Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 364 - I Ran Towards Coronavirus | Tony Huge

Episode Date: April 9, 2020

One of our favorite guests is back, Tony Huge! Tony decided instead of runny away from the coronavirus, he was going to run straight for it and move to Thailand, which is where Tony joins us today. Dr.... Tony Huge is bodybuilder and founder of Enhanced Athlete, a supplement and apparel company. Enhanced Athlete was developed as a movement about the passion for bodybuilding and the freedom to pursue bodybuilding with access to cutting edge information that Enhanced Athlete provides. Hit up Tony on IG: Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Support us by visiting our sponsors! ➢Perfect Keto: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 25% off and free shipping on orders of $99! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Power Project Crew, welcome to today's show. This episode was recorded on April 2nd, and it is with one of our absolute favorite guests of all time, the one and only Tony Huge. Tony has quite the unique approach or the unique views on, well, pretty much everything, but especially the coronavirus. During a time when a lot of people were not traveling,
Starting point is 00:00:19 were not going outside, he decided, in his words, he said, I'm not gonna run away from the virus. Instead, I'm going to run right towards it. So he picked up and moved to Thailand and left pretty much everything here in Sacramento. And this is somebody with a history of respiratory issues, but he's absolutely not worried about any of it. And unfortunately, one of his girlfriends or one of his, as he says, baby mamas back here in Sacramento actually contracted the virus. And we actually listened to a voicemail call on the podcast from her explaining her symptoms, how she's feeling. And we hope nothing but the best for her.
Starting point is 00:00:58 He's confident. He's not worried about her either. He's given her his personal protocol on how to beat it. So hopefully that comes to fruition. But yeah, Tony is just a different dude all around. This episode is definitely not family friendly. It's definitely not safe for work because Tony is, like I said, he's very unique. So we got into what the women are like in Thailand. He calls them prostitutes and he says, hey, I wish there was a better term for it, but that's kind of what they are.
Starting point is 00:01:31 And I'm having a lot of fun over here. So we've talked about that, STDs, steroids, just a whole slew of things that you're not supposed to talk about, but we do when we talk to Tony. Even with all that said, please do not overlook some of the things that Tony does share with us. The guy is extremely smart. He is caring. And if you pay attention to what he's saying, it's not far off from what a lot of other people are saying about the virus today. Long story short, just please have an open mind for this episode with our homie Tony Huge. And really fast, if you guys haven't, please head over to ASAP. Right now we are giving away 20% off any slingshot and hip circle combo. Again, that's any slingshot, add it to your cart, any hip circle of your choice, add it to your cart, and you're going to receive 20% off at checkout. Also, while you're there, please check out the new kids hip circle
Starting point is 00:02:18 and the new gangsta wrap colorways. We've got a red one, white one, a red and gray one that is straight fire. All of that, again, that's at Also, please take advantage of the free 30-day trial of, of course, is where Mark posts his daily workouts every single day. So if you don't have a training partner or you don't really know what the hell you're doing, like I was, you can head over to, register, and every day you log in, you're going to have a new workout laid out for you by Mark Bell himself. Again, that's at You just have to register and you gain access to the entire website for free for 30 days. Thank you for checking out today's episode. If you guys have as much fun as we do, please find Tony Huge's
Starting point is 00:03:01 Instagram link down in the YouTube description or iTunes show notes. Hit them up and let them know what you think. And ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the show. Yo, so when I'm fasting and I don't have any carbs, I think we've talked about this hell of times on the podcast before. Those electrolytes come in clutch. So Perfect Keto, they have the electrolyte tablets. I usually like taking maybe four to six of them, maybe 30 minutes before I work out because I find that I don't get cramps as much. I don't
Starting point is 00:03:29 feel as tired. I have much better energy throughout and it just makes such a big difference. Man, I have gotten cramps for a really long ass time. Since I was a kid, I'd get cramps in my legs. And then we were on a hike the other day and and I got an ab cramp, and I nearly died. And the natty professor came over and saved me. But after this long hike that we went on, which was a few miles, I think four or five miles, when we were done, we were like, man, we're not doing this shit next time without some electrolytes. So having those perfect keto electrolytes would have really come in handy. I wish we had them on that particular trip, but I don't end up with cramps as much anymore because I do try to utilize these. I try to remember to take them every single day.
Starting point is 00:04:17 And we've had people in the gym just flat out, just be toast during a workout. And a lot of times they're doing a similar diet to what we're doing. They're lower carb or they're doing like a carnivore style diet. And the water that you consume just doesn't stick to you unless you got some good electrolytes in you. So the perfect keto electrolytes work out really well. Yeah. And what I've noticed is that it completely eradicates all headaches that I would normally get on a long fast. Mixing in, for whatever reason, the electrolytes, I think exactly like you said, it helps the water stick. I find that I don't pee as much either, and I'm just feeling better all around.
Starting point is 00:04:59 So I'm pretty sure they're helping me out a ton with the long fasts. I'm pretty sure they're helping me out a ton with the long fast. If you guys want to stay hydrated on a low-carb slash no-carb diet, you really got to head over to slash power25 at checkout, enter promo code POWERPROJECT for 25% off your order of $99 or more. And on top of that, you're going to end up with free shipping. We have a doctor on the show today. up with free shipping we have a doctor on the show today okay so from my from my understanding can't a a a lawyer have the the doctor the dr dot in front of their name like because he practiced
Starting point is 00:05:40 like so you know there's a lot of there's a lot of good questions to ask when you're starting to talk about Tony Hughes, right? And I think, you know, where we have to start with is, you know, what kind of doctor is he exactly? What is he a doctor of? I mean, because we could say our boy in SEMA here is the doctor of being jacked and tan, right? He's a professor. He's a professor, right? And so, therefore, he probably has a – you probably have a PhD in something. And I would assume it's in being jacked.
Starting point is 00:06:07 Exactly. And so, therefore, Dr. Natty Professor, right? That's what they call me. That's what they call me. I mean, since I'm a professor, there's already a doctor in front of the name. I'm just – I don't choose to tell everybody that I'm a doctor. How about the Big big big daddy natty that's great daddy natty yeah daddy natty i think big jay was calling me big daddy for some reason i don't know why he did that but he just chose to call me big daddy and i went along with it he was turned on clearly i
Starting point is 00:06:45 could tell yeah before before sarms uh somebody on super training had a hashtag a picture of me as a natty daddy so i thought that i thought that was great that is great yeah not anymore yeah so uh you know some people might think this is silly that we're talking to Tony Huge and we find the comic relief in it as well. But we have found Dr. Tony Huge to be super intelligent, especially when it comes to talking about how the human body works and talking about drugs. You know, and so I want to see does he know like if you listen to peter itea you listen to ben greenfield a lot of these guys are speculating that peptides could potentially help and these are these are people that are uh really um you know world renowned and people really have a lot of respect for these people. And so no one's going to know this information better than Dr. Tony huge. I don't think. Yeah. He always calls it, uh,
Starting point is 00:07:49 the, the chemistry, you know, he, he says he likes utilizing chemistry over, you know, I don't know, whatever, you know, hard work we'll say. I don't know. He says he'd rather get there a little quicker with chemistry than, you know, doing X, Y, and Z. And he gets a lot of flack for that. But he's just like, I mean, if it's there, I know how to do it. I know how to be safe with it. Why am I going to not do it just because your morals don't line up with mine? And I always thought that was great.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Reminds me a lot of, you remember when... There you go. You remember when Cal Diet, when we were talking in the break room, I'm not going to say exactly what he did, but he was talking about experimenting with some stuff on his body and it was really fucking wild. doctor or not, Tony is taking a lot of these things that people are curious about being the human guinea pig. And he has a crew that are also willing to be human guinea pigs, right? To test it out, to see if it's something that would actually be really beneficial for people. And that just kind of means that he is on the cutting edge of some things that most people really wouldn't understand. The dude moved to Thailand, man. Like what's, what's the deal with that? And he said that everyone told him not to move there. And they, they told him that he was going to get sick from being there.
Starting point is 00:09:09 And then he just was telling me the other day that like, there's a lot less cases there than there is here in the U S so kind of weird set of circumstances, I guess. Yeah. And if, if you look at his, uh, his like his Instagram is insane. It's, it's so much fun to watch like his IgE stories, like some of the shit that he does. But if you look at everywhere he's gone, it's been so chill. Nobody's hoarding toilet paper.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Nobody's freaking out that bad. He did recently say that the gyms did shut down, though. They were up for a long time time but they did finally close those down um and and they started doing like small things like at restaurants and stuff they would put like chairs six feet apart from each other but they were still open and yeah he said it was so so much more relaxed over there um as opposed to what he's been seeing here. And yeah, same thing. It was just like, man, why are you going over there? And he's like, ah, just don't touch your face and wash your hands. You'll be fine. Something I've been thinking about and something I heard about
Starting point is 00:10:12 on the news today was that when things do go back, that they won't go back to normal, they'll go back. Well, they won't go into social distancing. So even if they do open up restaurants and stuff, they're talking about how they'll still have people six feet apart and they'll still be super cautious, which makes a lot of sense. Because I think what's going to happen is right as we get to the tipping point, right as we get to the height of the like maxing out on the number of people that get it. I think that that is, or that test positive for it. I think that's kind of right at the point when they were probably start to lift some of these restrictions that we have. Um, it sounds weird. It sounds opposite,
Starting point is 00:10:55 but I think that's, that's what's going to happen. And I think once they do that, they want to make sure it doesn't continue to spread to people that, um, are unhealthy, that don't have it already. Things like that,
Starting point is 00:11:04 you know. There he is. Oh, no, we can't hear you. I'm sure we'll be able to hear him in a second. Mr. Huge, you got some, oh, he's got some headphones in. Maybe it'll take him a second. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:23 There he is. There we go. Connect. You want me to use the headphone, and I connected it to my phone, and I connected the video to the computer. Oh, got it. It's all right. He sounds pretty good, right?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah, you're good. It just helps, but you're fine. Sounds good. All right, Dr. Tony Huge. Yeah, look at those. Look at those delts. Those delts are not impacted by this virus at all. Here we go. Maintaining. Yeah. With exercise bands. So, you know, we're hearing a lot of like speculation that and we don't we don't want to say that anything that we're going to share on this show is going to help cure the coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:12:06 This is all speculative. This is all just us sharing some information on things that we might think can potentially help. But I'm hearing some people say they think vitamin D might help. They think vitamin C might help. They think zinc might help. Some people are even speculating they think that some peptides might help against the coronavirus. What are some of the things that maybe you're supplementing with that are helping or, in your opinion, could potentially help fight off further risk of catching the coronavirus? So when I first came to Thailand, I intended to – well, I wasn't going to go out of my way to catch corona but i was kind of coming at it head on this was a one of the more dangerous countries to come to in the very beginning and everybody thought i was crazy for coming here and being closer to the corona but i came prepared with my antiviral stack which is the same thing that i use to treat
Starting point is 00:12:59 a flu or a cold in the u.s um and i know it works because whereas most people take about a week to get over a flu, I can get over in about one day. And it's nothing miraculous. Basically, if you go online and you look up antiviral herbs, antiviral supplements, immune boosters, it's pretty much all of that taken at the same time. So when I get the flu, at the very, very first sign of a flu, I take all this stuff. And then if you don't take it at the first sign, the problem is, by the time you even notice you have symptoms of a flu, you know, you're past the incubation period, it's already had time to grow before your immune system has recognized it. So you really have very little time and you
Starting point is 00:13:46 have to catch it very early. And I believe it's the same thing with Corona. I think if you catch it very early and your immune system is strong, then it can't really get a hold on your immune system. It's easy to defeat it. I think most people don't even know that they got it. I think it hit Thailand really hard in the beginning. I mean, as far as the amount of people that probably had it, but they weren't even testing for it. And most people probably didn't even know they had it because it's a healthy population versus America is a very unhealthy population. You know, the older the gym, the people that are getting hit within Italy is an unhealthy population. And then versus Korea is a healthy population, and they barely got hit by it. So I think the general immune system from the outset is one of the biggest factors.
