me for a degree or a diploma which is kind of like i like just recently realized that that's kind of like oh man nobody ever asked me for that you know what
Starting point is 01:12:11 i mean so like i was like they didn't ask you like i'd always pray it sounds like a good next stunt though yeah yeah right so fucking go get gd how much more do you gotta go uh i think i year left 11th yeah probably 11th grade there you go there's your next trick i just gave it to you no helmet like i i went i went and i played football and then after the final game um which was that friday uh monday i was wearing a tool belt and i was working do you have a uh high uh pain you think? Maybe different than other people? Quite a bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah, it's hard to do stuff around people because they come out and they think that they're going to hang out and do stuff. Yeah. Like they'll slam, you know, and then walk around like, oh, God. Oh, God. I'm like, get the fuck out of here. Like, come on. I wake up like that. Like, damn.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Yeah. So what is that like now? Like you got some aches and pains and all that yeah especially like when i do some drinking like last night and like i like to get get after so i like i dance a bit and like i'm pretty active when i drink and then like i don't know it until like i try to wake get out of bed and like right now i got something something wrong with my knee that's been bugging me. But the worst thing has been my tailbone, man. Like, that was, like, one of the worst injuries ever. Like, because I didn't just break the tailbone. Like, broke the tailbone and I shifted my number two vertebrae.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Like, not the tailbonebone not that first vertebrae but the one above it it's like shifted completely forward you made yourself an inch shorter no for real like i'm actually 100 shorter man like for real like yeah i was hurting your tailbone is bad that's really bad news yeah it was recorded like for real doctor like when i go in for physicals and stuff like i was 5 10 in high school i'm like lucky if i'm 5 8 right now like lucky how did that happen just over time or i had a problem with my neck and i went into a chiropractor recently uh about a year ago um because like i couldn't like something happened like i slept wrong or something i couldn't I couldn't get out of bed for 24 hours, could not move.
Starting point is 01:14:28 And, uh, I went in because it was that bad. And I was like, some fix me, you know, cause it was the most pain that I think I've ever been in ever. Cause like normally even when I'm hurt, like I can still get around the house, like use the bathroom and stuff. But I was bedridden. I could not, like I had to support my head anytime. Like I moved and like I go in and I get these x-rays. It was the first time that I've seen my spine in a while.
Starting point is 01:14:50 They're just mushed. It does this the whole way up. Then I got these raptor-looking claws around my neck. That's where that pain came from. I guess it's big enough. It's a growth to where it's like touching like nerves now so like it's it's like it hasn't been an issue it hadn't been an issue now now it's an issue so like there's like like the vertebrae like are sharp like they have these like claws on them is what it looks like it's
Starting point is 01:15:21 crazy like i just didn't really realize how much damage i was doing until i saw that because like i haven't had a like an actual like back x-ray until like you know about a year ago is there any uh mentors or someone out there that's older that you look at where you're like i like doing the stuff it's cool but i don't want to end up like that necessarily well i mean or even you mentioned some people died right yeah i mean i've had a few friends die I like doing the stuff. It's cool, but I don't want to end up like that necessarily. Well, I mean. Or even you mentioned some people died, right? Yeah. I mean, I've had a few friends die.
Starting point is 01:15:51 You know, this sucks about the sport. But, you know, you're chasing that. You're that close. It's going to happen. You know, you just try not to have it happen. Yeah. You know, you do as much as you can without the ultimate, you know. But it's not really a factor for you at the moment where you're like, well, you know, I don't you're not too worried about the future in terms of like an injury.
