Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 420 - Breast Milk, Hookers and 1500 Calories

Episode Date: August 21, 2020

You eat way too much. When taken out of context, 1500 calories sounds insane, please check out this conversation to learn what we're talking about. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ https:...// Support the show by visiting our sponsors! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Icon Meals: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" for 10% off ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I was thinking of doing the boom like Mark Lobliner, but that's too loud. No. Lobliner. He's coming here. I don't know when. Next sometime, next month? Mm-hmm. Yeah, sometime next, we're a little bit less than a month away.
Starting point is 00:00:12 That's going to be exciting. He's fiery, to say the least. Boom. Yeah, we're live. I think for as much as he talks about being hated, I think a lot of people actually like him. I think people have gotten used to him, maybe. He's not everybody's cup of tea, I understand, because he could be like, yeah, he could be maybe annoying because he's got a lot of energy.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I've watched a lot of his videos when I was younger. I never got a feeling of hating him. He always seemed just very energetic and loud. Fuck, he's got energy, doesn't he? Yes. He's not everyone's cup of tea, but maybe everyone's pre-workout. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, he seems like he's on maybe everyone's pre-workout. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, he seems like he's on a lot of pre-workout.
Starting point is 00:00:49 You know, one of the worst things that I think can happen to any one of us here, you know, there's a lot of bad things that can happen. But one of the worst things is to be without your Piedmontese and to go off track and to go off your diet and then to spend the whole morning on the toilet and then have to adjust the time that the podcast starts and everything you ever have that happening for andrew i mean there's there's been times where i'll stray away but like we're so disciplined like we don't like that's not us like we don't yeah right and see we don't do that kind of thing i got here on time yo i was here at 758 that's true i was here okay um but yeah no i'm i'm i'm yeah this is a tough morning pete montes is great though two days ago not last night two days ago i had three steaks and i had a big old bavette i ate the whole thing i had a center cut ribeye and i had a filet and it
Starting point is 00:01:40 was just just went down the hatch nice easy what is that like uh like 250 grams of protein in the sitting or something like that that's more yeah so it has to be like yeah yeah the bovet is i believe it's like 90 or 100 grams yeah that was good yeah and only like eight grams of fat and it's the size of a football so it's it's really nice made a small football nerf but how are you feeling right now you know dieting on low fats and still eating steak dude so the low fat stuff is incredible right now you have me on moderate fat low carbs and i'm not having the greatest time which we can talk about later but um i'm having anywhere from like 230 and 240 grams of protein
Starting point is 00:02:24 every day and without pied Piedmontese, I wouldn't be able to hit that. Like it'd be really difficult to hit that while maintaining, you know, a certain amount of grams of fat per day. And obviously carbs, you know, just chill out on the carbs. But it's been like, it's been awesome. Like I don't feel like I'm getting hungry. Like I don't feel like I'm without, but like I do, like I celebrate when I get to eat that steak. Cause what I'll normally do is I'll eat, you know, like a little bit of chicken throughout the day. And then at night I eat steak. Now that I'm on low carb, I'm just eating like, I'm eating, um, the, uh, the sirloin fillets all day long. Like it's great great because there's only eight grams of fat in that whole thing i forgot how much protein but dude it's it's nice i eat it cold too
Starting point is 00:03:10 i'm sorry i just don't do cold meats but that's how good it is dude i just a little bit of salt and then bam straight to the face i've been smashing a lot of meat you know before uh when i was doing my bodybuilding show a while back, um, I didn't know about Piedmontese. I had it before cause it's, it was at the local store down the street from me. I've had it before. Um, but I think I only had like their hamburger meat. I don't think I really recognize that they had, um, and it was a fattier meat, like 85 or whatever. And, um, at that time I didn't have the steaks and stuff, so I was unaware of it. So when I did my bodybuilding show and I did the diet that I was doing,
Starting point is 00:03:51 I could have chicken once a day, I could have fish once a day, and I can have steak once a day. But it was always hard to pick steak because, like, the type of steak that I could get, I was very limited. You know, Hani Rambad, who was setting me up with this diet, you know, he was like, hey, you know, try to get stuff that has, you know, less than 10 grams of fat in like a serving or in, you know, or even in a sitting, you know, and I was like, damn, okay. Good luck.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Yeah, because I was trying to have like maybe around 60 or 75 grams of fat. I forget exactly what it was per day. And it was just like, all right, well, I guess I just won't eat steak because it was like too risky, you know, certain cuts. And the ones that I like, yeah, they usually have more fat in them. But with Piedmontese, I mean, you could still eat Piedmontese quite a bit and still, especially if you pick the leaner cuts, some of them have hardly any fat in them at all. Flat iron steak, it's really high in protein and super lean and they still taste really good.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I know people hear us talk about that all the time and they're like, you have to be full of shit because it's not possible for the steak to be that lean, but it is. You got to take our word for it and go over, check them out and, you know, buy up some of the steaks. You can get the jacked and tan pack and you'll get some of the leaner steaks that they have. But even just in like a ribeye, something that normally has a good amount of fat,
Starting point is 00:05:11 their center cut ribeye I think has about half the amount of fat as a well-marbled ribeye. And I know that people are like, oh, the marbling, the marbling, the marbling. But just trust us. It will taste really good. It will be different too. Like that doesn't mean you never eat a regular ribeye again.
Starting point is 00:05:26 And we're also not trying to tell you that fat is bad. We need fat in our bodies, and we need some of those fat calories sometimes. But sometimes when you want to cut up and you want to lean out a little bit, maybe lose a couple LBs, I think a lot of the Piedmontese steaks just gives you more options in your diet rather than sitting there eating chicken and broccoli all day. Yep. Absolutely. For more information on these amazing steaks, please head over to That's Check out Interpromo Code Power Project for 25% off your order. And if your order is $99 or more, you get free two-day shipping.
Starting point is 00:06:02 How is your butt doing now? Because I saw you just like kind of look puzzled for a second i don't know if you were thinking about like what we're going to talk about today or if you were like man i don't know how this is going to go no i just saw a little drop like um not not drop outwards it's just like a drop here it's just it just moved oh so i was reading i was reading you i was reading you really well yeah it's just like that bubble guts feeling where you're like, oh, well, if you need to leave, then we'll understand.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I think maybe you've had to leave once before. Yeah, once. Yeah, it was actually just a few weeks ago. I forgot which podcast it was. Whatever you do, don't shit that white t-shirt that you're wearing. Oh, no. I won't. I won't.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Yeah, and it's the kind of poop that will go up your back, too, because that's how bad it is. Yeah. Oh, just get everywhere. Nah, this morning I've already gone like three times and it oh fumble no i'm gonna get that and like it was already a lot so i think i'm partially emptied out as is i uh i've been messing around with a little bit of fasting uh recently and then see me you were mentioning a movie that you uh you saw a documentary where they had some fasting in it.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And I saw a documentary last night that I watched. I think Andrew picked up on some of it also. It was called something lolly, right, is what it was called? Fat Lolly to Six Pack Lolly or something like that on Amazon Prime. Yeah, and it's this entrepreneur that, you, he grew up very obese, he grew up very fat, he was a fat little kid. They show video footage of it and stuff like that, and he was just kind of always viewed as like the chubby little cute kid, and I think he felt like maybe he wasn't taken very
Starting point is 00:07:38 seriously, and he was teased and made fun of and stuff. So he went, he had a lot of love in his family. He had everything that he needed in his family, but he, he also mentioned that he didn't realize, but they grew up fairly poor as well. And, um, anyway, he kind of, he, he toughened himself up over a period of time and ended up being a, uh, a really well-known entrepreneur. He owns his own, um, like real estate, uh, uh, firm or company or something like that. And he was able to build that up quite a bit. And the home that he's speaking from is like, you know, some beautiful place in like New York city, it looks like, or something like that. As he's telling the story and he's telling the story as like a ripped bodybuilder, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:18 and he's, he keeps showing old videos and, and old footage and he documented, I just thought it was really cool because regardless of, regardless of how people feel about this guy or how people feel about he ends up having a surgery, skin removal surgery, and he takes this thing to great lengths. Regardless of people's personal thoughts about this guy, I really admired the fact that he just said, screw it. I'm going to actually do this. I'm going to follow through with it. And it happened in like nine months. He got in crazy shape in nine months. He weighed like three 30 and he lost like 120 or 125 pounds. Um, and not
Starting point is 00:08:57 only that, you know, during this whole time, um, I don't know if this fit the same timeframe or not, or if it's outside the timeframe, but he got the skin surgery and stepped on stage for a bodybuilding show it was just it was it was amazing and it was i know people will watch it probably and they're like i can't do any of that because i don't have money because he just kept hiring people for stuff um there's a lot of people that have a lot of great opportunities and don't take advantage of them you know there's a lot of people that have a lot of great opportunities and don't take advantage of them. You know, there's a lot of people that have friends or have family members that know a lot about nutrition or, I mean, we have a lot of resources around us, let's just face it. And look, if you wanted to, we know you can go on YouTube, right? Like you can go on YouTube and look all this stuff up.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I mean, you can even just type in on YouTube how to lose 100 pounds. And you'll find 50 videos on how to lose 100 pounds. So this guy just used the resources that were available to him. on YouTube how to lose 100 pounds. And you'll find 50 videos on how to lose 100 pounds. So this guy just used the resources that were available to him. And obviously, having the extra money made a difference. But he did CrossFit. He did bodybuilding. He did some powerlifting. He had some really good personal trainers.
