Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 357 - Remote Rona Cast

Episode Date: April 1, 2020

The Rona, aka Coronavirus has finally pushed the Power Project to record remotely. Social Distancing is not going to stop us from bringing new content on a regular basis. Today we talk about how we're... dealing with the quarantine and what we've been up to when held in captivity. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support us by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $99! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So I had literally one of the best nights this week. All right. I'm coming home. I get home from jujitsu practice. I walk up to my door and in front of the door is a nice white box. Guess what's in it, guys? What is it? Certified Piedmontese beef.
Starting point is 00:00:16 No, I'm lying, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I had the gold plated ribeyes, which you guys know it's like the one that's in gold. The skirt steaks. I had some sliders. I also had some flat irons oh man and we've been talking about how good flat irons are i haven't been a i haven't been a big fan because i haven't been able to have that many but um i had some the other day
Starting point is 00:00:36 so i took it out i let it get to room temperature because we always talk about that you got to let the steak sit for a little bit coated that motherfucker in salt okay so i let it sit put it in my air fryer because i'm simple like that put it in for about 10 minutes brought it out and oh my god i think it has like 60 grams of protein and eight to eight grams of fat but that's a really good ratio but it was so good i haven't heard anything you said because i'm still thinking about those sliders yeah the sliders are good too but remember guys i let that i let that shit sit after i brought it out of the air fryer yeah that's crucial i mean you guys know flat irons are my jam it's a it's a it's the best part of my day is coming home and cooking up a piedmontese flat iron steak but what's even better is i don't have to deal with the grocery store they got 85 checkout lines but like two cashiers
Starting point is 00:01:23 like dude something's got to change and I don't know about you guys, but we train early, we train hard, we work hard all day long. The last thing that I am capable of doing is making a smart decision when I'm tired. It's so awesome that Piedmontese is just going to deliver it to me. I don't have anything to worry about. You guys shouldn't have anything to worry about
Starting point is 00:01:39 either. You guys can get this awesome steak delivered to your doorstep. Head over to That's at checkout enter promo code power project for 25 off your order and if your order is 99 or more you get free two-day shipping power project crew what's up i hope you guys are surviving this quarantine as best as you can um the uh the whole lockdown this finally affected the Power Project. We actually recorded this episode a little bit over a week ago. So apologies if some of the views and opinions or the information that we say is not up to speed.
Starting point is 00:02:18 So just no need to DM us or reach out and send us emails and tell us how terribly wrong we are about anything. Again, like I said, this was about a week and a half ago we recorded this. So a lot has changed since then. And since then, we've actually been taking the lockdown and the self-isolation quite a bit more serious. So yes, it is a full remote podcast. It's the first time we've ever done this. Um, so yes, it is a full remote podcast. It's the first time we've ever done this. Um, every single time we've done it since this date, uh, that we recorded, it's actually gotten better. So, um, apologies if sometimes you hear a little bit of echoing in the, the audio, I did my best to clean it up. Um, it's still there. Um, you might not even notice it, but like me, I personally, like I, it drives me nuts, but, um, I did my, like I said, I did my best to clean it up and, uh, I can promise you from this day forward, it'll sound much better. Um, but yeah, so, uh, everybody stayed home and we recorded this fun podcast. Uh, we were just talking about like how we're dealing with the quarantine, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:16 how we're dealing with family and all that, all that good stuff. But anyways, I'm going to get out of your guys' way. I just want to remind you that we are offering 20% off any slingshot and hip circle combo. Head over to, add any slingshot of your choice, any hip circle of your choice, and at checkout, you'll receive 20% off. And also, there's a really good chance that your gym is closed down at the moment to keep everyone safe, healthy, and corona-free. So Mark Bell is trying to help everyone out by offering a free
Starting point is 00:03:46 30 day trial of of course is where Mark posts his workouts every single day. Every single day, a new workout is available. On top of that, there's tons of information about like the carnivore diet, some bodybuilding stuff, some powerlifting, obviously. A lot of good stuff, a really strong resource. Highly recommend that you guys take advantage of it. It's free. All you have to do is sign up and you have the access to the entire website for 30 days. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Anyways, that's at If you guys dig this episode, please let us know. One last thing, because this was the first time we ever did a full podcast via Zoom, where everybody was, you know, tuning into Zoom. My awesome self, I forgot to hit record. I could have swore I did. And then about like 13 minutes into the conversation, I realized that I wasn't recording. So if you're watching this on YouTube, again, for like the first maybe 13, 14 minutes after I shut up, you guys are just gonna see the power project logo but then after that uh you guys will see our uh pretty little faces so
Starting point is 00:04:50 apologies for that but uh yeah anyways let's go ahead and just get on to the damn show dude where are you i'm in you're gonna meet laura's keep speaking. Why are you in... How come you're wearing a shirt, first of all? Sorry, guys. That's what I had to do. I don't like that you're all covered up. It's like you're being shy or something. There's nothing really much to show.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Are you guys going to hear but you guys can hear me i can hear you i wish i couldn't but i can hear you good very good wow what's going on man not much um ah there's all this uh quarantineness uh i started watching netflix over the weekend and there's a really awesome movie that you guys need to avoid it's called the the assignment uh it's it's with a chick from from fast and the furious it's instantly you're just like what how the hell did this movie get made um so he is an assassin that kills the wrong person, the brother of a doctor, so that doctor gets a hold of him and converts him into a female. But the whole time, you can definitely see that she's still a chick.
Starting point is 00:06:20 They put like a $5 Party City beard on her and like they really make it like a very obvious point to be like this is a dude like they show his penis they show him putting on a condom and they it's really really cheesy and i just don't understand how it was made did you watch this with your family andrew i watched it with steph and i after i don't know probably half an hour in i'm like i don't think i want to finish this anymore wait you saw dick though yeah yeah full full-on just wiener or right just right out the front what was it called again the assignment for my notes yeah the assignment but the thing is so funny because they're like oh this is such a dude he's such a bro.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Look at his dick. And I'm just like, oh, that's penis. All right. Yeah, I definitely want to check this out. I'm disturbed. It's bad. I don't understand why they even made it, but they did. Well, I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:25 disturbed, aroused. There we go. Let's face it. Terrible. Did you guys work out today? I was watching Curb Your Enthusiasm the other day and
Starting point is 00:07:39 Cher's daughter is on there, but Cher's daughter's a guy now. And in the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry puts his watch on a counter in the gym, and the guy's, like, wearing, like, a robe, and Cher's daughter now is a guy, and he goes to, around and he knocks the watch off off of the uh counter with his giant dick
Starting point is 00:08:12 and he ended up breaking the watch you gotta you gotta see the episode but it actually is share's daughter and uh Cher's daughter looks like a USPA powerlifter. Like 5'2", like 250. A little muscular ball
Starting point is 00:08:36 with a beard. I want to wrap my head around this real quick. Okay. For political correctness, real quick so so okay for political correctness real quick was so share's daughter currently it shares daughter but used used to be share's son so share's son transitioned and now is she but still has a dick correct like is that what's going on here am i just off you just did did something that I could never do. You made something even more politically incorrect than anything I've ever said.
Starting point is 00:09:12 What? I'm so confused. Wait, what? Cher's daughter went through the transition to be a man, as you'd say. But in this episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, he happens to have, he now happens to have a large genitalia. See, this is why I was confused.
Starting point is 00:09:36 This is exactly why I was confused, because I haven't seen it. Now, is that genitalia? I thought that was his real penis, but I'm guessing it was a prosthetic for the show? I don't know. They didn't show it in the show. Oh, you see?
Starting point is 00:09:55 That's the problem, Mark, because I thought they showed a dick. And I was like, okay, this dick is real, meaning that this is this individual's penis. But, see? No, no shows we need more shows that show full frontal yeah that's a good good movie to watch you'll check it out but and sema have you ever watched curb your enthusiasm no i don't even know what it is dude it's so good you'd like it you would love it you know what it is. Dude, it's so good. You'd like it. You would love it. You know what's a really naked show is Westworld is really naked. You ever see Westworld?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Oh, yeah. The second episode of season three came out yesterday. It's very naked. Yep. Yeah. They just sit there naked the entire time. It's weird. They're all robots, so it's okay.
Starting point is 00:10:43 We're not really looking at human beings. We're looking at synthetic cyborg type things so is it something like black mirror or there's a different it's not a okay so it's not an anthology series where black mirror was like one by one in terms of episodes west world is uh it's straight through but it's very Black Mirror-ish, so set in a future that's really weird. Yeah, you get Black Mirror vibes from Westworld for sure. I think Andrew would dig it, right? I think he would,
Starting point is 00:11:14 but I'm pretty sure Jasmine can't watch it with you guys. Yeah, Marks, yeah, don't watch it with Jasmine. That's a show for you and Steph. You guys would really actually dig it. It's pretty dope. Complicated, Mark's. Yeah, don't watch it with Jasmine. That's a show for you and Steph. You guys would really actually dig it. It's pretty dope. Complicated, but cool.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Either one of you gents hit the gym today? Not yet. Oh, not yet. We'll do a kettlebell workout right after or probably soon after we get off of this. So, yeah. How about you guys? I did a bicep tricep workout this morning. Because of course.
