Mark Bell's Power Project - EP. 449 - Mr. Olympia Doc and Prepping for Thanksgiving

Episode Date: November 24, 2020

Today we discuss the upcoming documentary on 7x Mr. Olympia Phil Heath from The Rock and Seven Bucks Productions. We have a feeling they won't talk about the dark side of bodybuilding and feel it will... cause controversy but still can't wait to see it. We also give you some tips and tricks on not to over indulge this Thanksgiving. What you can do before, during and after the big feast. Subscribe to the Podcast on on Platforms! ➢ Special perks for our listeners below! ➢LMNT Electrolytes: Purchase 3 boxes and receive one free, plus free shipping! No code required! ➢Freeze Sleeve: Use Code "POWER25" for 25% off plus FREE Shipping on all domestic orders! ➢Piedmontese Beef: Use Code "POWERPROJECT" at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $99 ➢Sling Shot: Enter Discount code, "POWERPROJECT" at checkout and receive 15% off all Sling Shots Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ Insta: ➢ ➢ Twitter: ➢ LinkedIn: ➢ YouTube: ➢TikTok: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell ➢Mark Bell's Daily Workouts, Nutrition and More: Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ Instagram: Podcast Produced by Andrew Zaragoza ➢ Instagram: #PowerProject #Podcast #MarkBell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to another episode of Mark Bell's Power Project podcast. Today's episode of the podcast is brought to you by friends over at Free Sleeve. Dude, I used to never, ever, never, ever, forever, never, like, ice anything down. Like, you know, everybody knows I got a bad back. My elbow is always bugging me. I would never do it because it's such a pain in the butt. Like, it just, it sucks, right? Like, I hate it.
Starting point is 00:00:22 No, icing, usually, like, I would avoid it too. I knew I'd need to, like, ice my elbow or ice my knee or ice my back. And I just wouldn't do it because it makes a mess. Freaking water drips everywhere. It's hard to set up. Ice packs aren't comfortable. Like, you can't get the front and the back of your elbow at the same time, which is why the freeze sleeve and the flat pack are so damn good. Because with the flat pack, you can ice your shoulder.
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Starting point is 00:01:32 lifting in there and it's fun to be able to relate to it and to watch these people, you know, go through these agonizing workouts. I think from that standpoint, I think the Phil Heath documentary would be really cool. I don't, you know, I have not seen any clips of it or anything, so I don't really know their full intentions, but I believe they're trying to show like his comeback. And if they're going to tell his comeback story, I imagine they would talk about his surgery that he had on his stomach. He had like a hernia. And then when he came back, he just wasn't the same and so forth and then he he lost one and has been retired since that time for a bit and now he's making a comeback and I think if he wins I think that he either I can't remember if he beats Lee Haney and I want to say Lee Haney and Ronnie Coleman are maybe tied with like eight victories
Starting point is 00:02:28 or something like that. Maybe, maybe you can look it up or something, but I think he'll surpass those guys and get nine. I think originally he wanted to get 10, but either way, I think it'd be interesting. The problem is I just don't think they're going to talk about performance enhancing drugs at all. And I hope that they do at least a little bit. I know that once you go down that rabbit hole that it's really distracting. It throws people way off. But I train really hard every day. I've been training for 30 years. And it's not like I somehow exponentially train worse than someone like Nsema who is, who's natty. It's just that Nsema is naturally built that way along with working really hard and along with figuring out a lot of stuff. And so when it comes to performance enhancing drugs, I think that people, a lot of times they dismiss to communicate and why not try to just say,
Starting point is 00:03:48 look, this is professional bodybuilding. This is part of it. Insulin, growth hormone. It would be a lot to undertake, but I don't know how you talk about professional bodybuilding without talking about drugs. Yeah. So Lee Haney has eight and then Phil Heath has seven. So it looks like he would tie the, uh, the mo for the most wins. And Ronnie would be eight too. So they'd all be at eight at that point.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Yeah. Right. Wow. Um, you know, you, you had me when you said that Mark about the PEDs had me thinking like, the thing is it's when the doc comes out,
Starting point is 00:04:22 they're probably not going to talk about it, but you know, that YouTube is going to have a field day with it. Like, that's the thing. They's when the doc comes out they're probably not going to talk about it but you know that youtube is gonna have a field day with it like that's the thing they won't talk about it but they're going to be all these youtubers that are going to be like but they didn't talk about drugs right well yeah just because it is you know the rock and uh seven bucks productions and stuff i mean are they do you think they're going to ignore it completely or like i mean can they and like how how do you think that's going to go like it's sort of like if i don't it's rated like pg or something i don't know how that
Starting point is 00:04:57 shit works but yeah yeah yeah i don't think that they can um i think it'd be too hard maybe too hard to ignore it um but again i don't i just don't know how i don't i mean i know generation iron they don't talk about it much um because they're trying to showcase the bodybuilders but they at least bring it up a little bit here and there um the jay cutler approach to it you know people used to ask him i remember seeing him on like a local news channel one time and he was just, they asked him about it. He's like, he's like, it's, it's, it's part of, it's part of professional bodybuilding is what he said. He said, he said performance enhancing drugs.
Starting point is 00:05:37 They asked him if he took them and he said, performance enhancing drugs are a big part of professional bodybuilding. You could even leave it at that, I think. You know what I mean? You can say, hey, we're enhanced athletes and we have an extra 30, 40, I don't know how many pounds on us. But if you look at natural bodybuilding, a lot of the guys that are natural if they were to go on stuff they would really just be about 20 30 pounds bigger probably so you know it's dave tate used to talk about how you have these cards that you can play at different points in your life and he's like if you're if
Starting point is 00:06:22 you're going to start to like lift weights to make your high school football team, but you had to lift weights, like you had to like train for it. That's a card that you can pull out at a particular point. And for some people, they might need to pull that card earlier. They might need to really not just work out with the team and lift during the season and all the normal stuff. Might have to actually train. And there's a lot of people in the offseason that are working on getting their 40 down to 4.8 seconds. But there's also people on the team that run a four or five without really much history of running and stuff like that. So you can pull these different cards at different points in your life. But once you pull
Starting point is 00:07:01 out that card to... You can use supplements, you can diet, right? There's a lot of things you can do and they can have a pretty big impact. But once you pull that card for steroids, you only get to pull it once. And it's like, you put that card down on the table, you gain your 20, 30, whatever that amount of weight is. And you don't, it doesn't, it doesn't like pile up on itself. I think that's what people think. I think that people think you're going to get a percentage better all the time, but it's no, you just get a percentage better, period. And then the goal from there is to try to figure out a way to hold on to that, whether you stay on them forever or cycle through different things or just take more and more, which happens a lot. different things or just take more and more, which happens a lot. I guess the choice is yours, but without them, you most likely will lose a lot of those gains as well. One thing I'd be interested to see in the, or like if I'm going to see one person off steroids at some point, cause he's going to have to be off it at some point in his life
Starting point is 00:08:02 and see what he looks like. It's big Ramy because you're like, oh, yeah, it doesn't just stack and stack. Big Ramy, bro, stacks. Oh, yeah. I think it's stacked and stacked for Big Ramy. So you bring up a good point. When you start to bring in the other parts of the performance enhancing drugs, which I've never tangled with before, but like growth hormone and insulin and things of that nature, you could be right because insulin will allow you to shuttle in like more carbohydrates
Starting point is 00:08:31 and taking more nutrients and stuff. Growth hormone will help you continue to stay lean. So these guys can get pretty, pretty damn wild. I've seen some YouTube videos before where they show guys before and after, you know, guys that went through their career. And, but like, you know, we,
Starting point is 00:08:50 we know that Phil Heath has always looked amazing. You know, Phil Heath is an exceptional athlete, former basketball player. I got nothing but respect for him. Nothing but respect for the rock, nothing but respect for the people that are putting their, their money into this. I mean, this is a huge deal to have bodybuilding showcase this way and hope
Starting point is 00:09:09 i hope it's a huge success i just that was the first thing that popped in my head because i see the rocks instagram uh turning into like the oprah winfrey show you know it kind of turned into like a really soft p version of of where he started. And maybe that's just maybe that's his new life. Maybe it has to be that way. I have no clue what it would be like to have 200 million people waiting every day for you to make a post, you know, so he's got a crazy responsibility. But at the same time, if we're being honest and being critical i see him hustling that tequila all the time he doesn't have a problem with that so it just brings up some you know
Starting point is 00:09:51 real interesting stuff in my opinion yeah he has to uh leave everybody like a little feel good story every time they check out his social media right which is dope yeah and what's really dope is uh so like you know the new xbox just came out so they were showing clips of him introducing the first one and you know he was still like the rock you know the wrestler so he had the hair and he looked you know very much old school i mean that's how long ago it was so he he teamed up with them again and he's i can't remember what he even did but he was giving out a bunch of X-Boxes to people or something like that or raising money. I, whatever it is, he's still trying to be a good dude. But what's crazy to me is here we are. I don't even know how many years
Starting point is 00:10:36 ago, bigger, stronger, faster was, you know, over a decade, uh, maybe like 15 years at this point now. And it's still, in my opinion, like the, the best, you know, documentary on all this stuff. Um, is it, I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:50 I know in, uh, nine enhanced athlete, uh, generation iron with enhanced athlete, they did some pretty controversial shit, but it still wasn't as revolutionary as bigger, stronger,
Starting point is 00:11:00 faster. Um, do you think it's because it was kind of the first or it's just there hasn't really been anything quite up to par, quite up to that level or both? I think Bigger, Stronger, Faster was a family story. And also my brother was like, you know, trying to get other people to talk about it. And no one really talked about it. There wasn't really, the only people that would talk about it were people that just didn't have much to lose. Um, it was people that weren't, you know, already like famous or wealthy. Um,