Starting point is 00:14:30 There's something unique about corona in that it causes inflammation in the lungs, which all the SARS types of viruses do. So the treatment for corona is the same as the flu virus, So the treatment for Corona is the same as the flu virus, plus the same as things you need to take to prevent or mitigate inflammation in the lungs. So you mentioned vitamin D. Yes, this is an overall immune system booster. This is something that most people in America are probably deficient in. Most people in America are probably deficient in. You get it from sunlight,
Starting point is 00:15:05 or you can get it from taking a precursor like vitamin D3 that gets converted into the usable calcitriol form of vitamin D, which is the hormone that our body actually makes and uses. But the problem for a lot of people is that they genetically aren't able to convert very much of the supplemental D3 precursor into the actual calcitriol. And so part of my frustration, this will probably come up more in the interview, my frustration with the medical system and how they're approaching things like corona and any other diseases that are facing humanity right now is that they completely ignore prevention. They completely ignore the basic biology and chemistry. And instead, they're always looking for something like a vaccine or a drug to treat it because
Starting point is 00:15:51 that's what can be made money off of. People aren't going to make money off of vitamin D3. And if calcitriol was over the counter, I'm not recommending it be over the counter because vitamin D as it is in the body is actually very dangerous. If you overdose on it, you can die. But it should be more widely available because with the massive widespread deficiency in vitamin D being, I believe, one of the main contributing factors to the amount of illness that we're seeing, if you could easily solve that with something like a calcitriol being more widely available. Just going over what you mentioned, and you mentioned zinc. Yeah, zinc lozenges. People take zinc orally. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:16:30 That's great. But zinc does affect the cells that it comes into contact with more. And since we're talking about a virus that replicates primarily in the throat before it moves on to the lungs, why not attack it direct? Why not prevent it from spreading through more cells in the throat earlier on by taking something like a zinc lozenge? So just taking a vitamin D3, just regular supplementation may not be that effective. You're recommending you try to find it in a different form. And is that form over the counter as well or no? Calcitriol, I believe you're saying? I believe everybody, saying everybody nearly everybody should be taking a vitamin d3 supplement somewhere between 2 000 and 10 000 iu per day um d d vitamin
Starting point is 00:17:11 d something that uh has a really long half-life in the body takes time to build up um so you you you want to take it frequently over a long period of time this is something that you'd want to be taking months before you're actually faced with getting the virus. This is something people should have been taking a long time ago. And vitamin D3 is really cheap. But the actual hormone that D3 converts into is calcitriol. And that is a prescription. And that is harder to get. And it shouldn't be that hard to get. That's the problem I have with it. But my genetics, because I had my genetics tested, That's the problem I have with it. But my genetics, because I had my genetics tested, doesn't convert.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And I've actually tested my vitamin D levels. I've megadosed vitamin D3 oral, and I go in and get my vitamin D levels tested, and they're still not where I would want them for the purpose of, like, killing cancer, for example, or giving my body the best advantage to be able to deal with cancer. So my body needs sunlight in addition to the vitamin d3 or it needs calcitriol what do you think is the biggest maybe maybe misunderstanding or maybe even misinformation that like u.s media is spreading whereas other countries there may be not be like have the same narrative uh the u.s media controls a lot of the world's media so the the rest of the world's going to echo a lot of what america says um i i i do still think that the coronavirus is still more similar
Starting point is 00:18:42 to the flu or or pneumonia or any of these other diseases that have been a long time around. And I think that it's the same narrative with every disease, which is like, you know, do all this crazy stuff and beating around the bush and then also work on the drug, but forgetting everything in between, which is the preventative and taking care of the body as a whole and taking care of the immune system. I mean, now I think the biggest problem now is like people are on quarantine, they're in their houses, not that they're forced to stay in their house, but people are going to be in their houses. They're not going to be going out in the sunlight and getting vitamin D from the sun, and they're not going to be exercising as much. And I think you're going to have a bigger problem from
Starting point is 00:19:24 everybody's immune system being compromised from this situation becoming less active and being outside less. And it's going to do more harm than good. And that's one of the theories in Italy too, is like now you've quarantined people. Now old people whose only form of exercise was walking around and getting sunlight. Now they're missing two of the main factors and having a strong immune system. And now they're all going to die. You know, I'm curious about this real quick, because I want to I want to understand, first off, your your premise. You know, a lot of people believe that this kind of started from the Wuhan wet markets and a bat. I would assume that you have a different point of view and how you think it started. Or do you agree
Starting point is 00:20:12 with that sentiment? And is that is that what you think it is that where you think it may have originated? So these viruses have all been around for a long time, but they mutate and they change. And there is some conspiracy theories that it was a human engineered virus, which is possible because viruses can be engineered by humans. In fact, someone sent me a link. I haven't looked into this, but this is something that people could look into if they want to look at conspiracy theories is that this, this virus is actually patented and the, and a vaccine for it had already been patented prior to this becoming a virus. So something worth looking into, look up coronavirus patents,
Starting point is 00:20:56 look up coronavirus vaccine patents and see if you, if you think that's real or not. I don't know whether it came for a bat or not. Clearly it hit china first um but but but i've also seen a lot of things that had nothing to do with the bat and that it actually happened uh about a month earlier there was people already dying from it a month before we ever heard anything about the bat and it's coming from where we thought it was coming from in yuhan and that sounds like it makes more sense, especially with the censorship in China. They're pretty good at covering things
Starting point is 00:21:29 up. I think it would be more likely that it happened a lot earlier and that they will never admit it. Your girlfriend, your baby mama, she's got the coronavirus. You sent me a text last night that she tested positive. Is that right? Yeah, and I had her send me just a quick 20-second voice memo explaining the symptoms. You want to hear 20 seconds of the symptoms? Sure. Interesting. All right, let's see.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Here's what she says. Last night, shivering lasted three hours. Headaches was severe. Been sweating a lot. My symptom is like flu symptoms and it only comes at nighttime. So that's it. I'll find out today. I still have a headache though.
Starting point is 00:22:23 So I initially thought that the symptoms symptoms i thought it would be more in the lungs earlier but apparently the lung inflammation comes later i've been doing a self-test every day where i hold my breath i breathe in as much air as i can i hold my breath for 10 seconds see if it causes me any discomfort if so then maybe i have some lung inflammation i have already compromised lungs from a lot of lung problems when i was a child that's why i was that's the one thing that made me nervous about this this type of virus but apparently she's not having any lung symptoms at all um she's she's living with uh i'm in thailand right now and she's in uh sacramento california and she's in Sacramento, California.
Starting point is 00:23:06 And she's staying with two friends and they all three have it. The person who initially had it tested positive for it. So that's how all three of them know they have it. And he's experiencing mostly lung problems and throat problems. So he's not having, her symptoms,
Starting point is 00:23:21 he's not having headaches or anything like that, but he's having just a lot of dry coughing. This shows that some of the symptoms can be different for different people. Is she going to go to the hospital or does she need to or what do you think? No, I don't think she should go to the hospital and I don't think she needs to go to the hospital. I don't think anybody should go to the hospital until they have until it's. I mean, that's the whole problem is that too many people go to the hospital and people who need it don't have what they need available to them. Obviously, if you want a ventilator, which is where a machine does the breathing for
Starting point is 00:23:52 you, that's a reason to go to the hospital or if you're having really trouble breathing. But other than that, I would treat it like a common flu. Stay home and take better care of yourself and not subject yourself to potentially more pathogens or a less healthy setting in a hospital. Do you think one of the leading contributors to there being like so much misinformation out there, you know, that it has to do with some of the countries the information came from? I mean, you were mentioning some kind of controversial thoughts about Italy and, you know, why maybe certain countries are not sharing all the information.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Yeah. And the problem with media in general and humans and our short attention span is that we want just like a quick answer. And none of this is just quick, simple information. We're looking at statistics and extrapolating it. And the problem is, if you don't understand the context of all these statistics, like, for example, just one simple example is like every day, oh, there's 1500 more Corona cases. Well, there was probably a lot more than that earlier, you know, so nobody was testing for it. But see, they leave that very few people actually say that. leave that very few people actually say that uh and and pretty much every statistic that we're dealing with you could break down and and show how by just saying a statistic without giving context you're actually presenting misinformation and then people just repeat that information like telephone and every time it's said again it's misinterpreted so in italy for example um and there's so many different stories you can hear from different people on different sides of the stories. But in Italy, for example, I've got, I call them the Italian mafia.
Starting point is 00:25:31 They kind of are like mafia. And they're here in Thailand. And they're very familiar with what's going on in Italy. They still have businesses in Italy, friends in Italy. They are familiar with the culture in Italy. I mean, a big problem with Italy is the mafia. It's true. The downfall of Italy, because Italy is in a really crappy place
Starting point is 00:25:50 and has been for a really long time, which hurts me because I'm Italian. I went there, and I was really disappointed at how things were, is because the mafia is controlling everything. And just like with every country, every country has its own government corruption and mafia, you could call it. There's a group of powerful people that control everything who put the profits above the health and quality of life and of the people. And that's exactly what happened in Italy. And you have in Italy – I'll give you just a brief summary of what they're saying they're saying in
Starting point is 00:26:26 italy the way the mafia is making the most amount of money is by bringing in refugees from other countries and then they're keeping the money from the refugees the refugees come for free the money actually goes to the mafia which is actually a huge amount of money he's telling me how much money it is i understand why it's like that they would they would bother doing this um and then the problem is though then you have like this older aging population who's actually costing country money the country slash government slash mafia it's all very intertwined and uh there's a lot of people over there who are um benefiting from and encouraging and not doing anything to stop the older population from dying. And the older population is already dying in numbers like this, just nobody was ever
Starting point is 00:27:15 paying attention to it. Because most of the country is an aging population, it's an older, older country, there's not very many childbirths. There's less than there's so, so few Italians being born because they can't afford to have children over there. They're practicing contraception to, because it economically isn't feasible. And all the people there are new refugees coming in at the hands of the mafia. So. Yeah. Like, and then another thing too, is like italy as far as their older population's concerned a lot of people smoke like it's there's an insane amount of people and smoking is just a cultural thing there so when you look at those higher percentage of deaths that are happening
Starting point is 00:27:56 there that's a big factor too along with a lot of the deaths in china because a lot of like adult males smoke in china it's a big cultural thing. Yeah. So the smoking is one of the biggest causes of, of, uh, so this disease, this coronavirus shouldn't kill a healthy person, but if someone smokes or they're obese or they have diabetes or they, uh, have heart conditions, um, which the older you get, the more likely you are to have all of these things also, then the more likely it is to result in death. What about SARMs or what about any peptides? Would any of these things factor in to be able to assist or help, you think? I actually, I use melanotan to get tan and I just started using it again recently and it's made a huge difference.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Then I was just reading something about how melanotan, because melanotan actually has a lot of health benefits. It's also very toxic if you overdose on it. Then I was reading something actually Dave Asprey wrote saying melanotan could help with coronavirus. That was interesting. So yeah, I was already taking it before I heard him say to consider taking that. Interesting. Any other peptides that would maybe potentially do anything that make any sense to like fight off a virus or does not really work that way? As far as peptides, you know, peptides is a small class of compounds of proteins that act like hormones in the body. I'll just say for my protocol, it doesn't involve any peptides besides melanotan.