Starting point is 00:11:48 What do we got? Oh man. Okay, hold on. Get those biceps in there. It's getting a little warm anyways. Oh, he's stripping down. Is there good lighting over here?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Yeah, there we go. Oh yeah, you worked him. That's see. Is there good lighting over here? Yeah. There you go. Oh, yeah. You worked them. That's proof. There we go. I see the bump. Yeah, a little bump there. Did that and then followed it up with, of course, some lunges. Still been doing them every day. Minus yesterday. Nice. I did some biceps.
Starting point is 00:12:20 I did some triceps. In between, I did some step-ups. And I did some squats. Felt good I did some step ups and I did some did some squats. Felt good. Felt good to move around. What's your kettlebell routine like? It's going to change up from day to day. But today I think I want to probably do some snatches and some lunges, but some overhead lunges.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I'm going to mix in something else with that, too. So the overhead lunges I really did because it's, it's full body. Plus it's helping both like my shoulder. You have to stabilize that above you while you're lunging and I always feel it feels great. So I'm going to do that. Maybe I'll mix in some type of rows or some kind of pushups with it, but I want it to be like a circuit type deal. So I'm mainly doing that because like I really like kettlebell stuff but then i think
Starting point is 00:13:06 that right now you're in this whole quarantine if people can just like buy a cheap kettlebell 20 or 30 pounder and maybe one set of dumbbells they can get in a mean workout that's really good as far as resistance is concerned um because a lot of people just are like i can't say are choosing not to because everybody has a different situation, but I feel like the situation of not being able to work out, a lot of us, a majority of us can work through that. Yo, Andrew, how has the news, if at all, how has it bummed you out about what's going on,
Starting point is 00:13:44 or has it not bummed you out? Um, it actually, oddly enough, uh, motivated me to wake up earlier. Um, cause I, I, I thought about it and I'm just like, damn, there are so many gyms that are, well, all gyms are closed, right? There's so many people that want to train right now and they can't. Um, oftentimes when we we like we talk to like whether it be like an adapted um athlete or someone that like can't do a certain movement you instantly feel like well i've personally kind of feel like shit where i'm like dude what's my
Starting point is 00:14:15 excuse so the past couple of days like i've been like dude nobody can go to the gym right now and i have an opportunity to go train by myself at, you know, super training. So I've actually kind of been using that as motivation to like, as soon as that alarm clock goes off, I'm just, you know, fired out like a cannon, you know? So in that aspect, it's been, it's been really awesome. Um, I can't really think of anything too negative. Um, oddly enough, any anxiety just from hearing the news and hearing like the death toll and all that stuff. Uh, not,
Starting point is 00:14:49 not so much more of the, uh, I guess, yeah, it is anxiety. Cause it's the, what if, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:54 like what if I go see Stephanie's parents, uh, you know, cause we were planning on seeing each other this weekend. And I'm like, I just, I don't know, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:02 I don't know what's happening. I don't know if it's worth it. So there's that. Right. And then they ended up coming to visit us and I'm like I just I don't know you know I don't know what's happening I don't know if it's worth it so there's that right and then they ended up coming to visit us and I'm like ah like hold on like what's happening here so in that aspect yeah I do have a little bit of anxiety from that but as far as hearing about the death tolls and stuff um again not to sound like selfish but it's just like I'm real ignorant to the whole thing. So when I see a death toll of what we'll say a couple thousand, I'm like, I can't even comprehend what that even means. Yeah. And this sucks to say, but unless it's somebody like,
Starting point is 00:15:37 the closest that I've gotten so far is talking to Gabrielle Lyons who said that somebody in her office is going to lose both her parents. That's actually when it became really real to me and when I made a phone call to my mom to be like, hey, you guys need to stay indoors. I'd rather be extremely safe than extremely sorry. Yeah, it's hard to listen to these numbers and have them not affect you one way or the other. But probably the most recent stat that I heard is that over 40,000 Americans have been confirmed to have the coronavirus, but about 500 have died from it. And that percentage represents under 2%.
Starting point is 00:16:20 It's like 1.6% or something like that. And then just earlier today, President Trump, it sounds like they're moving in the direction of lifting a lot of this quarantine off. And, you know, they have a drug, the drug that they mentioned here on this very podcast that Dr. Gabrielle Lyon mentioned on this podcast, that's going to be the first thing that they utilize. And the interesting thing about that is it's not a vaccine. Like I believe, and I don't even know, but like, I think that a vaccine, you know, inoculates you. So you can't get the virus itself.
Starting point is 00:17:01 However, it doesn't rid you of it. These other medications, I believe they't rid you of it these other medications i believe they help rid you of uh of the of this virus that's going around so um i think things are going to look really good in probably the next three to five days or so but i think the government and a lot of like what we know you know won't get back to fully functioning for a while probably. Does that make you feel a little bit better about like seeing your pops? Yeah, I think so. I mean, I think that they're still going to tell everyone to proceed with a lot of
Starting point is 00:17:38 caution. You know, I still think they're going to, you know, the weather's about to get nice, you know, it's always nice here in California, but it's about to get very warm. And people are going to want to be outside barbecuing and all that kind of stuff. And so I think, you know, we'll see that happiness and we'll see that joy. And then people will be like, hey, don't be doing that either. It's not time to do that just yet. But I think we'll see a lot of back and forth.
Starting point is 00:18:02 But for the most part, I just think that whenever we get information, we should always question the knowledge, you know, question, you know, where it comes from and question its authenticity and then try to make the best informed decisions that you can make. I think it's everyone's job to always stay connected to your disciplines the best that you possibly can. Because even something as simple as wanting, even something as simple as being wanted at work, let's say you're the IT guy, let's say that you're the internet guy. And, you know, Susie in this other department needs you. I remember you're Susie, Andrew. Susie in this other department needs you. I remember you're Susie, Andrew. Susie in this other department needs you. It just feels great to be needed. And I think that a lot of people are not experiencing that at the moment.
Starting point is 00:18:53 They're laid off from their job. They don't have a schedule. Maybe they're not exercising. Maybe they're not getting some sunlight. And maybe they're just feeling down. So I hope, I would love for people to continue to experience, you know, getting outside, continue experiencing getting sunlight, exercise, proper rest, good nutrition, just in the best way and the most responsible way that you possibly can so that you can feel good. Because that's to me, I think that's what everything's always about. It's about optimizing yourself so you can feel good and be good enough to help other people i have a lot of friends that are messaging me telling me how like depressed they are right now it's like i was in a group chat
Starting point is 00:19:35 with a few people and like two of them were like yeah i'm feeling super depressed i'm feeling super sad and i was like call up a friend maybe stand outside, talk or take a walk together. I think we got quite a bit of flack for the hike we took recently. I was like seeing a lot of comments about people like that's not social distancing. How are you guys going out in public like that? And at the end of the day, it's like, okay, we're not out here coughing on each other. None of us are sneezing and drinking each other's water bottles. We're staying away from others as we're on this trail, being as responsible as can be. You don't have to go on a hike, but you can't shut yourself in absolutely.
Starting point is 00:20:18 You do need to get outside and do something, but it doesn't have to be enclosed with other people. side and do something but it doesn't have to be enclosed with other people you know yeah i saw the the tweet that you put out mark and uh about you know get busy living or get busy dying and i haven't seen that people that fired up on your twitter account a long time yeah i don't i don't normally speak my mind all that much on social media believe it or not even though some of the stuff i say is inflammatory but sometimes it's in good fun just to be inflammatory on purpose. And other times I really do truly mean it and I do truly believe it. But I followed that post up with basically just saying that the economic and the psychological damage that this could do if it goes on for too long
Starting point is 00:21:05 will far outweigh what the virus will actually do. And it will basically kill people that are still alive. You know, it's holding people hostage. And I'm not in favor of that. And I actually, I would go as far to say is I would rather roll the dice and not really know, you know, I'd rather, I'd rather just go for it. And maybe that's me. That's my personality. Now where I could see where people can be really highly critical of that is like, Hey, asshole, you could be killing me or you could be killing my grandpa or you could be killing. And so from that perspective, I do understand, uh, what people are talking about. But to me personally, I don't believe it's, I don't even think that, I don't even really believe in the quarantine. I don't
Starting point is 00:21:50 even think that that really helps. I think all it helps with is logistics. And I don't think it, so it just, it helps the medical system be able to potentially catch up with having enough ventilators and things like that and i don't think it's actually so much about um the disease but i do i personally just think that if you kill our economy uh that's a a much bigger blow than just having some people die and people might think that's not compassionate but again get busy living or get busy dying uh do you think i heard you say that oh no go ahead go ahead no i heard you say that. No, go ahead. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:30 No, I heard you mention that on the video that you posted on your YouTube today. And I get what you're saying, but I think it's just like it's very hard, even for myself, to wrap my head around that. Because it's like we're already seeing some of the damage it's having economically. We're already seeing people day by day. I'm seeing people on my Facebook feed that are out of a job right now, or they work. That's a start. That's a try and get a job at Amazon or something like that.