Starting point is 00:11:39 it was, uh, I mean, me and my brother talked about it, but like, we didn't have, I mean, the only thing we had to, well, there's always a lot to lose. It's illegal, you know? And at that time I didn't have like prescription for it and stuff like that. So there's some dangers to it. But, you know, as far as we understood and the information that we had at the time was like, hey man, let it rip. It's a movie, you know? And that's what we'll be able to say if anything happens. And we're like, all right, well, I'll trust you lawyers and, you know,
Starting point is 00:12:09 we'll see, we'll see what happens here. But I think what made bigger, stronger, faster, unique is that my brother was trying to get to the bottom of almost more like the reason why, uh, people use performance enhancing drugs rather than, uh, bashing performance enhancing drugs rather than bashing performance enhancing drugs. It was more like, hey, let's just see what's up with this. Oh, okay. Everybody wants to be number one. And some people don't really mind the cost of it. Whereas these other people over here really do. And then what I grew up in powerlifting, steroids were steroids were never looked down upon ever. Not, not, I mean, they would be looked down upon in a sense that if you competed in a drug tested federation and you were on shit, then we're like, what's this guy? It's like, come on, dude, this guy's
Starting point is 00:12:56 a monster. Like, what is, what is he doing in this federation? This is ridiculous. So we would look down on it on things like that but from the time i was young going to local gyms and stuff i'd hear guys talking about stuff and it wasn't like they were whispering and it wasn't like this weird thing they were like oh yeah i've been like running some you know someone's like dude that was a sick deadlift and somebody's like yeah i've been running some diana ball the last couple weeks and somebody else is like really how much are you taking like i'll take 50 milligrams a day i've been doing it for the last you you know, three weeks. And, uh, the other guys will be like, where'd you get it from? And so just like really just open, just, just, uh, you know, just kind
Starting point is 00:13:34 of like letting it go. And, you know, it's part of strength sports, uh, strongman athletes, uh, powerlifters, bodybuilders. I think the thing that's impressive, I don't follow bodybuilding, so I don't really know what's going on with bodybuilding, but in powerlifting, there's a lot of guys that are executing really, really well and doing just fine without taking anything. And that fascinates me. And maybe they're, you know, I can't foresee a scenario where they're all lying you know i know everyone's like oh but that guy's on tons of shit everyone always just kind of says that dismisses it but a lot of these guys have been key and girls have been competing in drug tested federations for a long time and i just i'm not buying that they're all you know on shit so. So anyway, I, yeah, I think bigger, stronger, faster, uh, hit the mark
Starting point is 00:14:26 cause it was the family story tie into the whole thing. And my brother was honestly, I think just kind of seeking like, Hey, like who's on this shit. Why won't people talk about it? And why, when somebody gets busted for it, why do they cry? You know, they like knew what they were doing. Now they're in court and they're crying all over the place. And I think he just wanted to try to get to the bottom of people's obsession with being number one, whether it's, you know, because in a lot of these sports, it is cheating. Like it's it's it's in the it's against the rules. So that brings up a lot of other stuff. But for me, I never participated in a sport where what I was doing was illegal. You know, performance enhancing drugs are not necessarily, they're illegal, period. But they're not for competition.
Starting point is 00:15:22 You could decide to go into a drug tested federation if that's what you wanted to do. And the non-drug tested federations aren't called anything they're just federations you know yeah and sema do you remember the first time or at least how you came about watching bigger stronger faster it was like in 2013 or 14 that i got to st in 2015 so it was 2013 or 14 when i saw it and And I think that like, uh, in the past I had a much more, I guess, juvenile view on, uh, you know, drug use and, and people with steroids. I was like, uh, that stuff's stupid. It's evil. It's unhealthy. I was one of those people who were just like, it's just like you know i i couldn't wrap my head positively around it just because like and i think that the documentary did a very good job of kind of showing you that it's not like it's it has a stigma of being a cheater's thing
Starting point is 00:16:20 and for the longest time everything that i watched up until that point made me feel like yeah guys that are just like kind of feel like they need to cheat do that right and after i watched that documentary i think i was just like it's not like that like it it's not really like that um so i think that was the big thing that it kind of it kind of showed me it didn't i guess it wasn't a much more negative view it wasn't a moral it was exactly it wasn't a moral thing anymore because before that i had a very moralistic view of of that and afterwards i really didn't i think a key factor to keep in mind is that they're performance enhancing you know so you kind of need to have a
Starting point is 00:17:04 little something going on before you can enhance the performance of what it is that you have. And if you're enhancing the performance of like a whole lot of nothing, then it might not really result in anything that great. That's, and that's why, you know, I usually, I usually tell people not to do it. You know, I talk people out of it quite a bit. And when they actually do decide that they really want to do it, I'll push them and say, Hey, you know, see what you can do. Like, you know, do you really feel that stuck? Like, do you feel like you're going to kind of like look the same for the next five years, sort of, no matter what you do, um, then maybe, you know, you would be better off, uh,
Starting point is 00:17:43 you know, looking into that. I ran into a guy the other day and he said, um, it just, I was walking to a coffee shop and he's like, it's like, dude, it's like, what do you do? I was like, I lift weights, you know, he's like, you're huge. And, uh, I was, we got talking and he was like, he's like, what do I need to do? He's like, I'm like six, three. I'm like one 90. He's like, I'm like six, three. I'm like one 90. He's like, I'm skinny.
Starting point is 00:18:07 He's like, I need to fit. I need to fix this. And I said, you need to eat meat. You know, I didn't start with like the steroid story, you know, like, cause you know, you need to lift, you need to lift weights and you need to replenish your body. You know? So we talked a little bit about, about lifting. Once I knew that he lifted, I was like, I think you need to probably eat a good amount of protein, you know, and just the kind of the whole, you know, nutrition spiel and getting sleep and just, you know, four or five things that he, you know, could easily implement.
Starting point is 00:18:47 out with you don't start out with steroids and steroids don't um they they could really help somebody become a champion especially if they take it over top of somebody else who's not taking it but again you got to keep in mind you know when they do this like phil heath documentary that you know it's not outing anybody everybody knows this already all the competitors will be on as much different shit as they can within reason to and sometimes without reason uh to make themselves look the best they possibly can and it's no discredit to phil heath he's always looked amazing um and he'll continue to look amazing even when he you know finally hangs it up at some point but i don't know i think i think it will be fun to watch because there'll be a lot of the bodybuilders and stuff and all the people that we've seen over the years so it should be uh it should be at least exciting from that standpoint yeah and real quick go ahead there
Starting point is 00:19:34 i i think this is another reason why when um people think about or see steroids it's it's immediately like oh scary because like um and i i um, and I, I just like, there, there are two shows that I saw recently and there are some episodes where, um, I think on an episode of this one show, the girl was like, Oh, it's like, you know, I think, uh, he's doing this. And it's similar to like when a bodybuilder takes steroids and gets roid rage. And then on another show, a guy got angry in the corner. And then one guy was like, huh, roid rage. And then on another show, a guy got angry in the corner and then one guy was like, huh, roid rage. And I remember so many cartoons as a kid where there'd be an episode with this really big, scary, hulking person that they were experimenting on with drugs and they got angry. So I think there is still at least a vast population, the vast part of the population has
Starting point is 00:20:21 that thought when they think about steroids. They think about roid rage and anger and rock music yeah and i can't remember somebody had pointed it out it might have been rogan but it's like oh like uh i don't know like the new xbox is the old xbox on steroids or like you know the the new tesla whatever model is like a regular car on steroids it's like so we still use you know that uh that term or whatever that that statement right we're trying to explain that something is like significantly better than the other version that's not on steroids but when a person's on it we look at it weird yeah the steroid topic is a really strange thing because there's a lot of things in life that you can pay for and people typically don't have a problem with it. I could buy a bike from a store that's $100. I can go to Target and get a decent bike. Right. And I can
Starting point is 00:21:27 cruise these mountains here in a bodega, you know, or I can buy a bike that's, uh, you know, 3,500 bucks and propels me up the thing. And I can pedal when I feel like pedaling, uh, or I can have the engine, you know, kind of take over. Um, there's also so many different things you can do to like, uh, you know, and, and I, I guess on that same topic of, of cycling, like a lot of stuff in cycling is not fair because those bikes are so expensive. And so people that are just starting out, um, they don't have the ability to really kind of quote unquote, enhance their performance with their bike because they just can't fucking afford it because the bikes can be so, uh, so expensive. And there's thousands of examples of this. I mean, you start to get into like NASCAR and stuff, which is, you know, um, I don't know if it's
Starting point is 00:22:15 a sport or not, but you kind of get the idea of like, Hey, the team with the most money is going to win. And you see that in baseball and football. I i mean it just really opens up the door to you starting to go well fuck man i don't even know if i can define what cheating is you know um again i would say if if somebody if uh if somebody's in a sport and they continue to you know lie about it like lance armstrong situation i think it's pretty clear. You can call it, you can call him a cheater. It doesn't really matter that everybody else is doing it. The rules were set up, they were the way they were and you broke them. So I don't know how, like, we can't like unring that bell. Like that's a decision that you made.
Starting point is 00:23:00 And I don't know what other term, you know, you would call it so but it is it is just an the whole topic is really interesting what if you took something that you didn't know was illegal like uh you took some type of caffeine product and you just you just you legitimately didn't know because there's a lot of weird stuff uh on those lists for like track athletes and and things like that. I mean, it just, now you would be like, well, you know, they didn't know, or it's like a, I don't know, 13 or 14 old kid who's a swimmer and they took a pre-workout and now they tested positive, but they're trying to go to the, you know, it just, it really gets your mind stirring.