Starting point is 00:29:37 But TB 500 is a healing peptide that promotes vascular circulation. You know, if I could hypothesize that, or I could speculate that if that's going to help increase blood flow and vasculation and healing, and you combine that with something that's anti-inflammatory for specifically the type of inflammation that corona causes, then that could be really synergistic. Other than that, growth hormone boosts immune
Starting point is 00:30:05 system um but on the peptide level no that's that's all that comes to mind um here but i will say i will say there are thousands of peptides out there we haven't even identified all of them and i'm sure that a peptide does exist that would greatly help in this situation i just know of one and it hasn't been researched and that's, you know, further research is needed and someday there will be, I'm sure. Here in the States that they keep telling us that there's not enough tests to
Starting point is 00:30:34 go around. When I seen you travel, I seem like you were getting like almost like a scanner done. And it was that an actual test or what the heck was that? Okay. So first of all, there's plenty of tests to go around but the way the there's plenty of uh everything necessary like everything that us says there's a shortage of there is more than enough of all of this stuff the problem is
Starting point is 00:30:56 uh there's such a monopoly in the way that medical systems uh evolved is to profit certain companies and certain people. So as much as I would love to acquire 300,000 Corona tests and distribute them to people, that would be illegal for me to do. As much as I would love to give chloroquine or ventilators to people, that would be illegal for me to do, which is absolutely ridiculous. And I think part of the problems with Western healthcare is that it's all, we call it big pharma, but it's not just pharma. It's, there's also medical supply companies and manufacturers and all these companies
Starting point is 00:31:36 that are trying to keep a monopoly on it so that they can keep the profit, you know, a thousand times markup. Because if there wasn't a monopoly, they couldn't upcharge things 1000 times, they could only three times. So they're trying to protect that profit, and at the cost of human lives and quality of life and the economy. And I just can't believe nobody talks, people don't talk about that anymore. Like you hear the doctors and things that we don't have enough of this, we don't have enough of that well there's plenty of all this stuff why why can't we just get
Starting point is 00:32:08 it and give it to them oh because we're going to go to jail because the government acts like the enforcer for the benefit of these big company profits okay i'm going to go on tangent sometimes this really frustrates me oh it's great testing kits oh okay the the guns that they're using in thailand those are just temperature guns so anytime you go into a public place where there's going to be more than like 30 people they always have someone at the door with a temperature gun to see if you have a fever which is that's great that doesn't mean it's going to catch everybody with corona because some people may have a mild fever that doesn't show up uh you
Starting point is 00:32:45 don't even get a fever until the incubation period's over so there's a period of time someone's carrying the the virus and and contagious before it even uh manifests itself as a fever uh but it's better than nothing i mean every once in a while they do find someone with a fever and say hey you should probably go get tested and then stay home so it's it's it's better than nothing but the reason they do it here is the same reason why this is absolutely hilarious i just have to say it because it's so ridiculous but you go to these foreign countries and they they they look for like bombs under your car with a mirror but they don't even look at the mirror they just like throw the mirror around under the car
Starting point is 00:33:25 so that people think they're doing something it's the same kind of thing like oh let's oh and i'm okay they're okay everybody could be safe and be calm and it actually works like people like oh i got scanned i'm okay everything's fine like oh i can relax now it's more for the psychology than anything else yeah on your note about actually the, the, the temperature thing and the symptoms, what's kind of crazy is I got a client in New York. He has it.
Starting point is 00:33:52 So he has a lot of coughing. He had a little bit of a fever yesterday. He's now getting better. His sister got it from him. No symptoms. She's walking around like nothing happened. His dad got it. And he's going to tell me like what,
Starting point is 00:34:03 what's going on with his dad, but they both like brother and sister. has no symptoms he has symptoms so it's kind of wild how that that works but one thing i did want to ask you too is um i don't know how long you've been in thailand actually when andrew said that i had no idea that you moved i thought you were still here in the us now with all the stuff you're talking about with our health care system, et cetera, what spurred you to move down there? OK, and then also, like, I mean, why were you not worried at all when you did move? OK, so I'll do the second part first, why I wasn't worried when I moved. I wasn't worried for myself because I know that I can, I can defeat the flu virus very easily.
Starting point is 00:34:46 So I figured, okay, even if this is a little worse than the flu virus, this will be a fun challenge. I'll see how fast I can destroy the coronavirus and become immune to it. And then we'll have to worry about this stupid thing. Right. Which is still kind of my approach.
Starting point is 00:35:01 And a lot of my intelligent friends were like, Jesus Christ, let's just get it and get it over with, right? Build an immunity to it. We're healthy. We're going to be able to knock it out really quickly. And with all the supplements, we can accelerate the process. Actually, the best thing to do would be to prepare for it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Be like, all right, I want to spend the next two weeks building my immune system, getting my vitamin D levels up, getting all my supplements ready, getting healthy, and then catch getting healthy and then, uh, and then catch it and then quarantine and then come out of one. Um, I was worried. I was worried for my daughters because I came over with real and I have weak lungs and, uh, she also has weak lungs. So I think it's not just what I was subjected to when I was younger. I think it's also genetic. So I was worried that if she caught it, it would put her in the hospital. And if I caught it, maybe it would turn into pneumonia.
Starting point is 00:35:52 I could be hospitalized too. So I thought, you know what? I'll just be really careful with her. I'll put a mask on her. I'll put gloves on her. So there's video of me in the airport. I'm not wearing a mask. I'm the only one in the airport not wearing a mask. At that time, everyone was freaking out about it.. I'm not wearing a mask. I'm the only one in the airport not wearing a mask.
Starting point is 00:36:05 At that time, everyone was freaking out about it, and I'm not wearing a mask. She's wearing a mask, but she's pulling down the mask to scratch her nose all the time. She's going to put her finger in her mouth and try to explain to her so many times, like, don't touch my face. Don't touch your hand. You can't. A five-year-old just can't get that across their head they're still young enough they want to like put stuff in their mouth and touch the face so i
Starting point is 00:36:31 was nervous about that but then after that it came out that really no kids are really being affected by it so then i i wasn't i wasn't worried anymore okay so why i moved to Thailand. Freedom, quality of life. Mark's laughing because I think maybe he's thinking lady voice. Women, steroids. There's all of the above, really. I just love here. I mean, like, I won't say that. Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:37:04 Go back. Rewind. You won't say that. Wait, what? Go back. Rewind. Rewind. Say what? Okay. Just like, you know, like I've got this Thai girl in the kitchen right now. She's just cooking and cleaning and massaging me all day and just worshiping me.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I mean, it's just like I couldn't even pay a girl unless she's a girl who like really loves doing this all day, every day, just worshipipping me. I mean, it's just like, I couldn't even pay a girl, unless you're a girl who really loves doing this all day, every day, just worshipping me. You couldn't even pay a girl enough money to do that. Hey, it's called a wife, buddy. Yeah. See, I've had really bad experiences with women. So I know there are good ones. I just didn't find many of them.
Starting point is 00:37:49 So then like in this very open-minded sexual here. So last night, you know, I go with her. I'm like, hey, you want a girl tonight? Yeah, sure. Let's go get a girl. We just hop on a scooter and went just picked up a girl walking around on the street and brought her back here and had a blast. And it's like no stress, no judgment. And I like the no judgment, too, because I'm a little bit of a weird guy. I mean, I can fit in, you know, I was the lawyer.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I was the conservative guy. I wore the suit. I had to play that game, but I wasn't really being myself. Now I can just be myself and do whatever I want and be respected for it instead of criticized for it over here. How do you what man this is hard to ask without sounding like i'm trying to like you know learn something for like personal experience or experiments but like how are you staying like safe while doing this like sex safe like stds are
Starting point is 00:38:40 like yeah yeah oh my gosh i just had had a conversation with Italian mafia guy tonight. You know, he's probably slept with 3,000 women. Huh? Normal, which is normal over here because, you know, you have a different woman every night. That's 365 women a year. Multiply that by 10 years. 165 women a year multiply that by 10 years so uh and you know it's surprising how few stds some of these guys get you know i that's what i was shocked too like i come to thailand i'm
Starting point is 00:39:15 with prostitutes uh sometime well they're basically all prostitutes it's because we all prostitutes but here it's it's not looked down upon okay so i wish i could use a different word than prostitute but it's just a massage you know and it's looked at the same way here uh so you know it's shocking how few diseases they do get diseases. I mean, they do keep a Zipramax, Z-Pax in their drawers because chlamydia is very contagious. But then they just pop the antibiotics every time they get it. A lot of the other STs are a lot less contagious than people think. But it's really the anal sex that gets the diseases because the anus and then it's that problem. The ladyboys, you know know if the ladyboy is inside
Starting point is 00:40:05 that's like a very high risk thing to do so that may result in uh a problem but the other stuff not not as much as you would think just stay away looks like we're gonna have to cut back boys oh no that's such a bummer why why is why is thailand like that why is thailand so so free like um is thailand its own thing and it's just there's no rules or what's the deal with that i was trying to figure that out too like it's it's a buddhist culture and and really like when i when i talk to girls about their philosophy on everything and why they're so accepting and the culture so accepting, it kind of always comes back to Buddhism. You know, like, like, come here, come here, come here, come here. I'll just have her.