Starting point is 00:22:54 You know, but it seems like, you know, if we were to totally go back to normal, we'd be, it seems like we'd be worse off than Italy if everyone started. Right. And I get it.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Some people are going die yes but it really is like it'll it'll affect those individuals that are older that are immunocompromised etc and even some that aren't like we were just having a conversation about a lot of people that are getting this are purely purely have high blood pressure as one of their issues nothing else a lot of them have just high blood pressure which is a lot of americans so it's like right there is it almost seems like there's no purely correct answer because you can't tell people to quarantine for months it's it's too much but you can't just go out and live normally yeah it's a very difficult thing and i think you end up kind of thinking about like risks It's too much, but you can't just go out and live normally.
Starting point is 00:23:46 Yeah, it's a very difficult thing. And I think you end up kind of thinking about like risks, you know, risk to reward. And again, the fact that it's not about, you know, you, it's not about me. It's about like all of us. You know, that puts things in a better perspective. Like, hey, it's not about you. So if you, you know, want to go to the gym, or you want to do A, B, and C, you could potentially be killing other people. But what I would say to that is, I probably have already killed other people that I'm not aware of, since, you know, the flu kills a lot of people. Just by statistics, one of us has probably killed a couple of people by sneezing in an airport or whatever, as weird as that might sound or seem.
Starting point is 00:24:31 And I understand that we're trying to prevent more of that. So I get it and I understand the awareness. But I guess when I think about what I'm always trying to do, there's, I just feel like there's risk all the time. And I think that, like, I always feel like it's our job to go out and get stuff every day. Like you got to go out and get it.
Starting point is 00:24:57 You got to, you got to get some exercise in, you got to, you know, you got to be positive and you got to be strong and you got to be functioning you gotta you know you gotta be positive and you gotta be strong and you gotta be functioning well you know for yourself and for other people and provide for your family and stuff like that so to me that's like all i know how to do and when someone says sit still i'm not going to probably react all that great to that because that's probably the one area where I'm weak. But when I think about even just
Starting point is 00:25:26 my own life, if I was to say to somebody, hey, you get to live to be 70 years old and you can be well off for about half of your life. So that would be like my story. I don't know when this ends, but I really didn't do much until I was 35. At the age of 35, I started the slingshot and stuff like that. And things took off. It was a little younger than that. But anyway, let's say, you know, I was to propose other people with that. And I said, Hey, you know, you get to live to be about 70, which is, you know, 12 to 15 years shy of living what we would consider to be a full life since males live to be like around 80 something. Right. You know, let's say you have an option of living to let's just say 60. Okay. Let's say 60, but you get to be well off versus 100.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And the most amount of money you ever make is about 50 is about 50k a year, you know, you know, I think that a lot of people would say, Hey, man, you know what, I'll take the 60 years old, I'll take dying early, you know, because I'd rather make the money, have the money support my family and even leave behind some dough for my family, you know? So that, that's like, that's where my thought process is. Like, I don't,
Starting point is 00:26:50 and I do understand that everyone else is entitled to feel, you know, whatever way they want. Um, but that's kind of my thought process on it. So when you're saying that the, uh, like about the quarantine,
Starting point is 00:27:03 is it more of because you think think that everyone's going to eventually get the virus or because it really just genuinely doesn't do anything? Yeah, I think that everyone is going to get it or they have already had it or experienced it in some way. And then I also just don't think, at least according to all the stats I'm seeing, you know, I'm not reading everything that comes in, and I'm also not, like, checking all the sources of every single thing that's coming in. But it's to my understanding that this is a highly contagious virus, but it doesn't seem to be nearly as deadly as they are. They keep talking about death and they keep talking about death toll. And I think that's a great way to scare you into staying at
Starting point is 00:27:53 home. So if that's what they wanted, then that's what they got. And that part worked. But what I want everyone to kind of consider is I believe that within the next week or two, we'll probably be right back at it. And what I would ask you is like, what has really changed? You know, what has changed in China? So there's not a vaccine currently. We can all agree upon that. It doesn't seem like there's any medication other than some speculation on something that they're going to release in New York City tomorrow. So why has China gone back to work?
Starting point is 00:28:28 Right? China's gone back to work because they'll fucking die if they don't continue to work because they won't have an economy. So that's why they went back to work. There's a risk there, but the reward sounds better of like, let's not let the country die and let's not let the future of the country die just because we think that we need to stay home yeah no what like we talked about this in terms of china it seems really uh difficult to believe that there are zero new cases the other day when they posted that it's very hard to believe that there are zero new cases especially since
Starting point is 00:29:01 it's transmitted so easily but we were also talking about like the one of the issues of what happens if so many people end up being at work for a long period of time they're not able to make certain payments not able to make they're not able to even potentially buy the food that they need no matter how much aid that they get like you're going to start seeing some real actual like violence in the streets like you're going to start seeing some real actual violence in the streets. Things will become extremely chaotic. And it's like, okay, do things become chaotic
Starting point is 00:29:34 or do we try to go back to some semblance of normal where people can work, they can try and provide? It's no good either way. I see what you mean by going back to normal yeah i think asking the country to um asking the country to quarantine is like asking somebody to meditate that's not open to it you know like it's it's, it's not going to last very long, you know? So I think, I think it's over. I think I really do. I really believe that, you know, at least by April one,
Starting point is 00:30:12 two, three, or four, like it'll be gone, you know, cause I just don't, I just don't, I don't even know if it's that effective. You know, I know that that's what everyone thinks is that if we just stay away from each other, it will be effective. But if it's still circulating out there and if a lot of people already have it, I guess the hope is that everyone is over it. By the time we all resume and if we pause everybody and then if we say, okay, three months from now, you all can go back to doing what you're doing because it's not around anymore. I would just guess that even the 40,000 people that had it, they probably passed it on to some other people. So it's not completely gone from the world. There's probably some representation of it still. So I just don't even know if it's effective.
Starting point is 00:31:00 I do believe it's effective at slowing it down. I do believe it's effective at slowing it down. I do believe it's effective at slowing down everything. And I think that slowing things down for a little bit is probably what we've needed, but I don't think we need too much more of it. Yeah. I think also, I mean, we definitely know that it is effective in slowing it down and the medical system needs to be able to deal with it. But if we're going to try and get back to normal they're going to have to be things that like things that we don't do until there's a legitimate thing to help individuals that have the virus and a vaccine for example certain stores were allowing older individuals to come to the stores at certain times. If things go
Starting point is 00:31:45 back to normal, that's something that has to stay. And then also, for example, my mom is now being able to work from home. She's 62. She's going to be retiring soon, but she's 60-something, right? I think that that's going to have to be probably an option for anybody that's in close to that age bracket to have the ability to work from home if they want to so that they can distance themselves but people will have to be able to go back to work people will have to be able to and that will end up being their choice there just there has to be structures in place to help keep certain people that are at risk more at risk than others safe yeah what do you guys think about school now i agree well i don't have any kids i have an idea but who knows yeah i think i think um that if things go back to normal, then I think that, you know, when does school usually get out?
Starting point is 00:32:51 You know, so I think that I think that they still might catch some of the tail end of the school year, but it might just look a little different than it has in the past. But, yeah, I think, look, you you know president trump is that he's a different president you know he's a different uh person than we're used to having you know in there and so he's going to make some drastic and some bold moves that i think that people are i think that maybe look different from what a lot of other countries have done. I know that England in the UK, I believe that they have not quarantined. I believe that they have other ways that they have chosen to deal with this. And just from what I've heard, and I'd have to look further into this. So I could just went on lockdown today, but probably went on on lockdown today. Just today, like two hours ago.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Right. And so maybe they have new information, you know, maybe they have new stats they're going by that kind of leads them to that. But my understanding before was that they were just kind of hoping that their population would build a resilience towards it. And that was kind of my point. And I probably, I definitely could have done a better job of making my point on my YouTube video. Sometimes you get a little fired up and then you, like, don't make your point the correct way. And on my YouTube video, basically, you know, what I was kind of trying to say was that I just think that people are just really just, they end up acting or overreacting to things sometimes. And I think in some of these cases where we're starting to see these quarantines and people just you know being being so safe about it i think that
Starting point is 00:34:47 i think that it can be good and i think it can slow things down but at the same time i just don't know how effective it really is and then again like just looking at china like they're backed up and running and and i don't know if that's going to spark everything back up again and it's going to continue to make everything spread i'm not really sure yeah i think just by us seeing china get through it without like a vaccine or without anything too you know too too crazy well i mean i don't know exactly how crazy their quarantine got because i heard that they were like welding people's doors shut and stuff but i think by like kind of like the other four minute mile thing right we were gonna see that like oh they got through it so we're gonna get through it too and then kind of just kind of
Starting point is 00:35:29 opens up that that whole uh mindset and idea of like oh they're fine we're gonna be fine too and kind of like the reverse of like what you're saying mark about like oh everyone's getting the coronavirus i think i just got sick and you know they just give themselves like the flu. It could be that, but the opposite, right? Like I said, I do think that Trump will try to make bold moves.