Starting point is 00:09:58 But two of my favorite parts of the whole thing is, one, that he did bodybuilding. Because I think he did bodybuilding some justice. Because because bodybuilding we talked about it yesterday a little bit building muscle mass is for everybody yes everyone can benefit i say strength is never a weakness but having more muscle mass on you is never a weakness either um obviously there's some guys that are like you know 300 pounds and have tons of muscle that we could say, oh, yeah, they probably don't really need any extra muscle. But for most people, most people do need extra muscle and muscle can just help chew up calories for you. Your body with muscle on it could be working for you all the time and could be burning excess food up that you might enjoy from time to time. So I really love the fact that he did bodybuilding.
Starting point is 00:10:46 The second thing I admired about it, and this is actually probably the best thing about the entire thing, is he filmed so much of this shit on his own. And I know how difficult that is, you know, doing vlogs and doing 100 days of carnivore and filming every day. Like, it sucks. Like, after a while, it sucks. And it messes up family dynamics there you are with your camera filming yourself you feel like a narcissistic asshole yeah it's it's all really uh it's very it's a strange thing to have to do but
Starting point is 00:11:16 he wanted to document it and then he put it into this uh he i think he i i don't i didn't get to the i didn't finish the whole i didn't finish the whole, I didn't finish the whole entire thing. I need to watch the rest of it. But it appeared to me that like he made the movie himself because he filmed so much of it. And it looks like later on he filmed, you know, hired a film crew and then probably sold it to Netflix or something like that. But an amazing story. I think everybody should give it a shot. Everyone should watch it.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Inspirational. A lot of great motivation in there. He also talked about how he was working give it a shot. Everyone should watch it. Inspirational. A lot of great motivation in there. He also talked about how he was working out for a while and then he wasn't really making any progress. He was just lifting and he was just getting sweaty and he was working his ass off, but he lost like hardly any weight at all. What was the difference then for him when he? Yeah, the food, the food, the diet.
Starting point is 00:12:02 So he, he just kind of didn't know. He was like, I need, I know I need to exercise. So he exercised for like two or three months, you know, and he had literally hardly any progress at all. He got in better condition, so the workouts were easier, and he liked that. But he was like, I'm lying to myself because I'm still the same person. I just happen to move around a little bit more. So then he took it upon himself to learn more about nutrition. Yeah, and for how much filming he was doing um you you can tell he's just doing selfie so it's like his cell phone for 90 of all of this and iphones are so great like it looks good the whole time
Starting point is 00:12:37 but even just keeping track of everything is such a pain like it sucks dude like i've i've edited you know some of my vlogs and stuff and then been like i can't believe i forgot this entire shot you know it's so frustrating because you're not going to go back but just keeping track of everything is really really tough and then i think it was his like company that maybe formed because of this documentary that produced like the whole thing and it's uh it's on amazon prime i don't know i think just use the prime account to get it but it's uh yeah dude it was very i was i had yeah i was i had a lot of emotions flowing just because it was his daughter that was like i don't want you or you're
Starting point is 00:13:17 fat i don't want you to die yeah because his his wife uh what happened He was about to sit down and just have a big old meal. He was excited, looking forward to it. And he had fries. And his daughter went and tried to grab some. Yeah, his daughter went to grab some. The wife was like, no, you can't eat that because you're going to get fat. She's like, well, what's fat? And so they looked it up.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And then now she's like, oh, daddy, you're fat. And so that's what really filled this whole fire under him. And, you know, having kids like you. Yeah, that's that's super motivating. I really like the fact because I haven't seen it yet. But that's the one thing I do really like about it so far from what you guys have said is that he did show the part of it where he was working out like a maniac and he wasn't dropping anything. Right. And the funny thing is, like, dealing with your nutrition is like not very expensive. It's not an expensive thing to do.
Starting point is 00:14:10 It's not a, I wouldn't say it's difficult because when we break things down, when we talk about nutrition on this podcast, it's like a lot of protein, maybe lower your carbs if you want to, or keep your fat at a good place and maybe just just fast a little bit it's like the concepts of it are really easy and if you get that handle you can drop really easily but it's it's funny because people and even me in the past i try to figure out what supplement can i take i'm about to have to get off this mic in a second i try to figure out like what supplement would i take that that'll that'll be that magic bullet for me. That's going to like, that'll give me more energy in the gym or, or that'll, that'll, you know, that'll work well for me. Like, it's funny because at a certain point, especially as a teenager, um, you take something
Starting point is 00:14:57 and you'd be like, yeah, okay, now we can go work out. And you'd feel like it gives you something, even though it ain't doing stuff. It's like you, you want to give that power to something else rather than understanding that you have it all. You have all the ability yourself and you don't need to do all that. Yeah. You reach for the fat burner because you're like, this is going to accelerate it. And it's going to make me sweat more.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah. It's going to make me sweat. It's going to increase my metabolism. And, you know, it, it might, might help a tiny bit but just uh taking care of yourself training and sleeping you know lifting you know put pushing that for that extra rep or that extra set or trying to lift a little bit more weight than you did last time or just not skipping a workout um you know just turning in a little earlier maybe waking up a little earlier like all those things are going to be the things that are going to, you know, really lead to you burning fat better, you know, better sleep habits, better just overall health habits.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Those are going to be the things that are going to really and just kind of constantly running through your brain, like keep moving, keep moving. Like, do I need to be sitting down right now? Like, you know, do I need to? Sometimes you do need to relax. So it's, you know, do I need to? Sometimes you do need to relax. So it's, you know, it's okay to relax. Okay to chill out and calm down. But did you do all your work? Did you do everything that you wanted to do for the day?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Are you heading towards the goal that you talked about or wrote down? If you're not, then you need to fucking get back up and go outside and hit up a walk. Yeah, what I liked at the very very end like even as the credits are rolling you know somebody who are filming is like oh people are gonna say that you only did this because you were rich and you had you know everything available to you and he's like hey obesity doesn't discriminate whether you're rich poor whatever doesn't matter male female he's like it can get anybody and then uh it showed him like spending i think like 92 at the grocery store he's like that used to be just the tip at like a restaurant where i
Starting point is 00:16:51 ate a bunch of crap like if you're if you're able to get fat like you're able to afford to get you know in shape because you know you're gonna buy less food or something like you know i he he said it really well and it was just kind of like in passing almost and i think that was really important because i yeah watching it you can tell he's flying in coaches left and right you know he's he says he at one point he's training uh i think three times a day and each session was like three hours long or something so like what wow yeah so that's all he just that's all he did okay for you know essentially a little bit over a year up to the show and you know when i'm looking at that i'm like well okay yeah you got hell of a time to be able to do that but he's absolutely right it doesn't matter you
Starting point is 00:17:35 know anybody can figure something out you can like mark said you can youtube something and figure out how to figure you know how to get how to lose weight or how to, you know, how does this guy get through an hour of cardio? It's like, oh, he watches Netflix. Shit, I should do that. Pretty simple. I think it also became a thing for him. Oh, absolutely. It was like biggest loser.