Starting point is 01:16:18 Like you said, your knees are jacked up or whatever. You're still going to do your thing. Yeah. I mean, that's the thing. Like you look at a guy like Travis, Matt Hoffffman like these are the older guys of the sport um and even dave mira like uh unfortunately he took his own life because of cte um which is a real thing that like we we we also like as an action sports yeah you know we're finding about finding out about now but um you look at a guy like matt hoffman and travis like they're still mobile but only because they keep in shape
Starting point is 01:16:50 like if you were to just be lazy as hell you know i'm like on the verge of that like i do just enough to like function um but uh these guys they're in pain all the time, but you know, they, it, it, no matter how many times that they bust themselves up, they keep getting back up and like they can be fixed. It does linger and you're going to have pain, but like, it's not the end of the world and it's worth living that life for that. I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 01:17:27 It makes sense to me. What spurred the, I guess, the delve into lifting and fitness then this year? Because that's kind of, I mean, it's a little bit of a shift. Yeah. Well, so I've always gone up and down probably 70 pounds. Like I fluctuate 70 pounds. Like I'm just, I get to the point where i'm like i'm just i'm either on or off i got no middle ground like my transmission's got two speeds fast and whoo
Starting point is 01:17:52 what was that you know like i i don't have that middle gear um so my whole life like i'd like i'll eat and i'll drink i'll eat and i'll drink like oh mcdonald's cares y'all gobble gobble gobble and then i'll be like oh man look at yourself you're gross you know and like i'll i'll get on this fitness kick and like you know because i've i've run marathons before like i can do uh i've done over 100 you know probably 120 miles is what we ended up doing on bicycles like I have the mental strength but I just
Starting point is 01:18:34 I don't have to do there's too much fun out there for me to stick to anything and like this time I'm like I've gotten off of it a little bit but I'm like no matter what I'm sticking with it this time because I'm like, and I've gotten off of it a little bit, but I'm like, no matter what, I'm sticking with it this time because I'm actually having fun with it, with the strongman stuff. Because I actually used to run, I've done different fitness things. I'd either diet full swing and not exercise.
Starting point is 01:18:57 And that worked for a while and I'd lose weight. And then I'd be happy with where I was and then I'd gain it all back. And then I'd try running for a little bit and like I'd run, you know, 14, 15 miles a day, you know, and, you know, be like, oh, yeah, now I'm fit. This is awesome. And then like lose it all again. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:19:18 I'll give you like two pieces of advice I think would really help. Number one is to like just with your nutrition just uh rather than like being on any particular diet just never allow yourself to um be like totally off every single day right you know what i mean like you can still eat junk and you can still have a burrito here and there but have some sort of rules or at least a thought process that's where i'm at a plan you know just just like with your jumps you know all right well that jump sounds really fucked up but i got a plan based off previous history i can push the bike out for me and all that kind of stuff the other thing is just to try to find some type of exercise every day and make it so simple make it so easy that it's easy for you to
Starting point is 01:20:06 do every day yeah even if it's just like walking like just like just cheat like count anything be like yep i walked for 10 minutes be like it's fucking done yeah well so just try to you know keep that on your radar as much as you can because then you don't have to worry about you know maybe going up and down so much well right now i feel like i finally found what works for me, which is unreal. That's the best. I'm nowhere near keto whatsoever. But I never had a sweet tooth ever in my whole life. So cutting out sugar and bread was never a big deal.
Starting point is 01:20:37 So I love eating just steaks. I'm a meat guy. I love just cooking up steaks and chicken. So we need a steak and alcohol diet. Well, that's what I got. That's what we need. That's what I got. got that's what i'm on and it's been working and plus you know nick's been holding me accountable uh for myself and like he always sits me on hey man like he'll send me a program and like when i don't feel like it and like i see the program hit my phone i'm like
Starting point is 01:20:59 all right fuck it i guess you know what i And like, that's been like my mindset. Even when I don't want to go, like, I'm just like, just go like, even like just show up. Like, even if you don't do anything, just go.
Starting point is 01:21:11 And then once I get there, I ended up doing it, you know? And, um, that's been like, and it's fun. Like,
Starting point is 01:21:17 that's the thing. Like, this is the first time that the fitness part has been like fun. You know what I mean? Now I have goals. Like I want to, I want to lift this or you know i want to do that better you know what i mean and like or get a pump and just look better you know
Starting point is 01:21:30 what i mean and you know i i can't thank nick and uh never say enough for for the help because like i would have never found this you know i mean it's super random that i even met nick i met nick at a um uh was a project runway um this um it's a foundation in maryland um they uh look out for abused animals you know like really heavily abused animals and it's actually coming up in april uh we're doing it again um we they get celebrities uh from all walks of life to come uh to the royal farms arena and we walk a runway with these animals and the idea is that the people in the audience then adopt these animals who have walked with this the celebrity or whatever so like a lot of football players a lot of the ravens players, um, you know, surrounding areas, uh,
Starting point is 01:22:26 Steelers suck. But, um, so like these guys will come out and like, you know, we'll walk the runway with these abused animals and then they get adopted. So it's like a really cool foundation. Uh,
Starting point is 01:22:38 and Nick was there with, uh, old smiles. So, um, that's where I met Nick backstage and he was like, yeah, dude, like I was like you know
Starting point is 01:22:46 bragging like no i used to lift in high school you know and he's like yeah you should come up so i did it and just that first day like the first time i walked in and never said um i was i was like hooked like straight up hooked like i'd always wanted to like lift atlas stones and like log bars and stuff and actually physically getting in there and doing it i was like man this is i gotta do this i'm hooked so yeah i'm i'm uh brian's beast dude right animal him and nick dude those guys it's it's unreal to watch like you don't expect them to be able to lift what they do. And like just watching the squat racks and stuff. And like,
Starting point is 01:23:26 I'm like, come on, like no way. And then it moves and then he goes down and up like three times. And you're like, God, fuck me. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:34 I suck. You know, but that, that's, that's, that gives you something to shoot at. Like, you're like,
Starting point is 01:23:39 man, I want to do that. Like, I want to be that powerful. Like, cause I, I always like look back and i think like when i was in high school listen the big weights that i was doing and like it's nowhere
Starting point is 01:23:49 near what they're doing but like back in that day like i felt like i could do anything like that's where the pepper came from was and now that i'm starting to get back into it i feel like i'm starting a little pepper like and i haven't had pepper for years now like i've been like over it now i'm actually like feeling like functioning like i my back feels better my knees feel better my joints like it it all it's all starting to feel like really really good and solid and it's been a long time since i've had that functionality so i'm pretty pumped on the whole fitness thing man like it's a new chapter for sure and i'm stuck like i love it what's your goal uh just look better, feel better, be stronger, be the best me that I can be.