Starting point is 00:35:59 What was that? I just had a client that texted me today that his sister just tested positive and he's been with his sister because they've been taking care of their mom. So that means he probably has it. It's really, it's something crazy. And where are they from? New York.
Starting point is 00:36:20 It is definitely crazy. It's definitely a crazy thing. It is definitely crazy. It's definitely a crazy thing. And you keep you keep hearing like it's so it's hard not to overreact or it's hard not to react in informed decisions when you're in a panic, when you keep hearing all the different things going on all the time. And so I think it's, what we keep hearing is that people are contracting it, but I don't know if we're knowing enough. And we keep hearing people contracting it and they keep talking about the death rate, but I don't think they're talking enough about the recovery. I wish they talked to more people that had it.
Starting point is 00:37:09 I have been seeing a little more of that recently. They've been talking to more people that have had it. And I think that that's this one case in particular, I think, is what made President Trump enact that New York starts using this compound tomorrow is because this guy was pretty much on his deathbed and he said goodbye to his kids and everything. And he was, he was out. He couldn't, he could barely breathe. He could barely talk. And he took this chloropin, I believe is the drug that he took. And then he was okay. And he mentioned that within like a 24-hour period of having this IV that he woke up the next day as if nothing ever happened which is like completely remarkable so hopefully you know that drug I think that's that's what Trump is uh you know resting resting his hat
Starting point is 00:38:02 on is that is that that drug will, you know, continue to assist and help people. And they might have to do, you know, more research and more understanding. But I think Trump is like, hey, I have really heard all I need to hear since they already know that that drug has previously helped with a lot of other viruses. And I think it specifically has helped with coronaviruses in the past. But the coronavirus that came around this time is different than anybody's ever seen before.
Starting point is 00:38:31 And I think he's just like, hey, screw it. Let's get this rolling. And I think that's unprecedented. Like, shit like that does not happen and never happens because there's always so much testing and they're always so careful. And, you know, it's interesting to find out people's views on that. You know, like if you're, if it was your family member and they died from that, I personally would be in favor of it. I would personally be like, yeah, man,
Starting point is 00:39:00 Hey, let's fail fast. Let's find out quick. Because my family members already compromised and I don't want them to die, but I would love for other people to maybe to not have to go through what I'm going through. And so if that compound doesn't work, maybe they try out some different ones and maybe they find a solution faster. Yeah. I can't remember who it was I was listening to. Oh, it was the guy that Joe Rogan had on. This was like the one. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yeah, he was just saying like, you know, finding a vaccine is not the hard part. Finding a vaccine that like is going to, the body will accept is the hard part. It was kind of like, you know, it seemed like it was really, really complex. Like, obviously it is, but it seems like it was a little bit more than just like, hey, take this, whatever that compound is, and then we'll go from there. But if it can be as easy as that, I mean, man, I think, yeah, we'll find a cure real quick. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:10 yeah it's it i know like a again a vaccine is weird because you're trying to build up the antibodies trying to trying to have the uh antibodies build up in your body to be able to fight it off in in the future versus this drug i don't think is considered a vaccine it doesn't have uh i believe that what they're trying to do doesn't have the coronavirus in it with this drug chloroplastin. But if that can rid you of it, then I think you're good to go as long as the side effects aren't anything too too crazy like you grow a second penis yeah that wouldn't be so bad but how about this um when it comes to just people day to day like i'm seeing a lot of people that are like we said getting depressed you mentioned
Starting point is 00:41:00 i think you mentioned like obviously getting a schedule getting a routine what else is some things that you would suggest that people start being serious about doing right now if they can? I definitely think sunlight is crucial, you know, trying to get some sort of sunlight. So that doesn't even really require you to exercise. But I do think, you know, getting outside would be important. exercise but i do think um you know getting outside would be important um i would also say like if you feel like your day-to-day is pretty like low-key and you're not challenging your brain at all i would find something to do that does that um you could put together a puzzle you could do crosswords you could uh youwords. You could read.
Starting point is 00:41:45 You could write. I do think, I think you mentioned this before, Nsema, you know, projects. Like, how many projects do people have around their house that they haven't gotten to? They've been talking about putting up that fence forever. I mean, that would be, that would would be i think that would reign supreme over everything you know going outside getting some work done um whatever it is that might be needed to be done around the house um you might be able to put a little more energy into it and i had a lot of people on instagram recently uh tell me all these different things that they were doing
Starting point is 00:42:21 because you know i was talking about like like boredom was talking about like, Hey, what the hell are you guys doing to stay active and to continue to smile and continue to have fun, you know, so find things, things that are of interest to you that you otherwise normally couldn't get to.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I know that, um, you know, everyone's so scared and, and, and rightfully so that they're not going to have money for A, B, or C, but you can kind of view this time as, uh, as you have this kind of free independent time until you're able to figure out another job or another way
Starting point is 00:43:00 of, uh, making ends meet. And at that time, with that time, you can perhaps work on some different things that you didn't have an opportunity to work on before. And I think that is super, like we have time right now to do things. But another thing is like the other day, me and my friend, we were just hanging out in front of his house, quite a few feet apart, right?
Starting point is 00:43:31 Just talking, talked for like an hour and 30 minutes. He actually has asthma. So being very careful not to step into his house or not to do anything. We're just, we're talking, right? But that conversation was extremely fruitful. I think human interaction right now, one of the big reasons why this could really mess with people is because we, a lot of people, no matter if you're introverted or you're extroverted, you do thrive around being in contact and conversing with other people.
Starting point is 00:43:58 And if you don't, if you totally stop trying to do any of that, that can be super damaging. It's super easy. Like the post you had on Instagram, how Pornhub subscriptions, the premium Pornhub subscriptions have increased. It's very easy to fall down the rabbit hole of beating your meat uncontrollably because you want some human interaction. Like real talk. It'll be very easy to fall down that rabbit hole. So we got to find a way to
Starting point is 00:44:26 actually be a little bit more of a community somehow that was one of the best um memes that i had seen thus far it was like uh during like quarantine girls i don't know what to do guys and it was just a bunch of like meat tenderizers dudes punching steaks and just just dudes beating their meat oh man but i mean hey like it really does make sense it makes a massive amount of sense about the porn hub thing because a lot of uh me included in the past a lot of us use that as a means of feeling connection and when you don't have connection with people what happens well like you'll fall into some bad habits so we got to try and fight that right now i agree really cool thing. How about you, Andrew? What's up? I was like, how about you,
Starting point is 00:45:28 Andrew? What you been up to? I mean, I know you've been lifting. Yeah. Lifting. But, uh,
Starting point is 00:45:34 this, um, I don't, I don't know. It's, it's, uh, it,
Starting point is 00:45:39 it says a lot about me, but like this, this quarantine thing has been like right up my alley. It's been kind of nice, like staying home and, and uh not really worrying about like oh fuck we got another birthday party to go to or uh i gotta go somewhere i gotta meet up with somebody like i've been really enjoying just being home alone um i hope that doesn't sound terrible, but like, it's been really nice on like for me. Yeah, it's been really cool. And like, I heard this on another podcast, like, I don't know, maybe four years ago and
Starting point is 00:46:12 it just made a lot of sense to me. Uh, this guy was just saying, you know, some people recharge their batteries with connecting with other people, other people recharge their batteries by being completely alone. And I'm definitely one of those persons that loves to be alone like i just like i don't know if it to me like i just i can kind of almost like re like center and rebalance myself um and i think that's kind of what's been happening to me just you know i'm with my family is fantastic, but like just staying home and like, you know, coming back from the gym, knowing like, once I get home, like we're good. Like I just, I stay home.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Like I don't have to worry about getting something together to head out the door in the next like five minutes. Cause that's usually what we do. It's like, go, go, go, go, go pass out. Once we get home, it's been so nice to just like stay home and actually like hang out here. Um, and it's fun. I mean, I'm, we're, I'm recording from what used to be my daughter's room. That's why it's pink behind me. Um, it's now the office cause she wanted to switch rooms and we finally had the time to like switch everything over like completely. Um, so it's been really, really cool to like clean up around the house and do things that we didn't have time for like and sema was saying you know like these these side
Starting point is 00:47:28 projects that we've had i just haven't had time to do any of them and now we have all this time and like we're just hanging out and like talking on the phone with my family was pretty cool too but like yeah i haven't felt like uh isolated or like or the need to run outside and talk to neighbors or anything like that. Getting out in the sun was really, really nice today, but I've been thriving in this environment. This is what it's like to have financial freedom. You don't have to be anywhere, ever. Man, that sounds great that sounds really nice yeah yeah being able to say no to a bunch of shit is all i want to do how about you mark have you been doing anything like new with your time
Starting point is 00:48:21 not really you know just uh i've just been kicking it with the kids, but like, you know, I do that quite a bit. Um, there's a little bit more like walks and stuff like that with them and, uh, you know, just hanging at the house. And, uh, you know, like I said, we put, we did, we did some puzzles. Um, you know, we're, we're trying to really make sure that we're just around each other a little bit more. Not too different than normal. We try to do that anyway, but it's easy to make an excuse about it when you don't have time for it.