Starting point is 00:17:56 So he was trying to, like, you know, do it a certain amount of time. He had cameras on him. And once the videos he was shooting kind of turned into a movie concept, I think is when he was like, you know, now I really have to push through because there are more people following on social media and so forth. And so I think he just kind of took it to the next level. But it is very interesting that whether you have everything or whether you have nothing, both those things are not really great in terms of, you know, fending off obesity. They really don't have anything to do with it, but they kind of do because we've heard a lot of conversation about like food deserts
Starting point is 00:18:36 and how people in some of these urban areas sometimes, there's more diabetes is prevalent but uh is it because of the types of people that are there or is it because of the fact that they don't have good quality they don't access the good quality foods um and then when people are wealthy um yeah i think a lot of us would be like yeah man if i was if i had dough i'd just you know go out every night and have a good time and eat tons of, eat the best foods in the world. But I think from a standpoint of, if you, if you do like to eat out often, do you always have to have a full meal every time you go out? You could probably,
Starting point is 00:19:15 you probably have a steak before you went to the restaurant and just have a very normal meal. I mean, you don't need to eat it. You don't need to have the appetizer and everything and dessert and all that stuff. I know that's what people are used to, but, um, I think that builds into some really bad habits. It does. It really does. I think I'm, I'm going to, I'm going to tie this into what we're talking about. Cause I was also watching a documentary, um, it's called in well on Netflix. And I told you there's some fasting in that one, but there's an episode, uh, where, uh, it's about like breast milk and it's about like they talk about bodybuilders you know using breast milk for gaining muscle or you know having that extra edge and they're buying this black market breast milk on the internet it's it's wild i
Starting point is 00:19:57 didn't even know it was a thing until this but apparently you both did which is interesting to me um but when i was watching it there's this bodybuilder that they had. Right. And he was talking about how he was like, yeah, like breast milk's great. It's going to be my secret weapon on my mom. Cut about that about to do. He has a bit of body fat on him, but he's like, I had this breast milk. I'm about to get cut up.
Starting point is 00:20:20 And he said it was his secret weapon. I was like, dude, you're like, you don't need that breast milk. Like you are his secret weapon. I was like, dude, you don't need that breast milk. You are the secret weapon. If you just handle your nutrition, you don't need your breast milk. It's just some extra things to take in to help me burn a little extra fat or this new extra type of workout or this new extra type of thing that would be beneficial. But it's really not. It doesn't do anything. Well, if you were to think about it, would breast milk burn body fat? Nope. I mean, I don't see a lot of lean babies out there,
Starting point is 00:21:06 right? They usually got some chub on them. So I think if anything, you know, breast milk is going to be dense, calorically dense. It's going to have sugar in it and fat, which in nature,
Starting point is 00:21:16 maybe somebody else listening to the show right now can think of something else, but there's nothing else in nature that is high in carbohydrate and high in fat other than like milk. Right. And that's, you know, we have it from,
Starting point is 00:21:27 you know, cat, whether it's cow's milk or whether it's, you know, human milk, it's, it's a little bit high in everything. It actually has a nice amount of protein in it as well.
Starting point is 00:21:34 Um, but it's not found anywhere else in nature. There's not a plant or, or animal meat that has carbs in it and has, uh, fat. I mean, sometimes you run into certain things like an avocado,
Starting point is 00:21:43 which is like a fruit. It has a little bit of carbohydrate in it. It has some fat in it. I don't even know if it has fat. I mean, sometimes you run into certain things like an avocado, which is like a fruit. It has a little bit of carbohydrate in it. It has some fat in it. I don't even know if it has protein. But, you know, like just try to think of all the different foods that you know. In nature, you don't ever see that. And so what is breast milk for? Breast milk is to be like anabolic and help you gain, not necessarily like cut or shred.
Starting point is 00:22:06 uh like anabolic and help you gain not necessarily like cut or shred but even having said that i don't think anyone should use should necessarily think that that's going to be the thing that's going to help them get big yeah it's probably not going to do much of anything and if it does something maybe it's a little boost mentally i guess but yeah it just sounds like an odd practice as well it does and it's just it just reminds me of like all these the way like all these different types of foods are marketed like oh have this superfood berry that's going to help you burn this or whatever. And it's just it's it it just doesn't make sense because it's like we talk about here. It all comes down to the simple things you do every day, moving a little bit more the food that you put in your mouth and the food that you don't put in your mouth and then a little bit of extra sleep so you can work out pretty well. It's really just a few easy steps you were saying the movie uh talked a lot about fasting and had uh people
Starting point is 00:22:52 recovering from cancer and stuff like that yeah there's so so there's episodes on like ayahuasca tantric sex breast milk and then there's an episode on fasting and the fasting episode is really really cool because because they did talk. They did have individuals that were against fasting. Like they had this this one doctor who she was like, oh, it's too dangerous. You shouldn't go whatever without, you know, eating. And she just sounded kind of ridiculous. And he also had some people that like people that actually it was documented that their their cancer went away much faster.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Their tumor shrunk faster, um, with some like fasting and some chemotherapy. There were two people on the documentary that that happened to. Um, and there's also clinics that do only let you pure water fast. So it was just, it was really interesting,
Starting point is 00:23:38 um, to see how some people are doing it. But I think that one thing is like the the documentary talks about the extremes like it was focused on the you know 28 day water fast there was a little bit of a some guys that were doing like 16 to 18 hour fast or whatever which it was benefiting them a lot but it's like it concentrated on the the outskirts of what people are doing just because that has more entertainment value but overall it was it was a pretty good episode showing how beneficial it can be and a lot of the reasons why i still do it why i don't know you you still do it to an extent right yeah
Starting point is 00:24:15 so it's it's it's not that crazy it's just not eating for a little bit yeah i'll pose the same question that i had asked you guys off air. Um, cause there are some people that are, you know, it's like, it's fasting doesn't do anything. It's just the fact that you're not eating. Therefore you're going to be in a caloric deficit. Uh, is there any magic to like, I'm going to fast for 16 hours and then all this autophagy and unicorns are going to pop up out of nowhere at 24 hours and so on and so forth. So is it there's something additional going on there or is it just the fact that you are in a, it's a little bit easier to be in a caloric deficit? I would say that being in caloric deficit is kind of magical in and of itself and whatever
Starting point is 00:25:00 way you can find to get there without, like, with the least level of misery possible is great. So you can use fasting, you can use protein, and you can use fiber. You know, you can use those three things, I think. I'm trying to think if there's anything else, really, but I guess you can drink water because water can kind of like, I don't know, fill you up a little bit, but this might not do much. fill you up a little bit, but this might not do much, but yeah, I think fasting, uh, keeping that protein high and, you know, fibrous, um, greens or, you know, yeah, vegetables of some sort, uh,
Starting point is 00:25:33 can help fill you up and help make, um, and just, and just help make the entire day, uh, easier in terms of keeping your calories down. Not, not necessarily in terms of fasting, but fasting for me, um, I really enjoy it because I would rather personally, you know, the, the, would you rather game? I would rather eat, uh, you know, two or three large portions of food rather than, you know, four or five, six smaller port. Like I don't want to carry around food with me. Um, I just don't like if I, if I had a regular nine to five, um, which I kind of don't want to carry around food with me. I just don't. Like if I had a regular nine to five, which I kind of don't, but I am here usually almost every morning until like about 2 p.m. or so. And it's really, really rare for me to come in here with food.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I have, you know, here and there. But for the most part, I'd rather not deal with Tupperware. I'd rather not deal with like cooking something and then having to figure out you know okay i'm gonna microwave it or just i'd rather just i don't need any of that um certainly not while i'm here at work and i advise other people to do that too people who are like i can't i don't understand what to do just don't eat just fucking stop eating shut up i'll tell you where the magic is, man. Like, um, when you, when you see like the typical, like American diet, you know, individual eats all day, they eat their breakfast, they eat their snack, they eat this. And the thing is not, not only do they eat all day, they feel that they need to eat all
Starting point is 00:26:59 day. So when they wake up, their stomach's growling and they're like, fuck, I'm starving. Right. If they just managed to miss breakfast and noon comes, they're like come on i'm starving right if they just managed to miss breakfast and noon comes they're like oh i'm starving okay i'm gonna eat a big meal right you actually really feel like you have to eat that food like if you don't eat that food you feel like you're gonna have low energy during the day it's gonna be horrible you really do feel that way me coming from the bodybuilding background you're supposed to be eating every two hours like that's where i started i started with like i'm eating every two to three hours fuel
Starting point is 00:27:29 your body got a fuel and when you get used to eating that much when you don't have your meal after your even your third meal when you don't have it you're like i'm so hungry i'm so irritated i have to eat i'm hangry i'm hangry right like you really feel like you need that right so so for me i think the magic was when i started doing it after a while i was like whoa i don't have to eat and it's one like i don't even feel hungry what is this what is this voodoo like it legit was magical to me because i never knew that i could actually feel that way of not having a massive appetite all throughout my day and then it just pushed and pushed and pushed. Um, and then I could, I could eat two meals and, and be okay. Like I could, I could just not eat for 16 hours and live. Wow. And that's,
Starting point is 00:28:17 that's a wild concept. And then the other thing is like, I thought that, you know, I was going to lose a bunch of muscle and a bunch of strength, which didn't happen because I just made sure to get all my protein in. Right. So I think that the big thing that it does for individuals that do choose to take that route as far as creating a deficit and trying to try to achieve fat loss is understanding that, you know, food doesn't have to rule the things that you do throughout the day. Like you don't have to you don't have to eat all throughout the day to be able to lose fat or even to be able to gain muscle. Follow me on this one, right? So people always complain about cost, right?