Starting point is 00:40:57 This is funny because like her English is hard to understand. Just, just come here real quick. I just want you to explain because it's better to hear it's hearsay if i say it uh why why like because this is interesting she she understands and the thai women here understand that men have a desire to be with multiple women and they don't want a man to do anything that is outside of his nature they want to do what what what comes natural what feels good they want to be happy right happy like you my happiness is your number one priority so whatever makes me happy is what you want but why are you okay with like your your ex-husband your baby daddy you know that they can just go off to be with another girl why is that okay no sometimes he gets he
Starting point is 00:41:37 don't say me talk loudly you know poor lives he not say anything what he he not open that what he do. Oh, he's lying. He's dishonest. Okay, this is the thing. So her ex-husband was dishonest. He lied to go sleep with another girl. And she's saying, that's the one thing you don't want to do is lie. If you're honest about it, you can do whatever you want, right? And it's kind of like that in America. But it's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:42:03 Like when a man cheats and goes with another girl, it's like if they're honest about it and open, it seems like okay in Thailand, like natural. No, I don't know the sum, but for me, just talk to me. When you do something, if people stay together, I'm not too poor. But women do it too. Women are quite promiscuous here also. It's kind of just understood.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Interesting. And is Thailand just have its own, like, is it a democracy or like what, you know, like, or is it just, there's just no, there's no limitations on anything? It's like a, it's like a dictatorship, a military government. The king of Thailand controls the king of thailand controls the military the military controls the government there's always a silent civil war between people that want a democracy versus the people that want basically a uh a dictatorship and there's benefits and drawbacks to both i mean the benefits of a a dictator it's not a dictatorship but but that's what we related to the bet the benefit of dictatorships they can do things very quickly you know if the king wants something done he can call
Starting point is 00:43:08 the military boom and what would take america years to do they can do it in a couple days you know there's no bureaucracy uh but the drawback is that sometimes the the government might do something that the people really don't want done you know like very let's uh let's shift gears here for a second and let's get down to the real conversation is have you or have you not seen tiger king the movie no i i just saw the netflix like preview of it that's it i think i think this guy might be your hero if you saw it you'd be like hey like this guy's cool like i need to have a show like this guy might be your hero. If you saw it, you'd be like, hey, this guy is cool. I need to have a show like this guy. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I'll watch it then at your recommendation. Yeah. I think you would enjoy it because he definitely is a guy that would probably like to live without judgment as well. Yeah. Yeah. And chemistry is what I'm known for, right? And I'm very open about the steroids and performance enhancing drugs, nootropics. And that's also something that's widely accepted here too. Even here in the States, though, you had multiple girlfriends and whatnot. So is it just the... Are you just finding them or literally all the women in Thailand like that?
Starting point is 00:44:33 All the women in Thailand allow you to be with multiple women? Mm-hmm. Well, I'm in a unique city in Thailand. This is pataya now my my actual condo that i got is in bangkok which is like a big city like new york or los angeles but even bigger uh and and things are a little bit more conservative there and you have red light districts and all that people are still promiscuous but it's a little bit uh more conservative a little bit more stressful down in pattaya this is like the red light district city of the world um so pretty much the whole culture here revolves around being sexually open
Starting point is 00:45:14 and available and so it's yeah it's it's this city was basically built for me i i feel like i made billions of dollars in the future and I traveled back in time and created the city for myself to enjoy at this younger age. I'm curious too, man, like, you know, you, you just up and moved to Thailand. Like I'm, I'm guessing that you, before this, you were just here in the U S yeah, you traveled around, but you were living mainly in the U S now yourself, your kid, your wife, you're in Thailand. Is that like where I mean, you might come back and forth, but is that where you plan on? That's your home base, your business is going to be like from there, everything's going to be in Thailand. And like, how are you going to adjust all of that?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Or how are you? Yeah, this is home base. But I traveled the world for about four years, you know, and all around and around and around. And so I, part of the reason I did that is I wanted to see where I would want to spend most of my time in the future where I'd want to be headquartered. And then also it was for, to interview people and learn from the underground chemists around the world and network people around the world.
Starting point is 00:46:20 But Thailand is where I found the most resources, what I wanted, the least, least, the lowest cost for the highest quality of life and most access to things and most amount of freedom is what I found in, in Thailand. So after I had gone to, I went to Thailand first when I was 30 years old, I'm now 37 years old. And after I came the first time, it was like, oh my God, I didn't know a place like this existed. I need to figure out a way to spend more time here. And it was not that long after that, I started winding down my law office and eventually sold my law office. And my whole plan was eventually to get to Poland. I just took a lot longer to get here because like with the
Starting point is 00:47:05 enhanced athlete thing and everything else in between, there was a lot of things that required me to be in other places and be in the United States. But it was sort of my plan for the last seven years to be here. Now transitioning here, there's a lot of things that were a lot harder than I thought. When you come to somewhere on a vacation, it's a big difference from when you actually live somewhere, like getting a visa, for example. When you come on vacation, as an American, you're exempt from a visa. You get 30 days in the country as a tourist, and you go to the airport, and you get a tourist SIM card, and this is set up for you as a tourist, like really streamlined for a tourist. As soon as you get outside that 30 days, all of a sudden, you're no longer a normal tourist, and you're also not a citizen. So now you're stuck in limbo. You lose some of the benefits of being a tourist, you don't have some of the benefits of being an
Starting point is 00:47:56 actual citizen. So like getting things like SIM cards for your cell phone, or, you know, getting a bank account over here, or just anything to operate normally ends up being very difficult. You have to start figuring out how to navigate it. There's a lot of services out there that teach people how to do it. The way I do it is I actually have a huge fan base in Thailand, partly because early on in the Enhanced Athlete days, I started going to Muscle Factory Gym, which is one of my favorite gyms in the world. It's one of the reasons why I also chose Bangkok, actually,
Starting point is 00:48:29 because that's where Muscle Factory Gym is. And it's like an oxygen gym style gym because it's got all the most hardcore equipment. It's very large. You can take your shirt off and pose, take pictures, whatever, only it's got a lot of really hot women also, which oxygen gym in Kuwait has none because women aren't allowed in the gym. And it's got the food and the steroids and everything is very open.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And so I figured I could make this a great home base to do epic transformation where we can be really honest about the chemistry that we do. And there's already some mass monsters that train in the gym. And a lot of underground guys that you've never seen on videos that I can sort of discover sort of bring into the light and explain how they got to be so huge and what they do, because a lot of the things that they do over here are very different than we do in America. So we can all learn from that. So I wanted to publish that information. And I still will once the gyms reopen, which could be a while. Yeah. So, so navigating the system here has been, uh, it's
Starting point is 00:49:30 been harder than I thought. Um, but there's also a lot more benefits than I thought too. Like when you get away from being a tourist and you start learning how to, how to really, like, I thought it was cheap. I thought I could live entirely in a really high quality life for $5,000 a month. That would be like living in the U S for like $18,000 a month. Now I'm realizing that you can live a pretty good quality life for $2,300 a month in Thailand. Like, like even less than like things are even cheaper. And that to me is like a really good quality life.
Starting point is 00:50:02 I think that what makes you unique, there's a couple of things, obviously, but like one thing that makes you unique over a lot of other people that I know, is you're one of the few that actually exercise your financial freedom. Like you, you were a lawyer early on, you started a supplement company, you seem to be very savvy when it comes to making money, making money doesn't seem like, like it's something that you need to continue to work on figuring out. It seems like you always have done well with it for many years. But you're one of the few people, like most people, when they start to make money, they've figured out how to make more, how to expand. And then they get kind of very tunnel vision.
Starting point is 00:50:41 That becomes their main interest. And it seems like for you, I mean, you're doing a lot of experiments that are not related to making money. Like you decided, I just want to see if I can make my delts huge, or, uh, I'm going to inject these weird peptides and see what happens. I'm going to take these weird SARMs and I'm going to inject these SARMs for the next 30 days. Um, has that been something like, has that been a goal of yours when you were young? Were you like, because I remember you talking about these tapes that you would listen to with your dad, these kind of like self-help tapes that you would listen to. Did you have that in your mind? You were like, I need to figure out a way to have some wealth and then I can kind of do
Starting point is 00:51:18 whatever the F I want from there. Yeah. My dad taught me at a young age about building assets. And, you know, he basically said that his definition of success was that all of your assets were making more than enough money to support your life. And that way, you're doing what you love on top of that. And that's the icing on the cake. So that technically, you don't have to work at all, but you work because you love working. And that's what he did. He was really successful in real estate development and buying properties and renting them and investments. So I thought, I thought I was grew up doing real estate. I thought I was gonna be in real estate my whole life. So I started buying real estate properties when I was 19 years old. And the goal was to buy one property every year until 30 and then retire and just do what I love. But then a whole bunch of things took me another direction.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I ended up going to law school because it was my dad's dying wish. So on his deathbed, I promised I would go to law school. So I did. And that was also not to become a lawyer. That was to become, for the family real estate business a more valuable resource and to be able to make better decisions with with real estate investments so fast forward i become a lawyer i decide to practice law uh it becomes more fun than i thought more of a challenge more of a puzzle really really stimulating intellectually. And then I had this pivotal conversation that
Starting point is 00:52:47 really changed my life with my stepfather. See, my father's side of the family was very conservative, hardcore business. And then my stepdad, even though he was very successful, a very well-known water treatment engineer and architect. And my mom was as a housewife and they have sort of an Italian style about family and food and fun and just not so much about making as much money as possible, like my dad's side was. So I had a conversation where I said, oh my God, dad, to my stepdad, I can't believe how much money I'm making as a lawyer. So I'm going to make $250,000 this year. I can make $500,000 this year. But to do that, I have to work 18 hours a day, seven days a week. And I had this conversation,
Starting point is 00:53:40 should I do it? Actually, it wasn't should I do it. It was kind of like I'm going to do it. And I was just letting him know. And he said, no. He told me to go the other direction. He said, no. He's like, drop back, work three hours a day. Make $20,000 a year. The law of diminishing returns, your happiness is going to go down, and your stress is going to go up,
Starting point is 00:54:04 and you're just going to pay a whole bunch more taxes. And that's what it really, that's what actually convinced me was the taxes because it, um, it's not like as a lawyer, it's not like I could hide the expense. It's not like, um, I would use that money to reinvest and grow the business. There are certain types of businesses where, yeah, you make more money. You can get away with it at the taxes. But for me, uh, I would have had to pay 50% tax on 500,000. So, you know, I'm going to pay a couple hundred thousand dollars in taxes and I'm working my ass off to do that and killing myself. And then later,
Starting point is 00:54:35 I'm going to have to reinvest that money back into rehabilitating my health. That's the conversation that made me decide to also that plus going to Asia is what made me decide to go the other direction and say, how do I, how do I do this smarter? How do I not worry so much about making so much more money and live more life? And I did when I traveled the world with doing enhanced athlete stuff. You know, I was, I lived multiple lifetimes in just a few years. I mean, imagine that every five days, I was in a different city, different hotel, throwing myself just in the middle of, I mean, we're not talking tourist stuff. I didn't do the tourist thing. I was throwing
Starting point is 00:55:14 myself in the middle of underground stuff all over the world, dangerous situations, learning very quickly and having a lot of experiences. And I got addicted to that. And money actually doesn't buy any of that what bought that was actually the fame from enhanced athlete like the fans that that trusted me because of the videos and brought me into these underground circles around the world money can't buy that and so then i realized even money was even less important than i thought and i thought oh my god all these experiences I've had weren't about the money. They were about trust. They were about people.