Starting point is 00:48:58 But now it feels like we have lots of time. is like we have lots of time and I don't feel like I need to like race to bed to you know wake up super early to you know do all that stuff so everything's just a little bit more lax and I actually think that I think that some of this is really good for America I think pumping the brakes and having everything kind of reset is is probably good and then also a little bit of a kick in the ass for everybody of like hey like something like this could happen again and next time around it could actually be something that you know hey you got 24 hours to live because you caught this virus you know and so i think this is a a little you know dress rehearsal for you know i hope it doesn't happen
Starting point is 00:49:43 but it could be a dress rehearsal for more nasty things to come. And I'm, you know, trying to teach my kids about that. We're talking a lot about, for me, it brings up a lot of opportunity for education. You know, we can freely sit here and talk about the government and why, you know, Governor Newsom, you know, imposed this and why you know governor newsom you know imposed this and why trump recommended that or why this person is saying you know these things and and we can talk about their education and their school and like i asked my son today i'm like you know i said i said what do you think so i said if you uh if you discontinued school the traditional you know going to school right and you just had the curriculum uh for for the year we just got it you know because you
Starting point is 00:50:36 legally have to have like an education so uh i said would you do better with school or just with the curriculum, working on it on your own? And he goes, oh, I know the answer to that. I was like, well, what is it? He's like, I'd do way better by myself. He's like, I would learn faster and I would probably get better grades. And I said, I agree with you 100%. And he said, but I wouldn't want to do it. He's like, I said, I agree with you a hundred percent. And he said, but I wouldn't want to do it. He's like, I'd rather go to school. And, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:11 the reason to go to school is like, just cause you see other people, you know, and that's when I made the post a few days ago about, you know, our public education system and some of that stuff, it was kind of rooted in that, you know, like, yes, I think school is great, but I just think it goes on for entirely too long, goes on for way too many years. I really don't.
Starting point is 00:51:32 No one even, as much as we want to think that we interject and we teach people stuff, we don't want to teach anybody anything, I don't think. I think that people come to their own conclusions, their own way on their own time, and it just so happens to be the stuff that interests them, hits them at the right time. Even with kids, I never taught my kids how to talk.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I didn't really teach them how to talk and teach them language. They just wanted a better way to communicate that they shit themselves or that they're hungry, and they figure it out on their own. So, you know, it's been great to be able to communicate and to talk. I had an amazing conversation last night with Jake and Quinn and they were, you guys would,
Starting point is 00:52:18 you guys would have a blast because they are just ripping me apart. You guys would just be like on the ground laughing. I don't even know how we got into this conversation. We talked about like the oldest living things. I think I mentioned an idea to Jake of like how he's not necessarily 16 years old. I said, you're 15 years dead. Like 15 years that you'll never get back like you're gone and so we were talking about this kind of stuff and we got in this like deep conversation
Starting point is 00:52:52 and i was like what's the oldest living animal and he's like oh there's a volcano sponge that's like 15 000 years old or something crazy like that i'm like what the fuck's up you know we all started laughing because jake just knows random stuff and then uh and i was like what about like a turtle i was like aren't there turtles that are really old and he's like well not really like a turtle he's like more like a tortoise he's like yeah like a desert tortoise they can they can be really old and i'm like wait i was like a desert tortoise i'm like that's somehow different and i'm like wait i was like a desert tortoise i'm like that's somehow different than a turtle he goes oh yeah he's like they're way different than a turtle he's like they don't swim i said what a tortoise doesn't swim he's like no he's
Starting point is 00:53:36 like i don't even think they can swim at all and so i'm like looking it up and then quinn and jake are like in tears laughing at me andy's laughing at me she's like no it's like those big fucking desert tortoises they weigh like 900 pounds they don't swim anywhere I'm like why but all these conversations would happen I don't think if we weren't all locked up together
Starting point is 00:53:58 you know that's amazing because I know Jake's probably just like looking down at you as he's giving you all this good information. He's just like, dude, how do you not know this? Yeah, he's just crushing me. Like, I know he thinks that he thinks that should be like complete, you know, that everyone should know this already, you know. How the heck would you know that?
Starting point is 00:54:18 I would think that a desert tortoise. Well, not a desert tortoise. If he was told to me it was a desert tortoise, but I don't think all tortoises swim. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a desert tortoise if it was told to me it was a desert tortoise, but I don't think all tortoises swim. I didn't even know there was such a thing as a desert tortoise. That's brand new to me. I didn't know that there was turtles or tortoise eyes in the desert. Well, just to set me up, see how dumb I really am. Jake's like, how big i really am they're like quinn or jake's like how he's like
Starting point is 00:54:45 how big do you think these things are i was like i don't know i was like i've seen those tortoises before they're huge i'm like they're probably like a thousand pounds he's like what a thousand pounds he's like it's not the size of a car you know but then we looked it up and the biggest the biggest tortoise ever was 900 pounds. So I wasn't too far off. That's absolutely insane. But yo, like you, when you were mentioning in terms of,
Starting point is 00:55:10 uh, how kids will typically land on stuff on their own and they'll, they'll take from school. Like when I figured out even like the things that I did in school and the classes I took and like the depth that we went to in terms of math or whatever, um, I ain't using, i ain't using i ain't using pre-calc for anything i mean it i ain't using calc for anything right like no with what i do right now everything that i've nothing that i learned in school other than maybe how to read
Starting point is 00:55:41 but i don't think you need to learn how to read in school. Other than that, I'm not using anything. What I do these days, like if anything, I wish I learned about taxes and how to balance a checkbook and, and those types of things in school that, that would have, that would have helped out a lot.
Starting point is 00:55:59 What about like, uh, like, you can do your taxes. My son, cause he knows how to do your taxes? My son. Because he knows how to do taxes. My son can do your taxes.
Starting point is 00:56:10 Yeah, he knows how to do taxes. He's a freak, man. It's crazy. Crazy. Hey, but who taught him that? My dad. Boom. Dad.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Yeah, not school. Right. Yeah, what about like speech and grammar and that sort of thing though do you i mean you speak on a podcast so having some verbal communications is definitely going to be none of it was from school bro um like like the the reason why I can speak to people, I guess, well, or whatever is number one. Yeah. I learned how to read and talk. Right. But most of my public speaking abilities came from when I worked at sales at a gym when I was 21, 22, and I was forced to sell. Like I was forced to learn sales and sell to people and connect with people in that way. Because prior to that, and even prior to when I worked at Abercrombie, like I was always a nervous wreck when I talked to people.