Starting point is 00:23:39 You're like, I like, I don't know. I don't know what, I guess every case is a little different. I don't know. I guess every case is a little different. Yeah, because you could pay to hire a bodybuilding coach, and you're fine. It's funny, though. You brought up baseball because I've been trying to finish Screwball, which is a really good documentary about PEDs and stuff. That movie is hilarious.
Starting point is 00:24:02 The kids threw me off at first. that movie's hilarious the the kids threw me off at first uh in sumo they're like they when they redo uh like they recall some of the stories instead of having like just actors reenact it they make they have kids reenacting it so like you see little a rod you know just like uh in his full yankees outfit tells a guy that knows all the formulas and stuff he's like i want the same thing that manny ramirez got you know after right after manny just got caught so it's pretty funny the kids are cute too like they're like adorable and they're like oh man i need some growth hormone i need some insulin like i need some testosterone you're like looking at you're like what this is coming out of a little kid's mouth dude yeah so i haven't finished it but i remember hearing about that one and just wanting to check it out but it's on netflix now highly
Starting point is 00:24:49 recommend it because it's it's very informative um i can't remember where i was going with all that but i also watched a money ball recently which is the another movie about baseball about the oakland a's you know they're they're you know they don't they don't make very much money in oakland and therefore their team they're not able to you know get a bunch of free agents and stuff so they're always going up against the yankees or the red socks you know these super high big market teams and they can't compete so is it fair that the yankees can just pay all of the uh i forgot what they're called but when you over Yankees can just pay all of the, uh, I forgot what they're called, but when you overpay your players,
Starting point is 00:25:27 you just pay an extra fine on top of it over the salary cap. Yeah. When they're over the cap, they can just be like, man, who cares? And they pay for it and nobody gives a fuck. But then,
Starting point is 00:25:36 you know, a rod gets caught with steroids and stuff and everyone freaks out. It's like, well, I mean, where do you draw that line you know we we shit who the hell knows and then when it comes to mr olympia um is it normally in december i don't know when no it's normally much earlier it's normally like in september um but if you go back
Starting point is 00:25:59 to bigger stronger faster i mean there's uh you know tiger woods getting 2020 vision you know like there's what's like dude that's not that is i mean that's that is not natural at all right i mean he still has to you know swing the club a certain way and there's still a lot of work uh that goes into the whole thing but just because it's not illegal uh then they allow you to do it you know years ago in swimming they um they i don't man i don't know how they figured this one out, but they made some swimsuits that were like $1,500 or something like that. And a lot of times,
Starting point is 00:26:34 swimmers just wear like a Speedo. They wear as little as possible pretty much and they shave and they try to have as little friction as they possibly can and they swim as fast as they can that way. But I think Speedo, the company, I think they somehow made something that had less friction, less resistance in the water. It may have been a little buoyant, but all the records started to get smashed. And right away, they were like, we want you to swim as fast as you possibly can,
Starting point is 00:27:03 but we didn't mean like that. you know? So it's just, I guess sometimes you want to bring in some rules. Like we all love UFC. I love watching good competition, but I don't really, I don't, I don't want to see anybody like really get hurt. You know, I definitely, definitely don't wish to see anybody get pounded down after they've already been knocked out. You know, it's like, you see an extra shot. It's like, that's plenty. Like I didn't even really need to see that one but you need some sort you can't have the guy you know get knocked out and kicked in the head 10 times like it just it turns into
Starting point is 00:27:35 something uh turns into something completely different so i thought that was interesting in swimming where they were like oh like that's it's just going to change the sport too much and they had the insight to pull it away. So it was kind of neat. Yeah, kind of the same thing with football, right? Everyone gets so pumped to see a big old hit. The Niners played the Saints last week, and names escaping me, but one of our linebackers just fucking crushed drew breeze he oh my god oh i
Starting point is 00:28:07 saw yeah i saw that hit dude and it's always those hits that they'll they're just always gonna throw a flag now it doesn't matter what happens like you can't hit that hard but they want you to hit hard but not that hard um so as as like frustrated as i was i'm like oh breezy is still on the ground like like i don't like that and he has like 11 fractures on one side and three on another and it's like dude that that kills me because he's a great quarterback i don't want to like kidneys were messed up or something from that hit right yeah he got he just got completely worked yeah so that's another you know thing we want to see the biggest baddest but like you know people will kind of in football they'll kind of turn this way if
Starting point is 00:28:51 they're gonna be over here right doing something but we also still don't want to see anybody get hurt which is you know that just like i said just freaking sucks like i hate that drew breeze not playing for the next couple of weeks what i I do hope from this bodybuilding documentary that The Rock is doing, Seven Bucks Production is doing on Phil Heath, is I really hope that they do a good job explaining bodybuilding and give a little bit of the – it doesn't have to get too crazy into the science of it and stuff, but just really talk about the challenges of
Starting point is 00:29:26 building muscle. You know, it's not that easy. And bodybuilders are actually, I think bodybuilders are actually brilliant, you know, like training with somebody like O'Hearn and kind of seeing how he's a master. Like O'Hearn's like a sensei you know you're like damn man like this guy this guy knows like he knows some unconventional stuff it appears that he knows stuff that like shouldn't work but it works great and he's got his own touch on it and like he has just uh like a feel for it and so i hope in this documentary i hope they uh show some of that like oh phil's got to bring up his shoulders and it's been a week not that that his shoulders are a weakness, but he's got to work on his shoulders to bring them up this year. Like this, this was a weakness last time, or
Starting point is 00:30:12 the size of his stomach was an issue because he had a hernia. And so he has to work hard to do this and show all the bullshit that he's got to go through for that. And hopefully they show the dieting and the you know really dwindling down to the calories and all that stuff yeah i really i was gonna say i sincerely hope that they do show all the hard work because there is that perspective on bodybuilders in the general population that they're they're stupid uh they just lift weights like there was a planet fitness commercial where like they show this jacked dude and he's fucking huge and they're like oh i don't know
Starting point is 00:30:51 like what do you do i lift weights and they're like oh okay the weights are over here i lift weights like that's all he kept saying and then they like put them in this room and that room ended up being the back door and like they threw them out of the gym because they're like oh we don't have that type of egotistical lifting here and i'm just like dude that's that's the most jacked guy in the gym you need him to like run this shit you know and then the uh like taco bell had the um the like the protein commercial like they had like a i don't know like a burrito that had like double protein it was just a bunch of yeah and it was just a bunch of bodybuilders drinking protein shakes like oh i love protein he's like protein and it's just like there's like six of
Starting point is 00:31:29 them just all like protein protein like you guys don't get it like they're not kind of sounds like us though to be honest yeah but the amount that we talk about protein i mean that that is an accurate depiction yeah but then at the same time it's like hey this is taco bell like again you should be listening to these guys because they're in great shape so i hope because it is seven bucks and it's the rock that you know your everyday you know person would be like oh the rock put this i want to watch the rocks you know seven bucks production video like let's check this out and then hopefully they can shine some light on like oh wait these guys are smart they do work their ass off and it's not just steroids hopefully don't cut out our boy honey rambod hopefully he's in there that'd be sick
Starting point is 00:32:14 no i think definitely the the doc's gonna have a big effect because the rocks behind it and who know if he does make a cameo in it he'll probably probably post it on his Instagram. I think it's going to get a whole kind of a big chunk of a new generation of individuals into the gym after seeing it. I really do. Because he's behind it. I wonder if it could be a second coming of like Pumping Iron. I think Pumping Iron really had a huge impact. Maybe not even so much at the time, but like years later, it had a huge impact. That could be really cool.
Starting point is 00:32:47 So The Rock bought Olympia, or how does that even work he did a while back but then i think he sold it already i think he um yeah i don't know the exact story but somebody else that owns a bunch of other bodybuilding shows uh i think bought it but he might still have the rights to some of it yeah that's that was one of the weird things in the post where it was like he kind of made it seem like he already had it's already like in the bag you know which is probably just him being excited about it but we don't have any idea who's going to win you know um and hopefully uh the other athletes get a fair shot i think i think there'll probably be some controversy surrounding it already.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And that's part of being one of the greatest of all time. That's part of being Phil Heath. Like he's always going to have, there's always going to have like negativity surrounding him. He's always going to have, you know, some of these things, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:42 surface. I think they, they felt like Arnold was given his last olympia uh that he did and if you go back and see any pictures or videos of that you're like it didn't really look like he won you know what i mean but but he you know look he earned like he he made bodybuilding like fucking give him a goddamn trophy and it's his last year like just send him off with it like you know what i mean like uh i think it's i think sometimes it's okay you know and and the uh the champ you got to really dethrone the champ you know you got to
Starting point is 00:34:14 clearly like whoop his ass otherwise you may as well just give it to the champ you know yeah you see that in fighting all the time like did he do enough to dethrone the champ? It's like, well, I don't know. Right. Who knows? Well, the Tyson fights this weekend. This weekend. Yeah. Sick.