Starting point is 00:55:48 They were about connections. They were about putting myself into situations that were uncomfortable. And so, yeah, ever since those two major things happened, I don't care how much money is in a bank account. I don't care how much assets I have. I want to make sure I have enough. don't care how much money is in a bank account. I'm not going to care how much assets I have. I want to make sure I have enough. What I worry about is things like Corona or things like in the future that I know we're going to come up where your health can be bought, where there are ways to pay for your health or live a longer, healthier life. I want to have money set aside
Starting point is 00:56:20 for that. Other than that, I don't care. I i mean this condo for example and then once i learned what you can get for a smaller amount of money this condo is a penthouse condo uh right by the ocean that's the ocean right there uh walking distance to everything i could ever want within a few blocks and this condo cost me twenty dollars a night. That's $600 a month. How much does it cost? $20 a night. I mean, it's a little cheaper right now because of tourism being way down, but still you can find a lot of stuff in this town for that cheap.
Starting point is 00:57:00 So now, well, I guess two questions. One, how is the money going to still keep rolling in? And then two, what's the motivating factor now? You had the money. Well, I mean, you still is the money gonna still keep rolling in and then two like what's the motivating factor now like you you had the money well i mean you still have the money but you did that where money was the driving force um i i don't know if you're tired of you know the multiple women and then traveling and all that but i mean yeah is that still the motivating factor for you too? Is which of the motivating factor? Money or the experiences. Okay, so for money, the whole enhanced athlete thing, the lawsuits, the government, employee embezzlement, just a lot of bad things that happened put me in a financial put me in a worse
Starting point is 00:57:48 financial position than i would hope for so i do want to regain my i want to get some money back to where i have a bigger cushion um because a lot of the a lot of places i put money i mean when when baby mama got pregnant she did it to trap me. And, you know, the way she traps me is by threatening attacking my finances. And remember, we're together. You know, I'm trying to help her survive Corona, hoping she doesn't die. Well, okay. Having her die wouldn't be the worst thing.
Starting point is 00:58:19 Having her have permanent lung damage that I have to pay for for the rest of my life would be cool. But that's probably not going to happen. So let's just hope she stays healthy and doesn't have permanent lung damage. So I tried to transition my assets into more of long-term plays that are kind of untouchable and also influence and favors so like i have a lot of favors i can call i have a lot of people that i've networked so if i need to make money it's not like i have a bank account with millions of dollars in it i can make phone calls and i can i can drum up money very quickly um but even if it wasn't even if it wasn't, even if it wasn't like that, it's really easy to make money.
Starting point is 00:59:08 There's just so much opportunity. I guess one of my talents is to be able to see the opportunities. Actually, there's two parts of it doesn't do any good to see the opportunity, you have to be willing to work hard enough. And I'm kind of insane when it comes to work. So I don't have any worry about not being able to make enough money, especially now that the cost of living is so much cheaper. Like every day I see like, oh, I could do this. I could do that. Heck, one of my friends here does webcam. He masturbates on camera and he makes like $9,000 a month masturbating on camera. He's a really good looking guy though. Very fit. You know,. He's like I think what girls like to see
Starting point is 00:59:47 or guys like to see. Actually I think it's mostly gay guys. Better or worse than Nsema? Nsema's a good looking guy. I think he can make 9k also. There you go buddy. Just stop. Just stop.
Starting point is 01:00:04 Don't even. Wow. So there's so much opportunity. I just don't worry about money. If I need to make money, boom, I just, I can, tomorrow I can make a bunch of money. When it comes to enhanced athlete or when it comes to real estate, do you still have those things? You know, you mentioned you kind of went through some trouble with enhanced athlete. Do you have enough control over that now to where you can get that back into the, into making money and into the green? Yeah. So enhanced labs has a whole new supplement line and it's really awesome. I'll show you some of the products. Sweetie, can you grab some of those? Oh, my God. She can't read. She's so short.
Starting point is 01:00:45 She's like less than five feet tall. Well, there's a lot of really good tasting products, enhanced labs that are really amazing, and they're actually selling really well. And if people knew how good they tasted and how effective they were, more in the mainstream, they would sell even better. But like these anabolic iv which is the the essential amino acids plus electrolytes plus all these performance supplements like
Starting point is 01:01:12 a daily vitamin all-day shred non-stimulant fat burner that can be taken any time of day that tastes so delicious and then sleep juice to take before bed that makes a huge difference in sleep quality. What's in sleep juice? Okay, it's a lot of ingredients. So the way I approached it is I went – I got – first, and it's in a powder form, so it has to taste good, which is shocking that it ended up tasting good. I like your website. You guys did a great job with your website. So anybody that's listening to this, is it
Starting point is 01:01:43 Is that the website? There you go. Yeah, when I was checking it out, there's a lot of great information on all the different products that you have. Say that one out loud. No. Oh, yeah, Black Ox, right?
Starting point is 01:02:10 Clever. That's clever. Yeah yeah so there's that one and then he actually wants the home workout program and i'm surprised at how good it's it's selling right now people are buying a home workout program uh which is just me working out with exercise bands and a couple other coaches and talking about how supplementation would change. Then we're not able to go to the gym and how diet would change. We're not able to go to the gym intensity techniques to use with exercise bands. It's just simple stuff like that. Yeah. That all day shred. No gym, right? What are you, what are you doing with no gym out there?
Starting point is 01:02:41 Well, we do have a, that the Italian mafia went and bought a bunch of gym equipment from a local gym and put it in his got a big house so he put it in his house and so i can go over there and lift but then we end up we end up talking a lot which is and instagramming a lot which is what i usually do at the gym anyways so i'm i probably get a better workout just with my exercise bands in the morning here in the condo. Yeah, that all-day shred stuff is really freaking good. I just got some.
Starting point is 01:03:11 It tastes amazing. And I actually did use it when I was cutting. So I'm trying to get back down to a little bit better body fat percentage. But you had said that it works better when fasting. Why is that? It's not that it works better when fasting. It's just that people say oh when you're fasting you shouldn't take anything you shouldn't take artificial sweeteners you should not that it's got a lot of artificial sweetener but um i believe that okay if the average just american individual is fasting for health and longevity
Starting point is 01:03:41 purposes sure you don't really need to take anything. You probably should take minerals, things like sodium, especially. But if our goal is to preserve as much muscle as possible and mobilize as much fat as possible, well, that's what the all-day shred does. So your body is going to burn a certain amount of calories when you're fasting. And we prefer to burn as much of that as from fat as possible than muscle. Well, taking supplements like all day shred, especially all day shred is really healthy. We do it will help you mobilize more fat to burn for fuel. Got it.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Do you have anything else like in the works as far as because you make like crazy supplements. So do you have anything else in the works that is just going to be kind of crazy in your opinion yeah there's so many i there's probably like a hundred and i think just sitting here thinking about because i'm i invent stuff a lot and a lot of stuff nobody ever hears about or because i test prototypes for so long before i ever even talk about it publicly but there's a lot of things that we're working on to try and get to absorb sublingually. We have a nanomachine so that we can break down particles really small, which can enhance the absorption of pretty much anything.
Starting point is 01:04:55 So things that used to not absorb oral, even though like a lot of supplement companies will say, Oh, this, this supplement's amazing because it does this and that. But if you look at the studies, oh, they're injecting it in rats. And so you're taking something oral that barely absorbs and relating it to something you inject straight into the bloodstream. So it's all about trying to enhance absorption. A lot of the herbs, well, I'll say it. Drugs can be very potent in very small amounts but usually with herbs the percentage
Starting point is 01:05:29 of active ingredient in an herb and the reason why herbs matter is because in the u.s you don't need fda approval to sell an herb the problem is they're not very absorbable so if you can get those extracted and you can drop the particle size down, then you can start absorbing it in the bloodstream. So what I just described is a delivery method. And that is probably covers about 20 different things that I'm developing. And then the rest, some of them are injectable things, topical things, nasal spray things. Yeah, it's not so much that I come up with a new compound
Starting point is 01:06:11 that nobody's ever heard of or invent a new molecule. It's more about discovering a molecule that maybe not have as much attention as it should have. And maybe the reason why is because there was some limiting factor like absorption i'm also curious about this actually because i don't know if i'm really really late to the game here but i've seen previews um or clips of you on generation iron and like the enhanced the enhanced athlete guys is that like something that happened a few months ago is that already been released like what what was the deal with that the generation iron the movie or the interview i think it was the interview in the
Starting point is 01:06:49 movie i'm not sure so generation iron interviews me sometimes on different topics um it's so funny too because they they want to paint me as being almost like the bad guy like so controversial that i'm dangerous so like they'll interview me about the Corona virus thing. When I first came to Thailand, they're like that. They also said, you were going to, you're going to Thailand.
Starting point is 01:07:12 That's like closer to the epicenter of this virus. You're going to get the virus and die. And I'm like, no, I, I'm not, I'm not afraid of it. I can get in and I can cure it.
Starting point is 01:07:21 And they're like, Oh my God, that's good. We got to put a video up about that. Tony huge cures Corona virus. It's because can cure it. And they're like, oh, my God, that's good. We got to put a video up about that. Tony Hughes cures coronavirus, right? It's because it's dramatic and then people think I'm crazy. Did they shoot a documentary? They shot a documentary with you, right?
Starting point is 01:07:34 Yeah. So there was two movies, though. And then there's lots of interviews that have nothing to do with the movie or excerpts from the movie. Sweetie, can you turn the fan off, please? Rose, fan off please rose fan off please um the the first movie was more of almost like a biography bringing everybody up to date on who i am and why i do what i do with the chemistry about me being open with the chemistry about my self-experimentation uh that movie performed much better than they ever expected because their previous movies all featured a famous influencer,
Starting point is 01:08:11 a star that already had a following that was already going to watch the movie. So they went out on a limb. They did the movie because so many people requested them to work with me and collaborate. And so they went on a limb and did it and it performed they made a lot of money off it and they invested very little money so their profit that they actually made on my movie was greater than the profit that they made on almost all the other movies so then i said okay we got to do a second movie but the biggest issue is everybody says oh he's like a witch doctor it's all this crazy stuff
Starting point is 01:08:45 it doesn't actually work uh you know steroids are the way they are been for 30 years and nothing's new and different uh and so they said okay well let's let's prove it do these do some transformations so i had kenny ko ryan russo this other guy the a girl, Molly, who looks like she's 16. That's why I chose her because it would, you know, people would think that was absolutely crazy. So I wanted to go for that. And then Zeke, another guy who's never lifted before and Akash, a competitive amateur physique bodybuilder and brought them to my house and trained them and injected them every day and saw how much muscle we could put on them in the shortest period of time possible. And our first, our estimate was, or our goal was 20 pounds of muscle in 30 days.
Starting point is 01:09:39 But the problem with that movie is it didn't show how successful it was. The results were actually far more successful than were represented because when they film hundreds of hours and they're picking which pieces to show, they picked more of the negative things like, oh, the one clip where he had a side effect or the clip where he's talking about like he's so tired or sore, he's had a hard time getting out of bed. But not the clip about like looking in the mirror like oh my god i can't believe i've gained a year's worth of muscle in in just uh you
Starting point is 01:10:10 know 10 days uh or how their strength went through the roof or uh you know all these other benefits they got from or the fact that afterwards they maintain the muscle so it was actually a great success but the movie didn't quite represent the success so that's why you see a lot of controversial kind of negative stuff about it but there's also a lot of positive there's a lot of bodybuilders that understand because they've also let's say they've experimented with igf1 hgh and megadosing insulin you know they've seen how fast the human body can change when the chemistry is right so there's also a lot of people that understand that it is real. Oh, the other problem with the movie is it didn't say like, oh, here's the compound and here's the dosage.