Starting point is 00:57:13 So no, that school didn't help me in terms because I was the worst at speeches in school. I would get up in front of the classroom. I'd bumble and mumble over my words. I was horrible, horrible you know but you wouldn't necessarily guess that now and that came from my work experience makes sense and i hated that shit in school that'd make me feel that'd make me feel super sick i was pretty chill about just about everything except for that yeah that would make me crazy i hated talking in front of people the worst part was because I had to
Starting point is 00:57:46 wing pretty much every presentation that I ever did in school like it was a book report or something I didn't read the book whatever the hell the presentation was about it was literally I learned it five seconds before I walked up and said it naturally didn't get a lot of passing grades but
Starting point is 00:58:02 it doesn't matter now yeah it's crazy I naturally didn't get a lot of passing grades, but it doesn't matter now. Yeah, it's crazy, man. You think like Mark, for yourself, let's try to think of everything we got from school. What do you really take away? Like right now with what you're doing right now, do you think that there's anything beneficial for you from there? I think that all the stuff from school is all the side stuff, you know, like, you know, maybe some kids get bullied, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:39 how do you not get bullied? Well, maybe you cannot be bullied by standing up for yourself, or maybe if that's not an option, maybe you can make bullied by standing up for yourself or maybe if that's not an option maybe you can make friends with another kid that's pretty big you know um maybe you can figure out a way to like uh fly under the radar you know or i think it's i think all those things are like the things that you learn in school you learn how to interact with people um i think some of it is for the negative though too you know like some it's not all positive there's a lot of like clicks in school you know there's a
Starting point is 00:59:10 lot of that kind of stuff and uh you know just like any other school i had a lot of that in my school and i i personally tried to avoid a lot of that but luckily i kind of had an upper hand just because i was an athlete and because i had two brothers that went to the same school so I was already like well known so it didn't really matter what I did I didn't have to be part of any sort of clique or anything like that but I would say that those are those are probably the things that those are the things that you learn that are just not even in the classroom, you know, you learn to do. So one thing I think that has a lot of value in school is that maybe if you do learn one thing from it is that you learn that you can get, like, rewarded and you can get, not even like a head is the wrong word you can get rewarded because school like it either rewards you or you get in trouble kind of thing right which which is
Starting point is 01:00:12 horrible like it should not be run that way but you do learn that you can get rewarded um by doing by doing stuff that you probably don't really want to do, teaching you to do things maybe that you don't normally want to do them when you don't normally want to do them. You know, if you just make the simple decision instead of playing the video game again, but you make the simple decision to study for your test, you'll do better on your test. The problem is that school, the only method they have of showing whether you've done well or not is through a test and also through coercion, through, if you don't do this, this is going to happen. Unfortunately, that is the biggest killer of one of the most important education pieces that there is, and that's creativity. And it stifles creativity. So, you know, I don't think – I think that that's the biggest problem in school. I don't think that there needs to be tests. I don't think there needs to be grades.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I think that what needs to be taught is let's be super creative. And I think that even, I think even the world as we know it, if more people were able to be free thinkers and to kind of Elon Musk every situation that they can think of, I think that we would have a lot better solutions to stuff and we would get back to what I've mentioned earlier about being able to problem solve. And I think that's ultimately why you need to gain knowledge in the first place. So you can figure out, you know, what would be a better way? What would be a better way to do this? Well, you get a better way to do it through knowledge.
Starting point is 01:02:01 And that's what school is supposed to be about. Do it through knowledge, and that's what school is supposed to be about. But again, as I said, I think that school stifles that with all the rules and all the structure, and I just don't think it needs any of that. And you know what? If you don't want to learn and you want to be a dick and you want to act out and act weird, I think it's fine. It's just like just maybe have the kid sit outside the classroom for a while. He comes back in.
Starting point is 01:02:23 If he disrupts the class again, he goes back out there. But there's no punishment, no reason for anybody to get mad at him. It's like, hey, that kid, he doesn't care about this topic. You can even tell him, hey, go for five walks around the building. Class will be over by the time you get back. Who cares if he learns it or not? It's up to him. That's kind of the way I look at it.
Starting point is 01:02:44 That would probably be very effective, too, because then you'd get to see, like, okay, so-and-so doesn't like math, but he actually, for some reason, digs, like, history. So maybe, like, okay, this makes sense, so we're going to actually put him on the track towards that now.
Starting point is 01:03:03 Yeah, and when history comes up you say hey you know why don't you get up here and and talk about it and maybe the kid gets to talk about it interact more and that's his strength and he feels good about that because like who really has a profession right now that they're really weak at you know who who in this world is making tons of money in a profession or in something that they're really weak at nobody they're in something that they love you know i mean maybe they don't like maybe they don't love it maybe they've made millions off of it or something somehow but for the most part there's got to be some sort of spark there there's got to be some sort of interest there how so let me ask you this what about the resistance towards grades because like i i feel like it's
Starting point is 01:03:48 awesome to lead someone towards the things that they're actually interested in i feel like grades somehow we got to figure out a way to do it where i mean it can still be motivating but still show that you have a lack um that that like i don't, you maybe could understand something better, you know? And like, for example, right now in all this fitness stuff where we're learning about the podcast, I went from thinking that I was at like a B in terms of my understanding of things to an F. Like I feel like I'm at an F, right? Because I could see all the things I don't know. So how would you think there's a better way to handle the grading system?
Starting point is 01:04:31 I think, you know, knowledge is like a moving target, and it's maybe like the horizon. You know, you can see it, but you can't ever get to it. You can't ever know all of what's knowable and as i've gotten closer to people that are smarter and smarter what i learn is that the smartest people they say something that my dad would never say but i learned to say and that's i don't know so i i think the truth is, is that no one really knows. Like your guess is as good as mine.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Like Andrew can go on Twitter or go on IG and make some crazy statement that we think is crazy. He can make some crazy statement about what's happening in the U.S. and how it's crazy and he thinks it should be the complete opposite and it could turn out that he's right you know it could it could turn out that he's correct so um the education systems understanding of whether you're learning material or not I don't think it really matters a ton because I don't, I think it will all balance itself out. Like I don't,
Starting point is 01:05:49 I don't need to, I don't, I personally don't need you to tell me what I need to know, you know? And I don't think I, I don't need the government to do that either. I don't need the state to do that. I don't need anyone to say,
Starting point is 01:06:04 Hey, you know, to do that either. I don't need the state to do that. I don't need anyone to say, hey, you know, you're only on a fourth grade reading level and you're in 11th grade. I already knew that I sucked at reading. I don't need to identify it back to being, you know, that far behind other people or whatever, you know. And even if I was ahead, I don't think there's any reason to, I don't know how it's really all that useful. I think that what you would, the way that you would understand, you would need some way of understanding whether people are learning it or getting it. But I think if you taught in this way and you saw the creativity that it would
Starting point is 01:06:38 manifest, I think that you would understand quickly and you'd say, Hey, well it appears that he gets this uh well enough i think you know basic understanding of things and also to really answer that question even uh on a larger scale i don't really think that there should be school so you i don't think that there needs to be school for kids i think that the only school that should exist is like universities and stuff like that. Because then you can determine what you can determine what you're what you want to do when you're old enough to make decisions about, you know, you're not old enough to vote, you're not old enough to rent a car, you're not old enough to go to war, but you're old enough to be trapped in school every day for X amount of hours. And yeah, I'm just not a fan of it.
Starting point is 01:07:26 I think that you would ultimately, you know, where you would be tested would be once you did made a decision towards like, I am interested in this. I want to learn this. And then somebody can say, hey, you know what? You are, you have graduated from a white belt to this belt. You're graduated. I think the belt system is actually great because it's, it's, it's very,
Starting point is 01:07:50 it's very open to interpretation. Obviously a black belt means you worked really hard, but as you know, in SEMA, like there's some black belts where you're like, yeah, kind of, right.