Starting point is 00:34:34 What's going to happen in this fight? I really feel that Tyson's going to whoop Jones' ass. But, like, my buddy's like, when you watch old Roy Jones highlights, you're like, oh God, this could be pretty scary. Roy Jones could come off with this. Yeah, but they say the first thing to go is the speed. The power will still be there,
Starting point is 00:34:56 but can Roy Jones still keep up speed-wise? And then at the same time, Mike Tyson just looks so strong like still you know like he looks really strong doesn't he he's terrifying still so yeah i'm pretty stuck he's got that punching power that i can't talk about that and sema mentioned me before what's that i don't know no no okay yeah but yeah just i mean when tyson hits something i mean it looks like he's like
Starting point is 00:35:28 punching a hole into something you know like and he's like punching through shit um roy jones was known for being fast he was known for being quick but he also reminds me of mayweather uh where he's just kind of unconventional, and he gets weird angles. He somehow escapes getting hit really well. So I think that he'll frustrate Tyson for a while, and I think it will just come down to Tyson's conditioning. If he's conditioned, I think he'll probably win pretty easily. Um, I think he'll, because I, I don't, I can't, I can't see, I can't see Roy Jones being able to really hurt Tyson if Tyson moves his head like he used to. Um, and Roy Jones was never a heavyweight fighter. So, I mean, he has, he has competed against heavyweights before, but he didn't really, I don't even think he weighed, maybe he weighed 200 pounds for the fight or whatever but he's not traditionally a heavyweight
Starting point is 00:36:27 you know um so i can i could see it i hope it's you know i hope someone gets knocked out you know or knocked down at least you know what i mean because i don't know i just don't want to see it like go the distance out and have people be like i don't have to be controversial but exciting though it's just exciting to see Tyson doing his thing again. Are they doing it at a certain weight, or is it just come in with what you got? Yeah, I don't know what they... I'm sure they discussed something
Starting point is 00:36:58 so that they're not too far apart in weight. But Roy Jones has probably got Tyson by an inch or two. Tyson isn't that short. I think everybody thinks he's super short, but he's like 5'10", 5'11". Really? He's just compact as fuck. And then the guys he used to fight were huge. They were like
Starting point is 00:37:18 6'3", 6'4". I mean, so, yeah, I'm excited for it. What you guys got going on for like holidays from a, from a training perspective, from a food perspective, like you're going to try to, you know, keep things on point to a certain day and then let shit go for a day. Or what do you guys got planning?
Starting point is 00:37:39 You got anything in mind yet? As far as training is concerned, I'm still going to be training, still going to be like doing jujitsu up until Thanksgiving, maybe even on Thanksgiving, I think. There's going to be an open mat. sector just because I'll fast during the day. And when I have that Thanksgiving meal, when you break a fast, you can't eat that much food really. You can eat a decent amount, but you can't really gorge yourself. You feel full pretty quickly. And then I'm satisfied. It doesn't even end up being a crazy amount. I'm not trying to hold back either. So I guess that's just been, that's been my saving grace these days when it comes to holidays or big event meals makes a difference. Just a pretty good fast. Like how
Starting point is 00:38:31 long? I think last Thanksgiving, I don't know if I fasted from the night before. No, I think I just fasted the day and then ate in the evening. So that like, that's, that's all it is. I just don't eat during the day. Like I usually do drink some coffee, eat the Thanksgiving meal. But the thing is, it's like, I get so full so fast because I wasn't eating all day already that I just can't gorge myself. My suggestion on top of that, which I think that's a great suggestion, um, is to, um, eat protein first in your meal. So, get your turkey or whatever the heck it is that you get. And maybe it might be kind of painful to just eat the protein by itself for a bit, but try to get in like four to six ounces of it, or maybe even a little bit more if you're a bigger person, but
Starting point is 00:39:16 get that in. That's going to automatically force you just to eat a little bit less. You can still enjoy all your favorite stuff. You can still have at it. I think this time of year is kind of some decision-making time. But I think the worst decision you can make is to throw away a lot of the stuff that you've been working for. And I know a lot of people have been working really hard. We get messages all the time about people losing weight and getting in better shape. Another thing you can do is just try to do a little bit of like an eye for an eye type stuff. If you're like, don't let the whole holiday, because Thanksgiving is basically one day, right?
Starting point is 00:39:55 But there's other days surrounding it. And so if you have five cookies after dinner with some ice cream or something like that, just say, you know what, tomorrow I'm going to go on a walk and I'm going to walk for like an hour. You know, you're not trying to really like make up for it necessarily. You don't need to, I would never recommend like punishing yourself because you ate a certain way. I don't think that's a good habit, but just being mindful of it. And even saying, you know, the next day after you had the cookies, you know, I had cookies yesterday.
Starting point is 00:40:25 I'm not going to have any ice cream today. Just little, just little stuff. You can still have it. You can still enjoy it. Just maybe try not to throw everything away. Yeah. And I would say like, so for me, if I say, you know, like, oh, I'm going to have, you know, this pecan pie or whatever, you know, somebody brings that over. Like, no, tomorrow morning, I'll just do a little extra time, you know, pecan pie or whatever you know somebody brings that over like no tomorrow
Starting point is 00:40:45 morning I'll just do a little extra time you know cardio or whatever just because of you know like I'll make excuses or whatever like I won't actually do it so for for me I have to do it prior to you know like hey I'm gonna do a little bit extra and you know because I'm probably I'm going to do a little bit extra because I'm going to enjoy whatever it is, this slice of pie, these cookies. And then what happens is by the time you get to those cookies, they taste so much better because you're like, yep, I earned this freaking meal right here, this dessert, and then you don't have to, like you're not in debt if we put it that way. You're not like, ah, you know if we put it that way you know you're not like uh tomorrow
Starting point is 00:41:25 morning i have to do this and then if you miss it for whatever reason then you feel twice as bad so for me that's what i'm gonna do you know i'm gonna probably just get some more cardio in like leading up to uh thanksgiving yeah start now yeah exactly yeah you know since we're in advance yeah we started this podcast early so i'm actually gonna once we shut this down i'm actually gonna do cardio because i didn't i like what you're saying because i like what you're saying because if you do 10 minutes uh if you do 10 minutes of cardio before a lifting session or after a lifting session like let's just say that you make an agreement with yourself right now that you're going to do that. Each time you go to the gym, you do 10 minutes of cardio.
Starting point is 00:42:15 By the time six days passes, you did an hour of cardio, which isn't like a lot over the course of six days, but it is an hour. And then, you know, the day of Thanksgiving or the day after Thanksgiving, if you do get an extra walk or something, it's kind of more just a bonus. I do think it's good. Like out here in Bodega, we see tons of families outside walking. And I realized that in other parts of the country, it'd be much more difficult, but you know, don't be afraid to get weird and throw on some layers of clothes and go for a fucking walk in the snow, but it tried to encourage other people to go with you. Like make, like make it like a thing, make it like fun, you know, and you don't have to be outside forever. Just, uh, you know, just try to get a little bit in a little bit can go a long way. Uh, for myself recently,
Starting point is 00:42:55 I just started to implement a little bit of cardio. Uh, birthday number 44 is coming up on December 10th. And Phil Heath is actually somebody that inspired me, got me fired up to start to work on getting in better shape again. Not that I was in bad shape, but I was like, I can kick it up a notch. And when he announced that he was doing the Mr. Olympia, I was like, shit, I'm going to kind of work on some of that as well. Like, I'm not going to pretend I'm doing the Olympia necessarily. I'm not going to take it that far, but I'm going to push a little harder than normal. And so I started getting better shape a few weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:43:35 I really took my time with it. It was still the diet. Wasn't a hundred percent. It was probably more like 80%. And then I just been kind of tweaking it, added in a little bit of cardio. But the first day I did cardio, I just said, all right, do 10 minutes of cardio, you lazy bastard. And I didn't even want to do 10 minutes just because I haven't done it in so long. I'm like, I don't, you know, I'm getting on a
Starting point is 00:44:00 Stairmaster or whatever. I'm like, I don't feel like doing, I don't want to do 10 minutes of cardio. I'm like, I'm already lean. I'm already in good shape. I'm making all these excuses. I'm like, you should just go home. So I was like, all right, how about like, just go on there for like three minutes, you know? And this is from James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits. He said, make what you're about to do so simple that it's almost impossible to say no to. So if you're like, dude, just do a fucking push up, you know, it's like it's pretty hard to talk yourself out of, you know, doing one push up or or doing one set of body weight squats for 20 reps or something like that. I mean, it's just it's it's too easy. It kind of makes it feel like a pussy. You're like, Oh, come, you know, you're disappointed
Starting point is 00:44:48 in yourself before you even try it. If, if you're saying no to doing cardio for three minutes. And so I was like, just do three minutes. I got on there and of course I'm not going to do three minutes. So I did six minutes and then I, and then I left. That was it. I was like, that's good. You know, that's a good start. Next day I came back and I did seven minutes before the workout. The problem is that the six minutes I did, I did it after the workout. So that's really why I didn't want to do it. But the next time I came in, I did seven minutes before the workout, seven minutes after the workout. And the next time I came in, I did 10 minutes before the workout, 10 minutes after and so forth. And then I did 20 minutes straight the other day and I did 30 minutes. So here we are, you know, five,
Starting point is 00:45:31 six days later, I've now strung together doing five and five or six days in a row of some cardio training. So you can suck today and not be doing shit. And four or five days you could have strung together a streak of nearly a whole entire week's worth of doing something consistently it could change that quickly can you guys talk about like maybe the the mindset when it comes to you know so gyms are closing down if not already wherever everyone is but also even just in general, like, you know, like my wife is off this week. Jasmine, my daughter, is off this week. I'll probably be working from home for a majority of the week. Therefore, you know, getting access to a gym, although I, you know,