Starting point is 00:28:54 They complain about cost very often when you talk about a carnivore diet or keto diet because they see the price of meat, right? And they're like, oh man, meat's expensive. And yeah, meat is going to be more expensive than just a pile of carbohydrates that are being sold as potato chips or whatever it might be at the store. But I've come to the conclusion that, and you hear people say this all the time, they say time is money, right? So if we're to say that that is true, I believe a lot of people do kind of believe that if we're wasting a lot of time, maybe we're burning up a lot of potential opportunity that we could be inventing, creating, working, learning. Any of these things that can make us more profitable can help us monetize our life in some way.
Starting point is 00:29:39 If you eat food, if you eat like a donut and you're not happy with your body, you just wasted your time and you spent money on something that's not productive for you. It's going to take you time to figure out and cause you a lot of anxiety because you already don't feel good about yourself. You're like, oh man, you know, I don't feel comfortable with my shirt off in the summer or I don't feel comfortable with my shirt off at the beach or whatever these things are. Well, now you have to figure out what am I going to do with this extra energy that I got from this stupid donut? But yes, it did taste delicious and I enjoy them. But I wish I kind of made a better choice.
Starting point is 00:30:13 So I have kind of noticed that there is a relationship between time and food. The more food that you eat, the more you have to figure out how you're going to spend your time burning it off. Or what am I going to do with this extra energy? Like, OK, I got OK, got to go to the gym tomorrow. OK, I got to I got to fast for 24.
Starting point is 00:30:34 Like now, if you ate really bad on one particular day, yes, you can counteract it by fasting for 24 hours the next day or fasting for a large portion of the next day, cutting back on overall calories, however you want to do it. But you could have just simply not eaten that thing in the first place. We talked yesterday about potentially like, I don't know how the calorie equation, you know, factors in and I don't know a ton about it. I never really looked at it, to be honest with you. a ton about it. I never really looked at it, to be honest with you. But I do think that the amount of calories that your average person needs, that doesn't lift, that doesn't do any other type of exercise, they don't do stuff outdoors. I think it's really, really low. I think it's probably potentially, you know, much lower than what people think. I think there's a lot of people that could probably have, you know, 1500, 1700 calories, and that would be perfect for them to not only continue
Starting point is 00:31:31 to be in good shape, but can continue to lose some weight. So that's what I've noticed over the years is that I see a lot of people, they're like, oh man, I really love chips. I really love fries. And like, hold on a second, let's walk, let's walk through this. Do you really love them that much that you have to, the next day you're going to be paying for this because you said that, and now this is for people that aren't comfortable with their body. If you're comfortable with your body and you, and you are happier with French fries and donuts and these things in your life, then that's, that's up to you. That's your decision. I'm not going to try to influence that at all. But if you're being honest with yourself and you don't feel good every time you look in the mirror, and you're like, oh, man, I wish I could stop wishing and start being more interested in it
Starting point is 00:32:13 and start paying attention to, you know, are you really going to follow through with this plan or not? You have an opportunity to do it. No one's stopping you from doing it. And I think if you kind of just look at your food as sometimes being a waste of time, sometimes it's great. Sometimes it enhances the opportunity, enhances the mood, enhances the people you're with because we want to be social. People often say that they have a bad relationship with food, but I think it's the relationship is with people, you know, like, cause you, well, sometimes people have a really bad relationship with food where they wait for everybody else in the house
Starting point is 00:32:47 to go to sleep and then they raid the pantries and things like that. But for the most part, we usually eat bad when we're with somebody else. And a lot of times we even blame somebody else like, oh, it's my girlfriend or it's my wife. She really loves, my wife really loves pizza. You know, it's like, well, that doesn't mean you had to eat a whole pie, dude. Like, she only had one slice. You could have.
Starting point is 00:33:08 My woman. Yeah. Yeah, we kind of, or you go to the movie theater, and you can't go to the movie theater without having the popcorn with the butter on it and some peanut butter cups. We've all learned that you can. You can go to the movie theater and not have, I've gone to the movie theater and not even had water before, which is like, yeah, it's a different experience.
Starting point is 00:33:28 But after you do it a couple of times, it doesn't bother you. You get used to it. Let's go down that rabbit hole real quick of the individual that only needs 1500 calories because, okay, I'm going to preface this and we're talking about Andrew. Let me preface this right now.
Starting point is 00:33:44 I know you are. I know you are. I want to preface this and say that if you're dieting, I'm not saying that you should diet at 1500 calories, but let's think of like most people's lifestyles. You have a nine to five. Most people aren't the bodybuilder that can work out or that is working out six to seven hours or not six to seven hours, but six to seven days a week, two hours each workout. Maybe they can manage a workout a day for 30 to 45 minutes. Maybe they like lifting and they don't like to run and do cardio. Maybe they can walk a little bit, but for most of the time they're sedentary. This individual isn't burning that many calories each day. But the struggle of this individual is
Starting point is 00:34:19 that they maybe eat a breakfast, a lunch, a snack, and dinner. And what happens is that these meals end up being really, really small. After they eat their first meal in the morning, they start feeling hungry throughout the day. And when they try to diet, they're like, wow, these diets are too difficult because I'm feeling so hungry all day long. And I'm only eating 1800 calories. When you split that into a few meals, it ends up being really small, unsubstantial meals. Now this individual got themselves used to just not eating in part of their day, right? Maybe just the first half of their day, the first 12 to 14 hours of their day. And instead they had two pretty hefty 750 calorie meals that would keep them full,
Starting point is 00:35:00 that had a lot of protein. That becomes a lot easier because for a big part of your day, you're not even thinking about food. Whereas before you were thinking about food the whole day, it just literally just changes the way they approach food and dieting. And then dieting doesn't even feel like fricking dieting. That's what's going on here. You know, that's it. And again, they don't have to add hours of cardio in the mix. We are all advocates of resistance training, but not everyone has the ability to work out two hours a day or even an hour a half or have 90 minutes. Cause a lot of people have families,
Starting point is 00:35:30 right? So they can only get in maybe 30 to 40 minutes. And it just, that ends up making everything a lot easier. That's, that's what we're talking about here. 1500 calories actually is, it's a decent amount for your average American that,
Starting point is 00:35:44 that I'm talking about the person that lives that type of lifestyle. Well, you've got to keep in mind that a lot of people are overweight. They have excess body fat on them. Body fat is going to call out for food. Body fat, it wants you to continue to eat. It can drive hunger up. We know this. I mean, there's a lot of information out there about that.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Someone that's 240 doesn't want to eat like they're 170, but someone that's 240, they oftentimes want to weigh 170. And they, it would be very hard for them to go from, you know, eating the way that they normally do down to eating, you know, to somebody that would weigh 170. So they have to do it in incremental steps. They got to eat like someone that's 220 or 230 first, and they got to kind of bring, you know, bring some of those calories down. They got to figure out, you know, ways of exercising and stuff, but really all of it, it ends up being a huge time commitment. It ends up being a lot of changes in your nutrition, a lot of changes in your habits that you have to comb over kind of every day and you have to try to work on and improve.