Starting point is 01:08:00 There's probably a couple of guys out there that have a purple and stuff where you're like me and like he went to that school or whatever, you know. And so I think that a system like that would, in my opinion, it would make more sense to me, at least maybe not anybody else. I think there was a, we talked a little bit about this once, but there's this book that John Berardi suggests called a range. And I think it's like why generalists thrive in a specific world or something like that. It's, it's whatever, but the whole premise is like, there, there've been a lot of innovations that have happened in like, even the fields of like medicine uh that have come from people who aren't in that field but just people who have like a range of understanding on other
Starting point is 01:08:51 things that help the medical field like you look at steve jobs who had a love for you know font and you know the uh design and you end up making strides in the computing field. So like allowing kids to really go out there and figure out different things could allow for less specific thinking. Because I think everybody thinks like a robot. You have this, this, this, this, and this that you need to learn to get to this, right? So it fucks up everything that allows you to be creative
Starting point is 01:09:21 and have different ideas for these different things. It messes up creativity. And it's one of those things like where people end up saying, I'm not a creative person. I used to say that about myself too. Like, I mean, I wasn't amazing in school. I wasn't a straight A student, but I did okay. But I also thought that I wasn't a creative individual either
Starting point is 01:09:40 because I was all about structure. But when I ended up leaving that structure, I was forced to just do the things that I wanted to do, I found out that I'm a pretty damn creative dude when I put my mind to it. And I would have never been able to think that outside of the realm of school. Yeah, these are things that you probably came to the conclusion
Starting point is 01:10:00 of some of these things through school when they said, hey, you get to think of whatever you want you could write on anything you want and you kind of just picked something that you like saw 10 seconds ago or something you saw in a movie because you didn't think you were creative whereas if somebody said hey you know what Nsema um you can be just as creative as anybody else uh but you have to work at it. You know, for some people, it might come to them a little bit more naturally. You know, for you, you're going to have to kind of think about it. You might have to figure out a way to dislocate yourself from some of the beliefs that you have,
Starting point is 01:10:37 from some of the things that you've heard in order to, you know, write this fairy tale or whatever, whatever it would be some, you know, some of them totally wild off the wall that no one's ever, ever heard before. On the same token, though, I think that there's people that like myself, who, you know, I kind of have, you have to think something positively of yourself. So because I was kind of pigeonholed into some of those special classes and stuff, I was like, well, you know, maybe I can just be like more of an athlete and maybe I could just be like creative with stuff, you know, because I recognized at a young age that whenever it came to like practical math and whenever it came to thinking outside of the classroom, it felt like I always had a decent solution, or at least I thought I did. And my parents would always kind of look at me and kind of do a double take and be like,
Starting point is 01:11:28 well, like, you just really simplified that. And I kind of heard that over and over. And so it encouraged me to go that way. Where I was discouraged, though, was with structure. So I was the opposite. And then you say to yourself, oh, I'm the worst, man. I'm not an organized person. And it turns out that I can learn what you learned and you can learn what I learned. And it's actually, it's not any harder than you or I adapting to something that we don't love to do, like running. to something that we don't love to do, like running, you know, could you and I run every day for three miles, five miles, eight miles? Sure, we could. It's just a matter of like, are we interested in enough to do it for a long enough time? We possess the ability to do it. You know,
Starting point is 01:12:17 it's just, it's just not something that we really want to get into. And I think that a lot of people are suppressed and you're still dealing with like you're, when you own a business, you end up dealing with everyone's childhood, which is like one thing. Like that's one thing that like unpack and to figure out like, Oh man, this poor guy or this poor girl never got a hug. They never were told they did a good job. And now I got to fucking deal with this every day you know you're like holy shit but then the other thing you gotta unravel and unpack is how they
Starting point is 01:12:51 were treated at school you know it's like a whole nother subset of things and that can be can be even way more damaging because they probably spent again if we go back to what i've said about school just being so damn long they spent more time in school than they ever did with their family how about you andrew what are your how do you feel about like because you didn't learn the things you know right now from school but did it help you at all like at all try to think of something that really helped you out if there was anything so that's why i asked you earlier about like speech and grammar um because i feel like uh some of the english english classes that i took or that i had with uh writing and stuff that's helped me out today we could just like simple punctuation and grammar i still misspell everything but when it comes to writing posts for like whether it be descriptions or like ig posts and
Starting point is 01:13:50 stuff i think that did help me but i was already interested in that before i ever took any classes like in elementary school i was already like really into writing back then so fast forward to like you know real like english whatever i don't even know what they're called these days um like i i didn't do great in them but i learned enough to where i can actually use that today but again i was already into it so what i got out of school i i don't know because i didn't get like no like good grades out of it um i do know that when i did like spend some time in college the uh the classes that i got into my older friends were still trying to get into those classes because they were like actual
Starting point is 01:14:37 like uh i don't even know what it's called but like to get your um uh what's that first degree your uh bachelors no even smaller than that uh whatever the first one is this is how much we care about school but whatever that that first like level is you needed to pass this english class and i just like walked right associates degree thank you sir that one uh whatever english class that is and people who are like you know have their degrees are like uh dude i passed that in like summer school in my like you know seventh grade or whatever uh but anyways i hung out with a lot of stupid people so they couldn't get into that class out of high school they had to take like prep classes to get into it and i just walked right into it and i didn't like really struggle at all but um as far as like what i do
Starting point is 01:15:30 these days no i i didn't really i mean i never even tried to do anything in school like i never like was so motivated to do anything to where i'm like oh i need to work on that outside of school it was always like shit i gotta get through this just so i can get home to play video games to do anything to where I'm like, oh, I need to work on that outside of school. It was always like, shit, I got to get through this just so I can get home to play video games or watch basketball, whatever it was. I was never motivated. Nothing ever captured my mind like you see in movies and stuff where here's this troubled kid who gets detention and this one teacher takes him under his wing and next thing you know they're like you know on stage somewhere
Starting point is 01:16:10 performing or doing something nothing ever like that happened and none like i i seriously think the only thing that carried over is like just writing just but like i said i already loved doing that so i think just maybe learn picking up a couple things here and there but for the most part no there's nothing in school like when it comes to like math equations if they're more than plus minus i have to google it i literally don't even know how to put in like the percentages and stuff on my calculator i just google like 15 off of like 20 or whatever it is you know and that's how i figure out like decimals and percentages and fractions and stuff especially if jasmine has homework
Starting point is 01:16:51 it's the worst i can't help her i'm like i'm sorry like i'm just gonna google it like we'll scribble some like stuff that you can't really read so that way it looks like you can show your work which is also really bad in terms of in terms of not trying did you maybe not try because it also like it wasn't cool it wasn't like right like there's there's that side of it it's not cool to try and the other side of it is like because you have other you know you got other classmates and other people with you and then uh even the other side of that is like what's the reward like what yes i understand i go to the principal's
Starting point is 01:17:31 office and yes i understand i get in trouble if i have bad grades and yes i can get detention and some of these things but like what's the real upside and i don't even know if anyone explains to you what the upside really is. I don't think they tell you. What we've talked about here is that you're trying to continue to gain this knowledge so you can solve problems for yourself in the future. I don't think they're really laying it out that way. No, I mean, I just remember in high school, everything was like,
Starting point is 01:18:01 hey, these grades are going to follow you for the rest of your life. everything was like hey these grades are going to follow you for the rest of your like life so if you don't get good grades yeah you're not going to get into a good school and then if these habits follow you through college then you like you really cannot get rid of a college grade and i just remember being like oh shit well maybe i just don't want to go to college then because that sounds terrible but yeah um i yeah i didn't try because i just i just i didn't care like i didn't want to care there was nothing i i wanted out of school it was just to show up and leave if i even did show up um i wasn't necessarily worried about other people's opinions of me as like being like the nerd or whatever
Starting point is 01:18:42 i just like i mean i didn't have any self-confidence that's for sure like so trying and then failing other people's opinions of me as like being like the nerd or whatever. I just, I, I mean, I, I didn't have any self-confidence that's for sure. Like, so trying and then failing probably would have been really bad for me. And instead I just didn't even try and just kept failing. Um, but yeah, no, I didn't really care about other people's, what they thought of me or anything. I, you said it earlier, I kind of just like kept to myself and kind of was already self isolating back then um you know just kind of just stay away from from like stay under the radar that's what you had said i'm like oh yeah that's what i did pretty much all throughout high school did you think you knew it was bullshit like that the grades were like literally going
Starting point is 01:19:21 to follow you around the rest of your life. I knew it was bullshit back then. Yeah. There was no question about that. I just, well, I just, I knew back then that this, you know,
Starting point is 01:19:33 whatever science class that I was taking, like there was nothing there that I was going to pick up where I'm going to be like, Oh yeah, that's going to help me in my career later on down the road. Um, I did take business math once in my career later on down the road. I did take business math once I passed algebra because that was the only class you needed to pass. And the lowest class you could take was business math.
Starting point is 01:19:56 And I think in that class, they taught you how to balance a checkbook. And I remember that was pretty useful because we use checkbooks every day now. So I guess it's not very helpful. Yeah, I don't think I even... I haven't touched a checkbook. No. When's the last time I wrote a check? I don't know. Maybe to your first month's rent or something like that
Starting point is 01:20:19 where you can't give them cash or with a card or something. Yeah, my taxes. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. I don't even know cash or with a card or something? Yeah, my taxes. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. I don't even know how to write a check. I don't have any clue. I don't even know where to start. I think I might have checks from you from the early days
Starting point is 01:20:37 when I started working at Super Training. Yeah, sure do. But yeah, they're definitely not actually for me. That's awesome. Yeah, it just seems that yeah, they're definitely not actually for me. That's awesome. Yeah. It just seems that there needs to be a... Hey, this is our first... Go ahead. No, like it's just like for me, even from what Andrew said, his, uh, how he learned how to write, right? Like when you think about that, well, did, do you really, do you need school to learn how to like write?
Starting point is 01:21:06 do you really do you need school to learn how to like write like if we were to take it into our own hands even if you really enjoyed writing you don't need it to like learn how to get to an advanced writing level to learn something like that but it's if if you know when to use the right there and the right hits and when to put a comma you are good because that's the only thing that people can like really fire back at you online now because if you put like the wrong punctuation that's really the only time it matters these days other than that fuck it spell check uh google has an amazing tool for that by the way fuck yeah they're really grammarly uh Docs does an amazing job of it now. It's fucking awesome. But, yeah, as far as like if you want to be a good writer,
Starting point is 01:21:51 you're not going to get it in school. You need that shit. That comes from practice and just the will and want and passion from it. It's not going to come from because you took an advanced English class or an advanced writing class, although it'll help if you already have it there. Oh, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:22:07 Where'd Mark go? He's reading a lot of good books. There you go. I was just shut up for a second. Well, you guys know, uh, I don't know if this is,
Starting point is 01:22:18 uh, can you hear me now? Yep. Am I good? Yep. I don't know if you guys saw, um, there's an author. I think it's Dean Kuntz,
Starting point is 01:22:33 and he has a book where he, I don't know if this is fake news or not. I saw it floating around the internet. But he has a book where he identifies something like the coronavirus happening in 2020. I don't know if you guys saw any of that. No, but damn. I would assume it was either him or the Simpsons that probably predicted it.