Starting point is 00:46:18 I have stuff here, but I'm just like I'm around my family. Like I'm probably not going to really want to necessarily go all out and, you know, get a crazy gym session in, but you know, like I can still do something, but I'll, I know some people will see that in their situation and just kind of feel like, oh man, I didn't get in like a super hardcore workout. Uh, you know know what's the point or like i'm really falling behind but really they're they're not so can you guys kind of shed some light on you know not necessarily being okay with a mediocre workout but still just doing what you can right now well i mean what's the alternative i think that that's kind of the way I think about it. In these situations, it's like, well, I have a kettlebell, I have an ab roller. I can either figure out a little workout to make me sweat and work my muscles with this, and I have a slingshot so I can do some push-up stuff, or I do nothing and I don't get any type of workout in and I feel even worse because I'm not working on my body. So like, which one's better, right? Like, do you have any other
Starting point is 00:47:33 options really? I mean, if there are other options, you can let me know, but there might be something that I'm missing, but it really does seem like you just gotta, you gotta work with what you got and you absolutely can work with what you got you just have to make the decision to do it yeah there's a there's a book that i uh that i think my dad or my brother got me a while back and they just got it for me because of the it has a weird title and it says like eat bacon don't jog it's like the name of the book and i kind of modeled the war on carbs after it because i thought like wow what a great book it's jog. It's like the name of the book. And I kind of modeled the one on carbs after it. Cause I thought like, wow, what a great book. It's like a, it's like a pamphlet almost, you know? Um, and in the book, the guy talks about how people, they just make way too many
Starting point is 00:48:17 boundaries. They make too many, uh, barriers. They have too many barriers of entry when it comes to exercise. And he said, I think that it would be really helpful for people to stop thinking about working out and to just start thinking about exercise, just movement of the body. And it's a lot easier to talk yourself into moving your body around. Ah, shit, I got that kettlebell downstairs. ah, shit, I got that kettlebell downstairs. I'm going to set a time on my phone for 10 minutes and I remember three or four exercises that I can do with that kettlebell and I'm just going to do them. I'm going to go back and forth between each exercise to a couple reps and keep alternating. And when the 10 minutes is up, that'll be my workout. But a lot of times you guys see me work out in like a polo or in like golf shorts or whatever,
Starting point is 00:49:12 and I'm not really like in like workout stuff. And I got that from that book. The book was like, you don't need, it doesn't matter what you're wearing. Like just shut the fuck up and go lift, you know, like just go get it done. Don't make it any worse than it has to be. And I've been lifting for 30 years. So yeah, I'm like, I don't feel like fucking changing right now. Like any shift in momentum is going to throw me off. So sometimes that's why I won't eat. You know, like we'll do a podcast, we'll have a full day of work and I'm pretty used to fasting and stuff at this point anyway. But I'm like, if I eat, I won't lift because I'm going to eat. And then I'm going to feel kind of full. And then I'm going to feel kind of lazy and complacent.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And then I'm going to want to go home. So I'll just lift hungry. And then what it also does is it sets parameters for the workout because I work out way too much, way too long anyway. So then when I work out, when I'm hungry, I'm like, I need to fuck out of here and eat something. So anyway, I just think that try not to look at your, your workouts don't have to be epic. You know, you don't always need to, you know, squat five plates or you don't always need to leg press eight plates or, you know, bench heavy weights for it to be considered a workout or for it to
Starting point is 00:50:26 be considered exercise rather. So really, I think for most people, it's just a matter of just staying really, really active. And, you know, we've talked before on this podcast about like non-exercise induced activity, you know, like NEAT or whatever it's called. I don't remember the acronym 100%, but that's just movement that is that you do with your hands and so on, you know, but like, I think that you should try to add to that. And when you feel like when you feel good, and you don't do too much, and you also get enough rest, you have proper nutrition, you feel like moving all the time. And that's why we'll sometimes hear these stories. You know, somebody like my mother who just kind of like ended up sitting
Starting point is 00:51:10 around for the last couple of years of her life. And it's sad. And you're like, I don't understand why can't this person, why won't they, don't they understand how good it feels to get outside and go for a walk? And that person's like, you don't have any idea how much pain I'm in. The last thing I want to do is even stand up. And so that's why the dialogue is so different from one person to another is because the person that's not moving, they don't want to move. And they also have kind of shut off that side of their brain that tells them that it's okay for them to move because they think that, you know, the pain of it is foreign. The activity is foreign. The activity might be even kind of intense for them at that point. And that's why I say the do more, be more stuff because I've learned for myself,
Starting point is 00:51:57 the more that I do, the more that I want to do. When I've been here in Bodega, I've been walking like seven or eight miles every day. Um, part of that is because I don't have a job and so I can, I have the luxury to kind of do that kind of stuff, but, uh, I just love it. Once I get moving, I just want to keep moving and I want to keep training and keep doing stuff. Yeah. I've always really appreciated how you say to lower the barrier of entry, you know, when it comes to, you know, when it comes to,
Starting point is 00:52:25 you know, just exercising. Um, you know, I've been that person where it's like, okay, I'm going to start on, on Monday. Cause that's when everyone else starts and I got to go buy these gym clothes. I got to go buy the gym shoes. Um, you know, that, that sort of thing. I have to have the pre-workout that makes my stomach hurt, but now I got to do it because that's what you're supposed to do. And now it's like, you know, yeah, like I said, I'll see you go from podcast and office attire to full on, you know, gym workout. And it's, it's been, it's been really, um, you know, enlightening to just be like, no, like, yeah, like right now I'm thinking I'll, I'll do like do like i don't know like 10 burpees every minute on the minute it's like i could do 10 burpees like that ain't shit like that's easy and then
Starting point is 00:53:10 you know you do it for like you know whatever like 10 rounds it's like i did 100 burpees and i'm pretty gassed but i like that was that was fun you know it was almost you know like a fun little challenge and it's like next time can i maybe do 15 i don't know we'll see what happens but whatever i'm out of here i'm gonna go work on something else you know i've run a i want to rewind real quick to what you said in terms of the nutrition on thanksgiving and eating protein first like eating some turkey um i think andrew's probably already even going to do this. Cook us some steak. Because when you said eat turkey, I'm like, I fucking hate Thanksgiving turkey. I hate turkey. Sucks.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I hate it. Sorry. Yeah, I know. I legit hate Thanksgiving turkey. It doesn't taste good. It's not something that I want to indulge on. You never had my turkey. I've never.
Starting point is 00:54:04 And everyone says that, but I've never had it. I've always said, oh, this is my turkey. I've never, I've never, and everyone says that, but I've never had it. Like I've always said, oh, this is great turkey. But at the same time, it's great turkey for being turkey, which isn't great. So with that being said, like you can, if you want to cook up some Thanksgiving, like Thanksgiving steak for people, and you can be the person that kind of indulges on that. And other people can too, if you want to to share but if not have some steak before thanksgiving that's definitely what i'm gonna do because i like steak right i think did did you guys get that roast from p montes yep i don't even know how to cook that thing but i'm kind of excited to figure it out don't throw it in your slow cooker
Starting point is 00:54:40 they'll be mad at you forever yeah Yeah. They got pretty pissed at me. I got like a standing rib roast or something. And they're like, that's like a $200 steak. Yeah, that's the one. So we're actually going to have two Thanksgivings. You know, we share custody. So we're having one either before or after. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:55:01 But it's just going to be the three of us. And, yeah, i'm throwing that in my my pit boss smoker um it's gonna it's gonna light everyone's face it's gonna be so good like i'm gonna i'm so pumped for that way more excited than you know actual like turkey but to me it's still you know it wasn't likealtering, but everyone keeps asking for the turkey that I'm going to cook. Because last year, same thing, Pit Boss Smoker, and I smoked a gigantic turkey. This year is going to be a lot smaller now that I understand what the hell I'm doing. The burnt turkey that you posted a picture of?
Starting point is 00:55:38 Yep, that's the one. It was just the skin. I knew the smoker. It was just the skin, all right? I remember you're like, it's smoked. And everyone's like, it's burnt. Everyone burnt everyone's so like ah you messed up like no it was everyone was so mad at you it's like my eggs that i cooked that one time yeah those eggs are burnt i'm like it's fucking cheese i'm like i know how to cook eggs but yeah so i'll be i'll be smoking a turkey
Starting point is 00:55:59 again this year um but yeah no i'm so pumped for that, that rib roast. That's, oh my God, it's going to be so good. Yeah. What are some things that people shouldn't do? You know, like it's the, the things that people, you know, the things that people, you know, should be doing or the recommendations that we gave, we talked a little bit about fasting. But I think there's a lot of things that you can, I think you need to try to set up some fasting. But I think there's a lot of things that you can, I think you need to try to set up some boundaries. So I think fasting is a good idea. And maybe, maybe even going as far as like writing it down a time that you fast until, you know, oh, I'm going to be at this person's house at two o'clock. So I'm going to just fast until like three. And then maybe that prevents you from eating the chips and
Starting point is 00:56:45 things like that my suggestion would be and something i struggle with and you guys probably struggle with this too even though we all do pretty damn good on our nutrition we all do pretty you know but if i if there's like cheese and meat and like i just end up just i just i i think that a lot of times that stuff is a little bit of a waste. There's nothing wrong with eating meat and cheese. Like it's great. You're getting some protein in and stuff like that, but you know, you're going to be picking out some crackers and some chips and some just bullshit that you probably just, it's probably not normally part of your diet. It probably doesn't taste good enough for it to, for you to even go for it. So one of the things that I would say, uh, to try not to get caught up in, uh, in the holidays is just eating extra stuff
Starting point is 00:57:32 that you don't need. You're about to have a big meal and why not double down on that big meal and have a good time with that. Yeah. Um, I'll just, I think it's pretty low hanging fruit cause it's what you were just talking about. Um, for me, I like to track things. Um, I, I track in advance so that way it gets rid of the uncertainty of the day. So what you said about like writing down when you're going to fast, um, just simply have, have a plan, have something. Um, if you're listening to this show right now, then you obviously care enough about your, your health and fitness to, you know, kind of have this on your mind. So instead of kind of anxiety is not the right word because I don't think, you know, you can.