Starting point is 00:36:53 But if you just don't accumulate a lot of body fat in the first place and you listen to some of these rules, then you don't have to, like you said, you don't have to really be on a diet. You know, everyone's always on like a real strict, tight diet. And I think that what you're going to move on to like right now or you're going to move on to next shouldn't be a diet. It should be a way that you're eating all the time. Like I eat this way similarly 95% of the time probably or maybe 90%. I don't know. But I eat this way often. Like I've been eating this way. I've been eating in a similar way since I was like 13. As soon as I found out about like protein and muscle, I'm like, all right, I'm going to just eat more protein.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I remember like, I was like, okay, I think cheese has protein in it. And I was like, oh, cool. Eggs have protein in it. And I just was kind of trying to be more conscious of like, I'm going to eat more of that stuff. Cause that's going to help me have more, more muscle mass. And I've been doing it ever since. And so I think that people should really stop trying to, I know like I have like a war on carbs and some of these, there's just, these things are just,
Starting point is 00:37:57 they're plays on like a theme, you know, just to get you excited, get you in the door to get you to do something. But I would love to see you do it or practice something similar to it forever for the rest of your life and that's the truth because you don't you don't get to get in shape and then you don't uh you don't have an opportunity once you're in shape to be like all right guys i'm here like i'm in it's like well no you gotta keep staying in like
Starting point is 00:38:22 we're gonna fucking kick you out you're gonna be off the team in 10 seconds if you start eating like shit again. Because you'll start to slide downhill real, real fast. Yeah. Yeah. I think one of the, well, probably the biggest issue is that if people were like, yeah, I want to do 1,500 calories, they have no idea what that looks like. You know, they're like, oh, but I'll have my slow turn you know whatever ice cream because it's a little bit less calories and it's like oh there go all 1500 of your calories do i count my morning coffee yeah with the sugar and heavy cream this again we're not telling you guys to diet on 1500 calories
Starting point is 00:38:57 we're telling you 1200 because no there's gonna be a few listeners it's like okay they're saying 1500 i gotta do so thanks for the title i gotta say that again i'm sorry i just we just named diet on the 1500 calories um but i um i truly believe that in junior high or even high school that uh i know we talk about like oh students need to learn how to like balance their checkbook they need to learn you know real legit life skills but i think there should be a course where like people have to or kids have to track their their food with whole foods whatever i mean yeah that's actually a really good point i didn't think about that but like they would be like a pain in the ass to their family because they'd be oh look you just had a pizza guess how many calories that is like you
Starting point is 00:39:41 know like whatever it is just so that way they can be more educated because by time they do get to college and you know out of college they should have some slight you know uh you know memory of like oh shit like that's right i i'd probably just chow down on 4 000 calories on one plate both of my kids have some interesting habits um jake kind of eats pretty much whatever he wants um but he's got some interesting habits and rules for himself that are, they're just different. So it's actually pretty rare for him to snack. If he's going to have something, he usually has like a meal. And I, even though a bowl of cereal is probably more of a snack, but he'll do that on occasion, but he'll never, um, not, I shouldn't say never.
Starting point is 00:40:24 He will very, very rarely, um, have like an appetizer. Like he just, it doesn't matter. Even if it's a food group that he likes, he just won't eat it. And I asked him about it one day and he's like, well, I think it's just extra calories and I already have food coming. So, and he eats like whatever, you know, he eats French fries, he eats cheeseburgers. Um, he eats McDonald's, he eats, he doesndonald's he eats he doesn't have a great he doesn't have a great diet but he has that one practice that he kind of holds on to um okay
Starting point is 00:40:51 quinn never will never have a drink that has any calories in it although every once in a while she'll make like a smoothie but even even with that she'll throw like a protein powder in there something like that and so i think you know whatever habits that you can pick up and hold on to, you know, place them at high value and try to, you know, maybe for you, you like the appetizer. So maybe that doesn't work well for you, but maybe you're able to stay away from sugary drinks, you know, like what are some things that you can do and then repeat those things and ingrain them into your day to day. And then you can work on some of the other stuff down the road.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Wow. No, that doesn't mean those are two really dope things. They also don't really eat too much. Like they don't eat them. You know, they, they,
Starting point is 00:41:32 they, they'll eat, but Jake eats, you know, three times a day. Quinn eats like twice a day. Maybe she'll have like a yogurt or something as a snack or something like that. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:41:43 neither one of them, they're like, I'm fortunate in the fact that neither one of them is really obsessed with food you know they're not like oh he's like oh what are we gonna eat you know and like are we get ice cream tonight you know we have it's actually kind of weird because we have ice cream in our freezer almost at almost every day of the week you guys are wild yeah there's ice cream in there all the time and my kids still you know. And my kids still, you know, Quinn will have it a couple times a week
Starting point is 00:42:06 and Jake will have it, Jake will have it every day without fail. But he also like, he takes two scoops, you know, he's like scoop, scoop and he puts it back
Starting point is 00:42:15 and I'm like, how is that even, I'm like, I would just take a spoon and I'd go sit on the couch with the entire bucket of it, you know. I'll say this,
Starting point is 00:42:22 in recent memory, I have become more of an adult in the way that I can put like a pint of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer and not eat the whole thing. It is a very difficult task, but I've been able to do it. I think this is a sign of you getting weaker. I don't like this new Enzima. This is bad. Yeah, strong Enzima would eat that and then just go deadlift 900.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I'm saying. I'm not saying. I'm not saying. I haven't faltered. That you can't finish it i haven't faltered because there have been days where i've been like you know what i'm gonna eat that pint but i'm winning because there are more days now that i don't eat the pint right that used to never happen what's your favorite what's your favorite ben and jerry's uh give me some more it's called
Starting point is 00:43:00 give me some more i don't think i've so it's pretty new right no no no no no this has been out for the past three and a half years oh it's an exclusive flavor that like they only have every few times a year but yo when they have it i get like eight i'll start because everyone like goes to the grocery store gets it yeah it's it's literally the best ben and jerry's flavor i love ben and jerry's because they're like, fuck everybody else. We're just going to dump tons of candy into real time. I know that we've been talking about, you know, whole foods and being healthy. Uh, if you are a fan of Ben and Jerry's, I do really suggest that you find a way to get yourself to give me some more flavor. At least try it once, share it with your spouse, your kids.
Starting point is 00:43:45 It's the best. It literally is. There's no other Ben and Jerry's I've never had it, but I love fish food. And fish food has
Starting point is 00:43:54 marshmallow in it. Okay, fish food's alright. Yeah, fish food has like a little fudge fish and it has the marshmallow. I love that one. And I also love tonight dough.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Tonight dough's really good. Tonight dough is really good. Yeah, that one's freaking awesome. But Gimme Smell still blows them. Gimme S'more still blows them all out of the water. What you got, Andrew? Half-baked is good. Half-baked is alright. It's got brownie batter and cookie dough batter.
Starting point is 00:44:19 That's pretty damn smart. You guys are going to not like my answer, but I like anything mint chip you're disgusting i knew it i knew it but i don't like mint no i don't like mint either i feel like i just brushed my teeth and then tried to eat ice cream yes but lately my absolute favorite right now is the uh the peanut butter cup uh halo top ice cream i know i know when i say halo top people are like it tastes like you know flavored ice not this one they legit have like real chunks of peanut butter in it it's
Starting point is 00:44:50 chocolate it's it's really good and so what i've been doing is i'll mix that with uh so like i still follow a bunch of stuff from remington james so like i'll take some of his recipes and then i'll mix in like some halo top in there so i'll make this gigantic like ice cream shake like with the xanthan gum xanthan gum it rises it's so good i get so full off of it tell people how you use xanthan gum because i just like i've heard people talk about it but then you told me about i'm like that's actually pretty cool um it's super easy just add three grams to like um like it's called like bodybuilder ice cream it's anabolic ice cream so like a little bit so i'll tell you right now i'll see if i get exact numbers but it's um let me just kind of like a gelatin almost right like it kind of hardens it up thickens it a little
Starting point is 00:45:35 bit it gets weird so a little bit of bulk yeah so like last night so i had 80 grams of the peanut butter cup halo top ice cream i had uh oh that I had four tablespoons of the PB Fit powder, whatever, the protein, some slingshot protein, and then a little bit of almond milk, and then three grams of the xanthan gum. Threw some ice in there, and it went from, I don't know, maybe hitting the 16-ounce mark on it, and then I just kept blending in it. And the longer you blend it, the thicker it gets. Oh, wow. But it gets to a point where like all of a sudden you're now eating like a soft sponge.