Starting point is 01:24:29 You know, like I don't really have a goal because I don't want to say that like I want to go and do X. Because in my life, like if I fall short of something, like then I get bummed on myself. Right. And like I'll stop doing something because I didn't get that. Right. So like if there's never a that, then I'm going to continue doing what I can. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:24:49 Like just stay after it. You know what I mean? Like there's no real goal other than just do what I can. I like it. That's so interesting because like usually, usually it's the exact opposite for most people. Usually they're like they need a that to do the thing. But if you don't have it,
Starting point is 01:25:05 like, it's just, I've never, I don't know, I haven't heard that before. I'm a conundrum, man. Like, I'm a show pony,
Starting point is 01:25:10 born show pony, and I love showing off. But if somebody's like, hey, do that thing that you did that was funny, I'm all like, no,
Starting point is 01:25:17 no, no, no pressure. I don't want to, everybody's looking at me. But like, if I'm in my element, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:23 and I choose to do that and like i'm all about it or like um you know if somebody's you can't do that i'm like all right yeah cool man like i have like that backwards thought process like i don't i don't know it's i've had to find mentally where i'm at to be able to do better, you know, because man, it's hard, man. Like you'll just get those days where you just get like bummed or like depressed. And so you gotta, you gotta find that spot to this, like get out and do,
Starting point is 01:25:53 you know, it's that, that's the hard part is like the mental game. And I feel like I'm in a good spot now, like better than I ever have been with anything that I've tried to do before to just do better in all things, you know? Cause like I've made a lot of've tried to do before to just do better in all things, you know, cause like I've made a lot of mistakes and like, I want to do better in all things. And just doing the fitness stuff has translated to other things. Like I've been
Starting point is 01:26:13 cleaning up a lot better. Like, you know, I've been cooking for myself and eating better, you know, it's just, it's dominoes into like all things. Like I started with the one thing and then now it's just carrying over and I'm feeling awesome. You know, I feel like I'm getting some direction to, you know, I just,
Starting point is 01:26:31 I got some goals, uh, uh, for myself to really, you know, chase down some, some new things, new avenues and see where the wind takes me.
Starting point is 01:26:42 Um, so yeah, it's, it's going to be fun to see the next couple of years cause I have no idea what I'm going to do. Yeah. What's coming up in the near future? Uh,
Starting point is 01:26:51 I don't have anything for really real planned. Um, we just wrapped on a new TV show that I did with Tori Bellici from myth busters. It's on science channel. Um, it's called the explosion show. Um,
Starting point is 01:27:04 you can watch it for free if you download the science go app um that was really fun because i could blow stuff up yeah um that just kind of came out of nowhere jeff germain um hit me up and was like hey man you you want to do tv again and i'm like yeah and like i didn't even ask him what it was and um when he told me it was blowing stuff up i was like there we go there's gonna be another hidden camera show jokes on me right flew out and filmed a whole season and like i was like all right maybe it's real it's the greatest job i've ever had you know because it was just fun like i didn't wake up scared like Nitro, man. You wake up and you look at the call sheet and you're like, oh, man, that's me.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Gotta go do it. Yeah. And even if you're hurt, man, that was the hard part. Like, you'd be broken. Like, I'd have actual broken bones. And guess what? Today's your day. That's what we had lined up.