Starting point is 00:58:14 That's a little bit much for what we're talking about. But I guess having some worry about like, oh, man, I don't want to wake up, you know, on Black Friday and, you know, be like, oh, I've messed up. So have a plan going in because if you don't plan, you plan to fail, you know, you guys know that term. That's why I said I was low hanging fruit because this is something that, you know, you should know already. But yeah, like either write it down or maybe tell your significant other, like, hey, I don't want to be a glutton, you know, like let's, this is what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:58:44 That's a great tip right there. So don't get frustrated when I'm not taste testing all, you know, your delicious food. It's just because I'm going to fast from X hour to X hour. And then after that, like, yeah, I'm going to go all in. I can't wait to, you know, try everything that you made. I really, really, really like that partner thing that you just mentioned, Andrew. Like, I'm just imagining, you know, if you're a, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife going into a Thanksgiving, right. And, uh, you know, you tell
Starting point is 00:59:13 each other, all right, you know, I don't want to do this. So just watch me. Cause I very well might go back on my word. And if they see you, they can just be like, ah, you know what you just said this morning, put that down. You know, I feel like that like, ah, you know what you just said this morning. Put that down. You know, I feel like that's actually a great idea if you can have a Thanksgiving accountability partner. Yeah, it might be a fun game. You know, they might like call you on your BS if you're just like, hey, like, please do this. And then, you know, you are reaching for, you know, whatever, like, you know, cookie, glass of wine, whatever. I got you, you know, make a game out of it.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Yeah, and maybe you can share something instead of just, you know, overindulging and, you know, smashing the whole thing. I think, you know, with a partner or with a relative or something, I think you can have like a shared sense of purpose going in. And you can, like, I used to, like like when i was fat i had to like game plan i had to like i had to visualize i'm like okay this is what it's going to look like when i go to this person's house because i was there last year and i was there the year before and i was there the year before and this is going to be like the setup and this is all the shit that i need to
Starting point is 01:00:20 avoid you know i would go in there with like a literal, uh, like strategic game plan of like how I was going to handle the day. And then I remember the foods that they put out and I was like, well, you know, the foods are probably going to be the same. I mean, it's fucking Thanksgiving. You're going to have all the, you know, all this similar stuff. And it's like, well, what are foods that are more reasonable for me to eat? Um, and I wasn't always super strict, but I tried to make the best decisions I could. And, you know, me being like a low carb proponent, sometimes it was just simply that I just didn't eat that many carbs. Like I just, you know, I'd make that, I hate using the word sacrifice because it just sounds like too severe, but I would make that sacrifice to, you know, to commit
Starting point is 01:01:06 myself to just saying, hey, just eat lower carbs, eat all the vegetables that you want. You know, those are kind of a freebie and, you know, just eat a ton of meat. And at a lot of these gatherings, you'll find that actually is really easy at a barbecue, at Christmas, you know, if you have a Christmas dinner, at Thanksgiving, a lot of these like family functions, I mean, most of them, unless you're out of your mind and you're a vegan, most of these things are really centered around meat. And so there's almost always plenty of it and it's almost always a good option. So there's almost always plenty of it and it's almost always a good option. And then if you still wanted to go off plan a bit, I don't think it's the end of the world. to eat more junk or even stopping at like gas station or something like that and uh loading up on a bunch of uh a bunch of junk later on you know honestly i was laughing so much when you said that
Starting point is 01:02:14 that like you know having a game plan because i just pictured and visualizing because i just pictured like visualizing thanksgiving are you visualizing thanksgiving there's rocky music playing you're walking through the house you're seeing all the food you're dodging here dodging here grabbing me put it on the plate going to town it's just like all it's just so serious just like i'm getting ready for like a big bench exactly oh man but yeah no you got to go in with the game plan and if you visualize it shoot that actually that's that's real man like as i guess as a you know as wild as it may seem like if you visualize thanksgiving day that'll probably help you out in terms of your decision making on that day
Starting point is 01:02:55 most definitely well it's what i had to do you know i was really heavy you know and i think there's probably a lot of people that listen to this show, they're probably in a similar boat. And if you're not really prepared for it, it's going to be tough. You're going to find yourself succumbing to the same things that you always simulation and say like, no, this ain't happening this way again. You know, it'd be like in jujitsu, like somebody gets you in a certain holes. You can be like, I remember this dude. Like this guy, this guy is sick with this like one move, but it's all he's got. He will never get me in that shit again. And you kind of visualize how you ended up in that position and say like, I'm just not
Starting point is 01:03:42 doing it again. And I think in this case you can apply uh something similar and this is probably more for people that are that really struggle with uh their food choices and food decisions but it's something that helped me a lot so give it a shot yeah it just when you're talking about the uh the rocky scenario um for the 50 percent of people that don't know what a rogue like video game is it's uh basically like you get touched once and the whole game is over it's kind of like kind of kind of like that you know where like oh no i can't get i can't get hit by the cookies i can't get hit by like ah
Starting point is 01:04:16 and then you like okay just a little something and the game's over i love that i love that analogy man that's fucking great and don't be afraid to punch motherfuckers in the face when they're like but you love cookies oh my god always eat these you always eat tons of these how come you're not eating this year are you on a diet what are you doing so so despite what you're too skinny yeah what the what the governor is saying we're we're probably all see family, a good amount of family. And, you know, yeah, people are going to hear that a lot. What's some advice that you guys have for, you know, some people listening right now that are going to see their, I don't know, whoever,
Starting point is 01:05:00 someone in their family that's going to basically kind of talk shit that they're like, oh, really? Like you're still on a diet? Like, you know, whatever it is. How can they handle that? I think you might just need to just kind of tell them straight up, you know, might need to say, hey, you know what? I'm trying to make some changes. This is something I always really struggled with. And I've kind of made a promise to myself a couple of weeks back. And it doesn't matter to me if it's Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Year's or my birthday. I'm going to always try to do the best I can to manage my calories and to manage my weight.
Starting point is 01:05:35 And so, shit, man, it'd be cool if you could support me in it. If you see me going off kilter and you're like, like, and you're like, yo, like I thought you said, but you said you were doing something, you know, I think a lot of times people like they will give you shit, but usually most cases when they realize that you're pretty serious about something, they'll just be like, that's fucking cool, man. Like they'll usually just support it. I mean, let's face it. We all have family members that can do a lot better with their nutrition and how pumped. I know that we're on the other side of it, but how pumped would we be to hear them saying that they're trying to make some changes?
Starting point is 01:06:11 We'd be like, fuck, yeah, that's awesome. You want to really support it. So I think once you recognize someone's pretty serious, then I think usually you'll stop with your stupid jokes that you might have. you'll stop with your stupid jokes that you might have. But also, it's so funny you mentioned that, Andrew, because me and my girlfriend were having a conversation about this yesterday about when you're doing something new or maybe something slightly unconventional that most people don't find normal, there are a lot of the same people that you may have in your life that when you say you're doing this, this, or this, the immediate thing is like, oh, well, are you sure
Starting point is 01:06:46 you want to do that? Or, oh, well, is that actually going to make any money? Or is that you sure that's not going to this, this, this, but like, it's, it is very different when you like, when there is, or I guess it's rare or a little bit more rare to come across a person like, wow, I'm pumped for you. Like, keep that up and tell me about it. This like, that sounds like it'll go well. Um, so when you do come across those people, cause it's inevitable that some of those people might be there on Thanksgiving. They see you not eating grandma's pecan pie and they're like, oh, you're not going to eat the pecan pie because you're doing the ketogenic diet. Then, you know, just, just honestly just understand where they're coming from.
Starting point is 01:07:27 They're coming from a place where maybe they have some lack. Maybe they're kind of jealous that you're having that type of self-control and maybe they want to see you stumble a little bit and just look at it like a challenge. Be like, nope, you're not going to see me flinch. That's okay. You can say that. I have the things I'm going to be doing. You're not going to see me flinch. I'm gonna make it happen. Yeah. You can't eat all that protein and SEMA. Watch me. Something that also has helped me over the years was to, um, like this is weird,
Starting point is 01:07:59 but just kind of watching other people spinning their wheels, I've taken some great enjoyment in, which I probably shouldn't. But like, if I see someone fat stuff in their face, I'm like, I'm like, I can do better than that. You know what I mean? That's, that's what I, that's the way I kind of view it. That's the way I kind of think of it. And I know that we probably shouldn't be going down that road, but, um, I found it to be like helpful in a way, you know, you see, like you go
Starting point is 01:08:27 to a restaurant where they give out, you know, they give you bread or whatever. And you see every table kind of doing the same thing. I've said before, like be made of something different, you know, take good, take pride in yourself, take pride in taking care of yourself, take care of your, your hygiene, taking care of your hygiene, taking care of your body, taking care of your mind, your spirit. It's kind of an all-inclusive thing. And these are things that kind of, there's things that need to be done and there's things that you need to avoid. And I think if you're thinking like, I don't need to be like that person, like I'm not like that person in business. I'm not like that person in the weight room.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I feel like I'm not like that person in anything that I do. And yeah, maybe it is me thinking I'm better than people sometimes or something like that. But it's helped me just to kind of think like I want to continue to not necessarily be better than anybody else, but I want to continue to better myself. And if I'm thinking about where I want to go, then I'm thinking, well, I don't need to do what they're doing. I don't need to be like them. I don't want to walk like them, talk like them. I don't want to fucking be like those people in any way. Cause they're from my vantage point, it looks like they're standing still and I just want to keep moving forward. Yeah. One of, um, I'll probably
Starting point is 01:09:43 repost it again, but one of our best posts that we ever did on on the power project um instagram at mark bells power project uh just basically it was like if you want to look like everybody else work as hard as everybody else you know if you want to make as much money as them work as hard as them you know just basically if you want to be like everyone else keep doing what they're doing if you want to be a little bit better or a lot better, you got to do more, be more. You got to do something different. You got to be made of something different. And it resonates with a lot of people because it's like, oh, fuck, you know what?