Starting point is 00:46:11 So like you can go too far. Yeah. But it went up to like close to like the 20 ounce mark. Sometimes you got to eat it with a spoon, right? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So I started eating it with the spoon and then eventually it started to melt so I can use a straw. That's cool, man.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And, dude, trying to eat that, like, the whole thing, like, you start to, like, oh, boy, I still got, like, a quarter left. And then you get full. And so, like, that little snack right there had 65 grams of protein, 26 carbs, and 10 grams of fat. So, that was a whole meal for me, okay? So, because it was 484 calories. But that's how I ended my night. So I saved all my carbs just for that thing because I really wanted that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:51 And how many calories are you on right now, by the way, Andrew? It's six. Where did it go? I'm on 1620. 1620. You're doing quite a bit of lifting doing quite a bit of cardio how bad does the diet feel right now it doesn't feel bad at all really not at all uh honestly the the hardest part right as of this week is the fact that you took my carbs away that's been the
Starting point is 00:47:18 most difficult part other than that like i said i'm following remington remington james is like a cookbook recipe yeah so like i i'm i'm having flatbread pizzas i'm having uh french toast like it's it's really dope like it's i'm not like going without anything i almost feel like uh because you know we were talking about having uh like a pretty dope like epic cheat meal at the end of the photo shoot and stuff i almost feel like i don't deserve it because like i'm not'm not like, Oh, I can't wait to have this and that. Like I might have something just to like celebrate with everybody, but it's been super chill. Like, uh, fasting doesn't let me, I know that sounds funny, but fasting allows me to not be hungry. If that makes sense. Cause I'm not, I'm not starting the
Starting point is 00:48:02 day eating something. And then by 10 o'clock looking like, oh, what am I going to eat? What am I going to eat? No, it's like not hungry till about 12 and then I'll push it to one. And then after that, it's like, all right, 1600 calories. Here I come. Yeah. So it's been nice. And yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Cardio every day, except for today because I didn't wake up on time and still no alarm clock. I keep waking up at two or five. I can't wake up on time and still no no alarm clock i keep waking up at two or five i can't wake up at three that's where i need i need to wake up at three and i can't get there pissing me off oh man but no it's been great yeah no that that's like that's the thing that i've really found out when people are trying to diet like if you can learn how to do what you're doing right now just like not eat for a while those calories that are typically make people cry like if you're eating whole foods those calories are a lot of food to eat in like eight hours or seven hours it's a lot of food
Starting point is 00:48:56 yeah like i'll have a salad with uh 85 grams of spinach 85 grams is a lot like it'll fill you up so it's it's been nice. Cause like I said, I, I, that'll be like, that's usually how I break my fastest with a big salad, you know? And I, I, I just, I don't feel hungry and it's, that could be me, you know, cause I've been doing this for a little bit now. So, you know, getting some of that momentum, but it feels, it feels good. And, and like Mark said, like, I, I'm going to just continue to do this forever. Like, I don't want to go back to just feeling like crap. Like, you know, like I kind of did towards the beginning of this year, you know, I shredded down, I got in the
Starting point is 00:49:36 best shape of my life. And then all of a sudden I'm just like, Oh man, I don't like the person in the mirror right now. Not the person. I don't like the way I look yeah and for me yeah it's worth it to you know like my wife's pregnant so she's gonna get some weird cravings i've been to in and out i think like maybe four times and just got her food and left like i haven't i haven't had it because it doesn't it doesn't even get close to fitting my macros but it's i don't feel like i need to have it like i don't feel like i'm like oh i wish i could have it like no like i'm gonna go home and you know have dope steak or like whatever it may be and it's been it's been awesome and then the the cardio has been the biggest like uh new thing for me which is doing it every day no matter what and i do that by just
Starting point is 00:50:22 watching netflix on the treadmill and I walk or I, yeah, just a brisk walk uphill. It's been chill. Yeah. Yeah. Fasting. I think,
Starting point is 00:50:31 you know, it, it does a, it does a bunch of great stuff for us. I think maybe some things are maybe, uh, over talked about or overemphasized, but if people feel it,
Starting point is 00:50:44 they feel it. Um, I've never really felt like, I know some people like people like oh i'm just on fire with my work you know from fasting um i do seem to be able to uh concentrate okay and work hard but i've always been able to do that so um i think that a caloric deficit would also do that i think think, you know, just like even if you ate, you know, throughout the day and you just felt a little hungry all day long, I think that that would accomplish a similar thing, you know, to getting like hyper-focused or whatever. But the thing that I love about fasting is, again, I like the fact that, number one, you get to kind of put your calories at a different point in the day. You can stick them at the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:51:24 There's also many different ways to utilize intermittent fasting. you get to kind of put your calories at a different point in the day. You could stick them at the end of the day. There's also many different ways to utilize intermittent fasting. You could potentially, you know, eat in the morning and eat at lunch and then discontinue earlier in the day. Just be a weirdo like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Yeah. It is weird. It would be weird. Another thing that you can do is you can have a breakfast and then just not eat for a while, like not eat for six hours, eight hours. I still consider that intermittent fasting, even though it's a different version of it because people want you kind of cleared out, I guess, for 16 or 18 hours or so. But you have to keep in mind there's some things that are going on in your body that
Starting point is 00:52:00 are really important to note. One is that the fact that when you, with or without food, you have a cascade of hunger that happens throughout the day, whether you ate or not. I kind of feel pretty hungry right now, mainly because probably we're talking about food, but I feel pretty hungry right now. But had I had some food at 7 a.m. or 6 a.m.,
Starting point is 00:52:24 I'd still be very hungry because what time is it now? I don't even know. 9.m. or 6 a.m. or something, I'd still be very hungry. Because what time is it now? I don't even know. 9, 20? Yeah, of course. I'd be starving right now. I'd probably feel more hungry. But there's scientific proof of this.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Like, there's research behind this, that your hunger is going to cascade throughout the day just because that's what we do. We have a circadian rhythm to the sun. And when the sun's out, we're probably supposed to be looking for some food. And we know at some certain points of the day we're supposed to eat. And I don't know if the way that we've eaten the three meals a day, if that's been going on long enough to really get into our genes or whatever. But your hormones will go up and down throughout the day, regardless of whether you were to eat or not. And then also you can kind of not really kill, but you can, I guess, deter some of your hunger
Starting point is 00:53:17 hormone by fasting. You work on it. You get used to it. And people that fast are like, oh, yeah, man, it's easy. And you're like, what the fuck? How is it easy? Like it seems impossible. You just don't eat for half the day and you're fine. You're like, anytime I ever tried to not eat, I had a headache or I didn't feel good or I felt weak. But it does take a little time to get used to. But once you get used to
Starting point is 00:53:40 it, it is magical. It is a cheat code. It is a way to partition off your calories somewhere else. And I don't know all the information. I'd have to go back and look at it again. But I do believe that they have done some studies, at least as of now, showing that if you're on a 2000 calorie diet, whether you're on a 2000 calorie diet and you did and you ate throughout the day versus a 16-8 model, I think that's where this model came from. They have some research saying that the 16-8 model on the same exact amount of calories is a little bit more beneficial for you.
Starting point is 00:54:12 I don't know how much more beneficial. I don't know how much that I personally believe that. I would think that, you know, the types of food choices that you had in those 2,000 calories would be, you know, the most important thing. And I wouldn't hang my hat on that. You know, I wouldn't be like, oh, I'm going in those 2,000 calories would be the most important thing. And I wouldn't hang my hat on that. I wouldn't be like, oh, I'm going to eat 5,000 calories a day, but it's going to eat it all in one meal. But at least for now, there is some research pointing to the fact that it might be a little bit more optimal. So even just that small change of just doing that, and then could you reduce your calories a little bit from there?
Starting point is 00:54:48 That should be very easy if you're going to eat two or three times a day rather than five or six exactly i had a pretty good question uh from eric and this is good because both of you have worked with a lot of people um you know let me close this out um in all different walks of life especially you and sema but um eric asked can you discuss the impact of emotional eating and how a lot of people use food as an antidepressant and the impact quarantine is going to have on emotional eating snacking etc yeah yeah that that that's a tough one because um like right now we we've we've talked about quarantine and trying to figure out more things to do especially if you don't have gym access. Before quarantine, a lot of people were using exercising, getting outside, getting together with people as ways to sometimes deal with stress, feel better. Even myself, through quarantine, I realized how much I like talking to the homies.