Starting point is 01:28:04 So. Go do it. Go. All all right where's the duct tape get some wood you know and uh but then you know i'm trying to do what i can now that like i choose to do like back then like i was in a position where you know if i didn't do it i'd get left behind now i'm just like i want to do what I want to do because it's better footage. You know what I mean? It doesn't matter the amount of time it takes me
Starting point is 01:28:29 to accrue this stuff. I just want to do it on my own page. And I've been a lot safer nowadays. Have you done any collaborative stuff with the Diesel Brothers or any of those other people from those other shows that are similar? No. I mean, I'd like to.
Starting point is 01:28:42 Those guys are awesome. One of my sponsors that I've had since the beginning, Rockwell Watches, also works with Diesel Brothers. So, we have some connections, but I've met those guys. They're good dudes. Sometimes you're on different channels
Starting point is 01:28:56 and things like that, and maybe it doesn't always... Yeah, it's been hard because, like, with the Nitro stuff, Nitro doesn't really have a home now, but they don't let you do other stuff. So like I took some time off to start a barbecue restaurant in Maryland. Cool.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Yeah. Wow. That's awesome. Yeah. I kind of got a long story, but we were just recently closed because I just long, long story. But I had like my partner just... We were super successful. Had customers, food was great, great reviews,
Starting point is 01:29:30 but just extremely mismanaged because I didn't know what I was doing. That wasn't my forte. I was just cooking. And then it got run into the ground. If you spend more than you make. But I learned a lot, though, I learned a lot though. Like I've,
Starting point is 01:29:45 I've, I learned a lot and I can do a lot now, uh, cause I'm going to try again later. Uh, and I will get that done and it will be awesome. But, uh,
Starting point is 01:29:54 for right now I'm just kind of floating to see what, and you know, what's up next. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I have a couple, a couple of things in the fire, uh,
Starting point is 01:30:02 that are going to be pretty cool. So pay attention. Um, I'm going to be swinging for the fences here. Yeah. Awesome. Where can people find you? Instagram mainly at street bike,
Starting point is 01:30:14 Tommy with underscores in between street bike and Tommy, because some kid had my name. I signed up to Instagram. Still working on that blue check, right? Yeah. Well, I got it. Oh, you got it. Oh, I got it. I got it. And. Still working on that blue check, right? Yeah. Well, I got it. Oh, you got it.
Starting point is 01:30:26 Oh, I got it. I got it. And I just, it didn't really, like I wasn't as pumped when I got it. I was like, yeah, I should have had a stupid thing. But, but yeah, mostly my, mostly my Instagram as well. I wonder if you'll be able to get that red check too. I'm just kidding. Like, is that a red check?
Starting point is 01:30:41 Yeah. Wait, what? Double verified. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Verified twice. kidding he's like yeah wait what double verified yeah yeah exactly verified twice but uh yeah and my twitter is uh street bike tommy facebook street bike tommy i'm verified on facebook um but yeah yeah i don't really use those much i'm all about instagram it's just that one thing it's
Starting point is 01:30:58 easy because it posts to both all three whatever cool man great to have on the show yeah no i appreciate you guys having me this is fun take us out take us out andrew um thank you everybody that's been rating and reviewing on itunes that helps show out so much um shout out to whoever's review i read read at the end of this show i'll do it later but if you guys want to hit me up it's at i am andrew z on instagram make sure you're following the podcast at mark bell's power project at mb power project on tiktok and twitter facebook youtube all that good stuff and sema where you at and sema in yang on instagram and youtube and sema yin yang on tiktok and twitter mark i'm at mark smelly bell strength is never a weakness weakness never strength catch y'all later what up poop cast um before you guys head out and start youtube and
Starting point is 01:31:43 stuff i wanted to first uh just thank you for rating and reviewing the podcast. It helps the show a tremendous amount, and we wanted to take a second to thank John Burns1. John says, excited for every episode with one exclamation point, so you know it's legit. Quote, this show has it all, training and nutrition, theory and practical application, history of strength sports, business guidance, solid take-home life lessons, and comedy. Every episode I listen to broadens my view, causes me to think a little different, and makes me laugh.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Thank you to Mark, Andrew, and definitely not Natty and Seema for putting out so much great content. I mean, you heard it here first. Not Natty from John Burns. Dude, thank you so much for writing that review. That was really, really cool of you to say, and you gave us all a shout out. So shout out to you. If you guys listening right now, if you want to hear your name read on air, please head over to iTunes right now, drop us a rating and a review, and you could hear your name on air, just like our homie, John Burns one.
Starting point is 01:32:41 We'll catch you on the next one. Peace.

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