Starting point is 01:10:15 That's true. You know, like if I go nuts on Thanksgiving, I will be just like the average person that gains 10 pounds over the holidays. Like, fuck, dude you just don't be that person yeah no i like as when people hear what you just said mark there are going to be some people that are going to look at that and be like oh well yeah you you must think you're hot shit you must think you're all this but but the thing is is like okay you're not when you're doing that you're not like really looking at this person and saying, what a, just a disgusting human being piece of trash. I'm like, you're not,
Starting point is 01:10:50 okay, maybe I'm trying to save you here a little bit. I'm trying to save you here a little bit. So let me do my job. But, but, but like, yeah, no, like I do the same thing where like, I'll see something, I'll be like, you kind of feel bad for that individual. You kind of do. And you're just like, you kind of wish that they could maybe be doing something different, but you know that you're not making those decisions. You're not doing those things that you, there's a benefit in being different from most people. Right. So I, I, I, I totally agree with that. I totally agree with that. I, another way of looking at it is sometimes people are looking at you in the same way, just judging you from a different perspective. They're like, why isn't SEMA eat like that? He's already in great shape. Like they think you're, they think you're a lunatic. I'd hate to have his life. It seems like he's so boring. He like never even has a drink, but you feel fine without how you don't feel like you need to have a drink.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Something that I think kind of goes along with this, what we're talking about here is I heard this quote the other day and I thought it was really cool. Your strength of your character is based off of two things. And this is just really fascinating. Power of will to do and power of self-restraint to not do. So how crazy is that? You know, you got your willpower, which kind of helps you do stuff. And your willpower can help you not do stuff too. But you also have your power of restraining. And in this case, we're talking about trying to make better food choices. And so your willpower to lean towards the protein sources that are there, the vegetables, the things that will fill you up without giving you an abundance of calories versus also having the restraint, having that strength to really kind of fight off all these other foods that might be there. One way you can do this is, so we mentioned fasting, but you also show up to these parties full, where you're already satisfied off of the food that you feel is best for you in your nutrition.
Starting point is 01:13:04 So you can show up to these parties and you don't need to be stuffed. I mean, you probably still want to participate and eat with everybody else, at least a little bit. But I mean, you could cook a steak and some eggs on your way out the door, have something real fulfilling, maybe even have something that is like really savory. Like, I don't know if you like bacon or sausage or anything like that that that you might not even normally eat make a big omelet or something like that with avocado in it i mean it just will have tons of flavor or just you know taste it will
Starting point is 01:13:36 taste good it will it will be awesome and it'll probably whatever else is there i mean you're gonna look at a turkey after eating like an omelet that and just be like, that's not really that appetizing or the mashed potatoes or whatever the other shit is that they have at Thanksgiving. No, going into Thanksgiving, well, hungry, you are taking a little bit of a risk, especially if you're trying to get a handle on all this food stuff. Like you, if you know, you're, you'll struggle with that a little bit, you should go in with some stuff in your stomach because then you'll be able to go in rationally. It's like when you shop hungry, everyone, always the big tip is like, don't go to the grocery store when you're hungry, because if you do that, you're going to buy all these things and a weird shit in your cart. That happens to me too. So don't do that with thanksgiving
Starting point is 01:14:25 yeah dude i let's see i i bought like four boxes of smart pop popcorn the last time i went to the grocery store hungry so at least it's smart pop but i'm like i'm probably gonna tear up all these so i'm gonna you know there's another popcorn brand. What is it? It's like they have different flavors like sea salt, caramel. And do you? Yeah. Oh, fuck. I buy so many bags of this stuff.
Starting point is 01:14:54 Hey, it's actually pretty good in terms of calories. So I'm not even. I was going to say, and Seema, do you recommend popcorn sometimes? Because popcorn can be pretty like fibrous and you can find popcorns that are like for some of your clients just to help fill up with a snack. Yeah. It like that, that's like this specific popcorn is really one of my go-tos because if you like, I haven't done this in a while, but if you did eat the whole bag, it's like 250 calories. Like it's nothing to trip over, but like, over. You've got to find us the name of that stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:26 It's a big bag, yo. It's a substantial bag of popcorn and it tastes great. It's already pre-popped popcorn? It's pre-popped popcorn. You don't have to pop it. Oh, God. But it's so good. They have different flavors and stuff.
Starting point is 01:15:41 I don't know if you guys are into Jell-O at all, but I made up a big thing of jello yesterday sugar-free jello i ate this like giant bowl of it and it was like 10 calories or something i mean it's really nothing and jello has um you know has gelatin in it gelatin supposed to be good for your skin and connective tissue and stuff like that but it also has a lot of glycine in it which is the main uh thing that's in collagen so yeah i mean you could just buy this store you know regular store-bought ones too um i just happened to make one because i was uh you know whole foods they have like weird stuff there so i didn't didn't have like the pre-made ones there so
Starting point is 01:16:22 i had to get one that I had to make myself. But it was awesome. I threw some whipped cream on there and had a party. Oh, yeah. Jell-O whipped cream is really good. I'll throw a little bit of the Jell-O in with like my like ice cream shakes that I make. And that just helps gets it more voluminous. And so that, I mean, if you guys haven't messed with an anabolic ice cream thing, So that, I mean, if you guys haven't messed with an anabolic ice cream thing, that's something that you can have before going into Thanksgiving. Because it'll fill up the entire Ninja Blender and it's delicious.
Starting point is 01:16:57 Dude, how fucking loud is the Ninja Blender? Fucking loud. It is so loud. Dude, can they put it in like a fucking chamber or something i mean but i think it goes crazy i think that's why it's such a savage though like yeah like like blend blend tech blenders have you've seen you can see them smoking when they're trying to make uh the same recipe for this for this shake or this this ice cream but yeah the blender it's like the the ninja is yeah it's so damn loud it goes wait
Starting point is 01:17:27 is it is it only like 80 bucks uh so there's an expensive yeah but don't don't buy that one i got a better deal for you there's one for a hundred dollars right now and it comes with like two different uh it comes with a big whatever bucket and then it comes with a small one that you can use as like a food processor and then of course all kinds of cups and stuff yeah it's dude it's it's amazing vitamix is pretty cool but it's like overkill you know it's like that like that can turn like whatever you're blending into like soup because you can get it so hot i think maybe the ninja can do that too but that's really weird yeah yeah vitamixes are like 400 bucks my mom used to have one yeah i think she still does and well actually let me ask you real quick we're going too deep into this but does the ninja is does it get rid of the fiber or does it does it
Starting point is 01:18:15 stay in there because you know how some of these blenders that spits out fiber i think that yeah no yeah so anytime you take like uh oranges or something like that and you were to blend them up um it will break down the food so much you know it will liquefy it and it will get rid of uh some of the fiber i think a ninja blender would do that but like you can just hit the button a couple times if you wanted to leave like a little bit of pulp in there or something you could and it would still have uh it would still have some fiber but i make shakes all the time and i do some like i don't know i do some unconventional stuff like i'll i'll mix like protein powder um sometimes with like a little bit of milk or cream but also with uh yogurt like
Starting point is 01:18:58 plain yogurt and sometimes i'll even throw in which sounds disgusting but doesn't really alter the flavor much i'll throw some like cottage cheese in there cause it has casein in it. Um, protein shakes that have casein in them, they don't taste as good as whey protein. I don't think so. I usually just try to have like, you know, people say like, Oh, if you have cottage, cottage cheese or casein at night, um, I don't know, you have better nitrogen retention or whatever. So I do shit like that. i do stuff to try to just make my protein shake not a regular shake that i just use just water with and just shake in my shaker cup if i'm at home and so those are like some little things i'll do to kind of modify the
Starting point is 01:19:38 the shake i think it lasts longer it fills me up a little bit better and uh works really well yeah so like the juicers those completely get rid of the fiber right yeah they'll pretty much annihilate it yeah yeah they'll all get rid of your fiber pretty much anything it's gonna it's like um it's like chewing it for you basically you know gotcha yeah i didn't know a regular blender would actually do that. So, damn, that's news to me. What about post-Thanksgiving? Kind of like we won't say anybody got off track or anything, but how can somebody kind of hit the ground running after Thanksgiving to just make sure that they're still going to like, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:21 they have a goal by, you know, January, February, and how can they still make sure that they're going to like, you know, they have a goal by, you know, January, February, and how can they still make sure that they're going to hit it if they, you know, either did have a little something, something, you know, something extra that they prepped for. They did a little more cardio. They fasted. They ate before they got to Thanksgiving, but they got there and they still had, you know, grandma's pecan pie because you just can't say no to it.