Starting point is 01:10:53 And they had to be careful with what they put in the movie also because censorship is a real thing, even in movies. Like these movies are going on Netflix. And right now they're on Amazon Prime and Vimeo and iTunes and things like that. But when they go on Netflix, it won't make it to Netflix, and it wouldn't have even made it to Amazon if they actually gave protocols and in any way looked like they were encouraging this dangerous behavior. So they had to throw in negativity around it to make sure it didn't get censored. Is there anything new on the SARMs front? I haven't been keeping up with anything since SARMageddon, but I don't know.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Is there anything new? Cause that last time we spoke, you guys were really big on injectables. Is there anything new come about? Not really. The, the, the most of,
Starting point is 01:11:42 I think most of what we need to know about SARMs, we now know, I continue to experiment, but in the beginning, it was very exciting because everybody said SARMs don't do anything. They're a complete lie, a joke. They'll never replace steroids. And then I've unequivocally proven that SARMs are effective. I've gotten a lot of bodybuilders to transition from steroids
Starting point is 01:12:05 to SARMs. A lot of people to use SARMs who would never consider steroids, but now they're willing to use SARMs and they gain as much muscle as they would have on steroids, for example. And so I've done all that. Now the experimentation is just like fine tuning, like more figuring out what dosage kind of stacking one sarm with another um uh you know how long you can run them before you plateau but it's nothing's as exciting as as the early discoveries of the sarm when i sort of brought them into the mainstream i think that's what i i think the two things I'm most known for is bringing SARMs into the mainstream and DNP. And so like, that was very exciting to go through that and, and to, to challenge what everybody thought about these things and take on those experiments.
Starting point is 01:12:56 And now it's just fine tuning. So yes, the experiments always are continuing every day is a new experiment, experimenting on myself and anybody around me who's willing, constantly and constantly learning. Do you still utilize DNP? I'm on day two of DNP at 200 milligrams. What is DNP? 2,4-dinitrophenol. It is a, I guess, an insecticide. It's a flammable powder.
Starting point is 01:13:24 They put it in dynamite. It's an industrial chemical. And I say that also to be a little bit sensationalist because see people say that and they give that look like you're got in your face right there. They give you that look like, oh, this sounds like deadly and terrible. And it is deadly. People overdose and die on it. If you look up DMP, it's all negative. And that's why I took it on. Because I understood the mechanism of action of DMP. I didn't just look at, oh, DMP is in dynamite. I don't want to take it because I'm going to blow up. Oh, DMP killed someone. I really looked into the science of how DMP works. And it's absolutely brilliant. It's a miracle drug. And its applications are way beyond just fat loss.
Starting point is 01:14:07 So, yeah, I started experimenting. Actually, what made me sort of famous for being an underground researcher was I did the DNP diaries, where I took DNP every day, and I reported how it was affecting my body. It was just a vlog, and it was on my cheap iPhone, and it was at home, and it was like the first videos I did of on like the enhanced athlete channel, for example. And, uh, I don't, I haven't used it for a while. This is the first time I started using it again. But, um, one of my fans sent me a research article about how DNP kills the flu.
Starting point is 01:14:40 And that reminded me about it. Cause I'm like, Oh, that's right. That's one of the reasons i used to take it if i used to get the flu i used to take dmp to kill the flu i was like now it can raise your it can also raise your body temperature through the roof though right yeah which is possibly one of the reasons why it's so effective at treating the flu and maybe even coronavirus is because coronavirus is uh doesn't do well in hot temperatures another reason why maybe you know in thailand it's not even a problem because it's very hot here um so that that's possibly why it it does actually there's other reasons why it works but that's possibly one of the reasons and then dmp makes you burn a
Starting point is 01:15:18 lot of calories right that's why i'm taking it because I, uh, this, this girl is just basically cooking all day and feeding me. And then I also at night I eat Snickers and M&Ms and all these candies because I binge eat at night and I'm not exercising as much as I would if I had a gym. So like I started gaining a lot of fat. So I thought I could, I could fast. I can get up in the morning and jog. I could, you know, try to not eat the junk food, or I could just take a couple of pills and just liquefy all this fat really
Starting point is 01:15:57 quickly in a matter of five days. And, and also protect myself from the coronavirus. Possibly you get to eat your M and&Ms and just explode them with dynamite. I like it. I like the sounds of it. Sounds effective to me. Yeah. And at 200 milligrams, you know, the body temperature is not bad.
Starting point is 01:16:14 That's why I hesitate. I'm usually in hot environments, and I hesitate to take it because I remember in the past so many times I took it, like in Mexico, I remember I would take it a lot in Mexico because that's when I do my fat burn. Like, okay, I'm going to go to Mexico. I'm not going to be training. I'll just focus on fat loss. I'll blast DMP. And there's just, sometimes I was so miserable, just drenched in sweat and dehydrated and hot and don't even want to move because of the DMP. But that's because I was taking a higher dose. Now I'm just taking 200 milligrams. I feel good on it. I feel just a little bit warm all day. And, but it's not uncomfortable. You know, I'm really curious, man,
Starting point is 01:16:55 if you, all the documentary stuff you said you did and how they're trying to paint you as a villain. Um, I wasn't on the episode you were last time, but like like you're very open all the times you're at st you're open about everything you're you're chill about everything you're you you communicate all your you're not a villain right i may disagree with a lot of the drug stuff but like you put out information and it's useful information for people that utilize like it's very useful so i'm like why are they have you ever inquired on why they're trying to paint you this way? Because we were actually talking about this with documentaries yesterday, how like the documentarian can make any individual look the way he or she wants them to look.
Starting point is 01:17:33 So why do they want you to look like that? I asked Generation Iron that and they said, well, it sells more movies like this. Okay. You know, bottom line. more movies like this okay you know yeah bottom line and i'm like well yeah but but like we're missing a huge element here which is that i'm actually one of the more credible people in this industry you're not like really giving me the credibility we're just sort of kind of turning it into a circus and and drama um they said they said okay okay, okay, we understand that. We're going to do a series, a YouTube series with you. And we'll give you more editorial commands. We'll let you choose more of what goes in the
Starting point is 01:18:14 series. And so, okay, great. So that was, we actually have the first couple episodes shot at Muscle Factory Gym. And they're awesome. But then since the gym's closed, that's all on hold. So I think you're going to see more of the positive side of it, more of the credibility, more of the transformations, more of the positive impact I've had on people's lives in the YouTube series that will come out in the future. What are you a doctor in exactly? future. What are you a doctor in exactly? Jurisprudence, which is law, which, which this is important. Um, because just like as a lawyer, I actually can't advise my clients how to hide money, for example, and, and like, you know, tax strategies or, or certain liability limiting
Starting point is 01:19:02 strategies. I would lose my law license. Well, doctors are the same way. They actually can't tell you how to cure cancer. They can tell you what the pharmaceutical companies have allowed them to talk about through their desk reference guide. And if they deviate from that, then they lose their law license. And if anybody sues them for malpractice for anything, the fact that they deviated from the desk reference guide that was written by the pharmaceutical companies, they lose the lawsuit, they lose their insurance, game over, out of business, bankrupt. And all the doctors know this. And if you have, you must have, you have friends that are doctors, of course. If you talk to doctors who really know what's up, they'll admit to you, If you talk to doctors who really know what's up, they'll admit to you, basically, they have to be a sellout.
Starting point is 01:19:52 They have to choose between their career or, you know, helping humanity. And they feel they take the position, and everybody has to in this. I understand this is normal. They take the position that they can help more people by just being very gently nudging than going out and respecting the entire medical pause oh i can hear you mark no yeah we're good okay skipped around there for a second okay so the point of all that is i am not a medical doctor, and that is a wonderful thing because I can actually speak openly about all this stuff, limited only by censorship. But I don't have any license that's at risk, and it's not going to affect my livelihood to be open and honest about all the discoveries that I make. And not all the information that I present comes directly from me. And not all the information that I present comes directly from me.
Starting point is 01:20:56 I would love to give credit to, let's say there's a doctor that I know that actually uses DNP to cure cancer underground for his friends, not for his patients. And he wishes the world knew that that was the case. Well, he can't present that, but I can. So I'm kind of a conduit for people who can't speak about these things, who wishes the world knew about some of these things. By the way, you mentioned curing cancer multiple times. I'm wondering, is that legit, just like an example that you're giving? Or is there something that you guys have figured out in terms of extra prevention or getting through it? Is this just like what's going on there? So cancer is just too general of a term. That's the problem. There's like, there's so many forms of cancer. Let's just say there's 32 main forms of cancer. Each one is very different. So some forms of cancer are very easy to cure, and some are, we don't, nobody has the technology to cure them. But what most of them have in common is the immune system.
Starting point is 01:21:52 The immune system's ability to identify the cancer, to kill the cancer, and ways to slow the growth of the cancer. So cure is also a very strong word too. So, you know, technically, technically, no, there's not a cure for cancer. There's not a pill you take and cancer just disappears. There's just a lot of things. And it's the same biophysics principle that I use when I talk about the anabolic matrix, where you have different growth pathways. And if you attack all growth pathways at once, you have synergy and you can grow muscle extremely fast. For example, combining a steroid with growth hormone, with insulin, with something that increases the inflammation and so on. And cancer is the same way. So if you look at all the different pathways amongst which our body can
Starting point is 01:22:43 cancer and you address these pathway then i guess as a whole you could kind of call that a cure awesome man we uh we got a lot out of you today you can go back to your prostitutes and your food and exploding your m&ms with uh with tnp it's always awesome to have you on the show and uh can't wait to see you in person again at super training gym. You know, hopefully when this is all done with,
Starting point is 01:23:09 we'll, we'll meet up again soon. Yeah. I don't miss a ton of things about the United States, but I miss Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and you guys at super training gym.
Starting point is 01:23:23 Appreciate that. Thank you so much, Tony. Thanks for your time, buddy. Yeah, man. Thank you. We super training gym. Appreciate that. Thank you so much, Tony. Thanks for your time, buddy. Yeah, man. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Yeah. See ya. We'll see ya. Okay. He's awesome. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. After you guys did that podcast with Tony,
Starting point is 01:23:39 I was, I think I was on the podcast, but I wasn't able to be on that episode. I was just like, I want to be able to do an episode with Tony huge. Yeah that's dope yeah we had you on when um uh we had uh trevor his buddy trevor on yeah yeah but not yeah he wasn't he wasn't full-on tony on that episode so yeah no he's so interesting such a i, yeah, I know generation iron is, is painting him as a villain, but if anybody spends time with him,
Starting point is 01:24:08 they'll be like, dude, that guy's like, he's so caring. It's really, well, if you, if you look at,
Starting point is 01:24:12 uh, you know, like some of the people that we admire the most, you know, we think about like, uh, like Ron Penna comes to mind. Um,
Starting point is 01:24:22 even like Michael Hearn, like Mike has to create a lot of content for Instagram and YouTube and stuff, so that might be the only thing he's really on the hook for. But it does seem like he's really following his heart. It seems like he's following his interests. And then if you look at Ron Penna, he created the first billion-dollar supplement company, basically, which is Quest Nutrition. He created the first billion-dollar supplement company, basically, which is Quest Nutrition.