Starting point is 00:55:46 It makes a big difference. myself, I, through quarantine, I realized how much I like talking to the homies. Like, like it's a, it makes a big difference. So I've been making much more of an effort to get out and, you know, go sit outside of my homies porch and just talk and then stuff like that, because I could feel myself wanting to pick up bad habits and it's happening not just to me, but to people I work with too, because some people I work with still don't have gym access, et cetera. Um, and yeah, if you, if you in the past have resorted to food and you figure out a way to, to, to, you know, fix that before quarantine and now that's happening again, you just gotta, I think right now it's got to figure something else out again. Something else has to be figured out if you don't have a gym or, or whatever, you got to figure out a way to do that.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Um, because it can it can it can it's getting pretty bad for some people so i'd also say um is food an antidepressant you know like i would really question that like i understand what he's saying i understand that people fill in gaps with certain habits and things like that. But look, man, your food is making you fucking depressed as shit. Like it's making you feel worse. That's the thing. That's the thing to remember. That's the thing to really pay attention to.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I mean, even just like in going to the bathroom, your trips to the bathroom when you eat better, it changes everything. Like you very rarely have to like all of a sudden out of nowhere, run to the bathroom when you, when you're, when your food is on point. Once you slip up, like you did lesson learned,
Starting point is 00:57:17 right? It's, it's actually, it changes everything. I mean, eating better is always, is always better. It's always a better option for your body, it changes everything. I mean, eating better is always better. It's always a better option for your body, for your brain. So I would just say, look, man, you have to understand that eating healthy is going to help you to feel less depressed.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Now, we also need nutrients, though. So I know that in this show, we've been talking about eating eating less and we're talking about like burning fat and things of that nature. But, you know, I want to make sure that we're clear that, you know, when we're talking about 1500 calories and things like that, that that is for people to mainly lose weight. But a lot of people just don't get enough nutrition, period. They're not they don't eat enough or they don't eat enough nutritious foods. So there is that side of it as well. And if you want to feel good, if you want to feel better, you probably need to, you know, have, you probably need to make sure that you're getting a good amount of nutrition from, you know, various food sources. Something like the vertical diet
Starting point is 00:58:21 comes to mind where there's a little bit of fruit in there. There's a little bit of carbohydrate in there. There's some fat in there. There's some protein in there. And Stan, you know, wants to eat like kind of certain vegetables and things like that. And you're getting vitamins and minerals. And Stan's very big on making sure that you're getting in enough sodium and potassium in your diet. And all those things are all huge factors. And we've had people on the podcast before talking about the,
Starting point is 00:58:48 there's a direct link between your stomach and your brain. And so don't, don't think that sitting down with a Snickers bar is going to ever solve any problems for you. It's going to make you, it will taste good and it will be rewarding for the moment. But the next, like,
Starting point is 00:59:03 does it last? Is it, is it good the next day like are you still like are you gonna go into work and be like yo you guys won't believe what i did last night right i mean it's like not that exciting you know you're like you'd be like you fat fuck why'd you do that think of it this way me and my friend were having a conversation the other day and um i don't know how we got on it but he was like would you ever pay for yeah would you ever pay for a hooker and i was like no no of course not i don't think i would wait follow me here follow me here um
Starting point is 00:59:36 because like no that's like no i would never put myself in a situation where that would be necessary but when you think about it bad food is like a it's like a cheap hooker it feels great in the moment potentially i wouldn't know just saying it feels great in the moment but afterwards you feel all this regret sadness maybe you want to cry because you just you just made a horrible mistake and if you think of food in that sense hey it's like a cheap hooker it's not good you know especially that snickers bar cheap hooker i think i think sex or even even uh masturbation i think i think it's all i think it's all in the same you know sex masturbation food i think they're all kind of in drinking alcohol like you think these things are going to be like great for you they think they're
Starting point is 01:00:22 going to be um and a lot of times they don't really they don't they don't normally uh allow you to feel better about yourself for some reason we're tricked into thinking that they're going to well because you know it's going to be like pleasurable right but then you're not thinking like it doesn't it certainly doesn't build on your character any further nope oh uh robo hobo says hey snickers is a classy lady hey i agree with you guy i agree with you my guy not going anywhere for a while that's their thing right yeah and and uh yeah during quarantine you're like yep not going anywhere for a while tear up they always tear that top off perfectly how do they do that on that commercial they tear the top off it's perfect do they do that? On that commercial, they tear the top off.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Yeah, every time. Perfectly. It's got a nice little handle and just perfect bite. Yeah. Snickers, if you're listening. We love you. Well, we love you, but you fucked us over pretty bad when you started to break up the bars. That's bullshit.
Starting point is 01:01:17 When did they start doing that? I don't know. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. United States has never been the same since they did that. I don't know when they did. It's been all downhill since. Yeah. I wonder why. Was it same since they did that. I don't know when they did. It's been all downhill since. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I wonder why. Was it a regulation issue? No. Because it doesn't make any sense. You had a great, perfect bar. It's great having a giant bar. Yeah. It really is.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Now you have two mini bars. I think you can still get a giant, giant Snickers bar, but I think it's cheaper somehow. Of course. Yeah. Because it's the same size, but there's two, there's surface area in the middle. So now there's, they're selling you a little bit of air where they used to be.
Starting point is 01:01:49 It's like their guy got like a new machine or some shit and only cuts half. Yeah. It only makes it this way. And I remember being a kid, somebody probably saved them tons of money by doing that. Yeah. Right. Yep.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I remember being a kid and getting a, a, a king size three musketeers it was like the size of me that fucking thing never ended like it's so chewy king size bars man used to be my jam back in the day those ah as a kid you get like a king size snickers oh yeah it was a party yeah a giant ass uh like charlest That's a giant, like, tootsie roll type thing. Yeah, and Abba Zabba. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:29 One of my favorite snacks. What are some of those things? What's Abba Zabba? It's like a Charleston Chew. Okay. But, like, staler. Y'all are going to be like, you're stupid and seemo. But what's a Charleston Chew?
Starting point is 01:02:38 I know I've heard of it. It's super chewy. It's kind of like a halfway between a Three Musketeers and a Tootsie Roll. So it's like a chewy version of a Three Musketeers. Like impossibly chewy, yeah. Okay. They're pretty good. They're not on a level of Snickers bar.
Starting point is 01:02:57 Can we talk about why are Tootsie Rolls, why were they ever a thing? Because Tootsie Rolls are like, they're one of the worst chocolate snacks i think just because they're old like they're from like a long time ago okay because like you eat them and that they don't taste like real chocolate then they're also oddly chewy they get stuck in your teeth and it's just like you this there's a lot of bad candy out there for all of our favorite right here this is from uh and it's episode 420 so it's perfect but from um oh my god i can't believe i can't remember the name of this movie oh god lee really i can't remember i've watched this so many times i know oh dang it it's a good movie though somebody in the comments right
Starting point is 01:03:37 now is gonna yell at yeah we're we're pathetic wow i can't dude i watched this movie so many times but yeah this is uh that's an abba zabba okay it stretches so far real quick question before we get back to being serious because we really should i don't know we we somehow got to bed and jerry's and candy hookers and candy what was like your uh one of your favorite kid snacks i remember like i used to i used to always every time i go to the store, we'd get a bag of Cracker Jacks. You know, they're the caramel corn type.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Yeah. They were so good. Yeah. With the peanuts in them and stuff. Yeah. Those are amazing. The little sailor kid was on the front of it. I love Cracker Jacks.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Man. I liked all kinds of stuff. Half baked. God. Half baked. Yeah. That's. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:22 And we mentioned the ice cream earlier. I'm trying to think of what was like a go-to. I know like we had like granola bars and shit like that with chocolate chips in them and the chocolate chip peanut butter ones and stuff like that. But I'm trying to... Candy-wise, I mean, I always liked Snickers bars, peanut butter cups. Always loved ice cream. I used to eat Doritos a lot.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Back in the day, I used to eat a lot of Doritos. Doritos are dangerous, man. Yeah, I used to go through a whole bag of Doritos. Doritos, peanut butter cups, and then my parents would always get the off-brand Oreos. So we just had pounds of that shit. That's all we got. So they're a little stale, but I'm going to eat all of them. It's delicious.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And this is why we had so many problems with food later in life. For me, for sure. Oh, huge. Oh yeah. Frozen. Uh,
Starting point is 01:05:16 Ray something, something says corn dogs. Yeah. I lived off of frozen corn dogs. Oh yeah. I had a little bit of that. Those are corn dogs were good. Some corn dogs, corn dogs, bag i i had a little bit of that those corn dogs were good some corn dogs corn dogs bagel dogs is like so classy and so good though a bagel dog i don't think i ever had that
Starting point is 01:05:33 it's amazing you know this makes me wonder guys like i can see how a hot dog can go into a bagel i know it's different it's a different shape like it's not like it's not a bagel like round bagel it's more like a uh it's like it's like a tube and then you the weenie goes straight through it yeah with with mustard it's so it's it's not it's not like this it's more round so so imagine your your microphone for you your your microphone is the bagel shape yes and then the the hot dog goes straight through it oh my god and it's about that size so wait oh so i was wondering is there a hot dog hanging out of each side of this bagel yeah oh yeah that's weird it's delicious it makes no sense no it's so good it sounds pornographic it really does does. Just on an Island over here. You were over here dying.