Starting point is 01:20:42 you know, grandma's pecan pie. Cause you just can't say no to it. Good. You know, a couple, a couple of days after you could, um, you can kind of recover from it by just eating a little bit less. If you're somebody that tracks, maybe you chop out a certain amount of calories for a week or two. But what I would suggest is that you don't like, don't chop out a thousand calories a day, you know, chop out like 200 a day and try that for two weeks or something, you know, especially if you haven't been tracking before or something
Starting point is 01:21:09 like that. The other thing is to always stay on top of those walks. You know, you can, you have the opportunity to like kind of walk right through this shit. Like literally, you know, if you keep, if you keep walking and keep moving, you know, walking doesn't burn a ton of calories, but it's, it doesn't cost you anything to recover from it if you're, unless you're in a really bad condition. And so therefore you can walk frequently and you can walk for long durations. So staying on your walks, like I would just, you know, walk, you know, right through the holidays. And if you have day off or something, and you can get out and walk more than normal, I think that would be preferable. Never underestimate the power of
Starting point is 01:21:50 lifting. Lifting weights is huge. And I would lift through it too because the lifting is going to help you regulate your blood sugar and hold on to your muscle mass. And all these things are really important. So if Thanksgiving hits and you take some time off and then you fall into a rut, and then during Thanksgiving you ate a lot of calories, it kind of got your sweet tooth to awaken again. Maybe you gained two pounds or something. But now maybe you're having a hard time getting back in the gym and you start to lose a little bit of muscle mass, start to atrophy a little bit.
Starting point is 01:22:29 You still have that sweet tooth. You're still eating extra calories. I mean, you see what's happening here. You know, you're really heading in a different direction. So to really answer the question, you might want to try to set a specific goal to try to do something at a specific time or just always try to keep your weight in some sort of reasonable number. You weigh 180 pounds, you weigh 230 pounds, whatever your body weight is. I would say going into the holiday, I would say just tell yourself, hey, I'm not going to weigh more than that. I can eat whatever I want, but I'm not going to weigh more than that. And know, I can, I can eat whatever I want, but I'm not going to weigh more than that. And then when the time comes, when it's after the holiday, if you did
Starting point is 01:23:09 go past that a little bit, you can say, okay, well, I'll just get back. I'll get my body weight back to where it was, which shouldn't take any time because, uh, we're talking about a really short period of time that you may have been messing up a bit. And also, I mean, with everything that we've mentioned during this episode, if you just do those things, like make like even the day before Thanksgiving, maybe just have a plan for the food you're going to eat that morning. I know we mentioned like, yeah, you know, make an omelet or whatever, but figure out what that food that you're going to eat on the morning of Thanksgiving is is if you do that figure out what that is the day before so that when that day comes you're fully prepared if you do these things you know like you're not
Starting point is 01:23:52 going to be you're not going to you're not going to suffer on thanksgiving and you're not going to suffer after so just prep yourself yeah yeah have it have the old plan and again tell someone tell someone in your household that that's that's going to be the plan. So that way they can also hold you accountable. And then if you guys have more on that stuff, please go ahead and cut me off and just start blabbing about it. But I just wanted to switch gears real quick because I was just notified that the bicep board is officially available. Oh, my God. Yeah. Mark, can you explain a little bit and
Starting point is 01:24:27 you know i'm actually going to share my screen because i'm learning how to do that shit but the bicep board is um it kind of looks like your laptop and you can look at that guy's jacked who is that dude? What was I saying? Wow. Look at that. He's got some junk in the trunk too. Look at that. Yeah. A little thickness.
Starting point is 01:24:54 What are you going to do with all that junk? All that junk inside your trunk. What's next there? I'm going to make, make, make, make you. I'm going to get you drunk. Get you drunk. I can't even concentrate can you can we zoom in can we i don't know can we do we have a 360 damn look i can grab his nipples oh yeah you literally are grabbing the the nipple nice making me making me hungry
Starting point is 01:25:19 uh anyway yeah so the bicep board kind of uh looks like a tray and uh you could put a dumbbell in this uh tray type thing and um it's really durable made of this highly durable plastic it has a little gateway that will lock the dumbbell in there so you don't drop the dumbbell on your little footsies um and then from there, you're lifting like a tray instead of lifting a dumbbell. You're not grabbing onto anything. And it feels really strange at first. At first, when I first used it, I was kind of annoyed. I was like, what do I grab onto? And the guy that invented it, this guy, Pete, he was like, he's like, that's the whole thing is you don't grab on to anything.
Starting point is 01:26:05 Your, your hand is just flat and you're not squeezing with the forearm at all. So it takes the forearms out of the equation to this computer. We're going, all right, sorry about that. I think we had some technical difficulties going on there. I think, uh, Andrew, uh Andrew had to take a poop and then all hell broke loose. Anyway, we were talking about the bicep board and, you know, I'm someone that's torn my bicep a couple times. I've always had a hard time really like getting the mind muscle connection going with the bicep. And so the bicep board has helped a lot. The bicep board is exactly what it sounds like. It's a board to work your biceps. There's like a little chamber that you stick a dumbbell into. And when you put the dumbbell in there, there's a little bit of a latch and the latch will lock
Starting point is 01:26:53 it in there so you don't drop the dumbbell onto your feet. And it's something I really like a lot. I like the way that it gives me a pump really quickly. You end up using a lot less weight. So if you're a stronger individual, I kind of like top weight that you probably would use with this. It's just one 50-pound dumbbell. Normally, you might have 50s in each hand. But in this case, you're just using like, I, a lot of times, I'm using like about 35 pounds.
Starting point is 01:27:19 Really helps me to kind of squeeze and get a really good pump in the biceps and helps train that peak that everyone is always trying to get after. It is different. It's a little bit strange at first because you're not holding on to anything, but that's the genius of it is that you're not squeezing or holding on to anything. So it takes the hand out of the equation, takes the form out of the equation. It's all biceps. Yeah. And it's funny, whenever you see like my first reaction after I did the, like the first rep, it's like the same face. Like you feel that peak, like you haven't felt it
Starting point is 01:27:51 before. You can't compare concentration curls or cable curls to it. You just feel massive activation of your bicep peak. And after I've seen a bunch of other people use it for the first time, it's always the same exact reaction. So if you own, if you guys want to get your biceps going, you got to try this thing out. Bicep board is also great for triceps. There's an attachment that we sell with it. So you can do tricep pushdowns with it. You can also do some pullovers for your lats. It feels amazing. I know that you guys are going to dig it. We've never sold anybody else's product here at Everything has been some sort of creation that's come out of my fat head and has come in from my years of experience. But in this case, we found a great product that we wanted to present to you
Starting point is 01:28:35 guys. So super excited. It's available now at And we also have 30% off the entire site along with free worldwide shipping. So take advantage of that. Get yourselves ready. I know that 2020 was different and a lot of gyms were shut down. But I think you can take your fitness into your own hands and you can grab yourself a hip circle, a slingshot. You can get some of the products that we have. You can still train your ass off at home. circle, a slingshot. You can get some of the products that we have. You can still train your ass off at home and hopefully we can make 2021 a much more productive year than 2020 was.
Starting point is 01:29:12 Yep, yep, yep. Before we end, do you want to recap real quick the things we went on in terms of Thanksgiving, like just the short bullet points? Absolutely, yeah. So we talked a lot about, you know, basically how to avoid the onslaught of gaining too much weight around the holidays. Years ago, I started up something that I call Operation Get Less Fatterist. You can check that out on Facebook. We have a Facebook group. I've shot a bunch of videos on my YouTube so you can check some of those things out. That's just Mark Smelly Bell. It's a YouTube channel. But basically today we talked a lot about a couple different strategies that you can utilize so that you can still stay in shape and not have the holidays crush you, but you can still enjoy the holidays. So number one is you can utilize some intermittent fasting.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Basically just have a day where you're just a liquid fast of coffee, water, those kinds of things. And then whenever you have your normal Thanksgiving dinner, you can eat whatever you want within reason. And that's your calories for the day is that one meal. Just remember that it's easy to go overboard. So, you know, take your time with it and be a little cautious. We did also suggest that you eat your protein first. Maybe protein vegetables go first. And then maybe it's whatever you want after that.
Starting point is 01:30:33 So that way you kind of fill yourself up a little bit before you start to indulge on whatever your favorite Thanksgiving foods are. The other thing was you can go into these situations full off of the nutrition that you believe in and you can cook your meals at home. You can have a meal or two during the day. And certainly before you head out to whosoever house you're going to for the day. You know, we love that Piedmontese beef. So that's, that's probably what I'll be doing because I have a tendency to kind of pick through the food that's, that's probably what I'll be doing because I have a tendency to kind of pick through the food. That's just like sitting out before everyone gets over the house and I'm eating cheese and salami and all this stuff and probably eating a thousand calories or more
Starting point is 01:31:14 of that stuff, uh, while I'm waiting to eat more, which doesn't really make any sense if you think about it. So stay on top of it, you know, stay on top of those walks. If you have an opportunity to lift, get some lifting in. Lifting is always beneficial, but enjoy your holidays. Have a lot of fun and do so responsibly. And then Andrew, who isn't here right now, had the great point of having a Thanksgiving accountability partner. That was a really smart one. So if those of you going to Thanksgiving with a family member or wife, husband, know, tell them, Hey, I'm trying to do this, help keep me accountable. And you guys can work with each other. It'll, that'll make a big difference.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Absolutely. Thanks everybody for listening. And, uh, you want to take us on out of here and SEMA? Oh yeah. So, uh, thank you guys for listening. Um, I am at Nseema Nyang on Instagram and YouTube and Clubhouse. Mark? I'm at Mark Smelly Bell. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. If you love this video, please share it out with other people. It might help them work their way through the holidays and stay jacked and tan.
Starting point is 01:32:17 Catch you guys later.

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