Starting point is 01:22:56 I saw... I wonder since now I have the capacities of our resident genius Andrew Andrew, on Google, I typed it in. And the second link says, Dean Kuntz did not predict a coronavirus in a 1981 novel. But that's CNN, so you really can't trust them. Fake news. Yeah, as I looked into it further, it kind of appeared that he kind of did it
Starting point is 01:23:26 but yeah i i couldn't determine whether it was real or not you know you just never know but anyway i think you know with the knowledge that we have now of of what happened you know we can use this experience to understand that something like this or something more mild or something worse could happen. And hopefully we can, you know, kind of learn from it. And, you know, I heard yesterday, I think I was watching like, I was watching some old guy's show like 60 Minutes or something like that. And there was a guy on there who was talking about our economy and how, you know, our economy is going to survive and stuff. He had a lot of great information.
Starting point is 01:24:09 He wasn't really stating a lot of – he had some facts here and there, but he wasn't stating a lot of hard, cold facts. All he kept doing was comparing it to 2008, and he kept saying, hey, this happened in 2008, and that's where we messed up but we're prepared in this way for this now because we already had that bad experience in 2008 and then they said hey well what about this and he said well we got enough money you know there's people that are freaking out and they're trying to get a bunch of cash out because they think that we're gonna have to like trade money you know with, with people. Um, and he, you know, who knows what
Starting point is 01:24:45 the hell's going to happen, but this guy, in his opinion, he was like, no, we have plenty of money. He's, you know, he said, the government has got plenty of money, your money, you know, when you need money, it'll be there. Like it's all good. Like the people that needed, uh, you know, loans and different things like that. So I just thought that was really cool though, how he kept using that the 2008 market crash to, you know, help with better informed decisions for the future. So hopefully we can kind of, hopefully this thing is just a minor scare and hopefully not a lot more people die from it and hopefully not a lot more people get it.
Starting point is 01:25:26 And hopefully things start looking on the brighter side, but when they do look on the brighter side hopefully we think about this and hopefully we understand that there's there's nasty shit that can happen and we should figure out the best possible ways for us to be prepared for it and wash your hands for 20 seconds. And your balls. Yeah, I've been pretty good about washing the hands, not the balls, though. You know, there's a deodorizer for your balls from a company called Manscaped. I love their deodorizer, by the way.
Starting point is 01:26:00 It's not sponsored, but I do like the smell of the balls. It's for my balls or your balls? I have a second thing so you can use it on your balls too if you'd like to test it out. We can get... I was going to say something, but then I was going to be like,
Starting point is 01:26:22 no disrespect to... I was going to say, no, I'm going to say something, but then I was going to be like, no disrespect. I was going to say, no, no, I'm going to shut my mouth. I'll tell you off of the podcast. Is that the thing you were showing me that you shove up your ass? Isn't that? No, no, it wasn't that. It wasn't that.
Starting point is 01:26:43 What was that thing? It was like between your legs or something yeah it's called a two-pronged dildo oh okay yeah that's the one you got from andrew that's the one i got from andrew yeah it can it can pleasure you in two ways so vibration also no plug needed battery powered the trick for the battery power is to get rechargeable batteries so that you never, ever after have to buy new batteries and you're never left in the hole. Does it have Bluetooth?
Starting point is 01:27:14 Yeah, you can. You can control it from your phone. There's actually a meter where you can do the settings where it gets a little bit harder vibration and a little bit lighter vibration. It's a very, very fun, you know, I it it's a very very fun um you know i think it's a community type experience is your partner is there an hdmi port though no hdmi port sadly i'm out nope i'm out gotta have hdmi
Starting point is 01:27:36 what'd you say yes i didn't see my yeah that's that's in sima or break Yeah, head to SEMA or and you can get yourself your two-pronged dildo. It's Analyzer. I don't know how we got here. I don't know how we got here. Take us out of here, Andrew.
Starting point is 01:27:59 This is our first ever coronavirus social distancing podcast. Even though we're actually all in the same room together we just decided so good that would be amazing like dude that's the way they do like wwe promos and they say like they say weird crazy shit about each other and they're standing right there but it's they're in a wrestling character and uh brock lesnar john cena one told once told me that brock lesnar confronted him about it he like came up to him and was like dude you know i really didn't like you saying that shit about me he's like he looked at him so confused he's like what he's like yeah like when we're doing that doing that
Starting point is 01:28:45 interview you know i i didn't i didn't appreciate that he's like brock he's like dude he's like that's the sell tickets he's like i would never say anything bad about you yeah uh jamie fox yeah jamie fox has a similar story about him and LL Cool J getting into a fight over the same thing. He talks about it on a comedy special, so I don't know how real it is. But he's like, look, this is me. This is my character. I'm going to say this. And you, whoever you think you are right now, you're going to say this part.
Starting point is 01:29:22 He's like, and then he ended up, so I said my part and he punched me and it was just of course jamie fox is freaking hilarious but he's like i was gonna get him back but i wasn't ready so you remember robert uh not robert downey um leonardo dicaprio and jango oh yeah you remember the the horrible stuff he had to say so like samuel jackson was like apparently after every single line and when they'd press cut we in order to be like dude i'm so sorry you know that's not me i would never say these things i i apologize samuel was like you need to stop apologizing for that you have a script we got to get through this so that's that's some funny stuff man yeah if you guys don't understand, watch Django and you'll understand what we're talking about right now.
Starting point is 01:30:07 That's a good movie. But yeah, let us know what you guys think about this different format. I could definitely see us doing this more, especially when one of us is out of town or something weird goes down in the studio. It's just another way to bring more podcasts
Starting point is 01:30:23 for you guys, more content. So, um, in the comments, just let us know what you guys think. And a shout out to Piedmontese for sponsoring this episode. I can actually smell a flat iron steak cooking right now in the air fryer. I text Stephanie to throw that thing in there.
Starting point is 01:30:38 Uh, so thank you to them. If you guys are interested in giving those a try, head over to P I E D M O N T at checkout, enter promo code PowerProject for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 more, you get free two-day shipping. If you guys want to holler at me, it's at IamAndrewZ on Instagram. Please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram as well, at MBPowerProject on TikTok and Twitter. And Seema, other than, it looks like you're in Sacramento right there.
Starting point is 01:31:06 I don't know where you're at, but if people want to get in touch with you, where are you at? Actually in Florida. At Nsema Inyang on Instagram and YouTube. At Nsema Inyang on TikTok and Twitter. Actually, I'm in Sacramento. I don't take that seriously.
Starting point is 01:31:21 Sacramento! Hey, peeps, you know, go over and check out because of all the shit that's going on we're giving you free months and we got a lot of body weight exercises a lot of home exercises that you can do
Starting point is 01:31:34 from my boy Jesse Burdick we got like I think it's eight weeks of just it's all body weight exercises then we have eight weeks of just like home workout too so the body weight exercises are you then we have eight weeks of just like home workout too. So the bodyweight exercises are, you know, squats and lunges and pushups and things like that.
Starting point is 01:31:49 But then there's also stuff that you can do with, you know, dumbbells and some small amount of equipment that you might have at home. So go over and check all that out. I made it free because I know people are losing their jobs and stuff like that. So hopefully you can find some good exercise over there. And as we mentioned during the course of this show, please get outside, try to get some sunlight, eat well, whatever nutrition plan you're on,
Starting point is 01:32:15 try to stay on track with that the best you possibly can. Get in some exercise every day and make sure you're getting that sleep. And I wish all of you the best of the best of health. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later. Podcast crew. What's up?
Starting point is 01:32:32 Thank you for sticking with us till the end of the show. Real quick. Thank you. Everybody that's been rating and reviewing the podcast. It helps us out a ton right now. We want to give a shout out to J Petty 90. Should I call him JP? J Petty. I'll just say say j j says simply the best quote i love listening to you guys one exclamation point so that's that's
Starting point is 01:32:52 huge i'm a personal trainer by morning and night but maintaining pulls is my day job i personally have a weight loss story i went from 360 pounds to 180 pounds sitting at a 510 frame. You guys are witty, funny, and Mark is one of the most humble down-to-earth guys I've ever listened to. I've gained a wealth of knowledge from you all and look forward to every new podcast. Keep it up. JPetty90. Well, first of all, dude, congrats. That's amazing.
Starting point is 01:33:19 Please do me a huge favor and reach out and let us know exactly what you did to drop so much weight. That's freaking amazing. I would love to kind of share that on the Power Project IG story so everyone else can get inspired by you. But regardless, man, thank you so much for that review. That helps us out a ton. If you listening right now, wherever you are, maybe you're on the road, maybe you're working out at home, wherever you are, if you would like to hear your name read on air, please head over to iTunes right now, drop us a rating and a review, and you could hear your name on air, just like our boy, or maybe girl, I'm not sure, like our person, jpetty90. We'll catch you guys at the next one. Peace.

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