Starting point is 01:24:50 He's taken that financial freedom, and he wants to research cancer. That's what he wants to do. He just does what he wants to do. If you look at Tony Huge, he's kind of doing the same thing. He's following his heart, following the things that he loves to do and then even even people that don't have financial freedom that do that before that do that well before they ever even have the resources to do it then it's even then you're even you even think it's kind of cooler kind of the the picture that they painted of kai green back in the day like they they were trying to show you that kai green was poor but kai green
Starting point is 01:25:21 hasn't been poor for probably a few decades I would imagine he's probably been doing pretty pretty well but in the Generation Iron movie they kind of paint him as the underdog he's from you know the city and they try to paint him as uh he doesn't have the finances for it but we all know people that are in like art music photography they're doing their thing and and they're putting that before everything but even a a less stressful version of that is if you have your finances kind of taken care of, then you can really truly just be free without the stress, I guess. I like what he was saying about the conversation he had with his stepdad. Like, no, do the opposite. Have a much better life only making $75,000 a year versus $500,000 a year.
Starting point is 01:26:10 Yeah, that just blew me away because when you look at his lifestyle and the guy lives in that penthouse for $600 a month, it makes a lot of sense when he actually not only talks about it, but he followed through and did it. It's huge. If you think about hiring people or paying people, you are, you're, you're, you're paying for a little bit of like life, you know, like you're, you're paying, you're paying them. Right. And that sustains their life, which is super cool. But really it sustains your life a lot stronger, you know, and you've also provided for somebody else, which is, which is really cool. And then it kind of, um, the fact that you could look at it as if you're paying, you know, multiple people that you're somehow paying back into this like economic system is a really kind of cool and
Starting point is 01:27:00 powerful thing. So he, he said a lot, I mean, he's super smart, he's super intelligent and he, powerful thing. So he, he said a lot. I mean, he's super smart. He's super intelligent and he is definitely underrated, but I think it's just, you know, people want to focus on the lady boys and his sexual desires and stuff, but everyone's got desires when it comes to that. But most people are not willing to share them. They're too shy. They don't want to, they don't want to say what they're into there. It's too awkward or too uncomfortable for them.
Starting point is 01:27:25 And he's willing to dump it all out there on you. Yeah, he's very honest. But very honest. But it is really dope that everything he's doing, it's things that he's totally interested in. I think that's a big thing here. Sometimes you have to do a job that you don't like to do, but it's always going to be of benefit to find that thing that you truly do really like doing or you really like learning about
Starting point is 01:27:53 and figure out a way to go in on it. And that's what you're doing. That's what Andrew's doing. That's what I'm trying to do too. That's the goal. Yeah, I think that's the key is like, everyone's trying to do it. You're trying to be mindful of it. But there's a lot of traps, you know, I've learned a lot, you know, come here to Bodega.
Starting point is 01:28:16 I've come up here by myself a few times. I've detached myself from the phone and like social media. I've done a couple of different things like that. And then I find myself just giving myself an enormous amount of work. And I'm like, what the fuck? Like, why? Why? Why am I doing that? You know, and then I recognize, okay, well, let's try to be reasonable with this and rational. Maybe you just like to do that. And so that's, but just let it happen. You know, my dad has kind of always told me, you know, never be ashamed of like loving your work. You know, basically, you know, if you have to come home late from work, you know, because you just love doing what you're doing. He's like, you know, be okay with it, but also be rational and reasonable about it. And then say, like, do I have to come home at seven? i come home at five of course you can you can make
Starting point is 01:29:05 arrangements to andrew you and i had some great conversations about that hey let's figure out a way for you to wrap up your work at four so you can have more family time stuff like that yeah and i mean it's already made a huge impact and i know like the uh the quarantineness has you know impacted or been a another reason reason for, you know, spending more time at home and stuff. But yeah, I mean, I already feel like super like rejuvenized and, you know, energized and it just, yeah, it definitely made things better. Um, there are still times where, um, I will feel guilty, but then there's also other times where I'm like, I should be doing something right now. Like we're not growing this very second and I'm still fighting those demons like daily,
Starting point is 01:29:49 but it's getting better, you know, There's some positive demons though. I'll say that. Yeah, definitely. You know, but it's still, it brings stress. That's not necessary, you know, but, um, I'll get there. It's just like training though. You can't grow, can't grow without the recovery, you know, but, um, I'll get there. It's just like training though. You can't grow, you can't grow without the recovery, you know? So as long as you can recover from it every day and as long as you can, uh, you know, get back to it, I think everything's good. How are you guys doing with, uh, training? I, I did a, uh,
Starting point is 01:30:19 a pretty good like run walk yesterday. Um, and I had a heart rate monitor on just to kind of track and i was able to keep my heart rate above like 145 for this 30 minute run walk thing that i did and it was it was uh it was it was pretty tough i've been keeping up on the 10 minute squats and i'm i'm learning a lot about myself in that process and learning about you know what's super tight on me and what feels good and sometimes like if i for me because i'm not super mobile if i hold onto something i found it to be a little more effective um or if i have something under my heels it feels a little bit uh more
Starting point is 01:30:55 comfortable and so i'm just trying to learn some of that but how has the exercise been for you guys uh it's been great i've been hitting something every single day. Um, I did, uh, kind of implement like a cardio day where I just hit the treadmill. It's essentially like a day off. And then another day where I just say, screw it all. Like, I'm just gonna get some sleep today. And that has been really, really beneficial. Um, and SEMA encouraged me to add weight to my lunges at the end of my workouts to try to help, help me get better at them. Like it didn't make sense to me at first, but then he was like, no, you need resistance. Like, yeah, you can, you can keep going long
Starting point is 01:31:34 distance, but that's going to take forever to get good at them. And I'm like, okay, okay. All right. That makes a lot of sense. So, uh, like the past two, two sessions I implemented, um, just holding 15 pound dumbbells as I lunge. And I did some box squats and in between, so it was like a super set. I would just go squat, uh, hit three box squats and then I have lunged down the turf and dude, I, I'm still sore. This was, I think Monday or Tuesday and man, it, it crushed me. Like I felt it this morning when I was doing my lunges because I was still extremely sore from it.
Starting point is 01:32:09 So it's been going really well. You know, just kind of keeping – what I do now is I keep my phone pretty far away from the bed. And so when the alarm goes off, I have no choice but to get up. So it's like it's been very, very helpful to do that to get my ass up yeah yeah and then um what i've been doing is like the same the same goal that i mentioned at the beginning of this year is just like to move better so i've been getting more familiar with working with kettlebells the turkish get-ups windmills interesting different things with kettlebells and quickly actually really quickly yeah there hasn't been as much jiu-jitsu so my shoulder's
Starting point is 01:32:52 been given a rest but also the stability from the kettlebells has been insanely it's been helping out my shoulder so much um and then my shoulder mobility but then also i was working on some handstand progressions today because I'm trying to in the next, I don't know, two months, I want to be able to do handstand walks. And the goal is like, I've showed you Ido Portal. I've showed you his Instagram before. Oh yeah. That crazy dude. Yeah. So, you know, a lot of the basis of what he does is having like calisthenic strength, being able to like, you know, move, hold his balance with his
Starting point is 01:33:25 hands, having like a control of his legs and all of that. And I want to be able to do things like that because that's not only going to help me out a lot with jujitsu, but I feel like I can maintain my size, get good mobility and get good body control. I could be, my body will just be very healthy joints, ligaments, all of that. So it's going well. Cool. Have you ever watched a, like, what is it? Primal Swoldger? I think that's his name. Yeah. I've been watching a lot of his stuff. I've been, I've been seeing how he handles, because he's, he's, he's great at using kettlebells. So I've been looking at a lot of his form on a lot of the stuff that he does. And it's, uh, it's really, really cool, but kettlebells
Starting point is 01:34:04 aren't, I don't think they're as hard as you think they were. Cause as I, when I was watching a lot of kettlebell stuff initially, I'm like, wow, that's, that looks like it's going to be rough on the shoulder. But you know, after a little bit, it gets, you can get used to it pretty quickly. It gives you what, like a kind of like a counterbalance, right? Like a doblet squat looks like it may be, it might be challenging, but actually holding the kettlebell like that kind of sinks your hips down a little, like we were talking
Starting point is 01:34:28 about the other day, just having a little bit of weight can act as a great counterbalance. And then doing those overhead movements that you're doing and the Turkish get-ups and stuff like that. It's just amazing what a huge challenge that is. And something I would advise for anyone that's doing some home workouts and having some home exercise as you mentioned adding resistance to the lunges is is a great idea so anything that you have that you can add resistance to is great but also let's not forget that a great way to add resistance to workouts is to change the speed at which you do stuff. So doing stuff super, super fast, things that lend itself to being done super fast, such as like a burpee or such as like a mountain
Starting point is 01:35:13 climber or such as like pushups or battle ropes, any of that kind of stuff. It can get your heart rate to go right through the roof. And then if you're trying to do upper body, you know, more upper body stuff, I would advise you to still do lower body stuff in between. Because again, you can keep that heart rate elevated. And you also don't have to worry quite as much about your muscles being super sore. Something I learned from Charles Poliquin long ago was you kind of mix three exercises together. Let's say you were to do a bicep curl. Well, that's a bicep curl has like zero metabolic costs.
Starting point is 01:35:53 It doesn't cost you much to do it in between the bicep curl. You might hit up like three burpees. And then once that's done, you might do like a tricep extension, but what a great way to keep your heart rate elevated to have a really good workout. And it shouldn't really, there's, it should not negatively impact the amount of weight you can use on your curls and the amount of weight you can use on your tricep pushdowns or your extensions or whatever it is you're doing. So anyone doing stuff at home, if you can throw in a step up, a box squat, a body weight squat um some sort of just even lunges uh in between doing uh some lateral raises and some tricep work or some rows or just whatever you
Starting point is 01:36:33 can implement and put in the middle um you can even just you can even just walk with a medicine ball you know just walk 200 feet with a medicine ball back and forth and and then go about your kind of like normal bodybuilding exercise a great way to keep the heart rate up after 20 30 minutes you'll be like holy shit that was difficult i think that's definitely something that people want when the gyms open back up and things get back to normal i think that's definitely something that a lot of individuals even if you do do bodybuilding or you're just trying to get a little bit bigger should you should keep that included like just the aspect of keeping moving because some, like a lot of workouts just end up being very, very slow, very tedious.