Starting point is 01:06:30 Yeah. I'm like, what? Bagel, bagel dog, bagel dog, microwavable frozen pizzas too. But yo,
Starting point is 01:06:40 this, all of this talk really makes me, uh, just really wonder how will i feed my kid because i don't want to be too able about everything right where they can't have a snickers but i also don't want them to like the snickers too much where they're like i always want snickers yeah so yeah and and i don't want to be one of those parents that like oh when my kid has candy they get sick or when my kid has candy, they get sick.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Or when my kid has candy, they think it's gross. They want it. I'm like, come on. Be normal. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm a little, I'm conflicted. My wife bakes a lot of, like, she'll make, I guess you'd call them casseroles. You know, she makes a lot of casserole type stuff.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Like one of the, she does it's like in so many different ways with so many different types of meat um but sometimes we'll take like lean hamburger meat maybe a combination of some some lean and some fatter meat uh just so it's not too dry and we'll just take that and we'll have like tomato sauce with it we try to get tomato sauce that has like the least amount of um the least amount of sugar in it. And then from there, sometimes she might throw cauliflower in there. Just to give it a little bit of texture. Just throw Italian seasoning in there. Chuck that thing in the oven. And now the whole family
Starting point is 01:07:59 has a plate full of food that has protein in it. It's moderate in fat and has a plate full of food that has protein in it. It's moderate in fat and has a lot of protein in it. It tastes really good. She'll do stuff like that with chicken sometimes. Sometimes with chicken, it's like more like different type of seasoning. We won't throw tomato sauce on that. We'll just kind of let that cook a little bit more normal. But I think with kids, I think most kids like chicken, actually.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Most kids are okay with chicken. Now, if you just give them a flat, you know, just a regular chicken breast that has no skin on it and no seasoning on it, like they're not going to really... Kids don't dig food the way like an adult would get food. Like an adult would have like a chicken breast, a little thing of rice, and like a couple vegetables. Kids like stuff kind of all plowed together and smashed together. And so if you monster mash a lot of stuff, I guess that's kind of, yeah, my wife's foods are like, they kind of resemble like a monster mash type of deal where it's easier to get down because the monster mash has, you know, it's meat and rice and bone broth. We'll sometimes use bone broth with stuff.
Starting point is 01:09:05 Like our kids would probably be like horrified if they, if they knew we used bone broth, they would think it's probably gross. Just really, I don't know why they would think it's gross, but maybe they, maybe they would, I don't know. Maybe they wouldn't, but yeah, we throw it into certain things just to give the meat a little bit of extra flavor. We try to, we're not overly health conscious though, either.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Like I am and my wife is but like our kids are just they just kind of eat they we also try to have them eat what we're eating so like when i sit down for dinner and regardless of what we have i always eat what we have like i i'll i'll cook a i'll cook a steak i'll eat the steak but i always eat what we're eating because I want to show them that, like, hey, we all eat this. You know what I mean? Like, this is good for all of us. The other thing we try to do, but this doesn't always work out, especially, like, in a bigger family setting. A lot of times people are like, oh, let's cook a pizza for the kids.
Starting point is 01:10:00 And you're like, we have such great nutritious food right here. Why are we going to fucking cook pizza for the kids? you're like we have such we have such great nutritious food right here why we're gonna fucking cook pizza for the kids yeah you know yeah of course the kids are gonna be excited about pizza and i understand that you don't think they're gonna be as excited about the steak or whatever but like fuck them let's make them excited about it like you know you gotta you gotta force them sometimes right you gotta fuck them yeah fuck them hey what's for dinner this can i get pizza no not tonight tomorrow you can we'll have pizza tomorrow how about that how about you shut the fuck up every parent is like yeah yeah tell them to shut the fuck up again oh man great but yeah so when we had uh we had family over for the first time at the new
Starting point is 01:10:48 crib so i was able to cook food dude i front loaded so much meat but for everybody and then you know kind of looking around like where's the uh like nope here's another steak have fun yeah you know so it's cool to be able to control you know what like the majority of the food that's going to be consumed without having to really be like, you shouldn't probably eat that much, you know, potato salad or whatever it may be. But it's nice to be able to control that sort of thing. And with Jazz, like she gets pumped for steaks, dude. Like last night she was like thrilled to have Piedmontese Flatirons. It was amazing.
Starting point is 01:11:22 I'm like, yeah, we did good. Good parenting. It probably took some time though too right you had to show her different steaks and she probably maybe was grossed out by it at one point and she had to get different flavors and try it a couple times and eventually you land on something that they like yeah yeah and she was she was pumped and then if she does want like the other day she was you know doing the thing where like you should think she goes into the fridge comes back five minutes later like do you want like breakfast or something yeah like do you want french toast like do you want one of my like pizzas okay and so like i use different ingredients
Starting point is 01:11:59 to like use like more whole fat and more foods and stuff but pizza she loved it and it was you know it's just it's it's a nice alternative to like anything else that she probably would have grabbed me she might have grabbed cereal or something yeah you know like when both you guys are talking about this i think first off yeah both of your uh children are great examples of you know letting them have certain things every now and then letting them even see you guys eat some of it but you guys have good enough healthy eating habits that they kind of follow what you do in a way because the thing i was thinking about was like you know if you never let them have it because there's some parents you see on ig they're like my kids don't eat that they eat whole foods right
Starting point is 01:12:38 when this kid turns 18 19 20 and they're out and then they're like i'm gonna lose it this is a snickers this is the best thing I've ever had in my life. They're just going to go fucking crazy. Right? I don't want that to happen. So get a little bit here and then let them learn how to moderate and yeah, I like it. Yeah, let them learn to enjoy those foods and stuff
Starting point is 01:12:58 like that. And then the other thing that's gotten better for me with my kids, especially being older, is like I don't binge. You know? Because I'm like, yeah, like that's not good for them to see that. You know what I mean? Like, and also I just I shouldn't be doing it. So I just found it. You know, I also found that like I just unless attracted to binge binging like that anymore.
Starting point is 01:13:19 But it'll still happen here and there. I'll still get some like ice cream. And usually if I'm going to buy ice cream, I I'm going to go to the store and buy ice cream, I'm going to buy candy too. You know, I'm not going to usually be like, Oh, I'm just going to get this one thing.
Starting point is 01:13:30 You know, I already know, I already know that that's not, that's not going to happen, but it's been a lot, you know, a lot more under control. But for the kids to see like that,
Starting point is 01:13:38 all of the, all the food that you have or all the food that's around and available can be part of a nutritious diet. It can be part of it. You can have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and mac and cheese and stuff like that. It's just, I would just be with children. I think it's good to just be mindful of how do I get them more protein? And I think the same thing of elderly people as well, like just figure out a way, you know, they don't really need more oatmeal or whatever they need. They need more protein.
Starting point is 01:14:08 They need to figure out a way to continue to eat protein. So they don't end up, uh, you know, we lose muscle mass as we get older. You need to hold that muscle mass to hold your metabolism together so that you can stay strong. And if you can stay strong, you can still walk, you can still move around. Maybe you can still even like run. That's going to help you the most with longevity. It's just staying fit, staying strong, being able to continue to move around. Those are going to be things that are going to benefit you the most.
Starting point is 01:14:40 Still don't have a gym right now, yo? Just get a kettlebell. Get a kettlebell. I think, real quick, I don't even a gym right now, yo? Just get a kettlebell. Get a kettlebell. I think, real quick, I don't even want to change subjects, but what do you think is the most cost-effective thing a single piece of equipment or pieces of equipment to have in a garage right now? I think you could easily have a couple of bands and some kettlebells and you're good to go. Yeah. Yeah. I think, you know, I don't even know if you need kettlebells i think you could even just have one you could yeah a good 30 or 40 pounder depending on or even a dumbbell like a dumbbell can be kind of used like a kettlebell it's not as maybe not as universal but
Starting point is 01:15:15 even just like a 30 or 40 pound dumbbell you know and if you're maybe not as strong maybe a little lighter but i don't think people that are really strong need to have some crazy dumbbell. You know, I don't think it needs to be, you know, like a hundred pound dumbbell or kettlebell or anything like that. I think you can get a great workout. I mean, start trying to do overhead squats, even just with one 30 pound dumbbell. I mean, you're dying, right? I mean, it's freaking hard or thrusters or whatever it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:41 All right. Cool. Yo, I think, um, the title of this episode should be uh 1500 calories yeah it's already you only need 1500 calories i think we need you just oh okay so breast milk hookers and 1500 calories do you think youtube would not yeah i think that's actually that's okay maybe hookers might might be good hookers might get more views. Okay, breast milk, the lady of the night, and 1,500 calories. That's a long title.
Starting point is 01:16:14 But breast milk and 1,500 calories has to be included. So for YouTube, I'll keep it clean, but iTunes will go nuts. Okay, sick. I like it. Take us on out of here, Andrew. Hope you guys had fun with us today. We definitely did. So thank you, everybody, for checking out today's episode.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Thank you to Piedmontese for sponsoring this episode. For more information on them, please check the YouTube, Facebook descriptions, and the podcast show notes. Please make sure you're following the podcast at Mark Bell's Power Project on Instagram, at MB Power Project on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, all over the place. My Instagram is at IamAndrewZ. And Seema, where are you at? At EnseemaYinYing on Instagram, YouTube, at EnseemaYinYing on Twitter.
Starting point is 01:16:51 Mark? I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Catch y'all later. Bye.

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