Starting point is 01:37:11 Just do a bicep curl, rest, do another set of bicep curls, rest, you know? But I feel like you can get those same results, but also improve like your body composition, lose a little bit of body fat. If you keep moving, like you, you do a lot of that right now, even when you're in the gym, you're, you're moving between all of your sets. So I think that's a really good thing to maintain. Absolutely annihilated myself lately because I moved back into doing some more bodybuilding stuff and I haven't been this sore in,
Starting point is 01:37:39 I haven't been this sore since I did the bodybuilding show. I mean, since I lifted with honey, I, I was like, whoops, jumped right back into that a little too fast. But now I'm just out here in Bodega kind of licking my wounds. Lats are sore. Chest is sore. I'm dying over here. I feel good, though. I feel good.
Starting point is 01:38:01 All right, peeps. Cool. Sorry about that. Andrew fell asleep. Wait, let me ask you this real quick because it seems like you go to bodega you come back is bodega like your meditation spot your thinking place like you just go there think and you come out i just uh you know the whole time i'm here, I'm just high on mushrooms and kratom. Oh, okay. I'm just kidding. Yeah, no, it's just different here. I have a habit of always wanting to go somewhere.
Starting point is 01:38:40 I have a habit of I don't normally work in the house. I drive to a coffee shop. I have a habit of like, uh, I don't normally work in the house. I drive to a coffee shop. I walk around. I like kind of like waste a lot of time. Um, some of that I think has to do with, uh, the people that are creative. A lot of times they are procrastinators. I think I sent you guys a video about it. Um, and procrastination is just not a, it's not a great thing, but it's something that I'm a master of. And I find that it's easier for me to be creative if I kind of like, quote unquote, like waste, waste a little bit of time or have other things to make noise or occupy my time. And so for me, you know, going to Phil's coffee
Starting point is 01:39:25 or going to Temple Coffee, grabbing a coffee, going for a walk, and then working, it kind of stimulates me and gets me sort of prepared for that. But when I'm here, there's like nowhere to go. You know, I'm stuck. I'm stuck with myself. And I think being and even though my family is here and stuff, I'm being stuck with yourself. And because ultimately, and even though my family is here and stuff i'm being stuck with yourself and uh because ultimately that's that's all you got right you got yourself and you got your own thoughts and that's what you got every day and so it's it's helpful to me to um try to just sit still i've even heard people go as far to say that all illness and all like negative things that happen to people are from a lack of being able to sit still, which might be which could could be the virus that's going around right now. It could be the times that we're in right now. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:19 No, that's exactly it. Think about it. If you're sitting still at home, you ain't going to get sick. think about it if you're just sitting still at home you ain't gonna get sick and i think it's uh you know i think it's a little different than maybe just like not doing anything i think it's just kind of a stillness and a calmness of the mind right more so than it is like not doing shit because that ain't going to be very healthy either um but yeah, it gives me time to reflect on what I got, what I want to get, things that I think that I need versus things that I just think that I want. There's a huge discrepancy between those. I don't need anything. I have, I, I have a healthy family, you know, I have great people around me. I have a lot of love in my life. Like everything feels really good.
Starting point is 01:41:11 So it gives me a chance to kind of slow everything down and it gives me a chance to, to realize like, Hey, you know, you're kind of being a maniac, you know, like you just, just relax, dude. Like things are good. You know, it allows me to, to think. And then when I come back and I communicate with you guys, it allows me to, um, you'd be able to, I think it allows me to be able to communicate with you guys better and to be able to assist you guys. Cause it's just like, I kind of went through almost like a meditative practice, you know?
Starting point is 01:41:42 Yeah. Makes sense. You, you do, you definitely come back a little bit more energized and kind of almost antsy to like like ah i didn't do anything for well not nothing but you're like yeah let's let's go you know and it's pretty it's fun you know it gets us all fired up too definitely gets me excited to hit the gym because i don't have that kind of stuff here and and you know they have say in strength out here but you know at the moment that's closed but um even when that's open you know there's nothing like home turf you know there's nothing like your own your own gym your own facility so it kind of makes me
Starting point is 01:42:16 itching for that and that's why i've been trying to recommend to people you know make sure in your day-to-day that you're not doing um too because if you're doing too much, then it might be hard to have it be repeatable. So even with these home workouts and even with the things that you're trying to do, I like what you said. You have a day where you just sleep. Who else logs that? Who else puts that in? But imagine if you saw Sunday or Saturday or whatever day it is, and it just said sleep. You're like, oh, that's great. I get to just sleep. And sometimes you're going to feel like,
Starting point is 01:42:51 oh, I don't even want to do that, but I know that it's good for me. So I'm going to do it. Yeah. Before I would get so upset, like, oh, I can't believe I missed a day. Now that it's programmed, it's like, I actually didn't miss any days this week because that was the plan. So it's been really nice. And that's going to keep you from being injured. Like you're, you're going to have way more longevity doing it that way. Just slowing it down and not overworking yourself.
Starting point is 01:43:17 You're going to be golden. Yeah. I felt the need to tell Thomas to lower yesterday. I, at some point I felt like I needed to say, Hey, you know what, bro?
Starting point is 01:43:29 Like the natty professor is 250 pounds and 5% body fat. Just so you're aware, you know what I mean? Cause you know, he's preaching all this diet stuff and all this exercise stuff. I was like, he, he should,
Starting point is 01:43:41 you know, he should have this knowledge that we have a real mutant on this show right here. Thomas is super lean, though. Number one. I know. Number two. I'm fangirling again because I got that Thomas DeLauer follow. He followed me on the gram.
Starting point is 01:43:55 I feel so happy. What he's probably doing, he's probably looking at your shit being like, why did that guy ask me questions? What does that dude need to know? Yeah. Oh man. All right, Andrew, take us on out of here,
Starting point is 01:44:12 buddy. We'll do. Thank you guys for checking out today's episode. Uh, if you want to support the show, support those that support us, uh, check out the,
Starting point is 01:44:19 uh, sponsor leaks, sponsor links in the YouTube description and a podcast show notes. Um, please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's power project on Instagram at MB power project on Tik TOK and Twitter, uh, Facebook,
Starting point is 01:44:31 YouTube, LinkedIn, where else? Um, we're all over the damn place. Uh, me personally, I'm at,
Starting point is 01:44:37 I'm Andrew Z on Instagram and SEMA. Where are you at now with your follow with, uh, Thomas Lauer and SEMA anything on instagram and youtube and see my yin yang on tiktok and twitter mark in the show notes andrew can you please uh put a link to where people can get some prostitutes from thailand yeah it'll it'll be like a like a like a not a blocked link but like you're gonna have to like maneuver your way. Cause if you go on just any us laptop or something or cell phone, it's going to be blocked.
Starting point is 01:45:08 So you're going to need a VPN in order to access where you can obtain said items. Man, that guy, Tony huge is, is amazing. I hope, I hope people found it,
Starting point is 01:45:24 you know, entertaining and informative because I think he brought a lot of great information. I personally love – when we first had him on the show, he talked about personal development, and he talked about these weird personal development tapes that his dad used to listen to in the car and how they seeped into his brain and how he learned a lot and was able to, you know, start businesses at a young age and stuff like that. And it's, it's like, Holy shit, man. Like there's so many different sides to this guy. It's it's absolutely, absolutely incredible. Anyway, I had a dream that we had Gary Vee and we had Bo Jackson on the podcast so hopefully that means that that's coming I've been kind of like aggressively just attacking people like I've been just sending out messages I'm like I know you ain't got shit to do
Starting point is 01:46:15 motherfucker get on our podcast I know you ain't doing shit Bo you know I've been like kind of yelling at people and not getting any responses, but that doesn't mean it's going to stop me. I wish people understood how much rejection I get in my life. It's not between being married and trying to get people on this podcast, I get rejected quite a bit. I'm going to keep trying, God damn it. Sick. Yeah, please do. That would be sick to get both of them on maybe getting both on the same time you never know oh man maybe that maybe that's how you
Starting point is 01:46:52 how you uh seal the deal you're like hey i got bo jackson here and then like hey i got gary v he wants to talk to you but he's like what he'll only do it on our platform though it's really odd we could get dennis rodman oh yeah i guess connections to china and stuff and that mj documentary is coming out i'm super excited for that but i feel like we could get dennis somehow we should get mj then well dennis leads to mj's got it okay yeah so michael jordan has a documentary coming out yeah it's going to be on espn and netflix dude after this podcast go watch the preview it gave me chills because it's apparently um it goes uh around the year that they were getting their sixth uh their
Starting point is 01:47:37 their sixth championship and it's like all this unseen footage and just all this crazy stuff it's it looks crazy. Yeah, it was. He's completely disappeared for so long, too. So I'm super interested to see it. Yeah, it was scheduled to be released like in June. But I guess LeBron James was on someone's live stream or something. And he's like, man, they really got to release that like now.
Starting point is 01:48:01 And so everyone's like, you can all thank lebron for this early release so yeah it's coming out like april somethingeth but yeah it's coming out soon dude i heard that mj used to like shoot hoops like in his like front yard like he would when he lived in chicago he would just be out there like just shooting hoops and then like kids would drive by and they would like freak out and then he would have them come and like shoot baskets with him in his front yard that's legendary that's not a kid yeah could you imagine like who who is that tall guy out there shooting some hoops like oh man he's oh wow he looks pretty like he's pretty and then you get closer you're like wait what who moved next door to me it? It's hard to just imagine Michael Jordan having a house that you could drive up to.
Starting point is 01:48:49 Like, that doesn't make any sense to me. But he probably has heck of places. Oh, no, we lost Mark. No. Come back. All right. We're on freeze here. We can almost hear you now wait for it you're elsa and anna right now you're frozen there we go there we go oh there you go
Starting point is 01:49:17 all right everybody i'm at mark smelly bell on all platforms strength is never a weakness weakness is never a strength catch y'all later. Power Project crew, thank you for checking out this episode with Tony Huge. Thank you, everybody, that's been rating and reviewing the podcast. Although I've said it in the past, I cannot say it enough. This helps us out so much. So thank you, everybody, that's been taking the time out to do so. Right now, we want to give a huge shout out to Hank underscore the tank. I love that name.
Starting point is 01:49:43 Hank says says tremendous resource quote, forget everything you think, you know, and dive in. This is the best show out there. Not just for me heads. Highly recommend listening to the episodes with Ed Cohn, Stan Efferding, Jay Cutler, and Joel Green, dude, Hank, thank you so much for that. And yeah, so those are actually some of our best episodes. Joel Green is probably the smartest dude we've ever talked to. Well, him and Ron Penna. Man, Daniel Orego is hella smart too. And of course, Stan Efferding, that dude is gold.
Starting point is 01:50:17 Every time we have him on, Ed Cohn, he's the GOAT. Obviously, you can't miss out on that. And Jay Cutler is probably the best dude we've ever had on the podcast, period. As far as a person inside, outside of the podcast, inside, outside of the gym, he's just a great dude. So I totally agree with everything you just said. Thank you so much for that review, man. We sincerely appreciate it. If you listen in right now, if you would like to hear your name on air, please head over to iTunes right now, drop us a rating and a review, and you could hear your name on air just like our homie Hank the Tank. We'll catch you guys on the next one. Peace.

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